Hollycombe School Newsletter 7 February 2015 Welcome back and I hope you all had a very enjoyable break. Thank you to the HPA for a lively Valentines disco before half term. The children had lots of fun and there were some fantastic moves on the dance floor! Sarah Noble—As part of Sarah’s training she must spend some time teaching at another school and is presently at Liphook Infant School. Sarah will be back with us after Easter. WORLD BOOK DAY Poetry Recital - Final Friday 6th March at 1.30pm Thank you for all the entries to the Poetry Recital Competition. We are thrilled to announce that we have two independent judges coming to the event on Friday 6th March: Tim O’Kelly, owner of One Tree Books in Petersfield and Jacqui Woodhams, Governor and Milland Parish councillor. PARENTS ARE WELCOME BUT PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW AS THERE MAY WELL BE LIMITED SPACE FOR SEATS. World Book Day—Vouchers As part of World Book Day every child will receive a voucher which entitles the child to One Free £1 World Book Day book or to £1 off a book or audio book worth £2.99 or more in participating bookshops. A voucher for your child/children is being sent home which is valid from 2nd to 29th March. ** Tim will be bringing some books with him on Friday that the children may use their vouchers for.** EARLY YEARS & KS1—Concert Dress Rehearsal Friday 20th March Concert for Parents Monday 23rd March at 2pm and Wednesday 25th March at 6pm Look out for a letter from the office coming home shortly to parents in Spring & Summer Class about applying for tickets. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Parent Consultations - 3.3.15 and 5.3.15 Reunion Day for Past Pupils - 21st March at Redford Hall Red Nose Day—13.3.2015—Red & White HPA Non Uniform Day—20.3.2015 Early Years & Key Stage 1 Production - 23.3.15 and 25.3.15 Easter Fair - 26.3.2015 Last Day of Term - 27.3.15 Start of Summer Term - 13.4.15 Clubs start w/c 20.4.15 Music Assembly—24.4.15 School Photos - 27.4.15 Half Term - 25.5.15 to 28.5.15 Sports Day - 12.6.15 Reserve Sports day - 19.6.15 HPA Summer Fair - 4.7.15 KS2 Production - 10.7.15 Whole School Transition Day - 17.7.15 Last day of Term for Pupils - 22.7.15 Inset Day - 23.7.15 Inset Day 3.9.15 & 4.9.15 Parent Consultations this term Tuesday 3rd March 4.30pm to 7.30pm Thursday 5th March 3.30pm to 6.00pm The staff have worked out all the appointments for these and have returned slips to parents confirming time(s)/dates. GARDEN WORKING PARTY Preparation for the Summer Term Afternoon Friday 20th March (continuing until 4.15pm) Can you help? There are various jobs to do round the school garden in preparation for the Summer Term. Please let the School Office know. TOPICS for this Half Term Spring Class Summer Class Autumn Class Winter Class ) ) Percy the Park Keeper Plants Around the World Letters coming from teachers shortly with details. Hollycombe School Newsletter 7 - February 2015 Page 2 The Sally Dreckmann Award for Effort and Attitude This is awarded on a half termly basis for consistent effort and attitude in the half term. A child from each Year Group is nominated by staff and an overall winner of the award discussed and agreed. Nominees Reception: Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: Emily Hodson Emilia Panic Connie Cook Kate Smith Tom Williams Jessica Smith-Hampton Robert Buller Overall Winner: Robert Buller Well done to all of them. What’s happening this half of term? Stomp—Friday 27th February. There will be workshops taking place all day for all the children to participate. Dance Festival - 10th March at MRC for Dance club. Year 4 will be visiting The Royal School for a performing arts day next week. Some of Year 5 will attend a day of Choral Workshops at Christ’s Hospital towards the end of term. A team from Winter Class will take part in the Rother Valley Debating Competition at MRC. Spring & Summer Classes will have a visit from Graham Cornick from Hydestile to talk about woodland animals and bringing a selection of small animals and birds. MULTI-CULTURAL ARTS DAY SCHOOL PREFECT AWARDS The prefect awards have been made to: Thank you to Robert Buller and Lara Barwick for being wonderful Prefects before half term. They made prefect awards to: Jessie Theobald & Elsa Lambot—for helping them with becoming prefects. Eliza Williams—for always thinking through ideas and having a go. Alezandro Harding Wray—for settling in very well at Hollycombe. Isabelle Sear—for always singing really well and loudly. Daisy Appleton—for always being cheerful and paying full attention in assemblies. Winter Class - for a really great Class Assembly trip around the world visiting Cairo, Beijing, Brisbane, Buenos Aires and New York finding out about different cultures, language, geography and more! Our Prefects for this half term are: John Pretorius & Lauren Wright GYMNASTICS BADGES Well done to the following children who have gained their Gym Badges at Denise Ogilvie’s Gym Club: Badge 8: Thomas Quinnell Badge 7: Martha Colwood and William Quinnell Badge 2: Edie Carruthers On Friday 13th February the whole school enjoyed a mufti-cultural arts day. The children had the opportunity to work in house teams. Wey House created safari art in Spring Class and Lavant House produced art with a Mexican theme in Summer Class. In Autumn Class, Rother found out about aboriginal art and created dot paintings. Arun House, working together in Winter Class, looked at artwork by Japanese artist, Katsushika Hokusai, to inspire their own paintings and drawings. The children found out lots about the cultures of the places they focussed on, as well as producing a range of different art work across the school. The work will be displayed over the coming weeks. (Pictures of each house at work on Page 4.) Family Forest School Saturday 7th March Mrs Taylor received a good response to her letter about running a Family Forest Schools Saturday. She will write separately to all those who replied to confirm the date and further details. Hollycombe School Newsletter 7 - February 2015 Page 3 Photographs of School Events Please do come and see the displays above the Library shelves that Mrs Hawkes has put together covering various events children from the school have attended. The Office also tries hard to get the local paper in (The Liphook Herald in most cases) to take photographs of assemblies and other events in school. We don’t always manage to get the paper—if you do, perhaps you could bring it in so we can keep a copy here. Red Nose Day—13th March On Red Nose Day, Friday 13th March, the children are dressing up in red as usual, with a donation of £1 towards the cause. The School Council and Winter Class are also organising mini fund-raising activities. These will take place during the school day, with a cake sale after school. Children will need to bring small change to school if they would like to join in and help raise more money for the appeal. Activities include a raffle and a Guess the Baby Competition, and will cost 20p to enter each event. There will also be a raffle. HPA—News and Dates Thank you to all the parents who helped at the Valentine’s Disco – and for all who volunteered. A big thank you to all the children for supporting the event and behaving so well, and last but certainly not least – a huge thank you to Charlene Smail and Karen Williams for painting the children’s faces throughout the disco. Wednesday 4th March - The HPA will be holding an after school sale of drinks, crisps, sweets and reflective bags (fantastic battery operated flashing light bags ideal for cyclists and walkers – usually retail at £17.95 – available at a bargain price of £6 each – check out www.blinkers.co.uk/ for further details). th There will be a dress down day on Friday 13 March where children (and teachers) are invited to wear Red and White to raise vital funds for Comic Relief. Please show your support and donate £1 or more! th On Friday 20 March there will be a dress down day in aid of the Easter Fair – children are asked to donate a Chocolate Easter Egg for the Egg Tombola at the Easter Fair. Easter Fair – Thursday 26th March – 3.15pm – 4.30pm. The committee are arranging a fun filled range of activities and delicious treats – so please come and enjoy the Fair. There will be further details to follow regarding the decorate an egg competition. As with all events – the HPA heavily reply upon volunteers to help run the stalls and a request for help will be circulated shortly – so please do sign up and get involved – it’s great fun! There will be a Family Sponsored Walk taking place during May, in Milland. Refreshments will be available at the event. Claire Beattie is organising this and further details will follow shortly. Summer Fair – Saturday 4th July – 12pm – 3pm. The HPA will be arranging lots of activities and stalls – please save the date and spread the word to your family and friends! If anyone is interested in having a stall at the Easter or Summer Fair, please contact the HPA – there will be a £10 charge which is payable prior to the event. The HPA will be looking for sponsorship and donations for the Silent Auction and raffle for the Summer Fair. If any parents would like to help the HPA with this, please let us know. Many thanks from the HPA Committee for your help and support. Hollycombe School Newsletter 7 - February 2015 Page 4 Wey’s African Safari Art Rother House planning their Australian Aboriginal Dot Paintings Lavant House working on their Mexican Street Art Arun House Japanese Paintings - The Wave Winter Class during their STOMP Workshop
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