PRAYER CYCLE PLEASE PRAY FOR RIP ANNIVERSARIES AN NIVERSARIES COLLECT The communities of Taizé, Iona and Corrymeela The Police Force, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service The mentally ill, Chadwick Lodge, the Campbell Centre Marlborough House, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists and counsellors Barry Hatwell Joy Rickson Vera Speaks Catherine Browne Margaret Rapjohns Annie Lincoln David Gates Christopher Browne Emma Louise Kenyon Joe Caudle Betty Wise Maureen Dackombe Ewan & Doris Sid Davies Joan Garwood Helen Legh Sam Brown BRYN LUCKWELL EDITH TRIGG PHYLLIS DRINKWATER Linda Wery, Bill Pedley, Arthur Brocklehurst, Millicent Mallender Mary Pamela Turner, Elizabeth Timmins, John William Farren Peggy Farren, Scott McCollin, Dorothy Mary Turney, Irene Curtis Richard Charles Arden, Emily Barrett Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which your Son Jesus Christ came to us in great humility; that on the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. HOLY TRINITY 200 CLUB The November draw took place last Sunday with Brian Maxey winning £104.50. His winning number (185) was drawn by Daniel Beale. in Wolverton ADVENT 1 IN TOUCH November 30th 2014 ADVENT IS UPON US and we begin our preparations for the coming of the Christchild into our midst. It is a really special time to find ourselves given an opportunity to reflect closer on what a special gift it is to be expecting God to come into our midst in human form. I wish you all a blessed Advent and pray you find time for some stillness with God amidst all of the Christmas preparations. THANK YOU! What a terrific Christmas fair we had at St George's Church, yesterday. It was just wonderful to welcome so many people into the church. There are so many wonderful volunteers who have given such a lot of effort and work to put on such a successful fair (the amount raised was £934) - and we're especially grateful for all of your work - thank you so much! DURING ADVENT we do not sing the Gloria. Instead, at Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Church we will join in with a Responsorial Psalm (see below) Gill Readings: Isaiah 64:1-9 Mark 13:24-37 8am 9:30am 11am 11am Holy Communion (BCP) (BCP) at St George's AllAll-Together Communion at St George's Parish Eucharist at Holy Trinity Psalm 80 - Congregational Response Show the light of your countenance, O Lord God of hosts, and we shall be saved. 4pm TaizéTaizé-style Advent service at Holy Trinity Candle-lit service of prayer and song. CHURCH CHRISTMAS CARD CARD If you would like to send your Christmas wishes to your St George's friends and support the work of the Age UK you can do so by participating in the communal Christmas card which is available at the back of church from today. Please write your message in the card and pop your donation in the box. Thanks very much. Anne Tuesday 2nd December 10:30am10:30am-12n 12noon CHRISTMAS HAMPER ELVES! ELVES! Last year you might remember that we made hampers for families who might otherwise not have had much of a Christmas. We have committed to do this again for four families (two from Holy Trinity and two from St George's) and need your help. Could you donate something for the hampers? At Holy Trinity please speak to Gay Austin and at St George's please speak to Anne and Robert, but the items we might include are: small wrapped gift for each family member, Christmas Cake, Christmas Pudding, Custard or Brandy Sauce, Crisps and biscuits, Sweets and Chocolate, Christmas Novelty Crackers, Drinks (Fizzy or Long Life), Tinned: (Meat, Veg.), Gravy Granules, Fruit, Tea and or Coffee, Long Life Milk Sugar. But what would you like to find in a hamper - could you donate something? Gill Whether you are a first time visitor or one of our regular worshippers, we offer you a warm welcome to our family and hope you find what you need among our worship and other activities. Please introduce yourself to one of the welcomers and feel free to stay for a time of friendship and fellowship over coffee after the 9:30am and 11am services. Children of all ages are welcome – please feel free to meet their needs wherever is most comfortable and please ask if there is anything you need or can’t find. KidZone happens on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at St George’s and Sunday Time on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th at Holy Trinity. The teams at both would love to meet you. Large print bibles and song books are available, and we have a hearing loop system at both churches. COFFEE MORNING **DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY* Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Mon 1sth 9am 7:15pm Pilgrims' Course at Gill's house (Details: Gill) nd Tue 2 9am 10am 10:30am-12 3pm 7:30pm rd Wed 3 Thu 4th Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Coffee Morning at St George's Tuesday Time at St George's (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Shirley) (Details: Gill) Fun for all the family: refreshments, activities, crafts, interactive bible story & songs. Bell-Ringing at Holy Trinity (Details: Mick Nimmo) Contact Mick for details (321011) or just turn up. House Group at 108 Church Street (Details: June) 7:30pm 9am 1pm Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Christmas Cracked at St George's 9am 4-9pm Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity St Modwen's Public Consultation at St George's Fri 5th (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) St Modwen, the UK’s leading regeneration specialist, has launched its initial ideas for the regeneration of its 37-acre, semi-derelict Railway Works site on Stratford Road. This significant private investment will deliver a package of community benefits in the heart of Wolverton town centre, including a new discount foodstore, a mix of new homes and modern new premises for its growing railway business tenant. Gill's Day Off 9am 12:10pm 4:30pm 7:45pm Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Soup, Rolls and Prayers at St George's Health Walk leaves from St George’s Occasional Anthem practice at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) (Details: June) (Details: Anne & Robert) (Details: Carole) 9:15am 4:30pm Breakfast and Prayers at St George's Lantern Festival procession leaves the Square (Details: Stephen) (Details: Lee) 8am 9:30am 11am ADVENT 2 Mark 1:1-8 Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11 Holy Communion (BCP) (BCP) at St George's Parish Eucharist at St George's AllAll-Together Worship at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) Dec 7th 4pm "Remembering at Christmas" at St George's Dec 13th 11am Christmas Fair at Holy Trinity Sat 6th th0 SUN 7th0 (Details: Carole) A service to remember all the babies gone too soon. If you would like your angel's name included in the service or would like to do a reading, contact (Details: Pat) If you can help, please sign the list at the back of church. th Dec 20 6pm Town Band Carol Concert at St George's 6:45pm Vagabond Cinema at St George's Dec 21st 6pm Dec 24th 3:30pm (Details: Gillian) (Details: Gillian) Nativity, a comedy starring Martin Freeman. Mulled wine and mince pies on sale. Tickets £5 (£3) available from Mrs B's Emporium in Church Street. Carol Service at Holy Trinity Christingle at St George's (Details: Carole) (Details: Gill) CONTACTS RECTOR Rev Gill BarrowBarrow-Jones 222802 Usual Day off: Friday CURATE Vacancy ASSOCIATE CLERGY Rev Dr Richard Richard Sturch CHURCHWARDENS Holy Trinity Trinity Pat Gates 07811 256 427 Peter Leedale 07766 110 918 St George’s David Mainwaring 563051 Anne BlairBlair-Vincent 313007 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Gillian Bull Mott 07462 301 853 Mon--Thurs 4pmMon 4pm-6pm Sat 10:30am10:30am-12:30pm St-George-the-Martyr-Wolverton Holy-Trinity-Old-Wolverton EDITOR: Stephen Mott Items for inclusion, please, by 8pm WEDNESDAY CONGRATULATIONS to OLIVE 70 on Tuesday Tuesday! sday! CAROL SERVICE We would like to warmly welcome any of our church family who would like to sing with us in the Carol Service on Sunday 21st December at 6pm. Occasional Anthem are an adult choir who will be meeting for Christmas practice at Holy Trinity Church at 8:30pm on: Fridays 5th, 12th and 19th December. Carole Parking permits are available from church if you need to park in the Agora car park during services and events at St George’s. E&OE
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