THE CROSS AND COMPASS Volume 18 10 Issue 3 “The Hardest Working Council in the Carolinas” Official Publication of St. Matthew Council 10852 Knights of Columbus 9009 Bryant Farms Road March 2015 The Grand Knight’s Note: Prayer, Penance, and Loving Service! As Knights, we live a fantastic life of serving others less fortunate than us. Based on our St. Matthew Council 10852 programs, we serve hundreds of men, women and children each month. We all should be very proud. However, I believe we are only fulfilling 33% of what God is asking of us as Knights. Inside this issue: Page The Grand Knight’s Notes …... 1 The Grand Knight’s 2 Notes (Cont.) ……… The Chaplain’s Notepad…….. 3 The Chaplain’s 4 Notepad (Cont.)…….. We are in the beginning of Lent. How is it going? Anything change for Lent? How is your prayer life? Daily or just on Sundays? Are you growing closer in your relationship with Christ? Best bud or a distant friend? Been to confession lately? Why not? Without confession, our Soul gets very hardened and Charity falls from the top of our priority list. As Knights, we must have a daily prayer and attend regular confession, I would suggest monthly at a minimum! I would like to share with you what I pulled from my Lenten Retreat, take the time this month for: Culture of Life Corner 5 …………... Prayer--has to do with the health of our love for God, and it is the top of the fountain, where all the water flows from. Communion Breakfast Save the Date …… Penance-- has to do with the health of love for ourselves, and the discipline and self-sacrifice that this required in our fallen world; it is the second level of the fountain that gets filled up by the overflow from the top. 6 Happy Birthday ….. LAMB Update ……. 7 Fr.. Schellberg Golf Raffle ………. The Fear Factor .….. 8 Council News …….……. 9 Council News (Cont.) 10 …….……. Council News (Cont.) 11 …….……. Loving service --has to do with the health of our love for those around us, especially the ones in most need – the third and usually the biggest level of the fountain, which fills up from the overflow of the first two levels. I like the imagery, just like our fountain at St. Matthew and our fountain at SCBC. Need to work our way to the top! (Continued) Page 2 The Cross and Compass The Grand Knight’s Note (Continued) Announcement: We are posting our new web site on Wednesday, March 4th. We will use the same URL ( as in the past. We welcome any suggestions or comments! We will be sharing the new site at this month Business Meeting TUESDAY, March 3. We are striving to be better communicators about all that we do and opportunities for your participation to grow in our principals of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. In case you missed it, our March Business Meeting will be Tuesday, yes, TUESDAY night, March 3 for dinner at 6pm, First Degree at 7 followed by our Business Meeting and Social hour. One new wrinkle to the site that I do not want to go unnoticed, we say, Knights of Columbus “In Service to One. In Service to All.” With our new site, we will emphasize, Knights of Columbus, “Becoming Better Catholic Men, Husbands, and Fathers.” My hope and prayers are for all of us to work just as hard on the 67% as we do on the Loving Service 33%. Begin that effort during Lent; Prayer, Alms, Sacrifice! And use this time to Become Better Catholic Men, Husbands, and Fathers in all that we do as Knights. Easy way to measure your progress is ask your wife, does she say your are spending to much time ‘volunteering for everything’ or is she saying, go be a Knight, because when you return home, “I see a Better Catholic Man, a Better Catholic Husband, a Better Catholic Father. Have a great Lent! Finally, I would like to congratulate: February Knight of the Month — Randy Vaca February Family of the Month — Norm & John Gemignani Vivat Jesus! Richard O.J. Caron, Grand Knight St. Matthew Council #10852 Cell 770-335-1822 Richard “Rick” Caron, Grand Knight Page 3 March 2015 The Chaplain’s Note Pad: “MAKE YOUR HEARTS FIRM” (JAS 5:8) THE SUMMARY OF THE MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR LENT 2015 Pope Francis began his message for the Lenten season reminding us that “Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each communities and every believer. Above all it is a “time of grace” (2 Cor 6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1 Jn 4:19). He is not aloof from us. Each one of us has a place in his heart. He knows us by name, he cares for us and he seeks us out whenever we turn away from him. He is interested in each of us; his love does not allow him to be indifferent to what happens to us. Usually, when we are healthy and comfortable, we forget about others (something God the Father never does): we are unconcerned with their problems, their sufferings and the injustices they endure… Our heart grows cold. As long as I am relatively healthy and comfortable, I don’t think about those less well off. Today, this selfish attitude of indifference has taken on global proportions, to the extent that we can speak of a globalization of indifference. It is a problem which we, as Christians, need to confront.” Pope Francis’ message comes from three biblical texts to help in renewing us in our relationship with God our father and confronting indifference in the world. The first, Saint Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians 12:26, the Church, “If one member suffers, all suffer together”. He said “The Church offers us this love of God by her teaching and especially by her witness. But we can only bear witness to what we ourselves have experienced. Christians are those who let God clothe them with goodness and mercy, with Christ, so as to become, like Christ, servants of God and others. Every Christian community is called to go out of itself and to be engaged in the life of the greater society of which it is a part, especially with the poor and those who are far away. The Church is missionary by her very nature; she is not self-enclosed but sent out to every nation and people. (Continued) Page 4 The Cross & Compass The Chaplain’s Notepad (Continued) Secondly, from the Book of Genesis 4: 9 “Where is your brother?” He addressed the Parishes and Communities that the teachings and life of Jesus must be applied in whatever situation we find ourselves. The mission of the church is to bear patient witness to the One who desires to draw all creation and every man and woman to the Father. Her mission is to bring to all a love which cannot remain silent. The Church follows Jesus Christ along the paths that lead to every man and woman, to the very ends of the earth (cf. Acts 1:8). In each of our neighbors, then, we must see a brother or sister for whom Christ died and rose again. What we ourselves have received, we have received for them as well. Similarly, all that our brothers and sisters possess is a gift for the Church and for all humanity. Pope Francis wants our parishes and our communities, to become islands of mercy in the midst of the sea of indifference! Thirdly, the letter of saint James 5:8. “Make your hearts firm!” – Individual Christians. Pope Francis recognizes that as human beings we are tempted in different ways especially by indifference. When we see our brothers and sisters suffering, “we often feel our complete inability to help. What can we do to avoid being caught up in this spiral of distress and powerlessness?” He encourages praying in communion with the Church on earth and in heaven, and we should not underestimate the power of so many voices united in prayer. We can also help by way of charity “reaching out to both those near and far through the Church’s many charitable organizations. Lent is a favorable time for showing this concern for others by small yet concrete signs of our belonging to the one human family. Lastly he said that “the suffering of others is a call to conversion, since their need reminds me of the uncertainty of my own life and my dependence on God and my brothers and sisters. If we humbly implore God’s grace and accept our own limitations, we will trust in the infinite possibilities which God’s love holds out to us. We will also be able to resist the diabolical temptation of thinking that by our own efforts we can save the world and ourselves.” In conclusion Pope Francis prayed that “we will make our hearts like that of Jesus, in such a manner we will receive a heart which is firm and merciful, attentive and generous, a heart which is not closed, indifferent or prey to the globalization of indifference. God Bless my Brothers in Christ! Reverend Ambrose A. Akinwande Page 5 March 2015 Culture of Life Corner Council 10852 Culture of Life Committee - Mission Statement: “To reinforce the commitment of the Knights of Columbus to the sanctity of life, by promoting a greater awareness of current ProLife issues and encouraging increased participation by the Knights of Council 10852 in local ProLife activities.” 2015 Spring Campaign We will continue to join with the St. Mathew Respect Life ministry in prayerful vigil at the "Preferred Women's Health Center", 3220 Latrobe Drive each Thursday throughout Lent. All Brother Knights are encouraged to spend at least one hour in this activity. For more information and directions please visit or or contact Norm Stephen ( or 704-243-1152) "Reflections from LATROBE" It was a bitterly cold morning when I pulled up to the "Preferred Women's Health Center" at 3220 Latrobe Drive on the first Thursday of our Spring Vigil Campaign. On the way over, I had wondered what effect the weather would have on our turnout and was quite surprised to see seven hardy souls led by our Mary Pat, bundled up in heavy coats, hats and gloves, already pacing up and down the sidewalk, praying the Rosary. The parking lot was quite full and a number of young women could be seen sitting in their cars, waiting for the abortionist to arrive. One young lady on the sidewalk was using a megaphone to try to reach those women (and others inside the facility) with compassionate appeals to reconsider their decision, come over and receive information and help. Every time a new car would arrive - or one of the women left her car to enter the facility - the others on the sidewalk joined in with their appeals and offers of help. My mind wandered back to that day last September 2014 when our "counselors" had helped one young woman to get assistance to reverse the effects of the "morning after pill" (see Pro-Life Corner, October 2014 Newsletter). I also recalled how many times, at this and other abortion facilities, women driving by (some with little children or infants in the back seat) had stopped to thank our prayer warriors for helping them to make the right decision in their time of need - sometimes just by the sincerity of our presence there. There were a number of men waiting with the women in the cars and eventually one of them came out and walked around his car and I tried to get his attention but he steadfastly avoided any eye or verbal contact. Then I noticed that he was wearing a black sweatshirt with a picture and the words "I Can't Breathe" in bold letters on the front. The irony affected me deeply and I tried harder to get his attention, so that I could talk to him, but he ignored me and returned to his vehicle. I thought, if only I could have worn a shirt with a picture of a baby in the womb, about to be aborted, and the words "I Can't Breathe Either - What's the Difference ?". Later, as I sat in St. Matthews' Church at the 12.10 pm Mass, and looked up behind the altar, that thought quickly left me and I understood why all aborted babies are immediately drawn up to Heaven. 2014 Baby Bottle Campaign The 2014 Baby Bottle campaign has come to a close, with total donations of $12,568.33 - which is our all time highest, but just short of our target. Out of the 1,232 bottles distributed we have a total of 700 returned. Will try something a little different this year to see if we can improve this percentage. If you would like to join the Council 10852 Culture of Life committee or learn more about our activities, please contact Norm Stephen ( or 704-243-1152). Page 6 The Cross and Compass A Date to Remember! Saturday, March 28,2015 5th Annual Founder's Day Communion Breakfast No Charge. Families Invited Watch for Further Details Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to the following Brother Knights who have an March: Dick Alsop Tony Annunziata David Berezin Robert Blake Armen Boyajain Jeffrey Boyle Andrew Burton Steven Canale Thomas Carton James Cavanaugh Timothy Clare David Donovan Thomas Dorazil Michael Dowd Michael Ferris Christopher Finnican Albert Finocchio Thomas Fitzpatrick III Del Gillogly James Gilsdorf Al Gomez Simon Gutierrez Jack Hagopian Patrick Herr Daniel Hines Joe Hughes Bob Johnson Louis Kern Larry Kitzinger Wiliam Martin Ray Martinez Jake Mauth Donald Mead Martin Musialowski Ray Niemeyer III Robert O’Brien John Ott Daniel Peer Thomas Phillips Jeff Prendergst Javier Ramirez Richard Reynolds Bill Sabo Michael Spicer William Stewart Matt Thompson Michael Thompson Joseph Tittl Rory Wall Michael West Robert Wieler Tim Winters Page 7 March 2015 Please mark your calendars and reserve some time to help in this year’s efforts to raise money for LAMB. The first date is Saturday March 14. In the morning we will work Charlotte’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade – a truly fun event. That evening and on Sunday March 15 we will be collecting for LAMB after the weekend masses at St Matthew. Then on Saturday April 11 we have 8 Harris Teeter stores scheduled. Watch for the schedule for the April Harris Teeter stores and please sign up. May God bless all Knights and their families for what they do to help those whom Jesus calls the Least Among My Brothers. Bob Desch, LAMB Director & Past Grand Knight Raffle in honor of Father Gene Schellberg Our 3rd and 4th Degree Chaplain for many years Before Father Schellberg passed away Father donated all of his golf equipment To be raffled off and all proceeds to be used to assist the building of Handicap Access ramps that Operation Exodus builds. Fr. Schellberg has donated his set of clubs, a new pull cart and a set of leather St. Andrews Old Course head covers. We will start selling tickets at the April 18th Pins for Priests Bowl-A-Thon The winning ticket will be drawn on June 2nd at the K of C Golf tournament held at the Old Sycamore Golf Club banquet after the tournament Tickets will be $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 Operation Exodus builds Handicap Access Ramps at no cost of labor and raises funds for those that cannot afford the material costs. Page 8 The Cross & Compass The Fear Factor “Imagining the Face of God” From early on in my life I oriented myself to appreciate art and architecture. As a young teenager I was into oil and water color painting and also drawing humorous cartoons for my high school newspaper. It was in mechanical drawing classes that my interest in architecture developed to the point that my teacher suggested that I might consider choosing architecture as a career, but alas Uncle Sam had other plans for me. For many years thereafter, though, in my professional life I had numerous occasions in my travels to have my eyes opened to great artists like Michelangelo, Van Gogh, Chicago’s Frank Lloyd Wright and the more current favorite in the world of architecture, Maya Lin who designed the magnificent Viet Nam memorial in Washington, D.C. They were trying to teach us with their images and buildings as they charmed us with the beauty of their polished works. We all know the Israelites did not dare make images; still they crafted music and poetry of great beauty in order to be able to grapple with their faith and still convey it to others. As the psalmist once said. “ it’s all with the harp that I will solve my problems”. Early Christians painted images on the wall of the catacombs to convey their faith. St. Luke wrote vividly about Mary in his Gospel and was said to have painted a portrait of the Blessed Virgin. From the early Christian Church until today, art has played a major role in helping spread the gospel. I think you might agree that art is used to remind us that God really did become flesh. If God has a human face artists and filmmakers continue to seek and reveal that face to us. Maybe you are no Michelangelo, Frank Lloyd Wright, Van Gogh or Maya Lin, but I can’t help but wonder if based on your own experiences how you would depict the face of God today if you were called upon to do so? A Blessed Lenten observance to all my Brother Knights and to their loved ones. Vivat Jesus Sir Knight Harry E. Fear Page 9 March 2015 Council News Missionaries Of The Poor Need Our Help: Painting at the Mission of the Poor went well on 211-15. The men painted 2 bedrooms, 2 hallways and also the trim in the main hallway and cleaned the wooden staircase of any paint remnants. We were blessed with the following time, talent and energy of these 9 helpers: Chuck Curtis, Kevin Curry, Norman Gemignani, Bob Waller, Joe Corso, Tom Van Sistine, Tom Larkin, Eddie Doohan and Randy Vaca ( picture taker, so not pictured). Many thanks again to Carol and Bob Wilcocks for another marvelous meal and home made cookies! Sign-Up Genius: As most of you are aware, we have been using Sign-Up Genius for our Parish Breakfast and recently the Lenten Dinner. Our goal is to transition all sign-ups to this system to make it easier for you to volunteer for any Knights event and to keep track of when and where you need to be! We have made it even easier for you to sign-up! Now all Council events are visible when you login to the system. Each event will be listed on individual tabs – just click on the event you want to sign-up for and it’ll take you to that sheet. One thing you can do to make it easier to use Sign-Up Genius – register on the site. It will give you access to all features of the program. Questions or comments, please contact Tom at Page 10 The Cross & Compass Council News (Continued) Parish Breakfast: To say February’s breakfast was a success is an understatement. It was a GREAT success! All thanks to a GREAT crew who worked their tails off serving 526 happy parishioners - 241 after the 9:30 AM Mass!! We netted $2,509.12, over $1,000 above our monthly goal!!! February made up for the low attendance and profits from January’s breakfast. Combined profits from the January and February breakfasts was $3,028 for an average of $1,514 per breakfast - our profit goal is $1,500 per month. Fiscal-Year-To-Date we've netted $9,360, 89.1% of our FYTD goal of $10,500. In March, we will be back in the New Life Center Banquet Room, as the Parish Center's gym will be used for a second 10:45 AM Mass. We will be looking to duplicate February’s numbers, so we'll need lots of volunteers. Look for the new Sign-Up Genius for the March 8th breakfast where we will be honoring St. Joseph and St. Patrick! Operation Exodus: On February 6th, 7th, & 13th, Brother Knights from the St Matthew & St Luke Councils and parishioners from St Gabriel built a ramp for Brother Knight & St Matthew parishioner Peter Bertorelli. Many thanks to: Phil Angelo & Ken Ward (St. Luke Council); John Trojan & Tom Libhardt (St. Gabriel Parish); and Brother Knights for St Matthew Council: Bob Wilcocks, Chuck Elgin, Bob Desch, Jim Gilsdorf, Kevin Curry, John Eichler, Leo Tosto, Ron Schumacher, Norm Gemignani, Hank Kempton, Bob Wilbur, George Schwab, Joe Corso, Ray Palatta, Bruce Congdon & Miguel Santiago. Page11 March 2015 Council News (Continued) BISHOP WILLIAM G. CURLIN TO SPEAK AT COUNCIL’S COMMUNION BREAKFAST MARCH 28 We are pleased to announce that Bishop William G. Curlin who served as Bishop of Charlotte form 1994 until his retirement in 2002 will be the featured speaker at our 4th Annual Communion Breakfast to be held on March 28. The breakfast will follow the 9:00 A.M. Mass at St. Matthew and will celebrate the founding of the Knights of Columbus 133 years ago to the day. Bishop Curlin is noted as a powerful homilist often bringing his listeners to tears when he speaks of his love of God and his stories of reuniting enemies and broken families. The Bishop continues to actively serve the spiritual needs of the Diocese. Additional information on the March 28 breakfast will be found elsewhere in this Newsletter. COUNCIL’S MEMBERSHIP ACTION GROUP RECRUITING FORMER MEMBERS Members of the Councils Membership ACTION Group. Brothers Harry Fear, Tom Larkin, Norm Gemignani and Randy Vaca met recently to begin a mailing to over 300 former Knights who have left the Order in the past 10 years for whatever reason. The thinking was that former Knights are familiar with the ideals of the Knights of Columbus. Although they left the Order at one time, they know what is to participate in the meaningful activities with Brother Knights. The Membership ACTION Group was determined they say, not to overlook these former members in their ongoing recruiting efforts. Results will be announced at a later date. Page 12 The Cross and Compass Council News (Continued) Pins-For-Priests: Our 2nd Annual Pins-4-Priests Bowl-A-Thon, in honor of Reverend Eugene Shellberg, is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th 2015 at Carolina Lanes in Matthews, NC. Last year we raised over $5,000, which went to make upgrades and repairs to the recreation room at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, where four parishioners are in seminary. Our goal this year is $7,500 and to expand participation in the Bowl-A-Thon itself! Proceeds will again benefit the seminarians and priests of our parish. While the proceeds from the Bowl-A-Thon are a large part of the fund raising, donations from sponsors are just as important, especially to cover the cost of the bowling alley, program, food and shirts. We will also have a Silent Auction again this year as part of our fund raising! Sponsor levels will be: GOLD “STRIKE” SPONSOR — $500 Corporate name on posters and T-shirts Ad in Program Half- page Business name recognition & Reserved Lane Sponsorship of four friends and/or seminarians SILVER “SPARE” SPONSOR — $250 Corporate name on posters and T-shirts page Ad in Program Quarter- Business name recognition & Reserved Lane Sponsorship of two friends and/or seminarians BRONZE “AD” SPONSOR — $125 Corporate name on posters Business name listed in Program All this takes volunteers! Volunteers to solicit sponsors and silent auction items. Volunteers to solicit bowling teams from the many St. Matthew ministries and organizations. Volunteers to display the silent auction items at Masses before the Bowl-A-Thon. And volunteers to work at the Bowl-AThon itself! So please look over the list of Volunteer spots on the Sign-Up Genius and chose one and get involved in our newest fund raising efforts. All for the benefit of our seminarians and priests! God Bless! Co-chairmen Norm Gemignani and Tom Larkin Page 13 March 2015 Council News (Continued) Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Youth Scholarship in Honor of Brother Knight William Cameron: See pages 18-20 for Application. Purpose: To support graduating high school seniors related to active members of Knights of Columbus Council 10852 in their efforts to prepare themselves educationally for future vocations enabling them to be financially independent of their parents, strong Catholic adults and able to be gainful citizens. Award. The typical award is one scholarship per year and is valued at $500.00 per year for four years. The scholarship is paid directly to the institution for student expenses. The scholarship does not have to be renewed as long as the student continues the required contact with the Council and service to his or her parish. Who can apply: Must be a graduating high school senior in the year the scholarship is offered. Must be the son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter or brother or sister of a Knight in good standing who is at least a third degree member of Council 10852. Deadline. Applications must be submitted by May 1st. Scholarship announcements will be near the end of June. Applications should be mailed to: Scholarship Applications, Knights of Columbus Council 10852, P.O. Box 49043, Charlotte NC 28277, or maybe emailed to: Guidelines and Other Important Information Applicants will be assessed by a Board made up of members of Knights of Columbus Council 10852 , St Matthews. The Council Youth Director is a member of the Council and will lead the Scholarship process. Scholarship applications should be completed in a legible format and maybe returned if they are unreadable. All essay questions and resumes should be typed. Please contact Deputy Grand Knight Ron Schumacher at and let him know you are interested in applying or if you have any questions. Page 14 The Cross and Compass Council News (Continued) State Vacation Raffle: The State Vacation Raffle tickets will soon be mailed. You will receive 5 tickets , $5.00 each, with a self addressed return envelope included. Please either purchase the 5 tickets, sell the 5 tickets or mail the unsold tickets back ASAP. The Council receives $2.50 for each ticket stub submitted. The Council is obligated to pay $5.00 to the state for any and all non-returned or lost ticket. Please consider this venture as the money received contributes to the many programs that we support. Eucharistic Adoration: The Knights of Columbus Adore the Eucharist each Friday night from 11:00 PM until Midnight. If you schedule permits, please consider signing up for Eucharistic Adoration on an upcoming Friday night. To sign up, please contact Brother Knight Ed Craig, at 704-661-8184 or Nametags: If you need a Knights of Columbus nametag, please send an email to Church Director Ed Craig at Please include the name as you’d like it displayed on the nametag as well as the Degree you’ve attained in the Knights of Columbus (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th) as well as your hometown. Ed will have your new nametag ready for you at the next scheduled St Matthew Knights of Columbus Business/Social Meeting. Annual St Patrick’s Day Parade & Festival: This years annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival will be held on Saturday, March 14th. The Parade starts at 11:00 AM with the Knights of Columbus leading the Parade. We have a banner that states "Knights of Columbus" followed by our Color Guard, Fourth Degree Knights in Regalia or Tuxedo and Social Baldric. We encourage Assembly and Council members to march with us wearing their Assembly or Council shirts or jackets. Council 10852 always participates in the parade by handing out beads and Tootsie Rolls for donations to LAMB. This counts as a LAMB shift and usually lasts approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Volunteers interested in helping collect for LAMB should assemble no later than 10:30 AM at 9th and Tryon in the Hal Marshall parking lot. Norm Smith will be located at the entrance off of Tryon street. Please consider assisting with this outing for Council 10852. We would like to have at least 10-12 participants to work both sides of the street. Please send an email to : if you and your children would like to assist. Page 15 March 2015 Page 16 The Cross and Compass Page 17 March 2015 For the Good of the Order Please pray for the repose of the soul of: Please pray for the following Brother Knights: Bob Wilcocks Simon Gutierrez Nick Bonamo Ken Ostendarp Joe Hughes Jeff Zitel Ray Palatta David Spinks Art Enderle Norm Stephen Harry Fear Please pray for the following friends of Brother Knights: Jack Roth - grandson of Raymond Roth, friend of Norm Gemignani Vivian Chaffey & Clara Seibold, friends of Vic Proccacini Carlo Gagliardo, friend of Vincent Esposito Kim Smith, friend of Richard Caron Hayden, friend of Richard Caron The Franklin Twins AVA (2 pounds, 2 ounces) and KEIRI (2 pounds, 6 ounces) who were born at 28 weeks. These are our "Franklin Twins", whose mother chose life for them after seeing their images on the brand new ultrasound machine which we sponsored for The Smoky Mountain Pregnancy Care Centers last September . Please pray for Deployed Military: Tim Schumacher, nephew of Ron Schumacher Ryan Curry, son of Kevin Curry Craig Thompson Max Robb, son of Jim & Anne Robb Please pray for the following relatives of Brother Knights: Patricia Bair, mother-in-law of Chuck Elgin Linda Nichols, wife of Bill LoPresti Kevina Koval, niece of Nick Cimmento Sylvia Hughes, wife of Joe Hughes Pat Switzer, wife of Ed Switzer Paul Donovan father of David Donovan Ariel Hobbs, granddaughter of Steve Nogy Danny Wilbur, nephew of Bob Wilbur Robin Schumacher, wife of Ron Schumacher Agnes Conor, sister of Michael Hankins Vinnie Marino, son-in-law of Earl Hartenstine Beatrice Elgin, mother of Chuck Elgin Judy Enderle, wife of Art Enderle Sharyn Desch, wife of Bob Desch Mary Alice Dye, mother-in-law of Norm Smith Tom Gove, brother of John Gove Valerie & Natalie, Daughters of Richard Caron Ralph Schmidt, brother of Michael Schmidt NOTE: If you have a relative that you would like to add/continue on the Council 10852 For the Good of the Order List, please contact Newsletter Editor & Past Grand Knight Chuck Elgin at or 704-243-3365 Page 18 The Cross and Compass Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Scholarship Application Please submit the following information typed (not written) in the order below: 1. Basic Information Student’s Name: Name of relative that is a Third Degree member of Council 10852 ( You must be the brother or sister, son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter of a Third Degree Knight of Council 10852. Please verify that they are an active Third Degree member. If you are related to multiple members then please list them all) Names of Students Parents Student’s Address Student’s Phone Number Student’s Email Address I am a senior graduating this year from the following high school: Please list the school you intend to attend and the proposed major or course of study. Please describe in detail why you chose this educational institution and course of study. 2. Please submit a typed resume detailing your accomplishments from 9th grade – Present 3. Please submit a typed document signed by a school official verifying the following information. Current GPA, Class Rank, Expected Date of Graduation, SAT / ACT or any other Standardized Test Scores. Please include the overall score as well as breakout (i.e. Math/ Verbal / Written). Please ensure that the Official’s name, title and contact information are legible. 4. Please submit an official high school transcript 5. Please submit a document signed by your parish priest or member of the parish staff indicating that you are an active member of the parish. You may type this statement out and even list those activities from your resume that you have done within the parish. Please ensure that the name, title and contact information of the parish official or priest is legible. 6. Please submit a statement signed by you that states “you are an active member of whatever parish you attend and that you accept the basic tenets of the Catholic Church most especially the Right to Life” 7. Please submit a separate statement signed by you that states that should you accept the award you will take an active role in some ministry in a local Catholic Church, Catholic Campus Ministry or Newman Center and that you are willing to maintain contact with Knights Council 10852 through the Youth Director or Grand Knight to keep the Council updated on your progress. Page 19 March 2015 Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Scholarship Application 8. Please explain in 700 – 1000 words the importance of your Catholic faith to you and how it impacts your life and how you hope to continue to practice your faith in in the future. 9. You have accomplished a lot in your high school career please explain in 700 – 1000 words the single item you are most proud of accomplishing and explain why. 10. Please tell us in 500 – 700 words why it is important to further your education in the manner you have selected and what you hope to do in the future. Student requirements 1. Students are expected to be forthright and honest in their written and oral presentations 2. Students should be prepared and communicate with the Board if any changes occur 3. Scholarship recipients will be asked to continue to stay in touch with the Council during the time they receive financial support. This may involve a couple of phone calls or emails and perhaps a meeting once a year during school breaks. Students should be accepting of this requirement. 4. Students are expected to maintain at least a “C” average. Overall, grades lower than a “C” average may result in revocation of the scholarship. 5. Students are responsible for obtaining the contact information at the institution chosen so the money may be paid directly to the institution. Scholarships will not be paid directly to the student or his or her family. 6. Students will provide resumes with each packet that will also include: 1. The Application 2. Statement of Verification of Active Catholic Status signed by Pastor 3. Signed statement to accept the basic tenets of the Catholic faith 4. Signed statement to agree to maintain contact once at the end of each semester with the Council and provide status. Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Youth Scholarship Agreement to Maintain Contact As an applicant for the Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Scholarship I agree that should I be awarded the scholarship I will maintain contact with the Council during the time that they support me. This would mean at a minimum informing them of my academic progress at the end of each semester. Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant ____________________________________________________ Date ________________________________ Page 20 The Cross and Compass Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Scholarship Application Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Youth Scholarship Statement of Religious Involvement Name of Applicant ________________________________________________________________ The above named student is applying for a scholarship sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 10852. As part of our scholarship requirements the Council is seeking young men and women who have taken an active role in some manner in their Catholic parish. The applicant is requesting that you validate that they have during their high school career participated actively in a parish activity beyond the normal participation in Mass. The Council appreciates your support of our Catholic youth. Should you have any questions please feel free to Contact the Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus Council 10852 at St Matthews Catholic Church, Charlotte, NC. I, _______________________________________________________________ validate the participation and support the efforts of the above name student to obtain this scholarship. Signed _______________________________________________________________________________ Print Name____________________________________________________________________________ Pastor of : ______________________________________________________________(Name of Church) Date _____________________________ Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Youth Scholarship Statement of Religious Belief As an applicant for the Knights of Columbus Council 10852 Scholarship I attest that I accept the basic tenets that the Catholic Church teaches. Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant ____________________________________________________ Date ________________________________ *** Should the candidate have any questions or concerns about this statement they are urged to contact the Council Grand Knight or Youth Director to discuss the concerns prior to signing this statement. Page 21 March 2015 St. Ma hew Lenten Fish Dinners February 20th to March 27th FRIDAY FISH DINNER by the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Friday evenings during Lent (except Good Friday) 5:00 to 8:30PM - In the Parish Center Family Room Adults $8 each, Seniors $7 (62+) Children (4 to 12) $5, 3 & under free Knights, Chefs Nick Cimmento and Michael Huiss have put together a wonderful menu this year of: Adults – 2 pieces of Fish (breaded or baked whitefish) with choice of 2 side dishes (Corn/Green Beans, Mac & Cheese, Cole Slaw), Roll and Butter. Children – 1 piece of Fish (breaded or baked whitefish) with choice of 1 side dish (Corn/Green Beans, Mac & Cheese, Cole Slaw), Roll and Butter. Coffee, Water, Lemonade and Iced Tea Included Desserts will be available from the Columbiettes at an additional cost. We’ll start serving at 5:00 PM and will continue serving until 8:30 PM. Parishioners are encouraged to come early with the Family and eat so that they can then attend the Stations of the Cross at 7:30 PM. For those working late, we’ll continue to serve until 8:30 PM. Page 22 The Cross & Compass March 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Bingo Men’s Shelter: Serving Men’s Shelter: 7:00 PM: Knights Business Cooking Meeting 8 9 10 15 11 12 CCSC 6:00 pm 16 17 18 19 Bingo LAMB Drive at St Matthew 22 29 24 Bingo Assembly 780 Business Meeting 30 31 Bingo Assembly 780 4th on 5th Dinner 25 6:00 PM: Officer Meeting 13 14 4 - 9:00 PM Lenten Dinner 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 8:00 AM Donated Goods 20 21 LAMB Drive at St Matthew 4 - 9:00 PM Lenten Dinner 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 7:30 PM: Knights Mass At Day Chapel 23 7 4 - 9:00 PM Lenten Dinner 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration Bingo Parish Breakfast 6 26 27 28 4 - 9:00 PM Lenten Founders Day Dinner Communion 11pm-Midnight: Breakfast Eucharistic Adoration Council Business Meeting: Tuesday, March 3rd. Dinner at 6:00 PM followed at 7:00 PM by First Degree and then Council Business Meeting at the Knights Hall. Columbus Club House Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 PM at SCBC. Knights Mass: Wednesday, March 18th. Mass at 7:30 PM at the Day Chapel Officer Meeting: Wednesday, March 28th at 6:00 PM at the SCBC. Bingo: Every Monday night. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Bingo starts at 7:00 PM sharp. Donated Goods Ministry: Saturday, March 4th, 8:00 AM under the Day Chapel. Parish Breakfast: Sunday, March 8th after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 AM Masses. Men’s Shelter: Cooking Monday March 2nd. Serving Tuesday, March 3rd. Assembly 780 Business Meeting: All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the Assembly 780 4th Degree Business Meeting on Tuesday, March 24th at St Patrick Cathedral. Dinner at 7:00 PM followed by Rosary. Business Meeting starts at 8:00 PM. Page 23 March 2015 April 2015 1 5 6 7 2 3 4 HOLY 7:00 PM: THURSDAY Knights Business Washing of Feet Meeting at Men’s Shelter GOOD FRIDAY HOLY SATURDAY 8 10 11 8:00 AM 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration Donated Goods 10:00 AM 2nd Degree Exemplification at St Matthew 17 18 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration PINS FOR PRIESTS 24 25 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration Charlotte Catholic Men’s Conference at St Matthew 9 Bingo EASTER SUNDAY Men’s Shelter: CCSC 6:00 pm Men’s Shelter: Serving Cooking 12 13 14 15 16 Bingo Parish Breakfast 19 26 20 Assembly 780 4th Degree Anniversary Celebration 7:30 PM: Knights Mass At Day Chapel 21 22 Bingo Assembly 780 Business Meeting 27 28 Bingo 29 23 30 6:00 PM: Officer Meeting Council Business Meeting: Wednesday, April 4th. Dinner at 6:00 PM followed at 7:00 PM by Council Business Meeting at the Knights Hall. Columbus Club House Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 PM at SCBC. Knights Mass: Wednesday, April 15th. Mass at 7:30 PM at the Day Chapel Officer Meeting: Wednesday, April 29 at 6:00 PM at the SCBC. Bingo: Every Monday night. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Bingo starts at 7:00 PM sharp. Donated Goods Ministry: Saturday, April 11th, 8:00 AM under the Day Chapel. Parish Breakfast: Sunday, April 12th 8th after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 AM Masses. Men’s Shelter: Cooking Monday April 6th. Serving Tuesday, April 7th. Assembly 780 Business Meeting: All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the Assembly 780 4th Degree Business Meeting on Tuesday, April 21st at St Patrick Cathedral. Dinner at 7:00 PM followed by Rosary. Business Meeting starts at 8:00 PM. 2014-2015 COUNCIL OFFICERS CHAPLAIN Reverend Ambrose Akinwande 704-543-7677 GRAND KNIGHT Rick Caron 770-335-1822 DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT Ron Schumacher 704-618-2442 CHANCELLOR Bill LoPresti 704-540-1263 RECORDER Norm Smith 704-542-3107 FINANCIAL SECRETARY John Coudriet 704-543-9621 TREASURER Earl Hartenstine 803-547-6157 LECTURER Open ADVOCATE Norm Stephen 704-243-1152 WARDEN Bob Wilbur 704-246--8658 INSIDE GUARD Leo Tosto 704-846-4848 OUTSIDE GUARD John Gove 704-341-7164 3 YR TRUSTEE Norm Gemignani, PGK 205-547-7919 2 YR TRUSTEE Chuck Elgin, PGK 704-243-3365 1 YR TRUSTEE Luis Colon, PGK, PFN 704-290-2188 COLUMBUS CLUB PRESIDENT Bill LoPresti 704-540-1263 COLUMBUS CLUB VICE-PRESIDENT Ed Craig 704--661-8184 COLUMBUS CLUB TREASURER Larry Perez 980-819-5744 COLUMBUS CLUB SECTETARY Bob Wilbur 704-246--8658 PROGRAM DIRECTOR Ron Schumacher 704-618-2442 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Harry Fear 704-849-0074 FRATERNAL RELATIONS DIRECTOR Justin Ezennubia 704-771-2436 CHURCH DIRECTOR Chuck Elgin, PGK 704-243-3365 COMMUNITY DIRECTOR Ed Craig 704--661-8184 COUNCIL DIRECTOR Norm Gemignani, PGK 205-547-7919 FAMILY DIRECTOR Sean McGuire 980-333-3730 YOUTH DIRECTOR OPEN PRO-LIFE DIRECTOR Norm Stephen 704-243-1152 LAMB DIRECTOR Bob Desch , PGK 704-543-8212 COLUMBIAN SQUIRESCHIEF COUNSELOR OPEN CHURCH BREAKFAST Tom Larkin 803-762-8989 OPERATION EXODUS Bob Wilcocks, PFN 704-542-1541 SCRAPBOOK EDITOR OPEN K. OF C. INSURANCE Michael Boykin 704-960-4644 DISTRICT DEPUTY # 26 David Spinks 980-263-4570 STATE DEPUTY Jack Murray SUPREME KNIGHT Carl Anderson 203-752-4000
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