CTO Seoul Camp in March, 2015 March 5 (Thu) 6PM ~ 6 (Fri), 2015 Venue: Grand Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom / Yonsei Cardiovascular Hospital, Seoul, Korea 1st Day March 5 (Thu) Venue: Grand Hilton Hotel 17:30 – 18:00 Registration 18:00 – 20:30 Evening Session 1 – 6 Meet the Masters (Having a Dinner) Room 1 Meet the Masters: How to Improve Clinical Outcomes after CTO Intervention 장양수 Tetsuo Matsubara 1. My worst case after CTO Intervention (1) 이상엽 2. My worst case after CTO Intervention (2) 조윤형 3. My Best case after CTO Intervention 강웅철 4. Strategy for improving clinical outcomes after CTO Intervention – I 장양수 5. Strategy for improving clinical outcomes after CTO Intervention – II Tetsuo Matsubara Panels: 김명곤, 남창욱, 윤영원, 이승률, 최동훈, 홍영준, Timur Nurbaev Room 2 Meet the Masters: Master of Anterograde CTO Intervention 박헌식 Kenya Nasu 1. My Experience – Best cases 문재연 2. My Experience – Worst cases (1) 홍성진 3. My Experience – Worst cases (2) 최현희 4. Keynote lecture: Choice of CTO wires for successful anterograde CTO Intervention 5. Keynote lecture: Supporting devices for anterograde CTO Intervention Kenya Nasu 박헌식 Panels: 고영국, 김상욱, 김영우, 변영섭, 원호연, 이종영, 조윤경, 허승호 Room 3 Meet the Masters: Master of Retrograde CTO Intervention 1. My Experience – Best cases 서존 2. My Experience – Worst cases 김태훈 3. My Experience 한정규 4. Keynote lecture: Retrograde CTO PCI, when & for whom? 5. Keynote lecture: Good collateral channels for retrograde CTO intervention, how to find and how to use? Panels: 김병극, 김원호, 박종선, 이재환, 조덕규, 조정래, Namkhaidorj Tserengombo, Erdembileg Dandar Room 4 채인호 Yasumi Igarashi Meet the Masters: Consultation Room for Young Interventionists (1) Yasumi Igarashi 채인호 윤정한 Kinzo Ueda 1. Failed anterograde wiring, what’s the problem? Consult (1) 신동호 Consult (2) 고윤석 Consult (3) 김상훈 2. Failed delivery of supporting devices or balloon, what’s the solution? Consult (4) 서정원 Consult (5) 박상민 Panels: 강태수, 권기환, 우성일, 윤명호, 최락경, 최영진, 홍범기, Islam Shehata Room 5 Meet the Masters: Consultation Room for Young Interventionists (2) 홍명기 Masahisa Yamane 1. Failed retrograde septal tracking, what’s the problem? Consult (1) 서용성 Consult (2) 이준원 Consult (3) 박상호 2. Successful septal tracking, real problems now started… Consult (4) 허애영 Consult (5) 윤혁준 Panels: 김광실, 나승욲, 박종관, 배장호, 이내희, 이병권, 이승환, 최진호 Room 6 Meet the Masters: Management and Prevention of Complication 김희열 Satoru Otsuji 1. My Experience – I 윤창환 2. My Experience – II 권성우 3. My Experience – III 강인숙 4. Keynote lecture: Prevention of CTO complication 김희열 5. Keynote lecture: Management of CTO complication Satoru Otsuji Panels: 김병진, 김승환, 김중선, 배장환, 신상훈, 심대근, 오성진, 유승기, 임영효, 정재헌 한주용, 허정호 2nd Day March 6 (Fri) Venue: Grand Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom Lecture Hall 09:00 – 10:30 1. How to Improve the Success for CTO? 윤정한 Tetsuo Matsubara 1. Pathologic understanding Kenya Nasu 2. Understanding of CTO techniques and characteristics of CTO wires Kenya Nasu 3. Imaging support for CTO intervention, IVUS and OCT 4. Imaging support for CTO intervention, CT scan 5. New CTO devices in 2014-2015 Tetsuo Matsubara 최진호 Satoru Otsuji Panels: 나득영, 박근호, 심대근, 오석규, 이승진, 허승호, 허애영 10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break 10:45 – 12:00 2. Recent Review of Outcomes after CTO Intervention 1. Outcome of CTO Registry 안태훈 권혁문 Atsunori Okamura 2. Outcome of Korea Registry 장양수 3. Clinical impact of IVUS-guided CTO intervention 김병극 4. Outcomes of retrograde CTO intervention Kenya Nasu Panels: 고윤석, 김기석, 김병옥, 남창욱, 윤성보, 윤혁준, 홍범기 12:00 – 13:00 Luncheon Symposium A 1. Bioresorbable vascular scaffold will replace metallic stents eventually 2. Recent clinical trials in lipid management 13:00 – 16:00 3. Tips and Ticks for Successful CTO Intervention 권혁문 최동훈 한주용 이상학 박헌식 Masahisa Yamane 1. Basic preparation for successful CTO intervention; from the access to guiding 2. Anterograde or retrograde CTO intervention, how to decide the approach 3. Retrograde CTO PCI when and for whom? to “My tips and ticks to retrograde CTO crossing" 4. How to improve collateral channel tracking? Septal channel 14:45 – 15:15 Atsunori Okamura 박종관 Yasumi Igarashi Masahisa Yamane Coffee Break 5. Pre-procedural planning by CT for successful CTO PCI 유철웅 6. Tips and tricks for reducing complications of CTO intervention 나승욲 7. Future direction of CTO intervention Masahisa Yamane Panels: 김용훈, 배장환, 우성일, 윤영원, 윤창환, 이병권, 최병주 March 6 (Fri) Venue: Grand Hilton Hotel, Grand Ballroom / Yonsei Cardiovascular Hospital Live Hall 09:00 – 12:00 CTO Live 1 장양수 Satoru Otsuji Kinzo Ueda Live Case Transmission 1 Live Case Transmission 2 Live Case Transmission 3 Live Case Transmission 7 1st operator: 박헌식, Yasumi Igarashi, Masahisa Yamane Korean operator: 나승욲, 이내희, 이승환, 조정래 2nd operator: 김승환, 서존, 신동호, 조윤형 IVUS: 김중선, 홍영준 Panels: 김웅, 김희열, 박종관, 윤명호, 이봉기, 이상곤, 한주용, Kenya Nasu 12:00 – 13:00 Luncheon Symposium B 1. Impact on the management of ACS and the future with PARTHENON 2. Confidence in Challenging Coronary Interventions: Optimizing Deliverability and Outcome 13:00 – 17:00 CTO Live 2 Live Case Transmission 4 Live Case Transmission 5 Live Case Transmission 6 1st operator: 장양수, Kenya Nasu, Satoru Otsuji, Tetsuo Matsubara, Korean operator: 김병극, 김희열, 최진호 2nd operator: 김동기, 김태훈, 박상민 IVUS: 이성윤, 최소연 Panels: 나승욲, 신상훈, 이내희, 이종영, 이진배, 임영효, 전동욲, Islam Shehata 홍명기 박헌식 김중선 나승욲 채인호 Yasumi Igarashi Kinzo Ueda
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