Membership in East Hills Preschool, Inc. East Hills Preschool is a parent-owned and operated non-profit corporation. It represents an exciting and unique endeavor in the field of early childhood education. The purpose of this corporation is to provide quality pre-elementary education for children in the East San Jose area. Its goal is to provide for the young children in this community a superior learning opportunity within a stimulating and loving environment. The director and teachers who are responsible for the educational program are highly qualified and exceed the state educational requirements. The school has made it their policy to maintain a ratio of three teachers to every group of twenty-four students. Members of East Hills Preschool, Inc. include all parents of children enrolled in the school, the school staff and all other interested parties. An annual fee is required for membership. Each member is entitled to all voting privileges of the corporation. Parent involvement has always been a very necessary and vital factor in the preschool s ability to achieve its goal of maintaining a high standard of education. The school does rely on proceeds from fund raising activities to augment its educational program. Upon registration, you are required to sign up for one of the support committees on the following page. Welcome to East Hills Preschool! EAST HILLS PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM 2015 - 2016 I am registering my child: Child’s Date of Birth: Other Parent: Home address: Cell Phone: Emergency Contact: Emergency Contact Phone: Zip: Work Phone: Relation: Cell Phone: Parent/Guardian Email: Doctor Name: Doctor Phone: Referred by: MORNINGS: City: Home Phone: Child’s Age: Parent Name: Date: MWF – 8:15 – 11:15 AM $4,400.00 yearly tuition TTH – 8:15 – 11:15 AM $3,300.00 yearly tuition M - F – 8:15 – 11:15 AM $7,150.00 yearly tuition MWF – 12:15 – 3:15 PM $4,100.00 yearly tuition TTH – 12:15 – 3:15 PM $2,800.00 yearly tuition M – F – 12:15 – 3:15 PM $6,500.00 yearly tuition AFTERNOONS: FINANCIAL AGREEMENT: I understand that an annual non-refundable membership fee of $150.00 is payable at the time of registration (per family). PAID I understand that I am signing a ten-month contract that commits me to payment of ten-months’ tuition, first installment due July 1. I understand that tuition payments at East Hills Preschool may be made either in one lump sum or in ten equal installments. In either case, payment is due July 1 for the full year or the first month’s tuition. On the installment plan, payments are always made in advance, i.e. September tuition is due July 1, October tuition is due September 1, etc. Initial payments begin on July 1 and continue monthly from September through May. Therefore, accounts paid on time will have no payment for the month of June. A 10% late fee will be charged after the 15th day of the month. There are NO refunds or make-ups for days missed due to school holidays, personal vacations or illnesses. I will give ONE month’s written notice of termination. In order to insure your slot for September, the membership fee ($150.00) will be due at the time of registration. Failure to comply will result in your slot being filled with the next name on the waiting list. I have read and concur with the Enrollment Agreement given to me. RELEASE OF PHOTOGRAPHS: By submitting this registration, I agree that EHPS may use photographs or video including my child for promotional use, education activities, exhibitions, or for any other use for the benefit of the program. I understand that EHPS will not publish names associated with the likeness of any child on the internet. Allowing photo usage ensures that my child will be included in any end-of-the-year slideshow or yearbook efforts that may occur. By initialing here, I agree to the above photo release: By initialing here, I opt-out of the above photo release: Signature of Parent or Guardian: EAST HILLS PRESCHOOL ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT Financial Agreement: The obligation of the parents/guardians, hereafter called “parents” for the student’s enrollment during subject period are fully set forth in the East Hills Preschool Registration Form and by this reference made a part hereof. Tuition Policy: East Hills Preschool (EHPS) has many expenses of a continuing nature, such as faculty salaries and plant maintenance. In order to plan and maintain these services, it is essential that the annual income from tuitions be assured. For this reason, students are enrolled for the entire academic year or that portion remaining after date of entry. No tuition reduction or refund will be made for a student’s absence, illness, late arrival, suspension, expulsion, or withdrawal. The ONLY exception to this policy is in the event that parents voluntarily withdraw a student 30 days after sending a written notice by mail to the school and first tuition payment, required to hold a student’s place in class (this payment is made on July 1), is never refunded if the school is not at full enrollment. Withdrawal notice delivered verbally or by other means shall NOT be considered sufficient under this Agreement. After the student’s withdrawal, a pro-rated refund of tuition shall be made based upon the number of months remaining in the academic year after 30 days from the end of the month in which notice of withdrawal was received by EHPS. (The Board of Directors reserves the right to waive tuition for an existing student based on extenuating circumstances.) A student’s withdrawal terminates membership in the corporation. A late fee of 10% will be assessed after the 15th of each month. The 10% late fee will continue to be applied for each month the past due balance remains unpaid. If tuition payments are more than 25 days past due, institutions of student suspension proceedings is required. It is also understood and agreed that students whose tuition is not paid when due may not be permitted to continue in EHPS until the tuition is paid in full. Parents are required to keep a current credit card on file. For overdue accounts, EHPS reserves the right to charge any and all past due charges via credit card. The credit card will only be charged if there is an outstanding balance as of the following dates in the year: November 15, February 15, May 15, and June 15 In the event that parents fail to fulfill any of the requirements of the Agreement, and EHPS incurs collection costs as a result, parents agree to pay all collection or other costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees. The Board of Directors reserves the right to amend the tuition policy at any time. Revised 1/28/15 1 Student Suspension or Expulsion: Subject to final decision by the Board of Directors, EHPS Directors hired by the Board may suspend or expel any student if, in their opinion, there is convincing evidence of student misconduct, inappropriate behavior or failure to adhere to school policies and regulation. An example of misconduct is behavior that is continually disruptive or potentially harmful to the child or others. Failure of a parent, guardian, or other family member to adhere to school policies and regulations shall also constitute grounds for suspension or expulsion. Transportation: Transportation of students to and from EHPS shall be the sole responsibility of parents. Late Pick-up: Pick up times are 11:15-11:30 AM and 3:15-3:30 PM. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU BE PROMPT. A late pick-up fee of $10 per every fifteen minutes or part thereof past the designated pick-up time shall be charged. THREE (3) occurrences shall result in a $100 fee and shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors. If a student has not been picked up within one hour of class dismissal, and the staff has been unable to reach parents and emergency contact persons through reasonable means, the Child Protective Services may be called by the Directors. Consent to Student Participation and Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization: Permission is hereby granted for the student to participate in any and all recreational activities and other EHPS-sponsored activities, as well as full participation in the education program of EHPS. Parents agree to the transport of Student in vehicles owned, rented, or borrowed by EHPS or its agents for any reasonable purpose, at any time during the academic year. In connection with the foregoing and pursuant to California Code Section 28.8: We, the parents or guardians of the above minor child, do hereby authorize the adult leaders, teachers, administrators, or other proper agents of EHPS to act as agents for the undersigned to consent to any X-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care for the above minor child which is deemed advisable and to be rendered under the general or special supervision of a physician or dentist, at a hospital, school or elsewhere. This authorization will remain effective while the above child is en route to or from, or involved or participating in any EHPS program or activity, unless revoked in writing by the parent or guardian and delivered to the aforesaid agent. Consent is also herewith given EHPS for any first aid treatment of the Student which is deemed advisable by EHPS, its Directors, teachers, or other agents, for any condition which, in the exercise of their sole discretion, is deemed to be of any emergency nature. Revised 1/28/15 2 Release and Indemnity: In consideration of EHPS allowing the student and or parents to participate in school activities, the Student and parents waive all right, title and interest in and to any claim or cause of action which they may have against EHPS, its agents or employees for any and all injuries which may occur to them and/or their property related to such employees. The Student and parents also agree to indemnify and hold harmless EHPS, its agents or employees from any and all injuries which may be caused to persons or property and which may result from any act or omission by Student or parents. Consent to Testing and Release of Records: Parents hereby authorize release to EHPS of transcripts, medical, educational, behavioral and psychological records, and any related information that may be deemed desirable for student evaluation or educational planning by EHPS. Parents further authorize the administration of such test as deemed useful by EHPS for student evaluation or counseling and/or EHPS program planning or evaluation. Consent to Release of Child’s Photographs: By submitting this registration, I agree that EHPS may use photographs or video including my child for promotional use, education activities, exhibitions, or for any other use for the benefit of the program. I understand that EHPS will not publish names associated with the likeness of any child on the internet. Allowing photo usage ensures that my child will be included in any end-of-the-year slideshow or yearbook efforts that may occur. I may decline this photo release as instructed on the registration form. Increase of Tuition: The Board of Directors reserves the right to increase all annual Tuition fees, and accordingly, the payments required of the parents to meet said obligation, as well as the additional charges enumerated below on sixty (60) days prior to written notice: provided, however, that said increased charges will not be made retroactively, but only prospectively on subject notice, and then only for the express purpose of meeting all of the School’s necessary expenses to maintain the quality standard of its programs contemplated at the commencement of the School year, as nonprofit serving the benefit of the Student, his/her parents and the School’s faculty. Refund, Credits, and the Adjustments: No refund, credits or adjustments shall be allowed for a Student’s absenteeism, regardless of the reason thereof. Miscellaneous Charges: In addition to their obligation for tuition, parents shall pay to the school, at the time the Registration Form is signed by them, an annual fee which is non-refundable. Revised 1/28/15 3 Force Majeure: In the event that a campus is closed because of a natural catastrophe, war, strike, civil emergency, or other circumstance beyond the control of EHPS, this contract shall remain in full force and effect, but EHPS shall be obliged to provide additional instructional days during or immediately following the end of the academic year or, at the option of EHPS, to refund a pro-rated sum equal to the instructional day(s) lost. Extent of Agreement and Notices: The Registration Form referenced in the Agreement is a part hereof and together make up the entire Agreement between the parties. No verbal agreement exist between the parties. This Agreement cannot be varied, altered, or amended, except by the WRITTEN agreement executed by all parties hereto. If any provision or provisions of the Agreement are held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions hereof which shall not affect the other provisions hereof which shall continue in full force and effect. All notices relative to the Agreement shall be sent to the Administrative Office of the School. A notice required to be sent by either party hereto shall be deemed sufficient only if is in writing and sent by United States mail to the last known address of the party to whom the notice is to be given. Please acknowledge with your signature below that you read all four pages of the above Agreement, and that you accept it. Parent’s Name Signature Child’s Name Date Revised 1/28/15 4 EAST HILLS PRESCHOOL TUITION POLICIES The Board of Directors of East Hills Preschool (EHPS) has adopted the following Tuition Policies and requires that registered families read, agree to, and sign the following form in order to complete registration: 1. Tuition may be paid either in one lump sum or in ten equal installments. a. One lump sum – Due July 1, 2015 b. Installment tuition plan (ten equal installments) 1st installment due July 1, 2015 (September dues) No payment is made in August 2nd installment due September 1, 2015 (October dues) & monthly installments continue each month thereafter, always due on the 1st of the month, until final payment on May 1, 2016.* *Those in arrears, or those who started mid-year and did not make the first in-advance payment may require a payment in June 2016. 2. Tuition is due the first of each month and considered late after the 15th of the month. A 10% late charge will be added at that time. 3. The policy of EHPS shall be to charge a fee of $25.00 for checks that are returned unpaid from the bank. 4. EHPS allows families to resign from the school with 30 days written notice. However, in the event that a student resigns prior to the start of the school year in September and the school is not at full enrollment, the first installment payment of tuition is non-refundable. Additionally, any family that resigns later than April 1 of any school year is expected to pay tuition in full through June. 5. Parents are required to keep a credit card on file. For overdue accounts, EHPS reserves the right to charge any and all past due charges via credit card. The credit card will only be charged if there is an outstanding balance as of the following dates in the year: November 15, February 15, May 15, and June 15 6. The Board of Directors reserves the right to waive the tuition for an existing student based on extenuating circumstances. I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE ABOVE TUITION POLICIES Parent’s Name Signature Child’s Name Date Credit Card Number Type Expiration Security Code EAST HILLS PRESCHOOL PARTICIPATION POLICY In order to minimize tuition costs, it is the policy of East Hills Preschool to require each family to contribute time and effort in the operation and management of the preschool through: Participation on one committee OR on the Board of Directors Attendance of up to 2 General Corporation Meetings Attendance at 1 Parent Education Meeting As a member of a committee, you will also be providing support for the Auction As a condition of enrollment, at least one adult member of each family is required to sign up for a minimum of one committee assignment or Board of Directors position, attend committee meetings throughout the school year and actively contribute time and effort towards the accomplishment of the committee’s objectives as detailed by the committee. And, each family must be represented at the (up to) 2 General Corporation meetings and attend at least 1 Parent Education Night. (Parent Education night may be combined with one of the General Meetings. If you absolutely cannot attend the General Meeting, your proxy vote must be received by the Preschool.) In the event that a family does not fulfill any part of the participation requirements, the Board of Directors has the right to charge the $300.00 Non-Participation Fee, payable to the Preschool by January 1, 2016. If the payment is not settled, a collection agency may be called to rectify. I/We understand that in the event that I/we do not fulfill the participation requirements as stated above, I/we may be assessed, and I/we agree to pay, a non-participation fee of $300.00. I/we understand that this assessment will be made and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Name: Signature: Date: EAST HILLS PRESCHOOL COMMITTEE SIGN-UPS 2015 - 2016 PARENT(S) NAME(S): _________________________________________________ CHILD’S NAME: ________________________ CHILD’S CLASS:_____________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: __________________ CELL PHONE: ______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS(S): __________________________________________________ Please mark your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices below. I would like to be a candidate for the Board of Directors: President Social/Hospitality Liaison Vice President Fundraising/Scrip Committee Chairperson Secretary Work Party Committee Chairperson Treasurer Personnel Chairperson Parent Coordinator Auction Chairperson Alternate Marketing Chairperson I would like to be a member of the following committee: Work Party Committee Social/Hospitality Committee Marketing/Registration Committee Auction Committee Fundraising Committee AF/NP – I want to pay the fee of $300.00 and NOT participate on a committee. Revised 1/28/15 East Hills Preschool 14845 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 923-8616 Skills Form Child(ren)’s Name:________________________________ Class:___________________ Father’s Name:____________________________ Occupation:_____________________ Phone:______________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Mother’s Name: ___________________________ Occupation:_____________________ Phone:______________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Do you or your spouse have any of these skills? (Please check) Legal Expertise Marketing Grant Writing HR Expertise Web Development Fundraising Plumbing Graphic Design Event planning Construction Photography Sewing IT/ Computers Gardening Communications Do you know of anyone who may be interested in substitute teaching? Yes No Name of Teacher: __________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ East Hills Preschool 14845 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 923-8616 Medical Release Consent Form Child’s Name: Date of Birth: Parent’s Name: Phone: Address: City: Zip: In the event that my child becomes ill or sustains an injury while in the care of East Hills Preschool, I give permission to those in charge to take whatever steps are necessary. If it is not possible to reach the doctor named below or to receive my instruction for his/her care, consent is given to any licensed physician and/or surgeon to whom my child is taken for treatment, to administer drugs or medications, and perform such surgical procedures as he/she shall think the emergency requires or for the relief of pain and to preserve life and health. My child, , does/ does not have known allergies to drugs and medication. (Please list any known allergies to drugs or medication under “COMMENTS”.) Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Physician’s Name: Phone: ( ) Dentist’s Name: Phone: ( ) Insurance Medical Dental Group Plan: Group Plan: I.D.: I.D.: Coverage: Coverage: Special Instructions: Please attach a copy of insurance and please notify our office immediately of any changes to your insurance. Comments: STATE OF CALIFORNIA - HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES CONSENT FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENTChild Care Centers Or Family Child Care Homes AS THE PARENT OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, I HEREBY GIVE CONSENT TO East Hills Preschool _________________________________________ TO OBTAIN ALL EMERGENCY MEDICAL OR DENTAL CARE FACILITY NAME PRESCRIBED BY A DULY LICENSED PHYSICIAN (M.D.) OSTEOPATH (D.O.) OR DENTIST (D.D.S.) FOR __________________________________________________ . THIS CARE MAY BE GIVEN UNDER NAME WHATEVER CONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY TO PRESERVE THE LIFE, LIMB OR WELL BEING OF THE CHILD NAMED ABOVE. CHILD HAS THE FOLLOWING MEDICATION ALLERGIES: DATE PARENT OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE HOME ADDRESS HOME PHONE WORK PHONE ( ( ) LIC 627 (9/08) (CONFIDENTIAL) ) STATE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING DIVISION IDENTIFICATION AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION CHILD CARE CENTERS/FAMILY CHILD CARE HOMES To Be Completed by Parent or Authorized Representative CHILD’S NAME LAST ADDRESS NUMBER MIDDLE FIRST SEX TELEPHONE ( STREET FATHER’S/GUARDIAN’S/FATHER’S DOMESTIC PARTNER’S NAME CITY LAST STATE MIDDLE ZIP FIRST BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( HOME ADDRESS NUMBER STREET CITY STATE ZIP LAST MIDDLE FIRST NUMBER STREET CITY STATE ZIP LAST NAME MIDDLE FIRST ) HOME TELEPHONE ( PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR CHILD ) BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( HOME ADDRESS ) HOME TELEPHONE ( MOTHER’S/GUARDIAN’S/MOTHER’S DOMESTIC PARTNER’S NAME ) BIRTHDATE ) HOME TELEPHONE BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( ( ) ) ADDITIONAL PERSONS WHO MAY BE CALLED IN AN EMERGENCY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE RELATIONSHIP PHYSICIAN OR DENTIST TO BE CALLED IN AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN ADDRESS MEDICAL PLAN AND NUMBER DENTIST ADDRESS MEDICAL PLAN AND NUMBER TELEPHONE ( ) TELEPHONE ( ) IF PHYSICIAN CANNOT BE REACHED, WHAT ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN? ■ CALL EMERGENCY HOSPITAL ■ OTHER EXPLAIN: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAMES OF PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO TAKE CHILD FROM THE FACILITY (CHILD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE WITH ANY OTHER PERSON WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM PARENT OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) NAME RELATIONSHIP TIME CHILD WILL BE CALLED FOR SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE TO BE COMPLETED BY FACILITY DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR/FAMILY CHILD CARE HOMES LICENSEE DATE OF ADMISSION LIC 700 (8/08)(CONFIDENTIAL) DATE LEFT STATE OF CALIFORNIA–HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING CHILD’S PREADMISSION HEALTH HISTORY—PARENT’S REPORT CHILD’S NAME SEX BIRTH DATE FATHER’S/FATHER’S DOMESTIC PARTNER’S NAME DOES FATHER/FATHER’S DOMESTIC PARTNER LIVE IN HOME WITH CHILD? MOTHER’S/MOTHER’S DOMESTIC PARTNER’S NAME DOES MOTHER/MOTHER’S DOMESTIC PARTNER LIVE IN HOME WITH CHILD? IS /HAS CHILD BEEN UNDER REGULAR SUPERVISION OF PHYSICIAN? DATE OF LAST PHYSICAL/MEDICAL EXAMINATION DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY (*For infants and preschool-age children only) WALKED AT * BEGAN TALKING AT MONTHS * TOILET TRAINING STARTED AT MONTHS * MONTHS PAST ILLNESSES — Check illnesses that child has had and specify approximate dates of illnesses: DATES DATES DATES ■ Chicken Pox ■ Diabetes ■ Poliomyelitis ■ Asthma ■ Epilepsy ■ ■ Rheumatic Fever ■ Whooping cough Ten-Day Measles (Rubeola) ■ ■ Hay Fever ■ Mumps Three-Day Measles (Rubella) SPECIFY ANY OTHER SERIOUS OR SEVERE ILLNESSES OR ACCIDENTS ■ DOES CHILD HAVE FREQUENT COLDS? YES ■ NO HOW MANY IN LAST YEAR? LIST ANY ALLERGIES STAFF SHOULD BE AWARE OF DAILY ROUTINES (*For infants and preschool-age children only) * WHAT TIME DOES CHILD GET UP? * WHAT TIME DOES CHILD GO TO BED? DOES CHILD SLEEP DURING THE DAY? DIET PATTERN: (What does child usually eat for these meals?) * WHEN? DOES CHILD SLEEP WELL? * * * HOW LONG? BREAKFAST WHAT ARE USUAL EATING HOURS? BREAKFAST ________________________ LUNCH_____________________________ LUNCH DINNER DINNER ANY FOOD DISLIKES? ANY EATING PROBLEMS? * IS CHILD TOILET TRAINED? ■ YES ■ IF YES, AT WHAT STAGE: * NO WORD USED FOR “BOWEL MOVEMENT” ARE BOWEL MOVEMENTS REGULAR? ■ YES ■ WORD USED FOR URINATION * * WHAT IS USUAL TIME? * NO * PARENT’S EVALUATION OF CHILD’S HEALTH IS CHILD PRESENTLY UNDER A DOCTOR’S CARE? ■ YES ■ YES ■ DOES CHILD TAKE PRESCRIBED MEDICATION(S)? ■ NO DOES CHILD USE ANY SPECIAL DEVICE(S): ■ IF YES, NAME OF DOCTOR: IF YES, WHAT KIND: NO YES ■ IF YES, WHAT KIND AND ANY SIDE EFFECTS: NO DOES CHILD USE ANY SPECIAL DEVICE(S) AT HOME? IF YES, WHAT KIND: ■ YES ■ NO PARENT’S EVALUATION OF CHILD’S PERSONALITY HOW DOES CHILD GET ALONG WITH PARENTS, BROTHERS, SISTERS AND OTHER CHILDREN? HAS THE CHILD HAD GROUP PLAY EXPERIENCES? DOES THE CHILD HAVE ANY SPECIAL PROBLEMS/FEARS/NEEDS? (EXPLAIN.) WHAT IS THE PLAN FOR CARE WHEN THE CHILD IS ILL? REASON FOR REQUESTING DAY CARE PLACEMENT PARENT’S SIGNATURE LIC 702 (8/08) (CONFIDENTIAL) DATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA—HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING DIVISION CHILD CARE CENTER NOTIFICATION OF PARENTS’ RIGHTS PARENTS’ RIGHTS As a Parent/Authorized Representative, you have the right to: 1. Enter and inspect the child care center without advance notice whenever children are in care. 2. File a complaint against the licensee with the licensing office and review the licensee’s public file kept by the licensing office. 3. Review, at the child care center, reports of licensing visits and substantiated complaints against the licensee made during the last three years. 4. Complain to the licensing office and inspect the child care center without discrimination or retaliation against you or your child. 5. Request in writing that a parent not be allowed to visit your child or take your child from the child care center, provided you have shown a certified copy of a court order. 6. Receive from the licensee the name, address and telephone number of the local licensing office. Licensing Office Name: Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing _________________________________________________ Licensing Office Address: 2580 N. 1st Street #300 San Jose, CA 95131 _________________________________________________ Licensing Office Telephone #: (408) 324-2148 _________________________________________________ 7. Be informed by the licensee, upon request, of the name and type of association to the child care center for any adult who has been granted a criminal record exemption, and that the name of the person may also be obtained by contacting the local licensing office. 8. Receive, from the licensee, the Caregiver Background Check Process form. NOTE: CALIFORNIA STATE LAW PROVIDES THAT THE LICENSEE MAY DENY ACCESS TO THE CHILD CARE CENTER TO A PARENT/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IF THE BEHAVIOR OF THE PARENT/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE POSES A RISK TO CHILDREN IN CARE. For the Department of Justice “Registered Sex Offender”database, go to LIC 995 (9/08) (Detach Here - Give Upper Portion to Parents) A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T O F N O T I F I C AT I O N O F PA R E N T S ’ R I G H T S (Parent/Authorized Representative Signature Required) I, the parent/authorized representative of ________________________________________________, have received a copy of the “CHILD CARE CENTER NOTIFICATION OF PARENTS’ RIGHTS” and the CAREGIVER BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS form from the licensee. East Hills Preschool _____________________________________ Name of Child Care Center ______________________________________________ Signature (Parent/Authorized Representative) NOTE: __________________ Date This Acknowledgement must be kept in child’s file and a copy of the Notification given to parent/authorized representative. For the Department of Justice “Registered Sex Offender”database go to LIC 995 (9/08) STATE OF CALIFORNIA - HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES PERSONAL RIGHTS Child Care Centers Personal Rights, See Section 101223 for waiver conditions applicable to Child Care Centers. (a) Child Care Centers. Each child receiving services from a Child Care Center shall have rights which include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) To be accorded dignity in his/her personal relationships with staff and other persons. (2) To be accorded safe, healthful and comfortable accommodations, furnishings and equipment to meet his/her needs. (3) To be free from corporal or unusual punishment, infliction of pain, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, coercion, threat, mental abuse, or other actions of a punitive nature, including but not limited to: interference with daily living functions, including eating, sleeping, or toileting; or withholding of shelter, clothing, medication or aids to physical functioning. (4) To be informed, and to have his/her authorized representative, if any, informed by the licensee of the provisions of law regarding complaints including, but not limited to, the address and telephone number of the complaint receiving unit of the licensing agency and of information regarding confidentiality. (5) To be free to attend religious services or activities of his/her choice and to have visits from the spiritual advisor of his/her choice. Attendance at religious services, either in or outside the facility, shall be on a completely voluntary basis. In Child Care Centers, decisions concerning attendance at religious services or visits from spiritual advisors shall be made by the parent(s), or guardian(s) of the child. (6) Not to be locked in any room, building, or facility premises by day or night. (7) Not to be placed in any restraining device, except a supportive restraint approved in advance by the licensing agency. THE REPRESENTATIVE/PARENT/GUARDIAN HAS THE RIGHT TO BE INFORMED OF THE APPROPRIATE LICENSING AGENCY TO CONTACT REGARDING COMPLAINTS, WHICH IS: NAME Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing ADDRESS 2580 N 1st Street #300 CITY ZIP CODE San Jose, CA 95132 AREA CODE/TELEPHONE NUMBER (408) 324-2148 DETACH HERE TO: PARENT/GUARDIAN/CHILD OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: PLACE IN CHILD'S FILE Upon satisfactory and full disclosure of the personal rights as explained, complete the following acknowledgment: ACKNOWLEDGMENT: I/We have been personally advised of, and have received a copy of the personal rights contained in the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, at the time of admission to: (PRINT THE NAME OF THE FACILITY) East Hills Preschool (PRINT THE ADDRESS OF THE FACILITY) 14845 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127 (PRINT THE NAME OF THE CHILD) (SIGNATURE OF THE REPRESENTATIVE/PARENT/GUARDIAN) (TITLE OF THE REPRESENTATIVE/PARENT/GUARDIAN) LIC 613A (8/08) (DATE) CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING STATE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY PHYSICIAN’S REPORT—CHILD CARE CENTERS (CHILD’S PRE-ADMISSION HEALTH EVALUATION) PART A – PARENT’S CONSENT (TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT) __________________________________________, born ________________________________ is being studied for readiness to enter (NAME OF CHILD) (BIRTH DATE) East Hills Preschool _________________________________________ . This Child Care Center/School provides a program which extends from _____ : ____ (NAME OF CHILD CARE CENTER/SCHOOL) a.m.p.m. to ______ BBBBa.m.p.m. , __________ days a week. Please provide a report on above-named child using the form below. I hereby authorize release of medical information contained in this report to the above-named Child Care Center. __________________________________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF PARENT, GUARDIAN, OR CHILD’S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) _________________ (TODAY’S DATE) PART B – PHYSICIAN’S REPORT (TO BE COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN) Problems of which you should be aware: Hearing: Allergies: medicine: Vision: Insect stings: Developmental: Food: Language/Speech: Asthma: Dental: Other (Include behavioral concerns): Comments/Explanations: MEDICATION PRESCRIBED/SPECIAL ROUTINES/RESTRICTIONS FOR THIS CHILD: IMMUNIZATION HISTORY: (Fill out or enclose California Immunization Record, PM-298.) DATE EACH DOSE WAS GIVEN VACCINE 1st POLIO (OPV OR IPV) DTP/DTaP/ DT/Td (DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS AND [ACELLULAR] PERTUSSIS OR TETANUS AND DIPHTHERIA ONLY) (MEASLES, MUMPS, AND RUBELLA) MMR (REQUIRED FOR CHILD CARE ONLY) (HAEMOPHILUS B) HIB MENINGITIS HEPATITIS B VARICELLA (CHICKENPOX) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / SCREENING OF TB RISK FACTORS (listing on reverse side) ■ Risk factors not present; TB skin test not required. ■ Risk factors present; Mantoux TB skin test performed (unless previous positive skin test documented). ___ Communicable TB disease not present. I have ■ have not ■ reviewed the above information with the parent/guardian. Physician:_______________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________ Date of Physical Exam: ___________________________________ Date This Form Completed: _______________________________ Signature ______________________________________________ ■ LIC 701 (8/08) (Confidential) Physician ■ Physician’s Assistant ■ Nurse Practitioner PAGE 1 OF 2 RISK FACTORS FOR TB IN CHILDREN: * Have a family member or contacts with a history of confirmed or suspected TB. * Are in foreign-born families and from high-prevalence countries (Asia, Africa, Central and South America). * Live in out-of-home placements. * Have, or are suspected to have, HIV infection. * Live with an adult with HIV seropositivity. * Live with an adult who has been incarcerated in the last five years. * Live among, or are frequently exposed to, individuals who are homeless, migrant farm workers, users of street drugs, or residents in nursing homes. * Have abnormalities on chest X-ray suggestive of TB. * Have clinical evidence of TB. Consult with your local health department’s TB control program on any aspects of TB prevention and treatment. LIC 701 (8/08) (Confidential) PAGE 2 of 2 EAST HILLS PRESCHOOL SIGNED HEALTH POLICY I hereby understand that for the health and well being of my child, the students enrolled in EHPS, and it’s staff members, I will be prohibited from bringing my child to school in event of his/her illness. An illness will be assumed with any of the following conditions, and the student must be kept home for at least 24 hours after illness: Fever Vomiting Diarrhea Profuse runny nose Sore throat Severe coughing Pinkeye Unusual spots or rashes Infected skin patches I will return all mandated health forms. The following immunizations are required: Polio (3 doses), DTP (4 doses), MMR, HIB, Hepatitis B and Varicella (Chicken Pox). A TB screening as referred to by the child’s pediatrician. Refer to Physician’s Report. Call the school whenever your child will be absent (408-923-8616) and notify us if your child contracts a contagious disease. Please sign the form, keep one copy, and return the other to the school for your child’s file. Name_____________________ Date______________________ Signature_______________________ East Hills Preschool 14845 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 923-8616 Child Information Form Child’s Formal Name Child’s Name Child’s Name (e.g., William Brady): as you prefer them to be addressed in class (e.g., Will) as you would like them to practice writing for school (e.g., William) Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Allergies: Special Needs: Adults that live in home and their relationship to child Name Relationship Names and ages of siblings Name Age Other significant adults in child’s life (grandparents, nanny, etc.) Name Relationship Animals: Is your child permitted to handle classroom animals? Yes No Is there another language spoken at home? Yes No If yes, what language? Other relevant information: STATE OF CALIFORNIA—HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS CAREGIVER BACKGROUND CHECK PROCESS CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES The California Department of Social Services works to protect the safety of children in child care by licensing child care centers and family child care homes. Our highest priority is to be sure that children are in safe and healthy child care settings. California law requires a background check for any adult who owns, lives in, or works in a licensed child care home or center. Each of these adults must submit fingerprints so that a background check can be done to see if they have any history of crime. If we find that a person has been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation or a marijuanarelated offense covered by the marijuana reform legislation codified at Health and Safety Code sections 11361.5 and 11361.7, he/she cannot work or live in the licensed child care home or center unless approved by the Department. This approval is called an exemption. A person convicted of a crime such as murder, rape, torture, kidnapping, crimes of sexual violence or molestation against children cannot by law be given an exemption that would allow them to own, live in or work in a licensed child care home or center. If the crime was a felony or a serious misdemeanor, the person must leave the facility while the request is being reviewed. If the crime is less serious, he/she may be allowed to remain in the licensed child care home or center while the exemption request is being reviewed. How the Exemption Request is Reviewed We request information from police departments, the FBI and the courts about the person’s record. We consider the type of crime, how many crimes there were, how long ago the crime happened and whether the person has been honest in what they told us. The person who needs the exemption must provide information about: • The crime • What they have done to change their life and obey the law • Whether they are working, going to school, or receiving training • Whether they have successfully completed a counseling or rehabilitation program The person also gives us reference letters from people who aren’t related to them who know about their history and their life now. We look at all these things very carefully in making our decision on exemptions. By law this information cannot be shared with the public. How to Obtain More Information As a parent or authorized representative of a child in licensed child care, you have the right to ask the licensed child care home or center whether anyone working or living there has an exemption. If you request this information, and there is a person with an exemption, the child care home or center must tell you the person’s name and how he or she is involved with the home or center and give you the name, address, and telephone number of the local licensing office. You may also get the person’s name by contacting the local licensing office. You may find the address and phone number on our website. The website address is LIC 995 E (10/09) East Hills Preschool 14845 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 923-8616 Child Goals and Expectations Form Child’s Name: Please list/describe some goals and/or expectations for your child in a preschool setting (e.g., social skills, counting, number recognition, etc.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. East Hills Preschool 14845 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 923-8616 Emergency Action Plan In case of an emergency or natural disaster: v Students may evacuate EHPS and walk to National Hispanic University, located at 14271 Story Road. (408) 926-6246. o Students will be supervised by the Program Director and teachers while off campus. v Parents will be notified by a board member of what the next steps will be (e.g., pick-up location, further communication). o There is a current emergency phone tree in place by the board members. It is important that each parent keeps all contact information up to date. v A more detailed disaster plan is located at the school, next to the front door, for your reference. East Hills Preschool 14845 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 923-8616 Emergency Evacuation Plan The Department of Social Services dictates that East Hills Preschool have a designated emergency evacuation site. In the event of a natural disaster or national emergency, our students will be evacuated to: The National Hispanic University 14271 Story Road San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 926-6246 East Hills Preschool 14845 Story Road San Jose, CA 95127 (408) 923-8616 Registration Checklist School Forms Student/Family Forms Registration Form - Original * Registration Form – Copy * Enrollment Agreement - Original * Enrollment Agreement – Copy * Tuition Policy – Original * Tuition Policy - Copy * Participation Agreement - Original * Participation Agreement - Copy * Committee Sign-ups – Original * Committee Sign-ups - Copy * Skills Form – Original Handbook - Original Medical Release - Original * Caregiver Background Check Consent of Emergency Treatment – Original * Emergency Evacuation Plan Identification & Emergency – Original * Health & History - Original Parent’s Rights - Original Personal Rights - Original Physician’s Form - Original Health Policy - Original * Child Info. Form - Original * Child Goals and Expectations Form – Original Please verify that you have received copies of all forms noted in the Student/Family Column. This checklist stays with the school along with the completed forms noted under School Forms. *Returning students will receive only the asterisked forms. Revised 1/28/15
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