Readings for March to help you as you prepare for services The monthly Anglican/Methodist Newsletter ‘Christian Love in Action’ Sunday 1st March 2nd Sunday of Lent (P) Sunday 22nd March 5th Sunday of Lent (P) Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16 Romans 4: 13-end Mark 8: 31-end Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Hebrews 5: 5-10 John 12: 20-33 Sunday 8th March 3rd Sunday of Lent (P) Sunday 29th March Palm Sunday (R) Exodus 20: 1-17 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25 John 2: 13-22 Philippians 2: 5-11 Mark 11: 1-11 CONNECTED MARCH 2015 Sunday 15th March Mothering Sunday (P) Colossians 3: 12-17 Luke 2: 34-35 Note: readings may vary at some services, according to the theme 28 Anglican Methodist Priest-In-Charge Revd. Kathy Roberts The Rectory Black Torrington Beaworthy EX21 5PU 01409 231279 Superintendent Minister Revd Ken Morgan Kendor Hatchmoor Road Torrington EX38 7BU 01805 628041 Church And Chapel Contact Numbers Churchwardens: Black Torrington, St Mary’s Sheila Grabham Val Letheren DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 01409 231581 01409 231430 Bradford, All Saints, with Cookbury, St John Geoff Pitt 01409 221507 Vivien Radford 01409 255550 Highampton, Holy Cross Jackie Ody Bob Luckhurst 01409 231239 01409 231555 Thornbury, St Peter’s Mike Chandler Colin Wood 01409 253150 01409 261526 Chapel Superintendent Minister: Revd Ken Morgan Rural Worker: Andy Jerrard Chapel Stewards: Black Torrington Peter Ellis Rose Fielder Don Harkness Thursday 5th March—Worship Ministry Team Service Planning Friday 6th March—Black Torrington Chapel, Coffee and Cake, 10.00 am—12.00 noon Thursday 12th March—Black Torrington Church and Chapel Lunch Club Tuesday 17th March—Churchwardens and Ministry Team Meeting, 7.15 pm Thursday 19th March— Mission Community Treasurer’s Meeting, 7.30 pm Holsworthy Skills Centre 01805 628041 Thursday 26th March—Black Torrington Annual Parochial Church Meeting, 7.30 pm in Church 07801 755732 Saturday 28th March—St Mary’s Table at Black Torrington Village Hall, 10.00 am—12.00 noon ———————————01409 231309 01409 231214 01409 231825 Friday 17th April - Music at St Mary’s, Concert with Launceston Male Voice Choir Saturday 18th April –- Wine and Wisdom Quiz Night, Bradford Village Hall in aid of Bradford, Cookbury and Thornbury Churches Bradford (chapel now closed for worship) Marjorie Smale 01409 281560 Shebbear/Lake Graeme Quance Wednesday 6th May—Holsworthy Memorial Hall Coffee Morning, in aid of Thornbury Church 01409 281248 Sheepwash Helen Orr 01409 231199 Friday 15th May—Barn dance in aid of St Mary's plastering fund with 'Stick the Fiddle'. 7.00 pm. £8 per adult, £20 per family (to include a pasty supper). Further details to follow. Book the date in your diary now! Woodacott Mrs J Vanstone Mrs. A Bond Benefice Website: Circuit Website: Tuesday 26th May—Archdeacons Visitation, Holsworthy Church 01409 261221 2 Wednesday 30th September—Holsworthy Memorial Hall, Coffee Morning, in aid of Thornbury Church 27 Torridge Circuit Foodbank As we have grown in experience with the Foodbank it has become clear that there are several items from the full list which are always needed. Because we collect regularly each week, rather than occasionally, we are in the best position to satisfy this need so please concentrate on the items from the list below when considering a donation. long life juice long life milk sugar (500g and 1Kg size) tea (40 or 80 bag size) coffee (100g size) tinned meat biscuits sponge puddings tinned tomatoes tinned rice Circuit Administrator: Mrs Sheila Babb 01805 622949 March Services at Hope Chapel, Black Torrington Sunday 1st March 11.00 am Mrs Elizabeth Squire Sunday 8th March 11.00 am Dr David Hudson Sunday 15th March 11.00 am Revd Martin Goord Sunday 22nd March 11.00 am Café-style Worship Open to all Sunday 29th March 11.00 am Revd Peter Nock Lake Chapel, Shebbear 9.00pm on the last Wednesday of every month Compline Liturgical Colour for Lent: Violet, or purple. This is the colour of penitence and humility. Purple is also symbolic of royalty and the colour reminds us that Jesus is Lord. Hangings and flowers are removed from the worship area, although dry arrangements could be appropriate. 26 a short service for the end of the day, a particular blessing at the day’s end when there is nothing to rush off to afterwards! Contact Helen Orr 01409 231199 for further details. SERVICES AT WOODACOTT METHODIST CHAPEL For details of Services please contact: Iris Fry 01409 261322 3 Black Torrington Benefice Services in March Services at parish church unless otherwise indicated LIFT LIST These names are of those people willing to provide transport to Services and events within the Benefice Sunday 1st March 9.30 am Thornbury 11.00 am Black Torrington BLACK TORRINGTON Morning Prayer Holy Communion Thursday 5th March 9.00 am Bradford Holy Communion Saturday 7th March 5.00 pm Thornbury Celtic Evening Prayer Sunday 8th March 9.30 am Thornbury 11.00 am Black Torrington 11.00 am Highampton 11.00 am Bradford Holy Communion Iona Holy Communion Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Peter Roberts Wendy Stratton Anne Gray (covering Sheepwash) BRADFORD AND COOKBURY Morag Lobley Margaret & Martin Taylor 281 800 281 327 USED POSTAGE STAMPS Thursday 12th March 9.00 am Thornbury Holy Communion Saturday 14th March 10.00 am Bradford Village Hall 5.00 pm Bradford Saturday Church Celtic Evening Prayer Hilary Luxton is collecting used postage stamps to support the work of Leukaemia Research. Sunday 15th March 11.00 am Bradford 6.30 pm 231 799 231 426 231 231 MOTHERING SUNDAY Benefice Mothering Sunday Family Holy Communion Thornbury Benefice Evensong Thursday 19th March 9.00 am Black Torrington 2.30 pm Burdon Grange Holy Communion Service Contd 4 Please save your stamps and leave them in St Mary’s Church, Black Torrington for collection by Hilary Pew sheet and Connected Please forward items for the weekly pew sheet by Wednesday each week to Kate Inniss and for Connected to Sheila Grabham by Wednesday 18th March Items received after the deadlines may not be included 25 Holsworthy Mission Community Prayer Saturday 21st March 5.00 pm Black Torrington Celtic Evening Prayer Lord of the Church hear our prayer for the Holsworthy Mission Community: Set our hearts on fire with love for you. Claim our worship and wealth, our abilities and our time, that we may be worthy stewards of all that you have given. Save us from complacency and fear of new ways; inspire us with vision; make us a power-house of prayer, a community of loving service, and faithful witnesses to your kingdom as we grow daily in and through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen Sunday 22nd March 9.30 am Thornbury 11.00 am Highampton 11.00 am Black Torrington 11.00 am Bradford Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Tuesday 24th March 9.30 am Bradford School Easter Service Wednesday 25th March 9.30 am Black Torrington School Easter Service Thursday 26th March 9.00 am Highampton 2.00 pm Highampton Holy Communion School Easter Service Saturday 28th March 5.00 pm Highampton Celtic Evening Prayer THE PRAYER CHAIN Sunday 29th March PALM SUNDAY 11.00 am Black Torrington Benefice Holy Communion Followed by bring and share lunch A group of people who pray privately (and in strict confidence) for specific situations. If you, or anyone you know, is in need of prayer for any reason, please contact: Maureen Ellis - 01409 231309 Sheila Grabham - 01409 231581 Margaret Taylor - 01409 281327 ...and if you would like to be part of this unseen but essential ministry, please contact Kathy Roberts or Maureen Ellis 24 Monday 30th March 6.00 pm Highampton Holy Communion and Stations of the Cross Tuesday 31st March 6.00 pm Black Torrington Holy Communion and Stations of the Cross Every week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Morning Prayer, 8.00 am at Black Torrington 5 Lent has arrived, and with it decisions to ‘give up’ coffee.... chocolate..... sweets.... alcohol. Why do we do it? For some it is because it is traditional – ‘we’ve always done it!’ And yet if this time of Lent simply becomes a time when we give up things, or turn out to a Lent group for 6 weeks, then perhaps we have lost sight of what this season invites us to. Jesus went into the wilderness ‘driven’ by the Holy Spirit, to explore the meaning of his sonship, to accept deeply in himself his vocation. And he could only do that by ‘giving up’ his home comforts, earning a living, times with friends. He could only become more fully himself by leaving behind those things that at face value looked like they expressed who he was. Can we use this Lent to set aside those things that get in the way of finding out who we are, as people, who we are as God’s beloved daughter or son. Who knows, maybe those things we think we can only ‘give up’ for 6 weeks we might find we no longer need! Week of Accompanied Prayer A small ecumenical group is planning a Week of Accompanied Prayer to take place in July at Bodmin Street Chapel. The Week is a kind of retreat in daily life. Each person who comes undertakes to spend an hour a day in prayer and reflection and then meets up with their allotted prayer guide for half an hour to reflect together and to discern what God might be saying and doing. It is a very gentle process. This Week is a very special opportunity for you to come close to God in your everyday life. The week begins on a Sunday evening with a short service and an introduction to the prayer guides who are people from outside this area. The Week closes with a time of worship on the following Saturday morning. Contd... 6 To the Clergy and Readers, Churchwardens, Deanery Lay Chairs and Congregations Of the Barnstaple Archdeaconry You are invited to the collation of the Revd Dr Mark Butchers As Archdeacon of Barnstaple On Monday 23rd March 2015 At 7.30 pm At St Peters and St Mary Magdalene Church, Barnstaple Highampton Community Group The Highampton Easter Bash Live music event—Saturday 4th April 2015 Highampton Village Hall Doors open at 7.30 pm Live music will be provided by Devon musician Chris Stuckey with support from the Isles and the Hatherleigh Ukulele Bashers Admission £8 in advance (£10 on the door) £5 under 16s and under 5s free Tickets from Highampton Shop or phone 07960 244370 23 Longer term residents of Black Torrington will be sorry to hear of the death of Dr Roger Filer Cooper on 29th January. His funeral took place in Exeter on 16th Febrary. When Dr Filer Cooper first came with his wife Anita, they lived at Coham Bridge House. The village was without a surgery as it had been previously at The Larches. Surgeries were held at first at a house in Broad Street, then at Coham Bridge House, then in a caravan in the village - now the site of the present surgery. With some difficulty Roger managed to get planning permission to build beside the old people's bungalows in Bowhay. For this the village must be grateful for it has secured the continuance of the practice here. Roger retired from the Black Torrington practice in 1990 but continued living at Coham Bridge until last year. In 1973 he was elected chairman of the parish council, a position he held for eleven years until he stood down in 1984. He created a fine garden at Coham Bridge and was an enthusiastic restorer of vintage cars. He was an active and much appreciated local doctor. Date of service There will be an Evensong at the cathedral on 20th April at 5.30pm at which the archdeacon of Totnes, Douglas Dettmer, and the archdeacon of Barnstaple, Mark Butchers, will be installed, Bishop Nick commissioned for Plymouth and I will be commissioned as Dean of Women’s Ministry and made prebendary of the cathedral. You are warmly invited to come along to that service. I would so appreciate your ongoing prayers in this new aspect of ministry for me – as I am sure our new archdeacons and Bishop Nick would appreciate prayers! Prayers in the churches There has been a request from several people that we meet regularly in each of our churches to pray for each parish in turn. Do see if you can join us on a Saturday evening at 5pm – the details each week will be on the pewsheet. We will be starting off in Thornbury church on Saturday 7th March. The format will be a simple Celtic Evening Prayer and will last between 20 and 30 minutes. You may want to ensure that you are wearing warm clothing. The church is still very chilly at this time of the year! Collation of the Archdeacon of Barnstaple The collation service for the new archdeacon of Barnstaple, Mark Butchers, will be on Monday 23rd March at St Peter’s, Barnstaple at 7.30pm. Everyone is a little mystified by the term ‘collation’ (not least me!), but I think I may be right in understanding that when the archdeacon is ‘collated’ he (or she) is admitted to the work of an archdeacon in a particular area. If anyone would like to attend this service, there are lifts available, please contact me. Gerry Matthews Contd... 22 7 Marking Easter with our Benefice schools Each of the schools in the Benefice will be holding an Easter service in the churches in their parishes. Bradford School will be holding their service on Tuesday 24th March at 9.30am. Black Torrington School at 9.30am on Wednesday 25th March and Highampton School at 2pm on Thursday 26th March. Do come along and support the school in your area. I trust that this Lent and Easter will be a meaningful time for you, as we experience again the journey to the cross and then joyfully express the exuberance and wonder of the resurrection of Jesus. With love and prayers Kathy Prayer Cards and Stations Unsure of what or how to pray? Wine and Wisdom Quiz Night With your question master: David Arney Saturday 18th April 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start At Bradford Village Hall Teams/Tables of up to 6 persons at £5.00 per person Refreshments and first glass of wine or juice included Tickets available from: Sandra 01409 281128 In aid of the church funds for Bradford, Cookbury and Thornbury Churches with raffle proceeds to be donated to Christian Aid Each of the churches in our benefice has a selection of prayer cards freely available for you to use, and to take away, to help as a ‘way in’ to your prayer times. A dedicated quiet space for prayer has also been put in place in both St Mary’s, Black Torrington, and All Saints, Bradford Churches. As well as the selection of prayer cards, there are cards for you to write your own prayer requests on and then place them onto the boards. These will then be prayed for at the midweek Holy Communion services. The next breakfast is on Saturday 18th April, 8.15 am for 8.30 am at the Bickford Arms, Brandis Corner Booking by payment of £7.00 in advance to: Dennis Bater 01409 231573 or Bob Luckhurst 01409 231555 or e-mail: Please do make use of these resources. 8 21 Music at St Mary’s Launceston Male Voice Choir Friday 17th April 7.30 p.m. St Mary’s Church, Black Torrington SATURDAY CHURCH Everyone is invited to Saturday Church, on the second Saturday of each month, 10.00 am at Bradford Village Hall. Come and share time together, to worship, to explore Bible stories, to play games, sing songs, make things and eat and drink things! Do come along to our next session On Saturday 14 March to celebrate Mothering Sunday th Tickets including refreshments Adults £6.00 in advance or £7.00 on the door Children half price Tickets available from: Val Letheren 01409 231430 Sheila Grabham 01409 231581 Anne Gray 01409 231231 Kate Inniss 01409 231234 NEIGHBOURS We are part of a far-flung community with some quite isolated properties and a tremendous amount of care is already given by those in the Benefice. However, as part of the Church's outreach we feel we should be able to extend care to those who perhaps do not attend Church, but may have needs which Kathy and/or the team could address. If you have neighbours or friends whom you feel might welcome any help please let Kathy know. 20 Followed by Holy Communion At 11.15 am approx. for those who wish to partake Contact Morag (281800) or Liz (261312) for further information ALL WELCOME United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) Hope Chapel, Black Torrington has two phone lines installed by UCB so that three times a month, for a couple of hours each time, we can be part of the national network that responds to calls for prayer when people call UCB. Each member of the team decides the number and time of sessions they can commit to. If you or anyone you know is interested in training to be part of the ecumenical team that meets at Hope Chapel please pass their name to Revd Kathy Roberts. It is a wonderful ministry that blesses those who pray as well as those who ask for prayer. 9 St Peter’s Church, Thornbury Ladies’ SUPPER Bag Collection—our next bag collection is on Tuesday 28th April. Any clothes, belts, bags, shoes, coats, etc., no bedding, duvets or bric a brac. Bags can be left in the back of Thornbury Church Coffee Morning Ladies’ Supper for all ladies in the Benefice and Chapels We will be meeting at The Torridge Inn, Black Torrington for supper on Thursday 9th April 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm Wednesday 6th May Holsworthy Memorial Hall 9.00 am—12.00 noon If you would like to join us, please contact Val 01409 231430 or email by Sunday 29th March Any donations of cakes, jams, offers of help or tombola prizes very welcome. For further details please contact Liz 01409 261312 St Mary’s Church, Black Torrington Many thanks to all who supported the BRUNCH on Saturday 7th February. We raised £376.30 for the Plastering Fund 10 LUNCH and SUPPER dates for 2015 Thursday 9th April—Supper Thursday 11th June—Supper Thursday 13th August—Supper Thursday 8th October—Lunch Thursday 3rd December—Christmas Lunch If you have any suggestions of places to go to for lunch or supper please speak to Val Letheren 19 Some interesting information about fixing the date of Easter Hope Chapel The problem of fixing the date of Easter dates back centuries. Home to a worshipping caring community Growing as a Community Resource Centre Christians of Jewish origin celebrated the resurrection immediately after the Passover festival, using their Babylonian lunar calendar, so Easter fell on different days of the week. Christians of gentile origin wished to commemorate the resurrection on the first day of the week, Sunday, so Easter always occurred on the same day of the week, but fell on different dates. Worship led by a Minister or Local Preacher is the usual pattern on a Sunday. We are occasionally experimenting with informal Café-style worship with music and hymns or songs suggested by those who attend. People or situations will be prayed for as requested on the day. Time will be set aside to explore Bible stories and question their relevance today, and to enjoy discussions on Questions of Faith. This may be of interest to people who are not regular church goers. The Roman Emperor Constantine I’s Council of Nicea ruled in 325 that the Easter festival should be celebrated throughout the Christian world on the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox. The council also decreed that if the full moon should occur on a Sunday and coincide with the Passover festival, Easter should be commemorated on the following Sunday. Methods used to fix the date of Easter proved unsatisfactory and Easter was celebrated on different dates in different parts of the world. Since 1752 when the Gregorian calendar was adopted in Britain, Easter has been celebrated on the same day in the Western part of the Christian world. Our Services are accessible for wheelchairs and push-chairs. Those with a learning disability, or age-related memory loss, are also welcome. Community Resource Centre Our Activities are accessible for wheelchairs and push-chairs. Those with a learning disability, or age-related memory loss, are also welcome. Individuals are welcome to use the Chapel at any time when the schoolroom is being used. You may want to pray or quietly contemplate. Candles may be lit or music played on the piano or CD player. Bibles and Christian books and DVDs may be borrowed free of charge. Burdon Grange Service Thursday 19th March, 2.30 pm ALL WELCOME Source: Times database 18 11 St Mary’s Cook Book Loose Change for Loose Plaster!! St Mary’s Church is in urgent need of re-plastering work with an estimated cost of around £40,000. Can you spare the loose change in your pocket to help? There is a collecting pot available at the back of the church if you would like to donate it to this cause. Cake and Coffee Mornings Black Torrington Chapel We would like to thank you for supporting our Loose Change for Loose Plaster. To date we have collected £182.00 in small change, approx. £23 per month. It is surprising how that small change mounts up. Friday 6th March 10.00 am—12.00 noon Delicious cake can be enjoyed with tea, coffee or hot chocolate. There is usually a raffle and Bring and Buy stall. BENEFICE WEB SITE Have you visited the Benefice web site recently? We are fund-raising for the fabric of the building and to ensure the future of all the Community Resource Centre Activities. It can be reached on and it normally has an up-to date copy of the latest edition of Connected, weekly pew sheet and service times for the month, as well as information about the wider church and about each of the Parish churches within the Benefice. There is also a “contact us” facility within the site, where you can make any enquiry and it will be directed to the right person. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail 12 direct The cook book of our favourite recipes is now available from Val Letheren at a cost of £2.00. Funds raised will go towards the church plastering fund to: Black Torrington Chapel Computer Club The Chapel Computer Club runs on Thursday mornings 10.00 am—12.00 noon at Hope Chapel. £5.00 covers a drink and the help on hand from an experienced tutor and others members of the club. Bring your own lap-top, tablet or ipad if you have one. New members are joining all the time. Please contact Peter Ellis 01409 231309 if you are interested. 17 Bookworms Time Out Lunch The next Time Out Lunch is on Thursday 26th March, 12.30 pm at Black Torrington Village Hall. It is open to anyone who would like to come. A donation only is requested. It would be helpful to know numbers a day or two beforehand. Please let Maureen know on 01409 231309. Black Torrington Village Hall Table Top Sale Saturday 28th March 10.00am - 12 noon Suitable items for St Mary’s table (cakes, produce, books and jigsaw puzzles) will be gratefully received, and may be given to Sheila Grabham 01409 231581, Val Letheren 01409 231430 or Anne Gray 01409 231231 Many thanks to all who donate cakes, jams and other goods each month for church funds. In January we raised £88.30 Pop-in Centre in Holsworthy The Pop-in Centre runs in the Memorial Hall on a Wednesday between 2pm and 4pm for a cuppa, a biscuit, and a chat. It houses the Holsworthy Food Bank. There are collection points for food in all our Benefice Churches and Black Torrington Chapel. 16 Black Torrington Chapel Schoolroom is open on Monday afternoons 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. You can borrow a book from our vast library of paperbacks for 50p, you can connect to our broadband for free, or you can just relax with a tea, coffee or hot chocolate (50p) and spend time with friendly people. If you are hoping to find people wanting to talk about books we will be setting up a corner of the room for this to happen more easily interrupted. Surplus funds are donated to charities. Cinema facilities The BT Cinema Club that meets in Hope Chapel is running monthly, and has provided the funds to put in blackout blinds, smoke alarms and emergency lighting. Contact Bill Smithers for further information 01409 231598 Hope Chapel has also used the big screen facilities to accommodate the children from the village school at the request of the PTFA. We are also hoping to provide free Family Film Shows open to anyone. (Children and Young People under 15 would need to be accompanied by an adult.) The choice of films might cover comic and musical treats, old and new, and inspiring true life stories from history and the present day. Suggestions welcome. Would a Friday evening, Saturday morning, or afternoon be of interest? 13 Some Benefice News: Black Torrington Pop-in From the registers: Baptism Harvey Reginald Carter Mark Thomas-Hutchings (Highampton) Do you enjoy company, and conversation in warm comfortable surroundings, with hot chocolate, tea or coffee? The Pop-in at Hope Chapel offers all this and more. At the moment it is open on Tuesdays from 10.30am. There is no charge but donations will be gratefully received. FUNERALS David Mark Wilkins (Black Torrington) Frank Browning (Black Torrington) Jonathan Paul Eedy (Highampton) Happy Birthday to all who celebrated a Birthday in February including: Mary Dayman Sandra Holland Mary Edgecombe Ronda Mogridge Gwendoline Darnborough Esther Colwill Hilary Luxton We may stay open for light lunches and open on more days if this is wanted. Please let us know. There is be a big yellow banner outside the chapel whenever the Pop-in facility is open. We would love to see you whenever you free to pop-in! Some people think it worthwhile coming from as far away as Hatherleigh and Langtree. Bude Holsworthy Macular Group The next meeting of the local support group will be at 10.00 am on Monday 9th March It is for people with Macular Degeneration causing sight impairment, or any other sight loss. It meets monthly at Holsworthy Hospital Further information from the new group leader David Golding (01409 211401) or Peter Ellis (01409 231309). Disabled Christian Fellowship Congratulations to all who celebrated a Wedding Anniversary in February including; Bob and Jan Luckhurst A group of interest to those with a disability of some kind, and for their carers, meets every month on the second Saturday of the month at 2.30pm. We usually meet at St John the Baptist Church at Newport, Barnstaple. Drivers and helpers are always welcome. We generally provide a varied programme of activities, a tea and fellowship. For further details contact Anita Southey 01409 261763 14 15
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