PRAYER CYCLE The Orthodox Churches Caxton Road, Western Road, Furze Way, the cemetery the allotments, the Scouts and Guides, Greenleys Junior School Thresher Close, Tillman Close The blind and partially sighted; opticians, dentists and chiropodists PLEASE PRAY FOR RIP ANNIVERSARIES AN NIVERSARIES COLLECT David Gates Sid Davies Joe Caudle Margaret Rapjohns Glenys Healey Vera Speaks Helen Legh Pam Earl Roger Smith Joan Garwood Sharon Lynch Delphine Cole BETTY WISE HAYDN KAY WILKINS HAYDN SEVERNE Lilian Elizabeth Mary Morrison, Doris Slater, Annie Neal Clary Hardacre, Eileen Gammage, John Dickson, Stan Petts Harold George Dunkley, Alice Clarke, Catherine Collins Herbert Sydney Neal, Denise Ilett, Alfred Ernest Poynter Debby Appleby, Lilian Bruce, Louise Burch Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. THE BRIDGEBUILDER QUIZ took place yesterday evening at Loughton Baptist Church. Three teams, including the one from St George's, tied for first place. Sadly, we were not quite quick enough in the deciding question so we finished in second place. Annual Church Meetings St George's - Sunday 19th April Holy Trinity - Sunday 26th April Please make sure that you have given your contributions for the annual report to Gillian in Wolverton 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT IN TOUCH March 8th 2015 WE ARE REALLY INTO our Lenten journey now, and we are making our way with more and more purpose towards the cross. Griff, our placement student, will be preaching today and he writes.... You know how sometimes, you might ask Where is God leading me with this piece of scripture? Although, this could just be me! Well, I don't feel that way with the lectionary (John 2:13-22) this time; hooray! I have been praying and reading about this piece of scripture and I believe the sentence to sum up what I feel called to bring out of it is: Jesus clears the temple Jesus shows his passion for the Father in the temple, but how do we show our passion for the Father in our lives... SADLY, BETTY WISE who celebrated her 96th birthday on February 25th and was a long-standing member of St George's church, died peacefully on Monday 2nd March. We offer our love and prayers to all Betty's family, but especially for her son David and her daughter Sue as they grieve. Though Betty had not been able to get to church much in recent years, she received communion at home and was a dedicated and faithful servant of Jesus and we pray that she will rest in peace and rise in glory. Betty's funeral will take place on Monday 23rd March at 2pm in St George's, followed at 3pm by burial in Wolverton Cemetery. MOTHERING NEXT WEEK IS MOTHERI NG SUNDAY and we will be having special services in both our churches where we will rejoice for the love of all those who offer a mothering love. There will be activities for the little ones, mothers' day flowers will be given, and candles lit in memory of mothers no longer with us. Gill Readings: 1 Corinthians 1. 18–25 John 2:13-22 8am 9:30am 11am Holy Communion (CW) CW) at St George's Morning Morning Worship at St George's Parish Eucharist at Holy Trinity Psalm 19:7-14 (p612) - Congregational Response heavens The heave ns are telling the glory of God Whether you are a first time visitor or one of our regular worshippers, we offer you a warm welcome to our family and hope you find what you need among our worship and other activities. Please introduce yourself to one of the welcomers and feel free to stay for a time of friendship and fellowship over coffee after the 9:30am and 11am services. Children of all ages are welcome – please feel free to meet their needs wherever is most comfortable and please ask if there is anything you need or can’t find. KidZone happens on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at St George’s and Sunday Time on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th at Holy Trinity. The teams at both would love to meet you. Large print bibles and song books are available, and we have a hearing loop system at both churches. **DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY* Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Mon 9th 9am 10:45am Funeral of Kay Wilkins at Crownhill (Oak) (Details: Gill) 7:15pm Pilgrims' Course at Gill's house (Details: Gill) 7:30pm MK Theology Forum at Holy Cross, Two Mile Ash Faith in Politics - how Christian beliefs & values enable effective engagement in society. Tue 10th 9am 10am 3pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Tuesday Time at St George's (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) Fun for all the family: refreshments, activities, crafts, interactive bible story & songs. Bell-Ringing at Holy Trinity (Details: Mick Nimmo) Contact Mick for details (321011) or just turn up. House Group at 108 Church Street (Details: June) Lent Group at St George's (Details: Anne B-V) Walking and Praying with Christians of the Middle East Please contact Anne to obtain details of where the group is meeting each week. Wed 11th 9am Thu 12th 9am 7:30pm Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity PCC meets at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) (Details: Carole) Fri 13th 9am 12:10pm 4:30pm 6pm 7:30pm 7:45pm 9:15am 3pm Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Soup and Prayers at St George's (Details: June) Winter Night Shelter: setup begins at St George's (Details: Graham) Mark Lancaster opens King's Community Centre (Details: Gillian) Winter Night Shelter: guests arrive at St George's (Details: Graham) Occasional Anthem practice at Holy Trinity (Details: Carole) Breakfast and Prayers at St George's (Details: Stephen) Wedding of Lee and Jaqui Reeves at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Readings: Psalm 107:1-9 #16 Sat 14th th0 SUN 15th0 Rev Gill BarrowBarrow-Jones 222802 Usual Day off: Friday CURATE Vacancy ASSOCIATE CLERGY Rev Dr Richard Sturch CHURCHWARDENS Holy Trinity Pat Gates 07811 256 427 Peter Leedale 07766 110 918 St George’s David Mainwaring 563051 Anne BlairBlair-Vincent 313007 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR ADMINISTRATOR Gillian Bull Mott 07462 301 853 Mon--Thurs 4pmMon 4pm-6pm Sat 10:30am10:30am-12:30pm John 3:14-21 Holy Communion (BCP (BCP) BCP) at St St George's AllAll-Together Eucharist at St St George's AllAll-Together Worship at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) Funeral of Betty Wise at St George's (Details: Gill) followed by 3pm Burial in Wolverton Cemetery SUN 29th 4pm Taizé Service for Palm Sunday at Holy Trinity Mon 30th Evening Creative Worship for Holy Week at St George's Apr 11 Jun 4th RECTOR MOTHERING SUNDAY 8am 9:30am 9:30am 11am 11am rd Mon 23 2pm th CONTACTS (Details: Gill) (Details: Carole) Please join us for a Taizé-style service of prayer and song. Making space for God in our lives, seeking wholeness, healing and peace. (Details: Graham) If you are interested in being part of this, please speak to Graham. 7:30pm Quiz Night at Holy Trinity (Details: Pat) 7:30pm Deanery Synod at St George's (Details: Gill) Milton Keynes Theology Forum Faith in Politics - how Christian beliefs & values enable effective engagement in society th Monday 9 March, March, 7:30pm 7:30pm - 9pm Holy Cross, Church Hill, Two Mile Ash, MK8 8EQ An open discussion for thinking Christians with introductory personal reflections by Cllrs. Sam Crooks, Andrew Geary & Martin Petchey St-George-the-Martyr-Wolverton Holy-Trinity-Old-Wolverton EDITOR: Stephen Mott Items for inclusion, please, by 8pm WEDNESDAY CHRISTIAN AID WEEK May 10th 16th. Can anyone at HT help with some door-to-door collecting this year around the Parish? If you would like to help, could you please see me after the service today and let me know which street/s you would be willing to cover. Thank you. Gay CHRISTIAN AID has been offered a collection point outside Tesco in Wolverton for Friday 15th May, which is during Christian Aid Week. Would anyone be able to help for an hour or two on that day? If so, please contact Laura on 01908 319632 or What part does faith play in practical politics? How does faith influence our stance on issues? How can Christians best take part in community activity and the political process? In the run up to the General Election what are the key issues for Christians? In a largely secular society, is the Christian voice marginalised in politics? How can churches increase their engagement in society? How do we work for the common good and social justice in the community? What are the issues we face as people of faith seeking to serve society through political action? On Sunday 22nd March I am taking part in an 8K fun run around Willen lake to raise money for MK Food Bank. If you would like to make a donation, please let me know. My online fundraising page is Anke Parking permits are available from church if you need to park in the Agora car park during services and events at St George’s. E&OE
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