TEXAS SIMMENTAL/SIMBRAH N E W S Champions named at Fort Worth Simmental and Percentage Simmental Show Simmental breeders from 10 states vied for the titles at the Fort Worth Simmental and Percentage Simmental Show. Dave Allan served as judge. Simmental Heifer Calf Champion: OBCC Legend 119B, Tanner Howey, Rockwall, Texas. Reserve Heifer Calf Champion: CMFM Szerac 42YB, Paisely Nelson, Warner, Oklahoma. Intermediate Champion Female: OBCC Firefly, exhibited by Tanner Howey. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female: Zena’s All That 507A, Allyson Ottensmeier, Oskaloosa, Kansas. Junior Champion Female: RP/MP Built To Love A021, Morgan Phillips, Maysville, Kentucky. Reserve Junior Champion Female: Rolling Hills Pairs, Aubree Blissard, Big Spring, Texas. Grand Champion Female: RP/MP Built To Love A021. Reserve Grand Champion Female: OBCC Legend 119B Bull Calf Champion: HOC Brazos B117, Hidden Oaks Cattle, Canton, 18th in conjunction with the San Antonio Livestock Show, drew 193 entries and saw over $45,000 awarded in prizes, monies and scholarships from participating sponsors. This was the Forty-two exhibitors received $250 scholarships at the conclusion of the show. The champion and reserve champion showmen of each age divisions competed for the overall grand and reserve showman titles. (L to R) Aubree Blissard, Peyton Moore, Loralei Hill, Robert Stavinoha III, Zach Mills, Madison Culpepper, Tyler Denny, Calley McGinley, judges Kyle and Heidi Poppe, Kendall Smidovek, Payton Meuth, Carlye Rodenbeck, Josh Evans, McClaine Pawelek, Hannah Derouen, Dalton Russell and Sydney Paul. Also pictured on the back left is Carlos Guerra, a sponsor and one of the events coordinators. Smidovek and Denny were the overall winners. Tanner Howey exhibited the reserve grand champion Simmental Female at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. Rocking P Enterprises exhibited the grand champion Simmental Bull at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. Hidden Oaks Cattle exhibited the reserve grand champion Simmental Bull at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. Trent Ray exhibited the grand champion Percentage Simmental Female at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. Allyson Ottensmeier exhibited the reserve grand champion Percentage Simmental Female at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. Griswold Cattle Co. and Circle M Farms exhibited the grand champion Percentage Simmental Bull at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. Foster Bros. Farms exhibited the reserve grand champion Percentage Simmental Bull at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. (Continued on page 15) Simmental-Simbrah Superbowl awards $45,000 to exhibitors For the 23rd consecutive year, the sponsors of the Simmental-Simbrah Superbowl once again rewarded exhibitors for showing Simgenetic cattle. The event, held February Morgan Phillips exhibited the grand champion Simmental Female at the Fort Worth Livestock Show. largest payout in the event’s history and brings the total awarded to youth to over $650,000. Cliff Orley from Pennsylvania drew the task of evaluating the entries in the Simmental, Simbrah and Percentage Simbrah contests. His grand champion Simmental was Rolling Hills Paris, a daughter of Houston X01, exhibited by Aubree Blissard, Big Springs, Texas. She was the senior champion winner, as well. The reserve grand champion went to the reserve senior winner, who stood second in class to the (Continued on page 16) Simmental champions named in San Antonio The Superbowl Grand Champion Simmental honor went to Aubree Blissard with an Elmore Cattle Services sponsored heifer. The Superbowl Reserve Grand Champion Simmental honor went to Dalton Russell with a Circle M Farms sponsored heifer. Judge Cody Sankey evaluated the 39 head of Simmentals at the San Antonio Livestock Show. The grand champion fe- male honor went to OBCC Ash,exhibited by Fields Firefly 139A exhibited by Cattle Co., There were no Tanner Howey and the bulls entered. reserve grand champion female went to TK/FCC *** TJSSA to host general membership meeting in Houston The Superbowl Grand Champion Percentage Heifer honor went to Payton Meuth with a Hagan sponsored heifer. The Superbowl Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Heifer title went to McClaine Pawelek with a Baring bred heifer. The Texas Junior Simmental/Simbrah Association will hold its regular general membership meeting during activities at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Junior Breeding Heifer Shows. The organization will meet Friday, March 13, 2015 at 5 p.m. in the area upstairs of the NRG cattle barns. Everyone is invited to come as there is much to discuss with the National Classic coming to Texas in July. *** 2015 TSSA Membership Dues Payable Now The Superbowl Grand Champion Simbrah Heifer title went to Caryle Rodenbeck with a Smith Genetics sponsored heifer. The Superbowl Reserve Grand Champion Simbrah Heifer title went to Olivia Vela with a RGV Cattle Co. sponsored heifer. David Berry, Texas Simmental-Simbrah Association president wants to remind everyone that TSSA dues for 2015 ($75.00) are due now. Forms will not be mailed out this year, however they can be downloaded and sent in with payment to the treasurer, as noted on the form. Remember, support of the TSSA funds promotion, advertising and stock show premiums. Visit www.texassimmentalsimbrah.com for form. SOUTHERN LIVESTOCK STANDARD FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 PAGE 15 Reserve Bull Calf Cham- Warner, Oklahoma pion: FBFS Mr Upper Grand Champion Bull: (Continued from page 14) Class 015B, Foster Bros GCC CM Stockbroker • March 14-Houston Livestock Show Junior Simmental Show, Houston, Texas Texas. Farms, Lockney, Texas. B005. • March 15-Houston Livestock Show Junior Simbrah Show, Houston, Texas Reserve Bull Calf Junior Champion Bull: Reserve Grand Cham• March 18-Rio Grande Valley Junior Simbrah Show, Mercedes, Texas Champion: SNF Steel CSC Cowboy On 306A, pion Bull: FBFS Mr Upper • March 19-Rio Grande Valley Open Simbrah Show, Mercedes, Texas Struck, Silent Night Farms, Connors State College, Class 015B. • March 19-MAS X Showmanship Clinic & Show, Rio Grande Valley Show, Mercedes, Blue Ridge, Texas. Texas Intermediate Cham• March 27-Star of Texas Junior Simmental and Simbrah Shows, Austin, Texas pion Bull: ECSS Adoration • March 27-LMC $10,000 Jackpot Show at La Muneca Ranch, Linn, Texas TSSA board member A351, Kelly Bisel, Wau• March 28-LMC $20,000 $ellabration Show, Linn, Texas Joe Seale and wife, Josie komis, Oklahoma. • March 28-31-LMC GenePLUS Online Sale VII Reserve Intermediate are now the parents of • April 19-21-MAS Online Sale Champion Bull: BC Mr Waylon Lee, born January • May 1-5-LMC GenePLUS Online Sale VIII • May 6-9-The Elite Online Sale Olaf, Bluff Creek Sim- 14th weighing 8.12 lbs and measuring 21 1/4 inches in • May 9-The Elite Live Closeout of online sale, followed by $25,000 Elite Show mental, Winters, Texas. • June 11-14-TJSSA Futurity, Bryan, Texas Junior Champion Bull: length. He joins brother • June 25-MAS X Showdown, Crescent (Wharton), Texas DAF Old Mil A402, Lane Nolan at home. Congra• June 25-27-American Junior Simbrah Roundup, Crescent (Wharton), Texas Cameron, Magnolia, Ar- tulations to the Seales’ and • July 4 - 7-LMC GenePLUS Online Sale IX grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. kansas. • July 5-12-AJSA National Classic, Bryan, Texas Jack Nichols. Waylo Seale Senior Champion Bull: HPF Duracell Z952, Rocking P Livestock, Maysville, Kentucky. Grand Champion Bull: HPF Duracell Z952. Reserve Grand Champion Bull: HOC Brazos B117. Percentage Simmental Heifer Calf Champion: David & Julie Berry JSN Ms Princess 201B, 310 VZCR 2210 Trent Ray, Abingdon, IlliCanton, Texas 75103 nois. Reserve Heifer Calf Pete Nieschwietz Champion: SWC HSC P.O. Box 303 • Falls City, Texas 78113 dberry@hiddenoakscattle.com Backdrop 012B, Allyson 956/460-6002 • www.7Nranch.net www.hiddenoakscattle.com Ottensmeier. pjnieschwietz@sbcglobal.net Intermediate Champion Female: Harrell Barb Rose 313A, Maddy Udell, Sioux City, Iowa. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female: DAJS Member of Simbrah Synergy and Superbowl Diana 718, Kara Cloud, Carthage, Missouri. Junior Champion FeBilly Hallak Over 2,000 head of SimGenetics for sale male: Miss BHC Voltage 1167 Oval Drive • Athens, Texas 75751 visit: etssa.net A021, Tanner Howey. Cell: 903/203-8524 • Home/Fax: 903/292-1428 Nhalla@hotmail.com • www.hallakranch.com Louis Langford, President • 972/636-2936 Reserve Junior Champion Female: Jasmine, Mason Walker, Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Grand Champion FeSimbrah and Simmental male: JSN Ms Princess Bulls For Sale 201B. Jim Carter, President Reserve Grand Cham219 Goetz Rd. • Cameron, Texas 76520 pion Champion Female: SWC HSC Backdrop 012B. 254/697-1078 Bull Calf Champion: jhcranch@sbcglobal.net GCC CM Stockbroker B005, Griswold Cattle Cirlce M Farms, Stillwater, Oklahoma and Rockwall, Knezek Simmental/Simbrah Ranch Texas. Red and Black Show Heifers, Fort Worth... • CALENDAR • New hand at Seale Show Cattle Texas Simmental/Simbrah Association Please Contact These Progressive Breeders 903/848-0470 East Texas Simmental/Simbrah Association Simmental and Simbrah Cattle SHOW HEIFERS FOR SALE HALLAK RANCH Heart of Texas Simmental/Simbrah Association Circle M Farms Bulls & Steers Call For Your Next Champion Superbowl Eligible! 310 VZ CR 2210 Canton, Texas 75105 (903)-848-0470 txsim@aol.com www.texassimmentalsimbrah.com BOARD MEMBERS David Berry, president Lou Langford, vice-president Casey Henly, secretary Greg Burden, treasurer Rickey Burch, Jim Ethridge, Jim Carter, Jered Shipman, Joe Seale, Robert Davila, Robert Piper and J.D. Dunn Brian Knezek 2140 Morris Community Road Yoakum, Texas 77995 361/293-1590 Mobile knezek@gvec.net www.knezeksimmentalranch.com Quality... Quantity... Integrity Strack Farms 5465 PR 4280 Normangee, Texas 77871 800/438-5393 Simmental & Angus Craig McCallum 214/882-9523 1983 N. FM 549 Rockwall, Texas 75087 craigmccallum@sbcglobal.net www.CircleMFarms.com Moser Ranch Registered Simbrah Cattle Russell and Wanda Moser 372 ANCR 2234 • Palestine, Texas 75803 903/723-3314 Russellmoser@hotmail.com FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 PAGE 16 Superbowl... (Continued from page 14) Blissard heifer. CMFM Sheza Looker 383A, sired by STF Dominance T171 took the overall honor for exhibitor Dalton Russell, Ivanhoe, Texas. The grand heifer was sponsored by Elmore Cattle Services and the reserve was sponsored by Circle M Farms. They received $1,500 and $1,000 respectively for their wins, plus money and buckles in Bovine Elite, LLC Reproductive Management Clinic • Live Animal Practice, over 70 cattle • Artificial Insemination Training • Herd Owner Palpation Training • Four day Management Clinic April 7-10, 2015 May 12-15, 2015 June 9-12, 2015 July 7-10, 2015 Both A.I. and Palpation $700.00 A.I. only $450.00 $200 Advanced Deposit for each person attending,with confirmation of attendance 10 days prior to date of clinic. Bring work clothes and boots. Bovine Elite, LLC 3300 Longmire, College Station, TX 77845 Call: (800) 786-4066 Fax (979) 693-0388 Email: carl@bovine-elite.com Or go to our website for details and to sign up: bovine-elite.com division. The grand champion percentage heifer honor went to Payton Meuth, Floresville, Texas with her heifer from the calf division. Hagan Eminence, a Hagan Smith Hazard 51X daughter was sponsored by Hagan Cattle Co. McClaine Pawelek, also of Floresville, Texas took her heifer from the senior division to the reserve grand title. The entry, BCC/ CHCC Macs Daisy, a WCS Mr. Tradition daughter was sponsored by Baring Cattle Co., They received $500 and $250 respectively for their wins. SOUTHERN LIVESTOCK STANDARD Caryle Rodenbeck, Brenham, Texas was the winner of the $1,500 in the Simbrah show. Her heifer, Smith CRC Amber Keepsake, a Smith Satisfies daughter was the winner of the junior calf division and was sponsored by Smith Genetics. Olivia Vela, Edinburg, Texas was the winner of the reserve title and $1,000 with RGV LN Hope A203, LMC LF Bosco 5Y/64 daughter bred in the RGV Cattle Co. pro- LIVE OAK LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. Three Rivers, Texas SALE EVERY MONDAY • 10:30 A.M. MOST ACTIVE MARKET IN SOUTH TEXAS Phone: 361/786-2553 or 361/786-3525 Riley Rhodes • Russell Wood • Willy Shannon www.liveoaklivestock.com Country Cattle Always Available - Cows, Feeders & Yearlings gram. She was the junior champion. Both entries were awarded money and buckles for their class and division win. Kyle and Heidi Poppe, Weimar, Texas judged the showmanship. They selected Kendall Smidovec and Tyler Denny as the overall showmen and they received $1,500 and $1,000 for their overall wins. Showmanship paid ten places for a total of $625 in each age division, and the top two in each division received buckles. Winners in the 18-yearold division of showmanship (starting with first) Dalton Russell, Sydney Paul, Kayla Henson, MacKayla McIntrye, Jennifer Gomez, Andria King, Carolyn Perry, Sam Aguirre, Blake Maniscalco, and Clay Harmon. Winners in the 17-yearold division (starting with first) McClaine Pawelek, Hannah Derouen, Jenna Hein, Emma Berry, John Paul Rodriguez, Amanda Miller, Leandra Flores, Tanner Davis, Adriana de los Santos, and Hannah Williams. Winners in the 16-yearold division (starting with first place) Caryle Rodenbeck, Josh Evans, Victor Moreno, Madison Mello, Paige Hovey, Dylon Hemple, Erin Lusk, Morgan Thomas, Cameron Chappell and Kendall Girault. Winners in the 15-yearold division (starting with first place) Kendall Smidovec, Payton Meuth, Sophia Palmore, Sarah Nichols, Graceann Mullins, Sydney Maulsby, Winston Walters, Cody Wells, Kailey Le Nomrand, and Clayton Hinckley. Winners in the 14-yearold division (starting with first) Tyler Denny, Calley McGinley, Regan Merryfield, Matthew Salinas, Olivia Vela, Amelia Stavinoha, Elise Hesseltine, Marco Moreno, Chloe Novak, and Audra Smith. Winners in the 12 and 13 year-old showmanship (starting with first) Zachary Mills, Madison Culpepper, Caleb Fuchs, Allie Jordan, Mia Barba, Megan Rogers, Meghan Hein, April Ramsey, Claudia Kirk, and Logan Lankford. Winners in the 10 and 11 year-old showmanship group (starting with first) Lorelai Hill, Robert Stavinoha, III, McKenna Tschirhart, MacKenzie Groce, Gage Spence, Bradley Meuth, Miranda Skaggs, Kinzie Martinez, (Continued on page 17) SOUTHERN LIVESTOCK STANDARD Happenings... (Continued from page 8) nations. The baby calves will have a better defense from their mother and will be healthier for it. Citadel VL5, Trich-Guard, Cydectin and Triangle 10 were recommended. Triangle 10 FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 treats lepto, vibrio, rhino and trich diseases. It is suggested as a twice a year vaccination. Our second role is keeping the calves healthy for market. Prior See you at the meeting. Guada-Coma Chapter ICA (Continued on page 21) By Carilyn John The January 26, 2015 meeting of the Guada– Coma Chapter of the InGILLESPIE LIVESTOCK COMPANY dependent Cattlemen’s Fredericksburg, Texas Association of Texas Weekly Sale: (ICA) met at the Seguin Sheep & Goat Sale - Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. Cattle Company with Cattle - Wednesday, 12:00 noon about 70 attending. The Special Calf & Weaned Stocker/Feeder Sale Second Wednesday of each month. BBQ meal for the evening Gillespie Livestock Company was sponsored by BoeOffice: 830/997-4394 • Fax: 830/997-5804 ringer-Ingelheim with Dr. Wayne Geistweidt (C) 830/889-4394 John Davidson, DMV and Shaun Geistweidt (C) 830/998-4233 Kevin Kuhlmann speaking GL www.gillespielivestock.com G L C on spring vaccination C needs for a cow/calf operation. They stressed that our first role in keeping calves healthy is to protect the cow herd with timely vacci- Superbowl... (Continued from page 16) Waylon Hinze, and Cecilia Escobar. Showmanship winners in the 8 and 9 year-olds are (starting with first) Aubree Blissard, Peyton Moore, Briley Moore, Ryleigh Whitaker, Grant Hickley, Jayci Phillips, and Tyler Tschirhart There were also 42 scholarships in the amount of $250 awarded at the end of the show to the exhibitors, for a total of $10,500. Other division champions in the Simmental show were exhibited by Kaily Critendon with a Southern Jewels Cattle Co. heifer; Strone Sulak with a Hidden Oaks sponsored heifer; and Jenna Hein and Waylon Hinze with Knezek sponsored heifers. In the percentage show other division winners included Trent Clark with a Walters bred heifer and Hayden Hackett with a Smith Genetics sponsored heifer. Other division champions in the Simbrah show included Chloe Novak with a Smith Genetics heifer; Samantha Nichols with a Hagan heifer; Josh Evan with a La Muneca heifer; Hannah Derouen with a JV Cattle Co. bred heifer; Sophie Palmore with a Smith Genetics/Reavis Farms /Southwestern sponsored heifer and Payton Meuth with a Hagan heifer. For additional information, list of sponsors and photos visit www.simmen tal-simbrahsuperbowl. com. *** PAGE 17 10 - 2 year-old Registered Beefmaster Bulls Fertility Tested • Ready For Heavy Service Contact: Dave Moore George West, Texas • 361/813-7490
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