Value charitable investment in medical research Value charities’ contribution to UK success in life sciences Enable charitable research funds to be spent only on research Medical research charities contribute approximately one third of all public expenditure on medical and health research in the UK Challenge for government Create a better environment for research Build a financial environment that supports charities Develop a clear regulatory framework for research Encourage engagement, openness and transparency In 2008-09, AMRC’s member charities funded over 150 clinical trials in the UK at a cost of over £60 million Ensure the discoveries we fund reach the patients who need them Harness the strength of the NHS for medical research Work with patients to identify research to address their needs Drive innovation of new treatments to help patients Medical research charities have a massive impact on patients’ wellbeing through supporting medical and health research and innovation Maintain the UK as a global leader in science Engage medical research charities in the development of clinical guidelines Champion UK medical research at home and abroad Train, develop and support the people who conduct world-class medical research The UK generates over 10% of the world’s clinical science and health research outputs and has created nearly a quarter of the world’s top 100 medicines Involve medical research charities in developing effective policy across the EU Fact The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) is a membership organisation of the leading medical and health research charities in the UK. A recent survey by The Wellcome Trust found that just under a quarter of adult respondents or their family members had taken part in medical research and up to 70% would be willing to take part in research – depending on what was involved. All our 120 members have a clear process for the peer review and funding of research grants as well as a published research strategy outlining their objectives and priorities in funding research and how they intend to achieve them. They also sign up to position statements on issues central to medical research. We work together to support the sector’s effectiveness and advance medical research by developing best practice, providing information and guidance, improving public dialogue about research and science, and working with government. Fact Medical research charities contribute approximately one third of all public expenditure on medical and health research in the UK. Association of Medical Research Charities £935 million National Institute of Health Research £819.2 million 2008/09 Figures Fact A 2008 IPSOS MORI survey commissioned by AMRC showed that almost half the British public would be more likely to donate to a charity if they knew it would invest their donation in medical research. Medical Research Council £704.2 million Fact For charities, their priority is to get the most patient benefit when choosing how to spend their funds. Currently they spend the majority of their medical research funding in the UK. The total AMRC member research expenditure in 2009-10 was £1.2 billion. Capital Expenditure 6.5% Fact Spend by area Type of research Spend by AMRC members General research 39.3% Cancer 33.1% Cardiovascular 14.3% Neurology 3.8% Rheumatic disease 3.4% Infectious disease 1.9% Metabolic disease 1.1% Respiratory 0.9% GI, liver, kidney, uro-genital 0.6% Sensory 0.5% Obs/gynaecological 0.4% Mental health 0.4% Skin disease 0.3% Outside UK 5.7% England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland 87.8% Data from AMRC research expenditure and grants databases Fact Medical research brings huge economic benefits - for each pound invested by the taxpayer or charity donor in cardiovascular disease and mental health research, a stream of benefits is produced equivalent to earning 39 pence and 37 pence respectively each year ‘in perpetuity’. Data from AMRC grants database 2007/08 Fact Approximately 15% of research income in UK Higher Education Institutions is from UK-based charities. Around 50% of this directly supports individual researchers. For further information and to find out how you can work with us please visit: 61 Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8TL T: 020 7269 8820 F: 020 7269 8821 Registered charity no. 296772 Action Medical Research Action on Addiction The Alcohol Education & Research Council Alzheimer’s Research Trust Alzheimer’s Society Arthritis Research UK Association for International Cancer Research Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Asthma UK Ataxia - Telangiectasia Society Ataxia UK BackCare Bardhan Research a Education Trust of Rotherham Beit Memorial Fellowships for Medical Research Blackie Foundation Trust Blond McIndoe Research Foundation Brain Research Trust Breakthrough Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Campaign British Council for Prevention of Blindness British Heart Foundation British Liver Trust British Lung Foundation The British Neurologic Research Trust British Occupational Health Research Foundation The British Orthopaedic Association The British Pain Society British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society British Scoliosis Research Foundation British Sjögren’s Syndrome Association British Skin Foundation BUPA Foundation Cancer Research UK CFS Research Foundation Chest, Heart and Stro Scotland Children with Leukaemia Children’s Liver Disease Foundation Chronic Disease Research Foundation Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Research Trust Circulation Foundation (British Vascular Foundation) Core (The Digestive Disorders Foundation) Cystic Fibrosis Trust Deafness Research UK DebRA Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundati Diabetes UK Dunhill Medical Trust EMF Biological Research Trust Epilepsy Research UK Fight for Sight Foundation for Liver Research Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity Healing Foundation Heart Research UK Huntington’s Disease Association Hypertension Trust Inspire Foundation International Spinal Research Tr (Spinal Research) Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Kidney Research UK Kids Kidney Research Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine Little Foundation Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Marie Curie Research Institute Mason Medical Research Foundation Medical Research Scotland (formally Scottish Hospital Endowments Research Tru SHERT) Meningitis Research Foundation Meningitis Trust Meningitis UK (Registered as Spencer Dayman Meningitis UK) Migraine Trust Motor Neurone Disease Association Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Myeloma UK National Association for Colitis & Crohn’s Disease National Eye Resear Centre National Osteoporosis Society Neuro-Disability Research Trust Neurosciences Research Foundation North West Cancer Research Fund Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association Northern Ireland Leukaemia Research Fund Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation Nuffield Foundation Ovarian Cancer Action Parkinson’s UK The P Foundation (UK) Ltd The Pelican Cancer Research Foundation The Pharmacy Practice Research Trust Primary Immunodeficiency Association The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Association The Prostate Cancer Charity The Prostate Cancer Research Foundation Psoriasis Association RAFT - The Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust Reme Research into Ageing The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Royal College of Surgeons of England The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust Society for Endocrinology South West Thames Kidney Fund SPARKS (Sport Aiding Medical Research for Kids) St Peter’s Trust Kidney, Bladder & Prostate Research The Stroke Association Tenovus Tommy’s The Baby Charity Tuberous Sclerosis Association Ulster Cancer Foundation Wellbeing of Women WellChild (Registered as The WellChild Trust) The Wellcome Trust Wessex Medical Trust William Harvey Research Foundation World Cancer Research Fund Yorkshire Canc Research Action Medical Research Action on Addiction The Alcohol Education & Research Council Alzheimer’s Research Trust Alzheimer’s Society Arthritis Research UK Association for International Cancer Research Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Asthma UK Ataxia - Telangiectasia Society Ataxia UK BackCare Bardhan Resear and Education Trust of Rotherham Beit Memorial Fellowships for Medical Research Blackie Foundation Trust Blond McIndoe Research Foundation Brain Research Trust Breakthrough Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Campaign British Council for Prevention of Blindness British Heart Foundation British Liver Trust British Lung Foundation The British Neurologic Research Trust British Occupational Health Research Foundation The British Orthopaedic Association The British Pain Society British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society British Scoliosis Research Foundation British Sjögren’s Syndrome Association British Skin Foundation BUPA Foundation Cancer Research UK CFS Research Foundation Chest, Heart and Stro
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