March & April 2015 Iyar, Sivan, Tamuz 5775 Vol. 41, No. 2 Three Days with Yoga-Rabbi Myriam Klotz in March By Rabbi Jamie Arnold In April and March, we’ve mapped out a four-fold curriculum for our soul: 1) Weighing Words Wisely, 2) Celebrating Silence, 3) Being in the Body, and 4) Facing Fears with Trust. A tall order, perhaps. So we’re bringing in reinforcements. Between our communal celebrations of freedom, Purim and Passover, we have a special treat in store for you. Let me introduce you to my friend and teacher, Myriam. When I started rabbinical school, I had spent far more time in Buddhist stupas and soccer pitches, than in synagogues. The classroom was comfortable enough, with its familiar conversations about literature, philosophy, and language. It’s the prayer-space where I felt so out-of-place. As a newcomer to Hebrew and the choreography of services, my customary ease (especially surrounded by wainscoting woodwork that warmed the walls) was fleeting when I entered the sanctuary at the school. Everyone else seemed to know exactly what to say, how to sing, when to stand, and why. Everyone, but me. Perhaps you can relate. Well, that changed dramatically July 2008when I learned that another new student was offering a yoga class one morning a week…in the prayer-space. Yoga class in rabbinical school? Huh? That’s how I met Myriam Klotz, the certified yoga instructor, massage therapist, healer, ivy leaguer, rabbinical student. She was my yoga teacher when I started rabbinical school. She offered a bridge between my past and present paths, an invitation to draw on my experiences on those other arenas when I entered the gates of Jewish devotional practice. My Rinpoche’s refrain of “body, mind, breath” found new form and texture in liturgy, and Continued On Page 5 News from the President Congregation Beth Evergreen of Evergreen, Colorado The Shofar By Carrie Urban, CBE President In the midst of our ever-evolving Beth Evergreen life, we have the fortunate opportunity to re-vision our future. This is a message we have been talking about, aspiring to, and now taking action to form a collective vision for our spiritual and communal growth. Entering into our next phase with Rabbi Jamie’s leadership, we are projecting balanced budgets for the next two years. This presents us with innumerable opportunities to focus on the meaning of being Beth Evergreen. We are opening doors to our future, short and long term, and we want to hear from you! Reconstructionism is all about the congregation, congregational needs through the spectrum of life; religious school, ongoing education, spiritual life, mussar initiatives, life cycle events, and music. And we are inviting you to please join and participate in that process. Help us define where we have been, where we are, and most important where we are headed over the next three years, and down the road ten years and beyond. Financially, we are on the cusp of stability, which is a real turning point. We have no debt, as the mortgage has been paid off. But, we are ever increasingly challenged by increasing costs of day to day expenses. Our board annually has the pressing decision whether or not to raise dues, go to voluntary dues structures, and alternative ideas to generate income. Each year, we agree that raising dues is not the best decision, and spend ample time working with tenants, applying for grants, and fundraising. Continued On Page 5 Calendar Inside this Issue From the Rabbi 1 Message from the President 1 Calendar for March & April 2 Bnei Mitzvahs 5 Religious School News 6 CBE Young Family Chavurah 6 Martin Luther King Day Reflections 7 This And That 7 Purim!8 Embodied Spirituality Yoga 9 Passover Form 10 CBE Scholarship-in-Residence 11 Tzedakah & Tributes 12 Community Partners 13 Making Soup for EChO 14 Holocaust Cook Book 14 Look for these Events at CBE 16 March & April At Beth Evergreen! Be Part of What’s Happening at CBE March Middah: Weighing Words Wisely [Speech and Silence] Tuesday, March 3, 2015 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays Wednesday, March 4, 2015 – EREV PURIM! 4PM Religious School in session 4PM Religious School Purim Carnival 5:30 PM Purim Service and Megillah Reading 6:15 PM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class Thursday, March 5, 2015 -- PURIM 1PM Mussar Class: “The Power of Unspoken Words in the Book of Esther” Friday, March 6, 2015 – Shushan Purim Shpeil – ORIGINAL MUSICAL PRODUCTION 7PM Purim Shpiel & Celebration. Come in costume. BYO (white only) B! Costumes encouraged. See page 8 for details. Sunday, March 8, 2015 5PM BroHo group for teen boys 3-7 PM Teen Middot Workshop, see website for details. THE SHOFAR IS PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY. THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT ARTICLES TO THE SHOFAR IS THE 1st OF THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MONTH IT WILL BE PUBLISHED. Submit articles, ads, and Chai Lights to the Executive Director at Monday, March 9, 2015 7PM CBE Basketball Game (at Wolf rec cntr) Tuesday, March 10, 2015 – “Embodied Spirituality” with Yogini/Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Myriam Klotz (day 1) 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays. See page 9 for details. ABOUT CONGREGATION BETH EVERGREEN The Shofar is published bi-monthly by Congregation Beth Evergreen, a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization. Physical Address: 2981 Bergen Peak Drive Evergreen, CO Mailing Address: PO Box 415 Evergreen, CO 80437 For More Information: Phone: (303) 670•4294 ext. 1 E-mail: Congregation Beth Evergreen Board of Trustees: President: Carrie Urban Vice President: Treasurer: Victor Ronder Secretary: Rich Levine Abby Gardner Dan Herman Nadine Kagan Wilson Beth Miller Rich Mohr Jeff Richker Elisa Robyn Administrative Office Hours: Schedule updated daily on ext. 1. Page 2 Staff: Rabbi Benjamin “Jamie” Arnold (303) 670•4294 ext. 7 Executive Director: Neshama Mousseau (303) 670•4294 ext. 1 Director of Education: Carol Morris, Ph.D. (303) 670•4294 ext. 8 Office Administrator/ Assistant Director of Education: Leah Conner (303) 670-4294 ext. 2 Newsletter Design & Layout: Laurie Romberg March & April 2015 Calendar March & April At Beth Evergreen! Be Part of What’s Happening at CBE 5:30 PM Yoga Class. This is part of the Tikkun Middot Scholar-inResidence program featuring Rabbi / Yogini Myriam Klotz. The theme for all of the programs is: Embodied Spirituality. Cost: $ 10 Wednesday, March 11, 2015 – Embodied Spirituality, with Rabbi/Yogini Scholar in Residence (day 2) 4PM Religious School in session: “Torah Yoga” With Rabbi Myriam 6:15 PM Religious School Staff Meeting/Dinner 6:15 PM Teen Program 7:30 PM Tikkun Middot Scholar-in-Residence featuring Rabbi Myriam Klotz presents Community Wide Workshop, “How you Say It: Mindful Speech through Body Awareness” Thursday, March 12, 2015 12PM Brown-bag lunch with Rabbi Myriam Klotz 1PM Mussar Class with guest Rabbi Myriam Klotz, “Tikkun Middot: Practicing Balance in Body, heart, Mind and Spirit” 2:45 PM Adult Ed Committee Meeting. Please contact Marilyn Saltzman for more info. Saturday, March 14, 2015 – Shabbat Vaykahel-Pekudei 8AM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class: “Words, Silence, and Sound in the Siddur [order of prayers]” 9AM Family (Mishpochah) Shabbat service, especially oriented towards those whose children are 0-8. 10AM Shabbat Service. Alexander Zinn Bar Mitzvah (grandson of Susan and Bernie z”l Goldman). Childcare available. Monday, March 16, 2015 7PM Social Action Committee meeting by teleconference. Please contact Judy Sherman for more info. Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4PM No Religious School – Spring Break 7PM Mitzvah Matters Meeting. Please contact Leslie Lipstein for more information. March 27-28, 2015 No service this weekend, spring break Tuesday, March 31, 2015 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays Wednesday, April 1, 2015 4PM Religious School in session 5:45 PM Religious School Spaghetti Fundraiser: Get Your Carb On Pre-Passover Dinner 6:15 PM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class 6:15 PM Religious School Staff Meeting Thursday, April 2, 2015 1PM Mussar Class: “What is Trust” Friday, April 3, 2015 – Erev Passover (1st Seder) No services Saturday, April 4, 2015 – Community Passover Seder 5:30 PM 2nd Night of Passover Community Seder led by Rabbi Jamie Arnold at Mt. Vernon Country Club Pre-registration required at or (303) 6704294 x 1. funds are available for families with at least 1 child younger than 5 years. Begin Counting the 7 weeks of the Omer 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays 6:30 PM Board Meeting. Please contact Carrie Urban for more information. Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 4PM Religious School in session 6:15 PM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class, Torah study with Rabbi Jamie 7:00 PM Adult b’nei Mitzvah class with Dr. Julie 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays 4PM No Religious School this week (Passover) Thursday, April 9, 2015 Thursday, March 19, 2015 1PM Mussar Class: “Calling on the Small, Silent Aleph” 1PM Mussar Class: “Counting the Omer with Trust” 2:45 PM Adult Ed Committee Meeting. Please contact Marilyn Saltzman for more info. Saturday, March 21, 2015 – New Moon of Nisan, vayiqra Saturday, April 11, 2015 – Shabbat Shemini 8AM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class: “Prayer suited to Seasons -- From Rain to Dew” 9AM Tot Class: “Say What? Good Words, Bad Words, and No Words” 9AM Family / Adult Education: “Weighing Words Wisely!” 10:30 AM Shabbat Bagel Table: “Elections in Israel, Election of Israel: Call Me…?” March & April 2015 8AM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class 9AM Tot Class: “Trust Me?” 9AM Family / Adult Education: “Investing in Trust, Facing Fears” 10:30 AM Shabbat “Matzah” Table: Topic TBA Sunday, April 12 5PM RoHo group for teen girls 5PM BroHo group for teen boys Page 3 Calendar March & April At Beth Evergreen! Be Part of What’s Happening at CBE Tuesday, April 14, 2015 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays 7PM Spiritual Life Committee (SLC). Please contact David Jordani for more information. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 4PM Religious School in session 6:15 PM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class 7PM Adult Education: Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance) program. Thursday, April 16, 2015 1PM Mussar Class: “Counting the Omer Friday, April 17, 2015 – Shabbat Tazria-Metzorah 6PM Religious School – End of Year Shabbat. RSVP requested to or (303) 670-4294 x 2. Monday, April 20, 2015 – New Moon of Iyyar 7PM Social Action Committee meeting by teleconference. Please contact Judy Sherman for more info. And SAVE THE DATES: May 1-2, 2015 – In-House E.D. Shabbaton with Rabbi Dayle Friedman Annual Ellen Diesenhof Scholar-in-Residence Shabbaton with Rabbi Dayle Friedman Friday, May 1 at 7:30 PM Saturday, May 2 at 10AM Friday, May 8 – Mostly Music Grateful Dead service with Hal Aqua and band plus Doug Gertner’s multi-media presentation “Who were the Grateful Dead and why were they always following Jews around?” Saturday, June 13, 2015 – Adult Bnei Mitvah Class Service and Celebration 10 AM Shabbat morning service with Diane Amdur, Susan Becker, Jamie Bernstein, Lauren Grossman, Bonnie Houghton, Jackie Mohr, and more! Tuesday, April 21, 2015 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays 6:30 PM Board Meeting. Please contact Carrie Urban for more information. Wednesday, April 22, 2015 –Yom Hazikaron, Israeli Memorial Day 4PM Religious School in session Thursday, April 23, 2015 – Yom Ha’atzma’ut, Israeli Independence Day 1PM Mussar Class: “Independence and Trust” Save the Date: Saturday, April 25, 2015 – Shabbat 8AM Adult B’nei Mitzvah class 9AM Family (Mishpochah) Shabbat service, especially oriented towards those whose children are 0-8. 10AM Shabbat Service. Sophie Orsund Bat Mitzvah. Childcare available. Sunday, June 28, 2015 Concert and Reception at CBE featuring Fiddler, singer, songwriter Katie Glassman and her band! The evening will be a celebration honoring Rabbi Jamie’s 10th anniversary at Beth Evergreen! Tuesday, April 28, 2015 CBE’s Religious School Purim Carnival & Megillah Reading Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Carnival: 4:00pm-5:30pm Megillah reading: 5:30-6:00pm Who: Open to the Community! Cost: $5 per child admission includes unlimited games & prizes, a pizza fun meal and a hamentaschen* RSVP: for children or for adults who can volunteer Costumes are optional, but encouraged! *You may pay by cash or check at the door on the day of the carnival, or in advance to the office (303) 670-4294 ext 1. 7:30 AM Morning Minyan, meets weekly on Tuesdays Wednesday, March 4, 2015 4PM FINAL Religious School session of the year. Continuation ceremony. Details? Thursday, April 30, 2015 1PM Mussar Class Page 4 March & April 2015 Inside Beth Evergreen Rabbi’s Message Continued From Page 1. Bnei Mitzvah my soccer coach’s example of silent strength invigorated the bending, bowing and whispers (and song) of Jewish prayer. Soon she and I began experimenting together, integrating meditation and [yoga-informed] movement into student-led services…and it grew from there. Alexander Latsis Zinn (Rafael David) A few years ago, I had an opportunity to learn and practice Rabbi Myriam’s evolving array of embodied spiritual practices with her. We soon discovered that we also shared a passion for mussar and the work of tikkun middot. The grant that CBE received this year has enabled us to bring Rabbi Myriam here to Evergreen to share with us the ground-breaking and heart-healing practices and ideas that she is pioneering. Bar Mitzvah: March 14, 2015 Parents: Lisa Zinn Sibling: Brandon Shuman Zinn Grandparents: Susan (and Bernie z”l) Goldman of Lakewood, CO School: Denver Jewish Day School where he is in 7th grade and has attended since Kindergarten. B’nei Mitzvah Project: JEFCO Action Center & Volunteers of America Hobbies/ Interests: Skiing, basketball, football, baseball, traveling Sophie Beatrice Orsund (Simcha) I know of no more gifted a teacher of what she has called ‘Torah of the body.’ What she has to offer is a prayerful integration of intellectual-spiritual-ethical life that begins and culminates in the body, presented by a smart, beautiful, generous, and centered soul. You will not want to miss this opportunity. A yoga class on Tuesday evening, March 10. A workshop for the kids (and parents) ‘on the go’ during religious school on Wednesday the 11th. An exploration of ‘body language’ on Wednesday evening, and some mussar study with movement on Thursday the 12th. Bat Mitzvah: April 25, 2015 The Torah relates that the people of Israel devoted three days of preparation before standing at Sinai. Join me in this three-day journey, preparing us for the embodiment of spacious freedom, reintegrated selves, and the spirited joy that the promise of spring (and Passover) can bring. Parents: Rebecca and Jim Orsund Shalom, RJ Sibling: Shaina Orsund Grandparents: Rita and Nick Lenn, Bronxville, NY; Sharon and Jerry Orsund, Littleton, CO. President’s Message continued from page 1. School: Evergreen Middle School, 7th grade. B’nei Mitzvah Project: Collecting running shoes for “Girls on the Run” Scholarship program and fundraiser race for the Leukemia Society. Hobbies/interests: Singing and acting, reading, skiing, vacationing with family We fully understand that contributions of both volunteerism and fiscally are gifts and commitments of choice and generosity. Beth Evergreen has been able to achieve its fiduciary goals this year, and we appreciate your ongoing support. The solstice to solstice (Dec 21-June 21) campaign is off to a great start, as we are 70% of the way towards our annual fundraising goal of $10,000. This campaign is aimed at maintaining our values across the spectrum. The visioning process begins with discovering where we excel and what we could improve. We will be identifying our areas of most importance, and how we can invest energy and budget. The next couple months, you will be receiving emails with surveys, meeting times for focus groups, and you can always call me with your thoughts. Proactive involvement helps direct committees provide meaningful opportunities. Light the candles in our Solstice to Solstice campaign, and tell us which candles you are lighting. CBE enjoyed hosting the Evergreen Chamber’s monthly mixer February 12, where over 120 people enjoyed good food while networking. March & April 2015 Page 5 Inside Beth Evergreen Young Family Chavarah Religious School Update Carol Loveman Morris, Ph.D., Director of Education CBE invites families to come enjoy its Family Mishpacha Shabbat Services and all other events. These events are open to the greater community, as everyone is always welcome to attend, members and non-members alike! Rabbi Jamie leads us in a kid-friendly service from 9-9:30am at Congregation Beth Evergreen. Afterwards, families typically gather for a post service playdate at either a member’s home or nearby outdoor location in the beauty of the foothills where kids can play (and eat) while parents nosh and schmooze. This year we will be celebrating Purim as a whole community. Our incredible Purim Carnival with games, food and fun for everyone is the same day as the community Purim Shpiel. The carnival is fun for all ages. The religious school celebration and carnival will be from 4-6 pm on Wednesday, March 4th. Come and join your children and your community in all of our Beth Evergreen Purim Festivities. We will continue to infuse the tikkun middot curriculum in our school including our teen programming and programming for families with very young children. We expect to have a great turn out for an afternoon of improv and middot for our teens led by Rich Levine with Jonah and Tal Arnold on Sunday, February 22nd. This curriculum is having an extraordinary impact on our community from our staff to our students. We have a language of building character that is making us a more mindful community. Here’s a look at family-friendly and/or family-oriented events at CBE over the next few months: On Wednesday, March 11th at 5 pm, the Scholar in Residence Rabbi / Yogini Myriam will meet with our students and teachers and help us make the practice of mussar or tikkun middot come to life. We are so lucky to provide this opportunity to our school and we hope that parents will join us. March 2015 Wednesday, March 4, Purim Carnival, Megillah Reading, Shpiel - open to everyone, 4-6pm at CBE. Saturday, March 14, Family (Mishpacha) Shabbat Service, 9-9:30am at CBE followed by play group. Our 2nd Annual ‘Get Your Carbs On” Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is right before Passover this year on April 1st at 5:45. Join us for a yummy meal prepared and served by our religious school students. Last year this fundraiser was a great success and we hope to make it an annual event. April is filled with special programs including our end of the year Family Shabbat Dinner and Services on April 17th starting at 5:30 pm This year will be the 2nd year that B’nai Havurah teens will join us. It is a great way to connect these two Reconstructionist communities. ***Saturday, March 21, Tot / Family Class #4, “Silence & Mindful Speech” with R. Jamie, 9-10:30am at CBE. NOTE: This is a date change. It is hard to believe that April 29th is scheduled as our last day of religious school. As always we will close out our year of learning with a continuation ceremony and celebration that will start at 5:00 pm. We hope that this is just the first segment of a lifelong journey of Jewish learning for our students. April 2015 Saturday, April 4, 2nd Night of Passover Community Seder, 5:30pm at Mount Vernon Country Club. discount (up to $100) available. Advance reservations required via ***Saturday, April 11, Tot/Family Class #5, “Trust” with Rabbi Jamie, 9-10:30am at CBE. Friday, April 17, Religious School End of Year Shabbat and Potluck, open to everyone, 6-8:30pm at CBE. Saturday, April 25, Family (Mishpacha) Shabbat Service, 9-9:30am at CBE followed by play group *** Fee, please contact Leah in the CBE office for registration or more information. The CBE Young Family Chavurah wants YOU! Are you ready to have some fun with other CBE families like yours? Then look no further! Who we are: Families with young children looking to connect in Jewish ways with other CBE families. What we do: We attend Family (Mishpacha) Shabbat Services, meet for family-friendly holiday celebrations (i.e. Chanukah, Purim Carnival, Passover, etc.), pot lucks, hikes, camping trips and more. When and Where we do it all: We hold Family (Mishpacha) Shabbat Services at CBE once a month, followed by family activities at members’ homes or around town. We also hold additional Chavurah adventures throughout the year. Who to Contact: Amanda Greenberg Page 6 March & April 2015 Inside Beth Evergreen Martin Luther King Day A Personal Reflection by Stan Dragul Last week (January 19) we honored MLK at Beth Evergreen. I mentioned to Neshama that I had been in Washington with the civil rights march on the day in 1963 when King gave the “I have a dream” speech. Neshama asked me to write something for the CBE letter because it was special to have witnessed history up close. At first I said “No, I have so little to say.” But when I thought about it more and realized that many members were not alive fifty years ago to see and feel what happened there I gave it a second thought. Prior to the 1960s the black/white relationships even in the Jewish communities were still one of white superiority over African Americans. Even in Cincinnati, my home, the first northern stop for African slaves on the underground railroad from the slave South to the free North, black people were for the most part treated as an inferior race. This was especially hypocritical for Jews because they, themselves, were well aware of prejudice not only after the Nazi experience but also in interactions with non- Jews in America. It was in this atmosphere that black leaders, along with white liberals, emerged to push for equality. I marched in Cincinnati with a sign that simply said, “We want the right to vote Now”. On that march we were met by shouting passers by with, “You yellow bellies! Why don’t you get a job?” In other parts of the country there were worse problems with race riots and the black power movement. And of course there was Selma. MLK, taking his nonviolent approach from Gandhi, believed that peaceful demonstrations (civil disobedience) were the ways to proceed in spite of the violence against him. The march on Washington was one such demonstration. About 250,000 people from all over the country came and sat on the National Mall between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington monument. We arrived by train to be in the march and immediately returned without staying in Washington. This was to avoid clashes with other demonstrators or police. We were peaceful and walked with serious expressions on our faces. Even the rabbi from my temple, the Wise Temple in Cincinnati, came--incognito. He was concerned that the board of the temple would not approve. Much later they fired him for his ideas. We were angry about prejudice, though with our upbringing we also carried some prejudice ourselves. Some of us had hard work to do to resolve our own fears of the African American. In the middle of the crowd it was often difficult to hear, but we sensed that with our bodies we were voting for a better way, a more fair society. Racism was wrong. The eloquence of King’s speech and its delivery and the importance of the moment did not register in me until long afterwards. Phrases like “…the fierce urgency of now… This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism…” or, “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred…” and the often quoted, “I have a dream that my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character…” were not only stimulating and inspiring but poetic. Even today I marvel at King’s ability to motivate people with words. But more work both within ourselves and in the country as a whole has to be done. Consider the lack of respect shown to President Obama. In my memory no other president (or even the office of president), no matter the political differences, has been the object of such personal ad hominem attacks. This is a symptom of the racism that persists today. March & April 2015 This and That By Neshama Mousseau, Executive Director After Hours Mixer: On Thursday, February 12th CBE hosted the monthly ‘after hours’ mixer for the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce. It was a big success with approximately 120 people coming through for networking, conversation, food and drink. A big thank you to our co-sponsors: Fresh Tracks Foods and Catering (Dave Pruett) for the delicious food and incredible service; Nadine Kagan Wilson on behalf of Truly BoHotique, her new store in downtown Golden, for sponsoring the beer and wine; Coyote Gold margaritas and Allwell Rents for the rentals. Board Elections: There are several vacancies on the CBE board. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Carrie Urban, Preisdent. Page 7 Inside Beth Evergreen The CBE Purim Players are at it again! March 6, 2015 7:00 p.m. Congregation Beth Evergreen It’s All About Their Race (Another Twisted Purim Musical) There is nothing kosher about this one! Come in your best Purim costume... Maybe we’ll borrow it. Rated PG for obscene Yiddish 5 Fony Award Nominations Including • Best Purim Shpiel • Best Ensemble • Most Flagrant Musical Ripoffs Another Friedman/Posner Production PO Box 415 Evergreen, CO 80437 (303) 670-4294 x1 Page 8 March & April 2015 Inside Beth Evergreen Congregation Beth Evergreen Embodied Spirituality with Rabbi-Yogini Myriam Klotz Rabbi-Yogini Myriam Klotz is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC). She is the Director of the Spirituality Initiative at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. She is the former Director of Yoga and Embodied Practice at the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Yoga and Jewish Spirituality Teacher Training at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center. Myriam has been teaching Torah Yoga for over two decades. She lives in Philadelphia, PA with Margot, Raffi, and their shih tzu, named Tiger. Tuesday, March 10, 2015, Practicing Yoga with Rabbi Myriam – 5:30 p.m. – Community-wide Yoga Session (BYO yoga mat, donation $10/person). Wednesday, March 11, 2015, Religious School Workshops and Teachings – 4:15 - 5:00 p.m. – “Torah Yoga: Movement as a Way of Torah Living” (ages 5 - 9); 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. – “Torah Yoga: Movement as a Way of Torah Living” (ages 10 -14); Wednesday, March 11, 2015, Community-Wide Workshop – 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. – “It's Not Just What You Say, It's How You Say It: Cultivating Mindful Speech Through Body Awareness and Practice." Thursday, March 12, 2015, Midday Mussar Class – 12:00 p.m. – B.Y.O. lunch and conversation with Rabbi Myriam; 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. – Tikkun Middot Practice: Alignment and Balance in the Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit. This program made possible through a grant from the Institute for Jewish Spirituality's Tikkun Middot project funded by the John Templeton Foundation. March & April 2015 Page 9 Inside Beth Evergreen Congregation Beth Evergreen 2nd Night Passover Community Seder Saturday, April 4, 2015 Mt. Vernon Country Club Rabbi Jamie Arnold Doors Open 5:00 PM • Seder 5:30 – 8:30 PM Please help us out and register early! Space is limited. Reservation deadline is March 30, 2015. Please include a check or credit card information for the full amount and mail to: CBE/Seder P.O. Box 415, Evergreen, CO 80437. Questions? Please call 303-670-4294 ext. 1 or e-mail: ONLINE RESERVATION FORM AT: WWW.BETHEVERGREEN.ORG PLEASE PRINT: Family Name/s ___________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa ☐ MC ☐ Card number: _________________________________ Name on Card: _____________________________ Expiration date: _______________ 3 Digit Code: ___________ Check enclosed (Payable to CBE): ___________________ All dinners include: Matzoh Ball Soup (Chicken or Vegetarian); Hard Boiled Egg; Gefilte Fish; Dessert: Flourless Chocolate Torte and Strawberries; Red or White Wine and or Grape Juice Name First and Last Adult Buffet (13 years +) Adult Vegetarian (13 years +) Child Buffet (13 years & under) (see adult buffet for food details) Broiled Chicken Breast Strips; French Fries and Fruit Garish; Grape Juice; Dessert. Will receive an empty plate to share with adult. $60 $30 $30 FREE Entrees: Lemon Herb Filet of Salmon; Roast Entrees: Sicilian Roasted Top Round of Beef with Vegetables, including Aus Jus and Portabella Mushrooms, Horseradish Sauce. Roasted Herb Potatoes. $60 Child Plate (4-12 years) Infant/Toddler (3 & under) TOTAL PO Box 415 Evergreen, CO 80437 (303) 670-4294 x1 Page 10 TOTAL $ March & April 2015 Inside Beth Evergreen March & April 2015 Page 11 Tzedakah & Tributes Building Fund In honor of the CBE Reggae Band and Sound Guys: Ron, Jon, and Ron, Tara, Tami, Julie, Nancy, and Robbie, Cheri, Allen, Neshama and Steve, Jonah and Alan. In honor of MLK Gospel singers In honor of Franny Rubin In honor of Steve Posner and Nancy Friedman and their original Purim Speil In honor of the CBE Purim Spiel Cast Rabbi Jamie and Marti Arnold In memory of Joann Chalat Jim and Linda Chalat General Fund In honor of Martha Glantz’s yahrtzeit Jeff and Robbie Glantz In honor of Rabbi Jamie and Neshama Mousseau Stacey and David Weiland Rabbi Discretionary Fund In honor of the yahrtzeits of Anna and Harry Bernstein Stephen and Jamie Bernstein In honor of the bat mitzvah of Molly Babitz Martha Taub In honor of Susan Lehman’s birthday In honor of Tara Saltzman’s birthday In honor of Leah, John and Kasey Conner In honor of Alexander Zinn’s bar mitzvah In honor of Sophie Orsund’s bat mitzvah Neshama and Jim Mousseau In honor of CBE hosting the parenting safe children workshop Karen and Gary Torf Ritual Fund In honor of the talented cast of “It’s All About Their Race”, the 2015 Purim Shpiel Nancy Friedman and Steve Posner In honor of Susan Lehman’s birthday In honor of Tara Saltzman’s birthday In honor of Alex Zinn’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Sophie Orsund’s Bat mitzvah Carrie and Andy Urban Social Action Fund In honor of Russ Arnold’s birthday Ellen and Dick Arnold Solstice to Solstice Fund In honor of Logan Dorsey’s Bar Mitzvah Sue and Greg Dorsey In honor of the yahrtzeits of my grandparents, Helen and Abraham Friedman Nancy Friedman In honor of Carrie Urban, Vic Ronder, Rich Levine In memory of Fred Becker’s mother In memory of Arlynne Stark In honor of of Marti’s birthday (Arnold Family) In honor of birthdays of Ellen and Dick Arnold In honor of the birthdays of Russ and Ginger Arnold In honor of Luda and Art Ginley In honor of CBE BBallers: Russ, Tal, Jonah, and Jamie Arnold, Vic Ronder, Jim Orsund, Gordon Zellner, David Schreiber In memory of Adella Grunberg, grandmother of Nadine Kagan Wildon In memory of Howard Taylor, stepbrother of Hal Stein In memory of Allan Pearlman, father of Josh Pearlman In memory of Scott Crissey, brother of Karen Torf Rabbi Jamie and Marti Arnold Mitzvah Fund In honor of Susan Lehman’s birthday Carolyn and Fred Simon In honor of Marti Arnold’s birthday Ellen and Dick Arnold In honor of Susan Lehman’s birthday In honor of Tara Saltzman’s birthday Rabbi Jamie and Marti Arnold Music Fund In honor of Mildred Jordani’s yahrtzeit David and Gail Jordani Page 12 With gratitude for all the kind support I received from CBE in the past year Irene Clurman Cathy and Sandy Baim Ellen and Keith Baranoff Dianne and Joe Chorny Jodi and Lee Dorkin Daniel and Sara Friedman Daniel and Jeni Goldman Amanda and Ari Goldman Lauren Grossman David and Michelle Lieberman Scott and Reney Lordith Ellen Rich Reiter Jeff and Renee Richker Marilyn and Irv Saltzman Gary and Karen Torf Kate and Eric Tribbett Carrie and Andy Urban Stacey and David Weiland Karen and David Zucker Youth Activities and Education Fund In honor of Tara Saltzman Sarah Noonberg In honor of Judy Regensteiner In honor of Birth of Lila Elouise Deitz In honor of Alex Zinn’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Sophie Orsund’s Bat mitzvah Rabbi Jamie and Marti Arnold March & April 2015 Community Partners Denver’s Jewish Mortuary for over 75 years Interfaith ServicesEvents from Feldman Mortuary InclusiveFamily Memorial for Interfaith and Non-Jewish Families 303.322.7764 Training with Altitude In-Home Personal Training Training with Altitude In-Home Personal Training Jeanie Boymel Personal Trainer 303-503-5036 (cell) call or text In-Home Jeanie Boymel Personal Personal Trainer Private space available for Bar / Bat Mitzvahs, Wedding Receptions and Ceremonies, and other celebrations. Training Conveniently located in the foothills, just of I‐70 near Genesee Park. 303-503-5036 (cell) We would be happy to cater your Oneg Shabbat at Beth Evergreen. call or text Contact our Catering Department for more information at: (303) 526‐3105 or or visit our website at: Training with Altitude TheIn-Home Law Office Jeanie of RBoymel ichard A. Levine Personal Personal Trainer Training Commitment • Results • Integrity Training with Altitude In-Home Jeanie Boymel Personal Personal Trainer Call us today for your special celebration Training (303) 789-1867 303-503-5036 (cell) call or text Training with Altitude In-Home Personal Training • BUSINESS FORMATION AND OPERATIONS 303-503-5036 • ESTATE PLANNING (cell) • PERSONAL INJURY RECOVERY call• MEDIATION or text • REAL ESTATE • MARITAL DISSOLUTION Boymel Personal Trainer public relations consulting 303-503-5036 (cell) 30752 Southview Drive, Suite 150 • Evergreen, Colorado 80439 (303) 670-1555 MarchIn-Home & April 2015Jeanie Jeanie Boymel call or text The Law of Richard A. Levine Training with Altitude Personal Trainer 303-503-5036 (cell) call or text Training with Altitude Jeanie Boymel Training with Altitude In-Home Jeanie Boymel Page 13 Community Partners CG_2014_Ad_MargaritasMission_v1_PROOF.pdf 1 1/7/2014 9:32:06 AM Unique New and Consigned Womens Apparel Ask for it at your favorite liquor store! LOCALLY DESIGNED AND MADE JEWELRY CANDLES ESSENTIAL OILS AND PRODUCTS 801-B 14TH STREET IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN GOLDEN FACEBOOK.COM/TRULYBOHOTIQUE 303.278.7084 Making Soup for EChO Community Helping Holocaust Survivors with Soup CBE has the opportunity to support EChO in April by providing lunch for their clients for April 6-9. EChO will be open and serving Clients for 4 days that week and we need soup for approximately 50 people per day. If you can take a few minutes to cook up some soup, it would be appreciated. The recipe below makes 4-5 quarts of soup. It can be made on the stove top or in a crockpot, your choice. Please freeze the soup in sturdy gallon plastic bags and label was follows: CBE Lentil Soup with Kielbasa, Mar15. You can drop the soup at EchO directly (Monday 10-6P, Tues-Thurs 10-4P), or call Judy Sherman to make arrangements for me to get the soup to EChO. Thanks for all that you do to help our mountain community. Lentil Soup with Turkey Kilbasa: • 1 lb lentils • 1 lb baby carrots, diced • 3 ribs celery, diced • 1 onion, diced • 1 qt. chicken stock • 2-3 cups water • 1lb turkey kilbasa, diced • Salt and Pepper, as desired Put all ingredients except kilbasa in a large heavy pot or a crockpot. For the crockpot, cook on low for 4 hours and then add the kilbasa. Cook 2 hours more, until lentils are tender. For the stovetop, cook on low about 1 1/2 hours and then add the Kilbasa. Cook 1/2 hour more, until lentils are tender. Page 14 In honor of Purim and Passover, please help donate money to Carmel hair, a soup kitchen in Israel that caters to Holocaust Survivors, and the poor who are in Jerusalem today by purchasing The Holocaust Cookbook (volume one) or Miracles and Meals (volume two). Both editions feature several of our own congregation’s families. They each cost $35 and a large portion from the purchase is donated directly to the soup kitchen. To purchase The Holocaust Survivors Cookbook (volume 1) and/ or Miracles and Meals (volume 2) please contact Karen Z. Brass to make your purchase at 303-81-5811 or via her website (DVD page) to order online at March & April 2015 Community Partners Colorado’s Best Value in Driver’s Education Don’t Just Learn to Drive. Learn to Drive Safe. $25 off any Comprehensive Program for all Temple Beth Evergreen members Conveniently located on Buffalo Park Road in Evergreen. 303-721-8881 Help your child do well on the ACT and SAT! $25 off an ACT or SAT Comprehensive Program for all Temple Beth Evergreen members Conveniently located on Buffalo Park Road in Evergreen. 720-496-2244 Extraordinary Events, Exquisite Cuisine The Pines Catering 303-526-7939 The Comfort Suites Golden West on Evergreen Parkway Fresh Tracks is located in Evergreen, CO just minutes from Beth Evergeen Reserve your group blocks and receive a special 20% discount! Receive a 50% discount on The Evergreen Room with your group reservations of 15 or more! We specialize in: New groups only. • Weddings • Corporate Meetings • Private Events • Religious Ceremonies • Backyard BBQ • Farm-To-Table Dinners • Multiple Course Chef Tastings *Over One Million Dollars in recent renovations! *Award-winning, all-suite hotel *Complimentary deluxe breakfast for all *Indoor pool, Jacuzzi, European style sauna, fitness center, outdoor sundeck and hot tub * Suites include upscale bedding, 2-flat screen TV’s, minirefrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, hair dryer, state-ofthe-art complimentary high-speed wireless internet access * Special Group Rates for Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings *Closest lodging to Congregation Beth Evergreen! Like us on Facebook: Group reservations please contact us at 3 0 3 - 5 2 6 - 2 0 0 0 and ask for sales or email your requests to: Comfort Suites Golden West on Evergreen Pkwy. 29300 US Hwy 40 Evergreen, CO 80439 Visit our website for more information about weekly menus and food delivered to your doorstep: (303) 526-0511 March & April 2015 Page 15 SYNAGOGUE LOCATION Take Highway 74 to Lewis Ridge Road/ Bergen Peak Drive. (Left from the South; right from the North.) The synagogue is located behind the Evergreen Life Care Center. CBE MISSION STATEMENT Set in the pines overlooking Elk Meadow, Congregation Beth Evergreen offers inclusive, warm, welcoming services and programs in an intimate atmosphere. We are committed to fostering community by offering opportunities for meaningful worship, the pursuit of spirituality and lifelong Jewish education. Our informal, egalitarian approach encourages inclusive participation in the celebration of religious, lifecycle and communal events. Congregation Beth Evergreen CBE is a Reconstructionist synagogue. To learn more, please visit Look For These Events at CBE Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - Purim Carnival & Megillah Reading 4-5:30 PM Purim Carnival, $5 per child includes games, pizza and hamentaschen. RSVP at for your child or to volunteer. Friday, March 6, 2015 - Purim Shpiel ORIGINAL MUSICAL PRODUCTION “It’s All ABout Their Race” 7PM Purim Shpiel & Celebration. Come in costume. BYO (white only) B! Costumes encouraged. Rated PG for obscene Yiddish. See page 8 Tuesday, March 10 - Thursday, March 12 “Embodies Spirituality” with Rabbi-Yogini Myriam Klotz See page 9 for complete schedule Saturday, April 4, 2015 5:30 PM 2nd Night of Passover Seder at MVCC See page 10 for details or RSVP at Save the Date: Friday, May 1 - Saturday, May 2 Annual Ellen Diesenhof Scholar-in-Residence featuring Rabbi Dayle A. Friedman. See page 11 Are you receiving weekly CBE updates and The Shofar online? If not, please contact the CBE office at(303) 670•4294 ext. 1 or Congregation Beth Evergreen PO Box 415 Evergreen, CO 80437 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
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