application form

Elm Grove Colts FC
Seven, SSix & Fivee‐A‐Side TTournam
ment S
y 20th & SSunday 21st June 2
2015 Elm
m Grove Football Club are invitingg your club tto enter our 11th annual football ttournamentt. The tournameent will be h
held on: S
y 20th and
d Sundayy 21st Jun
ne at Whiteley Villagge, Burwo
ood Road, Hersh
ham, Surrrey Cost perr team = £35 Saturdayy (9:00am
m) un
nder 7’s, 1
10’s & 16’s un
nder 8’s &
& 14’s Sunday (9:00am
m) un
nder 11’s,, 13’s & 15
5’s un
nder 9’s &
& 12’s (2:30pm
m) (2:30pm
m) Ou
ur tournamen
nt is open to
o age groups from Under 7’s to Under 16’s. Ple
ease note thaat age group
ps refer to those current for the 2014
4‐15 season. The followinng will be ava
ailable during the tourrnament: 
e played in agges Under 7 & 8 (max 10
0 players perr squad) 7‐aa‐side will be
6‐aa‐side will be
e played in agges Under 9,, 10 & 11 (max 8 players per squad) 5‐aa‐side will be
e played in agges Under 12, 13, 14, 15 &16 (max7 players per ssquad) Tro
ophies will be issued for winners and
d runners up. All participantss in the undeer 7’s & 8’s to
ournament w
will receive aa medal. A ccup or shield
d will be pressented to the
e team winning each agee group with the exception of U7’s & U8’s.
ualified referrees will be oofficiating all games. Other activitiess will be ava ilable. Reefreshments. e the entry fo
orm on the nnext page and
d return If yyou wish to join this succcessful tournament, plea se complete
it tto the tournaament organ
niser. Entries are accepteed on a first‐ccome, first‐served basis. The closing date for th
entries is 29 M
May 2015. Entry fee is £3
35 per team.. You will recceive email confirmation ASAP or by 31st May 2015. We advisse that entries reach us p
promptly to avoid disapp
pointment. If yyou have anyy questions, please conta
act the tournnament organisers. Tournament O
Organisers: ary Falloon: Ga
ome: 01932 226 397 M
Mobile: 07956
6 392 243 Em
om Ho
Chris Denison Smith: Moobile: 07775
5 711 923 Chairman: Marcc Gorman theegormans15@ Gene
eral Manager:: Gary Falloonn Elm Grove Colts FC
15 Tournaament Enttry Form
ame of Clu
ub _____
____ Club Affiliattion Number _____
____ ontact Name Co
____ Ad
ddress _____
____ _____
____ Te
elephone Number _____
____ Mobile _____
____ _____
____ Em
mail Addreess (R
REQUIRED) Sat, 200th June (am)
Under 7 (7‐a‐sid
de) Under 110 (6‐a‐sid
Under 116 (5‐a‐sid
Sat, 20th June (pm)
Under 8 (7‐a‐sid
de) Under 114 (5‐a‐sid
Enter (tick
Enter (tick
Sun, 21st Jun
ne (am)
nder 11 (6‐a‐side) Un
nder 13 (5‐a‐side)
nder 15 (5‐a‐side)
Sun, 21st Jun
ne (pm)
nder 9 (6‐a‐side)
nder 12 (5‐a‐side)
Enter (tick)
Enter (tick)
otal Amou
unt Enclossed = £___
__________ Ch
heques Paayable to EElm Grove
e Colts FC Se
end Comp
pleted form
ms to: Gaary Falloo
on 299 Regencyy Gardens, W
urrey, KTT12 2BD Chairman: Marcc Gorman theegormans15@ Gene
eral Manager:: Gary Falloonn