The Link St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church March 2015 From the Pastor: the working world 24 hours a day. People in restaurants seem to be connected to their devices more than to the people they eat with at their table. Surveys suggest 80% of people on vacation bring along their laptops or smartphones so they can check in with work. March “comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” Unfortunately it’s truer this year than most. The extreme cold of February can only make the winter weather seem cruel and frightening as it extends into the weeks ahead. Yet the church calendar celebrates the Passion of Christ on the last Sunday of March. We need to appreciate the value of Sabbath, a time for rest and recreation. Worship invites us from stressful hyperconnectivity to a balance of work and rest. We need to unplug from our devices, reflect on ourselves, and connect with God and each other. Our identity is found in who we are as baptized children of God, and not in what we do to fill up each spare moment. Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, is the reason we gather to worship. The community gathers to celebrate the act of God in the bread and wine of Holy Communion, where the living body of Christ comes to us in the midst of community. Martin Luther would deem it impossible to be Christian without the body of Christ, that is, the physical reality of Christ’s presence in the eucharist and in the gathered community. Luther insisted on the real presence of Christ in holy communion, a mystery of how God works in this means of sharing God’s grace. Luther could not imagine being spriritual rather than religious, as some now claim they can be Christian merely by being good and believing in God. We need God and others in our lives. We need community. Worship should give us a sense of awe and wonder. In worship we experience God’s mrercy and grace. It moves us from being individuals to being a community. We belong to something greater than ourselves. We are children of God who gather with our sisters and brothers in Christ. We gather at 8:30 and 11:00 am each Sunday for worship; gathered to be sent out in mission. In worship God changes us so that we can make a difference in the world. We need to balance our work with rest. Studies suggest that teenagers do not get enough sleep, about two hours less per night than their bodies demand. Adults fail to do much better. Our technology connects us to Soli Deo Gloria, Pastor Jeff Hedin 1 In March’s “Link” Page 1 From the Pastor Page 2 March at a glance Page 3 From the Church Council Page 4 Facts & FiguresLent Attendance Pastoral Acts Page 5 From the Church Office Page 6 Events – Dorcas Rachel First Communion Confirmation Italian Café Women of the ELCA VBS Page 7 March at a Glance Meetings Tuesday March 10th 7:00 p.m. Mutual Ministry Meeting Thursday March12th Dorcas Rachel Circle Monday March 16th 6:45 p.m. Church Council Meeting Thursday March 19th 7:00 p.m. Property & Maintenance Sundays March 1st. Second Sunday in Lent Soup & Bread lunch and presentation provided by the Dorcas Rachel Circle follows the 11 am service. First Communion Class at 2:30 p.m. How to get involvedIngathering project Hoops Mania Care Packages From the Volunteer Coordinator, Page 8 Thank yous RAIHN Page 9 Birthdays & Anniversaries Church Women United L.C.L.C. Page 10 March’s Calendar Page 11 March’s Lay Calendar March 8th. Third Sunday in Lent Soup & Bread lunch provided by the Hedin’s and Rosenbauer’s, and a presentation by the Stewardship Committee follows the 11 am service. Daylight Savings Time begins. March 15th. Fourth Sunday in Lent Soup & Bread lunch provided by the Bill’s, Link’s and Wallace’s, and a presentation by the LYO follows the 11 am service. Easter is approaching. Sign up sheets will be out in the Foyer early in March for Palm Cross making on Saturday March 28th, our 7:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday (April 2nd) service, the Good Friday Prayer Vigil (April 3rd), and our 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Tenebrae service. March 22nd. Fifth Sunday in Lent Soup & Bread lunch and presentation provided by the Church Council follows the 11 am service. March 29th. Palm Sunday 2 Communication (including website) – Anne Luebke Stewardship – Tom Piccirilli Evangelism & Outreach – Reid Cunningham Membership – Dale and Mary Pena Youth – Natalie Hammer MISSION STATEMENT St. Paul’s is a welcoming Christian family. We are created by God, saved by Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Through joyous worship and Mission Commitment, St. Paul’s furthers the word of God’s Saving Grace. Trinity East Rochester The Attorney General’s office has approved the sale of the property, with a closing anticipated in February. The Trinity Service of Holy Closure is scheduled for Saturday, February 21st. The organ is scheduled to be moved the week of February 16th. Robin Lancaster is interested in joining the Council. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting February 9, 2015 The Church Council met on Monday, February 9th. Mike Patchen, Kathy Silverman and Natalie Hammer were welcomed to the Council. The Council engaged in its regular business including approving past meeting minutes and reviewing action items and reports from committees and Pastor. Also discussed were the following agenda items. New Members New members will be received at an upcoming church service: Dorothy Borglum; Mike Conley; Harry and Roberta Fitzsimmons; Sandra Fitzsimmons; Tracy Gonzales (Alex and Derek); Laurie Hamlin; Kathy Hennelly; Robin Lancaster; Martin Lawson; Janynne Russo (2 confirmed daughters), and Helga and George Hempel. Election of Officers The following officers were elected: PRESIDENT – Laurie Zaucha VICE PRESIDENT – Terry Kelly SECRETARY – Tom Piccirilli TREASURER – Mike Patchen FINANCIAL SECRETARY – Dale Pena Respectfully Submitted, Council Responsibilities 2015 Liaison roles were agreed upon as follows: Mutual Ministry Committee – Terry Kelly Finance Committee – Dale Pena (Chair), Mike Patchen Property & Maintenance Committee – TBD Worship & Music Committee – Kathy Silverman A Church Council Retreat will be held either Saturday March 21st or Saturday March 28th from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at one of the St. John’s Home facilities. Laurie L. Zaucha Secretary The next meeting of the Church Council will be Monday March 16th at 6:45 p.m. 3 or in a lump sum on Easter Sunday. Look for the collection pot in the Foyer. Saint's Place is a volunteer organization, based on Christian values, that provides household goods, clothing, and education to legal refugees of all races and creeds who settle in the Rochester, NY area to escape violence, discrimination and poverty. Lent Events During Lent our Wednesday morning Bible Study will conclude with a brief worship service at 11:00 a.m. each week. Each Sunday during Lent we will share soup and bread after our 11 a.m. service. Please join us. Each Sunday will feature a different presentation from one of St. Paul’s committees, and gives us a great opportunity to get to know each other better. Thanks to all who have signed up to provide the soup & bread. Please see the table in Foyer and take a Lent free gift. We have books and devotionals for all ages. We are once again supporting Monroe Community Hospital with left over craft items for their arts & crafts programs. Items needed are jewelry boxes, small boxes, Valentine candy boxes, ribbons, trims of all kinds, beads (any kind), buttons, shells, fabric (does not have to be large sizes), netting, miscellaneous craft items, items that can be used with glue for decorations, cards, envelopes, yarn, silk flowers, seasonal decorations, pine cones, dry flowers, pieces of jewelry, and pieces or parts from craft projects finished or those never tackled. We are collecting the items listed above until Sunday March 22nd. Collection boxes will be in the Dorcas Room beginning Sunday March 1st. PASTORAL ACTS Baptism; February 8th Molly Anne Cole Funeral: January 24th Edith Leone ATTENDANCE “WE COUNT BECAUSE YOU COUNT” We will collect loose change during Lent and have coin boxes available to assist you. All proceeds will go to Saint’s Place to assist refugees newly arrived in our area. Collection boxes and information on Saint’s Place are available from the Foyer. You can bring your coins in weekly Early Late Total Nursery Jan 18th 25th 67 - 43 122 110 122 12 5 Feb 1st 8th 15th 60 80 43 48 59 38 108 139 81 13 13 5 Average Sunday attendance through January 2015 – 111 Average Sunday attendance through January 2014 - 117 Average Sunday attendance through January 2013 – 140 4 Reminders for March News from the Church Office Articles for the April edition of the “Link” must be received by 9:00 a.m. on Monday 16th March. It will be mailed on Tuesday 24th March beginning at 9:30 a.m. Please sign up to help mail it in the volunteer work area. I am pleased to report that Eileen Whitaker has agreed to continue to coordinate the volunteer lay calendars and schedules. Statements of Financial Giving for 2014 are available for collection from the Foyer. If you have a question on yours please call me in the Church Office at 586-0580 or e-mail me at One small change is that I will resume coordinating the “one off” services; Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday Vigil, Christmas Eve and Lessons and Carols. Use a flower envelope from the pew backs to sponsor an Easter lily. A freewill donation is asked for. The last date to donate is Palm Sunday, March 29th. More good news - Mara Berndt has volunteered to become the St. Paul’s Event Coordinator. Since I stepped down as Church Coordinator and resumed being Church Secretary, certain tasks have often been without a leader. Mara Berndt will be taking on the event coordinating these tasks and will start slowly into this new position, coming on board fully in the fall, once her other volunteer duties outside of St. Paul’s come to an end. Church Office hours are normally Monday to Thursday 9 am to 2 pm. Remember that e-mails sent after Thursday afternoons will not get read until Monday morning. Several of our Phone Tree callers have found that some of the telephone numbers for members are no longer in operation. If you do not get phone tree reminder calls and would like to do so, please let me know the number you would like to be called on. The next time the Phone Tree will be activated is to remind members know of our Holy Week and Easter services. It is my pleasure to be working with Eileen and Mara. I am very encouraged about the future of St. Paul’s volunteerism. Please feel free to talk with myself, Eileen or Mara if you have any questions. Thanks very much to Barb Granger for giving us a very much needed and welcome reminder that spring will come by decorating the Foyer with spring flowers. Janet Harris, Church Secretary Happy Spring! 5 Dorcas Rachel Circle First Communion The First Communion Class will be held from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday March 1st. Date: March 12, 2015 Time: 9:45 Fellowship 10:00 Meeting Place: Dorcas Room Program: “Fleece Tied Blankets” Activity led by Kathy Silverman Devotions: Kathy Silverman Hostesses: Jane Pfromer & June Buskey Bring paper goods for the Pittsford Food Cupboard. Place your donations in Shari’s car parked by the parking lot red doors entrance. If you have not yet confirmed your child’s attendance or have any questions, please talk with Pastor Hedin. Date change Our January meeting was cancelled because of the cold/wind chill temperatures. Pam Poduska has agreed to lead the book review: “The Girls of Atomic City” by Denise Kiernan on Thursday May 21, 2015. (Please note the date change of the May meeting) Please save Saturday 18th April to attend the annual Italian Café Confirmation Class dates to note provided by members of our LYO. The last Confirmation Class is Monday March 23rd. The Confirmation Service is Sunday April 19th. Confirmation Camp at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center is Sunday July 12th to Friday July 17th. Women of the ELCA Upcoming Event Spring Communion Brunch Date: Saturday, April 25, 2015 Time: Registration 9:30 a.m. Service 10:00 a.m. Program: Pastor “Joe” Wilck “Clown Ministry” Place: Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Chili Avenue, Gates Vacation Bible School will be held from Monday August 10th to Friday August 14th. Please see Tiffany Laird with any questions. 6 Women of St. Paul’s Support Loop Ministries Ingathering Project for 2015 It’s Hoops Mania once again. “Love in a Glove” “Love in a Glove” is a zip lock gallon size plastic bag having items that would be useful for homeless people. Suggested items to be enclosed in the bag; Soap, Small single is zed shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Adult gloves, Adult warm hat, Restaurant certificate (Wendy’s, McDonald’s), No cash. Support Loop Ministries with a $10 donation that enters you into a March Madness tournament. See Pastor Hedin for details. LOOP Ministries is charged with the continuation and expansion of outreach ministries begun by Reformation Lutheran Church including a food assistance program. A box in the Dorcas Room will be available for donated “Love in a Glove” kits and items to be put into kits. We will be collecting money for our Spring Youth Care Packages in March. Please put your donations in a pew envelope marked “Youth Care Packages”. Parents: if your child’s address has changed, or you have any questions, please let one member of the Care Package group know; Trish Blake Jones, Elizabeth Conderman, Jennie Cunningham or Monique Flemister. This Ingathering Project will continue MarchOctober 2015. From the Volunteer Coordinator… Can you deliver flowers after church on just one Sunday in March or April??? Thanks to you in January Can you open the church on just one Sunday during April??? **WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!** $1,100 was donated for the South Wedge Mission Email or call: Eileen Whitaker $150 was donated to the emergency Homeless Shelter in Rochester Thank you!!! 7 Thank you all for your wonderful generosity to the Pittsford Food cupboard in 2014.Your continued kindness has helped us to provide for families less fortunate in our community. Sincerely, Mimi Wilson, PFC RAIHN Many Thanks! Thank you to those of you that spent time with our RAIHN families the week of Feb 22nd – Feb 29th. Your donations of food and time both awake and asleep are greatly appreciated. RAIHN is a not for profit organization that provides temporary shelter, meals, and case management to help homeless families find housing and employment or education. The goal is to keep families togehter until thyme can find permanents housing. Families also receive follow up services for a year after housing is found. A host congregation provides overnight accommodation and an evening meal for up to five families for one week 3 or 4 teems a year. All families are assessed to be ready to change their situation and are screened for substance abuse and psychiatric problems. Roberta Fitzsimmons Dear Members of St. Paul’s, Thank you so much for the beautiful flower bouquet that I received on Sunday, Feb 1st. I also enjoyed the remarks that accompanied the bouquet. Thanks, too, to John Graser for delivering the bouquet to me. Your thoughts and prayers have been appreciated during my illness. St. Paul’s is truly a caring congregation. Sincerely, Dorothy Copeland To St. Paul’s, A List of Thank-you’s: To Pastor Hedin for his visits and the gift of communion he brings, To Janet Harris and her faithful sending of the “Link”, To church members who have remembered me with get well and holiday greeting cards, For phone calls from those who care and remember me that make the day so much brighter – it makes living more meaningful when families are gone. Sincerely, Virginia B. Pschirrer SAVE THE DATE!! RAIHN CAR CITY Saturday, May 2nd – Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 5:00 pm – 7:30 am, Asbury First United Methodist Church, 1050 East Ave. Food! Music! Contests! Fun! To everyone at St. Paul's--Thank you very much for all your get well wishes, prayers, and cards regarding my recent back surgery! Everything has gone well and I hope to be back soon! Also, the flowers delivered by the John Graser family were beautiful and the Pastor's visits were much appreciated. Sincerely, Mary Evalyn Stephens Grab some friends, get some sponsors, and sleep overnight in your car to raise awareness of family homelessness. Minimum $50 donation. Email or call 585-506-9050 for more info. 8 Let’s celebrate in March 29th Happy Birthday to Barb Servé and Michael Schrlau and Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary to Tami & Mike Holihan 2nd Happy Birthday to Holley Haynes 30th Happy Birthday to Jack Whitaker rd Happy Birthday to C. J. Lang and Holly Comstock 31st Happy Birthday to Austin Joseph Ange and Shauna James 3 8th Happy Birthday to Virginia Pschirrer and Jori Cincotta 9th Happy Birthday to Ethan Bingemann 10th Happy Birthday to Julia Jones 12th Happy Birthday to Lena Graupman Friday, March 6, 2015 1:30 pm 13th Happy Birthday to Marilyn Larson and Happy Baptism Anniversary to Addilae Canning St. John’s Lutheran Church 800 East Ridge Road, Rochester NY 14621 14th Happy Birthday to Jim Hoagland 15th Happy Birthday to Joanna Kane 16th Happy Birthday to Virginia Pixley 19 th World Day of Prayer Sponsored by Church Women United For more information call 342-2790 or visit Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center Happy Birthday to Sadri Abdylji, Dan Payne, Marcella & Natalie Cincotta and Kelly Gangloff 20th Happy Birthday to Fred Risser 21st Happy Birthday to Harlan Granger 22nd Happy Birthday to Ian Yates 25th Happy Birthday to Andrew Hedin and Jeanne Stewart 27th Happy Birthday to Linda Wallace 28th Happy Birthday to Anna Rose Ecklund and P.J. Kuhn 5013 Rt. 430 Bemus Point, NY 14712 716-386-4125 Adopt-A-Project Work Day April 25, 2015 A special day devoted to groups and individuals for taking on a predetermined project. Contact the LCLC office for a list of potential projects up for “adoption.” 9
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