S T . S TEPHEN ' S U NITED M ETHODST C HURCH T HE M ESSENGER M ARCH 2015 V OLUME 38; I SSUE 3 M OELLING ’ S M USINGS : A W ORD F ROM P ASTOR K IRT Matthew 6:6 LENT is a season of the church year that is oft-ignored by Protestant Christians, it seems. Or if we do recognize it, what we often do may be seen by others as a sort of caricature of the season. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness; so I’ll give up soda or chocolate or Facebook or TV (something we can easily live without anyway) for that span of time. A parishioner showed me her Catholic relative’s shocked reply to a phone-pic of her with an ashen cross on her forehead: “You mean, you Methodists observe Ash Wednesday and Lent, too?” Why yes, we do – in a number of ways. Mirroring Jesus’ time in the wilderness, Lent spans the 40 days (not counting Sundays) leading up to Easter. (Sundays aren’t included because every Sunday is “a little Easter” – not to be dampened by Lenten solemnity). The season begins on Ash Wednesday when, by tradition, Christians receive the sign of the cross in ashes on their forehead. The ashen cross is a visible and felt reminder of the fact that sin has marred the image of God within us, and also the fact that we are mortal. “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” And since God doesn’t leave us in the dust, those receiving the ash are also told to “repent and believe the good news!” God has a fix for sin and death! But back to the 40 days of Lent and our (sometime) caricatures of self-denial. If you practice this and really “give something up” for Lent, well and good. Self-denial is a practice Jesus encouraged. But let me ask you a question: March 8 “But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret….” Does it bring you closer to God? Is it deepening your connection to the Lord – or is it just a test of endurance and will power? I ask this because deepening your faith and growing closer to God in Christ IS THE POINT of any spiritual discipline. And if we’re doing it just to do it or because our friends are, well, what is the point? Jesus said, “Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:1). I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : C HILDREN ’ S M INISTRIES 3 Y OUTH M INISTRIES 4 A DULT S TUDIES 5 C ALENDAR 8 A LL IN THE F AMILY 10 V OLUME 38; I SSUE 3 P AGE 2 NOT IF, BUT WHEN- continued from page 1 Ash Wednesday reminded us that Jesus did talk about some spiritual disciplines his followers should practice; and he told his disciples to practice them in such a way that they are doing them for God – to grow closer to God – and not like the hypocrites, who do them for show. The Greek word translated “hypocrite” literally means “to play a part; to act.” Paraphrasing a bit from Matthew 6, Jesus said: ---“When you give alms (i.e., give to the needy), do not [make a big deal of it] as the hypocrites do; instead, give in secret, keeping it between you and God.” ---When you pray do not do it like the hypocrites, to be seen by others; instead go into your room and shut the door; keep it private between you and God.” ---When you fast, don’t look dismal or complain like the hypocrites, who want others to know; instead, look and act normal; keep it between you and God.” Jesus is clearly NOT into play-acting one’s faith, doing things to be seen. And the truth is that these practices are not reserved for Lent (a season begun years after Jesus’ death and resurrection). And the other truth is that they don’t look optional. Jesus doesn’t say “if” you give alms, pray or fast; he says, “WHEN” you give alms, pray and fast. It’s not IF, but WHEN. Jesus takes it for granted that we do. (Oh man, does that include fasting???) Yes, but do not despair. Your church is here to help you in your Lenten emergency. You, too, can give to the needy, pray and fast – and maybe even all at once. All day (7:30 am to 8:00 pm) each Wednesday during Lent, Room 121 (Seek and Serve classroom in Henderson Hall) will be set up as a prayer room. It has low light, even lower music and a number of different prayer stations, where you may sit and meditate, reflect on a flowing fountain or the crosses on the wall, or color your prayers creatively with pen and ink. It is a peaceful, prayerful place. Certainly, you may stay “in your room” as Jesus reminds; but for something different, this room is open, too. It also contains a box for “alms;” and all gifts received will be used by our Care Ministries Council to serve needy and hurting people. So, what if we each did something like this: What if we each fasted one meal a week during Lent; and what if the time we would have spent eating that lunch or dinner, we used it to pray. And what if the money we would have spent on that meal, we gave for the needy? Our prayer room is a one-stop shop! Also, you may do this at home, fasting a meal, praying instead and giving the cost of the meal you missed. It is not rocket science – and it CAN be very meaningful. And if you do give up soda or chocolate – how about donating what you would’ve spent on these luxury items so others can have basic needs met. If you give up Facebook or TV, why not use that time to pray or study or serve, instead. In the words of John Wesley, “I invite you to observe (i.e., participate in) a holy Lent.” Not IF, but When, PASTOR KIRT The Community Pancake breakfast was a huge success! We ended up serving over 200 people. And it seemed like we had a lot of visitors that I didn’t recognize. Which is great, since that is reason we started this wonderful tradition. On top of serving all those people, over $1393 went toward the Circle of Care Apportionment. I can tell you all the agencies that are part of the Circle of Care will appreciate that we are going to most likely pay the whole thing this year. Thank you to the Fellowship committee and all the others that stepped up and chipped in by either selling tickets, buying tickets and those that came and helped set up, clean up and welcome everyone to St. Stephen’s. JOB WELL DONE!!! ~Fellowship Team T HE M ESSENGER Garage Sale March 6-7 8:00am to 2:00 pm each day The Weekday School Garage Sale is set for March 6 & 7 in the Family Life Center. We are taking donations through Thursday, March 5. Call Becky Price if you need us to pick up large items (furniture, etc.). Come on by to check out all of the great deals! The weather is always nice INSIDE the FLC! Mark Your Calendars for VBS! June 29 - July 2, 2015 Summer 2015 Camp Dates As you plan this summer, be sure to include Children’s Camps at Camp Egan. The grades listed below will be for the 2015-2016 school year. If you think you might be interested in going to camp as an adult leader, please contact Becky Price. There is a Safe Sanctuary application required by the Oklahoma Conference in addition to the St. Stephen’s Safe Sanctuary application. Joy Camp for 3rd through 5th graders July 10-12 This camp has an emphasis on the arts in worship. Sonshine Camp for 1st and 2nd graders July 11-12 An adult shepherd from our church is required for every 5 children; male shepherds if we send any boys, and female shepherds if we send girls. Growin’ In Grace for 3rd through 5th graders July 22-24 Tweens Discover for 6th graders July 20-24 Need Childcare for Your Meeting? We will provide childcare for most meetings and activities as long as we know in advance that we’re needed. Please check with the leader of your group, or contact Laurie Richard to make reservations. P AGE 3 Thank you to everyone who helped make the 1st St. Stephen’s UMC Pinewood Derby such a success! It took lots of patience and hard work to help the children and youth get their cars ready to race. Setting up and conducting the race ran perfectly and folks of all ages had a great time! Sunday Night Activities for March Children’s Activities from 4:30-5:30 pm Children’s Choirs from 5:30-6:00 pm Snack Supper from 6:00-6:30 pm March 1 - Usual schedule (see above). March 8 - Usual schedule. March 15 - NO PM ACTIVITIES (Spring Break) March 22 - Usual schedule March 29 - Usual Schedule Sunday, March 29 at 8:30 and 11:00 Services Sunday, April 5 after 11:00 worship For children in 5th grade and younger Bring your baskets! March in Sunday School Our unit this month is Preparing for Easter as we learn that “God is with me in difficult times.” Lessons are: Mary Anoints Jesus, The Widow’s Offering, The Last Supper, The Garden, and Palm Sunday. Our scripture verse for this month is, My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2 For more information, contact Becky Price: Phone: 918-455-4202 E-mail: bprice@ssumcba.org Website: http://www.children-ssumcba.org V OLUME 38; I SSUE 3 P AGE 4 Y OUTH M INISTRIES - R ANDY M C C URDY YOUth Should Know Worship Services are Sundays at 8:30 am and 11:00 am. Sunday school 9:45 am, Youth Room, FLC 264 A continental breakfast is served in the youth room. Announcements about upcoming events and activities are discussed and celebrations and concerns are shared. The group divides by school groups for Sunday school in the Jr. High (6-8th grade) and Sr. High (9-12th grade) rooms for lessons. The theme for Jr. High is Faith: Nature of Faith, God, in Whom We have Faith, Saved by Faith, Living Faithfully and Faith Eternal. The theme for Sr. High is Call: Nature of Call, Gifted and Called, Called to Follow and Call to Bring Change. Sunday Night Youth Group 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Youth Room, FLC 264 March 1, Youth Sunday Planning Rev. Kirt Moelling will be with us to help us plan our Annual Youth Sunday. March 8, Dodgeball with another youth group Another youth group will be our guest for dinner , a game of dodgeball and worship! March 15, No Youth Group, Spring Break March 22, SkyZone Trampoline Park & Dinner, Bring $10 plus extra money for dinner at the food court in Woodland Hills Mall. Also bring your SkyZone socks if you have them, if not they are available for an additional $2. March 29, Life After High School - Planning for College An interesting session and worship following! Youth Handbells Sundays at 5:00 pm in Sanctuary Youth Council Monday • March 23 • 6:30 pm • Room 262 Wednesday Night Youth Group 6:00-7:30 pm, Family Life Center A snack supper ($3), recreation and life skills training is the focus of the Wednesday night youth group sessions. No Wednesday Night Youth on March 18, Spring Break. Youth Choir Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary Boy Scout Troop 990 Meets Monday nights at 6:30 in the Seek & Serve room, Room 121. The Troop is looking for new scouts! Come join the fun of scouting! https://www.facebook.com/groups/39482476263/ Join to see pictures from our events and hear about upcoming events! There are forms and the latest Youth Should Know Newsletter in the files section. It is a closed group for St. Stephen’s Youth and their families. Youth Mission Day Saturday, March 28 10 am - 2 pm We will be doing projects around the Church building as a mission outreach to our own Church! 2015 Camp Dates Youth Force OKC • June 7-12 Wilderness Camp • June 18-24 Tulsa District Camp • July 13-17 CYME • July 27-31 Hoop’n It Up Youth Basketball 7:30-9:00 pm • Family Life Center The 2015 basketball season is winding down and playoffs are in March. All games are played on Saturdays at First UMC in downtown Tulsa. Practice is held on Thursdays in the Family Life Center at St. Stephen’s UMC. There will be no basketball March 19 during Spring Break. Randy McCurdy: Office: (918) 455-4202 • Cell: (918) 607-9281 • Email: rmccurdy@ssumcba.org T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 5 Adult Studies & Activities Ida Circle Bookworms March 19 1:30 pm • Parlor The book for discussion will be “The Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher” by Timothy Egan. If you have questions, contact Beverly Schwarzkopf or Barbara Purtell. Wednesday March 11 9:30 am Carol Hawkins’ House due to construction in Henderson Hall. Meet at the church at 9:15am to carpool. Lydia Circle Sunday • March 22 • 3:00 pm • Parlor We are planning a wonderful year and hope more women of the church will join us for learning, missions, and fellowship. Women of St. Stephen’s are welcome! Men’s Fellowship March 26 • 6:00 pm 6:00 pm • Family Life Center For more information contact Gordon Beck (918) 409-9033 choosing the right Lenten study has just gotten easier! There are three Lenten study opportunities for adults. Feel free to join us on Sundays, Morning or Evenings! Childcare will be available on Sunday mornings and by reservation for the Sunday evening study. Sunday mornings – 9:45 am - 10:45 am Join the Seek & Serve Class, room 121, as they explore Easter From the Back Side by J. Ellsworth Kalas. The author looks beyond the traditional gospel scriptures to connect the story of Christ’s resurrection with other stories and scriptures throughout the Bible. Also on Sunday mornings, the Peacekeepers class, room 242/244, will be embarking on Will You Come and Follow Me?, a study of the text of several Lenten hymns. Each session will challenge adults to work through the meaning of the texts, learn more about the hymn writers, and discover how the text relates to them today. Sunday evenings – 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Adam Hamilton’s 24 Hours That Changed the World will be the focus of this study. Pastor Kirt will expand on his sermon series based on this book and lead participants as they follow Jesus’ last day through DVD visits to the Holy Land where these events took place. Note: Some of our Home Study groups may elect to continue to meet during Lent as well. Check with your group leader for details. Contact Becky Price if you would like to journey through Lent with one of these groups. Prayer Room Open During Lent Continuing through April 1, a Prayer Room will be available each Wednesday from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm in Room 121 in Henderson Hall. Candles, quiet music, and other resources will be provided as participants focus on prayer during this Lenten season. V OLUME 38; I SSUE 3 P AGE 6 Care Ministries Have you seen people lay money on the altar rail and wondered, “What’s that all about?” Or have you seen the blurb in the bulletin on Communion Sundays that says “Money left at the communion rail is used by the Care Ministries of St. Stephen’s to assist individuals in times of need” and thought, “I wonder who those people are?” The answer to that is: YOU! Did you know that the Care Ministries of St. Stephen’s does not have a budget? It depends solely on your donations. So, what do we do with that money? There are times when people come to the church needing assistance with gas, or groceries, or utilities. When we have funds, we like to be able to help those in our community who are in critical need. We also care for our congregation, with meals, cards, flowers, prayers and other help as we are able. Have you seen the CareNotes rack in the breezeway? It has pamphlets with helpful resources for people dealing with all kinds of issues, from caring for a dying loved one, to coping with illness, raising children and teenagers, and learning how to pray in difficult circumstances. Resources like these, and others, Care Ministry training, the aforementioned items all take money. Please consider making a donation to the Care Ministries of St. Stephen’s, either at the communion rail or designated in the memo line of your offering check, and help us care for YOU. Saturday • April 25 Memorial Drive UMC benefiting the Tulsa District United Methodist Campground. More information & a flyer will be available soon. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 Youth Worship Rehearsal Children’s Fellowship Time (Ages 3-K, 1-5 grades) Youth Handbells Children’s Choirs Snack Supper in the FLC ($3 adults $2 children) Youth Group Adult Handbell Rehearsal* *Childcare is available as needed Snack Supper Schedule March 1 Worship • Sloppy Joes March 8 ABC Class • Meatball Subs Sermon Series Continues Lenten Studies Sundays 9:45 am & 5:00 pm It’s not too late to join a group For more information contact Becky Price • (918) 455-4202 March 15 No Snack Supper • Spring Break March 22 Fellowship • Macaroni & Cheese March 29 Peacekeepers • Pasta Bar T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 7 Set Free To Serve MISSION WEEKEND April 11th • 19a-3p April 12th • 8a-9:30a & 10:30a-12:00p Mark your calendars and join in an incredible mission opportunity to serve in the Broken Arrow Community!!! We will have work activities for all ages and abilities!!! The needs of our community and our world can seem overwhelming – hunger, poverty, injustice is everywhere and it leaves us wondering: ● ● ● WHAT DIFFERENCE CAN WE POSSIBLY MAKE? WITH THE CRAZINESS OF OUR DAILY LIVES-WORK, SCHOOL, FAMILY . . . WHEN DO WE HAVE TIME? WE HAVE BILLS AND EXPENSES St. Teresa of Avila answers this in “Christ Has No Body” Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world. Sign ups will be in Henderson Hall to serve offsite or at the church. Reserve your tshirts now! You may serve an hour or all day. Lunch will be provided on Saturday. Together as a team we can make an impact. Together we can help eliminate hunger, poverty and injustice. Monthly Missions Mission Time: Tuesdays 8:30 am - 10:00 am, Parlor Monthly Outreach Items Re me mb e r o u r mon t h ly donation bins in the breezeway for Broken Arrow Neighbors, Emergency Infant Services, Day Center for the Homeless and United Methodist Committee on Relief. Cookson Hills Mission: 3rd Wednesday each month, meet at the church at 8:00 am Manna Meals: 4th Friday each month, leave the church at 10:15 am to go to St. Paul’s United Methodist Church to feed the hungry Broken Arrow Neighbors Day Center for the Homeless Emergency Infant Services Jelly, Juice Women’s Underwear, Tums Baby Sleepers & Gowns UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) New Children’s Underwear *Childcare Available 6:30p Youth Planning for College 29 Ongoing Weekly Activities Sun Sundays: 8:30 am Worship* 1 9:45 am Sunday School* 6:30p Youth Sunday 9:45 am Lenten Bible Studies Planning 11:00 am Worship* 4:30 pm Children’s Fellowship Time 5:00 pm Youth Handbells 5:00 pm Lenten Bible Studies 8 5:30 pm Children’s Choirs 5p Finance 6:30p Youth Dodgeball 6:00 pm Snack Supper 6:30 pm Adult Handbells* Daylight 6:30 pm Youth Group Savings Mondays: 9:30 am Weekday School (M-Th) 15 1:30 pm Staff Meeting Tuesdays: One Great Hour of Sharing 8:00 am Missions Time 7:00 pm Herald Ringers No Sunday Night Activities 7:00 pm Friendship Quilters Wednesdays: 5:30 pm Youth Choir 22 6:00 pm Youth Group 3p Lydia Circle 7:00 pm Adult Choir* 6:30p Youth - Sky Zone Thursdays: 7:00 pm Basketball / Open Gym Fridays: Rainy Day Campers Offices Closed Sequoyah Bay 8:30 am Food For Kids Packing 400 West New Orleans St. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 St. Stephen’s UMC 30 6:30p Youth Council 23 16 Tue 7:30a-8p Lenten Prayer Room 8a Cookson Mission 6:30p Hospitality 31 24 1:30p Bookworms 7p Administrative Council No Basketball/Gym 26 6p Men’s Fellowship 25 7:30a-8p Lenten Prayer Room Spring Break 19 12 5 Thu 18 9:30a Ida Circle 7:30a-8p Lenten Prayer Room 11 7:30a-8p Lenten Prayer Room 4 Wed 17 7p Fellowship 10 9 6p Trustees 6:30p Outreach 7p Adult Council 3 2 Mon 7 Sat 10a Manna Meals 27 Daylight Saving March 8 Set Your Clocks Ahead One Hour! 10a Youth Mission Church Workday 28 Rainy Day Campers - Sequoyah Bay - Ft. Gibson Lake 21 1p Dick Stizel’s Memorial 14 Weekday School Garage Sale 8a-2p Newsletter Articles Due 20 13 6 Fri T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 9 2015 Rainy Day Campers Schedule The Rainy Day Campers invite anyone who is interested in overnight or day camping to please join in the fun and fellowship. The Saturday evening meal is potluck style and is usually shared at 5:00 pm or so, followed by a devotion. Please contact Scott or Lois Maples (918) 455 -5101 or (918) 740-5122 for more information. Date Place March 20 – 22 Sequoyah Bay, Fort Gibson Lake, Wagoner, OK April 17 – 19 Natural Falls State Park, W. Siloam Springs, AR May 22 – 25 Tulsa Dist. Methodist Camp, Fort Gibson Lake, Wagoner, OK June 19 – 21 Honey Creek St. Park, Grand Lake, Grove, OK July 24 – 26 Strayhorn Landing, Tenkiller Lake, Gore, OK September 4 - 7 Tulsa Dist. Methodist Camp, Fort Gibson Lake, Wagoner, OK October 16 – 18 Horseshoe Bend, Beaver Lake, Rogers, AR M USIC & C ARE M INISTRIES - S HERYL C ORY Music - A big THANK YOU to those who have donated money to our organ fund over the years…we have (almost) reached our goal! I’m so excited to have the new organ console here, and I know you will love how it sounds in our newly remodeled sanctuary. As Joanna gets to know this new instrument, you will hear more and more of it. It’s a lot to learn. The (almost) part is related to the speaker system that goes with the console; we still need about $9,000 for that to have the completed organ package, so feel free to continue donating to the organ fund. I would also like to thank the Parsons for their donation years ago of the previous organ. It served us well for many, many years, bringing us options and a depth to our music that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. We have been blessed by its gift of sound, and pray that it can continue to bless another church in need. Care - Do you know what a Cluster (at St. Stephen’s) is? Do you know that you are a part of one? Our congregation is divided in smaller groups, known by geographic areas, defined as Clusters. This is a way to create involvement in each other’s lives, enabled by proximity. It helps us care for one another as a congregation. Every active participant of St. Stephen’s is assigned to a Cluster. I have spent the last year mapping our congregation and reworking the Clusters so that they are evenly distributed, since our membership has grown and shifted since the original boundaries were drawn. This should enable us to more effectively care for our people and help us to get know each other better, regardless of which service we attend. V OLUME 38; I SSUE 3 P AGE 10 A LL IN THE January/February Birthdays ● Mark McF ● Katya L ● Gracie S ● Jenny H ● Shannon F ● Marshall U ● Marion McF ● Sha’rie M ● DeeAnn L ● Betty S ● Ray U ● Kori M ● David B ● Constance, Karen B’s granddaughter ● Suzanne, Suzi P’s granddaughter January/February Anniversaries ● Marion & Linda D – 57 Birth ● Abel Bleu K, born to Barrett & PJ; proud grandparents are Marci & Dale K Joys ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Boy Scouts honored Roy K celebrated 1 year since surgery Jaxon R pulled a tooth out Friends and family visiting Jacob U scored a soccer goal as a defender Valentine dinner/dance was very nice Nikki & Eric G moving to a condo 28 people participated in blood drive; 19 donations Great pancake breakfast; raised $1300 for apportionments Grace B has a job when she graduates New acolytes Wendi H is home to stay Recovering ● Ana K, Marci K’s granddaughter ● Carol H ● Kate B ● Marjorie M ● Ben P ● Baby John G F AMILY Recovering - Continued ● Betty B ● Nikki G Concerns ● Student of Elizabeth U ● Noah O’s (other) grandmother ● Art K, Bill P’s brother-in-law ● Adam P ● Rebecca E ministry team ● Michelle W mother ● Destree E, friend of Ann G ● Service men & women ● Those in law enforcement ● P family ● Beau, Bev McC’s brother ● Suzi P’s friends ● Carol S ● Jacob U ● Linda M’s brother & sister ● Drew G ● Justin G ● Jean A, Ginger Y-D’s mother ● Amber F, friend of Veronica L ● Carlen B’s friend ● Church family in emotional stress Losses ● Charlie M, former co-worker of Vicky O ● William E. I, Haydon I’s father-in-law ● Merton D, Ginger Y-D’s father-in-law ● Vernon C, friend of Betty C ● Ray U’s brother Purchase altar flowers in honor or in memory of loved ones or to celebrate a special day. Available Dates March 8, 15, & 22 Sign up on the chart in the church office or call Haydon. (918) 455-4202 T HE M ESSENGER Easter Flowers FOR SALE Easter lilies, tulips and spring flowers will decorate the sanctuary on April 5th. If you would like to place one or more in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please fill out this form and place it in the offering plate or church office. FILL OUT THIS FORM P AGE 11 Order Form Please include $10 for each flower ordered. Checks made payable to SSUMC marked lily fund. Name: ____________________________ Number of Flowers: _________________ In honor of: _______________________ _________________________________ In memory of: _____________________ _________________________________ Orders will be accepted until March 29th or until all 50 are purchased. Flowers may be picked up after second service on Easter Sunday Easter Offerings During the Easter season, it is encouraging to see both new and familiar faces at our worship services. Throughout the year, many of you already support the congregation with your time, talent and financial contributions but greater participation is always welcome. We encourage you to look into our electronic giving program. It takes just a few minutes to set up a recurring giving plan. Contact your Financial Secretary, Harold Stewart, for more details or pick up an authorization form in the church office today. Thank You The youth would like to thank everyone that showed their support by purchasing a ticket to the Valentine’s dinner and dance, to the parents and especially Chef Chris Rear and Sous Chef Karen Bissell for the great event and food! The dinner raised $525 for the Youth Mission Fund! Everyone had a great time and a great dinner Thank you again for supporting youth missions! St. Stephen’s Youth 2015 Basketball Watch for Tournament Schedule Support Our Team! Children’s Council is in need of individually wrapped candy to stuff into the eggs. Look for drop off locations April 5 or bring to the church office. Thanks to all donors and volunteers at our St. Stephen's blood drive!!! This is the ultimate act of giving and OUTREACH in the community. St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church 400 WEST NEW ORLEANS ST. BROKEN ARROW, OK 74011 918-455-4202 Return Service Requested STAFF: KIRT E. MOELLING, SENIOR PASTOR SHERYL CORY, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC & CARE MINISTRIES RANDALL E. MCCURDY, DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRIES BECKY PRICE, DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES HAYDON ISHMAEL, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT VICKI COX, TREASURER JOANNA COOK, ORGANIST LAURIE RICHARD, NURSERY COORDINATOR JAMES LEONARD, CUSTODIAN Join Us for Worship! 8:30 am Worship Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service Newsletter Deadline is Noon, March 20th St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church Worship with us Palm Sunday, March 29 at 8:30 & 11am Holy Thursday & Tenebrae, April 2 at 6:45 pm (reservations requested for meal) Easter Sunday • April 5 at 8:30 & 11am Easter Breakfast at 8am - 11am Easter Egg Hunt, at Noon 5th grade & younger, bring your baskets! St. Stephen’s UMC 400 W New Orleans St, Broken Arrow (918)455-4202 • www.ssumcba.org
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