SESSION 3D WATER Q UALITY 1 109 1D & 1D/2D MODELING APPROACHES TO EVALUATE FLOODING WITHIN THE CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA Steve Godfrey, 1 PE, CFM, Woolpert; David Powell, 2 Ph.D., PE, Woolpert; Jamie Clark, 3 PE, City of Newport News Many urban stormwater conveyance systems across the country were installed over 50 years ago, and newer development has overtaxed these aging systems. A project-centric view of localized stormwater issues sometimes solved one problem but inadvertently created another. In coastal Virginia, drainage systems at or below sea level, flood control structures, tidal patterns, and multiple outlets for floodwaters must be incorporated into the analysis. All of these factors lead to increasingly complex patterns that must be analyzed using hydrologic and hydraulic models. Over the past few years, the neighborhoods along Newmarket Creek in the City of Newport News, VA have experienced several large flooding events in addition to nuisance flooding. In this presentation, the team will use Newport News’ situation to share some unique modeling techniques and solutions to alleviate the flooding in neighborhoods along Newmarket Creek. The engineering team developed both XP-SWMM 1D and 1D/2D models to identify areas of potential flooding, determine the level of service (LOS) of the existing drainage systems, and evaluate feasible improvement alternatives. Existing HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS models of the riverine system were incorporated into a fully dynamic model of open and closed conveyance systems extending upstream into the floodplains and beyond. This created a challenge when evaluating the different responses between the existing steady-state riverine model with the new dynamic open and closed system models. This presentation will help participants evaluate 1D and 1D/2D modeling approaches and results of the same area. It will also show participants some of the advanced modeling techniques used to simulate dual systems inside and outside of the floodplain. The challenges of finding solutions for middle sections of a stream flowing between jurisdictions will be addressed, and unique solutions to this urban flooding problem will be discussed. 1 Modeling Team Leader, Vice President; 11301 Carmel Commons Blvd, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28226; 704-526-3048; 2 Engineer; 676 Independence Parkway, Suite 100, Chesapeake, VA 23320; 757-549-5382; 3 Engineer III, Civil Design Division; 2400 Washington Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607; 757-926-8655; 110 RELATIVE SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE LAGRANGIAN MODEL FOR SIMULATING HORIZONTAL SUBMERGED BUOYANT JET PLUME IN THE STAGNANT AMBIENT FOR EFFLUENT DISCHARGE Arash Aliabadi Farahani, 1 Old Dominion University; Matthew Elliott,2 Old Dominion University; Jaewan Yoon, 3 Old Dominion University Increase in population leads to an increase in industrial, municipal, agricultural and domestic effluents discharged into different water bodies including streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and coastal waters. Liquid wastes such as hot water from cooling of thermal power plants, as well as the effluent from wastewater treatment plants, are usually disposed by means of submerged outfalls at the coast near the plant site. It is noted that all aqueous discharges in the United States are subject to federal, state and local regulation, and the water quality criteria must be met at the edge of a mixing zone, which is an allocated impact zone where water quality criteria can be exceeded as long as acutely toxic conditions are prevented. Mathematical models developed for prediction of the characteristics of submerged buoyant jets are categorized into three general groups: (a) length scale, (b) numerical and (c) integral methods. In length scale method, the flow is divided into different regimes, each dominated by particular flow properties. In numerical models, a system of Reynolds equations is solved within finite element or finite difference approach. This numerical method is not frequently applied in routine engineering application, mostly due to procedural difficulties in specification of boundary conditions and all term of turbulent transport. Au contraire, integral models are simpler, versatile and popular tools for prediction of discharge mixing by using a set of ordinary differential equations derived from the cross-sectional integration of jet-properties such as mass, momentum, and buoyancy fluxes. These three predictive models are largely described by two different approaches - Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations. Eulerian model analyzes a fixed volume that is divided into a matrix and uses differential equations to determine source and sink fluxes interfacing the volume. In a Lagrangian approach, the model follows a collection of moving particles and monitors changes in their properties in relation to time so that is a more efficient way to sample a fluid flow and the physical conservation laws that are inherently Lagrangian since they apply to moving fluid volumes rather than to the fluid that happens to be present at pre-fixed topology in space. In this study, univariate relative sensitivity analysis of Lagrangian model parameters prediting submerged buoyant jet plume in the stagnant ambient for effluent discharge was conducted to identify key model-parameters significantly influencing the model response. Relative sensitivity analysis assumed that the forced entrainment (∆MF) which is proportional to ambient velocity (Ua) is zero to represent a stagnant ambient condition. Findings from the sensitivity analysis will be used to reduce the complexity of the model as well as to further reduce computational 1 Graduate student, PhDCEE Program, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kaufman Hall 135, Norfolk, VA 23529; 757-683-4724; 2 Graduate student, Environmental Engineering Master Program; Department Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kaufman Hall 135, Norfolk, VA 23529; 757-683-4724; 3 Associate Professor, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kaufman Hall 135, Norfolk, VA 23529; 757-683-4724; 111 redundancy in the Lagrangian model for predicting submerged buoyant jet plume flux of effluent discharge. 112 IN-SITU TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) CHARACTERIZATION USING FORMAZIN ATTENUATION UNIT (FAU)-BASED DISJOINTED GENERAL LINEAR MODEL Jeremy Pianalto, 1 Old Dominion University; Robert Redmond, 2 Old Dominion University; Jaewan Yoon, 3 Old Dominion University During dredging operations, real time monitoring of total suspended solids (TSS) in the ambient water becomes more of a priority. Afterward, dredge spoils will be placed to Confined Disposal Facilities (CDF’s). During the early stages of confinement, suspended solids from the spoils are settled out hydraulically with given travel length of the confined area and time, to ensure water quality of CDF’s effluent discharge to the receiving body of water will be safe. The effluent water quality must meet federal contractual requirements to avoid public perception of contamination as well as avoiding environmental impacts. This is an establishing water quality management strategy for TSS. For monitoring TSS levels in CDF’s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an approved method, EPA Method 160.2 which measures TSS by filtration of a sample, drying of sediment material on the filter, and using gravimetric methods to quantify sample TSS. This method takes time to collect, retrieve, send to the lab, filter, dry, and record and report. Thus the temporal lapse between sampling and final quantification of TSS could be a problem when potentially dangerous levels of TSS could be allow to be introduced into the receiving body. A real time solution would facilitate a real-time TSS quantification and monitoring so that possible TSS problem can be rectified immediately. In this study, an alternative method of estimating TSS was developed to obviate problems in current gravimetric TSS procedure by utilizing colorimeteric Formazin Attenuation Unit (FAU) approach which would facilitate diminutive wait intervals, portability of equipment, and simplicity of method. Historical and new 175 TSS samples, both gravimetric and colorimeteric measurements over a period of six months, from the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area (CIDMMA) managed by the Operations Branch, Norfolk District, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) were used in this study to develop a in-situ TSS characteristic model with operational confidence intervals by using Univariate Disjointed General Linear Model technique. 1 Graduate student, Environmental Engineering Master Program, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kaufman Hall 135, Norfolk, VA 23529; 757-683-4724; 2 Graduate student, Environmental Engineering Master Program, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kaufman Hall 135, Norfolk, VA 23529; 757-683-4724; 3 Associate Professor, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kaufman Hall 135, Norfolk, VA 23529; 757-683-4724; 113 UNDERSTANDING VRRM COMPLIANCE SPREADSHEETS Partha Sarathi, 1 PE, ENSOFTEC To prevent harmful pollutants from stormwater runoff being discharged into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), operators must obtain a NPDES permit and develop a stormwater management program before any land disturbance activity can begin. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has put in place the new Virginia Stormwater Management Program {VSMP) Permit Regulations which became effective from July 2014. Localities are authorized to adopt their own stormwater management ordinances as long as these ordinances are based upon findings of local or regional comprehensive watershed management studies or findings developed through the implementation of a MS4 permit or are determined to be necessary to prevent any further degradation to water resources or to address specific existing water pollution. Some projects already in the pipeline are ‘grand-fathered’ from these requirements until July 2019. These regulations and ordinances will require a change in the mindset of the “permittee.” In order to help designers and plan reviewers to evaluate the implementation of BMPs on a given site and verify compliance with the local and/or State stormwater requirements, the DEQ has provided two Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (VRRM) Compliance Spreadsheets. Chapter 12 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2013 (Draft) gives the User’s Guide & Documentation for these two spreadsheets, their use, and limitations. This paper highlights several aspects that the designers and reviewers will need to keep in mind while using the VRRM Compliance Spreadsheets for calculating runoff reduction and pollutant load reduction volumes for land disturbance projects. The paper also presents some example projects. 1 President; 15, Rolling Green Court, North Potomac, MD 20878; 301-294-7066; 114
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