Parish Office, Swallowfield Street, Swallowfield RG7 1QX Clerk: Mrs. E. Halson NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEETING OF SWALLOWFIELD PARISH COUNCIL WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY 10th March 2015 IN THE ROSE ROOM, SWALLOWFIELD PARISH HALL, SWALLOWFIELD STREET, SWALLOWFIELD AT 7.30PM Mrs. E. Halson, Clerk 04/03/15 Members: Mr. P. Sampson (Chairman), Mr. J. Anderson, Mrs. C. Clark, Mr. G.E. Collender, Mr. E. Handley, Mrs. A. King, Mrs. H. Lewis, Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. B. E. Stanley Note: This meeting is open to the public and press who are welcome to attend. A G E N D A 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest in any matters to be discussed by the Council at this meeting. 3 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To receive questions or comments from the public, including those on planning. Up to 20 minutes will be allocated for questions/comments from members of the public with a guideline of no more than 5 minutes per subject. If several members of the public wish to speak on the same subject, they are requested to nominate a spokesperson. Comments will be minuted. For more details please read the document Guidelines for Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings which is available on the Parish Council website or at the Parish Office. 4 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Swallowfield Parish Clean Up Day - to NOTE that the annual Swallowfield Parish Clean Up Day will take place on Saturday March 28th between 10am and 4pm. APM – to NOTE that the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 2st April, light refreshments will be served. Everyone welcome. To NOTE that reports from Lead Councillors are due for the annual report. Peter Sampson - Chairman’s Report & Environment John Anderson – Planning Carolyn Clark - Finance & Property Gordon Collender – Communications Edward Handley – Transport Angela King – Parish Vision Helen Lewis – Recreation Margaret McDonald – Resilience & Halls Barbara Stanley – HR 1 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING 5.1 To APPROVE the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th February 2015. 5.2 Clerks report on matters arising and outstanding actions from last meeting. (available at the meeting) 6 PLANNING Chairman of Planning Committee: Mr. J. Anderson See proposed comments on page 8. 6.1 Current applications F/2014/0940 – Winkworth Machinery Ltd, Willow Tree Works, Swallowfield Street Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 38 dwellings including affordable housing, hard and soft landscaping, open space, parking provision and associated infrastructure. Revised/additional plans show: Amendment to garden dimensions and additional flood risk assessment reports. CLE/2015/0321 – Jouldings Farm, Jouldings Lane, Farley Hill RG7 1UR Application for a certificate of existing lawful development for the erection of a detached double garage with first floor playroom located within residential curtilage. F/2015/0311 - Jouldings Farm, Jouldings Lane, Farley Hill RG7 1UR Application for the erection of a single storey building containing 5no. stables and hay storage/tack room, plus change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian (personal use). Retrospective. 6.2 Notifications (for information only) 6.3 Appeals, Results and Enforcement Appeals – None 6.3.1 Results CLE/2014/2458 – Barn Cottage, The Street, Swallowfield Application for a certificate of existing lawful development for alterations to domestic outbuilding to form Games Room. The Parish Council had no objection. Application Withdrawn F/2014/2760 – Springfield, Trowes Lane, Swallowfield Proposed change of use of outbuilding from temporary accommodation to ancillary garage with replacement of north-east windows to three garage doors. The Parish Council stated that a garage made sense for a property of its size, however, stated that the temporary accommodation usage should cease with immediate effect regardless of the outcome of the change of use request. Permission Refused F/2014/2755 – 3 School Road, Riseley Proposed erection of a single storey side/rear extension and first floor rear extension to dwelling. The Parish Council had no comment. Permission Granted F/2014/2780 – Keepers Cottage, 6 The Mews, Farley Castle, Castle Hill, Farley Hill Proposed erection of a single storey rear extension to dwelling to form a conservatory. The Parish Council had no objection if confirmed to building standards. Permission Granted 2 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ 6.3.2 Enforcements – 1 investigation on going. 2 closed, No breach of planning control, enquiry only. No breach of planning control, area cleared of undergrowth. Local Planning Enforcement Plan Consultation – WBC are seeking views on the Draft Local Planning Enforcement Plan which sets out how the Council will tackle unauthorised development in the Borough. Consultation ends on Sunday 22nd March 2015. 6.4 See proposed comments on page 8. 6.5 Community Infrastructure Levy – to NOTE that WBC have adopted its CIL Charging Scheme, which will replace some elements of s106. 6.6 Arborfield Garrison Development – to NOTE WBC have arranged a site visit for the planning committee on Monday 26th March. The Parish Council have been invited to send a representative, Mr Anderson will attend. 7 FINANCE (Budgets/investments/sinking fund/grants/risk assessments/insurance) Lead Councillor: Mrs.Clark 7.1 Accounts Update 7.2 Direction Information Service (NALC) - to APPROVE a 3 year subscription to this service at a cost of £291.60 + VAT. An annual subscription would be £108 + VAT. 8 BILLS FOR PAYMENT – to APPROVE [list to be provided at meeting] 9 PARISH VISION & AIMS (Parish plan/future of the parish/WDALC/BALC/AWE) Lead Councillor: Mrs. King None 10 RECREATION (Play areas/skateboard park/recreation grounds/football pitches/mpg court) Lead Councillor: Mrs.Lewis 10.1 Moles – to NOTE that Molegone have been instructed to work on elimination of moles on Swallowfield and Riseley recreations grounds. 10.2 Recreation Grounds/Football – update. 10.3 Masons Funfair – it is PROPOSED that the motion carried at the Parish Council meeting held on 10th February approving that Masons Funfair be allowed to use Riseley Recreation Ground to host their funfair, be rescinded. See attached. 3 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ To NOTE receipt of a petition signed by a number of Riseley Residents opposing the motion that Masons Funfair be allowed to set up on Riseley Recreation Ground. See attached. 11 ENVIRONMENT & RURAL AFFAIRS (The Marshes/Van Demans/Swallowfield Meadow/Community Orchard/Biodiversity/ Footpaths/Waste/NAG/RCAG) Lead Councillor: Mr. Sampson 11.1 Proposed diversion of Footpaths Swallowfield 19 (part) and Shinfield 22A – to NOTE that a site visit has been arranged for 18th March 2015, Mr Anderson will attend on behalf of the council. It is PROPOSED that The Council delegate the authority to respond to Cllr Anderson following the site visit and feedback from representatives of the Ramblers Association who regular use this footpath. 11.2 Farmers Forum – to NOTE that a meeting of local farmers took place on Thursday 12th Feb, unfortunately Inspector Greenwood was not able to attend due to illness but Sergeant Foskett took his place. 11.3 Rivers Week – to NOTE that Rivers Week will take place from 16th -20th March. See attached leaflet for details of events. 11.4 NAG – to NOTE the revised minutes from the last meeting held on 13th January have been received and the next meeting will be held on 17th March 2015, 9:45am at Shinfield Parish Hall. 12 HUMAN RESOURCES (Appraisals/recruitment/staff training) Lead Councillor: Mrs. Stanley 12.1 Parish Warden - to NOTE that interviews have taken place and that Mr Stephen Haynes has been employed as Parish Warden. It has been agreed that he will undertake informal patrols of Swallowfield and Riseley Recreation Grounds to encourage dog walkers to pick up dog fouling and if appropriate undertake Dog Warden training. 12.2 Councillor Training – to NOTE that BALC are running a course entitled Being a good employer on Wednesday 25th March 2015, 6-9:30pm at The Calcot Centre, Highview, Calcot, Reading RG31 4XD. Mrs McDonald and the Clerk to attend. 13 TRANSPORT (Road issues/speeding/public transport/police liaison) Lead Councillor: Mr. Handley 13.1 GVOL OH1136260R – Beales Scaffolding Ltd. Application for a GVOL licence Authorisation for 3 vehicles and 0 trailers. To NOTE that the Parish Council can only make representation to Wokingham Borough Council, residents can send their comments directly to the Traffic Commissioner. 4 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ 14 COMMUNICATION (Newsletter/Website/Annual Report/Media) Lead Councillor: Mr. Collender 14.1 Newsletter – to NOTE that the deadline for the copy for the Spring Edition is 20th March 2015. 14.2 APM – update. 15 RESILIENCE (Flooding/ditches/rivers/ Flood Resilience Group ‘FRG’) Lead Councillor: Mrs. McDonald 15.1 Ditches maintenance 15.1.1 Annual Maintenance It is PROPOSED that the Parish Council goes out to tender for the maintenance of the ditches and balancing ponds in the ownership of the Parish. See full proposal on page 10. 15.1.2 Monthly Maintenance It is PROPOSED that the monthly inspection of the Parish ditches be discontinued from March 2015. See full proposal on page 11. 15.2 FRG Meeting – to NOTE that FRG met on 25th February 2015, the minutes have been received. To NOTE that the next meeting will be held on Monday 23rd March 2015, 7:30pm in the Davies Room. 16 HALLS (Maintenance/website/involvement with users/Marketing and Entertainment Groups) Lead Councillor: Mrs. McDonald 16.1 Halls Working Group – to NOTE that the Halls Working Group met on Thursday 5th March. 17 PROPERTY (Fieldfayre, The Marshes House) Lead Councillor: Mrs. Clark 17.1 Fieldfayre – to NOTE that the Property Working Group met on 24th February to review the report received from WBC regarding pre-planning advise and the revised plans prepared by the architect. 17.1.1 Planning Permission – it is PROPOSED that the architect be instructed to submit the revised plans (11SK and 12SK) to WBC for full planning approval at a cost of approx £1,000 once the surveys listed below have been completed. 17.1.2 Surveys – it is PROPOSED that the Clerk be delegated to initiate the following surveys for submission with the full planning application at a cost which does not exceed that listed below: Soil Condition Report } Contamination Report } £3,900 + VAT 5 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ Soakage Report } Drainage Report Highways Assessment Great Crested Newt Assessment / Ecology Survey Landscaping Scheme Sustainability Assessment £800 + VAT £500 + VAT £250 + VAT £500 + VAT £500 + VAT 18 HEALTH AND WELL-BEING (Local health & wellbeing issues, Medical Practice, WBC-Health & social care, SCAS, Responders, Heartstart, Clinical Commissioning Group, CAB, Calico Trust) Lead: John Anderson 18.1 NHS Berkshire Health Network – to NOTE that three “Have your say about Health and care in your area” events have been organised, 11th March 6:30pm, St Crispin’s School, 17th March 10:00am, Oakwood Centre, 23-27 March online. Call 01189 822 709 or email to book your place. 18.2 Defibrillator – to NOTE that the defibrillator has been installed at Swallowfield Parish Hall and is now operational. 19 LINKS WITH OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS 20 REPORTS/CORRESPONDENCE 20.1 To NOTE receipt emails from Norton Road residents (3) and Chapel Lane residents (3) stating various views on the suggestion that a “No Left Turn” sign is erected on the Odiham Road end of Norton Road. These emails were after the agenda for the last meeting was produced, but before the meeting itself so the situation has moved on as highlighted in the Clerks Update. 20.2 To NOTE receipt of a number emails from Riseley residents expressing concern about the decision to allow Mason Funfairs to use Riseley Recreation Ground and receipt of an email from Mr Goldsmith outlining his concerns about how the decision to allow Mason Funfairs to use Riseley Recreation Ground was made. 21 URGENT MATTERS AND/OR ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 22 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 14th April 2015 at 7.30 p.m. in the Rose Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall, Swallowfield Street, Swallowfield . 6 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ NOTES 17.1.2 Surveys Great Crested Newt Assessment / Ecology Survey – 4 Acre Ecology, would not need to visit the site because they surveyed for the bat survey. They would produce a method statement for mitigation Soil Condition Report / Contamination Report / Soakage Test – KF Geotechnical are the only company who have quoted so far. 2 other were approached. Highways Assessment, Landscaping Scheme, Sustainability Assessment – investigating cost 7 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ PAPERS 6 PLANNING John Anderson (Chair SPC Planning Committee), March 2015 6.1 Current Applications – proposed comments F/2014/0940 - Willow Tree Works Additional documents submitted - the technical ones have already been forwarded to FRG. This is all to do with flooding and ground water studies so the FRG has been asked to respond. The Council needs to review the FRG’s comments when available and, assuming they are acceptable, I PROPOSE THAT SPC responds that it endorses the FRG’s comments, with a reminder that other issues raised by the FRG (e.g. measures to overcome the sewage pumping station issue) and in the PC’s previous responses (e.g. housing density) have not been addressed to SPC’s satisfaction. Jouldings Farm (2 applications) I imagine both of these applications have arisen on the advice of the Enforcement Team to regularise the situation. CLE/2015/0321 - Jouldings Farm, Jouldings Lane, Farley Hill Application for a certificate of existing lawful development for the erection of a detached double garage with first floor playroom located within residential curtilage. It would appear to me that the garage / play room completed around 2008 was not built in accordance with the approved plans from 2004. The approved plans show a hipped roof and roof lights on one side. As built there is no hipped roof and there are dormers in place of the roof lights; I think it may also be slightly larger than the original plan but difficult to tell without original drawings to scale from. Evidence has been provided that this development has been completed for more than the prescribed 4 years, so there are probably no grounds for challenging it now. There were two previous applications which WBC refused – one was for a much larger quadruple garage with guest accommodation over and deemed too large and urbanising. The Parish Council did not object to either of these applications at the time. I PROPOSE THAT SPC responds that it has no objection. F/2015/0311 - Jouldings Farm, Jouldings Lane, Farley Hill Application for the erection of a single storey building containing 5no. stables and hay storage/tack room, plus change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian (personal use). This is a retrospective application for the recently erected stable block. Provision for 5 horses seems a lot for private use but not impossible I suppose. Again, from reading the design and access statement, I find it difficult to see any grounds for objection. I PROPOSE THAT SPC responds that it has no comment. 6.4 Planning Enforcement Consultation – Proposed Response 4. The Council’s Local Planning Enforcement Policy Second bullet – “unlawful” – should this be “unauthorised”? The statement “in appropriate circumstances” is vague, lacks clarity and hence should be deleted. Some form of action should take place whenever there is planning harm and the next bullet qualifies this by saying it should be proportionate. It could be said that, regardless of whether there is any planning harm, at the very least something should be done to regularise the situation such as requiring a full planning application or CLEUD application as appropriate. It is important to encourage people to adhere to the rules in all cases. 8 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ Last bullet – “The council will:- Perform against agreed standards… “. Yes, but what standards? Suggest adding “as defined in this policy document”. Reference section 20 and appendix 2 maybe? “…resources will be targeted to prioritise those cases where the greatest harm is being caused.” Suggest adding “as detailed in section 9”. 16. Monitoring Development Suggest the criteria for identifying developments to be monitored should include: - past record of applicant and/or of the site (e.g. past complaints, enforcement investigations or unauthorised uses or developments regularised through the CLEUD application process). - where planning pre-conditions have been imposed. In addition, Building Control should be expected to play a role in reporting any potential breaches or deviations from plan that are seen during their inspections. 21. Conclusions Second bullet - “…resolving most breaches throughout negotiation” – through, not throughout. General The document needs a proper proof read and revision in its entirety to correct a number of grammatical wording and typing mistakes. 9 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ 15.1 RESILIENCE Proposals to the Council re the maintenance of the ditches and balancing ponds owned by the Parish Drainage across the Parish There has been a history of flooding in the Parish of Swallowfield. The Parish is at the confluence of three rivers, the Whitewater, the Blackwater and the Loddon. The village of Swallowfield is on the flood plain and Riseley and Farley Hill are positioned on the hills above the valley. (Riseley is at the same height as Farley Hill) Flooding from the rivers is contained by the natural water meadows unless conditions are extreme. However, it is when there is heavy rainfall that the drainage through ditches and culverts becomes important. These waterways need to be kept clear and there is a statutory obligation to do this work. Since the 2007 flood the Parish Council has worked with residents to ensure that the drainage across the Parish has been updated and maintained. This relationship between the Council and residents was formalised in the formation of the Flood Resilience Group. This Group has worked tirelessly both in lobbying for political change and in practical ways to improve the drainage from balancing ponds and ditches. We have also been well supported by Wokingham Borough Council. The Ditches (Map included) Swallowfield 1. The Naylors 2. The Meadow 3. Trowes Lane from the brick culvert to The Street (The PC is investigating ownership of this ditch. It is included in this proposal until further clarification because it is a very important ditch in Swallowfield) Riseley 4. Devil’s Highway next to Van Demans 5. Across Riseley Common from School Road to School Lane 6. School Lane from Lane into the Marshes House to the old ditch line 7. On School Road next to the Marshes Field 8. Part Lane next to the Riseley Recreation Field 9. Odiham Road next to the Riseley Recreation Field Balancing Ponds (Map Included) A. Part of the Pond next to Foxborough. Thames Water has been maintaining our pond when completing work on their part B. Large pond next to Curly’s Way on the Meadow Proposal One At present the timing and identification of this work depends on the Flood Resilience Group and interested councillors. This important aspect of the work of the Council should be the direct responsibility of the Council through the Clerk. The Council already does this with regards to the Recreation Grounds. The Council has already agreed to include ditch and balancing pond maintenance as annual expenditure in the budget. The Council will, as in other work in the Parish, need to take note of environmental issues and take advice re maintaining and supporting the important habitat that ditches offer. 10 th Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10 March 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________ The Council will have a contingency plan to carry out emergency work needed as a one off situation, The contractors that we ask to tender will need to have knowledge and expertise specific to land drainage. I would like to propose that the Parish Council goes out to tender for the maintenance of the ditches and balancing ponds in the ownership of the Parish. The contractor will need a map of the location of the ditches and balancing ponds to do an annual inspection to identify work to be done. The contractor will then make a report to the Council. The Council will need Information relating to previous work to be able to understand and decide the work for the coming year taking into account the recommendations of the Contractor and the finances available. Proposal Two The ditches have been cleared this year. I would like to propose that the monthly inspection of the Parish’s ditches be discontinued from March 2015 A Recommendation To employ a Parish Warden to oversee the drainage across the Parish. This would be a part time job To inspect grips and ditches and clear grips To clear the trash screens To ensure The Council’s ditches are running freely To inform WBC through the clerk if other ditches are blocked Angela King March 2015 11
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