8 Thursday, March 5, 2015 Gas tax From page 1 Mauer estimated that one bridge alone usually costs about $500,000 to repair. A study from the Tax Foundation in 2014 showed that Iowa ranked 33rd out of 50 states with a state gasoline tax of 22 cents per gallon (40.4 cents when including federal taxes), and with the 10 cent increase, the state tax is now just above the national average of 31.1 cents per gallon at 32 cents. As the increase applies to all fuel, at 33.5 cents per gallon, Iowa now has the 13th highest diesel tax in the nation. The fuel tax had not been raised in Iowa since 1989, and Grundy Center Public Works Director Dan Bangasser said that resources had been tight for quite some time. “We’ve been working with pretty much the same pool of money for a long time,” he said. “The cost of trucks, equipment and the products that we use to maintain the streets has all gone up.” Bangasser added that his department would receive about $45,000 in additional funding per year (50 percent of the tax revenue goes to the state, 30 percent to counties and 20 percent to cities), and seal coating and asphalt work will be among his top priorities. Conrad Public Works Director Bruce Marble said that the money could be used to help offset the cost of replacing the bridge west of town, which lies partially within city limits, but he did not express a strong feeling one way or the other on the gas tax increase. The Grundy County Farm Bureau has endorsed the increase, and current president Brian Feldpausch, who farms north of Beaman and also sits on the BCLUW school board, argued that better roads and bridges are crucial to farmers and rural Iowa in general. “The main reason (the Farm Bureau supported the fuel tax increase) was that infrastructure and roads are so important for getting crops and livestock to market,” he said. “The advantage of American agriculture over the rest of the world has been our infrastructure, and if that crumbles, then there goes our advantage.” Advocates have made the case that, because the gas tax is a user fee, both Iowans and travellers from other states who purchase fuel here have to pay it. They say increasing it is the most equitable Large stock of exhaust and mufflers for all vehicles Napa auto parts 707 G ave., Grundy Center 319-824-6917 Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8-5: sat., 8-12 DAVE’S Heating & Cooling Dave Brown, Owner For all your Plumbing • Heating and Air Conditioning needs, and now your local Dealer for Gas Fireplaces Call Dave at 319.825.3352 Grundy NEWS Register www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy Family YMCA Notes way to pay for road and bridge improvements and avoids placing the burden squarely on the shoulders of Iowa property owners. Road use tax dollars are protected by the Iowa Constitution and cannot be allocated for anything other than transportation. Feldpausch also noted that when the legislature has tried to find savings elsewhere to pay for repairs in the past, negotiations have been unproductive and devolved into partisan squabbles over funding levels for various state departments. One notable exception to the chorus of local support for the tax increase is State Representative Pat Grassley (R-New Hartford), who represents southern Butler, northern Hardin and all of Grundy County in the House. Grassley cited several factors in the reasoning for his ‘no’ vote: he argued that the tax should have been phased in over time, that the funds would be used for new projects and not repairs to current roads and bridges, that it did not contain stronger language to place a moratorium on bonding and that his three rural counties ($756,968 per year for Butler, $663,200 for Grundy and $759,632 for Hardin) have not received adequate funding for roads and bridges. “It’s my belief that this low level of funding for our rural counties is insufficient and at some levels, offensive. Some rural counties wouldn’t receive enough to even complete two major bridge projects a year,” he said in a prepared statement. “If the legislature is serious about fixing Iowa’s infrastructure, we need to be serious about finding a long term solution to this problem that doesn’t only benefit urban Iowa.” Senate Minority Leader Bill Dix (R-Shell Rock), who represents Conrad and Grundy Center as well as all of Grundy and Hardin County and portions Butler and Story County, voted in favor of the bill. Mauer admitted that the benefits of the increase will not be seen right away, and as gas prices steadily climb after dipping as low as $1.85 per gallon last December, drivers may not like the timing with spring just around the corner. Feldpausch noted, however, that it needed to be done to ensure the long-term stability of transportation in Iowa. “We’re not going to see every problem fixed in the first two years,” he said. “Overall, we’re going to see better roads, less potholes, smoother drives, less wear and tear, and bridges are going to re-open. It’s a 10- to 20-year project.” Daryl Draper returns to the Grundy County Heritage Museum on March 8 as Teddy Roosevelt. Grundy County Heritage Museum Open House To Feature “Theodore Roosevelt” The Grundy County Heritage Museum in Morrison will officially “kick off” the season with an open house on March 8, 2015 from 1 to 4PM. This year there will once again be refreshments and great entertainment. The museum board is very pleased to be bringing Darrel Draper back as the special entertainment that afternoon. Darrel will be performing “Theodore Roosevelt – Rough Rider President.” The performance will take place at 2PM in the meeting space of the Heritage Center building. His program is being sponsored by Historical Collections of Grundy County so there is no cost to the public. Mr. Draper is based out of Nebraska and has developed several characters that are popular with var- GRUNDY COUNTY WILL HOST A 5K walk/run in celebration of Live Healthy Iowa on Saturday, April 11th. This year the 5k will be located at the Grundy County Lake in Dike. The event is open to all ages. Registration is open April 11 from 7 a.m. to - 7:45 a.m. at the North shelter at the lake. The event will offer a 1k race for kids (only $5 and includes a shirt!) and a 5k walk/run. The 5k will begin at 8 a.m. with the other events to follow. Grundy County is 1 of 14 locations in Iowa hosting this event on April 11. Participants will receive a t-shirt, race bib, finisher medal and be eligible for age group awards. Live Healthy Iowa participants receive a $10 discount on the event. Online registrations are being taken at www.livehealthyiowa.org. A portion of the proceeds will go towards the Grundy County Wellness Coalition. Remaining proceeds will benefit Adaptive Sports Iowa (ASI) in support of veteran outreach for our ied audiences. In this program, Draper becomes Theodore Roosevelt and brings to life the 26th President of the United States. Better known as “Teddy,” he was famous for his energetic personality, his range of interests, his model of masculinity, and his “cowboy” image. Roosevelt’s achievements as a naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier are as much a part of his fame as the many political offices he held. Make plans to spend an hour or two at the Grundy County Heritage Museum enjoying this entertainment and the museum displays. The Grundy County Heritage Museum is jointly managed by the Grundy County Conservation Board and Historical Collections of Grundy County. wounded heroes. ASI offers sports and recreation opportunities for Iowan’s with physical disabilities. If you’re not interested in walking or running in the event, but would still like to help out contact Andrew at the Y. Volunteer opportunities range from helping with safety at corners along the route, directing participants to turn or helping at the finish line. NEW YOUTH PROGRAMS BEGAN THIS WEEK AT THE Y! Our Active Kids program began the session on Monday with kicking practice. They practiced dribbling a soccer ball around cones, kicking a goal, and used a target to practice placing their kicks. They then put all of their practice to work with a short game of Soccer! Next week, the kids will practice catching and throwing! Be sure to check out our Facebook page “Grundy Family YMCA” for pictures of our activities! Legal Trombones play at First Presbyterian The Wartburg Trombones plus alumni provided rich worship music at First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, Feb. 22. The theme was music, the sound of the horn from Psalm 98, and the music of celebration at the return of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15). Those playing included Jill Powers (Ogden), Chelsea Brown (Waterloo), Hannah Hoefer (Bondurant), Andrea Lohf (Belle Plaine), David Laughlin (Lauderdale, Minn. and originally from Grundy Center) and Dr. Craig Hancock (director, from Waverly). Konken Electric, Inc. Since 1973 Farm, Residential, Commercial Grundy CEntEr 319-824-3150 dIKE 319-989-2155 rEInbECK 319-788-3150 25546 215th Street • Grundy Center, Iowa 50638 • Brian@freedconstructioninc.com New Home CoNstruCtioN • remodeliNg roofiNg • sidiNg • wiNdows ~ Give us a call for a Free estimate on Any of your home improvement needs The Grundy Register Deadline 10 a.m. Monday (319) 824-6958 www.thegrundyregister.com The Grundy Center school board met in special session on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 in the administration board room. President Johanns called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Roll Call: Present: Johanns, Mackie, Schutz, Wagner GCEA: Joan Schuller, Sue Graham, Todd Rohler, Jan Lindeman, Betsy Kuecker, Kris Seitz, Heather Gutknecht, Ronda Sternhagen, Amber Greiman. Visitors: Ann Lebo, John Jensen (Grundy Register) Joan Schuller, GCEA Lead Negotiator, presented GCEA's initial contract proposal for 2015-2016. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 AM. President Johanns called the meeting to order at 7:24 AM. President Johanns and Superintendent Schutz presented the Board of Director's initial contract proposal for 2015-2016. The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 AM. GRUNDY CENTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ATTEST: Robert L. Johanns, Board President Christel Kellar, Board Secretary Grundy FOR THE RECORD Register bills presented for payment. Motion carried unanimously. The board was given an opportunity to ask questions of Mrs. Miller, Dr. Lebo, Mr. Ackerman and Mr. Schutz regarding their monthly board reports. NEW BUSINESS: The board heard a presentation from K-12 Social Studies by Mrs. Bachman, Mrs. Hendershot and Mr. Baade. The board heard a presentation for district wide technology from Mr. Munson. The board heard a presentation for district wide library from Mr. Osterhaus. Motion made by Director Mackie, seconded by Director Saak to approve the early graduation request for Gloria Freeman. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Director Mathews, seconded by Director Mackie to approve the early graduation request for Liz Ash. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Director Mathews, seconded by Director Mackie to approve the open enrollment out to AGWSR for Hook. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Director Saak, seconded by Director Mackie to approve the open enrollment in from BCLUW for Beeghly. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Director Saak, seconded by ORDINANCE NO. 517 Director Mathews to approve the FMLA request AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF for Meghan Norman. Motion carried unaniORDINANCES mously. OF THE CITY OF GRUNDY CENTER, IOWA, Motion made by Director Mackie, seconded by BY REPEALING AND REPLACING Director Mathews to approve the retirement of SECTION 166.02 PERTAINING TO SUBDIVILinda DeLange as elementary cook. Motion SION REGULATIONS carried unanimously. Motion made by Director Ascher, seconded by BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the City Director Mackie to approve the retirement of of Grundy Center, Iowa: Rick Schupbach as JH girls basketball coach SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this and HS girls golf coach at the end of the 2015 Ordinance is to amend Section 166.02 of the season. Motion carried unanimously. Code of Ordinances of the City of Grundy CenMotion made by Director Mackie, seconded by ter, Iowa, which Section is contained within The Director Saak to approve the retirement of Judd Land Subdivision Ordinance Of The City Of Lyons as JH volleyball coach. Motion carried Grundy Center, Iowa, by modifying the definiunanimously. tion of “Subdivision” and adding additional defiMotion made by Director Mathews, seconded nitions. by Director Saak to approve the hiring of Lori SECTION 2. SECTION MODIFIED. Section Willis as head HS volleyball coach. Motion car166.02 of the Code of Ordinances of the City ried unanimously. of Grundy Center, Iowa, is repealed and the folMotion made by Director Saak, seconded by lowing adopted in lieu thereof: Director Mackie to approve the coaching con166.02 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of tracts for summer sports. Motion carried unanithis Chapter, the following terms and words are mously with Director Mathews abstaining from defined. The word “building” includes the word voting due to conflict of interest. “structure.” Motion made by Director Mackie, seconded by 1.“Aliquot Part” means a fractional part of a Director Saak to approve the hiring of Alizabeth section within the United States Public Land Del Castillo as a full time elementary associate Survey System. Only the fractional parts onereplacing Angie Haack who resigned in Decemhalf, one-quarter, one-half of one-quarter, or ber. Motion carried unanimously. one-quarter of one-quarter shall be considered Motion made by Director Mathews, seconded an aliquot part of a section. by Director Mackie to approve the hiring of Ra2.“Building line” means a line on a plat between chel Edittu as a part time elementary associate which line and a street no building or structure to ride the bus to River Hills in the mornings. may be erected. Motion carried unanimously. 3.“City Engineer” means the engineer ordinarily Motion made by Director Ascher, seconded by retained by the City for the design or construcDirector Mathews to approve the school photion of public improvements therein. tography bid from Lattin Photography (Life4.“Commission” means the City Planning and touch) for the 2015-2016 school year. Motion Zoning Commission. carried unanimously. 5.“Cul-de-sac” means a minor street with only Motion made by Director Saak, seconded by Dione outlet and culminated by a turnaround. rector Mackie to approve the lawn care bid from 6.“Easement” means a grant by a property Tender Lawn Care for the spring 2015-fall 2016 owner for the use by another, and for a speciseason. Motion carried unanimously. fied purpose, of a strip of land by the general Motion made by Director Mackie, seconded by public, a corporation or a certain person. Director Ascher to approve the AEA teacher of 7.“Lot” means a portion of a subdivision or record contract for special education students. other parcel of land intended for the purpose, Motion carried unanimously. whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownMotion made by Director Saak, seconded by ership, or for building development. Director Mathews to approve the SBRC appli8.“Major thoroughfare” means a street desigcation for administrative costs associated with nated as such in the major thoroughfare plan River Hills for the 2015-2016 school year in the for the City. amount of $4100. Motion carried unanimously. 9.“Minor street” means a street not designated The board tabled approval of the tornado safe as a major thoroughfare in the major thoroughroom retainage to a later date. fare plan for the City. President Johanns turned the meeting over to 10. “Performance bond” means a surety bond or Vice President Saak. cash deposit made out to the City in an amount Motion made by Director Johanns, seconded by equal to the full cost of the improvements which Mathews to record all board meetings. Motion are required by this Chapter, said cost being esfailed, therefore the only meetings that will be timated by an engineer registered in the State, recorded will be special sessions and regular and said surety bond or cash deposit being board meetings where action is being taken. legally sufficient to secure to the City that the Work sessions where no action is being taken said improvements will be constructed in accorwill not be recorded. dance with this Chapter. Ayes-Johanns, Mathews 11. “Roadway” means that portion of the street Nayes-Ascher, Mackie, Saak. available for vehicular traffic and where curbs Vice President Saak turned the meeting back are laid the portion from back to back of curbs. over to President Johanns. 12. “Street” means all property dedicated or inMotion made by Director Saak, seconded by Ditended for public or private use for access to rector Mathews to approve board policies in the abutting lands or subject to public easements 200 series. Motion carried unanimously. therefor, and whether designated as a street, Motion made by Director Mathews, seconded highway, parkway, thoroughfare, expressway, by Director Saak to continue to allow public road, avenue, boulevard, land, place, circle or comments at board minutes allowing 5 minutes however otherwise designated. per speaker (slightly more time for an organized 13. “Subdivider” means any person dividing or group), not putting a limit on the total time alproposing to divide land so as to constitute a lowed for public comments at board meetings subdivision as defined herein, and includes any and not limiting public comments to agenda agent of the subdivider. items only. Motion carried. 14. “Subdivision” means a tract of land divided Ayes-Ascher, Mathews, Saak, Johanns into three or more parcels by repeated divisions Nay-Mackie or simultaneous division. Motion made by Director Mathews, seconded 15. “Tract” means a aliquot part of a section, a by Director Ascher to approve board policies in lot within an official plat, or a government lot. the 800 series. Motion carried unanimously. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any Motion made by Director Mackie, seconded by section, provision or part of this Ordinance shall Director Mathews to approve the board policies be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such in the 900 series. Motion carried unanimously. adjudication shall not affect the validity of the The board deferred the benefit restructuring, Ordinance as a whole or any section, provision, building leadership options and Trego Ed reor part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconview so that the board would have more time to stitutional. review the information. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This OrdiMotion made by Director Saak, seconded by nance shall be in full force and effect from and Director Mackie to set March 4th at 5:00 PM as after its final passage, approval, and publication a work session for board policies 500, 600 and as provided by law. 700. Motion carried unanimously. Passed by the Council the 23rd day of FebruMotion made by Director Mackie, seconded by ary, 2015. Director Saak to move the March meeting from Brian Buhrow March 18 to March 25 at 5:00 PM due to spring Mayor break. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: President Johanns turned the meeting over to Kristy Sawyer Vice President Saak. City Clerk Motion made by Director Mathews, seconded by Director Johanns to go into closed session per Iowa Code 21.5 1 (i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose The Grundy Center School board met in regular appointment, hiring, performance or discharge session on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 in is being considered when necessary to prevent the High School IMC. needless and irreparable injury to that individPresident Johanns called the meeting to order ual's reputation and that individual requests a at 5:00 PM. closed session. Motion carried unanimously. Roll Call: Present: Ascher, Johanns, Mackie, Vice President Saak turned the meeting back Mathews, Saak over to President Johanns. Administration/Directors: Schutz, Miller, Lebo, The board went into closed session at 7:43 PM. Wagner, Ackerman The board came out of closed session at 8:56 Visitors: Matt Lindeman, Andy McQuillen, Rick PM. Schupbach, Philip Laube, Eldon DeVries, Geri No action was taken. DeVries, Dustin Lutterman, Teri Hook, Alan Motion made by Director Mackie, seconded by Hook, Dan Davie, Doug Jordan, Donnarae Director Ascher to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 Cranston, Lisa Zinkula, Phil Lebo, Andy Lebo, PM. Shane Blythe, Lynn Blythe, Andrew Peters, The board met in exempt session to discuss Marilyn Hawn, Abby Hendershot, Jackie Bachnegotiation strategy. man, Bev Dirks, Ellen Stoner, Jamie Sadler, GRUNDY CENTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL Steve VanderPol, Karol Ackerman, Jill May, DISTRICT Kim Brower, Don Osterhaus, John Baade, Kim ATTEST: Geer, Stacy Kelley, Todd Rohler, Chris BanRobert L. Johanns, Board President gasser, Kris Seitz, Vicki Murphy, Heather GutChristel Kellar, Board Secretary knecht, Amber Greiman, Steph Hasken, Laurie Vendor Decsription Amount Wallis, Ronda Sternhagen, Ralph Sternhagen, Champ, Chris , Jh B-Ball Official 1-19-15.75.00 Paul Eberline, Jeff Hawk, Caleb Bonjour, AmanGreisemann, Andrew .Jh B-Ball Official 1-19-15 da Bonjour, Ruth Thoren, Heath Meyers, Nyle .................................................................75.00 Wilhau, Jesse Willis, Ellen Hoffman, Bryce DaEwald, Gary , Varsity B-Ball Official 1-20-15..... vie, Brittany Davie, Beth Bockes, Ronda Kru.................................................................95.00 ger, Joan Schuller, Ryan Bingman, John JenBond, Monte, Varsity B-Ball Official 1-20-15..... sen (Grundy Register) .................................................................95.00 President Johanns turned the meeting over to Freese, Jay, .......Varsity B-Ball Official 1-20-15 Vice President Saak. .................................................................95.00 Motion was made by Director Mathews, secDevilder, Sam, jv B-Ball Official 1-20-15..75.00 onded by Director Johanns to approve the Prohaska, Ryan , Jv B-Ball Official 1-20-15...... Agenda deferring agenda items I. 1 and 2 and .................................................................75.00 J. 2. Motion carried unanimously. Wells, Jon , Jh B-Ball Official 1-20-15......75.00 Vice President Saak turned the meeting back Greisemann, Andrew .Jh B-Ball Official 1-20-15 over to President Johanns. .................................................................75.00 President Johanns welcomed visitors. Shindelar, Dick , Jv B-Ball Official 1-22-15........ The board heard public comments from Dan .................................................................75.00 Davie representing the school board of 2003, Mohr, David, Jv B-Ball Official 1-22-15.....75.00 Ryan Bingman and Todd Rohler who representWells, Jon , Jh B-Ball Official 1-22-15......75.00 ed teachers in the MS/HS building. Greisemann, Andrew, Jh B-Ball Official 1-22Motion made by Director Saak, seconded 15.............................................................75.00 by Director Ascher to approve the Consent Phillips, John, Jv B-Ball Official 1-22-15...75.00 Agenda approving the minutes from the 1-21Devilder, Sam, Jv B-Ball Official 1-22-15.75.00 15 Regular Meeting, 1-28-15 and 2-4-15 Work Windstream, Telephone............................36.31 Sessions, 2-11-15 Special Session along with Pitney Bowes, Postage Meter Rental.......71.49 Walmart Community, Food & Supplies.....79.04 Wells, Jon , Jh B-Ball Official 1-26...........75.00 Greisemann, Andrew , Jh B-Ball Official 1-26... .................................................................75.00 Wells, Jon, Jh B-Ball Official 1-29............75.00 Greisemann, Andrew, Jh B-Ball Official 1-29.... .................................................................75.00 De Lage Landen, Copier Lease Pymt #13........ ............................................................2,435.72 Heetlan, Lynn, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-3-15...... .................................................................95.00 Darnielle, Alan, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-3-15..... .................................................................95.00 Espenscheid, Thad, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-315.............................................................95.00 Walker, Tim ................. Jv B-Ball Official 2-3-15 50.00 Phillips, John .............. Jv B-Ball Official 2-3-15 50.00 Center Theatre...... Middle Schoolers To Selma 97.00 Christel, Cash/ Kellar ...........Cash Box For Tag Dinner.....................................................200.00 Creative Sound Productions..... Dj Services For 2015 Prom..............................................450.00 Randalls Meats & Catering.Down Payment For Prom Dinner...........................................100.00 Daleske, Chip ,Jv B-Ball Official 2-5-15.100.00 Starr, Scott, Jv B-Ball Official 2-5-15......100.00 Halstead, Tony , Varsity B-Ball Official 2-6........ .................................................................95.00 Dahle, Tony, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-6.....95.00 Dingman, Dan, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-6.95.00 Hauge, Ben, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-6-15.95.00 Wells, Jon, Jv B-Ball Official 2-6-15.........75.00 Ryan, Patrick, Jv B-Ball Official 2-6-15....75.00 Bond, Monte, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-9-15....... .................................................................95.00 Ewald, Gary, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-9-15.95.00 Barkhurst, John, Varsity B-Ball Official 2-9-15... .................................................................95.00 Starr, Scott, Jv B-Ball Official 2-9-15........75.00 Devilder, Sam, Jv B-Ball Official 2-9-15...75.00 Aea 267, Prof Dev Class..........................58.80 Agwsr Community School, Oct - Dec 2014 Shared Maintenance...........................8,823.57 Ahlers & Cooney, Pc, Legal Services.....224.50 Anderson Erickson, Milk......................2,860.59 Art Educators Of Iowa, Registration Fees.85.00 B & J Vegetables, Produce.......................18.00 B&B Lock & Key Inc, Lock Repair..........142.96 Bonnie’s Barricades, Supplies..................70.00 Cam Community School District, Open Enrollment....................................................1,530.25 Cardinal Construction, Safe Room Pymt #10.... ..........................................................35,953.05 Cardinal Construction, Safe Room Pymt #11.... ............................................................4,729.34 Casey’s General Stores, Inc, Fuel & Pizza........ .................................................................99.16 Casey’s General Stores, Inc, Fuel & Pizza........ ...............................................................379.77 Cedar Falls Csd, River Hills Spec Ed / 2Nd Qtr ..........................................................30,501.12 Cedar Valley Catholic Schools, Academic Decathlon....................................................433.00 Central Iowa Distributing, Inc, Supplies............. ............................................................5,180.04 Decker Sporting Goods, Supplies.......1,619.00 Devilder, Sam, Scheduled Bb Officials 14-15.... ...............................................................100.00 Dike-New Hartford Csd, Special Education Billing........................................................5,220.00 Earthgrains Baking Co Inc, Bread..........460.20 Eberline Family Chiropractic, Bus Driver Physical.............................................................80.00 Electric Supply Of Marshalltown, Inc, Supplies. ...............................................................765.28 Ems Detergent Services, Kitchen Supplies....... ...............................................................153.60 Frontier Landscaping Llc, Snow Removal......... ............................................................4,200.00 Gladbrook-Reinbeck Csd, Special Education Billing...................................................6,812.19 Got You Covered, Clothing.....................618.90 Graphic Edge, The, Clothing..................919.78 Grundy Center Municipal Utilities, Utilities........ ..........................................................12,335.80 Grundy Comm. Preschool &, Jan Preschool Tuition......................................................4,225.87 Hardwick, Caitlin, 14-15 1St Semester...247.50 Hawkeye Alarm & Signal Co, Annual Alarm Monitoring...............................................250.00 Hawkeye Community College, Annual Bus Driver Training..............................................350.00 Hawkeye Sheet Metal, Supplies...............25.00 Heartland Cooperative, Fuel...............2,417.41 Iboss Network Security, Annual Subscription.... ............................................................3,187.80 Idatp, Idatp Annual Dues........................755.00 Imperial Textile, Prom Supplies................99.00 Iowa Communications Network, Network Services / Jan 15.........................................779.00 Iowa School Finance Information Services, Budget Workshop...................................200.00 Iowa Sports Supply, Engraving.................36.75 J.w. Pepper & Son Inc, Band Music.......166.98 J.w. Pepper & Son Inc,Vocal Music........332.52 Jamf Software, Casper Suite.............12,775.00 John Deere Financial, Supplies..............233.75 Jostens, Inc., Ms Yearbooks - 2015.......886.40 Krausman, Jill, Concessions Contract....853.33 Martin Bros Dist. Co., Food & Supplies............. ..........................................................17,309.79 M-F Athletic Company Inc., Track Supplies....... ...............................................................873.50 Mid-America Publishing Corporation, Publications........................................................122.91 Pepsi-Cola, Beverages...........................459.14 Polk’s Lock Service Inc, Keys...................93.00 Quill Corporation, Supplies.......................31.90 Reinbeck Preschool, Tuition.....................85.00 Reliable One Inc, Supplies.....................478.11 Sadler Power Train Inc, Repair Parts.....198.75 School Bus Sales, Supplies...................150.84 School Health Cooperation, Nurse Supplies..... .................................................................54.11 Schumacher Elevator Co, Elevator Maintenance......................................................141.00 Spahn & Rose Lumer Co, Supplies........132.19 Tender Lawn Care, Lawn Care...............350.00 Timberline Billing Service, Llc, Medicaid........... ............................................................1,018.33 Town & Country Wholesale Co, Concession Supplies..................................................157.90 True Value Hardware, Supplies..............103.85 Universal Welding And Machine Shop, Chair Repair.......................................................45.09 University Of Iowa College Of Engineering, Registration Fee.....................................100.00 Vanhauen Auto And Truck, Vehicle Repair........ ............................................................1,400.78 Visa, German Club Airfare...................6,226.65 Weber Paper Company, Paper...............633.00 Wilson Restaurant Supply,Inc, Equipment Repair.........................................................724.51 Internal Revenue Service, Payroll Adjustment.. ...............................................................355.62 Grundy Center Community School, Prof Dev Breakfast..................................................81.50 Bmo Harris Mastercard, Supplies........3,881.81 ........................................................193,818.90 The Wellsburg City Council met in regular session February 2, 2015 with Mayor Nederhoff presiding and all Council Members present. Buseman moved to approve the minutes of the January regular meeting. Eilderts seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. Van Heiden moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report for January. Werkman seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. Eilderts moved to approve the following bills for payment. Meyer seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. Alliant Energy, Gas & Electric Service.............. ......................................................... $4,796.65 Blythe Sanitation, Garbage Pickup.. $4,060.15 Card Services, Conference Fees....... $222.24 Casey's General Store, Ice.................... $22.91 Eftps, Fed/Fica Tax.......................... $2,195.28 Grundy County Sheriff, Contract...... $3,253.17 Ipers, pension.................................. $1,379.93 John Deere Financial, Seat Cover........ $14.76 Treasurer State, 4th Qtr 2014 Sales Tax.......... ......................................................... $2,885.00 U S Cellular, Cellphone Service......... $163.92 Wellsburg Post Office, Utility Bill Postage........ ............................................................ $151.00 Wellsburg Post Office, Stamps.............. $49.00 Windstream, Phone Service............... $417.96 Unifirst Corporation, Rug....................... $18.75 Andy's Auto Parts, Parts And Supplies.$542.68 Blythe Sanitation, Garbage Pickup........ $45.00 Brown Supply, Cross Chains............... $187.50 CIWA, December 2014 Water......... $5,355.00 Current Electric, Remodel .............. $7,671.66 Grundy Register, Minutes................... $106.97 Schroeder Law Firm, 2015 Retainer Fee......... ............................................................ $750.00 Hometown PC, Advertising................. $291.00 How'-Gan Electric, Library Fire Alarm. $475.00 Iowa Prison Industries, Cabinets...... $5,627.00 Iowa Radiant, Ups................................ $84.83 Iowa Wall Sawing, Restroom Doors.... $889.00 Jesco Industries Ltd, Maintainer Repair........... ............................................................ $362.23 John Deere Financial, Loader Payment........... ....................................................... $17,232.44 North Iowa Web Design, Web Hosting.$ 540.00 Office Depot, Paper, Envelopes......... $137.12 Plumb Supply, Restroom Partitions.. $6,494.44 Superior Welding, Tank Rent................ $80.00 Test America, Testing.......................... $430.50 Universal Welding, Maintainer Repair.$405.00 Visu-Sewer, Jet Clean........................ $435.00 Approved By the Wellsburg Library Board Card Services, Magazine, Dues, Dvd's.$111.87 Country Woman, 1 Yr Renewal............. $14.98 Craft Ideas, 1 Yr Renewal.................... $19.99 Field & Stream, 2 Yr Renewal.............. $16.00 Health, 1 Yr Renewal............................ $20.00 Hecht & Jimenez Office Machine, Toner.......... ............................................................ $184.00 Ingram Library Services, Books.......... $164.84 Iowa Outdoors, 2 Yr Subscription......... $18.00 Midamerican Book, Books.................... $83.75 Monkeytown, Supplies......................... $93.14 Reminisce, 1 Yr Renewal..................... $14.98 Simple And Delicious, 1 Yr Renewal..... $14.98 The Iowan, 1 Yr Renewal..................... $19.00 January receipts by fund as follows: General Fund, 15,683.35; Road Use Tax Fund, 6,595.62; Capital Projects Fund, 0.00; Water Fund, 15,717.96; Sewer Fund, 15,889.64; Garbage Fund, 4,604.90; Library Fund, 0.00; Debt Service, 537.95; Special Fund, 4,744.91 and TIF Fund, 0.00. Karen Mennenga, Library Director, presented the library report and FY 2016 Budget Request. Nathan Vogel, Public Works, presented the Public Works Report. Dave Riekena, Dave Deeringer and Larry Hazuka presented Fire Department Report. Pumper needs to go to Feld Equipment for repairs. Buseman moved to withhold the final 5% retainage to Baumeier Construction on the sewer relining and replacement project. Eilderts seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. Werkman moved to approve contract with UPN to install fiber optic cables. Meyer seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. Meyer moved to approve the following Memorial Building Project quotes: R & W Sounds, Sound System; Harken Lumber, front doors; Grundy REC, freezer; and DeWitt Refrigeration, cooler. Buseman seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. .Van Heiden moved to approve Wellsburg Community Club liquor license. Eilderts seconded the motion. All ayes carried. Buseman moved to approve the Memorial Building fee schedule. Van Heiden seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. Eilderts moved to adjourn the meeting. Werkman seconded the motion. All ayes, carried. Wendy Lage, City Clerk A special session of the Grundy Center City Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 23, 2015, in the Council Chambers by Mayor Buhrow. Present: Hamann, Stefl, Miller and Kiewiet. Absent: Ammerman. Miller moved and Kiewiet seconded the approval of the meeting agenda. Motion carried four ayes. Stefl moved and Hamann seconded the consent agenda consisting of: approval of the minutes of the regular session held February19, 2015. Motion carried four ayes. Mayor Buhrow opened the public forum at 6:31 p.m. Andrew Peters, YMCA director, made comment to the council that the YMCA is still interested in remaining in the Upper Elementary Building for 18-24 months. They are asking for this timeframe in order to pursue future plans and make the appropriate decisions for the YMCA without being pressured for time. Discussion was held on the fiscal year 2016 city budget. Clerk Sawyer present three tax levies; one where budget balanced, one with a slight decrease, and one to keep the levy as is. Council discussed upgrades needed with wastewater plant, engineering costs, property tax rollbacks. Stefl moved and Kiewiet seconded action on Resolution 2015-08, to continue with current tax levy at $15.60208 and to publish the public hearing for Fiscal Year 2016 City Budget for March 9, 2015 at 6:30pm. Motion carried four ayes. Stefl moved and Hamann seconded action on Resolution 2015-09, a resolution approving an agreement with Linn County Public Health. Motion carried four ayes. Hamann moved and Miller seconded approval of the third and final reading of Ordinance 517, an ordinance amending the Chapter 166.02 pertaining to the Subdivision Regulations. Motion carried four ayes. Miller moved and Hamann seconded the approval to Streets Department to auction off the old street stop/go lights during the Felix Grundy Committee Bidders Bash on March 7, 2015. Proceeds will be split in half between the Felix Grundy Festival and the City. Motion carried four ayes. Finance Committee made comment auditors are working on FY2014 City Audit and will present at March meeting. Safety Committee made no further comment. Public Works Committee made no comment. Mayor Buhrow made comment that the subcommittee is meeting with the YMCA Board and the GCPCC Board for further discussions of the Upper Elementary Building following this council meeting. Stefl moved and Kiewiet seconded adjournment of the meeting. Motion carried four ayes. Brian Buhrow, Mayor Attest: Kristy Sawyer, City Clerk Thursday, March 5, 2015 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT GRUNDY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Doris Travis, Deceased. Probate No. ESPR101924 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Doris Travis, Deceased, who died on or about 7th day of January, 2015: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Doris Travis, deceased, bearing date of the 20th day of August, 2014, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that BankIowa was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 18th day of February, 2015. BankIowa,by Tricia Beatty, Trust Officer 230 1st St. E., P.O. Box 229 Independence, IA 50644-0229 Executor of estate Brian G. Sayer Attorney for Executor 925 E. Fourth Street Waterloo, IA 50703 Date of second publication 5th day of March, 2015. 9-2 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT GRUNDY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Marietta H. Greve, Deceased. Probate No. ESPR101925 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Marietta H. Greve, Deceased, who died on or about 30th day of November, 2015: You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Marietta H. Greve, deceased, bearing date of the 1st day of November, 2004, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Roger L. Greve was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 16th day of February, 2015. Roger L. Greve 1330 F Ave. Gladbrook, IA 50635 Executor of estate John S. Livingston, ICIS PIN No: AT0004729 Attorney for Executor 710 King St. Gladbrook, IA 50635 Date of second publication 5th day of March, 2015. 9-2 NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY OWNED TANGIBLE OR REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Sealed bids will be received by the City of Ackley, Iowa, at Ryken Engineering; 739 Park Avenue; Ackley, Iowa; 50601 until Noon, on the 10th day of March, 2015 for the following materials salvaged from the demolition of a city owned building that was approximately 100 years old: Bid Package #1 consists of Wood Lumber of an unknown species. There are approximately the following number of boards of the following approximate dimensions: 26 boards are 3 inches thick x 13½ inches wide x 34 feet long 28 boards are 1½ inches thick x 9½ inches wide x 36 feet long 9 boards are 1½ inches thick x 9½ inches wide x 24 feet long 30 boards are of variable thickness, width, and length Bid Package #2 consists of metal H and I beams. There are the following number of beams of the following approximate dimensions: 2 beams (bolted together as one unit) are 16 inches x 34½ feet 2 beams (bolted together as one unit) are 16 inches x 37½ feet 2 beams are 8 inches x 13½ feet 4 beams are 12 inches x 16 feet 2 beams are 8 inches x 8 feet Bid Package #3 consists of mechanical parts to a freight elevator. There are the following 9 components: Motor Gear Box Drive Wheel Pulley Counterweight Misc Bid Package #4 consists of 2 metal framed sliding windows (one has broken glass). Their approximate dimensions are 5 feet x 5 feet Bid Package #5 consists of a concrete block embossed "GARAGE". It is approximately 6 feet long. Bids received will be opened and tabulated in City Hall by the City Clerk and Project Engineer at 1:15 p.m. on the 10th day of March 2015 at Ackley City Hall. Once opened and tabulated, any of the top three bidders for each bid package who are present will be allowed to verbally raise their bid for that individual package only. The bids will be presented to the City Council and considered at its meeting to be held at 7:00 PM on the 10th day of March, 2015, or at such later time and place as may then be fixed. All bids must be filed on or before the Noon deadline previously stated. All bids shall be made on forms furnished by the City, and must be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope and plainly identified. Each bid shall be accompanied by a letter certifying that the items purchased shall be reused and not be disposed of in a landfill along with what the purpose of reuse is. No bidder may withdraw a bid. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities and technicalities. The Council reserves the right to defer acceptance of any bid for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days after the date bids are to be received. If accepted, one (1) bid will be accepted for each bid package. Successful bidder shall not remove any items contained within their bid package until the City has received payment in full for that particular bid package. However, successful bidder shall remove all items contained within their bid package by April 1, 2015. Any items not removed by April 1, 2015 shall be forfeited to the City for their use or resale. Bidder is responsible for loading all items at their own cost and expense. Once the bids are approved by the City Council, the items shall immediately become the property of the successful bidder. The City shall not be responsible for loss or damage to any items after this time. Items may be inspected Monday through Friday during normal business hours by contacting Ryken Engineering, 739 Park Avenue, Ackley, Iowa 50601; phone 641-847-3273. Copies of photographs and bid forms may be obtained by contacting Ryken Engineering, 739 Park Avenue, Ackley, Iowa 50601; phone 641-847-3273. Published upon order of the City Council of Ackley, Iowa. Cyndee Roskens, City Clerk GRUNDY COUNTY LANDFILL COMMISSION Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, December 11, 2014 Location: Grundy County Courthouse Members Present: Melcher, Chm., Smith, Secretary, Juchems. Ross, Knaack, and Buhrow Additional attendee: Schoolman The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Melcher. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved on a motion by Juchems, seconded by Buhrow. On a motion by Juchems, seconded by Knaack, bills were approved totaling $0.000 for the Landfill Closure Fund and $1934.83 for the Citizen’s Convenience Center. Business Items: On a motion by Smith, seconded by Juchems, the Commissioners voted to authorize Chm. Melcher to sign the new leachate treatment agreement with the City of Grundy Center. On a motion by Juchems, seconded by Buhrow, the Commissioners voted to accept the bid of Babcock Plumbing and Heating of Wellsburg for a new furnace for the shop building in the amount of $1850.00. The funds are to be taken from the Landfill Closure fund. On a motion by Juchems, seconded by Buhrow, the Commissioners voted to contract with Frederick Furniture to replace the flooring in the CCC office. The estimated amount is $450-$500. Schoolman reported that the tires have still not been picked up. If the local individual who customarily picks them does not do so by a date certain, he will contact Liberty Tire and arrange for their removal. Chm. Melcher updated the list of Commissioners due to a request by Auditor Rhonda Deters. There are 3 incorporated cities who have not appointed a Commissioner: Dike, Stout and Holland. The Commissioners asked Secy. Smith to inquire of the County Attorney about the proposal to have 6 meetings, instead of 12/year. Melcher reminded the Commissioners that the election of officers will be held at the January meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 on a motion by Juchems, seconded by Buhrow. Respectfully submitted by Barbara Smith, Secretary Greg Melcher, Chm.
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