IMPLANT PARTS UNIQUE Now This Is Interesting - The RedBerry is a course, aggressive disc, yet it leaves a super smooth surface on your restoration that’s ready for final polishing! That’s industry unique, and we are certain you have never experienced a diamond tool that performs like the RedBerry. The Company For Dental Solutions Order No. $45.00 B612-BLUM For Zirconia & Lithium™Disilicate RedBerry Medium BlueBerry 26 mm Lithium Disilcate Disc BlueBerry™ $45.00 Coarse · 26mm Knife Edge Order No. B611-REDC Coarse RedBerry 26 mm Zirconia Disc Inclusive Scanning $725.00 Abutment Kit Complete Kit FG KIT Medium · 26mm Knife Edge Wagner Wagner Precision Rotary Instruments has developed Amazing Final Shine and providedThe lab ceramists with unique rotary instruRotary Instruments ments specically for use with Precision harder materials So it’s almost timethe to get your completed restoration off to the dentist’s of-fice. But first it’s time zirconia and lithium disilicate for years. Compatible with 27forof the most - 1.201.541.9700 that final high1.888.223.2231 shine appearance. Whether your restoration has been fabricated using zirconia, lithium disili-cate or traditional high fusing feldspathic ceramic, our Golden Eagle pol-ishers will get These instruments are now available in FG and RA popular implant platforms! the side job done quickly. Your restorations design for chair use. Our proprietary RedBerry, will have a truly amazing final shine due to the increased diaCall to order the Inclusive Prosthetic Catalog! content we have in-fused into each polisher. BlueBerry andmond GoldenBerry instruments are infused with a high concentration of uniquely cut diamond particles. RedBerry (Coarse) and BlueBerry (Medium) contour and shape aggres-sively, yet stay cool while leaving a super smooth surface. .00 Analogs $65effortlessly Our Golden-Berry, creates a super high Order We No. are certain you have never experishine surface. 641- Finaltool Highthat Shine Gray knife enced a diamond performs like26mm these. (5 pack only) ($13 each) Bite Verification Cylinder (Includes screws) E. & O.E. itanium Esthetic Abutments (Includes screws) .00 $35 (each) * Prices are subject to change without notice. ITEM # ZRDENTIST Sales - 112 Tel: 905.479.2500 Toll Free: 1.800.387.5031 | .00 $85 (each) Titanium Abutments (Ti Base with screw) $50.00 UCLA’s Starting From .00 $40 (each) EALTH CANADA APPROVED! The Company for.00 $105 Cad/Cam Solutions Our FG diamonds also offer a unique diamond shape that allows for a fast, safe final adjustment. Our CC8 and CC9 will effortlessly cut through a zirconia crown. $41.00 (each) We stock restorative components for most popular implant companies! *PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE el: 905.479.2500 Toll Free: 1.800.387.5031 Sales - 118 Talladium Discs 98 mm Discs 10 mm 12 mm 14 mm 16 mm 18 mm 20 mm 25 mm High Strength #5113 #5126 #5114 #5127 #5128 #5129 #5130 High Trans #5142 #5143 #5144 #5145 #5146 #5147 #5148 100 mm Discs 10 mm 12 mm 14 mm 16 mm 18 mm 20 mm High Strength #5107 #5108 #5109 #5110 #5111 #5112 High Trans #5139 #5135 #5136 #5137 #5140 #5141 *Lifetime Waranty Shaded Zirconia 98 mm Discs 14 mm 20 mm 25 mm Item# #5136 (A1- D4) #5141 (A1- D4) #5174 (A1- D4) Chrome Cobalt 98 mm Discs 98 x 12 mm 98 x 18 mm Item# #5244 #5247 Grade 5 Discs 98 x 12 mm 98 x 18 mm Item# #5240 #5237 Ti-cam Discs 98 mm Discs Grades 5 - 2 8 - 30mm Tilite Discs Tilite’s proprietary formula is based on the same science that NASA used in the fabrication of the porcelain fusedto-metal heat shield for the Apollo Space Program. Manufactured in several coefficients of expansion, Tilite is able to absorb heat and expand at the same rate as the type of porcelain being used, thus eliminating stresses and forming an excellent bond. Today, with over 150 million units in the mouth worldwide, Talladium Tilite Allots have set the standard that all other alloys aspire to in the dental industry. 95 mm 10 - 30mm 98 mm 10 - 30mm 100 mm 10 - 30mm Multi Layer PMMA Discs Multi-layer PMMA discs offer dental technicians an innovative pre-shaded acrylic resin material, which can be used for temporary crowns and bridges. The multicolored PMMA discs incorporate three shades perfectly blended together, giving the restoration a truly natural look. 98 mm Shade A1- D4 Super Clear PMMA Discs Are used to create clear night guards and implant surgical guides. They also can be used for long span bridgework where warpage may be an issue using wax. 98 mm Discs 15 mm 20 mm Item# #5229 #5329 Wax 100 mm Discs 15 mm 20 mm Item# #5332 #5342 Sintering Beads 95/98/100 mm Discs Blue Wax Green Wax Brown Wax Diagnostic CAD/CAM A. Sintering Beads 0.5 mm 1 lb Jar #501 2 mm 1 lb Jar #502 Sintering Trays C. Sintering Trays Item #5050 Master Mill Talladium is a proud distributor for the MASTERmill machine, we can help move your lab into the future with the CAD/CAM innovation. - Zirconia, PMMA and Wax Dental Milling Machine - Laptop and CAD/CAM software included - Easy to operate with user-friendly DentalCAM software - No previous milling experience required - Extremely compact design - Automatic tool changer with tool length required - Built in monitoring systems: Tool breakage and compressed air - The Jager high frequency spindle is isolated from the cutting chamber, Item# #20426 preventing the abrasive zirconia dust from damaging the spindle. - Quiet, precise and clean CAD/CAM Milling Tools Toold for DM Item# #1 #5301 #2 #5302 #3 #5303 #4 #5304 #5 #5305 #9 #5309 Size 1/8 x 11/2 x .125 with .375 LOR Orange ring 1/8 x 11/2 x .079 with .800 LOR Black ring 1/8 x 11/2 x .040 with .650 LOR Red ring 1/8 x 11/2 x .025 with .400 LOR White ring 1/8 x 11/2 x .030 with Green ring 1/8 x 11/2 x .015 with Yellow ring Pekkton® – The future of dentistry High-performance polymers are clearly the way forward: flexibility of use, resistance, dimensional stability, toughness and abrasion resistance are just a few of their attributes. In dentistry they complement both precious metals and ceramic materials. Cendres+Métaux is convinced of the advantages of non-metallic materials and is therefore expanding its existing range of solutions and materials. In so doing, we are not focusing on some arbitrary product but, with Pekkton®*, we are exclusively presenting to you the pinnacle of thermoplastic high-performance polymers. Now you can mill or press Pekkton for your polymer sub-structure to be veneered! Pekkton ivory - Organic high-performance polymer for crowns and bridges, implant & restoration. Long-term temporary, veneered single crown and three-unit bridge. BruxZir Milling Blanks BruxZir Milling Blanks are used for the production of full-contour zirconia crowns, bridges and implant crowns. Made from the highest quality zirconia powder, which is chemically and physically reprocessed to further reduce zirconia particle size and then shaped through a unique patent-pending process, BruxZir Milling Blanks produce a final restoration that exhibits maximum strength and translucent pearl essence. BruxZir Milling Blanks fit many popular milling systems. Pricing (Cnd).* Size (mm) $175 12mm $225 15mm $305 20mm $340 25mm *All prices are subject to change. BruxZir HT Milling Blanks BruxZir HT Milling Blanks BruxZir HT Milling Blanks for use in BruxZir Milling System, Intelitek, Haas and Roeders milling machines in a high-translucency formulation for the fabrication of full-contour restorations. This blank is manufactured with straight edges. for use in Digital Dental Mill in a high -translucency formulation for the fabrication of full-contour restorations. This blank is manufactured with a 6 mm plastic band glued around the circumference of the disc. for use in Wieland/Zeno Mills, i-core and Origin milling machines in a high-translucency formulation for the fabrication of full-contour restorations. This blank is manufactured with a 10 mm band machined around the circumference of the disc. BruxZir Shaded Final VITA Shade 100 A1, B1, C1 200 A2, A3, B2 300 A3.5, B3, C2, D2, D3, D4 400 A4, B4, C3, C4 The New BruxZir™ Shaded Zirconia Milling Blanks provide improved shade consistency with complete shade penetration throughout the entire BruxZir® Solid Zirconia crown or bridge restoration. It is available in four separate blanks, which cover all 16 VITA Classical shades. Simple staining and glazing techniques provide a natural-looking final result. RESTORATIVE PARTS RMPLANT DENTAL SOLUTIONS THE COMPANY FOR DENTAL SOLUTIONS BruxZir Coloring Liquids RESTORATIVE RATIVE IMPLANT PARTS NT PARTS • Keyed to 16 VITA Classical shades • Thorough penetration throughout crown to ensure predictable shades • Clear liquid offers visual cue to replace the liquid if any discoloration is observed • Dilution bottle for greater shade control and customization Inclusive Scanning Abutment Kit The Inclusive Scanning Abutment Kit paired with the 3Shape Abutment Designer module allows labs to retain complete control of the custom abutment design process. It allows for additional savings when using Glidewell’s precision implant milling services. This powerful combination opens access to custom implant solutions for 27 of the most popular implant platforms. For an in-house custom abutment solution, combine a BruxZir Milling System, 3Shape Abutment Designer software, Inclusive Scanning Abutment Kit and 3 mm abutments to design and mill zirconia abutments on site. ive Scanning $725.00 NTAL SOLUTIONS ment Kit Complete Kit ATIVE mpatible with 27 of the most PARTS .00 Inclusive Scanning • Providesplatforms! access to the Glidewell Laboratories precision implant milling solutions opular implant $725 nium Abutments $50.00 .00 itanium Esthetic .00 Abutments .00 Base with screw) (each) $85 er $65 (each) (Includes screws) pack only)(each) Sales - 118 $35 s) 13 each) .00 A’s Starting From $40 .00 Titanium Abutments (each) $50 .00 Base with screw) components $35 (each) .00restorative ts(each) We(Tistock for (each)popular implant companies! s) most $85 *PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE $40 $85 479.2500 Toll Free: 1.800.387.5031 (each) (each) s $50.00 We stock restorative components for .00 UCLA’s Starting From .00 (each) platforms! $50.00 .00 sthetic Abutments (5 pack only) Cylinder .00 $85 Bite Verification $35 7(Includes of($13 theeach) most (each) screws) screws) (each) (Includes .00 $40 (each) .00 manufacturers. Manufactured prosthetic components are produced in an ISO 13485 leading implant g Catalog! $725 .00 certified environment in Irvine, California. Kit gs Complete $65 • Nobel Biocare • Straumann • BIOMET 3i Certain • ASTRA TECH • Zimmer Screw-Vent • BioHorizon $65.00 *PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Analogs.00$65 Call to order rification Cylinder $35 abutments, along with analogs, screws, temporary and UCLA abutments, digital and conventional (5 pack only) the Inclusive (each) transfer copings, and more. ($13 Inclusive components are compatible with several of the industry’s other (Includes screws) each) Prosthetic Analogs ant platforms! .00Include a wide array of esthetic and multi-unit titanium Prosthetic Components (5 pack only) ($13 each) .00 $35 (each) Solutions We stock restorative components for most popular implant companies! UCLA’s Starting From $65 Complete Kit.00 Analogs rder pack only) platforms! usive popular (5implant ($13 each) etic h 27INCLUSIVE of the most Dental Implant og! Titanium Abutments (Ti Base with screw) • Available for laboratory and Intraoral applications • Complete Inclusive Custom Abutment Library for 3Shape scanners Call to order the Inclusive Prosthetic Catalog! Bite Verification Cylinder (Includes screws) .00 $85 (each) .00 $725 Compatible with 27 of the most Titanium Esthetic Abutments (Includes screws) HEALTH CANADA APPROVED! ning Tel: 905.479.2500 Toll Free: 1.800.387.5031 Abutment Kit with 27 ofComplete • Compatible the most popular Kit implant platforms ZCADTM Temp EstheticTM Multi-layer composite for long term temporaries in the anterior region. Finally. An esthetic anterior temp solution. ZCAD Temp Esthetic is the new solution for the CAD/CAM manufacture of highly esthetic, insisal layered temporary restorations in the anterior region. Highlights Highlights • For long term temporary restorations with • High colour stability a wear period of up to twelve months. • Biocompatibility • Unmatched esthetic performance • High Strength • Advanced translucency • Polishes easily to a high luster ZCADTM Temp FixTM Monochromatic polymer for long term temporaries in the posterior region. Cross linked polymer for posterior restorations. For the CAD/CAM manufacture of esthetic, long term temporary restorations in the posterior region. Highlights • For long term temporary restorations with a wear period of up to twelve months. • Esthetic performance • High colour stability • Biocompatibility • Excellent translucency • High Strength • Polishes easily to a high luster ZCADTM Poly CastTM Acrylate polymer blocks which burn out clean for casting and press technique. Totally stable for precise frame design. For the CAD/CAM manufacture of ‘wax-ups’ for casting and press technique. Also used for drilling templates and fit check. Totally stable and burns out clean. The material is composed of a filler-free polymer, which burns ash free and totally clean. Stronger than traditional waxes, PolyCast eliminates bridge warping, and is excellent for the fabrication of metal crown and bridge substructures. ZCADTM Wax PressTM Optimizing modeling wax for precise casting of metal and press ceramic units. Optimized for intricate high speed milling. Made of an ash-free modeling wax fully optimized for efficient manufacturing of highly precise crown and bridge framework. Highlights • Manufacture copings and bridges for burnout techniques • Use as a surgical guide template • Rigid material eliminates shrinkage and warping • Burns out clean without residue • Used to check fit of final restoration Swiss NF Ceramic for Zirconia The SNFPressCeram™- Zirconia is a low fusing (780°C) dental ceramic, used for the production of crowns and bridges made of Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) based frameworks. The newly developed chemical composition of the primary materials, their structure and particle distribution, guarantees an easy, straightforward and safe application without a lengthy cooling process. The SNF PressCeram™- Z layering ceramic is available in a wide range of shades according to the Vita® shade system. Also, combining translucence and opalescence allows for aesthetic, high-quality, natural-looking results. Zirconia Staining Kit Stain & Glaze Technique Mix the Glaze Powder and Glaze Liquid to achieve a thick, honey-like consistency. Apply a thin layer of glaze to the restoration to start. This will assist the stain to stay in place. Apply stains where needed and use the ‘Stain Fixation Bake - Core’ parameter. Repeat if necessary. Once the proper shade has been achieved, apply the mixed glaze medium to the entire restoration and use the ‘Core Stain & Glaze’ firing parameter. PressCeramTM Glaze Spray ZIrconia Liner No more clumpy paste liners! Simply spray on the liner material, wait a few seconds for No more clumpy paste liners! Simply spray the mixture to dry, and then fire according the liner The material, wait a few to on the directions. results will amaze you!seconds for the mixture toofdry, and then Smooth even layers porcelain appliedfire at according a thickness of less than 1/10 1mm, while to the directions. The of results will amaze you! still retaining the translucency! Smooth even layers of porcelain applied at a thickness of less than 1/10 of 1mm, while still retaining the translucency! • Stain and Glaze in One Firing • Glaze Multiple Units in Seconds • Reduce Labor Costs • Increase Production Efficiency & Maintain Detailed Stain • Characterizations • Won’t Puddle at Margins • Glaze High Fusing Porcelains • And Pressed Ceramics final polishing! That’s industry unique, and we are certain you have never experienced a diamond tool that performs like the RedBerry. $45 CAD/CAM Consumables Order No. RedBerry™ .00 Order No. $45.00 RedBerry™ B612-BLUM Medium BlueBerry 26 mm Lithium BlueBerry™ B612-BLUM Medium BlueBerry 26 mm Lithium Disilcate Disc The RedBerry offers a coarse grit and is usually preferred for contouring zirconia. However, some ceramists also like BlueBerry™ to use the RedBerry for contouring lithium disilicate. $45.00 $45.0 Coarse · 26mm Knife Edge Coarse · 26mm Knife Edge The BlueBerry offers a medium grit and is usually preferred Order No. for contouring lithium disilicate. However, some ceramists B611-REDC Coarse RedBerry 26 mm Zirconia Disc also like to use the BlueBerry for contouring zirconia. No. Medium · 26mm Knife Edge EDC Coarse RedBerry 26 mm Zirconia Disc Mediumdiamond · 26mm Knife Edge and size combined with a special binder to ensure zirconia and The Diacool line offers unique shape Wagner lithium disilicate restorations stay cool, thereby reducing the possibility of creating micro fractures while grinding. The Amazing Final Shine Precision Rotary Instruments So it’s almost time to get your completed restoration off to the dentist’s of-fice. But first it’s time - 1.201.541.9700 # 401 for#that shine #appearance. your restoration has been using zirconi # 405 # 404 # 403 C # 402 C fabricated # 408 # 407 # 409Whether 402 # 4031.888.223.2231 # 410 406 final high SmallShine Wheel Pre-Mounted Lens, Knife Tapered Small Inverted LargefusingInverted Small Tapered Large Wheel Large disili-cate he Amazing Final lithium or traditional high feldspathic ceramic, our Golden Eagle pol-ishers will 15x3.5 Edge Small Wheel Barrel Barrel Cone Cone Barrel Barrel Barrel 22x2 Wheel Precision Rotary Instruments the job first doneit’squickly. restorations amazingCOURSE final shine due to the increased o it’s almost time to get your completed restoration But time Your 22x2 off to the dentist’s of-fice. 12x2.5 COURSE Large a trulySmall 6.5x13 will have 4.8x13 3.5x11 22x4.5 mond content we have in-fused into each polisher. GRIT GRIT - 1.201.541.9700 r that final high1.888.223.2231 shine appearance. Whether your restoration has been fabricated using zirconia, # 401 # 405 # 404 # 403 C # 402 C # 408 # 407 # 409 # 402 # 403 # 410 # 406 hium disili-cateSmall or traditional high fusing feldspathic ceramic, our GoldenLarge Eagle pol-ishers will Small get Wheel Pre-Mounted Lens, Knife Tapered Small Inverted Inverted Large Tapered Large Wheel e job done quickly. Your restorations a truly amazing due to the increased dia15x3.5 Edge Small Wheel will have Barrel Barrel Cone Cone Barrel Barrel Barrel 22x2final shineWheel 22x2 12x2.5 COURSE COURSE Small Large 6.5x13 4.8x13 3.5x11 22x4.5 ond content we have in-fused into each polisher. Wagner The Company For Dental Solutions For Zirconia & Lithium Disilicate Friction Grip Diamonds $41 GRIT GRIT .0 Order No. 641- Final High Shine Gray knife 26mm $41 .00 No. nal High Shine Gray knife 26mm Our friction grip diamonds are meticulously triple layered with uniquely shaped particles. Only minimal pressure against the restoration is required to obtain maximum results. Our FG diamonds are long lasting and available in a variety of shapes and grits. We can also produce custom shapes / grits. Custom bur blocks with your imprint are also available. FG KIT r Precision Rotary Instruments has developed ovided lab ceramists with unique rotary instruFG FG harder FG FG FG specically for use with the materials ORDER 1B 1C 1D 2A NUMBER a and lithium disilicate1Afor years. instruments are now available in FG FG and RAFG FG FG FG FG ORDER for chair side use. Our proprietary RedBerry, 1A 1B 1C 1D 2A 2B NUMBER rry and GoldenBerry instruments are infused high concentration of uniquely cut diamond es. RedBerry (Coarse) and BlueBerry (Medium) ur and shape aggres-sively, yet stay cool while g a super smooth surface. olden-Berry, effortlessly creates a super high surface. We are certain you have never experia diamond tool that performs like these. G diamonds also offer a unique diamond shape lows for a fast, safe final adjustment. Our CC8 C9 will effortlessly cut through a zirconia crown. FG 2B FG 2C FG 2C FG 2D FG 2E FG 2F FG 3A FG 3B FG 4A FG 4B FG 4C FG 4D SHERA Cad-Cam Stone FG 2D FG 2E FG 2F FG 3A FG 3B FG 4A FG 4B FG 4C FG 4D FG 5A FG 5A • Super hard stone, superior quality • For implant technique, for sectioned and master models • Can be scanned with several systems • Good thixotropic quality and very good flow characteristics • Ideal for plastic basing systems $105 ITEM # ZRDENTIST .00 FG 5B FG 5B FG 5C FG 5C FG 5D FG 5D 461 Alden Road, Unit 26 & 27 Markham, ON L3R 3L4 Toll Free: 1.800.387.5031 Tel:(905) 479.2500 Fax: (905)479.2502 email: Sales-125
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