WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 WILLOW LAKE NEWS March 2015 LIFE IN ANZAC www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca 1 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 CONTACT INFORMATION Willow Lake News Anzac Municipal Office 105B-4 Christina Drive Anzac, AB T0P1J0 Ph.: Fx: RMWB NOTICES Welcome to the March edition of our Willow Lake News. Thank you to everyone who attended the Council Engagement in February. It was a fabulous evening! 780-334-2298 780-334-2238 We are located in the Anzac Community Hall. Anzac Municipal Office Hours: If you have questions concerning Municipality, please call the PULSE: Wood Buffalo call line 24/7 at 780-743-7000. Closed: Saturday-Sunday Willow Lake News can be picked up at the following locations: Anzac Esso Willow Lake Baptist Church Fort McMurray First Nation’s Store Gregoire Lake Estates - nearby mail boxes Anzac Community Hall Anzac Grocery Anzac Recreation Center Community Contact For more information or to receive an electronic copy of this newsletter, please contact Viola at 780-334-2298 or email: viola.pindog-seguin@woodbuffalo.ab.ca Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. RMWB Social Programming 780 -714-4724 RMWB Roads 780-743-7859 RMWB Bylaws 780-788-4200 Animal Control 780-743-8997 Anzac Recreation Centre 780-793-6900 Community Worker 780-334-2540 Anzac School 780-334-2271 Bill Woodward School 780-334-0818 Clearwater Hauling 780-799-2753 Anzac Rec. Board 780-334-2424 Coyote Services 780-334-2188 Whitmoor Vac 780-215-3041 Public Nurse 780-791-6271 Anzac Gas Station 780-334-2115 Anzac Grocery 780-334-2710 Nexen Community Office 780-334-2850 DJ Brown Contracting 780-792-8189 ATCO 1-800-668-2248 All Emergencies call 911 SUBMISSION DEADLINE for April 2015 edition is: Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Next Issue: April 1st. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Contact Information Councillor Report RMWB Notices Community Corner Youth Zone Senior’s Corner Around the Region March Word Search Community Calendar 2 3 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14, 15 16, 17 18, 19, 20 21 22 2 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 COUNCILLOR REPORT Councillor Report March 2015 Congratulations to Jude Friesen from Gregoire Lake Estates for being the recipient of the exceptional citizen award! Jude was honored at the Mayor and Council Toast of Champions on January 29, 2015. Jude is a School Counsellor at Bill Woodward School in Anzac and has taken a leadership role in developing the “Positive School Climate Committee.” Jude is an active member of the Roots of Empathy Steering Committee and advocates for children and families’ in the communities of Anzac and Gregoire Lake Estates. The Council Engagement in Anzac on February 5, 2015 was quite well attended. Thank you to all who came. My Councillor colleagues who were in attendance were Councillor Ault, Cardinal and Vinni. We had municipal staff on hand who I was able to direct resident’s concerns too. I want to give a big thanks to the Fort McMurray Thunder Volleyball Club Team U 15. The girls were a great help at the event, cleaning tables, serving the elders/seniors and tidying up the hall. We have three girls from the area on the team; they are Samantha Seawolt, Briklyn Pratt and Masey Munro. I was in Conklin on February 18 to attend a CRDAC meeting. We viewed the design of the Conklin multi-use centre and discussed concerns within the hamlet. Members of the group are quite happy with the additional lighting on Christina Lake Drive. A reminder that some of the games of the 2015 Tim Horton’s Canadian Ringette Championships will be played at the Anzac Recreation Centre between Sunday, March 29 to Saturday April 4, 2015. There will be over 900 young athletes competing in these Championship Ringette Games. Consultation is ongoing for new Welcome signs to the hamlets. A concern was raised in that it is hard to get to the present signs to put up information. Another concern was that possibly the Welcome sign in Conklin should be closer to the community. At our Rural Development Committee meeting on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, the discussion will be an update to the Rural Water and Sewer Servicing and Rural Road Rehabilitation. Also included in the presentation is Intelligent Communities (Fiber Optic) for Anzac, Janvier and Conklin for high speed internet. I attended a meeting in Edmonton last week. The meeting was with the Honorable Kyle Fawcett, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and the Honorable Don Scott, Minister of Innovation and Advanced Education. The meeting was to lobby for more funding to further improve the parking lot at the Day Use Area. For any good deeds or concerns please e-mail jane.stroud@woodbuffalo.ab.ca or phone 780-334-0516. 3 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 RMWB NEWS Very important reminder: Please remove garbage bins off the road or shoulder after your bins have been emptied, pull them back onto your property. They are in the way of service and public vehicles. Household waste (black) will be emptied every week. Recycling Bins (light blue & dark blue) will be emptied alternate weeks. Paying Your Utility Bill The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo provides water, sewer and garbage collection services to homeowners. Utilities are billed once every two months. Utility Payment Options Pay in person at the Anzac Municipal Office. Pay online through your financial institution using "Wood Buffalo Utilities" as the payee. Mail a cheque to Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, 105B-4 Christina Drive, Anzac, Alberta T0P 1J0 Sign up for the pre-authorized utility payment plan (details below). Pre-Authorized Utility Payment Plan (PUPP) PUPP is a convenient way for residents to pay their utility bills through direct debit from their bank accounts. You can sign up for a pre-authorized payment plan if your utility account is not in arrears and you have a chequing account at a financial institution. You can pick up a PUPP application form at your local Municipal Office or at Municipal Building, 9909 Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4. 4 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 5 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 We are looking for your input and participation – what concerns do you have? Here’s your chance to help us choose what our Annual Priorities should be. When: March 4, 2015 at 2:30 Where: Anzac Community Hall Who: All residents of Anzac and Gregoire Lake Estates 6 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 Starting March 2, 2015 the Municipality is undertaking a Municipal Census. The count of our residents will help plan for the needs of our communities. Our results determine how much grant money our Municipality receives from the provincial and federal government and can total over $200/ person each year. For more information please look at www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca/census e‐mail census2015@woodbuffalo.ab.ca Phone 780‐793‐1071 or contact your local community municipal office for details 7 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 8 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 COMMUNITY CORNER Anzac School and Bill Woodward School unveil new websites! Anzac Community School and Bill Woodward School launched new websites to help users find information easier and keep students, parents, staff and community members better informed. Box Clever, an Edmonton website design and digital media agency, helped design a website for Northland School Division No.61 (NSD61) and websites for all NSD61 schools. Every school website offers a display of news, upcoming events, information for specific needs and teacher pages. They are mobile friendly and uses modern day technology. The websites can be viewed at www.anzacschool.ca and www.billwoodwardschool.ca. TheWillowLakeTinyTotswouldliketothankalltheVOLUNTEERSwhohelpedusputona successfulpokernight! Also,thankstotheFortMcMurrayFirstNations#468fortheirdonationtoourEarlyEntry DevelopmentProgram. Meals on Wheels! Coming soon to AnzacandGregoireLakeEstates A meal on Wheels is offered to persons in need of assistance. The program is a lunch program, offered Monday thru Friday. It is also available for short term assistance e.g. If someone just had surgery or a mother just had a child and needs help to recover. If yourself or someone you know needs assistance, please contact; Megan Reidt at 780.334.2450 This is a pilot project starting March 30th 2015 Brought to you on behalf of Anzac FCSS 9 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 10 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 NOTICE/JOBOPPORTUNITY WLCA/AFCSS Parttimeposition(20–30hoursperweek) Flexiblehours/localresidentpreferable Musthaveowntransportation Responsibilities: ( for both boards) Attend meetings / take minutes Do secretary responsibilities (both boards) Do Treasurers responsibilities (both boards) Provide communication between community and board members and be main contact person. Research funding and grant opportunities. Assist with programs when required/ create programs Must be well organized and work well on own with minimum supervision. Must be proficient with computer software (word, excel etc.) Otherresponsibilitiesasneeded. PleasedropofresumetoMeghanatcommunityhall betweenthehoursof2pmto6pmTuesdaythruFriday, orcontactNicoleGardnerat780‐334‐2173. Ore‐mailresumetograndma99nicole@hotmail.com ByMarch15/15. ThankyouonbehalfofWLCAandAFCSS 11 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 Winterfest 2015 ANZACRECREATION& SOCIALSOCIETYandthe FORTMCMURRAY#468FIRSTNATIONS WOULDLIKETOTHANKOURGENEROUSSPONSORSAND VOLUNTEERS: Thank you!! CHRISTINA RIVER ENTERPRISES Nexen CNOOC Atehkumek Maintenance DJ Brown Contracting 6S Spirits & Suds Anzac Grocery Lorsim Services Parker Drainage & Waterproofing Willow Lake Landing Insite Glazing Solutions Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Anzac Recreation Centre Jacos Canada Anzac Esso Hertz Equipment Rental Coyote Services CP Services A1 Portables RMWB Willow Lake Tiny Tots Northern 4X4 Off-Road Society Anzac FCSS Bill Woodward Travel Club Fort McMurray Volleyball Club Anzac Fire Dept. Mark your calendars for ANZAC DAZE 2015 - Saturday August 22!! 12 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo BIRTHDAYS Wally Cheecham Yvette Seguin Saphire Cree Chelsey VanEe Mila Seguin Mary McKenzie MaryRose Lavallee Sydney Czibere Calvin Teetaert Hailey Cheecham Cyrus Cheecham Simon Lemaigre Jr. Allan Louttit Jonah Kawaguhi Stuart Ross Gordon Cree Tina Cree Sharon Kreutzer Daniel Cree Baillie Rutley Branden McKenzie Brittany McKenzie Jennifer Cheecham Robyn Faichney Kaitlin Kreutzer Chistine Fotty Cindy Merrick Feather Bourque-Jenner Clara Bourque Mickey Cadden Peter Cardinal Gabriel Cree Perry Fotty Rollo Goodwin Kevin Brennan Sr. Katie Borek Jack Seawolt Roman McEvoy Laura Cardinal Laureen Heineault Skylar Kreutzer Cyndel Cheecham March2015 March 1 March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 5 March 6 March 6 March 9 March 10 March 10 March 11 March 11 March 11 March 13 March 15 March 16 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 18 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 22 March 22 March 23 March 23 March 24 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27 March 27 March 30 March 30 March 31 March 31 ANNIVERSARY Simone and Lorne Wiltzen th Happy Sweet 16 Birthday Ms. Yvette Gilvie Seguin nd on March 2 . -Much love, Mom, Dad & Ate Jave Quotes to Ponder “You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself.” ~ Diana Ross (Born March 26) “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” ~ Dr. Seuss (Born March 2) If you wish to have your birthday or anniversary published in the Willow Lake News, please submit in writing & deliver to the Anzac Municipal Office. March 16th 13 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 YOUTH ZONE AnzacRecreationCentre SaturdayApril18(ages5‐10) SundayApril19(ages11‐17) 10:00am–3:00pm AnzacRecreationandSocialSocietyispleasedtoofferyouthinourcommunityachanceto learnandplaywithsomevaluablemembersofourcommunitywhohavedevotedtheirtimeto improvetheskilllevelofyounghockeyplayersandtheirunderstandingofthegamewhile havingfun! Ourgoalistoseeouryouthlearnon‐iceskillsaswellasvaluablelessonsincludingfairplayand teamwork.This2dayeventisopentobothboysandgirls,ages5‐17andiscompletelyFREE! Lunchwillbeprovidedbothdays! Reminder:Helmet,GlovesandStickrequired!Ifyouarestrugglingwithaccessibilityof equipmentpleaseletPattyknowuponregistrationandwewilldoourbesttoensurethe equipmentisavailable. Sodon'tdelay,registeryourchildtodaybycallingPattyChafe780‐334‐2424orviaemail anzac3@telus.netattheAnzacRecreationandSocialSociety! REGISTRATIONDEADLINE:ThursdayApril9,2015 SponsoredbytheAnzacRecreationandSocialSociety, RegionalRecreationCorporationandTeamOne! 14 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 15 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 SENIOR’S CORNER Anzac Senior Luncheon Need a Hand with Your 2014 Tax Returned? Where: Anzac Community Hall When: March 31, 2015 Time: 12:00pm – 3:00pm Come out and enjoy lunch, bingo and prizes! Trained CCRA Certified Volunteers ready to assist. This service is mainly for Senior BINGO day! Seniors, come out for an afternoon of BINGO and refreshments Anzac Community Hall March 4, 2015 at 1:00 pm. Seniors on limited Income Students For more information, or to find out if you are eligible please call You can also find out about senior resources programs that are happening in the RMWB. Crystal (780) 714-4724 Identity Theft: Could it Happen to You? Maybe you never opened that account, or ordered an additional card, but someone else did....someone who used your name and personal information to commit fraud. When an imposter uses your name, your Social Insurance Number (SIN), your credit card number, or some other piece of your personal information for their use - in short when someone appropriates your personal information without your knowledge - it's a crime, pure and simple Are you a Victim? A creditor informs you that an application for credit was received with your name and address, which you did not apply for. Telephone calls or letters state that you have been approved or denied by a creditor that you never applied to. You receive credit card statements or other bills in your name, which you did not apply for. You no longer receive credit card statements or you notice that not all of your mail is delivered. A collection agency informs you they are collecting for a defaulted account established with your identity and you never opened the account. 16 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 Identity Theft Statement - What is it? If you have been a victim of identity theft, the Identity Theft Statement helps you notify financial institutions, credit card issuers and other companies that the identity theft occurred, tell them that you did not create the debt or charges, and give them information they need to begin an investigation. Make as many copies of the Statement as you will need to notify all affected companies. You will need Acrobat Reader to view the statement. If you suspect that your personal information has been hijacked and misappropriated to commit fraud or theft, take action immediately and keep a record of your conversations and correspondence. The following basic actions are appropriate in almost every case. Start a log of dates, person(s) that you spoke with and exactly what they said. Contact the fraud departments of each of the two major credit bureaus. Equifax: (866) 828-5961 TransUnion: (800) 663-9980 except Quebec residents (877) 713-3393. Request that a "Fraud Alert" be placed in your files. At the same time order copies of your credit reports. Contact the fraud department of creditors for any accounts that have been opened or tampered with fraudulently. This may include credit card companies, phone companies, banks and other lenders. File a report with your local Police or the Police in the community where the identity theft took place. Contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC). CAFC is currently central sourcing all pertinent information on Identity Theft to identity trends and patterns, information is also used to assist law enforcement agencies in possible investigations. Remember There is no reason to be paranoid; there's just reason to be careful. If someone wants desperately to target you, they can probably get a lot of information about you -- so you just need to minimize the criminal's opportunities to get that information. You can make yourself a harder target and that is the best defense. If you are a victim, do not panic, in most cases you will not be out any money. When you've been careful about disclosing your personal information the losses will likely be attributed to the banks and or companies associated with the fraud. Minimize The Risk While you probably can't prevent identity theft entirely, you can minimize your risk. Identity theft is on the rise and it can happen to anyone. It can happen to you. By managing your personal information wisely, cautiously and with an awareness of the issue, you can help guard against identity theft 17 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 AROUND THE REGION 18 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 19 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 20 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffalo March2015 21 WillowLakeNewsRegionalMunicipalityofWoodBuffaloMarch2015 COMMUNITYCALENDAR March Sun Mon Tues 1 2 3 4 Seniors Bingo @ 1:00 RCMP open house @ 2:30 pm Zumba @6pm 5 6 7 27th Annual R.A. R.A event Doors open@ 5pm Sawridge Inn 8 Day light saving time begins 9 10 11 14 FCSS meeting @ 6:30 pm Zumba @ 6pm 12 Deadline for Torchbearer nomination Western Ca. Summer Games 2015 13 WLCA meeting @ 6:30 pm Rec Centre 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 Wed Thurs Fri Sat First day of Zumba @ 6pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Newsletter deadline Zumba @ 6pm 29 Church potluck @ 12:30 pm 30 31 Seniors’ luncheon @ noon Happy Spring! 22
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