ARMAGH COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SHOW (Established 1829) Affiliated to: ISA, NISA, NPS Prize Schedule FOR LIVESTOCK CLASSES Show Date Saturday 13th June 2015 at Gosford Forest Park Show commences at 9.00am NOTES: Livestock Traffic to follow direction signs. Public and trade stand exhibitors entrance via main Newry Road. All vehicle drivers to follow directions of stewards. Entries close 24th May 2015 Strictly no late entries – see Rule 9c Online Entry available – see website Numbers to be collected from the organisers on Show Day Completed entry forms and fees to be forwarded to: Armagh County Show Office, Unit 20, Armagh Business Centre, 2 Loughgall Road, Armagh BT61 7NH (See Contacts page) Email: follow us on Facebook and Twitter Main Sponsor Entry Forms cannot be accepted without the appropriate entry fees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. RULES The acceptance of an Entry Fee by the Society shall not in any circumstances be regarded or construed by any person as an admission that any animal or other exhibit is eligible either to compete in the Show or to receive a prize or prizes. Neither the Society or any of its officers or servants shall be in any way responsible or accountable for anything that may happen (from any cause or circumstances whatever) to exhibitors, their servants, animals or other exhibits or property brought into the Showgrounds, or for anything else in connection with, or arising out of, or attributable to the Society’s Show. The decision of the Judges shall be final as to merit. No person shall in any way communicate or interfere with a Judge or Judges engaged in adjudication or attempt at any time to dispute a Judge’s finding. Infringement of this Rule by any person may cause his or her immediate removal from the charge of animals or other exhibits and the Showgrounds. All animals must be in the judging rings at the time fixed for judging. Any act of discourtesy, incivility or disobedience to the Judge, Judges, Stewards or Officials of the Society, or any of them on the part of any exhibitor, his servant or agent, will entitle the Show Committee summarily to disqualify his animal, animals or other exhibits for adjudication or from taking a prize or prizes and such exhibitor from receiving all or any prizes won by any of his animals or other exhibits in the Show. Should any dispute arise for which a specific Rule is not provided, such matter in dispute shall be referred to the committee, whose decision will be binding and in no case can there be any appeal to law. Classes or Events may be combined on cancelled at the discretion of the Committee in case of insufficient entries. Entry Forms must be: (a) Accompanied by Entry Fees or not accepted. (b) On the appropriate Forms enclosed. (c) Received by Midnight on closing date for entries. Late entries not accepted. No entry in catalogue – no entry to Show Ring. There must be 3 entrants to compose any Class or Event. A 2nd Prize will be awarded only where there are 3 Entries. Pedigree Classes will be divided if there are sufficient entries. Where a request for withdrawal of an entry/entries is made to the Show Office before the Entries Closing Date shown on the front of the Schedule, refund of entry fee/s will be made less £5.00 administrative fee. Request for refund of entry fee/s made after the Entries Closing Date will not be considered. All entry fees paid are non-refundable. All entries in the Cattle Section must be Brucellosis and Tuberculosis certified. All animals must be properly restrained. Owners will be held responsible for any damage or injury arising out of their negligence in this respect. Owners must carry their own insurance to cover risks caused by animals in their care. Objections must be lodged with Secretary in writing, accompanied by a deposit of £20.00 (which will be refunded if objection is considered valid by Committee) before 9 p.m. on day of Show. Armagh County Agricultural Show Society 2015 PaTRon Mrs C Crowe PRESIDEnT Mr Gordon Frazer VICE PRESIDEnT Mr Joe Linton CHaIRPERSon Mr Stephen Hamilton VICE CHaIRPERSon Mr Noel Reid Hon TREaSURER Mrs Marjorie Mitchell EXECUTIVE SECRETaRY Mr WGS Parr GEnERaL SECRETaRY Bill Leeman Executive Committee Chairman, Vice Chairman, Norman Morton, Bill Leeman, Tom Bratten, Gordon Frazer, Alan McConnell SECTIonaL SECRETaRIES: Norman Morton Pigs: Kenneth Gracey Noel Reid Ponies: Annice Broomfield Thelma Gorman Riding for Disabled: Joy Brown Sheep: Jack McGowan Dog Show: Jenny McDowell Goats: Gordon Frazer Home Industries: Flo McCall Horses: Tom Bratten Trade Stands: Jim Gillow Show Jumping: Stewart Morton ConTaCT noS. on nEXT PaGE Dairy Cattle: Beef Cattle: Mr B Anderson Mrs K Anderson Mr W Anderson Mrs R Beattie Mrs M Black Mr & Mrs I Beattie Mr A Frazer Mr E Diffin Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr GEnERaL CoMMITTEE G Chapman Mr & Mrs G Frazer B Gilbert Mr A Frazer F Lappin Mr G Cranston B Dougan Mr R Irvine W Faloon Mrs D Irwin R Lamb Mr A McConnell B Morton Mr C Reid G Frazer Mrs J Clarke BanKERS: First Trust Bank Armagh Mr J Linton Mr N Lockhart Mr R McCall Mr J Farrell Mr J Watson Mrs M Wilson Mr G McCall Mr E Crozier aUDIToR: Mr Cecil Dickson, 10 Dobbin Street, Armagh Hon DoCToR: Dr Colvin Hon VETERInaRY SURGEonS Mr J Calvert MRCVS, Messrs O’Reilly and Fee MRCVS, Willows Veterinary Clinic, Orchard Veterinary Centre InSURERS: Ulster Farmers Union 1 armagh County Show Contacts: Show office: Tel: 028 3752 2333 (This number should only be contacted in during the week prior to the show) If at all possible please email queires to For office Hours in weeks running up to Show please see website ONLY PHONE THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS IF YOU AN URGENT QUERY Tel:HAVE 028 3752 7111 GEnERaL EnqUIRIES: Bill Leeman Tel: 07919 123 648 a a possible, p all t Stephen Hamilton (Chairman) Tel: 07816 840 865 Noel Reid (Vice Chairman) 028 3753IF1280 FOLLOWING Tel: NUMBERS YOU HAVE AN URGENT QUERY TRaDE STanDS Jim Gillow HoME InDUSTRIES Schools: Joanne Morrison adults: Flo McCall DoG SHow Jenny McDowell LIVESToCK Dairy Cattle: Beef Cattle Sheep: Goats: Pigs: Norman Morton Noel Reid Thelma Gorman Jack McGowan Gordon Frazer (President) Kenneth Gracey EqUESTRIan Horses and Ponies: Bill Leeman Riding for Disabled: Joy Brown Show Jumping: Raymond Jess Tel: 028 3752 2270 467 156 Tel: 07759 Tel: 07977 275 160 Tel: 028 9263 8273 / 07980 681 346 Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: 07808 915 795 028 3753 1280 07775 650 512 028 3752 4336 028 3752 3217 07710 804 819 Tel: 028 3752 4238 Tel: 028 3752 4356 Tel: 07802 655065 All correspondence should be directed to: Armagh County Show Office Unit 20, Armagh Business Centre BT61 7Q 2 Loughgall Road, Armagh, BT61 7NH Email: 2 SaFETY aT aRMaGH CoUnTY SHow SaFETY PoLICY The armagh County agricultural Show Committee will operate a Code of Safety Practice on Show Day to ensure the health and safety of everyone attending the event. Visitors must share responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of others in their charge by not taking unnecessary risks on the Show Fields, particularly close to animals and machinery. advice and guidance on safety matters from Safety officers and Stewards must be strictly followed. RULES CHIEF SaFETY oFFICERS Mr Billy Parr Mr Jim Gillow Mr norman Morton Mr alan McConnell Mr Jack McGowan Mr Stephen Hamilton Safety Officers on duty can be identified by clearly marked uniforms All accidents or injuries on the Show Fields must be reported to the Secretary or one of the Safety officers immediately. A vehicular traffic arriving and leaving the Show Fields must obey the instructions of the Stewards and Traffic Wardens on duty. In the event of that the fields must be evacuated, everyone must follow the instructions relayed on the Public Address System Static Exhibits must be erected so that they do not cause injury, or risk of injury to the public. Demonstrations at exhibits must be adequately protected to reduce the possibility of an accident or injury to the operator or members of the public. All animals must be kept under strict control at all times and must not be allowed access to public thoroughfares. All horses and ponies must keep to the designated exercise areas. Aggressive or fractious animals must be returned to their transport vehicle and removed from the field. Any animal which endangers public safety and cannot be controlled , may have to be humanely destroyed. All stock handlers and stockmen must be capable of controlling animals in their care. Children must not be left in charge of any animal. No child under 8 years of age is allowed in the showing ring. All animals must be securely fastened to the fixed trailers provided when not in the Show Ring. Dogs must be kept on their leads at all times and must not be allowed near the animals on shw. To permit free access by emergency vehicles, roadways or entrances must not be blocked by exhibits or vehicles. Children must be safeguarded from animals and machinery at all times. No child shall be permitted to handle, ride or have control of an animal, machine or vehicle which is likely to cause injury. If an animal is handled, hands must be thoroughly washed. FIRST aID St John ambulance Brigade Adjacent to LivestockRings And Horse and Pony Field Doctors will be in attendance on the Show Fields during the Show In case of emergency please contact the Show Secretary we ask everyone attending the Show to treat Safety as a Priority at all times 3 Cattle Section EnTRY FEES In CaTTLE CLaSSES: £8.00 (unless otherwise stated) online Entry Fee £7.00 Prize Money in Cattle Classes: 1st - £25.00 2nd - £15.00 3rd - £8.00 (unless otherwise stated) noTE: Prize Money will not be paid out on Show Day Entries close on 24th May 2015 all entries must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and returned to the show office. EnTRY FEES PaID aRE non-REFUnDaBLE Entries Forms must be completed in FULL – Late entries will not be accepted Note: 5% of all prize money will be deducted for Irish Shows Association contribution Classes with less than 3 entries may be amalgamated with the nearest appropriate class or cancelled without notice PERPERUaL TRoPHIES & SPECIaL PRIZES PRESEnTED In THE CaTTLE CLaSSES ROSE BOWL, presented by the Armagh County Show Committee, for the Champion Dairy Animal in the Show ULSTER FARMERS MART CUP, presented by the Ulster Farmers’ Mart Enniskillen, for the Champion Beef Animal in the Show SILVER PEWTER TANKARD, presented by the Armagh County Show Committee, for the Reserve Champion Beef Animal SPRING FARM CUP, presented by the late W J Davidson JP, for the Champion Dairy Cow J A CROWE PERPETUAL TROPHY, for the Champion Holstein Friesian FANE VALLEY CUP, presented by Fane Valley Co-Op for the Maiden Dairy Heifer Champion PALACE FARM CUP, presented by Messrs Watson for the Champion Dairy Heifer in milk BOB WILSON CHALLENGE CUP, presented by Bob Wilson, for the Best Pair of Dairy Females K’MAC CUP, presented by Mr Kieran McAnallen, for the Show Beef Bull Champion JOSHUA WHITE CUP, presented by the late Joshua White for the Champion Beef Cow JB & FR LAMB CUP, presented by Messrs Lamb, for the Champion Beef Heifer ARMAGH SHOW TROPHY, presented by the County Show Committee, for the Champion Beef Calf HAMILTON SMYTH CUP, presented by the late Hamilton Smyth, for the best Heifer in calf in the Jersey Classes MILK MARKETING BOARD ROSE BOWL, presented by MMB, for the Best Maiden Dairy Heifer KEADY PERPETUAL CUP, presented by Keady Livestock Sales, for the best Dairy Heifer Calf DEMENSE CUP, presented by John B Lamb, for the Champion Ayrshire BALLYLENY TROPHY, presented by John B Lamb, for the Champion Jersey PERPETUAL TROPHY, for the Champion Aberdeen Angus TRAYNOR METALS CUP, presented by Traynor Metals, Moy, for the Limousin Champion WOODLAWN CUP, presented by the late A Burnett, Richhill, for the Hereford Champion AGHAVILLY ROSE BOWL, presented by Aghavilly UFU, for the Champion Charolais THE McCORMICK CUP, presented by the late Major McCormick, the Champion Charolais Calf R PAYNER CUP, presented for the Champion Blonde d’Aquitaine animal AUTOMART CUP, presented by Mr Tom Clarke, for the Champion Simmental SCOTT CUP, presented by Scott Bros of Hamiltonsbawn, for the Best Cross Bred Beef Calf SAMUEL WILSON MEMORIAL CUP, presented by the late Mrs Wilson, for the winner of the Young Handlers’ Beef Class COULTER PERPETUAL MEMORIAL CUP, presented by Mr David Coulter for the winner of the Young Handers’ Dairy Class POWELL MEMORIAL TROPHY for best group of Beef Animals HOLE IN THE WALL TROPHIES, presented by Joanne McCall, for the Champion and Reserve Champion Salers ARMAGH COUNTY SHOW CHAMPIONS SASHES will be presented to the Dairy and Beef Champions 4 Important note for Cattle Exhibitors Procedure for Movement of northern Ireland (nI) Cattle into and out of Local agricultural Shows Disease Control Note - only animals free from disease restrictions, including Tuberculosis, Brucellosis and Bluetongue (herd or individual animal restrictions), may be permitted to move to a Show. To minimise the risk to other livestock, exhibitors are encouraged to have show animals tested for Tuberculosis by their Private Veterinary Practitioner in the 30 days beforehand. All bovine animals that are more than 12 months of age (with the exception of bullocks) must have a ‘clear’ Brucellosis test for a sample taken within the 30 days prior to movement to a show. Exhibitors should bring proof of this negative Brucellosis test result to the Show. Cattle, pre-movement tested in a herd, can move to a Show but must return directly to the same herd in which they were tested. These cattle can then move to another Show provided the move occurs within 30 days of the original date of sampling. Identification All cattle must be properly identified and comply with the Cattle Identification Regulations. General Principles • Cattle going to a Show(s) must be accompanied by a fully completed MC2 document or 3 copies of the electronic movement document (EMD) identifying the Show premises as the destination. • Cattle moving from a Show must return to the herd they came from. The number of Shows to which cattle may travel is not limited provided these conditions are met on all occasions. Movements to or from a Show Movements to a Show On arrival at the Show, the cattle must be accompanied by a fully completed MC2 document or 3 printouts of the EMD and proof of a negative result to the Brucellosis Pre-Movement Test if appropriate. The top 3 copies (MC2A-White, MC2B-Yellow and MC2C-Pink) must be brought to the Show. All 3 copies will be checked by a Show Representative and stamped with the Show stamp. The MC2A (white) or 1 copy of the EMD will be retained by the Show Operative. Movements from a Show (including Show operator’s Responsibilities) 1. Where the exhibitor has their Sticker Book with them the Show will issue a movement out MC2 endorsed with the herd number of the exhibitor and the serial number of the ‘move in’ MC2 or EMD. The MC2A (White) and MC2B(Yellow) ‘move out’ copies should be stapled to the Yellow ‘move in’ copy or the second copy of the EMD and have a yellow confirmation sticker applied. This should then be sent to the local DARD office by the Show Operatives. The MC2C (Pink) ‘move out’ copy should be stapled to the Pink ‘move in’ copy or the third copy of the EMD and have the corresponding pink sticker applied. This should be given to the herd keeper for his/her own records (see Annex A). 2. Where the exhibitor does not have their sticker book with them the Show will issue a ‘move out’ MC2 with ALL details completed (including animal details). The move out MC2A (White) copy with the move in MC2B (yellow copy) or the second copy of the EMD should be sent to the local DARD office and the move out MC2B (Yellow) and MC2C (Pink) copies with the move in MC2C (pink) copy or the third copy of the EMD should be given to the exhibitor. The herd keeper must return the MC2B, with a yellow sticker attached to his/her local DARD office within 7 days (to avoid an NMN status) and the MC2C, with corresponding pink sticker attached, should be kept for his/her records (see Annex B). 5 DaIRY & BEEF CaTTLE CLaSSES l l l l l l Judging commences at 10.00 am noTES: Entry forms must be completed in full stating the Name of the Animal, Herd Book Number, Ear Tattoo, Date of Birth and full pedigree details. All entry forms must be accompanied by the appropriate fees. Exhibitors should note that all emtries must be Brucellosis and TB certified and that Movement Permits must be produced before cattle can be admitted to the Showgrounds. One attendant only will be admitted with each lot and must take charge of the livestock in his care for the duration of the Show. There must be at least 3 entries to constitute a Class, otherwise the Class will be amalgamated with another Class or may be cancelled withour prior notice. Any animal not in the Ring when judging of the Class commences will be disqualified. No exhibitor will be allowed to remove livestock from the Show Grounds until after the Prize winners Parade. Exhibitors' numbers to be collected from the Secretary's Office on the show field. SaFETY noTICE: Exhibitors and Handlers are responsible for the animals in their care. Fractious animals must be returned to the trailers and removed from the Show Grounds. Children must not be allowed to handle bulls or other large animals. All livestock exhibitors must carry their own public liability insurance and are reminded that by making an entry at the Show, they indemnify the Committee from any claim that might arise as a result of their participation. No child under 8 years of age is allowed in the showing rings. NOTE: 5% of prize money will be donated to Irish Shows Association DaIRY CaTTLE DaIRY CLaSSES: John McClean, Priestlands Herd DaIRY CHaMPIonSHIPS: Philip Jones, Hallow Herd Entry Fee: £8.00 (unless otherwise stated) online Entry Fee: £7.00 Prize Money: 1st - £25.00, 2nd - £15, 3rd - £8.00 (unless otherwise stated) note: Prize Money will not be paid out on Show Day EnTRIES CLoSE 24th May 2015 all entries must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and returned to the Show office EnTRY FEES PaID aRE non-REFUnDaBLE EnTRY FoRMS MUST BE CoMPLETED In FULL no entries will be accepted by Telephone or Fax and stricly no late entries noTES: Pedigree entries must be registered in Herd Book or in Class a, B, C or D of the Supplementary Register. animals in Dairy Classes showing less than 6 broad teeth will be confined to the Heifer Classes. EXHIBIToRS To CoLLECT CLaSS nUMBERS on THE SHow FIELD DaIRY SECTIon ConTaCT: norman Morton Tel: 07808 915795 6 PEDIGREE JERSEY CLaSSES Class Class Class Class Class Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Heifer Calf, born on or after 01/09/14 Maiden Heifer, born on or after 01/01/14 Heifer, in calf Heifer, in milk Cow, in calf Cow, in milk BaLLYLEnY TRoPHY, presented by John B Lamb, for the Champion Jersey in the Show HaMILTon SMYTH TRoPHY, presented by the late H Smyth, for the best Heifer. a supply of semen, provided by John Berry, Semex for the Champion Jersey LInMooR TRoPHY. Armagh Show is a qualifying show for the Linmoor Trophy 2014. The trophy will be competed for by a group of 3 female animals, any age, the property of one exhibitor who is a member of the Ulster Jersey Cattle Club and the Jersey Cattle Society of the UK. Only 1 group can be entered per exhibitor. If any exhibitor has 2 or more groups entered, the highest placed group will only count for the Linmoor Trophy. Failure to comply with the rules will lead to disqualification. Scoring: 1st place = 10 points; 2nd place = 8 points; 3rd place = 6 points; 4th place = 4 points; 5th place = 2 points; 6th place = 1 point. Prize money will be sponsored by John Thompson and Sons Ltd and will awarded at the end of the Show season. PEDIGREE HoLSTEIn-FRIESIan DaIRY CLaSSES The Northern Ireland Holstein Friesian Breeders' Club offer an award for the best Holstein Friesian Female exhibited by a member of the club Class Class Class Class Class 7 - Heifer Calf, born on or after 01/09/14 8 - Maiden Heifer, born on or after 01/01/14 9 - Heifer, in calf 10 - Heifer, in milk 11 - Cow, in calf or in milk John Berry of Semex will provide a supply of Semen to the Holstein Friesian Champion and Reserve Champion MMB RoSE BowL will be presented to the best Maiden Heifer J a CRowE Perpetual Trophy will be presented to the Champion Holstein Friesian Holstein-Friesian Classes sponsored by Mrs. Charlotte Crowe oTHER DaIRY BREEDS Class 12 - Cow, in calf or in milk , any age Class 13 - Heifer, in calf or in milk DEMEnSE CUP, presented by John B Lamb for the best pedigree Ayrshire in the Show DaIRY/BEEF BREED CHaMPIonSHIP Sponsored by United Feeds To be judged following prize winners parade Best Breed in Parade £150.00 Reserve £100.00 (to be paid to the Breed Society) 7 InTERBREED DaIRY CHaMPIonSHIP CLaSSES Class 14 - Junior Dairy Showing Class. Spronsored by Danske Bank THE COULTER PERPETUAL MEMORIAL CUP will be presented to the winner of this class. Young Handler, 8-15 years of age, showing a Bull or a Heifer Calf born on or after 01/09/14. all entries will receive a rosette. Entry Fee: £8.00 online Entry Fee: £7.00 Prizes 1st = £25.00 2nd = £20.00 3rd = £15.00 4th = £10.00 Danske bank will present a framed certificate, plaque and rosette to the winner. Note: Handlers in this Class must be strictly supervised by an adult at all times. Class 15 - Dairy Cow, in calf or in milk Entry Fee: £10.00 Prizes 1st = £50.00 2nd = £30.00 3rd = £20.00 Online Entry Fee: £9.00 Class 16 - Dairy Heifer, in calf Entry Fee £10.00 Prizes 1st = £50.00 2nd = £30.00 3rd = £20.00 Online Entry Fee: £9.00 Class 17 - Dairy Heifer, in milk Entry Fee £10.00 Pizes 1st = £50.00 2nd = £30.00 3rd = £20.00 Online Entry Fee: £9.00 Class 18 - Dairy Heifer, born on or after 01/01/13 Entry Fee: £10.00 Prizes 1st = 50.00 2nd = £30.00 3rd = £20.00 4th = £10.00 Online Entry Fee: £9.00 Danske Bank sponsor this class PaLaCE FaRM CUP, presented for the Show Champion Dairy Heifer FanE VaLLEY CUP, presented for the Show Maiden Dairy Heifer Champion Class 19 - Heifer Calf (pedigree or non pedigree) born on or after 01/09/14 KEADY PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP, presented by Keady Livestock Sales, for the best heifer calf Entry Fee £10.00 Prizes 1st = £50.00 2nd = £30.00 3rd = £20.00 Online Entry Fee: £9.00 Class 20 - Pair of Dairy Females BOB WILSON PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP, presented by Mr Bob Wilson for Best Pair of Dairy Females. This class is sponsored by Mr Bob Wilson Entry Fee £10.00 Prizes 1st = £50.00 2nd = £30.00 3rd = £20.00 Online Entry Fee: £9.00 Class 21 - Group of 3 Dairy Females MARKETHILL DAIRY GROUP SHEILD, presented for the best Group of 3 Dairy Females Online Entry Fee: £9.00 armagh County agricultural Show armagh County agricultural Show DaIRY CHaMPIonSHIP 2014 Champion and Reserve animals in Classes 15 - 18 are eligible to compete. Champion: £100.00 Reserve Champion £50.00 Sponsored by Fane Valley Ltd Dairy Champion will be presented with the The Armagh Rose Bowl and Championship Sash Prize Voucher (redeemable against Genus products and services) and a Genus Sash will be awarded to the animal exhibiting the Best Udder in the Interbreed Dairy Classes SPECIaL awaRDS JoHnSTon PERPETUaL CUP, presented by the late WR Johnston, for the Champion Dairy Cow SPRInG FaRM CUP, presented by the late WR Davidson JP, for the Best Pedigree Dairy Cow 8 Class: 22 qUaLIFIER - no entry fee McLaRnon'S FEEDS/ nISa DaIRY Cow CHaMPIonSHIP 2015 (pedigree or non pedigree) All Exhibitors wishing to qualify for the McLARNON'S Feeds/NISA Dairy Cow Championship Final, must enter the name of their animal(s) in the Show Programme. The Qualifiers for the final ill be the first and second prize winners in the McLARNON'S Feeds/ NISA class. This qualifiying class is open to all dairy animals at the Show, which have not already qualified for the Final. To maximise attendance of qualifiers at the Final, Stewards will enquire from the Qualifying Exhibitors if it is their intention to be present at antrim Show on Saturday 25th July 2015. In the event of Qualifiers not wishing to attend the Final, then the Judge will be asked to identify further qualifying animals. Qualifying Exhibitors who do not appear at the Final may be disqualified from competing in Championships organised by NISA in 2016, unless a good reason is given for such nonappearance. No exhibitor may qualify more than 2 exhibits for the Championship. Animals cannot qualify for the Championship in dairy classes at Antrim Show. McLARNON'S will present special rosettes to the Exhibitors of both qualifying animals at each qualifying show. Each animal forward at the Final will be paid attendance money in the form of £50 Feed Voucher. Animals placed 1st to 6th in the Championship will receive Prize Money as follows: Champion £500 plus sash – Reserve Champion £300 2nd Reserve Champion £200 – 4th Place £150 – 5th Place £100 – 6th Place £50 In addition £100 plus Sash will be awarded to the highest placed Exhibitor-Bred animal at the Championship (born on farm, not purchased embryo), and the exhibit with the Best Udder will also receive £100 plus sash. The McLaRnon'S Feed Perpetual Shield will also be presented to the Champion. BEEF CaTTLE Entry Fee for Beef Classes £8.00 (non-REFUnDaBLE) online Entry Fee: £7.00 Prizes 1st £25.00, 2nd £15.00, 3rd £8.00 (unless otherwise stated) aberdeen angus & European angus: Hereford: Beef Short Horn: British Blues & Salers: Blondes: Charolais & other Breeds: Limousin: Simmental: Commercial Cattle: Beef Interbreed: Rare Breeds: JUDGES Mr Brian Clarke, Ayrshire Mr John Appelbe, Co. Cork Mr Terry Middleton, Co. Westmeath Mr Brian Hunt, Co. Sligo Mr G. Rodgers. Co. Down Mr David Erskine, Co. Monaghan Mr Peter Kelly, Co. Galway Mr Bertie Huston, Co. Donegal Mr Oliver Gilsenan, Co. Meath Mr W.H. Robson, Doagh Miss Imelda Middleton, Co. Westmeath EXHIBIToRS To CoLLECT CLaSS nUMBERS on THE SHow FIELD BEEF SECTIon ConTaCTS: Thelma Gorman 07775 650 512 / 028 3752 5383 Noel Reid (028) 3753 1280 Please contact these numbers directly if you have a Beef Section query For safety reasons, no child under 8 years of age is allowed in the Show Rings 9 aBERDEEn anGUS Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 23 - Senior Bull, born before 01/01/14 24 - Junior Bull, born on or after 01/01/14 25 - Cow, in calf or calf at foot 26 - Heifer, born on or after 01/01/14 27 - Heifer, born on or after 01/01/14 - 30/06/14 27.1 - Heifer, born on or after 01/07/14 - 31/12/14 28 - Bull or heifer Calf born in 2015 29 - Pair of animals, owned by the same exhibitor and entered in the above classes PERPETUaL CHaLLEnGE CUP, presented for the Champion Aberdeen Angus HEREFoRD Points will be awarded at Armagh show towards the following trophies presented by NI Hereford Breeders Association Bull of the Year Trophy Female of the Year Trophy Ulster Bank Rose Bowl Robert Haire Memorial Cup Hw Coates Cup Horned Hereford Bull of the Year Trophy Horned Hereford Female of the Year award The novice award All animals must be registered in the Hereford Society Herd Book Class 30 - Cow or heifer, born on or before 31/12/12 Class 31 - Heifer born on or after 01/01/13 and on or before 31/12/13 in calf or with calf at foot Class 32 - Heifer born between 01/01/13 and 31/08/13 Class 33 - Heifer calf born after 01/09/14 Class 34 - Bull born before 31/03/13 Class 35 - Bull born on or after 01/09/13 and on or before 31/08/14 Class 36 - Bull calf born after 01/09/14 Class 37 - Progeny Pair best pair by same Sire or Dam entered in above Classes wooDLanD CUP for the Champion Hereford BEEF SHoRTHoRn Class Class Class Class Class 38 39 40 41 42 - Bull, any age Cow, any age Heifer in calf or in milk Heifer, born in 2014 Bull or Heifer calf, born after 01/01/15 Class Class Class Class 43 44 45 46 - Bull, any age Cow,any age Heifer Calf, born in 2015 BRITISH BLUES 10 Class 47: THE IRISH SHowS aSSoCIaTIon & CaSTLEwELLan & DISTRICT aGRICULTURaL SHow PRESEnT The Bank of Ireland Entry Fee: To qualifying Show £6.00 online Entry Fee £5.00. To Final £10.00 PRIZES: 1st: £100 2nd: £75 3rd: £50 4th: £25 ( 5th – 9th £10 ) British Blue Young Bull Championship Sponsored by The Bank of Ireland RULES anD ConDITIonS 1. The Competition is confined to young Pedigree British Blue Bull born on or after 01/10/14 and before 30/06/2015 2. Bulls must be registered with BBBCS and the bonafide property of the Exhibitor. 3. Three animals may qualify from each selected show 4. Exhibitors are allowed to qualify two animals for the final 5. Qualified animals may not enter any other class on the day of the final other than qualifying classes for other finals. 6. These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules Entry Fee: To qualifying Show £6. To Final £10. PRIZES: 1st: £100 2nd: £75 3rd: £50 4th: £25 ( 5th —9th £10 ) Class 47.1: Final: CaSTLEwELLan SHow – Saturday 18th July 2015 GREEnVaLE anIMaL FEEDS BRITISH BLUE HEIFER CHaMPIonSHIP qUaLIFIER The British Blue Heifer Championship will take place at antrim Show with qualifiers at armagh, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Lisburn & Saintfield, Castlewellan and antrim RULES anD ConDITIonS 1. The Competition is confined to Pedigree British Blue Heifers born on or after 01/07/13 and before 30/06/2014 2. Animals need not be Exhibitor bred but must be registered with BBCS 3. Three animals may qualify from each selected show no EnTRY FEE Final: antrim Show – Saturday 25th July 2015 To be administered by the nI Blue Cattle Club SaLERS Class Class Class Class Class Class 48 - Senior Bull, born on or before 31/12/13 48.1 - Junior Bull, born on or after 01/01/14 49 - Cow 50 - Heifer, born on or before 31/12/13 51.1 - Heifer, born on or after 01/01/14 51 - Calf, born in 2015 HoLE In THE waLL TRoPHIES presented for the Champion and Reserve Salers 11 BLonDES Class 52 - Senior Bull, born before 01/01/14 Class 53 - Junior Bull, born on or after 01/01/14 Note: Bull classes may be amalgamated if insufficient entries Class 54 - Cow in calf or in milk, any age Class 55 - Heifer, born before 01/01/14 Class 56 - Heifer, born on or after 01/01/14 Class 57 - Bull or Heifer Calf born after 01/09/14 Class 58 - Pair of animals, by same sire or dam entered above PaYnTER PERPETUaL TRoPHY presented for the Champion Blonde nI Blonde Cattle Club Young Handler Competition Young Handler Under 14 Years - annahilt Residential Perpetual Trophy Young Handler 14 - 23 Years - whelan Juvenile Perpetual Trophy These classes are for a club competition where points are gained throughout the Show season and a cup is awarded to the entrant with the most points at the end of the Show season. The competition is open to members of the NI Blonde Cattle Club (either full or associate) for rules see Show Herd of the Year open to members fo the Ni Blonde Cattle Club for rules see Bank of Ireland Calf Competition for Calves born after 1/7/14, a qualifying class will take place at the Show 1. Competition open to members of the NI Blonde Cattle Club 2. Competition will be run as a series of qualifying classes at participating shows listed below. From each show the two highest placed animals, not previously qualified, born after 1st July in the year prior to the show will be eligible to take part in the final. 3. The Final will be staged at Castlewellan and District Show 4. Prize money will only be payable at the final stage of the competition 5. Attendance money will be given to those who exhibit their qualified calf/calves for judging at final CHaRoLaIS CLaSSES (Name, Date of Birth and Tattoo Number must be provided with all entries to be eligible for Charolias Club Special Prizes) All cows in milk must be shown with calf at foot British Charolais Society present a Plaque to Champion and nI Charolais Club present a Sash to the breed Champion in Show Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 - Senior Bull, born before 31/03/14 Bull, born in period 01/04/14/ - 31/12/14 Cow in calf or in milk, any age Heifer, born 2013 Heifer, born 2014 Bull or Heifer calf born in 2015 Pair of animals owned by same exhibitor and entered in above classes 12 MInSUPS Charolais Championship (nI) The following classes will be held at qUaLIFYInG shows. First and second placed animal in each Qualifying Charolias class will qualify for the MINSUPS Charolais Final at Clogher Valley Show on Wednesday 29th July 2015. Cattle entered must be in the British Herd Book six months on the date of the Grand Final of this Championship. Owners of the cattle must be members of the NI Charolias Club. Cattle entered for this competition must also be entered in their relevant classes at Clogher Valley Show. Qualifiers at local shows will receive a qualifying rosette and will be photographed for the pre final coverage in local press. Bulls born form 1 April 2014 to 31 July 2014 Bulls born from 1 August 2014 to 31 December 2014 Bulls born on or after 1 January 2015 Heifers born 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2014 Heifers born 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 Heifers born on or after 1 January 2015 ** £40.00 - Attendance Money will be awarded each qualifying animal exhibited at Ballymena, Ballymoney, Lurgan, Armagh, Saintfield, Newry, Omagh & Castlewellan who attend the final at Clogher Valley Show ***£20.00 - Attendance Allowance will be awarded to animals qualifying at Clogher Valley Show who participate in the final. Prize Money in each of the 6 classes at the final will be 1st- £80.00, 2nd- £60.00, 3rd- £40.00, 4th- £20.00 qualifying Shows are Ballymena, Ballymoney, Lurgan, Armagh, Castlewellan, Saintfield, Newry, Omagh, Clogher Valley Breeders who wish to join the NI Charolais Club should contact: The NICC Secretary, Ann Orr, Email or call 02866 342366 or visit the webiste to download an application form. THE MaJoR McCoRMaCK CUP will be awarded to the winner of the Calf Class aGHaVILLY RoSE BowL, presented by Aghavilly UFU to the Champion Charolais. LIMoUSIn Class 66 - Senior Bull, born before 2014 Class 67 - Junior Bull, born in 2014 Note: Bull classes may be amalgamated if insufficient entries Class 68 - Cow, any age, in calf or having produced a calf in the past 12 months Class 69 - Heifer, born in 2013 Class 70 - Heifer, born in 2014 Class 71 - Bull or Heifer Calf , born in 2015 Class 72 - Pair of animals owned by same exhibitor and entered in the above classes TRaYnoR METaLS PERPETUaL TRoPHY, presented by T-MET, is awarded to the Limousin Champion. DanSKE BanK SHow TEaM oF THE YEaR SHIELD, points awarded from 1st-3rd pace in the above classes throughout all shows in NI. 13 SIMMEnTaL Animals must be entered in the Herd Books of the British Simmental Cattle Society Limited or Irish Simmental Cattle Society before the closing of entries for this show. Calves shown at foot or their dam must be registered in or eligible to be registered in the Herd books of the British Simmental or Irish Simmental Cattle Society. The BRITISH SIMMENTAL CATTLE SOCIETY LIMITED will present Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes. Class 73 - Cow, born before 1st January 2012 Class 74 - Cow or Heifer, born in 2012, in calf or with calf at foot having had a calf by 3 years old Class 75 - Heifer, born on or after 01/01/13, and on or before 30/06/13 Class 76 - Heifer, born on or after 01/07/13, and on or before 31/12/13 Class 77 - Heifer, born on or after 01/01/14 Class 78 - Bull, born on or before 31/12/13 Class 79 - Bull, born on or after 01/01/14 Class 80 - Bull/Heifer calf born in 2015 Class 81 - Pair of animals, bona fide the property of one exhibitor entered in the classes for which they are eligible Armagh is a qualifying Show for the Simmental Pair of the Year Championship which is sponsored by Ivomec FINAL AT ENNISKILLEN SHOW aUToMaRT PERPETUaL CHaLLEnGE CUP, for the Champion Simmental EURoPEan anGUS Class Class Class Class 82 83 84 85 - Cow, any age, in-calf or with calf at foot Bull, born in 2014 Heifer, born in 2014 Bull or heifer calf, born in 2015 RaRE anD MInoRITY BREEDS oF CaTTLE The Tesco Rare Breeds Cattle Derby Armagh County Show is a qualifier for the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) Cattle Derby Sponsored by Tesco Senior Cattle Derby: The 2 highest placed eligible female animals born on or before 31/12/2012 will qualify for the final at Gosford Forest Park on Sat 7th September 2015, provided they have not already qualified. Junior Cattle Derby: The 2 highest placed eligible female animals born between 01/01/13 - 31/08/14 will qualify for the final at Gosford, provided the animal has not already qualified. Calf Derby: The 2 highest placed eligible male and female animals born after 01/09/14 will qualify for the Final at Gosford, provided the animal has not already qualified. All animals must be owned by a fully paid-up member of the RBST or a child of a fully paidup member of the Trust Contact: Kate Madden on 07712 090040 or email: Class Class Class Class 86 87 88 89 - Bull, any age Cow or heifer born before 01/01/13 Heifer born after 01/01/13 Calf born after 01/08/14 14 oTHER PEDIGREE BEEF BREEDS For cattle not entered in other beef classes If insufficient numbers of entries, these classes many be amalgamated Class Class Class Class Class 90 91 92 93 94 - Bull, any age Cow, in calf or in milk , any age Heifer, in calf or in milk Heifer, born in 2014 Bull or Heifer Calf, born in 2015 CoMMERCIaL BEEF CLaSSES Entry Fee: £8.00 online Entry Fee: £7.00 Prizes: 1st - £25.00, 2nd - £15.00 3rd - £8.00 Class 95 - Commercial Beef calf, male or female, born on or after 01/09/14 Class 96 - Commercial Store Heifer Class 97 - Commercial Beef Heifer (the same animal can only be entered in one of the above two classes) Class 98 - Commercial Store Bullock Class 99 - Commercial Beef Bullock (The same animal can only be entered in one of the previous two classes) SCoTT CUP, presented by Scott Bros. Hamiltonsbawn for best Young Beef Animal. A Sash will be presented to the Commercial Beef Champion and a Rosette to the Reserve. If there are insufficient entries, the previous Classes will be amalgamated. DaIRY/BEEF BEST BREED In PaRaDE sponsored by United Feeds To be Judged during the prize winners parade Best Breed in Parade £150.00 Reserve £100.00 (to be paid to the breed society) InTERBREED BEEF CHaMPIonSHIP 15 Class 100: BanK oF IRELanD/nISa JUnIoR BULL CHaMPIonSHIP 2015 For the best Junior Pedigree Bull born on or after 1st January 2014 qualifier – no entry fee Armagh Show is a Qualifying Show for the Bank of Ireland/Northern Ireland Shows Association Junior Bull Championship. Eligible exhibits will be those entered in the appropriate Class at the Show and included in the Show Catalogue The two highest placed eligible animals will qualify for the Final to be held at Clogher Valley Show on wednesday 29th July 2015. To maximise attendance of Qualifiers at the Final, Stewards will enquire from the qualifying Exhibitors if it is their intention to be present at the Final. In the event of qualifying Exhibitors not wishing to attend the Final the Judge will be asked to select further qualifying animals. Animals cannot qualify at Castlewellan Show for the Championship. To maximise the promotion of the Championship, qualifying exhibitors and their animals are required to participate in the Bank of Ireland promotional photographs at the Final. An Exhibitor may not qualify more than 2 Exhibits for the Final. Exhibitors qualifying animals who do not appear at the Final may be disqualified from participating in the Championships organised by NISA in 2016, unless an acceptable reason is given for such absence. Prize Money at Final: 1st = £300.00, 2nd= £200.00, 3rd= £100.00 4th= £50.00 Special Rosettes will be awarded to Qualifiers and £20.00 will be given, provided the qualifying cattle compete in the Final. Class 101: LInDEn FooDS/nISa PEDIGREE BEEF HEIFER CHaMPIonSHIP 2015 For the best Pedigree Beef Heifer born on or after 1st January 2013 qualifier no Entry Fee Armagh Show is a Qualifying Show for the Linden Foods/NISA Pedigree Beef Heifer Championship organised by the Northern Ireland Shows Association. Eligible animals will be those entered in the appropriate Class at the Show and included in the Show Catalogue The two highest placed eligible animals will qualify for the Final at Fermanagh County Show on wednesday 5th august 2015. To maximise attendance of Qualifiers at the Final, Stewards will enquire from the qualifying Exhibitors if it is their intention to be present at the Final. In the event of qualifying Exhibitors not wishing to attend the Final the Judge will be asked to identify further qualifying animals. Animals cannot qualify at the Show hosting the Final. To maximise the promotion of the Championship, qualifying exhibitors and their animals are required to participate in the Linden Foods promotional photographs at the Final. An Exhibitor may not qualify more than 2 Exhibits for the Final. Special Rosettes and attendance money of £20.00 will be awarded to the exhibitor of each qualifying animal forward at the Final. Exhibitors qualifying animals who do not appear at the Final may be disqualified from participating in the 2016 Championship, unless an acceptable reason is given for such absence. Prize Money at Final: 1st = £300.00, 2nd= £200.00, 3rd= £100.00 4th= £50.00 Qualifying Shows: Ballymena, Ballymoney, Lurgan, Armagh, Lisburn and Saintfield District, Newry, Omagh, Londonderry/Limavady, Castlewellan, Antrim and Clogher Valley 16 Class 102 - Pedigree Calf Championship, born on or after 1/9/14 Entry Fee: £8.00 Online Entry Fee: £7.00 Prizes: 1st= £30.00, 2nd= £20.00, 3rd= £15.00 PERPETUaL CHaLLEnGE CUP, presented by Armagh County Show Committee, to the Champion Calf Class 103 - Group of three Pedigree animals, owned by same Exhibitor Entry Fee: £10.00 Prizes: 1st= £50.00, 2nd= £30.00, 3rd= £20.00 Online Entry Fee: £9.00 Class 104 - Junior Beef Showing Class Sponsored by Danske Bank THE SaMUEL wILSon PERPETUaL MEMoRIaL CUP will be awarded to the winner of the Junior Beef Showing Young Handler 8 -16 YEaRS of age showing Calf under 1 year old Class. All competitors will receive rosettes. Entry Fee £8.00 online Entry Fee £7.00 Prizes 1st= £25.00 2nd= £20.00 3rd= £15.00 4th= £10.00 note Handlers must be strictly supervised by an adult at all times. If there are sufficient entries the class may be divided. aRMaGH CoUnTY aGRICULaTURaL SHow BEEF CHaMPIonSHIP 2015 Champion and Reserve Champion animals in classes 100-102 are eligible to compete Champion £100.00 Reserve Champion £50.00 Sponsored by Fane Valley Ltd. Beef Champion will be presented with the Ulster Farmers Mart Cup and Championship Sash A Silver Pewter Tankard will be presented to the Reserve Champion Beef Animal DaIRY/BEEF BEST BREED In PaRaDE Sponsored by United Feeds To be judged following the prize winners parade Best Breed in parade £150.00, Reserve £100.00 (to be paid to the Breed Society) 17 Important note for Sheep and Goat Exhibitors Procedure for Movement of northern Ireland Sheep and Goats into and out of Shows All sheep and goats, irrespective of their date of birth, must be identified and comply with the Sheep and Goats Identification Regulations and be registered in the flock of the exhibitor. Movement of Sheep to a Show • • • • Movement of sheep and goats to Shows must be accompanied by a fully and accurately completed SG2 self-written movement document. The individual identification numbers should be recorded on the SG2 document (it is acceptable to attach a printed schedule listing the tag numbers to the SG2). These numbers should be checked by the Show Operators against presented before the animals are allowed entry to the show. The SG2 movement document authorises the movement of sheep or goats from the farm to Show premises. The SG2 movement documents must be stamped by the Show Secretary. The white copy should be sent to the local DARD Office within 7 days. Show Operators should have books of movement documents (SG2s) for sheep and separate ones for goats. Movement of Sheep from a Show - See annex D The yellow copy of the SG2 provided by the Show Operator should accompany the animals back from the Show. This should include details of the Show and receiving flock, the individual tag numbers (it is acceptable to attach a printed schedule listing the tag numbers to the SG2) or be cross referenced/stapled to the pink copy of the incoming SG2 (only if the whole batch moves out at the same time). Section 3 of the outgoing SG2 should be signed by the flock keeper. Both move in and move out white copies of the SG2 should be sent to the Show’s local DARD Office by the Show Operator within 7 days. 18 Sheep Section SHEEP SECTIon ConTaCT: Jack McGowan. Tel: 028 3752 4336 EnTRY FEE: £3.00 (unless otherwise stated) onLInE EnTRY FEE: £2.50 EnTRY FEES PaID aRE non-REFUnDaBLE Prize Money in Sheep Classes: 1st - £12; 2nd - £8; 3rd - £5 (unless otherwise stated) Entries Close 24th May 2015. all entries must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and returned to the show office. Entry forms must be completed in full. no entries will be accpted by telephone. Strictly no late entries. JUDGInG wILL CoMMEnCE aT 10.00aM SHaRP numbers to be collected from the Secretary's office on the Show Field Classes with less than 3 entries may be amalgamated with the nearest appropriate Class or cancelled without notice. Sheep Championship Suffolk Charollais Beltex Dorset Horn Hampshire Down Texel Zwartblers Ile de France Jacob other Pedigree Breeds Rare Breeds Young Handlers Cydectin Young Handlers Class SHEEPJUDGES Bill Dickson, Saintfield Geoff Bidduth, Wales Derek Fenton, Rasharkin John Barkley, Ayrshire Robert Coulter, Parkgate Robert Cole, Devon Martin Warnock, Limavady Cyril Cromie, Ballynahinch Brian Hanthorn, Tynan Mrs Geraldine Fletcher, Wicklow Martin Warnock, Limavady Mrs Geraldine Fletcher, Wicklow Brian Hanthorn, Tynan PERPETUAL SHEEP TROPHIES AND SPECIAL PRIZES RITCHIE CUP, presented by the late Issac Ritchie, for the Show Champion MEGAW CUP, presented by John Megaw, for the best Ewe in the Show WILLIAM GREER CUP, presented by the late William Greer, for the best Ram in the Show AUTOMART CUP, presented by Tom Clarke, for the Champion Texel ERVINE CUP, presented by W Ervine and Sons, for the Champion Suffolk ANDREWS MILLING CUP, presented by Andrews Milling for the Champion Charollais FARMING LIFE CUP, for the winner of in the Young Handlers Sheep Class 19 SUFFoLK SHow TEaM oF THE YEaR MALE OF THE YEAR - SMITHKLINE TROPHY FEMALE OF THE YEAR - SUFFOLK SHEEP SOCIETY N.I. BRANCH TROPHY Champion and Reserve Champion The northern Ireland Suffolk Championship will be held at armagh County Show in 2015 Prizes in Suffolk Classes: 1st = £12.00, 2nd = £10.00 3rd = £8.00 4th = £5.00 (Rosettes to 6th place) Stock Judging Classes will be held Class 110 - Ewe, any age (having reared a lamb in 2015 and shorn from 1st May 2015) Class 111 - Ram, any age Class 112 - Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 Class 112.1 - Shearling Ram born in 2014 Class 113 - Ewe Lamb born in 2015 Class 114 - Ram Lamb, born in 2015 Class 115 - Group of three Sheep, each drawn from a different Class and owned by one exhibitor Class 116 - Junior Stock Handlers ( Suffolk breeders only) ILE de FRanCE Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 1st = £12.00, 2nd = £8.00 3rd = £5.00 117 - Ewe, any age 118 - Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 119 - Ram, any age 120 - Shearling Ram, born in 2014 121 - Ewe Lamb, born in 2015 122 - Ram Lamb, born in 2015 123 - Group of three Sheep, each drawn from a different Class and owned by one exhibitor CHaRoLLaIS Class 124 - Ewe, any age Class 125 - Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 Class 126 - Ram, any age Class 127 - Ram Lamb, born in 2015 Class 128 - Ewe Lamb, born in 2015 Class 129 - Group of 3 Sheep, each drawn from a different Class and owned by one exhibitor anDREwS MILLInG CUP, presented for the Champion Charollais at the Show. TEXEL Points may be gained in all classes which will count toward the Volac NI Texel Show Flock Competition. The Volac Shearling Ram Show Champion and Reserve Award will be presented to the 1st and 2nd placed Shearling Rams at the Show. Class Class Class Class Class 130 131 132 133 134 - Ewe, any age Ram, any age Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 Shearling Ram, born in 2014 Ram Lamb, born 2015 20 Class 135 - Ewe Lamb, born in 2015 Class 136 - Group of 3 Sheep, drawn from a different Class and owned by one exhibitor aUToMaRT CUP presented for the Champion Texel in the Show BELTEX SHEEP Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 The NI Beltex Championship will be held at Armagh Show in 2015 – Ram, any age - Shearling Ram - Ram Lamb, born before 1st March 2015 - Ram Lamb, born on or after 1st March 2015 - Ewe, any age - Shearling Ewe - Ewe Lamb, born before 1st March 2015 - Ewe Lamb, born on or after 1st March 2015 - Pair of Lambs - Group of three (one sheep from each class) HaMPSHIRE Down SHEEP The NI Hampshire Down Championship will be held at Armagh Show in 2015 RED MILLS are sponsoring a bag of meal to each class winner, 2 Bags to Reserve Champion and 2 Bags to over all Champion, in celebration of the 150 year anniversary of the Hampshire Down Sheep Breeders association Class Class Class Class Class Class 147 148 149 150 151 152 - Ram, any age Ewe, any age Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 Ewe Lamb, born in 2015 Ram Lamb, born in 2015 novice Class (untrimmed sheep, exhibitor bred, not previously placed at a County Show Class Class Class Class Class 153 154 155 156 157 - Ram, any age Ewe, any age Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 Ram Lamb, born 2015 Ewe Lamb, born 2015 Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class H Beattie & Sons, Portadown Rd, Tandragee are sponsoring Championship Champion £30 – Reserve Champion £20 158 - Ram, any age 159 - Ewe, any age 160 - Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 161 - Shearling Ram, born in 2014 162 - Ram Lamb, born in 2015 163 - Ewe Lamb, born in 2015 164 - Pair of Lambs, born in 2015 165 - Group of 3 DoRSET HoRn SHEEP JaCoB SHEEP 21 ZwaRTBLERS SHEEP Class Class Class Class Class 166 167 168 169 170 - Ram, any age Ewe, any age Shearling Ewe, born in 2014 Ram Lamb, born in 2015 Ewe Lamb, born in 2015 Class Class Class Class 171 172 173 174 - Ram, any age Ewe, any age Ram Lamb, born in 2015 Ewe Lamb, born in 2015 oTHER PURE BRED SHEEP (other than Rare or Minority Breed) RaRE oR MInoRITY BREED SHEEP (listed by the Rare Breed Survival Trust) This is a qualifying Show for the Rare Breeds Tesco Sheep Derby The two highest placed eligible animals in the adult classes and the two highest placed animals in the lamb classes a total of 4 qualifiers form each Show, will be eligible to go forward to the Final at Gosford on the 7th September 2015, provided that the animals has not already qualified at a previous Show. This competition is sponsored by the Ulster Bank and the Northern Ireland Support Group. Qualifying Shows are RUAS Ballymena, Lurgan Armagh, Omagh, Castlewellan, Clogher, Antrim and Saintfield. All animals must be owned and exhibited by a fully paid up member of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust or a child of a fully paid up member of the Trust. Each animal will receive £5.00 on appearance at the final at Cultra and the Champion will receive £30.00 and a Trophy. Class 175 - Ram, any age Class 176 - Ewe, any age Class 177 - Ram Lamb Class 178 - Ewe Lamb Class 179 - Best Pair same breed, bred and shown by exhibitor Class 180 DanSKE BanK/ nISa SHEEP CHaMPIonSHIP 2015 no EnTRY FEE For the best ewe, any breed, any age, having reared a lamb in 2015. Armagh County Show is a Qualifying Show for the Danske Bank/NISA Sheep Championship, organised by the Northern Ireland Shows Association, in 2015. The two highest placed eligible animals will qualify for the Final at Antrim Show on Saturday, 25th July, 2015. Where already qualified, the next in line will be selected for the Final. Where an Exhibitor qualifies as above, but does not intend to compete in the Final, the next in line will be selected. No Exhibitor may qualify more than two exhibits for the Final. Animals cannot qualify for the Championship in sheep classes at Antrim Show. Exhibitors of qualifying animals who do not appear in the Final, may be disqualified from competing in Championships organised by NISA in 2016, unless good reason is given for non-appearance. Special rosettes will be awarded to Qualifiers and £10 will be given provided the qualifying sheep compete in the FinaI. Prizes at the Final: 1st - £100 plus Crystal Trophy and Sash, 2nd - £75, 3rd - £60, 4th - £40, 5th - £25 22 SHEEP CHaMPIonSHIPS Class 181 - Ram or Ewe any age Irish Shows association and Clogher Valley Show Society present noRTHERn IRELanD ConTInEnTaL SHEEP FInaL Sponsored by Clogher valley Show Entry Fee: £3.00 to qualifying show, Online Entry Fee: £2.50 £5.00 to Final at Clogher Valley Show Prizes at Final: 1st= £200.00, 2nd= £100.00, 3rd= £75.00, 4th= £50.00, 5th - 7th= £25.00 Rules: Confined to continental ewe or ram any age Three exhibitors to qualify three sheep for the final Each exhibitor may only qualify three sheep for the final Final: Clogher Valley Show – wednesday 29th July 2015 Class 182 - InTERBREED GRoUP CHaMPIonSHIPS (comprising male and 2 females from the same exhibitor) Entry Fee: £5.00 online Entry Fee: £4.00 for the group Prizes: 1st= £25.00, 2nd= £20.00, 3rd= £15.00, 4th= £10.00 Class 183 - PaIR oF EwE LaMBS CHaMPIonSHIP (open to pedigree and non pedigre sheep, owned by the exhibitor Entry Fee: £5.00 online Entry Fee: £3.50 for the pair Prizes: 1st = £25.00, 2nd = £20.00, 3rd = £15.00, 4th = £10.00 Class 184 - YoUnG HanDLERS' SHEEP CoMPETITIon (any breed or age of sheep, handlers must be aged 8-15 years) Entry Fee: £5.00 online Entry Fee: £2.50 Prizes: 1st = £25.00, 2nd = £20.00, 3rd = £15.00, 4th = £10.00, 5th = £5.00 Class 185 - FaRMnG LIFE PERPETUL TRoPHY, presented to the winner. All competitiors will receive rosettes. THE CLoGHER VaLLEY aGRICULTURaL SoCIETY PRESEnT The Cydectin Young Handlers Championship Final Sponsored by Zoetis RULES: 1. Three Young Handlers can qualify (if not already qualified at a previous Show) 2. The handler can use any breed of sheep 3. All qualifiers will receive their Qualifying Rosette when entering the Final at Clogher Valley Show. 4. This event is open to those aged 8-14 at the date of the Final. FInaL: Clogher Valley Show wednesday 29th July, 2015 Winner will receive The Robin Wylie Perpetual Cup & Cydectin Challenge Shield & Prizes sponsored by Zoetis Entry Fee: £3.00 QUALIFYING SHOWS: Ballymena, Ballymoney, Lurgan, Armagh, Saintfield, Newry, Omagh, Londonderry/Limavady, Castlewellan & Clogher Valley 23 aRMaGH CoUnTY aGRICULTURaL SHow SHEEP CHaMPIonSHIP 2015 Judge: Bill Dickson, Saintfield Champion and Reserve from each breed are eligible to compete Sponsored by: Fane Valley Ltd. Champion £100.00 Reserve Champion £50.00 The RITCHIE CUP and the champion sash will be presented to the Champion Sheep Championship Classes sponsored by Bank of Ireland 24 Goat Section (In co-operation with the n. I. Goat Club) JUDGE: Betty Donaldson, westport GOAT SECTION CONTACT: Gordon Frazer. Tel: 028 3752 3217 EnTRY FEE: £3.00 onLInE EnTRY FEE: £2.50 EnTRY FEES PaID aRE non-REFUnDaBLE Prize Money in Goat Classes: 1st - £12; 2nd - £8; 3rd - £5 (unless otherwise stated) note: Prize Money will not be paid out on Show Day PERPETUaL TRoPHIES & SPECIaL PRIZES THE MCVEIGH ROSE BOWL, presented by late W McVeigh, for the best Exhibit in Goat Section THE LETTY AND TOM HOUSTON CUP for the best group of three THE DIANE IRWIN PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP, for best Goatling 1-2 years old PERPETUAL TROPHY, awarded for the best Kid THE BERTIE WELLS CUP, presented for the champion male ARMAGH COUNTY SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP SASH, awarded to the Goat Champion See Veterinary Regulations for sheep on previous page which must be followed. Class 186 - Female Goat having produced Kid any age in milk – (Saanen and British Saanen) Class 187 - Female Goat having produced Kid any age in milk (Toggenburg, British Toggenburg and British alpine) Class 188 - Female Goat having produced Kid any age in milk – (anglo-nubian or a.o.V) Class 189 - Goatling over one year and not exceeding two years that has not produced a Kid (Saanen, British Saanen, Toggenburg, British Toggenburg, and British alpine) Class 190 - Goatling over one year and not exceeding two years that has not produced a Kid – (anglo-nubian or a.o.V.) Class 191 - Female Kid over two months and under one year (Saanen, British Saanen, Toggenburg, British Toggenburg, and British alpine) Class 192 - Female Kid over two months and under one year – (anglo-nubian or a.o.V.) Class 193 - non-pedigree Goat in milk Class 194 - non-pedigree Kid or Goatling Class 195 - Pedigree Male, any age Class 196 - Group of three animals exhibited in classes above PYGMY GoaTS Class 197 - Female 2 years and over Class 198 - Female Goatling over one year and not exceeding two years Class 199 - Female Kid under one year Class 200 - Male any age Class 201 - Group of three drawn from above classes a Champion and Reserve Champion will be chosen from above classes 25 Important note for Pig Exhibitors 2015 Procedure for Movement of Pigs Into and out of Shows Disease status and testing requirement • Only pigs from OADF status holdings are permitted to attend shows. • In addition, all pigs entered for the Show must be accompanied by an Aujeszky’s Test Certificate of Negative Result relating to a test completed on or after 01/04/2014. Pigs certificates are submitted to Show Organisers. • Protocol has not been agreed between DARD and RoI authorities so pigs from the RoI should not be allowed entry to the Show as this may downgrade all NI pigs in Show. Movement of Pigs To a Show • The movement of pigs to Shows must be accompanied by a fully and accurately completed PM1 self-written movement document. • The original (yellow) PM1 and the first (white) and second (pink) copies should accompany the pigs to the Show. • The full identification (ID) marks must be recorded en the PM1 document (It is acceptable to attach a printed scheduie to the PM1 listing the identification marks. The schedule must be cross referenced to the serial number of the PM1). These numbers should be checked by the Show Operators against the ear tags in the animals presented before the animals are allowed entry to the show. • The PM1 movement document authorises the movement of pigs from the farm to Show premises. The PM1 movement documents must be stamped by the Show Secretary. The white copy should be sent to the local DARD Direct Office. • Show Operators should have an appropriate number of books of movement documents (PM1s) for the movement of pigs from the Show. Movement of Pigs From a Show • The yellow original "move out" PM1 provided by the Show Operator should accompany the animals back from the Show. This should include details of the Show, the receiving herd and the individual identification marks or be cross referenced/stapled to the pink copy of the incoming PM1 (only if the whole batch moves out at the same time). Section 3 of the "move out" PM1 should be signed by the herd keeper. • Both "move in" and "move out" white copies of the PM1 should be sent to the Show's local DARD Direct .Office by the Show Operator on the day of movement from the Show, or where this is not possible on the next working day. • On return to the farm the pigs should not move again, except to slaughter, for a period of 6 days (6 day whole farm standstill). • An exemption from this whole farm standstill will be permitted when animals returning from a Show are held in an approved isolation facility for a period of 6 days. Animals in an approved isolation facility may not move to a Show. Identification requirements • New legislation, The Pigs (Records, Identification and Movement) Order (Northern Ireland) 2012 came into operation on 19th March 2012. • Under this legislation all pigs, regardless of age or category, entering the Show must be clearly identified with an eartag bearing the full identification (10) mark the holding number and a unique individual number of up to 4 digits. The holding number must be pre-printed on the ear tag. • If a pig is identified under the old rules, The Aujeszky's Disease Order (Northern Ireland) 1994, and the identification is still in place and is legible it does not have to be reidentified. Show organiser responsibilities • Show organisers are reminded that they are obliged to ensure that all pigs entered into a Show are correctly identified and are accompanied by the correct documentation. All documentation should be forwarded to the local DARD Direct Office on the day of movement from the Show, or where this is not possible on the next working day 26 Pig Section Confined to members of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust EnTRIES MUST BE a RaRE oR MInoRITY BREED Judge: to be confirmed EnTRY FEE: £3.00 onLInE EnTRY FEE: £2.50 EnTRY FEES PaID aRE non-REFUnDaBLE Prizes: 1st= £12.00, 2nd= £8.00, 3rd= £5.00 £25.00 prize for the Champion, £15.00 for reserve Champion + Championship Rosettes Entries close 24th May 2015 Contact: Kenneth Gracey, Tel 07710 804 819 Class Class Class Class Class 202 203 204 205 206 - aUJESKY'S DISEaSE only pigs from oficially oaDF herds are eligible to enter Sow - any breed, born before 01/07/14 Boar- any breed, born before 01/07/14 Junior Boar, born after 01/07/14 Senior Gilt, born on or after 01/07/14 and before 31/12/14 Junior Gilt, born in 2015 The above classes will be divided if there are sufficient entries armagh Show is a qualifying show for the Tesco Rare Breeds Pig Derby. Final at Rare Breeds Show and Sale, Gosford Forest Park, Sat 7th September 2015 The Champion will receive the Tommy Bullick Perpetual Challenge Trophy presented to the Rare Breeds Survival Trust 27 ƌŵĂŐŚŽƵŶƚLJ^ŚŽǁ ƌŵĂŐŚƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĞŶƚƌĞ Ϯ>ŽƵŐŚŐĂůůZŽĂĚ ƌŵĂŐŚdϲϭϳE, dĞů͗ϬϮϴϯϳϱϮϮϯϯϯ ŵĂŝů͗ŝŶĨŽΛĂƌŵĂŐŚƐŚŽǁ͘ĐŽŵ tĞďƐŝƚĞ͗ǁǁǁ͘ĂƌŵĂŐŚƐŚŽǁ͘ĐŽŵ <ϵyWK ĂƚƌŵĂŐŚŽƵŶƚLJŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĂů^ŚŽǁ 'ŽƐĨŽƌĚ&ŽƌĞƐƚWĂƌŬ^ĂƚϭϯƚŚ:ƵŶĞϮϬϭϱ ƉƉƌŽdždŝŵĞ͗ϵ͘ϬϬĂŵ WůĞĂƐĞŶŽƚĞƚŚĞƐĞĂƌĞ ĂƉƉƌŽdžŝŵĂƚĞƚŝŵĞƐĂŶĚŵĂLJ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŽŐ'ƌŽŽŵŝŶŐŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝŽŶ͘ ďĞƐƵďũĞĐƚƚŽĐŚĂŶŐĞƐ͘ WůĞĂƐĞůŝƐƚĞŶĨŽƌ ŽŵĞĂŶĚƐĞĞƐŽŵĞŽĨƚŚĞďĞƐƚĚŽŐŐƌŽŽŵĞƌƐŝŶƚŚĞĐŽƵŶƚƌLJĐůŝƉƉŝŶŐ ĂŶŶŽƵŶĐĞŵĞŶƚƐ͘ ĂŶĚƐŶŝƉƉŝŶŐĂŶĚĂůƐŽĐƌĞĂƚŝǀĞƐƚLJůŝŶŐŽŶĂƌĂŶŐĞŽĨĚŽŐƐƚŽƐĞĞǁŚŽ ǁŝůůďĞ<ϵdžƉŽĞƐƚWĞƚ^ƚLJůŝƐƚŝŶ^ŚŽǁϮϬϭϱ EKd͗dŚŝƐĐŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝŽŶŝƐƉƌĞͲƐŚŽǁĞŶƚƌLJ ŽŐƐŚŽǁĂŶĚŐĂŵĞĞŶƚƌŝĞƐŽƉĞŶ͘ ϭϬ͘ϯϬĂŵ WůĞĂƐĞƌĞŵĞŵďĞƌĞŶƚƌŝĞƐĐůŽƐĞϯϬŵŝŶƐďĞĨŽƌĞĞĂĐŚĐůĂƐƐĂŶĚ ŶƚĞƌĂƚƚŚĞĚŽŐƐŚŽǁƚĞŶƚ͘ ŽŐƚŚĞŵĞĚŐĂŵĞƐƐƚĂƌƚ ϭϭ͘ϬϬĂŵ ŐŐĂŶĚƐƉŽŽŶƌĂĐĞͬŵƵƐŝĐĂůŚŽŽƉƐͬŽďƐƚĂĐůĞĐŽƵƌƐĞ 'ĂŵĞƐǁŝƚŚLJŽƵƌĚŽŐƐĨŽƌĂůůƚŚĞĨĂŵŝůLJ ĞƐƚƵŶĚĞƌϭϬĂŶĚϭϲŚĂŶĚůĞƌĐůĂƐƐĞƐ ŽŐĨĂƐŚŝŽŶƐŚŽǁ ϭϮ͘ϬϬƉŵ tŚŽǁŝůůďĞĐƌŽǁŶĞĚŽŐŐŝĞŝǀĂϮϬϭϱ ĞƐƚŝŶƐŚŽǁĨƌŽŵƚŚĞŽŐ'ƌŽŽŵŝŶŐŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝŽŶ ϭϮ͘ϬϬƉŵ ŽŐdĂůĞŶƚ^ŚŽǁ ϭ͘ϬϬƉŵ tŚŽǁŝůůďĞĐƌŽǁŶĞĚWƵƉ^ƚĂƌϮϬϭϱ ĞƐƚŝŶƐŚŽǁĨƌŽŵƚŚĞĚŽŐĨĂƐŚŝŽŶƐŚŽǁ ϭϮ͘ϰϱƉŵ ĞƐƚŝŶƐŚŽǁĨƌŽŵƚŚĞĚŽŐƚĂůĞŶƚƐŚŽǁ ϭ͘ϰϱƉŵ dŚĞĂŶŶƵĂůƌŵĂŐŚŽƵŶƚLJŐƌŝŽŐ^ŚŽǁ Ϯ͘ϬϬƉŵ ĞƐƚŝŶƐŚŽǁĨƌŽŵƚŚĞŽŐ^ŚŽǁ ϰ͘ϬϬƉŵ >ŽĂĚƐŽĨWƌŝnjĞƐΘƌŽƐĞƚƚĞƐΘŐŽŽĚŝĞďĂŐƐŶŽŽŶĞŐŽĞƐŚŽŵĞĞŵƉƚLJŚĂŶĚĞĚ͊͊ FEE: £3.00 EnTRY ŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗EŝĐŚŽůĂDŽŽƌĞ dĞů͗ϬϳϵϱϴϬϬϱϴϲϵ ĞŵĂŝů͗ŝĂĐĐŽůůĞŐĞΛĂŽů͘ĐŽŵ 28 PRIZE-WINNERS PARADE AT 3.00 p.m. SHARP. ALL PRIZE-WINNERS MUST PARTICIPATE OTHERWISE PRIZE-MONEY MAY BE WITHHELD VINTAGE TRACTORS & VEHICLES Prizes will be presented to all Vintage Exhibitors PARADING AT 4.00 p.m. NORTHERN IRELAND TUG O’WAR ASSOCIATION Commencing after the Prizewinners Parade at 3.30 p.m. in the Horse Field A Tug O’War Tournament - weight limit 640 kgs. Fashion Show throughout the day PRIZES FOR Best Dressed Lady and Gent Sponsored by: Lila’s and J.R. McMahon See Website for details: Trim print Ref. No. 104258 Al l Li vestock Tra ffi c Location of Armagh County Agricultural Show at Gosford Fore st Park Ma i n e ntrance fo r Tra d e S tand Exh i b ito rs a nd th e G e n e ral Pu blic Armagh 6 miles Ri chhi l l / Porta down / Be l fa s t M1 MamrkMethill Ta ndra ge e Roa d Armagh County Show Gosford Forest Park P o r t a d o wn Newry 12 miles Eq u e strian tra ffic o n l y e n ter h ere Poyntzpa s s Ta ndra ge e
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