Form may be downloaded ‘Free of Cost’ from APPLICATION FORM IESCO Head Quarter Islamabad Paste recent passport size photograph Recruitment - 2015 AGAINST 20% EMPLOYEE’S CHILDREN QUOTA Post Applied For __________________________________________________ 1. Personal Information: (Use Capital Letters and leave spaces between words. Incomplete applications will be rejected summarily) 1. Name in Full: _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Father’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________ _ _ 3. Candidate CNIC #: 4. Gender: Male Female 5. Date of Birth: - - 6. Email: _____________________________ 7. Postal Address: _____________________________ _______________________________ City: ________________ Domicile/District:_______________ 8. Phone No: __________________ (Res)__________________ (Mobile) ______________________ 9. Religion: Muslim Non-Muslim 10. Age in Years Months Days 2. Qualification. (Start with highest qualification) Degree/ Certificate Passing Year Marks Obtained Obtained Total Div. Grade Major Subjects Board / University 3. Computer Literacy / Other Courses: Course / Certificate / Diploma Duration Passing / Qualifying Year Form may be downloaded ‘Free of Cost’ from Institution Board/University Form may be downloaded ‘Free of Cost’ from 4. Experience: Name of Organization Designation From To Length of experience Y M D Reason of leaving 5. Particulars of IESCO Employee: Name of IESCO Employee Designation & BPS Died During Service Status of Service Died After Retired Retirement Working Name of office It is certified that I have verified the above data with office record and found it correct. It is certified that no brother/sister of applicant was employed in IESCO on IESCO Employee’s Children Quota. Signature/Stamp of Officer Concerned Declaration: The information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that I have never been dismissed or removed from Govt. service under any Provincial, Federal Govt., Autonomous or Semi-Autonomous or State Enterprise. Date_______________ Signature of the Candidate________________________ Thumb impression _______________________ Applications are to be delivered only by courier/post to: Resource Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Plot # 395-396, I-9/3, Islamabad. For official use only CNIC # _ _ Roll No. __________________________________________________ Name_____________________________ s/o____________________________ Paste recent passport size photograph Post Applied For _______________________________ Note: If shortlisted, candidates will not be allowed to appear in the selection test without stamped Original Roll No. slip and Original CNIC. Form may be downloaded ‘Free of Cost’ from Form may be downloaded ‘Free of Cost’ from Bank copy Resource Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank copy Resource Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank copy Resource Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Branch Code___________ Date _________ Branch Name__________________________________________ Online Deposit Slip THE BANK OF PUNJAB Bank Branch Code___________ & Branch_________________ Account Title: Resource Account No: 2920050005150003 Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank Services Charges Free of Cost Note: Bank stamp is required on the deposit slip & original deposit slip (Customer copy) is to be attached with each Application Form. Branch Code___________ Date _________ Branch Name__________________________________________ Online Deposit Slip ASKARI BANK LTD. Bank Branch Code___________ & Branch_________________ Account Title: Resource Account No: 0001150320200197 Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank Services Charges Free of Cost Note: Bank stamp is required on the deposit slip & original deposit slip (Customer copy) is to be attached with each Application Form. Bank Branch Code___________ & Branch_________________ Account Title: Resource Account No: 0010032508760010 Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank Services Charges Free of Cost Note: Bank stamp is required on the deposit slip & original deposit slip (Customer copy) is to be attached with each Application Form. Application form will not be entertained without original Deposit slip. Applicant Name: Father’s Name: CNIC No: Application form will not be entertained without original Deposit slip. Applicant Name: Father’s Name: CNIC No: Application form will not be entertained without original Deposit slip. Applicant Name: Father’s Name: CNIC No: Amount Rs. 450/- ________________ Depositor’s Signature Amount in words PkR Four hundred fifty only ________________ Cashier Amount Rs. 450/- _____________ Office ________________ Depositor’s Signature Customer copy Resource Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Amount in words PkR Four hundred fifty only ________________ Cashier Branch Code___________ Date _________ Branch Name__________________________________________ Online Deposit Slip Amount Rs. 450/- _____________ Office ________________ Depositor’s Signature Customer copy Resource Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Amount in words PkR Four hundred fifty only ________________ Cashier _____________ Office Customer copy Resource Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Branch Code___________ Date _________ Branch Name__________________________________________ Online Deposit Slip THE BANK OF PUNJAB Bank Branch Code___________ & Branch_________________ Account Title: Resource Account No: 2920050005150003 Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank Services Charges Free of Cost Note: Bank stamp is required on the deposit slip & original deposit slip (Customer copy) is to be attached with each Application Form. Branch Code___________ Date _________ Branch Name__________________________________________ Online Deposit Slip ASKARI BANK LTD. Bank Branch Code___________ & Branch_________________ Account Title: Resource Account No: 0001150320200197 Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank Services Charges Free of Cost Note: Bank stamp is required on the deposit slip & original deposit slip (Customer copy) is to be attached with each Application Form. Branch Code___________ Date _________ Branch Name__________________________________________ Online Deposit Slip ALLIED BANK LTD. Bank Branch Code___________ & Branch_________________ Account Title: Resource Account No: 0010032508760010 Access (Pvt.) Ltd. Bank Services Charges Free of Cost Note: Bank stamp is required on the deposit slip & original deposit slip (Customer copy) is to be attached with each Application Form. Application form will not be entertained without original Deposit slip. Applicant Name: Father’s Name: CNIC No: Application form will not be entertained without original Deposit slip. Applicant Name: Father’s Name: CNIC No: Application form will not be entertained without original Deposit slip. Applicant Name: Father’s Name: CNIC No: Amount Rs. 450/- ________________ Depositor’s Signature Amount in words PkR Four hundred fifty only ________________ Cashier Amount Rs. 450/- _____________ Office ________________ Depositor’s Signature Form may be downloaded ‘Free of Cost’ from Amount in words PkR Four hundred fifty only ________________ Cashier Amount Rs. 450/- _____________ Office ________________ Depositor’s Signature Amount in words PkR Four hundred fifty only ________________ Cashier _____________ Office
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