Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales 2011/12 Published 3rd March 2015 Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 We are the trusted national provider of high-quality information, data and IT systems for health and social care. @hscic 2 Author: Workforce and Facilities, Health and Social Care Information Centre Responsible statistician: Ian Bullard, Section Head Version: V1.0 Date of publication: 3rd March 2015 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 Contents 1. Summary 4 2. Introduction 4 3. Background 5 4. Analysis 6 GP Coverage 6 Seniority Payment 6 FSF calculations 7 Annex A 8 5. Inclusions 8 Exclusions 8 6. Annex B 9 7. Annex C 10 8. Annex D 12 9. Annex E 14 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. 3 Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 1. Summary For GMS contractor GPs: England 2011/12 Average superannuable income = £97,918 2011/12 Average seniority payment = £5,884 2011/12 Final Seniority Figure = £92,034 2011/12 Interim Seniority Figure = £93,972 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wales 2011/12 Average superannuable income = £89,996 2011/12 Average seniority payment = £5,797 2011/12 Final Seniority Figure = £84,199 2011/12 Interim Seniority Figure = £82,099 2. Introduction This paper is based on information supplied by NHS Pensions Agency for GMS Contractor GPs in England and Wales for 2011/12. This report has been agreed by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC), which is chaired by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) and has representation from the four UK Health Departments, NHS Employers, NHS England and the British Medical Association (BMA). 4 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 3. Background The Final Seniority Figure is an earnings benchmark used to determine the level of seniority payment that individual GPs are entitled to each year. The seniority payment that is awarded to an individual GP is dependent on their years of reckonable service in the NHS and their qualifying income fraction. Annex B shows the current seniority payment scales, where payments increase as the number of years of reckonable service increase. The payment system operates using the following superannuable income fractions: A GP earning more than 2/3 of the national average superannuable income (excluding any seniority component) in any year receives 100% of the available seniority payment (relevant to the number of years they have been in service). A GP earning between 1/3 and 2/3 of the national average superannuable income (excluding any seniority component) receives 60% of the available seniority payment. A GP earning less than 1/3 of the national average superannuable income (excluding any seniority component) receives none of the available seniority payment. Clearly, in any one financial year, it is not possible to know what the average superannuable income is until the full year has actually passed and all payments have been made. Therefore, in order to allow timely seniority payments to be made, an Interim Seniority Figure (ISF) is negotiated and adopted for use during the year. As with previously published Final Seniority Figures (FSF), and the ISF, the calculations are based on GMS Contractor GPs only. In order to calculate the FSF for 2011/12, it is necessary to know the average NHS income of all GMS Contractor GPs in England and Wales. The best available source of data to enable this calculation is available from the NHS Pensions Agency, using information declared via the GP superannuation certificate. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that not all payments managers are consistently applying this definition, and that instead total NHS income (including the seniority income component) is used in the calculation of entitlement. However, the analysis presented in this paper assumes that all payment managers consistently applied the rules set out in the Statement of Financial Entitlements (SFE). Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. 5 Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 4. Analysis GP Coverage The analysis is based on superannuable income data for GMS Contractor GPs with a full accounting year end. See Annex A for further information on the rules for inclusions and exclusions. These are the same as the methodology for the 2010/11 Final Seniority Factors. It is necessary to know a GP’s contract type and if they work in England or Wales since the FSF is calculated for GMS GPs only and is calculated separately for England and Wales. However, country markers and contract types are not part of the NHS pensions dataset. Therefore, these markers are taken from the England and Wales GP census data, a dataset using information from the NHS GP payments system. There are a number of GPs who do not appear on the census data, for whom it is not possible to ascertain whether they work in England or Wales or who have duplicate rows in the census data with conflicting contract types. Table 1 below shows that the average superannuable income figures are very similar when these GPs are deleted from the dataset. Table 1: Average superannuable income for FSF analysis, 2011/12, GPMS Coverage Average Superannuable Income England and Wales 2011/12 before country markers and contract types added 22,968 £100,429 England and Wales 2011/12 after country markers and contract types added 22,556 £101,036 Seniority Payment It is important to note the average superannuable income figure will include an unknown component representing the actual seniority payment made to individuals for that year. However, by considering each GP’s date of birth, and assuming that each individual began to accrue Years of Reckonable Service from the age of 23 onwards, it is possible to estimate the seniority payment that was made to each individual in 2011/12 (periods of part-time and full-time working are treated the same). Hence, it is possible to estimate the average superannuable income figure excluding the seniority payment component. This figure is, by definition, the FSF that is required. The average superannuable income figures have been calculated for 2011/12 and presented in Table 2 for England and Wales GMS Contractor GPs. Amongst GMS Contractor GPs in England, the average NHS superannuable income is £97,918 in 2011/12 and for Wales, the average NHS superannuable income is £89,996. The figures are based on a population of 12,151 GMS Contractor GPs in England and 1,443 contractor GPs in Wales. 6 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 By taking the same GP coverage and analysing their dates of birth and superannuable income in the manner described in paragraph 16, the average seniority payment for England is £5,884 and the average seniority payment for Wales is £5,797. The calculations behind the average seniority payment are shown in Annexes C and D for each country. FSF Calculations Table 2 shows the breakdown of the FSF calculations for England and Wales. It is important to note, however, that this is merely an estimate of what the average seniority payment was, rather than a precise calculation. In the absence of central recording of NHS superannuable pay before seniority payment, it is not possible to do more than estimate what the size of the seniority component is for any one individual GP in the sample. Table 2: Breakdown of FSF calculations, England and Wales, GMS Contractor GPs, 2011/12 Coverage England Wales Average Superannuable Income Average Seniority Payment Final Seniority Figure 12,151 £97,918 £5,884 £92,034 1,443 £89,996 £5,797 £84,199 Note: Calculations are based on unrounded figures. By deducting the average seniority payment from average superannuable income, the FSF can be calculated for each country as shown in Table 2. The FSF for England is calculated as £92,034 and the FSF for Wales is calculated as £84,199. Annex E shows a comparison of Interim Seniority Factors (ISFs) and FSFs from 2006/07. The FSFs for 2008/09 as calculated in this report are noticeably lower than the ISFs. TSC intended to calculate a high ISF for 2008/09. As was the expectation, there is not such a difference between the ISF and FSF in subsequent years. Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. 7 Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 5. Annex A Inclusions Only data related to those GMS Contractor GPs with a full accounting year of superannuable income reported to the NHS Pensions Agency have been used in calculating the average superannuable income. If the full-year GPs have any superannuable income from other work outside their usual practice, whether in a contractor or salaried capacity, these have been included in order to calculate a total superannuable income figure for those GPs. Exclusions The following GP records have been removed from the average superannuable income calculation: a. All non-GMS GPs, and any GPs with both a GMS and a non-GMS contract. b. Any duplicate records. c. Any non-contractor records with only full-year earnings. d. Any GPs with only part year earnings. e. Any contractor GPs as described above who have full year superannuable income between zero and £10. In previous years, GP records that showed income solely received from NHS board and advisory work (i.e. Professional Executive Committee board) were also excluded. However, it is not possible to distinguish these GPs after 2005/06 in the dataset. 8 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 6. Annex B Table B1: Available Seniority Payment values as a function of Years of Seniority Reckonable Service, 2011/12 Years of seniority reckonable service 0-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47+ Full annual rate per practitioner (£) 0 600 672 753 843 944 1,057 1,184 1,326 1,486 1,664 3,185 3,504 3,854 4,239 4,663 5,129 6,785 6,989 7,198 7,414 7,637 7,866 8,225 8,455 8,692 8,935 9,186 9,443 9,707 9,979 10,258 10,546 10,841 11,144 11,457 11,777 12,107 12,446 12,795 13,153 13,521 13,900 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. 9 Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 7. Annex C Table C1: Age distribution of GMS Contractor GPs, England, 2011/12 Age to 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70+ Years of Seniority Reckonable Service Age distribution 0-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47+ Total: 0 31 60 94 162 207 227 281 307 333 346 377 350 368 401 387 429 499 533 569 577 558 599 602 536 548 513 437 512 399 336 226 59 71 51 42 32 25 21 19 8 6 13 12,151 Seniority payments (£) 0 600 672 753 843 944 1,057 1,184 1,326 1,486 1,664 3,185 3,504 3,854 4,239 4,663 5,129 6,785 6,989 7,198 7,414 7,637 7,866 8,225 8,455 8,692 8,935 9,186 9,443 9,707 9,979 10,258 10,546 10,841 11,144 11,457 11,777 12,107 12,446 12,795 13,153 13,521 13,900 Costs (£) 0 18,600 40,320 70,782 136,566 195,408 239,939 332,704 407,082 494,838 575,744 1,200,745 1,226,400 1,418,272 1,699,839 1,804,581 2,200,341 3,385,715 3,725,137 4,095,662 4,277,878 4,261,446 4,711,734 4,951,450 4,531,880 4,763,216 4,583,655 4,014,282 4,834,816 3,873,093 3,352,944 2,318,308 622,214 769,711 568,344 481,194 376,864 302,675 261,366 243,105 105,224 81,126 180,700 77,735,900 Average full seniority payment: £6,397 10 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 Not every GP will receive the full seniority entitlement. It is apportioned out according to how much a GP earns as shown in Table C2 which is based on average superannuable income = £97,918. Table C2: Distribution of England GMS Contractor GPs net income, 2011/12 Net income band 0-1/3 of average (0- £32,952.16) 1/3 to 2/3 of average (£32,952.16 to £65,904.32) Above 2/3 of average (above £65,904.32) Total Count Seniority entitlement Total seniority payment 187 0% £0 1,970 60% £7,561,254 9,994 100% £63,931,618 12,151 £71,492,872 Note: Calculations are based on unrounded figures. Average seniority payment is £5,884. Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. 11 Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 8. Annex D Table D1: Age distribution of GMS Contractor GPs, Wales, 2011/12 Age to 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70+ Total: Years of Seniority Reckonable Service 0-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47+ Age distribution 0 4 4 18 21 25 39 31 43 43 37 40 56 43 42 49 43 53 75 69 56 62 55 85 65 74 71 58 62 42 44 12 2 1 6 5 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 1,443 Seniority payments (£) 0 600 672 753 843 944 1,057 1,184 1,326 1,486 1,664 3,185 3,504 3,854 4,239 4,663 5,129 6,785 6,989 7,198 7,414 7,637 7,866 8,225 8,455 8,692 8,935 9,186 9,443 9,707 9,979 10,258 10,546 10,841 11,144 11,457 11,777 12,107 12,446 12,795 13,153 13,521 13,900 Costs (£) 0 2,400 2,688 13,554 17,703 23,600 41,223 36,704 57,018 63,898 61,568 127,400 196,224 165,722 178,038 228,487 220,547 359,605 524,175 496,662 415,184 473,494 432,630 699,125 549,575 643,208 634,385 532,788 585,466 407,694 439,076 123,096 21,092 10,841 66,864 57,285 23,554 24,214 24,892 12,795 13,153 0 0 9,007,627 Average full seniority payment: £6,242 12 Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 Not every GP will receive the full seniority entitlement. It is apportioned out according to how much a GP earns as shown in Table D2 which is based on average superannuable income = £89,996. Table D2: Distribution of Wales GMS Contractor GPs net income, 2011/12 Net income band 0-1/3 of average (0- £30,518.75) 1/3 to 2/3 of average (£30,518.75 to £61,037.51) Above 2/3 of average (above £61,037.51) Total Seniority entitlement Count Total seniority payment 20 0% £0 207 60% £775,256 1,216 100% £7,590,272 1,443 £8,365,528 Note: Calculations are based on unrounded figures. Average seniority payment is £5,797. Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. 13 Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 9. Annex E Table E1: Interim and Final Seniority Figures - England Interim Seniority Figure Final Seniority Figure 2006/07 £95,355 £92,140 2007/08 N/A £90,375 2008/09 £105,524 £92,955 2009/10 £94,743 £93,678 2010/11 £95,802 £94,080 2011/12 £93,972 £92,034 2012/13 £96,646 - 2013/14 £96,183 - 2014/15 £96,097 - Table E2: Interim and Final Seniority Figures – Wales Interim Seniority Figure 14 Final Seniority Figure 2006/07 £95,355 £82,399 2007/08 N/A £78,938 2008/09 £105,524 £79,096 2009/10 £84,667 £82,266 2010/11 £85,690 £82,237 2011/12 £82,099 £84,199 2012/13 £82,261 - 2013/14 £84,479 - 2014/15 £84,012 - Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales, 2011/12 Published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre Part of the Government Statistical Service Responsible Statistician Ian Bullard, Section Head This publication may be requested in large print or other formats. For further information: 0300 303 5678 Copyright © 2015 Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. This work remains the sole and exclusive property of the Health and Social Care Information Centre and may only be reproduced where there is explicit reference to the ownership of the Health and Social Care Information Centre. This work may be re-used by NHS and government organisations without permission Copyright © 2015, Health and Social Care Information Centre. All rights reserved. 15
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