
Ocotillo Voted Best Community In Arizona!
Community Association Magazine
Issue 3 / 2011
Bernard’s at Ocotillo
Divulges Their 3 Tips for
Making the Best Sangria!
Movie in the Park / OCA Spring Event Highlights
Annual Meeting Highlights
Reminder to Overseed by October 31st!!!!!
Support Local, Shop Ocotillo!
The Ocotillo Community Association
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Table of Contents…
The Ocotillo Community Association
Issue 3 / 2011
To be informed on community happenings and news please sign up for
auto-email notification by visiting the Ocotillo website www.oca-az.com.
Editor Donna DeVoe,
Media / Events Director for
The Ocotillo Community Association
Your Hoa…
4 Meet the Board
2011 Board Meeting Dates
and Events Calendar
5 Commentary by
Mayor Jay Tibshraeny
The OCA Board of Directors
Actions and Approvals
Community Events…
20 Movie in the Park & Spring
Event Highlights
& Helpful Info…
23 Compliance Corner
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Interest…
6 Manager’s Message
Attention Residents Sign Up & WIN!
8 Premier Community Management,
Inc. Staff
24 Nice Yard Award
Around & About
16 Bernard’s at Ocotillo Divulges
Their 3 Tips for Making the Best
Holiday Inn at Ocotillo Wins
Prestigious Award and Debuts New
General Manager
18 The Ocotillo Community Association
Facility Maintenance Department
25 Interested in Receiving Information
About City of Chandler Happenings?
Special Landscape Maintenance
Requirements for Lake Property Owners
Chandler’s Curfew Law
Active Homebuilders at Ocotillo
Intel’s Fab 42 Progress
How to Report a Street Light That’s Out
How to Report Grafitti Problems
10 2011 Annual Meeting Highlights
Support Local,
Shop Ocotillo…
12 Support Local, Shop Ocotillo
19 AAA Landscape
In Every Issue…
21 Mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus
14 The Ocotillo Community Map
22 Halloween Safety
26 Product & Service Directory
28 Helpful Numbers
Community Magazines
The Official Magazine of The Ocotillo Community Association
This magazine is delivered to all homeowners and businesses in the The Ocotillo Community Association quarterly. This magazine is also distributed to surrounding businesses and office
complexes. You have received this publication because your HOA believes you take pride in your home environment and community. This magazine provides you with HOA information and
home product advertising that enhances your home comfort and increases the value of your home. We are always interested in your comments or suggestions.
While efforts to ensure accuracy are exercised, the publisher assumes no liability for the information contained in either editorial or advertising content. For comments, suggestions and
editorial information please email mediaevents@oca-az.com. For advertising information please call 480-634-1708 or visit valhalla360.com.
The Ocotillo Community Association does not endorse any commercial products or information that may be advertised in the newsletter
Issue 3 / 2011
  
FREE $10 Shell Gas Card
when you stop by my office for a free quote.
Debbie Wiltse Insurance Agency. Restrictions apply, One per household.
Your HOA…
Meet the Board
The Ocotillo
Community Association
The Ocotillo Community Association
Board Meeting Dates and
Events Calendar 2011
Mike Palermo
Wally Brown
Vice President
The open session meetings will continue to be held at the
First Federal Credit Union located at 3800 S Alma School on
the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m.
The OCA Board Meeting Dates for 2011 are:
23RD BoD meeting
27TH BoD meeting
Donna DeVoe
Susana Lewis
To be informed on
community happenings
and news please sign
up for auto-email
notification by visiting
the Ocotillo website
Julie Dameron
Issue 3 / 2011
25TH BoD meeting
The BoD meeting dates are also posted on the
Ocotillo website www.oca-az.com
The Ocotillo Community Association is committed to
providing the highest quality of community living to our
residents and owners through an aesthetically pleasing,
well-maintained environment. The Ocotillo Community
Association and its management staff will provide the
most prudent, ethical, team-oriented, creative, state-ofthe-art management to enhance our community and
demonstrate fiscal responsibility by managing current
expenditures, while planning for the future.
Board of Directors
by Mayor Jay Tibshraeny
While Challenges Remain,
State of the City Remains Positive
During my recent State of the City address, I spoke at length about
two areas vital to our community’s continued success: neighborhoods and the economy. There is a solid connection between the
two. Job creation helps build a strong economy and allows cities to
create and maintain places where people want to be. Without great
neighborhoods though, employers tend to look elsewhere when it
comes time to locate or expand.
It makes sense, then, to focus our attention equally on both areas.
That is why I have launched two new initiatives – announced during my remarks – that target each. Neighborhood Connect is a virtual community meeting that will be held Saturday, Oct. 15. More
details are on the way, but it will basically allow residents to attend a
town hall in cyberspace utilizing a new web presence we are developing.
By bringing together residents and arming them with information
and answers to pressing concerns, we are building leaders who will
help us to sustain our community in the best and worst of times. So
whether you are at home, work, the local coffee shop or half-way
around the globe on the 15th, I hope you will join us for a great
morning of dialogue about our City.
The second initiative involves the challenges of our lingering down
economy and the many vacant retail centers in Chandler. I have
heard from members of the commercial sector about these concerns and this initiative will focus on four-corner retail and vacant
retail. Several years ago, staff created the commercial redevelopment
matching grant program. Recently, our thoughts have shifted to
using some of that financing to make a greater impact on commercial corner redevelopment. A great example is Chandler Preparatory
Academy -- the new charter school at Warner and Alma School
Pulling together data on pivotal retail corridors along Dobson Road,
Alma School Road and Arizona Avenue, staff from several City
departments is meeting to sift through the data and discuss options.
They are looking for creative alternatives, tasked to think outside
the box and dissect this mission literally corner by corner. The
findings will be shared with a roundtable group that will include
residents and the development community and allow for further
discussion to generate some ideas on how to move forward. I truly
believe we can make a positive difference in these areas by creating
better uses that will benefit the business community and the City in
Finally, the City Council adopted the 2011-12 budget June 9. This
plan avoids cuts in City services for the first time in several years.
The budget also includes an adjustment in the secondary property
tax that will enable the City to continue to pay its bond obligations
and to maintain basic infrastructure. The new rate also ensures that
Chandler property owners will pay less in City taxes with the average homeowner’s tax bill to the City decreasing.
The OCA Board of Directors
Actions and Approvals
March 2011
Board approved the Estates entrance renovation project in an
amount not to exceed $12,000, funded from the Estates reserve
account, to upgrade the entrance landscaping, lighting, entry
keypad and gatehouse window.
Board finalized the Annual Meeting agenda and presentations.
April 2011
Board approved the addition of three new paint color schemes
for Cottonwood Springs and Water’s Edge.
Board approved renewal of the Design Review Agreement for
an additional three-year period, effective April 2011 through
March, 2014.
Board approved a Meeting Code of Conduct Policy effective
April 26, 2011.
Board awarded contract to Carlson General Contracting in an
amount not to exceed $11,800 to complete renovation of the
restrooms located in Lakeside Park next to the tennis courts.
May 2011
Board elected Board officer positions for the coming year:
Mike Palermo, President
Wally Brown, Vice President
Julie Dameron, Treasurer
Donna DeVoe, Secretary
Susana Lewis, Director
Board approved additional language to be added to the
Retaining Wall section of the Ocotillo Design Guidelines for further clarification.
Board approved the addition of Categories for judging the
annual Christmas Lighting Contest, and will award prizes for Best Lighting, Best Animation, Best Overall and Best SubAssociation Entrance.
October is fast approaching and that means nice cool
weather and It is time for all Ocotillo residents to
A friendly reminder that all front lawns, and back lawns
if you’re on the lake or a view lot, are to be overseeded
by October 31st. Any lawns not overseeded by Oct 31
and established by November 15th are subject to a
$500 fine per our community rules.
Chandler’s fiscal house remains in good order with some signs of
recovery occurring that include new job creation and increasing
local sales tax revenues. While we still have some challenges ahead,
the state of the City remains very positive indeed.
The Ocotillo Community Association
Your HOA…
Manager’s Message
By Pat Wontor
As your management team, Joycelyn, Dana and I continue
to meet and get to know many new and current members
of our community each week. It’s always a pleasure for
us to learn about our residents and to continue to welcome
and assist you with all things related to this wonderful
This summer’s renovation projects included the restrooms
by the tennis courts in Lakeside Park. The interior
remodel included new fixtures, lighting, doors, paint and
f looring. In the near future, the exterior of the building
will be painted. The Estates community has utilized a
portion of their Reserve account monies to fund an upgrade
to their entrance, which included landscaping, lighting,
gate entry keypad and a new gatehouse window. Both
projects continue the commitment of the Ocotillo Board
of Directors to continue to maintain and enhance the
appearance of the community.
While it seems a bit like old news by August, the Annual
Members meeting was held a week after the last newsletter
went out in May. Renee Levin, Intel’s Community
Engagement Manager, provided an informative overview
of their FAB 42 development project. Our two board
members who were on the ballot were both re-elected. The
Board of Director’s officers for the coming year are: Mike
Palermo, President; Wally Brown, Vice-President; Julie
Dameron, Treasurer; Donna DeVoe, Secretary; and Susana
Lewis, Director.
The Spring Fling and Movie in the Park event was held the
first week of May this year, which was later than in previous
years. The weather was wonderful and the incredible
attendance seemed to be an indication that the later date was
preferred by a large number of our residents and families.
Looking ahead to the other end of this year’s calendar and
as you plan for the holiday season, I’m excited to announce
that the Board has modified the way the Christmas Lighting
Contest will be judged. A prize will be awarded to the best
decorated home in three different categories: Best Lighting,
Best Animation, and Best Overall. Interest has been on
the rise in recent years by sub-associations who have been
decorating their community entrances, making them festive
and inviting as well. This year there will be a winner
selected for the Best Sub-Association Entrance for the first
time. I see the committees forming and the planning
starting already!
Remember you are always welcome to attend the Board of
Directors meetings held on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Dates, times and agendas for the meetings are available on
the web site at www.oca-az.com.
I hope you’ve had an enjoyable summer so far, and are ready
for the remaining days of summer and the upcoming school
year. Our beautiful fall weather and fall activities are just
around the corner!
Pat Wontor, CAAM
General Manager
The Ocotillo Community Association
Attention Residents Sign Up & WIN!
Would YOU like to WIN a $25 gift certificate to lunch at a
local restaurant? You can just by signing up to be on the Ocotillo
Community Association’s email notification and / or sign up for
direct debit for your monthly assessments.
to the following Homeowners…
There will be a monthly drawing. One winner per month.
Winner will be notified via email and will appear in an upcoming
Ocotillo magazine.
Christopher Shepherd of Ocotillo Lakes
Please visit www.oca-az.com today to sign up.
To be the first to know about news, events, and information
pertaining to the Ocotillo Community, please sign up to receive
Ocotillo Community emails at www.oca-az.com. Your emails are
not shared or sold.
Issue 3 / 2011
Michael & Patricia Barnhart of Carmel Bay
Arthur & Anna Gaetano of Spyglass Bay
Eyecare Professional
The Ocotillo Community Association
Your HOA…
Pat Wontor
Dana Stevens
Joycelyn Lopez
General Manager
The Ocotillo Community
Assistant Manager
The Ocotillo Community
Compliance Manager
The Ocotillo Community
Office Information
Brandon Flavin
Rod Lopez
(FMD) Facilities
Maintenance Department
On Site Supervisor
AAA Landscape
Premier Community
3930 S. Alma School Rd., Ste. 10
Chandler, AZ 85248
Fax: 480-704-2905
Maintenance: 480-802-7669
To be informed on community happenings and news please sign up for auto-email
notification by visiting the Ocotillo website www.oca-az.com.
Intel’s Fab 42 Progress
Intel broke ground in May for
their new fabrication facility, Fab 42, where the world’s
most advanced microprocessors
will be made. There has been
much progress including a new
parking lot for the construction
workers. There are 10 cranes
to support the massive expansion. The building’s foundation
has been poured and the steel
to support the structure will be
going up shortly. The expected
completion date will be at the
end of 2012. For questions or
comments, please contact Renee
Levin, community engagement
manager, at 480-554-9729.
Issue 3 / 2011
The Ocotillo Community Association
Your HOA…
Annual Meeting
The Ocotillo Community Association held its Annual
Meeting on, May 10th, 2011 at The Ocotillo Golf Resort,
Crown Terrace Ballroom.
The purpose of the meeting was to report the business of
the Association and to elect two members to the Board of
Congratulations to
Donna DeVoe and Susana Lewis
our 2011 elected Board members.
Issue 3 / 2011
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The Ocotillo Community Association
23/06/11 11:24 AM
Support Local, Shop Ocotillo…
The Ocotillo Golf Resort
Clubhouse Dr.
Bernard’s the Restaurant at Ocotillo The Ocotillo Golf Resort Pro Shop
The Falls @ Ocotillo
SW Corner of Alma School Rd & Queen Creek Rd
Boutique 610, Cyprus Grill and Jersey Mike’s Sub shop are some of the
newer businesses you can find at The Falls @ Ocotillo
Advanced Back and Neck Audio Video Editor Arizona Body Sculpting Boutique 610 Chamberlain Orthodontics Chandler Dental Health Coldwell Banker Cyprus Grill Grimaldi’s Pizza Homeshield Pest Control Inspirations Christian Bookstore JP Morgan dba Bank One Keegan’s Lawyers Title LaBella Day Spa & Salon Paradise Bakery & Café Pei Wei Asian Diner Starbucks 480-814-7115
Downtown Ocotillo
SW Corner Queen Creek & Dobson Rd
Care Bear Preschool
Enclave Premium Denim Fresh & Easy Leidan Mitchell Salon & Spa Marreel / Slater Insurance
Port of Subs Sauce Stephanie Walker, DDS Studios of Ocotillo
The Egg and I Café The Living Room
Issue 3 / 2011
The Ocotillo Professional Building
NW Corner Sandpiper & Alma School Rd
Foothills Sports Medicine Physical Therapy Monte B. Wells, DDS Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 480-782-7831
AZ Internal Medicine
Aztec Optical
Cosmetic Surgical Art Center Fiesta Dental Fountains Family Care Giammarco Law Offices Keller Williams Legacy One Realty LPL Financial CPA
Marc J. Victor, P.C. Attorney at Law
Ocotillo Eyecare Pinnacle Physical Therapy Premier Community Management Security Title Agency
Sonoran Sports and Family Medicine Swagel Wooton Hiatt Eye Center
Wachovia Securities
Aquila At Ocotillo
SE Corner Price and Queen Creek Rd
Ocotillo Fiesta
SE Corner Alma School Rd & Queen Creek Rd
Albertsons Albertsons Compass Bank Bank of America Blockbuster Delia’s Cleaners 480-899-4113
480- 899-1911
The Fountains @ Ocotillo
NW Corner Desert Gull & Alma School Rd
NW Corner Alma School & Ocotillo Rd
Anytime Fitness D’Vine Wine Bar & Bistro Holiday Inn at Ocotillo Desert Valley Family Medicine Dominos Pizza Great Clips Kristyn’s Hallmark Hi-health Chandler Nails La Fonda Mexican Restaurant McDonalds Mikado Sushi Nationwide Vision Ocotillo Dental Care Pet Club (Natural Pet Food) PostNet Radio Shack Rakhman Jewelers Salon Orozco State Farm Insurance Subway 480-899-7102
360 Vantage
Absolute Benefits Solutions, Shelly Guerra (Health Insurance)
AIT (Advanced Intergraded Technologies)
Allstate (Bob Gallego) 480-820-0808
Alpha & Omega Financial Group AZ, LLC
(Insurance and Financial Company)
Professional Painting
Aquila Dental 480-812-2800
Basinger Advisory Group David Basinger, CFP®
Brown and Little P.L.C.
(Criminal Defense Attorneys)
Chandler Data Professionals
(Computer Data Recover)
Chandler Neurology and Sleep DO Associates PC 480-722-0239
Chandler Psychiatry
PLLC 480-722-0239
Great Southwest Mortgage
Sarah 480-266-7827
Melanie 602-369-7157
Invenio Search Group
(National technology-focused recruiting firm)
Personal Journeys/Dalena Watson, LPC, FAMI, MT-BC
(Mental Health/Wellness Counseling)
Kristel K. Patton, P.C.
(Estate Planning & Probate)
Prudential (Arizona Properties)
Ross Campbell Realty (Real Estate)
Stewart Life & Trust of Phoenix
The Lakeside Suites
at Ocotillo 480-855-2300
The Talon Group
United Brokers Group 480-786-3874
• Interior&Exteriorre-painting
• Drywallwoodandstuccorepair
• Popcornceilingremoval
• Garagefloorcoatings
• Accentwalls
• Stain&finishupdatecabinets
• Finecustomwork&fauxfinishing
Up-date existing tubs,
showers, sink, and
counter tops to durable
granite coating
Bob Olsen
(480) 830-6362
Clean and Professional • 25 Years Experience
Summer iS the perfect time to have
your windowS cleaned!
Sky Light • Screens • Sills
Pressure Washing Driveway/Walks • Chandeliers
Ocotillo Shopping Center
SW Corner of Powell Way
& Alma School Rd
A Dental Image 480-895-9331
A-1 Cleaners
Apex Chiropractic 480-895-3775
Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
Bonworth 480-883-8434
CMG Care Today Clinic
(urgent care clinic)
Edward Jones
H & R Block 480-802-4203
Kelly Nails & Spa 480-833-8396
Kumon (Math, Reading, Success)
Ocotillo Barber Shop 480-895-5548
Papa John’s 480-505-1704
Safeway Gas
Safeway Starbucks
Safeway Wells Fargo
State Farm Debbie Wiltse 480-792-9468
The Salon at Ocotillo 480-883-8648
The UPS Store
Washington Federal Savings
Licensed, Bonded, Insured
Call Today For A Free No Obligation Estimate!
Summer Special
1 Story
Per 1,000 Sq. Ft.
2 Story
Per 1,000 Sq. Ft.
This price is for inside/out including tracks,sills,and bug screens.
With coupon only. Expires 8/31/11
Get your
$25 gift
Call for
Residential & Commercial
Window Washing
Licensed/Fully Insured • Excellent References • Owner Operator
I am also a salesperson in print.
I talk to the 10,000 perspective
customers in Ocotillo every issue.
How many do you talk to?
I am an Ad.
The readers are here,
where is your ad?
Valhalla Community
(480) 634-1708
The Ocotillo Community Association
Community Map…
Ocotillo Community
To be informed on community
happenings and news, please sign up for
auto-email notification by visiting the
Ocotillo website: www.oca-az.com.
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The Ocotillo Community Association
map is available for sponsorship.
For more information call (480) 634-1708.
Issue 3 / 2011
The Ocotillo Community Association
Around & About Ocotillo…
News from Bernard’s at Ocotillo & The Ocotillo Golf Resort
Bernard’s at Ocotillo Divulges
Their 3 Tips for Making the Best Sangria!
There are fewer things more delightful than Sangria. We love
the way it makes use of any season’s bounty: fresh luscious fruit.
In the winter, citrus abounds, lending itself to combinations of
lemon, lime, orange or tangerine Sangria. In the summer, nature
shares her sumptuous f lavors of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, cherries, mangoes. The freshness and sweetness of
the fruit is key to a successful sangria recipe.
Remember – there are no rules to sangria, just 3 simple steps. It
is up to the cocktail queen or king to let their taste, season and
mood to shine through.
1. Liquid: a bottle or two of wine is the base for sangria. Red,
white, rosè, or bubbly, nothing too sweet and nothing
too expensive. You’re not searching for subtleties but for a
solid base that will set the tone of your sangria. For an extra
kick add a few shots of brandy, Grand Marnier, berry or fruit
liqueur, f lavored schnapps or vodka. For fizz, you may add a
can of seltzer, or f lavored seltzer before serving.
2. Fruit: this is your chance to taste the best of the season. Most
recipes start with a base of lemon and lime and add to that.
For something tropical, combine mangoes and pineapple.
For Fall f lavor, mix apples and citrus. Celebrate cherry season with deep red cherries, oranges and whatever you please.
Plums and peaches are a great combo, and of course fresh berries are always a hit. For extra sweetness add a few tablespoons
of sugar to taste. But if you have beautiful, ripe and sweet
fruit, you don’t need any. Let the season inspire you.
3. Soak: for extra juicy f lavorful sangria let the fruit soak in the
wine for at least eight hours or overnight. This is a matter of
preference. When soaking, the fruit f lavors and wine meld
together, creating the most sumptuous sangria.
Ber nard ’s at Ocotil lo’s
Classic Sang ria Recipe
• 2 oranges, sliced
• 1 lemon, sliced
• 2 limes, sliced
quartered strawberries
• 1/2 cup or more of
sliced grapes
• 1/2 cup or more of
nulated sugar …to taste
• 1/4 cup superf
• 2 bottles Spanish red
• 1/2 cup orange liqu
• 1/4
• 2 cups chilled soda
solve sugar in cognac and
Wash and slice fruit. Dis
fruit to
nac and
liqueur. Add sugar, cog
Pour in wine. Stir
a pitcher or punch bowl.
ser ving.
least eight hours before
Chill overnight or for at
in seltzer water to give
When ready to ser ve add
sangria some fizz. Serve
Holiday Inn at Ocotillo Wins Prestigious Award
and Debuts New General Manager
The Holiday Inn at Ocotillo recently received the 2010
InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) Torchbearer Award, one of
the company’s most prestigious awards!
The Holiday Inn at Ocotillo in Chandler is one of only 20 properties chosen from over 4,000 hotels for achieving the highest levels of
excellence in all aspects of operation; from quality to customer satisfaction. This is the hotel’s fourth Torchbearer Award in five years
of eligibility, an unheard of accomplishment in the industry. The
market-leading Holiday Inn at Ocotillo opened just 7 years ago,
making this achievement even more impressive.
The Holiday Inn at Ocotillo is also proud to introduce Jerry
Halbert as the new General Manager for the award-winning hotel.
Mr. Halbert has over 30-years of hotel and resort experience and is
committed to taking the hotel to the next level in quality service
and overall success. The hotel will be holding a Chandler Chamber
of Commerce - Business after Business Mixer on August 18th from
Issue 3 / 2011
5pm-7pm. Please
join us for cocktails, delicious
food, beer sampling, live music,
fun prize drawings, and more!
All are welcome, please RSVP with Kelsey at 480-203-2121.
This summer, The Holiday Inn’s restaurant, the Ponte Vecchio
Café, will be offering some blazing summer specials! Besides featuring a very special all-Arizona draft beer line-up, the restaurant will
be offering Two-for-One specials from their famous breakfast menu
and all dinner entrees. Please visit the hotel to learn about this and
additional summer specials!
Also, please check out the Ponte Vecchio Bar for daily Happy Hour
specials for Ocotillo residents. Swing on by Neighbors!
The Ocotillo Community Association
Around & About Ocotillo…
The Ocotillo
Community Association
Facility Maintenance
Prepared by Brandon Flavin, FMD
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keeping cool. It’s
always nice to see homeowners out on the lakes, enjoying one of
our finest amenities. During these summer months, we see our
greatest f luctuation in lake levels and do our best to maintain
them for your enjoyment. Foremost, the lakes are used for irrigation purposes, as well as providing some fishing and boating. So,
the levels will f luctuate with the changing water demand. As a
reminder, the lakes are filled with A+ reclaimed water from the
City of Chandler and although we welcome you to boat and fish,
we ask that you do not swim in or drink the lake water. We also
maintain a Catch and Release program, should you decide to fish.
One of our biggest daily challenges is debris in the lakes. We
do our best to stay on top of the lake cleaning, especially around
those areas we know accumulate the most debris. Our lake crew
works hard and it’s never easy in the summer heat. If you see
them out there, give them a wave and a smile. I know they’ll
appreciate the acknowledgment.
Should you ever lose your boat, please contact us first as we may
have it. We find several loose boats throughout the year and keep
them at our shop until contacted by the owner. Give us a call or
send us an email with your home address, phone number, and a
description of the boat so we can reunite you with your boat.
Our fall fish stocking is just around the corner; adding a new age
class of Catfish, Goldfish, Israeli Carp, Redear, and Gambusia.
Our bi-annual fish stockings are designed to control algae, midge
f ly and mosquito population, and to provide some sport fishing.
Should you have any questions or concerns about the lake system,
feel free to contact the FMD at 480-802-7669 or email Brandon
Flavin, FMD supervisor, at b.f lavin@oca-az.com
One very important fact about the OCA lakes is they are
man made with a concrete shoreline and rubber liner at
the bottom. Being that these lakes are used as a reservoir
to store reclaimed water for irrigation purposes, the water
level does fluctuate. Please be aware of these levels when
you are out on your boats and steer away from shallow
water. Also, do not drag any sort of fish catching or golf
ball retrieving apparatus from your boat or from the shoreline. This could potentially puncture the lake liner or damage the aeration system causing very costly repairs.
Special Landscape
Maintenance Requirements
for Lake Property Owners
Ocotillo is a community that has been carefully planned and
constructed with the intention of creating a quality living environment. Clearly, the lakes, waterfalls and lush landscaping contribute to Ocotillo being a special place to live.
By employing sound management practices, along with an
increased effort by homeowners, we can all help to maintain the
health of the lake system and property values in our community.
Homeowners and/or their Landscape Maintenance Companies
(LMC) must follow landscaping rules, since the majority of the
debris in the lakes results from careless landscape maintenance
practices. When these rules are adhered to, the system will operate within the parameters of which it was designed. No system
can be designed to compensate for carelessness. Some basic landscape rules are:
1) Never permit grass cuttings or other landscaping debris
to enter the lake. They will decompose and cause an increase
in nutrients and algae growth.
2) Immediately remove any grass, landscape debris or
(run-off ) silt from the lake.
3) Do not water shoreline areas for more than five minutes at
a time, or until run-off occurs. Soil will only absorb
most spray irrigation for a maximum 5-7 minutes
before its porosity is decreased and the remaining
spray picks up silt, pesticides, and fertilizers and carries them into the lake. Providing your irrigation
schedule is properly set, the use of fine mist irrigation
heads will minimize run-off.
4) Do not introduce any fertilizers in the lake. This will
accelerate algae growth by raising the nitrogen, ammonia, and
phosphate levels.
5) Do not use pesticides or herbicides (“chemicals”) in
the immediate vicinity of the lake. Many chemicals, even
in very small quantities will kill fish or other wildlife.
6) Dumping, littering, and backwashing swimming pool
and spa filtering systems into the lake, golf course,
common areas, or streets is strictly
Homeowners are subject to a fine up to $500.00 for littering the
lake even if done by their LMC or tenants. Homeowners that
use a LMC or lease their property are asked to share these rules
with their contractor or tenant. If you witness any rule violations,
please call immediately so the Facilities Maintenance Department
(FMD) can take appropriate action. Feel free to contact Pat
Wontor at p.wontor@oca-az.com or call 480-704-2900 with any
questions, concerns or suggestions on how the FMD can better
serve our community.
Active Homebuilders at Ocotillo
If you happen to see a stuck valve and
water is flowing in a common area
please call 480-704-2900 ANYTIME!!!
Windward At Ocotillo
49 Single Family Homes
Models Open
Issue 3 / 2011
Aaa Landscape
Rod Lopez
Site Supervisor
Irrigating Trees
When planning irrigation for trees, a common misconception is
that tree roots will “grow toward water.” Roots will not grow
through dry soil. Trees require water in a larger area to allow the
roots to spread out and provide a sturdy base for the tree. This
sturdy base is necessary to prevent trees from blowing over in
strong wind conditions.
Young trees need enough drip emitters to cover the canopy from
the tree trunk out to the ends of the branches. These emitters
need to be moved out from the tree trunk as the canopy grows.
If emitters are not moved out the root ball will stay close to the
trunk making the tree vulnerable to wind damage.
Mature trees should have enough drip emitters surrounding it
that 50 to 75 percent of the tree’s canopy area should be wet.
If a tree is standing alone in a landscape, its demand for water
increases as the tree and the roots grow. The wetting pattern
must be increased at the same time. Roots only grow in soil that
provides moisture and growth can be stunted if the roots can’t
find moisture as it tries to grow.
How often and how much to water?
Trees should be watered well enough to penetrate the soil to a
depth of 18 to 24 inches. The type of tree and the season will
determine a watering schedule.
Common Mistakes
The following mistakes are commonly made with drip irrigation
for trees:
• Setting your irrigation clock for your tree to run the same as
spray irrigation
• Mixing irrigation components
• Not using filters or pressure regulators
• Not properly burying drip irrigation lines
• Applying too much gravel mulch before establishing wetting
• Poor emitter placement which results in poor wetting patterns
• Not moving emitters to the end of the canopy as the tree
This information is provided by aaa landscape
Ideal Time to Plant Trees
They say the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago and the
second best time is now. September and October is the ideal
time to plant trees in Arizona. Trees planted now have near ideal
conditions in which to establish themselves. Cooler temperatures
and less intense sun means less stress on new plantings. Warm soil
temperatures encourage root growth well into November. This is
especially important for the success of new trees.
Avoid purchasing trees that have had all their lower limbs
removed. Half of the tree’s branches should originate on the
lower two-thirds of the trunk. Select trees with trunks that have
a gradual taper. The lower trunk should be thicker than the upper
trunk. This is a good indication of trunk strength. If the stakes are
removed, the tree should be able to stand on it’s own.
Trees must be planted at the right depth and receive the right
amount of water if they are to establish themselves and f lourish.
Planting too deeply is the most common reason why trees fail.
Close behind is under watering, particularly when trees are
You dig a planting hole no deeper than the root ball. This is to
prevent the tree from sinking in the hole, caused by the loosened
soil in the bottom of the hole settling. Tree settling often results
in the trees death because soil fills in around and over the base of
the trunk causing crown and root rot. This damage can develop
within months of planting.
In well drained soil, you want to locate the topmost roots in the
root ball so that they will be level with the soil surface. Check to
be sure that there is not an excess layer of soil already covering the
root ball. As little as half an inch of excess soil over the root ball
can inhibit or prevent water and oxygen from entering the root
ball. Only mulch should be placed over the root ball.
You will want to water the tree daily during the initial
establishment period. After two or
three weeks the days between
waterings can gradually be
increased. By late autumn
trees should be receiving
two to three waterings
weekly. In winter when
temperatures are cool,
one watering per week
should be sufficient.
Once established,
usually one year
after planting,
desert adapted
trees such as
mesquite will
need little or no
Desert tolerant
trees such as live
oak and Arizona ash
will continue to require some regular
The Ocotillo Community Association
Community Events…
Movie in the Park & Spring Event Highlights
By Donna DeVoe Media/Events Director
Photos by Brandon Flavin
Over 700 residents came out to enjoy all the Spring event
festivities that included a train ride, inflatable bounce houses,
cotton candy, sno cones, pizza from Floridinos, pop corn
and the movie Tangled! Premier Community Management
gave away a new copy of the movie, congratulations to the
Thank you to the following sponsors for
helping make this year’s event possible:
Premier Community Management
The Ocotillo Community Association
AAA Landscape
THANK YOU to ALL of our dedicated
VOLUNTEERS that helped out with the event:
Community Volunteers
Brittany DeVoe & Ciara DeVoe
Volunteers from Premier
Community Management
Jean Brown, Lynne Kerley, Joycelyn Lopez,
Dana Stevens, Pat Wontor
Volunteers from The Ocotillo Community
Facility Maintenance Department
Brandon Flavin, Armando Lopez,
Joe Tijerina & David Wainwright
are interested in vendor opportunities at an upcoming
event please SEND AN EMAIL TO:
Issue 3 / 2011
Donna DeVoe
Editor OCA Magazine
Media / Events Director
Please put “OCA Volunteer” in the subject line.
and the
West Nile Virus
Information from the City of Chandler website chandleraz.gov
The best way for residents to protect themselves
from mosquito-borne illness is to reduce the
number of mosquitoes around the home and take
personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites.
Chandler and Maricopa County are encouraging the public to do
the “West Nile Walk.” Walking around a property after a storm can
help to identify and eliminate any potential breeding grounds for
mosquitoes that may have been created by our seasonal rains.
West Nile Precautions
• Eliminating standing water where mosquitoes can breed.
• Checking for standing water in bird baths, pet dishes, buckets,
cans, cups, outside toys, wheelbarrows, old tires, boats and
f lowerpots.
• Removing any water that collects on pool covers.
• Clearing leaves and twigs from eaves, awnings and gutters.
• Repairing leaky pipes and outside faucets, and move air
conditioner drain hoses frequently.
• Avoiding being bitten by mosquitoes when going outside at night
by using insect repellent.
• Wearing lightweight clothing that covers the arms and legs.
These reports will be summarized and provided to the state health
department. See Arizona Department of Health Services for current
statewide updates.
Availability of Mosquito Fish
The Maricopa County Vector Control Division offers residents a
natural way to control mosquitoes in private drainage areas and water
features. Vector Control staff will provide mosquito fish (Gambusia
affinis) to residents wishing to stock them in their birdbaths,
ornamental ponds or drainage ways. Maricopa County residents
interested in obtaining the fish should call 602-506-0701, Monday
through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Residents must first call for
availability and then pick the fish up from Vector Control offices
located at 3220 W. Gibson Lane, Suite 500, in Phoenix. To file a
mosquito complaint, call 602-506-6616.
To report a mosquito problem or to get mosquito-eating fish at no
charge, please call 602-506-0700.
Bird Surveillance for West Nile Virus
Because West Nile Virus causes death in birds, we expect dead birds
to be the first warning of West Nile Virus activity in an area. Since
West Nile Virus is spread by mosquitoes feeding on infected birds,
Maricopa County will be testing dead bird specimens for its presence.
The Maricopa County Environmental Services Division (MCESD)
will record and analyze dead bird reports, which will be used to
identify areas for intensified surveillance of virus activity including
bird testing, mosquito trapping and active disease surveillance.
If you should find a dead bird, please report it to the West Nile Virus
Hotline at 602-506-0700.
Upon submitting a report, citizens will be advised of the delivery
Please note these guidelines:
1) The bird must be freshly dead (less than 24 hours)
2) Not scavenged, no odor, no maggots, ants or other insects
3) Body must NOT be soft and mushy
4) Must NOT be a baby bird
5) Must NOT be a pigeon
Birds must be kept chilled. Do not freeze. Freezing will kill the
virus, if the virus is present. When handling the bird, please use
gloves or the inverted plastic bag method.
Additional Links
• What You Need to Know about West Nile Virus
brochure (PDF)
• Q&A on Insect Repellent Use and Safety (PDF)
• Fight the Bite brochure (PDF)
• Maricopa County - West Nile Virus Information
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• Arizona Department of Health Services - West Nile Virus
The Maricopa County Department of Public Health has a West Nile
Virus Public Information Hotline at 602-747-7500. The hotline
operates from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week and provides
current health information regarding the West Nile Virus.
The Centers for Disease Control also has a hotline manned by CDC
operators from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (Arizona time).
The phone numbers are:
888-246-2675 (English)
866-874-2646 (TTY)
The Ocotillo Community Association
Halloween is fun. Candy corn, kids in costumes and carved pumpkins set the scene.
Follow these simple tips provided by the Home Safety Council to make sure your
Cinderella or Frankenstein does not get spooked by holiday dangers:
• Be sure all children under age 12 trick-or-treat with an
adult. Walking on dark streets can be dangerous.
• Only permit trick-or-treating at the homes of friends and
neighbors you know well.
• If you buy a costume, read the box or label. Look for the
words “flame retardant” or “flame resistant”. These costumes are more fire-safe.
• Make sure the costume is the right size so your child won’t
trip on it.
• Give your child a flashlight or light stick to carry.
unknown sources.
• If you think your child has eaten something that made him
sick, call 911 or the Poison Control Hotline at 1-800-2221222.
• Tell children to sit down when they eat and to take small
• Young children should never help carve a pumpkin. Instead,
decorate pumpkins with markers, paint or stickers.
• Make sure your child can see well. Only use masks with
large holes for the eyes or use face paint instead of a mask.
When hosting trick-or-treaters at your home,
keep these safety tips in mind:
• Be sure that costume accessories, such as knives and swords,
are made of soft material that bends easily.
• Only burn candles when an adult is in the room and paying
attention. Make sure children cannot touch them.
• Never carry candles, torches or other open flames as part of
a costume.
• Blow the candles out when adults leave the room or go to
• Keep shoelaces tied. Be careful of pumpkins and things on
porches that could trip you.
• If you have children in your home, store candles and
matches and lighters out of their reach in a locked cabinet.
• Make sure all children in the group carry an ID card with
their name, address and emergency phone numbers (including area code), in case they get lost.
• Do not use candles to decorate porches to prevent costumes
from catching fire. Light jack-o-lanterns with small flashlights instead of candles.
• Remind children to walk, not run, especially after dark. If
possible, stay on sidewalks.
• Make sure walkways and porches are well lighted to help
prevent falls. Make sure your lawn is clear of things that
could be tripped over, such as pumpkins, ladders, garden
hoses, flowerpots, bikes and animal leashes.
• Carefully look through
your children’s candy
before you let them eat
• Throw away open
treats, those not in their
original wrapping and
homemade goodies from
Issue 3 / 2011
• Do not overload electrical outlets with holiday lighting or
special effects. Keep all exit doors clear.
• Do not use dry ice as a special effect. It can be very dangerous if eaten.
• Offer treats wrapped in their original packages.
Compliance & Helpful Info…
By Joycelyn Lopez
Compliance Manager
With all the new Satellite dishes being installed and older ones
being changed out for the new High Definition (HD) dish, I
wanted to answer some of the questions I have received from
Q: Are there requirements for installation of a satellite dish on my
A: Yes, The Ocotillo Community Association has requirements
for the installation of a satellite dish. These are located in The
Design Guidelines and Community Rules, Chapter Three,
page 7 and should be reviewed prior to installing a satellite
Q: Does the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
state that a Homeowners Association is able to restrict the
installation of a satellite dish?
A: Yes. The FCC states regulations requiring satellite dish
placement so it is not visible from the street is permissible,
if the placement does not prevent reception of an acceptable
quality signal.
Q: My satellite is not in view from my front yard, but I am on a
view lot. Are there requirements for installation?
A: Yes. A satellite dish cannot be placed in a location that is
Visible from Neighboring Properties. If the satellite dish is in
view, the device must be painted the background color of the
house or wall where it is mounted.
Q: Does the requirement to paint a dish constitute an
unreasonable expense?
A: No. The FCC states a requirement to paint a dish so it blends
into the background is acceptable.
Q: My satellite equipment is leased so I cannot paint it.
A: If you talk to Customer Service or the Installation Department
for your dish provider, you will find the dish can be painted. In
most cases, the “leased equipment” is the receiver, remote and
access card. These are the same leased items you would need to
return when canceling service. I have spoken with most major
providers and have confirmed it is acceptable to paint the dish.
Q: How do I paint my dish?
A: All paintable surfaces such as the dish ref lector, the Low Noise
Block converter (LNB) support arm, mounting hardware (foot,
mast, etc.) wiring and cabling must be painted the background
color of the house or wall where it is mounted using a f lat paint
(semi or high f loss paint will interfere with your reception).
Do not paint the LNB which is usually a small, white or
partially transparent circular module located at the end of the
LNB support arm.
Q: Why am I receiving a violation letter now as I’ve had the dish
for a while?
A: The satellite dish regulations have been in place for a
number of years and have been addressed when a dish is
not in compliance. With the continued installation of new
dishes, letters are being sent to homeowners who are not in
compliance with all sections of the satellite dish regulations.
For any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at
j.lopez@oca-az.com or 480-704-2900.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I obtain my Association membership card?
A.Once Premier Community Management, Inc. (PCM) receives a
copy of your recorded deed from the Title Company that handled your
closing, your Association membership card will be mailed to you. One
membership card will be mailed to each owner listed on the deed. You
will need to carry your card with you when you utilize the recreation
facilities at Ocotillo.
Q. I lost my Association card. How do I obtain a new one?
A. You can obtain a new card by contacting PCM at (480) 704-2900.
There is a replacement fee of $10.00 for a card.
Q. I’ve heard the Associations has tennis courts. Could you tell me
where they are located, hours they can be used and a key is needed to
access them?
A. The Associations maintains two lighted tennis courts @ Lakeside
Park. The park is located just west of Pennington off of NW Jacaranda.
The location of the tennis courts and the other four parks in the community are displayed on The OCA map. Park hours are from 7:00 AM 10:00 PM. Court lights are set to come on at dusk and shut off at 10:00
PM. The courts and men’s and ladies restrooms are locked. The seller of
the property should have left you a key. If you are unable to locate your
key, please call Premier Community Management for a one time free
replacement. Additional keys or replacement keys are $5.00.
Q. I’ve just closed on my new home. How much time is allowed to
complete my landscaping?
A. Landscaping plans must be submitted to the Ocotillo Design Review
Board within four months (4) from the date of occupancy. Before work
begins you must first receive written notice from the ORDB stating
your plans have been approved. The approval is valid for 90 days and all
work associated with submittal must be completed within 120 days from
the approval date. The Association reserves the right to conduct a final
inspection to confirm compliance with the approved plan. Until occupancy occurs and landscaping is installed, the homeowner is responsible
for keeping the lot clean and free of weeds.
Q. Do any other modifications to the exterior of my home require
prior written approval from the ODRB?
A. To be safe, Owners should assume all modifications to the exterior
of your home require prior written approval from the ODRB. Call the
Association’s management company when in doubt.
Q. How do I submit my landscaping plans or other modifications?
A. You can submit your plans by mailing them to:
The Ocotillo Community Association
P.O. Box 12510, Chandler, AZ 85248
OR HAND DELIVER TO: Premier Community Management
3930 S. Alma School Road, Suite 10, Chandler, Arizona, 85248
*Please attach the appropriate Architectural Submittal form to
the front of your plans. Make sure your name, telephone number, and current mailing address are listed on the form and that
you include the appropriate design review fee. You may obtain a
form (and fee schedule) by downloading an Architectural Submittal form at www.oca-az.com, by contacting the Association
at (480) 704-2900.
Q. Do I need to register my boat?
A.All boats used on the Ocotillo lakes need to be registered with the
Association, and bear the Ocotillo boat tag. To register your boat, you’ll
need to complete a Boat Registration and Watercraft Indemnification
Form. Attach a picture of the Boat and a check payable to The OCA in
the amount of $20.00 for the Registration and mail or hand deliver the
completed registration package to the Association.
The Ocotillo Community Association
Community Interest…
Nice Yard Award
Each month nice yard letters are given to homeowners who
maintain and keep up their yards.
Congratulations to this home located at
2463 W. Rockrose Way in Corona Del Mar II
If you have remodeled your house or yard and would like to share your story and photos, please send them to:
Donna at mediaevents@oca-az.com
Before doing any improvements/ modifications to the exterior of your home you must have written approval from
The Ocotillo Design Review Board. You can submit your plans by mailing them to:
The Ocotillo Community Association
P.O. Box 12510
Chandler, AZ 85248
Any questions please call 480-704-2900.
Ocotillo VOTED
Issue 3 / 2011
Interested in Receiving
Information about
City of Chandler Happenings?
Chandler Subscription Services
offers free e-mail updates about
current Chandler news and
events - even the latest on road
construction. Register today for
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Please visit www.chandleraz.gov
and click on the customer services
link at the top of the page.
Once in the Customer Services page you will see
Interactive Customer Services section then a link to
> Sign up for e-mail updates.
This page is maintained by the City’s Communications
& Public Affairs Department. For more information on
the Chandler Subscription Services, please call
(480) 782-2220.
Please note that by submitting your e-mail address, it
becomes public record. For details, please read the
City’s privacy policy.
Chandler’s Curfew Law
From the City of Chandler’s
Police Department Website
For additional information go to
www.chandlerpd.com and click on
curfew ordinance.
The City of Chandler has a curfew
ordinance. It requires that minors
under 16 years of age be home from
10 PM to 5 AM, and teens 16 – 17
be home from midnight to 5 AM.
There are certain exceptions that can
be viewed by visiting the Chandler
police department’s website at
www.chandlerpd.com and clicking
on curfew ordinance.
A Street Light That’s Out
The City of Chandler maintains more than 24,200 street
lights along its major streets and in some residential areas. Is
there a street light out in your neighborhood? Tell the city of
Chandler where, and they will make the repair. Now, you can
report a street light outage online at www.chandleraz.gov, or
call the Street Light Repair Hotline at 480-782-3460.
Street lights are repaired during the day so it is important to
provide the most accurate description of where the street light
is and the nature of the malfunction.
Make note of:
• The light pole location
• Nature of the problem • Your name and address • Daytime telephone number • Zip code • Pole number (located on the side of the pole facing the
street, near eye level and is preceded by the letters “CH”)
Call the Street Light Hotline 480-782-3460 or go to www.
chandleraz.gov to report an outage. For more information,
contact the Chandler Traffic Engineering Division at
How to Report
Graffiti Problems
From the City of Chandler’s
Police Department Website
When officers locate unreported graffiti they initiate
a report including a comprehensive description of the
graffitti, paint color(s), names, numbers and/or other
symbology portrayed. Photographs of the graffiti are taken to
be used as evidence in the event the responsible person is apprehended. The officer then obliterates the graffiti with white spray
paint primer, provided by the department and kept in the trunk
of each patrol car. Upon return to the police department, the
officer completes a special action request and forwards it to the
Neighborhood Services Graffitti Removal Program. The graffiti
will be removed/painted over by the city, free of charge. The city
has a limited selection of paint colors and will use a color that most
closely matches the existing wall or fence.
For information regarding graffiti reduction efforts call the City
of Chandler Graffiti Hotline, 782-4322. This line is available
24 hours.
To make a report regarding graffiti, call the Chandler Police
Department non-emergency number, 782-4130. To report an
incident of graffiti’ing about to occur/in progress/just occurred,
call 9-1-1.
The Ocotillo Community Association
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The Ocotillo Community Association
Helpful Numbers…
City of Chandler
Police Department
250 East Chicago Street
Phone numbers
Emergency | 911
Non-emergency | 480-782-4010
General information | 480-782-4011
Fire Department
221 East Boston Street
Phone numbers
Emergency | 911
Information | 480-782-2120
Indoor Airsoft
Urban-Combat Arena
Chandler Regional Hospital
475 South Dobson Road
Southeast corner of Frye Road intersection
Phone numbers
Main | 480-963-4561
TTY | 480-963-4561
Fax | 480-899-5548
Public Library
Downtown Branch
MON-THU, 9:30am-9pm
FRI-SAT, 9:30am-6pm
SUN, 1pm-5pm
22 South Delaware Street
Hamilton Branch
MON-WED, 7:30am-8pm
THU-FRI, 7:30am-5pm
SAT, 1pm-5pm
3700 South Arizona Avenue
19,000 Sq. Ft. Facility
Air-conditioned Arena
Rental Equipment Available
Concession Stand
Birthday Party Packages
S.E. Corner
Val Vista & Baseline
Gilbert, AZ
Open to the Public Wednesdays-Sundays
Bee & Bird Removal Specialists
Sunset Branch
MON-THU, 10am-8pm
FRI-SAT, 10am-6pm
4930 West Ray Road
Department of Motor Vehicles
50 South Beck Avenue
MON-FRI, 8am-5pm
Emissions Testing
MON-FRI, 8am-7pm
SAT, 8am-5pm
Before you register your vehicle in Arizona,
it must be emissions tested by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
Some locations will only accept cash -to keep from making an unnecessary trip,
be prepared.
• 20 North Beck Avenue
• Call 602-470-4646 or
800-284-7748 for other locations.
Issue 3 / 2011
Taking care of your neighbors since 1992!
Our contract with you is
our customer service.
We are not satisfied until
you are satisfied.
We take care of all
your pest control needs:
• Birds
• Bees
• Beetles
• Rodent Control
• Roaches
• Ants
• Spiders
• Scorpions
(480) 963-6534
AZ LIC# 15588 B
For more information, please visit our website:
September 1 - October 1, 2011
October 8 - November 12
5247 E Brown Rd, Mesa BroadwayPalmWest.com
Custom Window Treatments | Furniture
Lighting | Flooring | Wallcoverings | Accessories
The DeTails
make The Difference
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We’ll come to your
home and do it all…
from concept to
Peg conway
call for a complimentary
The Ocotillo Community Association
Recognized as one of the top golf resorts in Arizona, the Ocotillo Golf Resort is a magical place
to dine, golf, hold meetings, weddings, family reunions or to just hang out with friends on the
Waterfall Patio. As a resident of the Ocotillo Master Planned Community you are invited to enjoy
the savings and privileges of our popular Resort Card… FOR FREE.
Simply call or come by the administrative office to get your card.
3751 S. Clubhouse Drive • Chandler, Arizona 85248
480.917.6660 • www.ocotillogolf.com
Issue 3 / 2011
ExpEriEncE troon golf