VIRGINIA WINGARD MEMORIAL UMC 1500 BROAD RIVER ROAD COLUMBIA SC 29210 803-772-0794 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 561 COLUMBIA SC Mid-week Publication of Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church 1500 Broad River Road, Columbia, South Carolina RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our Mission: to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and to make disciples through loving outreach, lively worship, quality care, and exciting education. March 4, 2015 Prayer Power “The heavens are telling the glory of God; the law of the Lord is perfect, in keeping them there is a great reward.” Psalm 19:1, 7, 11 Prayer Line: 772-0794 X 110 or Miriam Ford Doug Kearse Immediate Prayer List for currently ill... Christina Daniels Fletcher & Joanne Carter Eleanor Holmes Larry Hallman Please include in your daily devotions all Shut-ins and others we hold dear to our hearts. Expanded Prayer lists are available on the door of Room 206 and the display rack in the Welcome Center. 8:30 AM Sunday Service Hostesses Missie Duke Jane Andrews-Nicol, Lisa Sutker Greeters Marlene Gantt Sandy Barrett PowerPoint Bailey Agee Sound Tech Jason Agee Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday, March 8, 2015 Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night, March 7th! 11:00 AM Sunday Service Greeters Jane & Parker Evatt Treasurer Tal Avera Altar Guild-March Ceylle Stroupe Linda Windham Acolyte Brooke Avera Crucifer Bailey Agee Lay Reader Marlene Gantt Ushers *Tammy Grey Youth, Children Living Lent Attentively and Gently - By Henri J.M. Nouwen Lent is the most important time of the year to nurture our inner life. It is the time during which we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, but also the death and resurrection that constantly takes place within us. Life is a continuing process of the death of the old and the familiar, and being reborn again into a new hope, a new trust, and a new love. The death and resurrection of Jesus therefore is not just an historical event that took place a long time ago, but an inner event that takes place in our heart when we are willing to be attentive to it. Lent offers a beautiful opportunity to discover the mystery of Christ within us. It is a gentle but also demanding time. It is a time of solitude but also community, it is a time of listening to the voice within, but also a time of paying attention to other people's needs. It is a time to continuously make the passage to new inner life as well as to life with those around us. When we live Lent attentively and gently, then Easter can truly be a celebration during which the full proclamation of the risen Christ will reverberate into the deepest place of our being. Staff Pastor: Scott W. Smoak Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Eugene Holmes Director of Program: Tammy Grey Director of Music, Organist: Greg Boatwright Pianist: Winifred Goodwin Dir. of Finance & Admin.: Carolyn Jackson Secretary: Gloria Spires Phone: 803-772-0794 Fax: 803-772-6255 E-mail: March 8, 2015 ~ 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Rev. Scott Smoak “HOUSECLEANING” John 2:13-22 Church Activities Sunday, March 8 ~ Daylight Savings Time Begins 8:30 AM - Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Traditional Worship 1:00 PM - Barbara Adams - AC 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Monday, March 9 9:30 AM - Covenant Group - Conf. Rm. 12:00 PM - Sarah Dawsey Circle - W C 8:00 PM - AA Study Group Tuesday, March 10 10:00 AM - Quilting Group Wednesday, March 11 12:00 PM - Lenten Lunch - Westminster Presbyterian 6:00 PM - Dinner 6:30 PM - The Net 7:00 PM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Thursday, March 12 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Friday, March 13 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Saturday, March 14 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED FACTS & FIGURES February 22, 2015 Combined Worship Attendance 184 Church School 72 Budget Offering 4,169.00 Specials 1,452.00 March 1, 2015 Combined Worship Attendance 186 Church School 94 Budget Offering 9,758.00 Specials 967.00 Special Gifts memory of Fran Wood’s Birthday to the Quilter’s Fund by Peggie Lipscomb and by Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Wood & Family. memory of Pierce Liles to the Budget by Kathleen Fowlkes; Henriann Goddard & Johanna V. Gibbs; Eric & Faye Pantsari; Sue & Robert Allen; Ellen Cooper; Larry & Jane Pearce; Nora Rice; Frances Richardson; Steve & Kay Minsky; William & Linda Coleman. To BRAC by Frank & Sandra Selman. memory of Herb Chambers to the Building Fund by Jean & Johnny Mitchell. To the Budget by Charles & Frances Hill; Betty Jeanne Gray & Gray Children; Kevin Dailey, Cindy Minnick & Julie Smith; Eric & Faye Pantsari; Paula & Richard Paulling; William & Linda Coleman. memory of Darrell Housey to the Budget by Kay Riley. Mark Your Calendars Annual Church Picnic & Egg Hunt Sunday March 29th ~ 3:00 PM ~ 5:00 PM Saluda Shoals ~ Red Bud Pavillion Come join us for a cookout, fellowship, games, face painting, and an Egg Hunt for the children! Community Lenten Services Westminster Presbyterian Church Each Wednesday Through March 25th 12:00 Noon ~ Light Lunch ~ $2.00 Virginia Wingard will host on March 18th . You are invited to be a part of these special Services each Wednesday. Each week one of the community churches will lead the Service. Come and share in this special worship time. GET YOUR RUNNING SHOES ON!! Virginia Wingard MUMC has a team for the 2015 Color Run in Columbia on March 28th ! Registration is open. Cost $40 per person for a team! Go to to register. Join the team VWMUMC! Let Tammy or Scott know if you are joining the team and/or have any questions! UMW March Mission Project Family Promise Supplies needed: Cleaning supplies, bleach, paper plates & cups, washing machine liquid detergent. Daytime Fellowship Meeting Monday, March 23, 2013 10:00 AM ~ Activity Center Speaker: Tom Poland, Publisher/Writer He will share how one road trip led him to publish 5 books about traveling in SC. He will also have photos and stories about his trips. United Methodist Men Service Night Recognition of Service to Community & Church Monday, April 6th ~ 6:00 PM - Activity Center Speaker: Sheriff Leon Lott Dinner: BBQ Chicken & Sides from Shealy’s Cost: Adults ~ $10 Children: $5 (11 yrs. & under) Tickets available on Sundays in the Welcome Center and the Church Office. Stations of the Cross Following Jesus to the cross is part of our discipleship journey. This year during Holy Week, the church will offer the Stations of the Cross, a series of artistic representations depicting Jesus journey to the cross. The object of the Stations is to help the faithful to experience a spiritual pilgrimage of prayer, through meditating upon the chief scenes of Jesus's sufferings and death. There is an opportunity for a few persons to serve as monitors and guides during this time. There is a sign up sheet on Tammy’s office door if you are interested. BIBLE STUDY FOR LENT Each Wednesday thru April 1st our Adult Net program continues. Dinner at 6 p.m. followed by a Lenten Bible Study led by John Adams. Dinner will be Pizza & salad. The study will be “Thank God It’s Thursday” (Encountering Jesus at the Lord's Table as if for the Last Time). We hope you will take time during this Lenten season to attend. Bereavement Committee Volunteers We will be having sign ups again this week during the Hospitality time and after the 11:00 AM Service. Please be in prayer as to whether the Lord is leading you to minister in this way. Subscribe to the Advocate Get all the news that matters most to South Carolina by subscribing to the Advocate. The cost annually is $15./year Subscribe online at or send a check to the Advocate, 4908 Colonial Drive, Suite 207, Columbia, SC 29203. For more information call 803-735-8772.
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