2015 WOMEN OF DISTINCTION AWARDS® NOMINATION Submission Deadline: Sunday, March 15, 2015 Nominees’ Recep on: Monday, April 13, 2015 Awards Dinner: Thursday, May 28, 2015 The YWCA Women of Dis nc on Awards® are recognized na onally as one of the most pres gious awards for women. Since 1982, Saskatoon’s Women of Dis nc on Awards® have honoured hundreds of women for their inspira onal leadership and extraordinary contribu ons to our community. All proceeds from Saskatoon’s Women of Dis nc on Awards® Dinner are designated to YWCA Saskatoon, staying here in our community to provide necessary programs and services for women, men and children. Last year’s Women of Dis nc on Awards® Dinner raised over $116,000. A complete list of historical nominees and recipients is available on the YWCA Saskatoon website at www.ywcasaskatoon.com AWARD CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS Arts, Culture, and Heritage Award—Recognizes the ar s c achievement of women whose crea ve work or support of the arts, culture, and heritage inspires our community. Athle cs Award—Recognizes women whose inspira onal athle c leadership in sport, fitness, or recrea onal programs benefits our community. Community Building Award—Recognizes influen al community builders whose leadership or volunteerism helps create a community where everyone can thrive. Educa on Award—Recognizes excep onal educators in schools, ins tu ons, or community programs who are role models in their profession and community involvement. Entrepreneurship Award—Recognizes successful entrepreneurs who have established strong business ventures, and who are commi ed to giving back to our community. Health and Wellness Award—Recognizes excep onal work in health and wellness, improving the physical, emo onal, social, or spiritual health of individuals in our community. Leadership and Professions Award—Recognizes leaders, professionals, and managers who inspire posi ve change, and who are role models in their profession and community involvement. Research and Technology—Recognizes women for excellence or discovery in research or technology, who are role models in their careers and community involvement. U29 Award for Young Women—Recognizes emerging leaders age 29 and under who are inspira onal role models in their careers, academic achievements or community building roles. Life me Achievement Award—Recognizes a woman who has been an exemplary leader over the course of her life me, in one or more fields, and who has served as a role model for our community. ELIGIBILITY May be either an individual woman or a group of women. Neither the nominee nor the nominator may be a current member of the YWCA board, staff or planning commi ee. Only women under the age of 29 are eligible for the U29 award category. All other awards are not based on age eligibility. Must be a resident of the Saskatoon area, defined as the Saskatoon Health Region. This catchment area includes: Beardy’s and Okemasis First Na on, Borden, Cudworth, Dalmeny, Delisle, Duck Lake, Fishing Lake First Na on, Humboldt, Langham, Lanigan, LeRoy, Martensville, Middle Lake, Nokomis, One Arrow First Na on, Quill Lake, Rosthern, Saskatoon, Spalding, Strasbourg, Wadena, Wakaw, Warman, Watrous, Watson, Whitecap Dakota First Na on, and Wynyard. Must be recognized for achievements and contribu ons made within the Saskatoon area. May be nominated for two successive years, followed by a one-year break. May be nominated for a different award category a er being the successful recipient in another category. Is living at the me of nomina on. Must be available to a end the Awards Dinner and Nominees’ Recep on. Must be aware of the nomina on, give consent for the nomina on and event marke ng including photo and biography, and understand that sponsors and media may contact her. Must represent the YWCA values of diversity, respect, and integrity. Complete nomina on with required informa on must be received before the nomina on deadline. REQUIRED INFORMATION One nominator is required. The nominator may use the online form or the printed form. Complete contact informa on for the nominee and the nominator is required. Two le ers of support are required, maximum four pages total, including both le ers. Addi onal informa on is not considered. A short biography is required (100 words). SELECTION OF AWARD RECIPIENTS Award nomina ons are evaluated by an independent selec on commi ee that does not include members of the YWCA board, staff, or planning commi ee. Selec on is based only on the required informa on: the nomina on form, biography, and two suppor ng le ers. Addi onal informa on is not considered. All nominees are celebrated for their accomplishments and contribu ons. In the first nine award categories, all eligible nominees’ names are publicly announced at the Nominees’ Recep on and in print. Final recipients are later announced at the Awards Dinner. In 2015, all nominees for the Life me Achievement Award are also nominated for a secondary award category. For example, a woman would be nominated in both Life me Achievement and Arts, Culture and Heritage. If she is not selected for the Life me Achievement award, she will be considered in the secondary award category. A recipient will only receive one award per year. A short list is not announced for the Life me Achievement Award. Only the final Life me Achievement recipient is announced. EVENTS All nominees are expected to a end the Nominees’ Recep on on Monday, April 13, 2015, with one nominator or guest. This is a private event and there is no cost to the nominee or nominator. All nominees are expected to a end the Awards Dinner on Thursday, May 28, 2015. This is a cketed public fundraising event, and all nominees receive two complimentary ckets for personal use. Addi onal ckets or tables may be purchased through Pica c on the YWCA website at www.ywcasaskatoon.com or by phoning 306 244 7034 ext 122. SUBMITTING A NOMINATION FOR AN AWARD Nominate online: www.ywcasaskatoon.com Send by email: development@ywcasaskatoon.com Send by mail: YWCA Saskatoon 510 25th Street East, Saskatoon SK S7K 4A7 NOMINATION Select one of the following award categories: Arts, Culture, and Heritage Award Health and Wellness Award Athle cs Award Leadership and Professions Award Community Building Award Research and Technology Award Educa on Award U29 Award for Young Women Entrepreneurship Award Life me Achievement Award: In addi on to the above award category, is this nominee being nominated for the Life me Achievement Award? Nominee informa on: First name: Last name: Title: Address: Phone: Email: Birth date (only required for U29 Award = born before May 28, 1995): Is this a group/joint nomina on? If applicable, please list the names of the addi onal nominees in this group: 2. First name: Last name: Title: Address: Phone: Email: 3. First name: Last name: Title: Address: Phone: Email: 4. First name: Last name: Title: Address: Phone: Email: Nominee consent: I consent to my nomina on for the YWCA Saskatoon Women of Dis nc on Awards. I understand that my name, biography and photo will be published in connec on with the awards. I will a end both the Nominees’ Recep on on April 13, 2015 and the Awards Dinner on May 28, 2015. I understand that the media may contact me for an interview. I understand that my employer may be contacted for adver sing opportuni es with the media. I understand that award sponsors may contact me with congratulatory messages. Nominee signature: Date: 2. Nominee signature (if applicable) Date: 3. Nominee signature (if applicable) Date: 4. Nominee signature (if applicable) Date: Nominator informa on: First name: Last name: Title: Address: _ Phone: Email: How did you hear about the Women of Dis nc on Awards® ? 1. How has the nominee shown inspira on and leadership, especially in this award category? (100 words) 2. Describe the nominee’s skills, abili es, and accomplishments in her area of work. (100 words) 3. How has the nominee contributed generally to the community, in Saskatoon and area? (100 words) 4. How has the nominee contributed specifically to the lives of women? (100 words) 5. The vision of YWCA Saskatoon is “a just and peaceful community.” We value diversity, respect, communica on, integrity, and teamwork. How does the nominee reflect the vision and values of the YWCA? (100 words) 6. Please a ach a short biography (100 words). You may also a ach two le ers of support, maximum four pages total, including both le ers. Thank you for preparing this nomina on!
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