SHELLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Our vision, as a community, is to inspire a passion for learning. NEWSLETTER WEBSITE: 3 March EMAILING: School Admin: 2015 Phone: 9354 5233 Absences Only: Principal Patter……. Hello Shelley Families As a response to the department’s directions, our school has developed a strategic plan to “provide the opportunities for all students to develop knowledge, skills and confidence to achieve their individual potential.” I am pleased to inform our community that our new Shelley Strategic Plan 2015 - 2017 is now available on our school website and hard copies will be available from the front office. The targets and milestones that Shelley Primary School has set indicate the level of progress towards achieving our three priority areas: Successful students High quality teaching, learning and leadership Strong sustainable partnerships. Our plan takes into account the department’s strategic directions and over the year, I would like to outline some of these for you. Please click on this link to view Strategic Plan 2015-2017.pdf FOCUS 2015 Focus 2015 is a document from the Director General outlining the important directions for all schools in 2015. Focus 2015 is based around four priority areas. It also reiterates the importance of core education endeavours including an explicit focus on literacy and numeracy instruction, specific attention on student attendance at school, and continued emphasis on high quality teaching. Please click on this link to view Focus 2015.pdf 1. Success for All Students • Focus age appropriate instruction for students on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. • Plan to increase emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education, particularly in the early years of school and for Aboriginal students. • Teach, assess and report on year level specific phase one Australian Curriculum content. • Plan and implement adjustments to teaching programs for students specifically identified for additional funding in the student centred funding model. 2. Improved Student Attendance, Engagement and Behaviour. • Ensure parents of all students in the severe non-attendance category are offered, and are supported to participate in, Student Attendance Panels involving family and community. • Work with school communities to promote the safe use of social media by students. • Implement strategies to develop emotional regulation skills in young children. • Improve planning and communication for students in care of the Department for Child Protection and Family Support. • Focus on positive engagement as a prevention strategy for poor student attendance. 3. High Quality Teaching and Leadership • Increase teacher peer review and classroom observation as improvement tools. • Develop whole school approaches to improve teacher quality using the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers as the basis. 4. A Capable and Responsive Organisation • Manage within one line budgets, including workforce and cash requirements. • Ensure required National School Opinion Surveys for parents, students and staff are undertaken to drive improvement and report results. • Ensure compliance with the new School Resource Agreement and revised annual School Report requirements. • Deliver agreed specified outcomes for targeted initiatives. • Ensure leave entitlements of staff are cleared within the prescribed timeframe. All staff at Shelley Primary have reflected on these priority areas and the programs and strategies currently in operation that support the achievement of these priorities. Staff work extremely hard to ensure that the directions for schools outlined in Focus 2015 are met and indeed exceeded! School Council 2015 Thank you to the parents and community members who nominated for the School Council this year. I am pleased to advise that the new members of the School Council for 2015 are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Gillian Murgia (ex officio, Principal) Fran Stanley( Parent, Chair) Carolyn Saggers (Parent) Paul Madlener (P&C Representative) Travis Miller (Parent) Jason Moynahan (Parent) Bernie Hartley (Parent) Larni Bathgate (Parent) Lindsay Garside (Parent) Chris Leeuwangh (Staff) Caroline van den Herik (Staff) Jenn O’Connor (Staff) Gail Bowering (Staff) We look forward to their contributions and I am sure they will find the School Council both interesting and informative. Kind regards Gillian Murgia Principal Copies of excursion/incursion notes are on the website under newsletters and notes/student notes. Report after hours vandalism, trespassing, etc to SCHOOL WATCH: 1800 177 777 ASSEMBLY DAY THURSDAY 5 MARCH - ROOM 11 Room 11 invites all parents, grandparents and friends to attend their assembly this Thursday, 5 March commencing at 8:45am. DIARY DATES - TERM 1 2015 What’s on in the coming weeks? Week 5 Wed 4 March Religious Education classes start Years 1 - 6 Thurs 5 March Assembly: Room 11 commencing at 8:45am Week 6 Wed 11 March Year 6 Camp Woodman Point - be at school by 8:30am Friday 13 March Campers returning to school at 2:30pm Week 7 Tue 17 March P&C meeting 7:30pm Wed 18 March Book club orders and money due today Thurs 19 March Assembly: Room 9 commencing at 8:45am Fri 20 March P&C Family Fun Night from 5 - 7:30pm SAUSAGE SIZZLE – RESCHEDULED TO TUESDAY 31 MARCH Please note that the planned sausage sizzle for this term has been moved to Tuesday 31 March. NO DOGS AT SCHOOL PLEASE We are asking parents to please keep dogs away from the school grounds as we are having trouble with dog droppings. If you know of neighbours who walk their dogs through the school yard please make them aware. CRE AND BAHA’I RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 2015 CRE and Baha’i lessons begin this week on Wednesday at 2:15pm. Only students who have permission in writing and have paid for CRE will be attending. If you have not paid and wish your child to attend CRE lessons then please pay on Wednesday/Thursday this week. Students who do not participate in CRE or Baha’i will be fully supervised in a separate classroom or the library. BAHA’I LESSONS 2015 To send your child to Baha’i please complete the form below and return to the classroom teacher. This year Baha’i lessons will be held on a Wednesday afternoon starting at 2:15pm. I give permission for my child ____________________________________from room: ___________ to participate in the Baha’i class for 2015. Parent/guardian signature: __________________________________ Date: _________ SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUBS - ISSUE 2 ORDERS DUE BY: AM WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH Please complete the order form neatly (so that we can read it), PUT YOUR NAME & ROOM No AT THE TOP (so you get your order back), detach from the pamphlet, place in a sealed envelope containing the correct money (or the payment voucher if you have used the on-line payment system) and put it in the specially marked box in the Office. The school receives a lot of free books for the library from the scheme. It takes about two weeks for the books to be returned after the order has been placed, ie the due date. No late orders will be accepted as this means we will miss the cut-off date for orders. Please make sure your orders are in before the due date so your children won’t be disappointed. SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUBS - LOOP (Linked Online Ordering and Payment System) Book Club Issue 2 was given to students today. We encourage parents to order and pay using the Loop to create orders and pay online! This is a new feature of Bookclub available to parents. The school will still accept cash or cheques. For more Information on using LOOP and payment options please click on the link below: REMEMBER: When you use LOOP DO NOT send your orders to school (as this can cause a double up) Know your child’s ROOM Number. This is important as you enter your order to the appropriate room number (the room order is then delivered appropriately) Thank you for ordering through Scholastic and supporting our school. P & C NEWS UNIFORM SHOP NEWS - UNIFORM SHOP (located next to the canteen) The opening days for term 1 will be on the following days: 17th Mar and 31st Mar. UNIFORM OPEN DAYS STUDENT SCHOOL BANKING DAY Tuesday 17 March TUESDAY BEFORE SCHOOL AT 8:30AM AT A BLOCK 8:30am – 9:00am FUNDRAISING Help the school by helping the P & C raise funds to improve the resources at the school. Your youngest child should receive a flyer today with details of our Family Photo Session to be held on Sunday 8 March 2015. If you have any questions please contact Amy Do on 0420 908 388. Please also spread this to anyone else you know may be keen to get family photos done. (They do not need to be a Shelley Primary family it is open to the public). Shelley Primary P&C and the teaching staff would like to invite you to our 2015 Family Fun Night which is planned for 20 March from 5 - 7:30pm. Please below for more information. ROSSMOYNE/SHELLEY COMPETITION Save the date for our Rossmoyne/Shelley lawn bowls competition which is being held on 27 March 2015. More information to follow next week so stay tuned. CANTEEN CORNER CANTEEN OPENING DAYS ARE MONDAY, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS CANTEEN ROSTER TERM ONE WEEK MONDAY 5 6 7 9 Mar Jacquee Osborne Michelle Marshall 16 Mar Bernie Hartley Mel Malone WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 4 Mar 6 Mar Lou McCartin Pamela Honeyford 11 Mar Jane Wright Nicki Jones 18 Mar Kim Dalton Lou McCartin Julie Cooper Dhanashri Patil, Sasha Kelly 13 Mar Sarah Ferguson, Nikki McGarry Dhanashri Patil 20 Mar Angela Duncan Sasha Kelly, Janthy COMMUNITY NEWS Please watch the noticeboards outside the administration building and B Block for the latest community news. IN ORDER TO EASE CONGESTION IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF PARENTS WHEN LEAVING THE SCHOOL DO NOT TURN RIGHT INTO TRIBUTE STREET BETWEEN 2:30 – 3:30 PM And BETWEEN 8:00am – 9:30am Your cooperation would be much appreciated
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