5 March 2015 www.mountviewps.vic.edu.au mount.view.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Newsletter rr 9560 0471 9560 8750 March 6 Interschool Sports Summer Round 4 9 Labour Day Holiday – No School 10-13 10 10 16-27 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 Year 5 Camp to Phillip Island Prep – Year 2 Gymnastics Day Parent Helpers Training Session 2 at 2:00pm Year 2 Living Eggs Hatching Program Whole School Assembly Prep RACV visit Year 6 Camp Information Night at 7:00pm School Photos Parent Helpers Training Session 3 at 2:00pm National Ride to School Day District Tennis From the Principal – Colin Dobson History of the School On 11 of October 1965 Mount View Primary School was officially opened. This year we will be holding 50 year celebrations on Friday 9 October and Saturday 10 October. Can you please let anyone who may have attended Mount View over the past 50 years to make contact with the school and get their name put onto our 50 Year Celebration data base. The school phone number is (03) 9560 0471. Over the next few months I will place historical information about Mount View Primary School in the newsletter. Aboriginal History For thousands of years, the Boonoorung tribe inhabited the district in which the school site is located. Their hunting grounds extended from the Dandenong’s to Port Phillip Bay. The early colonists found them to be a ‘friendly’ tribe and when they camped in the Mulgrave area they hunted emus and kangaroos which were plentiful at the time. Gallagher Family The land on which Mount View Primary School now stands was part of Peter Gallagher’s property, known as ‘Hillside’ which ran along Gallaghers Road and down to Dandenong Creek. Peter Gallagher (an Irishman) and his wife Rose sailed from Liverpool on the ‘Atlanta’ in March 1856. They had two children with them, Margaret aged 2 and Mary aged 1. On his arrival at Port Phillip, Peter was employed by John King on his farm at Moorabbin. In 1871, Peter Gallagher selected 128 acres in Minogues Road (now Gallaghers Road) at Black Flat which then became known as Glen Waverley. Two of Peter Gallagher’s grandchildren lived in the brick residence east of the school site in Shepherd Road until their deaths. It is worth noting that Shepherd Road was also not the original name, in the early days it was called Stewarts Lane. 1 5 March 2015 By 1913 orchards had become part of the landscape in Glen Waverley and Peter Gallagher decided to develop an orchard on sections of his land. In 1962, the Education Department purchased some of Gallagher’s land to build a primary and secondary school. This land was connected to land that was also owned by Alan Percival Landers of 301 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, hence the early name suggested for the primary school was ‘Landers.’ The original Gallagher’s home that stood on the school site was demolished in 1964. In the next edition I will outline the beginnings of Primary School Number 4923. Student Free Day – Monday 13 April Please note that a student free day will be held on Monday 13 April. This is directly aligned to the April School holidays. Children will start Term 2 on Tuesday 14 April. The staff members will be off site for the professional learning program on this day. The staff members are going to working with Wayne Craig and focussing on his work around 10 Theories of Action. Permission Forms I hope that all permission forms have been sent back to the class teachers. It is important that we have all the permission forms back as soon as possible. They should have been returned by Friday 27 February. Outdoor Cinema Congratulations to the Parents’ Association for organising and running such a successful Outdoor Cinema experience for the families. Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the various stalls and roles during the evening. It was a very special school community event. Year 5 Camp All the best to the Year 5 students, staff members and parent helpers as they prepare for their camp experience at the Phillip Island Recreation site next week. I am sure that they will have a tremendous time. Year 5 Classrooms The new Year 5 classroom project was on schedule with all internal work completed, the arrival of the new furniture, data projectors installed, carpet laid etc. However, the project has been held up due to the unavailability of the electricians who have been contracted to this job. We have been informed that they will complete their work on Saturday 7 March. National Ride to School Day Friday 13 March I would like to encourage as many children to ride to school on Friday 13 March as a part of the National Ride to School initiative. Pedestrian Safety Please ensure that everyone crosses Shepherd Road at the intersection of Shepherd and Gallaghers Road or at the supervised pedestrian crossing located near Crestmont Drive. Under no circumstances should you cross in between these 2 points. The children model their behaviours from trusted adults and jay walking behaviour is not the behaviour we want our children to adopt. Can I also request that drivers do not let the children out of the car on Lori Place. Please wait until you get to the bottom car park and let the children out at the designated area. The safety of our children is our number one priority! Crestmont Parking Restrictions Please note that parking restrictions, 1 hour only, will be installed along the east side of Crestmont Drive. This will have an impact on staff members parking as well as parents who may be working at the school as a parent helper. These parking changes will be implemented within the next few weeks. 2 5 March 2015 Staff News Jonique Brennan Congratulations to Jonique and Mark Brennan on the birth of their baby boy Nate Fraser Brennan on Friday 13 February. Nate, Jonique and Mark are all doing well. Alison Rees Congratulations to Alison Rees on her selection as the Victorian IB PYP Network President for the next 2 years. There are eleven representatives from the 55 PYP Victorian schools that form the executive committee. Congratulations Alison! Mount View Carnival Committee The Mount View Carnival will once again run on 13 November. I am seeking members of our parent community to join the Carnival Committee. Once again Sharon Ammerlaan and I will lead the organizing committee but we cannot organise this event alone. Please contact me at dobson.colin.j1@edumail.vic.gov.au if you are able and willing to be a part of this exciting and rewarding committee. From the Assistant Principal – Alison Rees Celebrating Diversity Day – Monday February 23 We had a FANTASTIC day last Monday. Whist the weather presented us with a few challenges at assembly and in the afternoon, the PE Centre was buzzing for the assembly with a huge variety of student performances. The day had three focus areas: Assembly – Celebrating all MVPS cultures through wearing of traditional dress or red or yellow Expert Activities – Focus on Chinese culture – valuing & enhancing our Languages– Mandarin – Program Classroom Activities – Focus on AusVELS Cross Curriculum Priority – Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia With all year levels “visiting” China, the other Asian nations that students “visited” across the day included: Prep – India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan Yr 1 – South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea Yr 2 – India, Mongolia, Japan and Pakistan Yr 3 – Japan, Vietnam, India and Korea Yr 4 – Philippines, Myanmar, Bhutan and Bangladesh Yr 5 – Japan, India, Indonesia and Cambodia Yr 6 – Thailand, Afghanistan, Japan and North & South Korea Have a look for yourself at some of the fun that happened on the day. 3 5 March 2015 Congratulations and thank you to our Languages – Mandarin teachers for their organisation and management of assembly and to all the other teachers, ESO and presenters who helped to make this such an annual special event. Student Challenges 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Some parents have made enquiries as to the dates for 2015 ICAS competitions for students in Years 3 – 6. These are listed below and have been adjusted to accommodate the MVPS camping program. Whilst these are the calendared dates at the moment and we try not to change them, sometimes we need to in order to accommodate excursions and sporting events that might arise. All students in Years 3 – 6 are encouraged to participate in the four core English, Mathematics, Spelling and Writing, with Computer Skills and Science being optional competitions. A registration and payment form will be sent home in the next few weeks. Please note - At Mount View we don’t offer ICAS to Year 2 students as we don’t consider this type of competition to be appropriate for this age group. 4 5 March 2015 ICAS Competition ICAS Competition Date Digital Technologies (Computer Skills) Year 6 only – Thursday May 14 (Moved to accommodate Yr 6 camp) Years 3 – 5 – Tuesday May 19 Science Wednesday June 3 Spelling Thursday June 18 Writing Thursday June 18 English Tuesday July 28 Mathematics Friday August 14 Parent Support Helping Build Resilience At the start of any school year there are always moments of anxiety and nervousness for children, parents and teachers alike. Some of it’s to do with the unknown – new routines, new teacher, new classroom and for some, a whole new location – and for some it’s the worry about making new friends. A few weeks into the term and we wonder, “What was I worried about?” Everything settles and the “now” is normal and what happened last year is forgotten. The quality that gets us through these moments is resilience. Resiliency is the ability to persevere and adjust when faced with adversity. We all face adversity, but it's the way we react that determines how we feel and how well we perform in those circumstances. Resilient children do better in school, have more positive social experiences and achieve high levels of personal and professional success. Children who are naturally resilient, or are taught to be resilient, thrive. Given all the temptations which school-aged children are faced with in today's world, teaching our children resiliency skills may be one of our best weapons to "fight back" against negative influences. Resilient individuals are said to have an excited and active approach to life, they are curious and open to new experiences and do things to increase their experience of positive emotions. Developing a greater level of resilience won’t stop bad or stressful things from happening, but can reduce the level of disruption a stressor has and the time taken to recover. Resiliency begins with how parents personally handle adversity. Parents who can handle difficult situations with openness and grace provide their children with a role to model follow. The atmosphere within the home and the way parents conduct their family life significantly influences their children's resiliency. The elements of resilience listed below might be something you can use with your child to help them develop this important quality. FIFTEEN ELEMENTS OF RESILIENCE To overcome adversities, children, youth and adults draw from three sources of resilience. I HAVE 1. People around me I can trust and who love me, no matter what. 2. People who set limits for me so I know when to stop before there is trouble. 3. People who show me how to do things right by the way they do things. 4. People who want me to learn to do things on my own. 5. People who help me when I am sinking, in danger or need to learn. 5 5 March 2015 I AM 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A person people can like and love. Glad to do nice things for others and show my concern. Respectful of others and myself Willing to be responsible for what I do. Sure things will be all right. (Optimistic) I CAN 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Talk to others about things that frighten or bother me. Find ways to solve problems that I face. Control myself when I feel like doing something not right or dangerous. Figure out when it is a good time to talk to someone or, take action. Find someone to help me when I need it. 6 5 March 2015 On Friday 20 February we held a Year 5 & 6 assembly and announced our Summer Insterschool sports captains. Mr Dobson presented these students with their wrist bands. For round 2 of Summer Interschool Sport Mount View Blue played Essex Heights and had 6 wins and 4 losses. Volleyball Mixed blue had a great win highlights being Dinal, Matt, Jonathon and Akshat performed excellent serving. Round 3 ISS On Friday 27 February we played Glendale, Mount Scopus and Essex heights. We had 10 wins and 12 losses everybody played well with good team work and sportsmanship. A highlight was some of the team’s comebacks and high scores by Lakshman and Patrick DIVISION SWIMMING On Thursday 26 February, 16 students represented Mount View PS at the Monash Waverley Division swimming championships at Monash Aquatic Centre. We had some outstanding results! We now have 9 students qualifying for the Eastern Metropolitan Region on Friday 13 March at Nunawading Swim Centre. Relay 1 st 5KB Morris 10 4RT Sienna 10 Breaststroke 3 5AG Samuel 11 Backstroke 7 6TK Yivone 11 Relay 2 nd 5NP Cindy 10 Relay 2 nd 6TK Ethan 12 Relay 6 th 6BL Patrick 12 Relay 6 th th 5AG Ryan 11 Butterfly 5 4DO Marcus 10 Relay 1 6EC Trent 12 Relay 6 st th 7 rd th 5 March 2015 Relay 6 th 6BL Yali © 12 6BL Lauren 12 6KG Cindy 11 Relay 2 nd 5KB David 10 Relay 1 st 3AF Justin 10 Relay 1 6AD Vivian © 11 Relay 2 Backstroke 2 nd Backstroke 5 th nd Freestyle 1 Breaststroke 2 st Backstroke Backstroke 1st Mount View PS Division 2015 Swim Team 8 rd st Butterfly 1 st Butterfly 3 1 nd st Breaststroke 1st 5 March 2015 How can you help with this year’s Art Show? The Mount View Art Show, exhibiting the work of renowned local and interstate artists will be on again in June this year. Last year it was a huge success, both financially and as a wonderful community event. The opening night cocktail party was a fun night for families, staff and local residents and throughout the show, the funds raised for the school reached a record $20,000. We ask that all Mount View families support this wonderful event by visiting the Art Show, perhaps purchasing a lovely piece of art, but also offering your support in other ways. You can……….. Volunteer for larger rostered jobs e.g. Setting up and dismantling the show or manning the ticket desk during the Art Show. Contact Sue Gadler-Hele for further information and to volunteer your time. Monitor the website. Contact Sue Gadler-Hele to find out what this involves. gadler-hele.sue.s@edumail.vic.gov.au Offer major sponsorship of $500. Extensively promote your organisation/business. Contact Colin Dobson for a sponsorship flyer containing detailed information dobson.colin.j1@edumail.vic.gov.au Donate prizes or products e.g. Gift vouchers, wine Donate major raffle prizes e.g. Electronic items, travel or holiday packages, coffee machine Donate significant student friendly early bird raffle prizes e.g. iPod, camera, sporting equipment Contact Jackie Dowling regarding raffle prizes or donations dowling.jacqueline.a@edumail.vic.gov.au Any donations will be acknowledged throughout the Art Show and significant prizes/donations will be classified as major sponsorship of the 2015 Art Show. Major sponsors of the Art Show are entitled to advertising on billboards, on MVPS Art Show face book page, in the school newsletter and art fliers, as well as opening night tickets. Please email one of the above people now to let us know how you would like to assist this year. Thanks Art Show Committee 9 5 March 2015 An Important Message from the Health Centre In order for the Health Centre to provide the best care for your child in 2015, we require current information regarding your child’s medical conditions. You can access all the medical forms on the school website. Please fill in the necessary forms and drop them off to the office or Health Centre. Please be aware that the Department of Education requires us to have updated Asthma action plans and Anaphylactic action plans each year. If you have not yet made us aware of any medical conditions your child may have, for example: Anaphylaxis, Allergies, Asthma please inform us as soon as possible. Kind Regards Carol Pickford and Alison Tong School Nurses Student Insurance Cover Parents/guardians are reminded that the Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs. Student accident insurance/ambulance cover policies are available from some commercial insurers, and can be obtained by parents/guardians for individual students. If you would like further information please go to www.studentcover.com.au. 10 The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) does not endorse the 5 March 2015 products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the DEECD or Mount View Primary School Council for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. John Sugden Swim School For children aged 3-16years Sunday Mornings: 10:00-12:30pm Wesley College Pool Glen Waverley Term 1 Starts Sunday 22 February 2015 BOOK NOW FREE Assessment Phone/Fax 9890 5451 Email: john@jsss.com.au Website: www.jsss.com.au 11 5 March 2015 12
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