THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 8, 2015 SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 2015 5:30 P.M. Marie & Edward Kulak Charles Pasquariello Alexandra Goebel Mary Argero Tad Srodon SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2015 7:30 A.M. Ann Marie Hivish 10:00 A.M. Regina Syllivan Doug Horn Alfredo Calimlim 12:00 P.M. Dorothy Orofino Doel C. & Doris Matthews Adolph Crescente MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2015 8:00 A.M. Patricia Cahill TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 8:00 A.M. Lynn McLaughlin THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 8:00 A.M. Catherine & Salvatore Saltamach FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. Joseph Balega 7:30 P.M. STATIONS OF THE CROSS SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 5:30 P.M. Marie & Edward Kulak Jerome Campo Theresa Colucci John Renick SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 7:30 A.M. Jean & Walter Bullett Willis Armstrong Emilia Gorzelany 10:00 A.M. Mary Luciani Ben Glorioso 12:00 P.M. Theresa Colucci Doel C. & Doris Matthews John Alway Pray daily for the safety of our servicemen and women serving their country. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS SICK: Flora Assidio Lorraine Daly Rudy Siano Nina Margossian Margherita Davis Evelyn O’Connell Nick Wolkiewicz Stacey Caropreso Ron Gajdzis Baby Michael Soojian Baby Juliet Sinisi Baby Ryder Sasso Margaret Puzio Carmela Fusco Anita Farias Mary Carton Frances De Maria Dorothea King Deacon Charlie Tenga Gabe Bellantoni Larry Deerr Ron Tadesco Mercedes Marin DECEASED: Jeanine Hundt WEEKLY OFFERING Sunday - $5,013.00 Thank you for your continued support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: “Jesus went up to Jerusalem…” John 2:13-15 “From the altar of the cross Christ accomplished our redemption, forming a holy people, a ‘temple of God built of living stones, where the Father is worshiped in spirit and in truth’ ” (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Built of Living Stones, 14). In the First Reading, God delivers the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments, or “words,” variously listed both in Exodus and Deuteronomy, are a summary of the covenant love relationship between God and the people. Obedience to the Commandments enabled the people to walk God’s path, offering guidance and providing support on how to live out the covenant love in life’s daily encounters. The first three Commandments guide some of the basics of covenant life with God. The others spell out what covenant relationship with others demanded. The Jewish people saw the Commandments as a path to life gifted to them as a result of the covenant relationship established with God on Mt. Sinai. The account of Jesus cleansing the Temple, which occurs early in Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel according to John, portrays the seal and dedication Jesus exercised in his ministry. Belief in Jesus as the One sent by God to reveal God’s love and presence is at the core of John’s account of the Gospel. The Temple was the place where one could experience God’s presence. Jesus sees the economic and social interactions as key distractions to experiencing God’s present. Our normal way of thinking and acting can often obscure God’s love and presence all around us. Some of the Jews demand a sign from Jesus to justify his way of thinking and acting. In typical fashion, John has Jesus respond that he is the true sign of God’s presence, and everything that he does is a sign of the God who sent him. The account ends with many coming to believe in Jesus because of the signs he performs. His hesitation in trusting himself to them is a clear indication that they, and we, need to do a lot more work in taking on the zeal, dedication, and mindset that will tune us into the true path to God. As we see in the Gospel according to John, Jesus is the true path. School Library Flood Update The invoices from our School Library flood back in January are now all in and paid for. To recap, a thermostat broke on a school boiler causing a radiator pipe to burst thereby flooding the School Library rug. The repair bills from the hvac company come to $6,220. The bill from the disaster recovery company is $4,570. We also had the rug professionally cleaned which cost another $270. Therefore, our total in damages is $11,060. We have a property damage deductible of $5,000 so our insurance company will reimburse us for the $6,060 balance. The process was quite simple. We opened the claim with the insurance company, paid the bills, and then forwarded copies of the bills to the Diocesan insurance risk manager. Unexpected expenses such as this flood are why it is important for us to build up a “rainy day” fund through the weekly collection. CRS Rice Bowl - Niger Life in Niger is ruled by the seasons. There is the dry season, the hot season, the rainy season — and the hungry season. The hungry season comes every year, when food supplies run out and prices rise. Poor families face the difficult choice between feeding their children and meeting other basic needs. Usually during the hungry season, men leave their families and travel — sometimes very far away — in order to find work. If they do not find work, their families go hungry. A Catholic Relief Services project called Bonbatu, “I become stronger,” is hiring farmers to dig reservoirs. The work provides farmers with income, and the reservoirs provide water for crops and livestock and prepare the fields for planting. Niger was ranked last out of 187 countries in the latest Human Development Index, with 71.3% of the population living below the poverty line. The majority of Niger’s people (90 percent) depend on rain-fed, traditional crop production and processing for their livelihoods. In Niger, the dry season stretches for nine months between September and May. March through May is the “hot season,” when the sun is at its most fierce and the earth bakes. When the heat finally breaks, it is time for the rainy season, June through August. Last year, CRS’ Bonbatu project distributed seeds to 4,176 households, provided income-generating projects and grants to 2,400 individuals, and distributed small livestock to 2,000 women. Reconciliation on the Mondays in Lent “Why do I have to confess my sins to a priest?” “Why do I have to confess my sins to a priest?” As the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out, our faith in the forgiveness of sins is tied to faith in the Holy Spirit and the Church: “It was when he gave the Holy Spirit to his apostles that the risen Christ conferred on them his own divine power to forgive sins: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’ ” (John 20:22-23). We bring our failings to the Church, then, because Jesus imparted to his apostles, their successors, and through them to all ordained priests, his own power to forgive sins, to restore and reconcile the sinner with God and also the Church. This power to forgive sins is often referred to as the “power of the keys,” the power entrusted to the Church when Jesus told St. Peter, “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). This power is manifested and operative in the sacrament of Penance. Catholics in the Diocese of Paterson are invited to experience God’s healing love and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent. Catholic churches in Morris, Sussex and Passaic Counties are open for Confession every Monday through March 23, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We will continue to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday afternoons from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sincerely in Christ, Fr. David Pickens, Pastor Family Promise of Passaic County helping the Homeless Family Promise of Passaic County is sponsoring a fund raiser at Thatcher McGhee’s (6 Wanaque Ave, Pompton Lakes). You can help the homeless of Passaic County simply by eating or drinking at Thatcher’s any day or evening Monday, 3/23 through Thursday, 3/26. Family Promise will get 20% of the proceeds. You must present this or a coupon that is on the website at A digital copy is accepted. Thank you for your support of homeless families in Passaic County. For more information call 973-928-6007, STATIONS OF THE CROSS The Stations of the Cross devotion will be held every Friday in Lent at 7:30pm in the Church. Come walk the road to Calvary with the Lord. DONATIONS NEEDED: FISH AND CHICKEN FRY DINNER We are in need of donations of soda—Coke, Pepsi, Sprite— diet and regular, and bottled water. We also need chips and pretzels, and dessert size paper plates and one package of dinner size paper plates. Donations can be left at the rectory. We are also asking everyone who baked (or bought) a dessert for us last year to do so again. New bakers are always welcome. Thank you. Calendar Raffle Winners! Thank you to all who participated in our Calendar Raffle! It was a complete success! Congratulations to the following winners!! Week 11 Winners 3/1/15 3/2/15 3/3/15 3/4/15 Ticket Number 1205 0583 0037 0342 Janet Sanclementi Jeannette Quintin Al Brouillard Alex Saraceni Amount Won $75.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 3/5/15 3/6/15 3/7/15 0290 0046 1218 Giovanna Vollaro Hector Cancel, Jr. Dr. Judy Moran $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 Date Name of Winner ZUMBA Zumba Classes (BURN up to 1000 calories) - Held in St. Francis School Gym Regular Zumba is Tuesday and Thursday - 7pm to 8pm Zumba Toning Wednesday - 7pm to 8pm- Bring light weights no more than 2 pounds or so. Classes are $7.00 per class or 10 classes for $60.00. Please call or email Theresa Reilly for more information- No class registration needed. or call 973.248.0013 or 973.868.4206 2015 Fish and Chicken Fry Dinner Good News! It is only a few weeks to our Lenten Fish and Chicken Fry dinner which will be held on Saturday, March 14th. The dinner includes a drink, fish or chicken, fries, dessert, coffee or tea. Take Out will be from 5:30 to 6:15 PM, and Eat In will be from 6:15 to 7:30 PM. Tickets are $14.00 each, the same as last year, and will be on sale the weekends of February 28-March 1, and March 7-8. You can also order them from the rectory during those weeks. 58th Annual DePaul Catholic Tricky Tray & Fashion Show Date: Thurs., March 26 Time: Doors open 6 p.m. Place: Westmount Country Club, Woodland Park, N.J. Theme: “An Evening to Remember” top-hat theme Tickets: $60 each, includes starter sheet of prize tickets, passed hors d’oeuvres, dinner, beverages and dessert Fashions: Courtesy of Classic Tuxedos of Butler and Coco’s Chateau of Little Falls Reservations: Individual tickets/tables of 10 or 12 call (973) 694-3702, ext. 300 We so much enjoy seeing our parish community share a meal together. Please try to come. Thank you. See you March 14th. ALTAR SERVERS Altar Servers are needed to carry the cross and candles during the Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings during lent starting February 20th at 7:30 pm. If you would like to help out on a Friday you know you will have free, please call the rectory at 973-835-0480. Thank you! ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The St. Francis Knights of Columbus will be hosting a "Lenten "Pizza night on Friday, March 20th from 6pm to 8pm at the Wanaque Golden Age Building. The cost is $10.00 Adults and $2.50 for children 10 and under. Soda, water, coffee and tea, plus cake will also be available. Come and enjoy a slice or two of "cheese only" pizza (it’s a Friday during Lent) and then come down to St. Francis Church and participate in the "Stations of the Cross". PALM CROSSES St. Francis Ladies Guild will be taking orders for Palm Crosses on the weekends of March 7th – 8th, & 14th – 15th. Pick up will be on the weekend of March 21st – 22nd. Cost is $10 per cross. LAKELAND NURSING HOME SCHEDULE SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 Margaret Markot LECTORS SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 5:30 P.M. Giovanna Vollaro SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 7:30 A.M. Jay Markot 10:00 A.M. Joey Rivera 12 NOON Mike Durkin EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 5:30 P.M. Frank & Sandy Polglaze SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 7:30 A.M. Linda & Jim Hartigan 10:00 A.M. Tom & Olympia Luciani 12 NOON Tony Mazza & Barbara Garruto ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 5:30 P.M. Open SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 7:30 A.M. Victoria Sheridan 10:00 A.M. Hubert Bisnar 12 NOON Jon Albert Perrone & Eisa Marie Casaclang
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