
Thank you for joining us in
worship today. Please know you
are welcome to participate as
fully as you desire in any of our
ministry activities.
If you are seeking a
church, we want you to
comfortable asking us
questions you have about
community of faith.
Please take a moment to sign
the Attendance Sheet, located
on the table as you enter the
Fellowship Hall.
Plan to join us in the Fellowship
Hall after worship for a time of
fellowship and refreshments.
May the Lord
bless you and keep you.
Ron McHattie
Joanne Martindale
March 8, 2015
9:00 AM
Gathering for Worship
Come, Now Is the Time to
Welcome – Announcements
Opening Prayer
Worship in Song
With All I Am
This Is Amazing Grace
Scripture Reading
Zechariah 4:1-6
Moment with the Children
Scripture Lesson
Luke 4:14-22
Morning Message
“Jesus the Man”
Current Series: The Jesus We Follow
Message Three of Five
Worship Band
Spirit of the Living God
Consuming Fire
Minute for Mission
Time of Prayer followed by
The Lord’s Prayer
Worship Band
March 8, 2015
It is good to have you in worship with us this
morning. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship service for
a time of fellowship.
Listening devices for the hearing impaired are available for your
convenience. Large print bulletins are also available. Please see an
usher for these items.
FRIENDSHIP PADS are for everyone to sign.
Please take a moment to sign and
pass it to the person next to you.
Palm Sunday -- March 29th
Good Friday – April 3rd
The Maundy Thursday Service will be combined with the
Good Friday Service. The combined service will be on
Good Friday, April 3rd and will start with communion.
LENTEN MESSAGES. The Jesus We Follow will be the focus of this
year’s Lenten Messages continuing today. Pastor Ron will look at the
traditional understanding of how Jesus is portrayed in each of the
Gospels. These messages will be followed on Wednesday evenings with
a time of additional reflection upon the Gospel previously addressed.
The LENTEN PRAYER TREE has been placed in the narthex. Beside it
is a basket of “prayer” ribbons. If you would like to offer a prayer on
behalf of someone, or even for yourself, just tie or place a ribbon on the
Prayer Tree. As you see the ribbons filling the tree you may also want
to offer your own prayers for all the prayers the ribbons represent.
Pastor Ron is leading a Lenten Bible study on
Wednesdays through March 25th. He is offering two
classes – 1
class at 6:00 pm; 2nd class at 7:15 pm. The identical
classes will be held in the Sanctuary.
THANK YOU to the kind people who provided goodies
for the fellowship times following the worship services:
9:00 am, Bob & Susan Avirett and 11:00 am, Cindy
Major & Nancy Morris.
THESE DAYS devotional booklets, both regular and large type, are
available in the narthex. The study is for April, May & June. The Deacons
make this devotional available to you at no cost.
BOY SCOUT FUNDRAISER. Next Sunday, March 15th Boy Scout Troop
77 is raising money to go to “Camp Wolfebero” by selling Jelly Belly
items. They will be set up by the front door.
MARTHA CIRCLE will be meeting Tuesday, March 17th at 1:00 pm in
the Fireside Room of the church. We will be studying Lesson 3. We
welcome all ladies of the church who would be interested in a monthly
afternoon Bible Study.
volunteer for the Children’s Enrichment Program. Today, the leaders
are: Carol Bailey and Margaret Pasholk at the 9:00 am worship service
and Donna Lawson and Sandra Collister at the 11:00 am worship
service. After the Moment with the Children of God in the worship
service, elementary school students will be escorted to the Children’s
Enrichment Time, returning before the end of the worship service.
Preschoolers will be escorted to the Nursery where they may be picked
up after the service.
Next Sunday (the 3rd Sunday of the month), is Food Cupboard
Sunday. We donate non-perishable food items to the Christian Help
Center. There is a bookcase in the Fellowship Hall where you can put
your donations or in the basket on the table in the narthex. The Deacons
deliver them to the Christian Help Center. CPC and Christian Help
Center thank you for your many years of faithful giving to a very
worthwhile cause.
you remembered to bring a donation for at least one of
the Local Mission projects. To remind you, they are:
▪ Steffan Manor School supplies
▪ Box Tops / Coupons for education
▪ Little bottles of shampoo, lotion, and/or conditioner from your vacation
stays for the Christian Help Center
▪ Greeting cards for Deacons
▪ Magazines for Kaiser
If you forgot to bring something today, you may bring items any time for
future delivery.
LOGOS, K - 5th grade children
Meet March 11th 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Theme: Luau
Meets March 11th
5:00 – 7:30 pm
Senior High field trip for March:
March 29th - After church at
12:30 pm we will go to Paradise Valley Estates and
do small jobs for the residents there. W
TEAMS. The PNC thanks all those who have signed up to pray for them.
However, the list for David Lawson became missing. Another sign-up
sheet for him will be in the Fellowship Hall for those of you who signed
up to pray for David to please sign up again.
e will also share lunch together!
EASTER FESTIVAL. The Evangelism and Hospitality
committee will host an Easter Festival at the church on
Saturday, April 4th from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Highlights will
be breakfast with pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage,
an Easter egg hunt with candy for each child, crafts and an
Easter story. Expect some other surprises. Judging by last year’s
event, we anticipate a large turn-out and will need additional help.
To donate individually wrapped small candies for this event, or to
volunteer to help, please call Lani Puzey, 645-8269, Bob Avirett, 510620-4938, or Julia Glenn, 643-3222.
SEAFARERS’ next luncheon meeting is on Friday, March 13th at 12:00
noon in the Fellowship Hall. We will be playing Bingo after lunch and
meeting. Make your reservations today and next Sunday, March 8th in the
Fellowship Hall. Earline Barfield, 644-0381 and Norma Dendas, 6425101. Don’t forget about our new feature – the book exchange! Bring
a book to share!
MINISTRY?Do you know someone in our
congregation who needs a note of cheer, get well, or
sympathy card? Or perhaps someone in crisis that needs help with
meals, or an occasional visitor? Talk to a Deacon or contact the church
office, 643-3222. Your current Deacons are: Earline Barfield, Sandra
Collister, Joan Davidson, Janice Edwards, Carolyn Getchell, Janelle
Hall, Sherry Ledford, Mary Mills, Al Molnar, Nancy Morris, Jane Sexton.
School is inviting our members to read 1-2 picture books to a small
group of students on Tuesday, March 24th at 9:15 am. If you are
interested, contact E. Soto at her email: She
will let you know if you can read a book you choose or if she will be
providing books. She will also let you know to what age you will be
1st Sunday is Fair Trade Sales
2nd Sunday is Local Missions Sunday
3rd Sunday is Food Cupboard Sunday
4th Sunday is CENTS-ABILITY Sunday
Palm Sunday March 29th
Good Friday, April 3rd
Easter Festival, April 4th
Easter Worship Service, April 5th
We encourage you to drop a card in the mail or make a
phone call to these folks to let them know that you are
holding them in your prayers this week.
Prayer Families this week:
Rev. Ron & Jama McHattie
3031 Crestwood Way
Rocklin, CA 95765
Deacon’s Special Friends this week:
Becky Bosuego
Golden Living Center
705 Trancas Street, Rm 50 B
Napa, CA 94588
Military Person this week:
Zachery Russell
(Teddy Udell’s great-grandson)
807 River Street
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Sue Ellen Paedon
Brookdale Vallejo
350 Locust Drive Apt. M 318
Vallejo, CA 94591-7145
John DeHoop
903 Rosewood Avenue
Vallejo, CA 94591-5671
Student of the month:
Tyler Sun
Sutter Hall 427 N.
521 Legion Avenue
Chico, CA 95926
Current Joys and Concerns:
Donna Minnick– shingles
Mary McDonald – radiation treatments begun
Lani Puzey – dialysis treatments taken at home
Continuing Prayers for:
Diane Alfeld; Gary Callahan & Lolli Hilton; Shane Chalmers (Harry and Sara’s
son); Nicholas Fitzpatrick (Howard’s son); Lisa Hansen; Lisa Harrison (Dottie
Plautz’ granddaughter); John & Mary McDonald; Eva Pearson; Payton Roche
(Dottie Plautz’ great-granddaughter); Lisa Slight (Don & Bev Emery’s daughter);
Maggie Stuenkle (Dottie Plautz’ friend); Vanita (Georgia Clark’s daughter)
Remember also in Your Prayers Those at:
Brookdale, Vallejo:
Joe Bruggman, Altheia Clumpner, JoAnn Cox, Bev & Mitch Garsee,
Donna Minnick, Marilyn Nickles, Sue Ellen Paedon, Betty Sloan,
Helene Wardlaw
Brookdale, Tuolumne:
Fanny Wise
Golden Living Center:
Becky Bosuego
Those recovering at home:
Ben Nunes, Lani Puzey, Ray
Those out of town:
Mabel Lorincz, Shirley Love,
Estela McKnight, Bernice Osborne
Students out of the Area:
Colleen Bohannan, Toria Denofrio, Michael Mills-Krutilek, Amy MacArthur,
Ryan Martindale-George, Quinn Martindale-George, Eva Pearson, Paul
Rohrberg, Megan Shiner, Michael Simmerman, Alexandra Strychacz, Angie
Strychacz, Daniel Strychacz, Isabel Strychacz, Tyler Sun, Michael Valverde,
Jennifer Woods-Tyler
Weekly Event Calendar
Monday, March 9
11:00 am
Stewardship/Admin Comm. / Fireside Room
1:30 pm
Monday Bible Study / Room 2
2:30 pm
Blood Centers / Front of church
6:30 pm
NA / Room 10
7:00 pm
Handbell Choir Rehearsal / Room 4
7:00 pm
AA District #9
7:45 pm
Boy Scouts
Tuesday, March 10th
6:00 pm
NA / Room 10
7:00 pm
Mission/Outreach Comm. / Fireside Room
7:30 pm
Pastor Nom. Comm. / Room 7
Wednesday, March 11th
5:00 pm
LOGOS – Luau
5:00 pm
Middle School Youth Fellowship
5:30 pm
Evan./Hosp. Comm. / Fireside Room
6:00 pm
Worship Band Rehearsal / Room 12
6:00 pm
Lenten Bible Study / Sanctuary
7:15 pm
Lenten Bible Study / Sanctuary
7:30 pm
Faith Dev. Comm. / Fireside Room
Thursday, March 12th
6:30 pm
Samoan Adult Bible Study / Wee Kirk
7:30 pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal / Sanctuary
Friday, March 13th
9:30 am
Bulletin Folding / Fireside Room
12:00 pm
Seafarers Luncheon / Fellowship Hall
6:00 pm
Samoan Con. Youth Bible Study / Room 2
Saturday, March 14th
9:00 am
Samoan Band Rehearsal / Sanctuary
Sunday, March 15th
9:00 am
Celebration Worship Service / Sanctuary
11:00 am
Traditional Worship Service / Sanctuary
1:00 pm
Samoan Con. Worship / Sanctuary
1:30 pm
NA / Room 10
Community Presbyterian Church
2800 Georgia Street, Vallejo, CA 94591
Telephone 707.643.3222 - Fax 707. 643.4404
Pastoral Staff: Rev. Ron McHattie and Rev. Joanne Martindale
Website: -
Office Administrator: Julia Glenn,
Parish Associates: Rev. John Collister, Rev. Charles Morey,
and Rev. Henry Sun Like us on
Worship Band Director: David Lawson
Worship Music Team:
Bob Lawson, Donna Lawson,
Jane Sexton, Henry Sun
Lector: Dave Standafer
The Jesus We Follow
Message Three of Five
March 8, 2015
According to the Gospel of Luke
“Jesus the Man”
Luke 4:14-22
Pew Bible p.61 N.T.
Pastor Ron McHattie
Community Presbyterian Church
Vallejo, California
The Humanity of Jesus
Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our
weaknesses, but who in every respect has been tested (tempted) as we are, yet
without sin. (Jn. 1:14, Phil. 2:5-11, Col. 1:15-20, Heb. 1:1-3)
Spiritual Empowerment
What is often missed in studies on the life and ministry of Jesus is
the role of God’s Spirit. Luke is particularly sensitive to this and the
role the Spirit is to play in the lives and ministries of Jesus’
Jesus’ ____________
Luke 1:35
Jesus’ ____________
Luke 3:22
Jesus’ ____________
Luke 4:1
Jesus’ ____________
Luke 4:14
Spiritual Empowerment the Common Component
This source of spiritual empowerment is the critical common
component of ministry among his followers.
The ____________
Luke 9:1-5
The ____________
Luke 10:1-22
If Jesus was fully human, what does that make us?
Then and Now
Jesus instructs his followers to not engage in fulfilling the Great
Commission until they have been empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Luke 24:45-49
Acts 1:4-5
There is a growing consensus among biblical scholars that The Acts
of the Apostles was ill-named and more accurately should have been
entitled The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles. Acts, as
it is commonly referred to in more contemporary translations,
reiterates over and over that the Holy Spirit is the common,
operative component in the lives and ministries of Jesus’ followers
(e.g. Acts 3:12, 4:8, 4:31, 4:33, etc.).
The Lessons to be Learned
1. God provides the ____________
1Cor. 12:4-11
2. Don’t Set ____________ Up
1 Cor. 10:13
3. Heed Paul’s ____________
Eph. 5:18b
Corrie ten Boom’s Take Away from Ephesians 5:18b
“…Instead, let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.” (NLT)
“… Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” (NIV)
Beware of leaking ~ Refuel Daily
Ask ~ Seek ~ Knock
“… how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to
those who ask him.”
Luke 11:9-13 (v.13)
The four gospels are each written, by the providence of God, to a
different audience for a different purpose to give a unique
perspective upon the life of Jesus the Christ.
(Open Bible)
Luke is the only non-Jewish contributor to the New Testament
(NT). He is the most prolific writer of the N.T., whose two works--his Gospel
account and its sequel, the Acts of the Apostles-- make up 28% of the entire NT. A
physician by occupation, he became the Apostle Paul’s personal physician and
joined him at Troas during the Second Missionary Journey. Paul refers to him as
“the beloved physician” (Colossians 4:14). He travelled with Paul to Philippi and
appears to have stayed there until Paul returned on the Third Missionary Journey
and then accompanied Paul back to Jerusalem and eventually Rome. Most scholars
believe that the “we” references in Acts are Luke’s way of referring to himself and
Paul (16:10-17, 20:5-21:18, 27:1-28:16).
Luke addresses his material to a man by the name of Theophilus
(Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1), who appears to be a person of social standing since he is
referred to as “most excellent” (Luke 1:3). Many speculate that Theophilus may
have been a Roman official and some believe there is a sub-theme to remove any
suspicions of Roman subversive behavior in Jesus’ arrest and death, thus the
notation three times to Pilate making reference to Jesus’ innocence (Luke 23:4, 14,
20-22). Tradition holds that Theophilus was personally responsible for the
publication and circulation of Luke and Acts throughout the Roman Empire.
Emphasis: Luke’s intent is to provide his reader(s) with a documented, historical
account of Jesus’ life and teachings (Luke 1:3-4) and the development of the early
church (Acts 1:1ff.) Key phrases then are “it happened” and “it came to pass.”
Luke, as a highly educated individual, presents Jesus in the context of the Greek
ideal of human perfection. He makes it very clear that Jesus is a light for the
Gentiles (2:32) coming to save all mankind (3:6), especially those who are victims
of any form of suffering (4:18-19).