GARISSA WATER & SEWERAGE COMPANY GAWASCO/CD/CF/1/2014 THANK YOU FOR VISITING GARISSA WATER & SEWERAGE COMPANY . Name: ---------------------------------------------- Phone number…………………… Water account number………………….…Estate/Area……………………………… We at Garissa Water Company are committed to giving our esteemed customers the best possible service. We would like to get your views, complaints, compliments and suggestions concerning the products and services offered in our Company. In view of this we request you to kindly fill this questionnaire as a way of feeding back and enabling us identify areas of improvements as we strive to meet and exceed your expectations. 1. What issue has made you visit the Nairobi water company offices today? IV. General enquiries To collect bill. To make payments To apply for connection To update my address I. 11 Billing Meter reading I. II. III. Tick where appropriate To make a complaint on: Issue 111. 1V V VI VII VIII 1X Disconnection /reconnection Receipting Sewer blockage Water leak Supply fail Water quality Others please specify…………………………………………………………………………... 2. How long did it take our customer care staff/cashiers to serve you? I. II. III. IV. Time taken 1-3 minutes 4-10 minutes 11-19 minutes Over 20 minutes Was this time acceptable to you? YES Tick where appropriate NO 3. Are you lodging the complaint for the first time? (Tick appropriate) YES NO 4. If NO was the first one appropriately resolved? YES NO Customer feed back Tick where appropriate 5. If NO how long has it been pending? I. II. III. IV. V. 6. Time taken 1-3 months 4-6 months 7-12 months Over 1 year Still pending Tick where appropriate Do you get water during your scheduled supply hours as per the current rationing program? I. II. III. IV. Rating Yes Yes but with low pressure Sometimes No 7. Do you have water storage tank? YES Tick where appropriate NO If yes, what is the capacity? …………………... 8. How would you rate the knowledge of our staff in resolving your issues? 1) 2) 3) 4) Rating Very Knowledgeable Knowledgeable unknowledgeable Very unknowledgeable Tick where appropriate 9 .How would you rate the services you get from NWC field staffs? 1) 2) 3) 4) Area of service Meter reading Disconnection Meter connectors Operations and maintenance Good/Poor 10. Overall how would you rate NWC services? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Rating Very good Good Average poor Very poor Tick where appropriate Thank you for your time and cooperation! Customer feedback 2
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