North Brevard Charities Monthly Nor th B r eva r d C ha r iti e s S ha r ing Ce nte r, In c. M a r ch 2015 News, Announcements, and Events There are a lot of things happening at North Brevard Charities Sharing Center, Inc. : Every Tuesday and Thursday The Thrift Store will be holding sales, come by and checkout the great deals! We have affordable housing options available, please call our service office for more information. NBCSC will be having a fundraiser this summer at Space Coast Stadium, more information coming soon! Easter Sign-up North Brevard Charities Sharing Center, Inc. will once again be providing Easter Dinner and baskets to needy families. Easter sign-up for this year will begin Monday, February 2nd. Families with children under the age of 12 can sign-up for assistance Monday-Friday from 9 A.M. - 11 A.M. at the service office. Items such as birth certificates, ID’s for adults, Social Security Cards for all household members, proof of household income, and proof of residence are needed to sign-up. For more eligibility information please contact the service office at 321-269-6555. And for those who would like to donate to this program please do not hesitate to contact us; donations of funds, materials, and volunteer time are always needed and very helpful, thank you! NBCSC is conducting its “Spring Feeding Program” once again this year! More information on the back! 2nd Annual Family Cookout!!!! Saturday, April 11th North Brevard Charities Sharing Center, Inc. will have our 2nd Annual Family Cookout. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs, sodas, and free popcorn. There will also be plenty of child friendly activities provided such as a bounce house and face painting. Our Thrift store will also be open with a multitude of sales going on so don’t forget! The cookout will take place from 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. at the NBCSC facility/campus located at 4475 South Hopkins Avenue, Titusville, FL 32780. Also we are still looking for volunteers to help with the event, if anyone is interested please contact our office at 321-2696555. So come on out with the family and enjoy some live music, fun events, and good food! Please E-mail North Brevard Charities Sharing Center, Inc. to receive a monthly newsletter and keep up on all the news, events, and services we have to offer, Thank you! Spring Feeding Program Spring Break is the week of March 23rd through the 27th. North Brevard Charities Sharing Center, Inc. will once again be conducting its “Spring Feeding Program.” Many children rely on free or reduced-price school lunches as a major source of nutrition, in fact for many children this is the best meal of the day they will receive. That is why NBCSC conducts this program, to fill in the gap that is left open while children are off school. Families can sign-up for assistance Monday-Friday from 9 A.M. - 11 A.M. at the service office. Items such as birth certificates, ID’s for adults, Social Security Cards for all household members, proof of household income, and proof of residence are needed to sign-up. For more eligibility information please contact the service office at 321-269-6555. And for those who would like to donate to this program please do not hesitate to contact us; donations of funds, materials, and volunteer time are always needed and very helpful, thank you! Amazon Smile Do you shop online? Do you want to help support North Brevard Charities Sharing Center, Inc.? With AmazonSmile you can do both. By visiting you can search, browse, and purchase the same items as you can through Amazon. However when you visit AmazonSmile you are afforded the opportunity to choose a nonprofit organization where Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to the organization you designate to receive it. To choose NBCSC all you need to do is type “North Brevard Charities Sharing Center” in the search bar provided. Once you have selected NBCSC as your designated nonprofit you can continue shopping for the items you want and need. Remember every single donation we receive goes to supporting the many service programs we provide to the community, so every little bit counts! In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs. To file a complaint of discrimination write, USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-Wm Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. In accordance with Florida’s Solicitation of Contributions Act the Florida Department of Agriculture can be reached at 1-800-435-7352 ( Our Mission is to bridge the gap and provide emergency assistance to those individuals and families who may not otherwise qualify for assistance through other agencies. We help them to overcome barriers that may jeopardize their livelihood. The purpose of this newsletter is to give you up-to-date information each month on our services, programs, upcoming events, and other important news. We will be distributing this newsletter in our offices, online, and at other various locations throughout the community. We would also like to take this time to ask you, our clients, volunteers, donors, and community partners, to contact us with any suggestions, concerns, or questions you may have. We feel it is important to stay connected with the community we serve and would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to write, email, or visit our offices to let us know how to improve our services. About Us 4475 South Hopkins Ave. Titusville, FL 32796 Service Office: 321-269-6555 Thrift Store: 321-269-3272 Office: 321-383-3026 Fax: 321-268-5347 Email: Website: Visit us at our website!
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