Connolly Primary School News Newsletter 3 3 March 2015 Dear Parents and Community Members Welcome to Week Five Important Dates Tuesday 3 March New Parent Morning Tea Friday 6 March Yr 5/6 T20 Cricket Tournament Monday 9 March Year 5/6 Swimming Lessons commence Wednesday 11 March P&C Meeting / AGM With This Newsletter Disco Volunteer Form ECE Raffle Tickets Term Dates Term 1 2 February - 2 April Term 2 20 April - 3 July Term 3 20 July - 25 September Term 4 12 October - 17 December Telephone: 9300 2199 Facsimile: 9300 0050 Email: Website: I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. We continue to be very busy, with lots going on. Edudance Edudance has started and our students from PP to Year 4 are really enjoying their lessons. They are all working towards their concerts, which will be held in Week 9. Interim Reports Interim reports will be sent home this term. The interim report is a summary of your child‟s effort during the first term of the school year. The report does not give academic grades, as these will be detailed in the end of semester report. School Board A School Board meeting was held last week and a parent representative and two staff representatives stood down as their term of office had expired. I would like to thank Ms Diane Coates for all her efforts as a Parent Representative. Mr Andrew Kaluzynski and Mrs Joy Loffelmann stood down as Staff Representatives and I extend my thanks to them for all their work. Diane, Joy and Andrew have been inaugural board members who have guided the school through the process of becoming an Independent Public School, overseeing a huge change in Administration and contributing to the external IPS Review. They have worked tirelessly on behalf of our school and I extend a huge thank you from the entire community. This means that we need to elect new members to the board. After discussion the board agreed to increase the parent representation to five, so there are two parent positions available. These are elected positions and anyone interested in becoming a board member should send an expression of interest to me, no later than Friday 6 March 2015, at: I will then send out the application form and organise an election. I will follow a similar process with staff. I would hope to have the process finished so new members can attend the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday 25 March 2015. Annual Report 2014 At the board meeting I presented a draft of the School Annual Report for 2014. This was accepted by the board and it is now on the Education Department‟s Schools Online website and our school website. Links are detailed below: Assembly On Friday, Jarrah 3 entertained us with two poems and a limerick. The students spoke beautifully and looked amazing all dressed up! A big thank you to Mrs Loffelmann- it is not easy preparing younger students so early in the year. Excellence Learning Innovation Care Page 2 Connolly Primary School News Nature Play Area On Thursday, we held our official opening of the nature play area in the Kindy/Pre-primary playground. Councillor Tom McLean, Mrs Bryden and Mr and Mrs Scales were guests of honour and Nicholas and Harry did the honours by untying the ribbon. The younger students then had an extended play. We are now planning Phase Two of the playground in the K/PP area. Staff Congratulations to Mr Walker and Mrs Jones for successfully completing the Rottnest Swim. The conditions were less than ideal, but they made it in 8 hours and 50 minutes. Mrs Newton and I attended a National Quality Standards Core Schools Forum in Fremantle on 17 and 18 February. We met with schools from all over the state who, along with us, have been selected to be fast tracked so that we can then help surrounding schools with the implementation of this Australia wide project. David Womersley, Principal From the Associates Swimming Lessons Don‟t forget that the Year 5 and 6 students commence their swimming lessons at Mullaloo Beach next week. Thank you those families who have returned the permission slip and payment. If you have not done so already, please ensure this is done ASAP. Card Club Following a request from students, the school will be starting a lunchtime club for those Year 3-6 students with an interest in trading card games. This will be held once a week, and will be supervised by Mr Marshall. Numbers for each week will be limited, and we would like to remind students and parents that the school does not take responsibility for loss or damage of cards which students choose to bring in. Awesome Work It has been great having students share their awesome work with us up in the office. Apart from some great masks being made in Japanese (more on that later in the newsletter), the office staff were lucky enough to see a special drama performance by the students of Banksia 1 based on “Dunbi the Owl.” We also really enjoyed sharing in Adam‟s (Banksia 2) narrative about the dragon he had constructed. Awesome work! Excellence Learning Innovation Care Page 3 Playground Behaviour This year, the school has implemented a three-strike policy regarding inappropriate playground behaviours. Students who breach the playground behaviour expectations on three occasions will then receive an additional consequence. The school will notify parents after the second and third strikes. This initiative is aimed at targeting those students who repeatedly demonstrate inappropriate playground behaviours. Tell a Teacher If you child is experiencing difficulty in the playground or with another student it is important to tell a teacher, as many problems can be solved on the day it occurs. Lost Property We are collecting numerous items in the lost property box, please check it regularly for items which belong to your children. Robert Marshall, Trudy Jones & Chris Walker, Associate Principals WaLker’s Words This Friday is the Milo Super 8’s Cricket tournament. Selected students will participate in the round robin competition is held at Kingsway Reserve. Notes have been sent home and if students have not returned their permission forms with payment, please do so ASAP to allow your child to participate. Good luck to all the students. Chris Walker, Physical Education Specialist The Japanese “Bean Throwing Festival” is an annual event held on the 3 of February. It is customary to throw roasted soybeans while chanting in order to prevent evil ogres from entering one's house. It is believed that the ogres are warded off by throwing beans, and that good fortune will then come to one's home. As part of a class activity the students of Jarrah 4 made face masks. Nori Kumagai, LOTE teacher Excellence Learning Innovation Care Page 4 Connolly Primary School News Easter Raffle The Early Childhood team are holding an Easter Raffle. Monies raised will go towards purchasing resources for the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary classes. Tickets are 3 for $2.00 and have been sent home today. Print your name on the back of the tickets and return money and tickets to your class by 26 March. Tickets will go into the draw to win the prize basket. The draw will take place on Friday 27 March. ECE Staff Assembly Prizes At our assembly last Friday the following students won prizes: Faction Tokens Tally To Date Gotcha Cards: Dylan (B2), Alex (T4), Trinity (W3) and Jazmyn (J4) Kangaroos - 74 Taiyo (B2) and Leo (J1) won the commendation prizes. Goannas - 66 Ella (T3), Eva (T3) and Faith (T3) all received Upstander Awards. Dingoes - 58 Emus - 56 Congratulations and well done!!! Chris Walker, Associate Principal VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS RAFFLE DRAW Please support our school by paying the 2015 Voluntary Contribution. By doing so, your family will go into the draw to win some great prizes from local businesses. 2015 Voluntary Contribution Payment Slip If you have not yet paid the 2015 Voluntary Contribution, please attach this slip to an envelope with payment and complete the details below. By paying the Voluntary Contribution before Friday, 29th of May, you will be in the running to win some great prizes. The raffle draw will be held at the Assembly. Voluntary Contributions 2015 Per child - $60 Contributions to Chaplaincy Fund (per child) - $5 Contributions to Library Fund (per child) - $10 Please find enclosed cash/chq payment for the 2015 Voluntary Contributions. I have made an online payment to Connolly Primary School BSB 016-338 Account 340956519 using my child‟s full name and „VC‟ as a reference and confirming payment by email to Name of eldest child: ………….………………………………………………………………………………….. Room : …………………………… Name of parent/guardian: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………… Excellence Learning Innovation Care Page 5 P & C News The Uniform Shop is open on Canteen Roster Wednesdays from 2:30pm - 3:15pm and Thursdays from 8:30 - 9:00am or by appointment on 0427 801 586. Alternatively orders and payment can be left at the school office. Monday 2 March: Tuesday 3 March Wednesday 4 March: Thursday 5 March: Friday 6 March: Monday 9 March Tuesday 10 March: Wednesday 11 March: Thursday 12 March: Friday 13 March: PUBLIC HOLIDAY HELP NEEDED Lyn Howsam Sharon Brooke Carole Marsh HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED Lyn Howsam Sharon Brooke Carole Marsh Kylie and Jenny Sharon Brooke, Uniform Shop Coordinator Disco News Term 1 Disco will be held on Friday 27 March in the Undercover Area. Parent help is essential at the school disco, so if you can help please see the REQUEST NOTE FOR DISCO VOLUNTEERS attached with this newsletter. Please consider volunteering to assist this important fundraising event. Please note the time changes and Year 3 students have the option of attending the Junior OR Senior Disco. Please note only current Connolly Primary School students are permitted to attend this event and that volunteers must be adults. Sandy Brennan Disco Co-ordinator 0435 136 731 Excellence Learning Innovation Care Page 6 Connolly Primary School News P & C News Entertainment Value Book The P&C will be selling the Entertainment books, both digital for the phone and the hard copy book in 2015. The books are $65 each. A pre-order form will be sent home at the beginning of March. Books will be available from mid May and they will be delivered to the school. There is no limit to the number of books you can order so orders can be made for family and friends. Jenny Susac, Fund-Raising Committee P & C AGM The Annual General Meeting of the P&C Association will be held on Wednesday 11 March. Nominations are called for the following positions:*President *Vice President (2) *Secretary *Treasurer *School Council Representatives (3) *Canteen Co-ordinator *Uniform Co-ordinator *Fundraising Co-ordinator *Road Safety Co-ordinator *Health Co-ordinator *Safety House Co-ordinator Interested parents may complete the nomination slip below and return it to the school office. Connolly Primary School P & C Annual General Meeting 2015 Nomination Form I would like to nominate for the position of: …………………………………………………………………………………………… Name: ………………………………………………………………….……………………………………… Signature: ……………………………………………………………….…………………………………….. Phone: ………………………...…………………………… Excellence Learning Innovation Care Page 7 Connolly Primary School News Community News DRUMMING LESSONS KEYBOARD LESSONS AT CPS Gordon Jansen has vacancies for drum students (group or individual) on Tuesdays at Connolly Primary School. There are still some vacancies for students from Pre-Primary to Year Six for Term One. Please contact Margot on 0414 077 643 with any queries about the Keyboard Program. Lessons are also available at WANGARA after school hours. Email: Please call 0421 713 182 for details. Excellence Learning Innovation Care Page 8 Connolly Primary School News Community News OSHClub News Before School / After School Care Program Program Update This week‟s theme will be all about different occupations, this was a suggestion from one of our children so we are hoping to have some fun with this. Just a reminder that we have an ink cartridge recycling box in our room for the whole of the school to use so please feel free to bring in your old cartridges. I would like to remind families to please bring in a hat for your children, while we do supply Suncream we do not have enough hats for everybody and we have a strict no hat no play policy at Oshclub. I would also like to remind parents to please book your children in online whenever possible. We have been having a lot of casual bookings lately, especially on Mondays and while we do try our best to accommodate there may be a time, when due to lack of staff we have to turn children away. We have an easy online booking system which can be used up until 9pm the previous evening. If you have forgotten to book please ring the centre phone before arriving to ensure there is space. A reminder of our number 0478 079 375. It is also very important that you inform us if your child will not be attending an after school session. We have a strict policy on children not arriving and if we are unable to contact a parent then the police will be informed, this is to protect your children so please inform us of non attendance as soon as possible. Thank you from all of the staff at Oshclub Connolly Next Week’s Activities: Occupations Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Before Care Activities Public Holiday Doctors Stethoscope Paper cup Fireman Occupation exploration Teacher Portraits After Care Activities Public Holiday Clay pinch pots Apple slice Occupation posters Bread dough pots Parent Information OSHC program phone: 0478 079 375 Coordinator: Fiona Allen Assistants: Elna Phipps & Veronica Tucci OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. Excellence Learning Innovation Care
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