CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR SALES SALES Monday 22nd December 2014 - Usual Weekly Primestock Sale Wharfedale Farmers’ Auction Mart Ltd OTLEY _____________________________________________ MONDAY 22nd December 2014 (5pm) – Christmas Poultry Sale Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens (′long legged′ & dressed poultry only - no frozen birds accepted) _____________________________________________ Monday 29th December 2014 - Usual Weekly Primestock Sale DIRECTORS: P Foster Esq., Chairman T H Goulding Esq., F A Caton Esq., G A Dalby Esq., S C Maskill Esq., S M Priestley Esq., D H Ryder Esq., D J Wilson Esq., J M Wilson Esq. ________________________________________________ Friday 2nd January 2015 - New Year Show/Sale of Store Cattle along with Sale of Dairy, Calves, Store Sheep & Pigs GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. All Prize-winners must be bona fide, sold by Auction or prize money, trophies and rosettes will be withheld. 2. The Directors reserve the right to cancel any class or amalgamate any classes or to withhold any prize money or trophies. 3. Any objection must be made in writing to the Secretary, accompanied by a deposit of £1 before the stock is offered for sale. 4. No entry fee will be charged. 5. Exhibitors are restricted to Three Entries per Class. SPECIAL CONDITIONS RELATING TO FINISHED STOCK 6. The Judges will award prizes to the animals considered most suitable to the Butcher′s requirements. 7. All Show Prime Cattle & Sheep MUST be entered no later than 12.00noon on Friday 5th December 2014 so that pens/stalls can be reserved. 8. Exhibitors are responsible for placement of stock in the correct classes according to weight ranges published. The weighbridge will be available to exhibitors for use prior to commencement of judging to assist in placing their stock in the correct classes. The Cattle weight registered on entry to the market (and not the weight recorded at time of sale) shall serve to classify them. 9. The Prime Cattle & Sheep Classes are ONLY open to regular consignors of Cattle & Sheep (i.e. sold at least five times during the year in each particular section) 10. YFC classes can be entered by a YFC Member of a Family who are regular customers of the Auction Mart. The Directors have pleasure in announcing the schedule for the 95th Annual CHRISTMAS PRIZE SHOWS AND SALES 201 2014 when Nine Silver Challenge Trophies and £855 Prize Money (inc Frank Ackroyd Specials) Will be awarded to Regular Consignors of Stock to the Mart (Please See Points 9 & 10 of General Conditions of Entry) Will last years Trophy winners please arrange to return them to the Office no later than Monday 17th November 2014 ALL ENQUIRIES AND ENTRIES TO: Registered Office: CHEVIN LODGE, LEEDS ROAD, OTLEY, LS21 3BD Tel: (01943) 462172 / 462502 Fax: (01943) 461135 Ian Smith FdSc FLAA - Market Manager 07738 043771 email: FRIDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2014 MONDAY 8th DECEMBER 2014 DAIRY CATTLE ‘OTLEY’S SMITHFIELD’ DAIRY CATTLE for the Show to be in the Auction Mart by 10am Stewards: Peter Foster & Tom Goulding The Prime Sheep/Cattle Classes are kindly sponsored by the following: Kindly Sponsored by Coverall Co, Halifax 1st 2nd 3rd CLASS 1 - Newly Calven Cow £15 £10 £5 CLASS 2 - Newly Calven Heifer £15 £10 £5 FRANK ACKROYD SPECIAL PRIZES - Champion £50 Reserve Champion £25 ------------------------------------------- Agriflex Animal Identification Ltd, Leeds, BFE Brays Ltd, Otley, P V Dobson & Sons, Kendal & Skipton, I’Ansons Bros Ltd, Masham, Lambert & Dyson Ltd, Skipton, C J Metal Recycling Ltd, Keighley FINISHED SHEEP SHOW SHEEP to be penned by 9.00am for judging to commence Stewards: Francis Caton, Stephen Maskill, David Ryder & Michael Wilson MONDAY 15th DECEMBER 2014 PRIME PORK PIGS SHOW PIGS to be weighed & penned by 9.30am Steward: Tom Goulding Kindly Sponsored by Graham Edwards Trailers Ltd, Stamford Bridge 1st 2nd 3rd CLASS - Two Prime Pork Pigs £15 £10 £5 £20 Cash given to the Buyer of the Champion Pen ------------------------------------------- Trophies to be Awarded The ‘STEPHENSON’ Silver Challenge Cup will be awarded to the best Newly Calven Cow CLASS 1 - Three Down Cross Lambs CLASS 2 - Three Continental Lambs (up to 42kg) CLASS 3 - Three Continental Lambs (Over 42kg) CLASS 4 - Five Mule Lambs CLASS 5 - Five Masham Lambs CLASS 6 - Five Horned Lambs CLASS 7 - YFC Three Lambs (Any Breed/Weight) 1st £15 £15 £15 £15 £15 £15 £15 2nd £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 3rd £5 £5 £5 £5 £5 £5 £5 (Kindly sponsored by the Ryder Family in Memory of Hugh Ryder) FRANK ACKROYD SPECIAL PRIZES - Champion Pen £30 Reserve Champion £15 £30 Cash given to the Buyer of the Champion Pen The ‘BUTLER’ Silver Challenge Cup FINISHED CATTLE will be awarded to the best Newly Calven Heifer SHOW CATTLE to be stalled by 9.30am for judging to commence Stewards: Alan Dalby, Steven Priestley & David Wilson The ‘ERNEST THACKRAY’ Memorial Silver Challenge Cup will be awarded to the Champion Dairy Beast in the show The ‘WHARFEDALE’ SILVER CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded to the Champion pen of Lambs in the show The ‘NORMAN TREES’ Perpetual Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining most points in the sheep section The ‘FRANK ACKROYD’ Silver Perpetual Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the Champion Beast The ‘BRONTEMOOR LIMOUSINS’ Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the best Steer in Classes 1 & 2 The ‘HARRY GRAY’ Perpetual Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the best Heifer in Classes 3 & 4 The ‘ROBERT DEMAINE’ Perpetual Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the First Prize Pen of Pigs ‘High Moor Sticks’ are kindly donating Sticks to the Vendors in the Prime Cattle & Sheep Sections who gained the highest price p/kg most often throughout the year 1st CLASS 1 - Butchers’ Steer 550kg or Over £15 CLASS 2 - Butchers’ Steer Under 550kg £15 CLASS 3 - Butchers’ Heifer 500kg or Over £15 CLASS 4 - Butchers’ Heifer Under 500kg £15 CLASS 5 - YFC Butchers’ Steer/Heifer (Any Breed/Weight) £15 2nd £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 3rd £5 £5 £5 £5 £5 (Kindly sponsored by Stephen Maskill Butchers Ltd, Sowerby Bridge) FRANK ACKROYD SPECIAL PRIZES - Champion Beast £50 Reserve Champion £25 £50 Cash given to the Buyer of the Champion Beast (The British Limousin Cattle Society kindly donate £50 to the Vendor of the Champion Beast if Sired by a Limousin Bull) CLASS 6 - Beef Type Cow CLASS 7 - Dairy Type Cow £15 £15 £10 £10 £5 £5
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