T I T A N T A L K March 3, 2015 A Publication by the Lee’s Summit West High School Counseling Center Counselors Counseling Center (816) 986-4003, 986-4103 Open weekdays 7 am – 3 pm A-D Greg Swaggart Joni O’Neill Jennifer Ailshire E-K Susan Hayes Registrar L-Q R-Z Secretaries Stephanie Stephenson (816) 986-4017 Melissa Madden (816) 986-4003 Sue Warner (816) 986-4103 In This Issue: ACT & SAT Testing Dates Scholarship Resources College Days and Activities Upcoming Visits and Events Scholarship Information A+, Selective Service, Athletic News ACT Information Test Date Regular Deadline Late Fee Required April 18, 2015 June 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 March 14-27, 2015 May 9-22, 2015 LSW School Code: # 261-903 LSW Test Center Code: # 220-330 Important Information Seniors planning on attending an institution of higher education should take the ACT or SAT test. It is recommended that students take the test after they have completed Algebra II. Please contact your prospective institution to find out the preferred test. ACT requests that all students register for tests online at www.actstudent.org If you have any questions regarding ACT testing information, please call us. ATTN: 11th Grade Students_____________________________________________ On Tuesday, April 28th ALL 11th grade students at LSWHS will be administered the ACT test at NO CHARGE. The state of Missouri is now requiring all 11th grade students to take this exam. This is the actual ACT and will count for one of your scores, but there is NO CHARGE for you! ACT Prep Classes_____________________________________________ LSW ACT Prep Classes (Semester II) – The following classes will be offered Semester II at LSW: The April ACT exam is Saturday, April 18, 2015. At LSW, an ACT Preparatory course will be offered at a nominal cost of $40.00. The course will consist of four classes, April 7 (5-8:30 pm), April 9 (5-8 pm), April 14 (5-8 pm), and April 16 (5-8:30 pm). During these four evenings, the student will practice taking the ACT exam, understand the structure and dynamics of the exam, and learn test-taking techniques in the areas of English, reading, science, and math. Northwest MO State University ACT Prep Class – Learn test taking strategies for each of the subjects on the ACT. Develop a plan of action for your scheduled test. Receive a study guide and practice tests. To register visit www.nwmissouri.edu/admissions/actform.htm or call (660) 562-1587 Page 2 of 12 ZAPS Test Prep – On April 13th and April 15th, 2015, a representative from ZAPS will conduct an ACT Prep class at LSW from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Lecture Hall. The cost of the two day course is $79.99. More information can be found at www.register.doorwaytocollege.com or call, 877-927-8378. SAT Information Test Dates Deadline to Enroll Late Registration Deadline March 14, 2015 May 2, 2015 June 6, 2015 February 27, 2015 April 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 March 3, 2015 April 21, 2015 May 27, 2015 Important Information Students can register online for the SAT using a credit card or a fee waiver at www.sat.org. SAT Practice Tests are also available through the website for students seeking help. Armed Forces Visits _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Armed Forces Recruiters will be available in the LSWHS commons during all lunch shifts to meet with students interested in serving in the armed forces. If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Madden in the Counseling Center at 986-4003. Marine Corps – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Navy – 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Army National Guard – 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Army – 3rd Tuesday each month Air Force – 1st Thursday of each month Scholarship Resources Fastweb.com – Fastweb.com compiles scholarships from various organizations for students. Scholarships.com – Scholarships.com compiles scholarships or financial aid for students. Ventures Scholars Program – www.venturescholars.org is available to all students interested in math and science based careers. Scholarwise – www.scholarwise.com is a resource is designed to help students locate scholarships sponsored by area businesses. College Week Live - A great resource for college planning, scholarships, etc www.http://www.collegeweeklive.com/ Page 3 of 12 Scholarship and Award Information Denotes new scholarship National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) - offers scholarships for the study of: General, Political Science, History, Government, Economics, Nursing, Medical, Music, Law, MBA in Business, Chemistry, Library Science, Elementary and Secondary Education. Application for NSDAR Scholarships: http://www.dar.org Tip Top Tux Scholarship – Tip Top Tux offers annual scholarships to help high-school seniors in the Mid-west region with their college dreams! Please visit the following web-site for more information, and an application. www.tttuxprom.com/scholarship Deadline March 1, 2015. The Basic Criteria for the following (6) Scholarship Awards are: The student must be a resident of Missouri. Applicants must be under the age of 21, unmarried and a descendant* of a veteran with at least ninety days active service in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service. A photocopy of the veteran’s DD214, discharge or separation notice must accompany the scholarship application. Any additional requirements for each scholarship are on the reverse side of the applications Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship Fund – Two awards of $1000 each are given each year. One to a boy who has attended a full session of The American Legion Boys State of Missouri or a full session of the Department’s Cadet Patrol Academy. The second award is given to a girl who has attended a full session of The American Legion Auxiliary’s Girls State program or a full session of the Department’s Cadet Patrol Academy. Deadline April 20, 2015 M.D. “Jack” Murphy Memorial Nurses Training Fund – Currently one $750 award is given for two successive semesters, and may, by application, be extended for two additional successive semesters. This award is available to a Missouri boy or girl training to be a Registered Nurse, and may be used in their freshman or subsequent college years. The student must have graduated in the top forty percent of their high school class or have a “C” or equivalent standing from their last college or university semester. Scholarships are awarded for one year, payable $375 per semester. Deadline April 20, 2015 Joseph J. Frank Scholarship – Five awards of $500 are given annually to individuals who are descendants of a veteran. Applicant must have attended a full session of The American Legion Boys State or The American Legion Girls State program. Applicants must be unmarried, under the age of 21, a current resident of the state of Missouri and must use the scholarship as a full time student in an accredited college or university. Deadline April 20, 2015 Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship – Two awards of $500 are given annually in memory of the first Missourian to serve as National Commander of The American Legion. Eligible are individuals who are currently members of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion, or a descendant of a member of any therof. Applicants must be unmarried, a resident of Missouri, under the age of 21, and must use the scholarship as a full-time student in an accredited college or university. Deadline April 20, 2015 Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship – Two $500 awards are given annually to a student planning on obtaining a degree in education, in honor of this Past National Executive Committeeman from Missouri. To be eligible, individuals must: (1) be a descendant of a veteran who served 90 or more days of active duty in the armed forces and having an honorable discharge; (2) be a Missouri resident; (3) use the award as a full-time student an accredited college or university; (4) provide a copy of the discharge certificate for the veteran on whose the application is made; and (6) submit an essay of 500 words or less on the subject: In your opinion, what was the most significant world event of 2013/2014? Deadline April 20, 2015 Shane Dean Voyles Memorial Scholarship – One $500 award will be awarded, annually. (1) Each school in the State of Missouri may nominate one student to be considered for the award. (2) The nominee will be selected on athletic, scholastic, and leadership abilities. The nominee should be deeply involved in community and school activities. (4) Must use the award as a full-time student at an accredited college or university. Deadline April 20, 2015. VFW Jack Ray Post 5789 Scholarship – One winner from our high school will win a $1,000 scholarship. Award pays tuition, books, and fees. Eligibility requirements; must be a graduating senior, must be a child, grandchild, or sibling Page 4 of 12 of a combat veteran (proof of DD-214 will be required before award is paid out), and must have a 3.0 or higher GPA. Please see Ms. Madden in the Counseling Center for an application. Deadline April 1, 2015. Rita Kramer Scholarship - This scholarship is for LSW, LSN, or LSHS Seniors who previously attended Prairie View Elementary. There will be three $500 scholarships awarded. Applications, essay, and two letters of recommendations are due no later than March 25, 2015. School of Economics – Any student who attended the School of Economics on a field trip during their elementary school years may apply for this $500 scholarship. Stop by Counseling Center for a scholarship data sheet and an application. Deadline to apply is March 6, 2015. Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship – This is a $1,000 scholarship that will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing a fashion degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college. Interested students can visit this link http://www.fashion-schools.org and find the scholarship located at the bottom of the page and click on it. Deadline is June 1, 2015. Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship – They are offering high school seniors the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship. This will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited post-secondary school or college. Visit http://www.animationcareerview.com to find eligibility information along with the online application. The scholarship will be on the right side of the page and click on it. Deadline is June 1, 2015. Missouri National guard Option (ROTC) - Contact SSG Cody Barry to begin the application process; Missouri Army National Guard Recruiter at (660) 868-0024. General eligibility requirements are as follows: must be a U.S. Citizen, minimum of 17 years of age and plan to graduate high school, no moral or personal convictions, plan on attending a community college, or attend a 4 year university. Benefits include: 100% FREE college Tuition Assistance, NonDeployable, $10,000/ Year Room and Board, $1,200/ Year Books & Lab Fees, $500/ Month ROTC Stipend, $712/ Month G.I. Bill and kicker, $293/ Month Drill Pay, Unlimited Job Opportunities After College, Management Experience, and Mentorship/ Development. Lakewood Garden Club, Inc. Scholarship – The Lakewood Garden Club offers two scholarships of $1,000 to students interested in the study of Botany, Horticulture, Ecology and/or allied subjects. See Ms. Madden in the Counseling Center for an application Lee’s Summit Rotary (E. Claud Shaffer Scholarship) - $1,000 awarded to one boy and one girl from each Lee’s Summit High School who will be attending a Metropolitan Community College, or any MCC campus. Download application at www.lsrotary.org and return application and required attachments to Ms. Madden in the Counseling Center. Deadline is April 10, 2015. Missouri Bankers Foundation Scholarship – was established to encourage college-level study for young people interested in pursuing banking and banking related careers. Seven $500 scholarships will be awarded to 2015 high school graduates for their first semester tuition payment and/or college expenses. Please see Ms. Madden for an application. Applications must be postmarked by March 13, 2015. Jerry Sharp Memorial Scholarship – This scholarship is in memory of Jerry Sharp who promoted racing throughout Missouri. Eligibility: graduating senior intending to continue their education through a two or four year college and/or technical school. Student must have competed in the Missouri State Motorcross Series or the Hare Scramble Series. Consideration will be given to financial need and the student’s work and community service record. Visit the following link to complete the application https://app.smarterselect.com/programs/17945-Greater-Kansas-City-Community-Foundation Deadline to apply is April 1. Hawthorn Bank Scholarship – is offering four $1,000 scholarships to deserving high school seniors for the 20142015 school year. Applications are available in the Counseling Center or www.hawthornbank.com under the “Personal” tab and Special Programs. Applications are due to the bank no later than March 31, 2015. Raytown-Lee’s Summit Community Credit Union - One $500 scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding senior at LSW. Applications need to be returned to Ms. Madden before March 30, 2015. For an application and more information please visit the Counseling Center. Page 5 of 12 Buick Achievers Scholarship Program – The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program will be awarding up to $25,000, renewable up to four years and one additional year for those entering a qualified five year program. Application deadline is February 27, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Please visit www.buickachievers.com for program details and the online application. www.Collegesportsscholarships.com/scholarship.htm College Sports Scholarships – A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to eligible high school seniors. The details for the contest and eligibility rules are available on the following webpage www.collegesportsscholarships.com/scholarship.htm All entries are due by July 1, 2015. Lee’s Summit CARES Scholarship - The Lee’s Summit CARES Community of Character Business Sector will award four scholarships annually in the amount of $750.00 each. The scholarships will be awarded to one individual at each of the three Lee’s Summit high schools as well as one at an additional local school. The focus of this grant is to reward excellent character. The scholarships are one-time awards granted at the end of the student’s high school senior year and are to be used for expenses related to attending a two-year or four-year college, university or vocational school. The scholarship funds will be sent directly to the post-secondary educational institution of the student by the Community of Character Business Sector. For more information, and an application see Ms. Madden in the Counseling Center. Deadline is March 13, 2015. Lee’s Summit MSTA 2015 (My Parent is a LS-MSTA Member Scholarship) – Parent must be an active LSMSTA member. This is a $500 scholarship for a 2015 High School Graduate. Applications need to be returned to Ms Madden in the Counseling Center by March 24th. Greater Kansas City Chapter of The Links, Inc. - African American Scholarship – To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must: plan to attend an accredited college or university, have at least a 3.0 GPA, and be active in high school and community activities. Pick up an application in the Counseling Center. Applications must be postmarked by March 14th. Centerpoint Medical Center Scholarship – Eligible applicants must be employees or dependents of employees of Centerpoint Medical Center pursuing a field of study in health care. Deadline for application is June 1st. Award amount is $1,000 and is renewable through Centerpoint. Pick up an application from Ms. Madden in the Counseling Center. Missouri Womens Golf Association – Senior Golf Girls! Last year the Missouri Womens Golf Association awarded $14,000 to players of all skill levels. For more information, and an application visit the following site www.mowomensga.org Any questions please e-mail scholarship@mowomensga.org Lee’s Summit Downtown Rotary Club - $500 will be awarded to a deserving Senior from all three of the Lee’s Summit Public high schools. The criteria is a demonstration of committed community service, 3.0 GPA, strong history of work experience and or volunteerism, attendance, extracurricular activities, and leadership experiences. Deadline is April 6th. Bernard C. Campbell Scholarship - Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding one recipient from LSW a $1,000 scholarship from Lee’s Summit West High School who possesses a willingness and eagerness to serve their school and community while accomplishing academic achievement. Any graduating senior who has attended high school at Lee’s Summit West the entire school year is eligible. The recipient must plan to pursue a program of study at an accredited institution of higher education requiring at least four semesters of academic study. The recipient must have been involved in civic, community and extra-curricular school activities. Applicants must have maintained a cumulative 2.5 GPA. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Beth Chandler Service Scholarship – Highland Park Elementary – The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding one recipient from the Lee’s Summit School District who attended Highland Park Elementary a scholarship in an amount to be determined. Any graduating senior from a Lee’s Summit School District high school who attended school at Highland Park Elementary at some time during their K-6 years is eligible that is a Lee’s Summit R-7 School District graduating senior who plans to pursue a higher education degree at a University, College, or Trade School and have been involved in civic, community and extra-curricular school activities. Applicants must have maintained a cumulative 2.5 GPA. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Billy Goat Scholarship – The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding one student from Lee’s Summit West High School a scholarship in the amount of $1,500. The student must plan to pursue a degree in the field of Engineering, Design or Drafting or Advance Manufacturing Technology or Operations. The recipient must have at least a Page 6 of 12 3.0 overall GPA and have demonstrated he/she is willing to devote all effort necessary to achieve academic success during college. Applications are due in the Counseling Center by Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. For more information please visit the Counseling Center. Carrie Foresee Memorial Scholarship Fund - The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding one recipient from Lee’s Summit West High School who is a well rounded individual a $1,500 scholarship. The applicant must be a graduating senior from a Lee’s Summit School District high school who plans to further their education and must have been involved in civic, community and extra-curricular school activities. The applicant must show evidence of being a well-rounded individual and of displaying exemplary character. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Harold A. Morlock JROTC Scholarship - The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding one ROTC student recipient from Lee’s Summit West High School a scholarship for an amount to be determined. The applicant must be a graduating senior from Lee’s Summit West High School and plans to further their education at an accredited college or technical school. Financial need could play a role in recipient selection. The overall attitude of the individual in ROTC activities as well as GPA and extra-curricular involvement will be of equal or greater value in the decision-making process. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Lee’s Summit Teachers Scholarship - The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding recipient from Lee’s Summit West High School a scholarship for an amount to be determined. The recipient must be a graduating senior from Lee’s Summit West High School who plans to pursue an education degree and a career in education. The applicant plans to attend an accredited university in Missouri or in an adjoining state and must be or must have been involved in civic, community and extra-curricular activities preferably in an educational program. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. The Major Saver Scholarship - The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding a recipient from Lee’s Summit West High School, who aspires to serve their school and community and who may not otherwise have the financial opportunity. A scholarship for an amount to be determined will be awarded to one recipient. The recipient must be a graduating senior from Lee’s Summit West High School and shows evidence of being a well-rounded individual and of displaying exemplary character. The applicant plans to further their education in the area of business or marketing. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Pinnell Family Scholarship – The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding one student from the Lee’s Summit School District in the amount of $2,000. This scholarship is for a student who will be attending Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas. The recipient must have been involved in extra-curricular school activities with special consideration for those involved in oral communication such as debate, speech, drama or other communication activities. Recipient must have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applications are due in the Counseling Center by Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. For more information please visit the Counseling Center. Rachel Dent Athletic Scholarship - The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding a female recipient from Lee’s Summit West High School a scholarship in the amount of $500. The recipient must be a graduating female senior from Lee’s Summit West High School and plans to continue her education at an accredited college or university. The applicant must be or must have been involved in athletics during high school. (Note: If you are recruited to a Div. 1 School, this scholarship may not be accepted.) The applicant must have high academic achievement during high school. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Stepp Into the Future Scholarship – Lee’s Summit Elementary - The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding a recipient from the Lee’s Summit School District, who attended Lee’s Summit Elementary, a scholarship for an amount to be determined. The applicant must have attended Lee’s Summit Elementary during their K-6 years and be a Lee’s Summit R-7 School District graduating senior who plans to pursue a higher education degree at a University, College, or Trade School. The applicant must be involved in civic, community or extra-curricular school activities and have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or above. Financial need will be a consideration. The recipient must utilize this scholarship within one year of the date it was awarded. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Page 7 of 12 Sue Jacobi Scholarship – Pleasant Lea Elementary - The Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, Inc. will be awarding a recipient from Lee’s Summit School District, who attended Pleasant Lea Elementary or had a parent who taught/teaches at PLE), a scholarship for an amount to be determined. The applicant must have attended Pleasant Lea Elementary during a portion of their K-6 years (or had a parent who taught/teaches at PLE) and be a Lee’s Summit R-7 School District graduating senior who plans to pursue a higher education degree at a University, College, or Trade School. The applicant must be involved in civic, community or extra-curricular school activities and must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or above. Financial need will be a consideration. The deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. For more information please see the Counseling Center. Missouri Emergency Management Association – These scholarships are open to any resident of Missouri who is a High School Senior and will be receiving a Missouri High School Diploma/GED during the 2014-2015 academic school year. Application and essay deadline: July 1, 2015 (no exceptions), scholarship recipients will be selected by August 1, 2015. Officers and Board Members of the Missouri Emergency Management Association and their family members are not eligible. Applications are available in the Counseling Center. Journalism Parents’ Group Scholarships – LSW Journalism students, the Journalism Parents’ Group will be awarding four $500 scholarships to LSW Journalism students. The Journalism teachers have the applications. Graduating seniors currently enrolled in Advanced Yearbook, Advanced Newspaper, Advanced Broadcasting, Advanced Video Tech, or IB Film are eligible. Applications are due no later than Friday, March 27 th at 2:30 p.m. to their Journalism teacher. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority – High Scholastic Achievement Scholarship – This scholarship is for high school seniors who personify commitment, integrity and kindness. He or she demonstrates community involvement and leadership skills. The applicant must be an African American high school senior graduating in May 2015, GPA of 2.5, be a citizen of the United States and plan to attend a four-year college or university in the fall of 2015. See Ms. Madden for an application. Deadline is April 11, 2015. Quest Bridge for High School Juniors – The College Prep Scholarship for high school juniors provides opportunities that help talented low-income students understand an education at a top college can be both possible and affordable – and provides resources to help them get there. To apply, qualified students should fill out the free online application on their website www.questbridge.org The application is due on March 25, 2015 and requires a letter of recommendation from a teacher. Ed Wynn/Safe Memorial Scholarship – to be eligible you must have a current or last recorded GPA of 2.0 or higher, be of good character with no criminal background, be a dependent of or under the legal guardianship of an active public safety officer (police officer, fire fighter, or EMT/Paramedic) employed in the geographic area covered by SAFE (Cass, Clay, Platte and Jackson Counties in Missouri and Douglas, Johnson, Miami, Shawnee and Wyandotte counties in Kansas). Deadline is April 10, 2015. Miss Missouri Teen USA Pageant and Lindenwood University – Exciting opportunity for young women! The Miss Missouri Teen USA Pageant and Lindenwood University join together to make over $2.5 million in scholarships available. Please visit http://www.missmissouriusa.com/scholarships.html for more information. Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program – Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of the following website: http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm Deadline is June 15, 2015. Beta Omega Chapter of the Omega PSI PHI Fraternity, Inc. Scholarship – The Beta Omega Chapter, has made a tradition of awarding college scholarships to deserving high school graduates in the Kansas City Metropolitan area. These scholarships are intended for male students who have intentions of attending college in the fall of 2016. Selection of recipients will be made based on school and community activities, a solid academic background and a demonstrated need for assistance. See Ms. Madden for further information, and an application. Deadline is March 31, 2015. Jackson County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Jackson County Farm Bureau College Scholarship Program will provide a scholarship available to a maximum of two college students from Jackson County each year to be used at any accredited college or university in the United States. Scholarship is open to high school seniors and full time college students. Student must use the scholarship as a full time student (12 credit hours minimum) in an accredited college or university in the United States. Applications are due by Friday, March 27, 2015. For more information please contact the Farm Bureau Office at (816) 833-4440 or visit the Counseling Center. Page 8 of 12 Lee’s Summit Council of PTA’s Scholarship - will be awarded to two Lee’s Summit West applicants. This scholarship shall be used in the 2015-2016 academic year to encourage the furtherance of their formal education, and will be in the amount of $500. For more information and an application please contact the Counseling Center. Applications are due at Noon on March 23, 2015 in the Counseling Center. Whiteman Air Force Base Spouses’ Scholarship – Individual scholarships ranging from $500 to $3,000 will be awarded. Applicant must be the dependent of an officer or enlisted military member (active duty, guard/reserve assigned to Whiteman AFB, POW/MIA, retired or deceased) residing in the local area, and graduating from a high school within 50 miles of Whiteman AFB or home-schooled. Applications are available in the Counseling Center. Deadline is March 14, 2015. University and College Visits Several colleges will be visiting LSWHS on the selected dates below. Students must sign up in the Counseling Center at least one day in advance in order to attend. College visits are restricted to Juniors and Seniors only. Please check in at the Counseling Center before attending the meeting. Truman State University Washburn University UMKC March 9th @ 1:15 pm March 12th @ 12:30 pm March 25th @ 1:00 pm Programs and Activities ________________ Perry Outreach Program – is a free, one day, hands-on experience for high school and college-aged women who are interested in pursuing careers in medicine and engineering. Students will hear from women leaders in these fields and try it for themselves by performing mock orthopedic surgeries and biomechanics experiments. Additional information can be found on their website: www.perryinitiative.org Application may be accessed directly using the following link: http://perryinitiative.org/programs/student-online-application/ Career Exploring – Students interested in a variety of careers (Dentistry, Medical, Photography, Engineering, Aviation, Fire Service, Law Enforcement, Energy, Entrepreneurship) should see Ms. Madden in the Counseling Center, or visit the following website for more information http://www.exploringkc.org/registration Leadership in Practice – Missouri Chamber Education Foundation – This June, the Missouri Chamber Education Foundation will be hosting the 19th annual Leadership in Practice statewide leadership emersion programs for students between their Freshman and Sophomore years (Class of 2018). The Leadership in Practice program was developed by the Missouri Chamber Education Foundation nearly 20 years ago to engage Missouri high school students in hands on, real world leadership training. This year’s program will be held on the campus of Westminster College in Fulton, MO. To attend, students must submit the application and any letters of recommendation to the Missouri Chamber Education Foundation by April 1, 2015. Visit the following site for more information http://www.mochamber.com/mx/hm.asp?id=LeadershipinPractice or e-mail bcrouse@mochamber.com or call (573) 634-3511. Women’s Foundation (The Girls Leadership Program) – Any current high school freshman, sophomore, or junior in the Kansas City Metropolitan who is interested in developing leadership skills and learning about philanthropy is encouraged to apply. The program occurs year round with monthly meetings that begin in May. Download application here http://www.womens-foundation.org/girlsleadership/ Deadline to apply is March 6th. Page 9 of 12 College Days & Events_________________________________________ University of Tulsa – Campus visit program for Juniors will be held on April 3rd. To register, contact: The University of Tulsa Office of Admission (918) 631-2307 or (800) 331-3050 or click on the following link www.utulsa.edu/admission/visits Benedictine College – Raven Days provide an excellent snapshot of what to expect from a Benedictine College experience! They look forward to seeing you on one of these dates: March 20, March 27, April 10, or April 24. View the schedule and RSVP to attend a Raven Day at www.benedictine.edu/apply/visit/raven-day or call 1-800-467-5340. University of Missouri – Mizzou Engineering is gearing up for their Spring-Summer 2015 full of outreach events! There are many great opportunities for students K-12 to learn about engineering! Save the dates: May 2nd – Mother & Daughter Engineering Day April 18th – High School Day July 12-17th – Engineering Summer Camp – Week 1 July 19-24th – Engineering Summer Camp – Week 2 Additional information and registration forms for each event can be found on http://engineering.missouri.edu/k-12/ UCM Engineering Technology – Students interested in Engineering Technology should visit http://www.ucmo.edu/undergrad/visit or contact ollison@ucmo.edu for more information. University of Alabama – invites you to an Informational Reception on March 3 rd at 7:00 p.m. at Overland Park Marriott, 10800 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS 66210. RSVP to gobama.ua.edu/Kansas-city-reception Southeast Missouri State University – Show Me Day will be held at Southeast Missouri State University on Saturday, March 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information, please contact (573) 651-5945 or jcwilliams@semo.edu K-State Open House – Open House will be held on Saturday, April 11th in Manhattan from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or Salina from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To learn more about these events, please visit http://www.k-state.edu/openhouse/ K-State Engineering Open House (Combined with the ALL University Open House) – will be held April 10th and 11th. The Engineering day is for Junior and Sophomores who want to explore the field of engineering. Email kstateengg@k-state.edu or call (785) 532-5455 for more information. Pre-registration (required) at https://engineeringday.engg.ksu.edu/ by Monday, March 30th. Page 10 of 12 A+ Program The A+ Program offers tuition assistance to community colleges and technical schools in the state. Some four-year colleges are offering scholarships based on completion of the A+ Program. Students may join the A+ Program by filling out an A+ Participation Agreement. This form may be picked up at the A+ window. In order to qualify for the tuition reimbursement at the time of graduation, the students must fulfill the following requirements: Attend a designated high school for 3 consecutive years prior to graduation Have a non-weighted grade point average of at least 2.5 upon graduation Have at least a 95% average daily attendance record Perform and document 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring at a district site Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoid the unlawful use of drugs and alcohol Apply for non-payback scholarships by completing a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Students must attend a training session before they can begin tutoring hours If you have any further questions regarding the A+ Program, you may contact Ms. Tina Bowling or Mrs. Janice McCunniff in the A+ Office at 986-4057 or by e-mail: tina.bowling@leesummit.k12.mo.us 2014-2015 (2:35 PM in Bateman Hall--**unless otherwise noted) Tuesday, March 31, 2015 **6:40 AM Tuesday, April 28, 2015 ***NO MAY TRAINING*** Selective Service Registration for the Selective Service System is mandatory for all men turning 18. You must register within 30 days of your 18th birthday. Registration also makes you eligible for government jobs, job training, and college loans. For more information, visit www.sss.gov or go to your local Post Office. Page 11 of 12 Student Employment We do not recommend the following employment opportunities; we simply publish them as they are submitted to us. It is up to you to investigate these openings and determine their worth. John Knox Village is looking to hire energetic, hardworking, and reliable associates to become part of their team. They are currently hiring part-time associates to work in one of their four restaurants as a Host/Hostess, Server, or Food Service Associate. Most of their shifts begin at 3:45 p.m. and are done by 7:00 or 8:00 p.m; Monday through Friday. Weekend hours vary according to the restaurant. Each position averages 16 to 20 hours a week. No experience necessary. If interested apply online at www.jkv.org/careers LSR7 Aquatic Center – Help Wanted – Lifeguards, Instructors, and Front Desk! Pay Range: $7.50 to $12.00. Apply online today at www.lsr7.org/employment Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun – are currently recruiting for the 2015 season. Submit your application and schedule an interview at www.worldsoffun.com/jobs Billy Goat – Billy Goat Industries is now searching for the right candidates to fill a limited number of seasonal, summer positions in their assembly department. Must be at least 17 years old. If you can work a full time schedule Monday-Thursday from 6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from the end of May to the beginning of August, they are interested in you. You must RSVP for their Job Fair by Friday, March 20th at www.billygoat.com/company-info/careers Click on “Company Info,” then “Careers” and follow the instructions to complete the application. Submit your completed application by emailing to wcareers@billygoat.com Submitting your employment app will be your RSVP. Super Splash USA – Positions Open: Lifeguards (Training provided), Pool Attendants, Concession Attendants, and Front Desk Attendants. Starting wage: $7.75 hour. Must be 15 years old to apply. Download application at www.supersplashusa.com and then bring your application to the Raytown Parks office, 5912 Lane Ave., Raytown, MO. Questions, please call Mary Ann (816) 3584100. Page 12 of 12
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