FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek I & II 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, CA Features: > > > > > > > > > > Eight Building Office/Flex Complex Totalling 253,000± SF Office, Light Industrial, and R&D Space Superior Freeway Access off of I-680 & Bernal Avenue Free Fitness Center, Jogging Paths & Creekside Park Tenant Conference Facility Comcast Internet Available In-Park Retail Services, Including Several Food Establishments Adjacent to new Safeway Retail Center including Restaurants, Banking and other Retail Amenities Close Proximity to Downtown Pleasanton Golf Course and Driving Range Nearby MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 Colliers International makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, regarding the information including, but not limited to, warranties of content, accuracy and reliability. Any interested party should undertake their own inquiries as to the accuracy of the information. Colliers International excludes unequivocally all inferred or implied terms, conditions and warranties arising out of this document and excludes all liability for loss and damages arising there from. This publication is the copyrighted property of Colliers International and/or its licensor(s). ©2010. All rights reserved. FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek I & II 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, CA 7026 7020 60 69 6900 y rkwa a P r e nt l Ce l o K e Avenu Valley 6940 6920 7068 7060 e enu v A nal r e B MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek I 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PKWY. PLEASANTON, CA Rentable SQ. FT. 1,642 1,744 1,928 6,925 Address 7026 Koll Center Parkway 7020 Koll Center Parkway 7020 Koll Center Parkway 7020 Koll Center Parkway Suite #205 #105 #138 #100 MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 Office Buildout 70% 100% 80% 100% Available NOW 30 Day Notice NOW NOW COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Information contained herein has been obtained from the owners or from other sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but regret we cannot guarantee it. All Properties subject to change or withdrawal without notice . FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek II 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PKWY. PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, PLEASANTON, CA CA Rentable SQ. FT. 12,305 Address 6940 Koll Center Parkway Suite #200 MICHAEL MICHAEL CARRIGG CARRIGG +1 +1 925 925 227 227 6220 6220 CA CA License License No. No. 01298928 01298928 Office Buildout 40-90% Available NOW COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Information contained herein has been obtained from the owners or from other sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but regret we cannot guarantee it. All Properties subject to change or withdrawal without notice . FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek I 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, CA 7026 Koll Center Parkway Suite 205 - 1,642± SF 70% Office OPEN AREA MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek I 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, CA 7020 Koll Center Parkway Suite 105- 1,744± SF 100% Office SUITE 105 7020 Koll Center Parkway Pleasanton, California ID Architecture 6654 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 137 Pleasanton, California 94566 Tel. 925.484.5245 Fax 925.484.5206 MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 Contact: Denise Glasco 7011 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 210 Pleasanton, California 94566 Tel. 925.426.0909 Fax 925.426.8244 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek I 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, CA 7020 Koll Center Parkway Suite 138 - 1,928± SF 80% Office MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 ID Architecture 7020 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 105 Pleasanton, California 94566 SUITE 138 7020 Koll Center Parkway Pleasanton, California 1,928 S.F. COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 7011 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 210 Pleasanton, California 94566 FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek I 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, CA 7020 Koll Center Parkway Suite 100 - 6,925± SF 100% Office MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588 FOR LEASE > OFFICE/FLEX COMPLEX North Creek II 6900-7068 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, PLEASANTON, CA 6940 Koll Center Parkway Suite 200 - 12,305± SF WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE MICHAEL CARRIGG +1 925 227 6220 CA License No. 01298928 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 3825 Hopyard Road, Suite 195 Pleasanton, CA 94588
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