8 Thursday, January 15, 2015 Grundy NEWS Register Grants available to help promote specialty crops Supervisors celebrate 10 years on Board The Grundy County Board of Supervisors Monday presented two of their own with certificates for 10 years of service. Chuck Bakker (top) and Jim Ross (above) were presented 10-year awards by Board Chairman Mark Schildroth at Monday’s meeting. (Courtesy photos) GCMH announces annual audit results The accounting firm of Seim Johnson, LLP released an audit report on Grundy County Memorial Hospital, Grundy Center, Iowa on September 22, 2014: The Hospital's unrestricted operating revenue totaled $19,420,547 for the year ended June 30, 2014, a 7.7 percent increase from the prior year. Total revenue included $18,159,017 in net patient service revenue and $1,261,530 in other operating revenue. Net non-operating revenues were $205,536, which was comprised of $42,536 in investment income and $163,000 in county tax revenues. Operating expenses for the year totaled $18,991,515 a 4.3 percent increase from the prior year, and included $9,592,503 for salaries and employee benefits; $3,730,412 for supplies and other expenses; $2,682,898 for purchased services and professional fees; and $2,985,702 for depreciation, amortization and interest. A copy of the audit report is available for review in the Hospital Administrator's Office, in the Office of the Auditor of State and on the Auditor of State’s web site at http://auditor.iowa.gov/reports/reports.htm DES MOINES – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today announced that the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is accepting applications for grant funding through the Specialty Crop Block Grant program. The grants are available to support projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops grown in Iowa. The final funding level for the program this year has not yet been finalized by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, which administers the program, but Iowa received $307,610 in funding in 2014 and it is anticipated the state will receive a similar level in 2015. “The Specialty Crop Block Grant funds can support food safety, research and marketing efforts that will encourage Iowans to choose the products that are produced right here in our state,” Northey said. “Specialty crops are a very important part of Iowa agriculture as they allow farmers to diversify and give customers access to locally grown products.” Grant funds shall be used for projects that solely enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops that benefit the specialty crop industry as a whole and will not be awarded for projects that directly benefit a particular product or provide a profit to a single organization, institution, or individual. Iowa agencies, universities, institutions, and producer, industry, and community based organizations are all eligible to apply for funding to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops. In addition, single organizations, institutions, and individuals are encouraged to participate as project partners. Grant awards will be considered up to a maximum of $24,000 and projects can have a duration of up to 30 months (2 ½ years). “Specialty Crops” that are eligible under this program are fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture. Both fresh and processed specialty crops are eligible. Proposals must be received by IDALS on or before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 1, 2015. For more information visit the IDALS Spe- cialty Crop Block Grant program at the Department’s web site at www. IowaAgriculture.gov/Horticulture_ and_FarmersMarkets/specialtyCropGrant.asp. The Department is again establishing a Review Committee to help review, evaluate, and make recommendations on grant proposals submitted to the Department. Those interested in participating in the Review Committee should have knowledge of specialty crops, and/or grant writing or grant management experience, and the ability to devote the necessary time to complete the review process. Additional information about reviewer responsibilities, meeting dates and an application form can also be found at www.IowaAgriculture.gov/ Horticulture_and_FarmersMarkets/ specialtyCropGrant.asp. Applications to participate in the Reviewer Committee are due Friday, March 27, by 4 p.m. In addition, to ensure that funds are used in the most efficient manner possible, the Department is asking specialty crop stakeholders and organizations to submit public comments on program priorities. The comments will help the Department identify priorities; establish the criteria used to evaluate the projects proposed for funding, and to determine how the reviews are conducted. Iowans interested in submitting comments about the program can do so online by emailing HorticultureAndFarmersMarkets@IowaAgriculture.gov or by mail to Horticulture and Farmers Market Bureau, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, 502 East 9th, Des Moines, Iowa, 50319. Comments received by May 1, 2015 will be presented to the review committee to assist in prioritizing projects. “The Specialty Crop Block Grant program has been a tremendous benefit to Iowa and it is important we understand the priorities of the specialty crop producers as we consider this year’s applications,” Northey said. “The public comments will allow us to hear from all segments of Iowa’s specialty crop industries and give them a means to participate in the decisions surrounding this program.” 2015 HCCEF grant applications now available The Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation (HCCEF) announces that grant applications for the new grant cycle in 2015 year are now available. “Over $90,000 will be given out in grants to projects that enhance the quality of life for our citizens,” says Kendra Veld, HCCEF Grant Chair. Applications are available on the HCCEF website at www.donateio- wa.org/hardin and on the Hardin County Extension Service website at www.extension.iastate.edu/hardin/. Paper copies of the grant application are available at the Hardin County Extension Office in Iowa Falls, as well as at each city hall in Hardin County. Deadline for grant applications is 4 p.m. on Friday, February 6 with grant recipients being announced in early April. Non-profit agencies, schools, units of government, or other qualifying charitable organizations operating for the benefit of Hardin County may apply. Since 2005, HCCEF has awarded over $890,000 in grants from their Community Grant program and through grants from over 60 endowed family of funds with HCCEF. Grants support projects in six focus areas: Arts & Culture; Health Human Resources; Community Betterment; Recreation & Environment; Economic Development, Education; and Youth Development. Inquiries about the 2015 grant opportunities and other foundation information should be directed to Kendra Veld, Grant Chair, at 641868-2352 (e-mail: veld_kendra@yahoo.com) or Tam Elerding, HCCEF Program Director, at 641-373-1379 (e-mail: endowhardinco@gmail. com.) In school or at home, the newspaper is a textbook for life. Encourage your children to make reading the newspaper a part of their everyday routine for lifelong learning. www.thegrundyregister.com FAFSA now available Des Moines – January is more than the start of the New Year for college-bound students and their parents; it also marks the availability of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 20152016 academic year. The FAFSA is a standardized application used to determine eligibility for federal grants, loans and work-study funds from the federal government. In addition, many colleges and states, including Iowa, use FAFSA information when determining eligibility for institutional and state financial aid programs. Completing and filing the FAFSA is not as difficult as many people think. “We encourage students and parents to complete the FAFSA online at www.fafsa.gov rather than filing a paper form because the help features and built-in edits reduce applicant error,” explained Karen Misjak, executive director of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission (Iowa College Aid). “With all of the recent enhancements to the online form, it only takes about 30 minutes to complete.” To help Iowa families, Iowa College Aid offers the following FAFSA filing tips. File the FAFSA whatever your financial situation. Even if you do not think you will qualify for need-based financial aid, you should still file the FAFSA. Many colleges require that you file the FAFSA to be considered for institutional aid, and in addition, you are required to complete a FAFSA to be eligible for federal Stafford loans. Completing the FAFSA does not obligate you to accept any of the aid offered. Never pay to file the FAFSA. You can file the FAFSA for free at www.fafsa.gov. Reputable free resources, including Iowa College Aid, are available to help. In addition, more than 70 College Goal Sunday events will be held throughout Iowa to provide one-on-one assistance with FAFSA filing. Dates and locations of the events can be found at http://www.iowacgs.org/ en/201415_events/. Legal A regular session of the Grundy Center City Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, January 5, 2015, in the Council Chambers by Mayor Buhrow. Present: Stefl, Hamann, Miller, Kiewiet and Ammerman. Absent: none. Stefl moved and Hamann seconded the approval of the meeting agenda. Motion carried five ayes. .Miller moved and Kiewiet seconded the consent agenda consisting of: approval of the minutes of the regular session held December 15, 2014; and approval of the liquor licenses for Dollar General and Scotty’s Saloon; and approval of the bills list for December 2014. Motion carried five ayes. Bills Paid in December 2014: City Employees, health ins reimb....... 1,730.53 Adair, Diane, dumpster refund................. 14.85 Admin-Petty Cash, postage (2)............... 73.87 30.64....................................................... 31.33 27.88 Advanced Systems, services................ 169.65 AFLAC, insurance premium ................... 83.94 Agsource Laboratories, services........ 1,153.25 Alliant Energy, utilities............................ 205.36 AXA/Equitable Financial, deferred comp (2).... ................................................................ 70.00 Barco Municipal Products, signs............. 64.23 Benson, Joel, dumpster refund................. 8.85 39.95 Black Hills Energy, utilities.................. 3,239.38 BMC Aggregates L.C., sand............... 1,191.19 Boundtree Medical, meds (2)................ 363.25 Brandhorst, Randall, BIG grant.......... 3,939.00 C & C Welding & Sandblasting Inc, services.... .............................................................. 567.32 Carpenter Uniform Co, bullet proof vests......... 2,796.87............................................. 1,000.00 330.00.............................................................. Casey’s General Store, fuel................ 2,047.56 Center Theatre Association, donation.3 ,500.00 1233.28............................................................ Central Iowa Water Assn, water ...... 24,078.60 Claassen, Rick, assistant chief.............. 600.00 Dearborn National, insurance.................. 95.00 Delfs, Steve, dumpster refund................. 14.85 Don’s Truck Sales, parts.......................... 93.82 Electric Supply of Marshalltown, Inc......... parts 270.50................................................... 269.30 Family Foods Grundy Center, supplies .610.29 Ferneau House Moving, services....... 8,500.00 Galls, uniforms ..................................... 116.94 Graham, Dave, dumpster refund............. 17.45 Granzow, Caleb, dumpster refund........... 12.25 Grundy Center Communications, phone.313.04 Grundy Center Utilities, electric (2).... 6,901.98 Grundy Center Utilities, street light project....... ......................................................... 48,900.00 Grundy County Engineer, services.......... 84.77 Grundy County Recorder, fees................ 62.00 Hawn, Phil, fees.................................... 471.59 Hayes, Steve, dumpster refund............... 14.85 329.85................................................... 283.96 6,106.26.................................................. 62.00 100.00.............................................................. Heartland Co-op, fuel (3).................... 1,299.46 Heiman Fire Equipment, parts................. 15.96 2,009.80 Henely, Chris, training (2)...................... 311.36 2,106.06................................................ 119.00 IUPAT, dues........................................... 215.80 Iowa Assoc of Municipal Utilities, training......... .............................................................. 426.86 Iowa Firefighters Assoc, dues............... 910.00 INRCOG, services................................. 400.00 Iowa One Call, faxes............................... 63.90 Iowa Rural Water Assoc, dues.............. 300.00 Iowa State Bank, TIF rebate............... 4,787.05 John Deere Financial, parts.................. 187.69 Karr, LLC, supplies (2)........................... 475.98 547.07 Keystone Laboratories, Inc, testing......... 33.00 Kopsa Paint & Body, repairs.................. 815.82 Lon’s Plumbing & Heating, services... 1,843.40 Manatts, mix.......................................... 231.72 33.00 Manly Drug Store, meds............................ 6.69 Marske, Larry, fees................................ 282.86 McMartin Tire, tires............................. 3,000.00 521.29, parts........................................... 24.00 repairs................................................... 100.00 Mid-American Publishing Corp, publishing....... .............................................................. 598.48 Moore Medical, supplies........................ 498.45 NAPA Auto Parts, parts ......................... 242.52 Office of Vehicle Services, inspection..... 10.00 Overhead Door Co , repairs............... 1,055.00 OXBO, parts.......................................... 152.09 Pace Supply, LLC, turf........................... 238.00 38.49................................................................ 408.08 Phelps Implement, Inc, parts................... 28.99 Physician Claims Company, services (2)......... 2,818.44 Postmaster, stamps............................... 245.00 3,709.71................................................ 305.00 Precision Lawncare, services (2).......... 556.42 Ramundt, Curt, fees.............................. 432.09 RC Systems, radios & parts (3).......... 1,002.00 2,366.82.................................................. 44.50 40.69 REC Grundy County, utilities................. 143.28 Rouse Motors, repairs (2)...................... 230.23 Schultz, Dean, P&Z pay........................ 864.18 138.52 Scotty’s Sanitation, services............. 14,653.67 Shuey, Darrel, janitor wages............... 1,200.00 Stryker Sales Corporation, ambulance cot....... ......................................................... 10,900.00 Swanson, Ron, dumpster refund............. 12.25 232.76................................................ 1,897.96 Tender Lawn Care, services ................. 250.00 Terry-Durin Co, parts (2)................... 10,262.96 Test America, test.................................... 40.00 1,508.87................................................ 274.90 TrueValue, parts (2)............................... 120.79 Turner, Mitchel, training (3).................... 290.42 Unifirst Corporation, floor mats................ 43.00 US Cellular, cell phones.......................... 78.94 Utility Equipment Co, parts.................... 586.90 156.85 VISA, supplies (3)............................... 1,086.27 ................................................................ 78.34 Wellmark BC/BS, insurance premiums ........... ......................................................... 14,255.61 Wilson, Brent, fees................................ 314.31 18,862.56 Windstream, telephone........................... 14.60 Wrage Jr, Wayne, fees.......................... 432.09 EFTPS, payroll taxes (2).................. 15,261.68 21,329.52 IPERS, contributions........................ 11,095.67 214,023.75 State of Iowa-Treasurer, income tax withholdings .................................................... 2,882.00 4,931.60............................................. 4,731.00 Treasurer-State of Iowa, sales tax...... 2,869.00 Bangasser, Dan, cell phone.................... 39.95 Benefit Resources of Iowa, services..... 416.67 Boren, Kim, janitorial services............... 400.00 Precision Lawn Care, parks contract.. 1,681.00 Tender Lawn Care, sports complex ... 1,666.67 Mayor Buhrow opened the public forum at 6:32 p.m. Andrew Peters, YMCA Director, spoke to the Council on the benefits the YMCA brings to Grundy Center. He asked the Council if possible discussions could continue about the City of Grundy Center assisting the YMCA and possibly the Grundy Center Preschool and Child Care with leasing the Upper Elementary Building for short term until the entities could raise funds for a more permanent solution. Hamann suggested that the Finance Committee is willing to meet with the YMCA Board of Directors to discuss solutions and city involvement. John Schuller, Creekside Retirement Board Member, gave an informational presentation on a retirement development project being worked on by Grundy Center Development Corporation. Creekside, Inc. has recently received a non-profit 501.3 © status and has signed a contract with Earl & Joyce Wical to purchase 25 acres of land to the south and east of the property where Titan Machinery is currently located. Creekside, Inc. wanted the City Council to be aware of this project as they will be requesting approval of a voluntary annexation of this property to the City of Grundy Center. This two phase project will build duplexes, nursing cottages, and 1-2 bedroom units providing several different levels of care to the residents to possibly be managed by Western Home of Cedar Falls. Mayor Buhrow opened the public hearing at 7:07pm for Ordinance – Establishing a Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Grundy Center. Barb Smith discussed briefly the importance and benefits of this commission in regards to becoming a Main Street Community of Iowa. The historic factors in the Main Street Community application holds 65% of the weight to be approved. Public Hearing closed at 7:09pm. Miller moved and Hamann seconded the motion for the second reading of Ordinance 515, to establish the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Grundy Center. Motion carried five ayes. Council chose to suspend the rules for the third reading, Hamann moved and Miller seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance 515 establishing the Historic Preservation Commission. Motion carried five ayes. Miller moved and Kiewiet seconded approval of Mayor Buhrow appointments for the Historic Preservation Commission as: Bruce Gordon, two year term ending December 31, 2016; Brent Wilson, two year term ending December 31, 2016; Darren Flater, three year term ending December 31, 2017; Mike Steinmeyer, three year term ending December 31, 2017; Joan Schuller, three year term ending December 31, 2017. Motion carried five ayes. Hamann moved and Miller seconded the approval for the first reading of Ordinance 516, an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance for the City of Grundy Center for 706 H Avenue, Grundy Center from an R-1 property to C-2 property. Motion carried five ayes. Stefl moved and Kiewiet seconded approval of Mayor Buhrow appointments of Dan Bangasser, as Public Works Director, Kristy Sawyer, as City Clerk/Treasurer, Doug Frost, as Chief of Police, Jeff Latwesen, as Fire Chief & Ambulance Crew Chief, and Seth Schroeder, as City Attorney with one year terms ending December 31, 2015. Motion carried five ayes. .Miller moved and Hamann seconded action on Resolution 2015-01, a resolution confirming the authorized roster for the 2015 fire department. Motion carried five ayes. Finance Committee commented on a meeting being set up with the YMCA and GCPCC Board members to discuss options the City may help with keeping the Upper Elementary Building open; possibly partnering up with Grundy Center Utilities and Black Hills for the utilities of the Upper Elementary Building; City recreation department received a $1,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation; and FY2016 budget worksheets have been distributed to department heads. Safety Committee commented the police department is now fully staffed and all is working smooth. Public Works Committee reported a meeting with Van Wert, Inc regarding the auto read water meters regarding their compensation is coming up and will let Council know how it turns out. Stefl moved and Kiewiet seconded adjournment of the meeting. Motion carried five ayes. Brian Buhrow, Mayor Attest: Kristy Sawyer, City Clerk www.thegrundyregister.com BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS Chairperson Schildroth called the regular meeting to order with the following members present: Smith, Bakker, Ross, and Riekena. Erika L. Allen, County Attorney, advised the board that it is her opinion that Grundy County is not required to implement a written identity theft prevention program (Red Flag Program) to detect the warning signs of identity theft in the daily operations of county business. The board asked that the County Attorney annually review the compliance with the Red Flag Rule. Motion was made by Riekena and seconded by Ross to reappoint the Grundy Register, Reinbeck Courier, and The Record as official newspapers for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Bakker to accept the resignation of Ryan D. Arnevik, D.O., as county medical examiner effective February 1, 2015, and to appoint Charles J. LaTendresse, M.D., as interim county medical examiner effective February 1, 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to introduce Resolution #12-2014/2015 as follows: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Grundy County Board of Supervisors that the County Auditor is hereby authorized to issue warrants in vacation of the Board for payment of payrolls for all county employees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all accounts payable claims submitted for payment by the County must be accompanied by an invoice or necessary support documents to be authorized for payment. Mileage claims will require employee's signature to be authorized for payment. A current certificate of insurance for the employee's personal vehicle(s) showing the limits of liability coverage must be on file with the County Auditor to qualify for the mileage reimbursement. The County Auditor is allowed three working days following Board approval of claims to complete accounts payable claims. The vote on the resolution was as follows: Ayes – Smith, Bakker, Ross, Riekena, and Schildroth. Nays – none. Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Riekena to introduce Resolution #132014/2015 as follows: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Grundy County, Iowa, that Gary J. Mauer, the County Engineer of Grundy County, Iowa, be and is hereby designated, authorized, and empowered on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of said County to execute the certification of completion of work and final acceptance thereof in accordance with plans and specifications therefore in connection with all Farm to Market and Federal or State aid construction projects in this county. The vote on the resolution was as follows: Ayes – Smith, Bakker, Ross, Riekena, and Schildroth. Nays – none. Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Smith to introduce Resolution #14-2014/2015 as follows: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Grundy County Board of Supervisors approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of the county funds and that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the county funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out herein: GNB Bank of Grundy Center -- $9,000,000; Farmers Savings Bank of Beaman -- $2,000,000; MidWestOne Bank of Conrad -- $3,000,000; State Bank of Dike -- $2,000,000; Peoples Savings Bank of Wellsburg -- $3,000,000; Lincoln Savings Bank of Reinbeck -- $3,000,000; Iowa Public Agency Investment Trust of Des Moines -- $2,000,000; Green Belt Bank & Trust of Grundy Center -- $5,000,000; and First National Bank of Omaha -- $1,000,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the various county officers are hereby authorized to deposit county funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out herein: County Recorder – GNB Bank of Grundy Center $150,000, Green Belt Bank & Trust of Grundy Center $150,000, and Farmers Savings Bank of Beaman $150,000; County Sheriff – GNB Bank of Grundy Center $250,000; and Iowa Governmental Health Care Plan (IGHCP) – Two Rivers Bank & Trust of Burlington - $500,000. The vote on said resolution was as follows: Ayes – Smith, Bakker, Ross, Riekena, and Schildroth. Nays – none. Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Riekena to introduce Resolution #15-2014/2015 as follows: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors appoints the following as members of the 2015 Compensation Commission for Grundy County per Iowa Code Section 6B.4: Farmers: Boyd Meyer, Wellsburg; Arlan Andersen, Dike; Marcia Dudden, Dike; John Goodman, Conrad; Jim Lynch, Grundy Center; Mike Freed, Grundy Center; Art Bine, Beaman; Jack Fogt, Reinbeck Bankers or Auctioneers: Jason Kirkpatrick, Grundy Center; Brad Murty, Conrad; Joe D. Reents, Wellsburg; John Stull, Reinbeck; Lance Haupt, Wellsburg; Chris Frischmeyer, Reinbeck; Linda Ohrt, Reinbeck; Brad Amthauer, Conrad Real Estate: Roger Engelkes, Grundy Center; Trisha Mohlis, Reinbeck; Gene Drachenberg, Dike; Doug Kruse, Conrad; Leon Harms, Wellsburg; Lori Burmester, Grundy Center; Angela Thesing, Reinbeck Town Property Owners: Warren Anderson, Holland; Alvin Meester, Dike; Charles Juel, Stout; Allen Rhoades, Reinbeck; Ward C. Richars, Jr., Grundy Center; Tim Case, Beaman; Gale M. Peterson, Reinbeck The vote on said resolution was as follows: Ayes – Smith, Bakker, Ross, Riekena, and Schildroth. Nays – none. Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Smith to introduce Resolution #16-2014/2015 as follows: WHEREAS, Grundy County, Iowa, has previously entered into an Article of Agreement with the Iowa Northland Regional Housing Authority, and WHEREAS, these articles provide that Grundy County, Iowa, shall be represented upon the governing commission of the said Iowa Northland Regional Housing Authority and further said Articles provide said County to appoint two authority commissioners to said governing commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Grundy County Board of Supervisors that Harlyn Riekena and Todd Rickert of Grundy County, Iowa, be and they are hereby appointed as authority commissioners to represent the interests of Grundy County, Iowa, upon the Iowa Northland Regional Housing Authority. Said appointments shall be for the term and conditions as provided in the Articles of Agreement previously signed between Grundy County, Iowa, and the Iowa Northland Regional Housing Authority. The vote on said resolution was as follows: Ayes – Smith, Bakker, Ross, Riekena, and Schildroth. Nays – none. Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Bakker to introduce Resolution #17-2014/2015 as follows: In Resolution #23-2002/2003 dated January 2, 2003, the following positions were allowed within the Office of County Recorder: The County Recorder shall be allowed one deputy and one part-time deputy. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that effective January 2, 2015, the Board of Supervisors approves the following staff members to fill the positions authorized above: Marcy L. Pabst, Deputy Recorder, and Jennifer L. Stoner, Part-time Deputy Recorder. The vote on said resolution was as follows: Ayes – Smith, Bakker, Ross, Riekena, and Schildroth. Nays – none. Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Riekena and seconded by Smith to introduce Resolution #18-2014/2015 as follows: In Resolution #5-2007/2008 dated August 27, 2007, the following positions were allowed within the Office of County Attorney: The County Attorney shall be allowed three assistants. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that effective January 2, 2015, the Board of Supervisors approves the revision in the staff appointments to fill two of those positions as follows: Kirby D. Grundy FOR THE RECORD Register Schmidt, First Assistant County Attorney, and Seth R. Schroeder, Assistant County Attorney. The vote on said resolution was as follows: Ayes – Smith, Bakker, Ross, Riekena, and Schildroth. Nays – none. Resolution adopted. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Smith to reappoint Eric Opheim, D.O., Greg Selenke, D.O., and Steve Scurr, D.O., as assistant medical examiners for terms ending December 31, 2016. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to reappoint Charles Bakker as the Board of Supervisors’ representative on the Black Hawk/Grundy Mental Health Center Board of Directors for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Smith to reappoint Jerry Schipper to the Dike Benefited Fire District Board of Directors for a term ending December 31, 2017. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to reappoint Kirby D. Schmidt as Human Resource Coordinator for Grundy County. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Riekena and seconded by Ross to reappoint Barbara L. Smith to the Operation Threshold Board of Directors for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to reappoint Mark A. Schildroth to the Regional Transit Commission Board of Directors and to reappoint Harlyn Riekena as the alternate for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to reappoint Harlyn Riekena to the 911 Service Board for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Bakker to reappoint Harlyn Riekena to the Emergency Management Commission for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Riekena and seconded by Smith to reappoint Beverly Meester to the Local Board of Health for a term ending December 31, 2017. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to reappoint Harlyn Riekena as Weed Commissioner for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Riekena to reappoint Mark A. Schildroth to the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments Board of Directors for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Riekena to reappoint Charles Bakker to the First Judicial District Board of Correctional Services and to reappoint Barbara L. Smith as the alternate for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Bakker to reappoint James Ross to the Juvenile Detention Board of Directors and to reappoint Harlyn Riekena as the alternate for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Riekena to reappoint Barbara L. Smith to the Northeast Iowa Response Group and to reappoint Zachary Tripp as the alternate with voting authority for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to reappoint Charles Bakker to the Department of Human Services’ Together 4 Families Board for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Riekena and seconded by Smith to reappoint Kirby D. Schmidt as HIPAA Compliance Officer and as HIPAA Privacy Officer for Grundy County. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Bakker to reappoint James Ross to the County Social Services Board and to reappoint Harlyn Riekena as the alternate for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Smith to reappoint Jane Katzer and Edie McCaw to the Judicial Magistrate Appointing Commission for terms ending December 31, 2020. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Riekena to reappoint Barbara L. Smith to serve on the Landfill Commission representing the Board of Supervisors for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Smith to reappoint the following township trustees, or their designees, to serve on the Landfill Commission for the year 2015: Jim Severance (Colfax, Palermo, and Lincoln), Lowell Riekena (Pleasant Valley, German, and Shiloh), Vern Knaack (Black Hawk and Washington), Stanley Neff (Clay, Felix, and Melrose), and Greg Melcher (Beaver, Fairfield, and Grant). Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Bakker to appoint Travis Case to replace Charles Kruse on the ADA Coordinating Board. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Riekena and seconded by Bakker to appoint Erika L. Allen to replace Kirby D. Schmidt on the County Tax Incremental Financing (T.I.F.) Committee. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Riekena to appoint Travis Case to replace Charles Kruse on the County Disaster Recovery Planning Committee. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Smith to reappoint James Ross to the Cedar Valley Resource Conservation & Development (R C & D) Board for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Bakker to reappoint Barbara L. Smith to the County Wellness Coalition for the year 2015. Carried unanimously. Chairperson Schildroth reappointed each member of the Board of Supervisors as members of the Finance, Purchasing, Roads, Bridges, Poor, Courthouse, and Jail Committees. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Bakker to reappoint the following Township Trustees for terms ending December 31, 2018: Beaver Township – Rodney Kendrick, Clerk, and Byron Beninga, Trustee; Black Hawk Township – Cathy Storjohann, Clerk, and Wallace Stensland, Trustee; Clay Township – Mary Schmidt, Clerk, and Stanley Neff and Brad Hooper, Trustees; Colfax Township – Lori Schoolman, Clerk, and Spencer Slifer, Trustee; Fairfield Township – John P. Oltman, Clerk, and Frank Dargan, Trustee; Felix Township – Mary Schmidt, Clerk, and Jim Kadner, Trustee; German Township – Mary Schmidt, Clerk, and Jon Keninger, Trustee; Grant Township – Edward Juhl, Clerk, and Darwin Heltibridle, Trustee; Lincoln Township – Curtis Bakker, Clerk, and Ryan Petersen, Trustee; Melrose Township – Mary Schmidt, Clerk, and David Hommel, Trustee; Palermo Township – Mary Schmidt, Clerk, and James Severance, Trustee; Pleasant Valley Township – Keith D. VanHauen, Clerk, and Dennis Harms, Trustee; Shiloh Township – William Janssen, Clerk, and Glen Bakker, Trustee; and Washington Township – Walter H. Miller, Clerk, and David Ehlers, Trustee. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Bakker to adjourn. Carried unanimously. Mark A. Schildroth, Chairperson Rhonda R. Deters, County Auditor Grundy County Memorial Hospital 2nd Quarter Report 10/01/2014-12/31/2014 Vendor.......................................................... Amount Aaham Membership .................................... $190.00 Abbott Nutrition .......................................... $349.05 Ability Network Inc.................................. $1,570.00 Accessible Medical - Iowa........................... $187.50 Advanced Diagnostic Service................. $72,395.00 Advanced Water .......................................... $522.50 Airgas Usa, Llc ........................................ $5,825.70 Alco Sales & Service Co.............................. $185.60 Allen Memorial Hospital ..................... $315,281.09 Allen Occupational Health........................ $1,934.00 American Bottling Company....................... $429.28 American Syscomptel Inc ............................. $78.45 Amperage ................................................. $8,674.39 Anderson Anesthesia Llc............................. $968.00 Anderson Erickson Dairy ......................... $2,526.28 Anderson, Dean ............................................. $70.00 Apollo Corporation ..................................... $157.75 Aramark Uniform Service......................... $3,681.78 Arthrex Inc ............................................... $1,148.34 Aspro ...................................................... $10,548.25 Automatic Door Group ............................... $215.00 Avadyne Health....................................... $23,044.02 B & B Lock & Key ....................................... $70.00 Bayer Healthcare .................................... $29,558.00 Beauchamp, Jerry .......................................... $50.00 Beckman Coulter Inc ............................. $21,979.95 Bergstrom, Jim .............................................. $70.00 Bio Rad Laboratories, Inc....................... $13,020.02 Bioventus Llc ........................................... $2,584.00 Black Hawk Roof Company .................... $3,070.00 Black Hawk Sprinklers ............................... $729.00 Black Hills Energy.................................... $3,004.45 Blooming Designs ......................................... $37.45 Blue Compass Interactive......................... $9,000.00 Bluestone Engineering.............................. $4,092.57 Books Are Fun ......................................... $1,367.35 Boston Scientific Corp ............................. $1,245.00 Briggs Corporation ...................................... $104.90 Browns Medical Imaging............................. $156.27 Buskohl, Sharlene ......................................... $95.00 Cadmet Inc .................................................. $206.75 Cardinal Health Medical .......................... $4,374.12 Carefusion Solutions Llc......................... $15,693.00 Carepro Home Infusion........................... $10,320.73 Casey's......................................................... $120.00 Cdw Government Llc ............................... $6,870.42 Cedar Valley Medical Specialists................. $175.00 Central Iowa Hospital Corp...................... $1,102.50 Cleveland Design Co. Llc......................... $1,790.00 Clia Waived.com ......................................... $939.45 Clinical Reference Laboratory..................... $694.34 Coffey Communications........................... $1,797.82 Community Memorial Hospital..................... $14.58 Computer Programs Systems Inc.............. $7,005.00 Constellation Energy .............................. $23,961.43 Cooley Pumping Llc ................................... $170.00 Corporate Rewards ................................... $1,014.00 Courier Communications ............................ $527.00 Cozy Van Llc ............................................... $252.20 Crest Healthcare Supply ............................... $94.87 Curbell Medical Product ............................. $301.73 Daniels Sharpsmart Inc ............................ $1,139.43 Datex - Ohmeda Inc .................................... $448.20 Davis, Brenda ................................................ $85.34 Dell Marketing L.p. ................................ $50,516.90 Direct Promotions .................................... $1,252.20 Direct Supply .............................................. $733.53 Dj Orthopedics, Llc .................................. $1,695.01 Dollar General ............................................. $303.30 Dorsey & Whitney Llp ............................. $1,471.00 Douglas M Cooper Llc ................................ $624.00 Droll, Kristy .................................................. $30.00 Earthgrains Co ......................................... $1,170.17 East Central Iowa Acute ....................... $116,662.50 Eclipse News Review Ltd ........................... $110.00 Ecolab Pest Elimination ........................... $1,690.00 Ehrig, Jan ...................................................... $34.20 Eldora Newspapers ..................................... $200.25 Electric Supply Of Marshalltown............. $1,232.39 Electrical Engineering ................................. $259.88 Electronic Engineering ................................ $126.60 Emily Reiners ........................................... $3,250.00 Empi Inc ...................................................... $390.00 Family Foods .............................................. $589.28 Fed Ex ........................................................... $20.56 Ferneau, Richard ........................................... $50.00 Flower Farm & Bridal Affair......................... $40.00 Frederick Furniture ..................................... $439.00 Gallery, Jim ................................................... $50.00 Ge Healthcare ........................................... $4,140.27 Getinge Usa, Inc. ......................................... $150.20 Gibson Specialty Co. ...................................... $8.29 Gladbrook Community Club....................... $140.00 Graham Construction Co ......................... $8,616.82 Grosse Steel Co ............................................. $22.00 Grundy Center Chamber Commerce........... $100.00 Grundy Co Hosp Foundation.................... $9,230.50 Grundy Community Center ......................... $135.00 Grundy Municipal Utilities..................... $63,583.23 Grundy Office Partners........................... $41,713.80 Hanson Directory Service............................ $661.20 Hauge Associates ................................... $13,035.73 Hawkeye Alarm & Signal ........................ $3,424.00 Health Care Logistics Inc............................... $82.68 Healthcaresource Hr, Inc.............................. $250.00 Healthmark Industries ................................... $81.75 Healthnet Connect L.c. ............................ $1,560.00 Heartland Co-Op ......................................... $842.38 Heartland Paper Co .................................. $4,329.28 Heather Woody Unlimited .......................... $327.25 Home Depot Credit Service......................... $257.79 Hometown Pc .............................................. $324.00 Hospira Worldwide Inc ............................ $5,293.67 Ideacom/Cma .............................................. $437.26 Indoff Incorporated ................................ $23,792.41 Inpro Corporation ........................................ $326.62 Iowa Board Of Pharmacy ............................ $135.00 Iowa Chapter-American Academy............... $121.52 Iowa Dept Inspection/Appeals..................... $500.00 Iowa Division Of Labor .............................. $400.00 Iowa Hospital Association........................ $1,603.00 Iowa Pharmacy Association......................... $275.00 Iowa Statewide Poison Control................. $1,250.00 Iowa Water Management Corp................. $1,275.00 Jesco Industries Ltd ....................................... $37.00 Jirovsky, Holly ............................................ $650.00 John Deere Financial ................................... $563.62 Johnson, Paul & Linda ................................ $100.00 Jp-Se, Llc .................................................... $285.00 Kci Usa ..................................................... $2,038.91 Kdao-Fm Soft Rock 99.5 .............................. $79.00 Konken Electric Inc .................................... $750.75 Kqcr-Fm ...................................................... $200.00 Kruger, Ronda ............................................... $30.00 La James International ................................ $358.45 Laboratory Supply Co .............................. $2,801.70 Leadingage Iowa ...................................... $1,475.00 Lifeserve Blood Center ............................ $1,967.00 Loffredo Fresh Produce ........................... $4,004.88 Logiquip, Llc .......................................... $19,225.07 Ltcswi .......................................................... $100.00 Manly Drug Store .................................... $1,442.13 Marshalltown Orthopaedics.................... $47,498.00 Martin Bros ............................................ $49,217.11 Matrixcare ................................................ $3,162.36 Mayo Clinic ............................................. $3,576.00 Mediacom ................................................... $279.90 Medi-Dose, Inc. .......................................... $256.38 Medivators ............................................... $2,795.34 Med-Pass Inc ................................................. $29.63 Medservice Repair, Inc. .............................. $430.54 Melanie Kirkpatrick .................................... $687.50 Microport Orthopedics ........................... $37,897.00 Mid-America Publishing ............................. $269.12 Midwest Sleep Services ........................... $2,199.96 Miller Window Service ............................ $1,895.00 Moment In Thyme Llc ................................ $347.76 Mutch, Ken ................................................... $45.96 National Research Corpo ......................... $1,443.75 Nuance Communications ......................... $2,069.97 Nucara Of Ia/Nucara Home......................... $637.25 Nucara Pharmacy ........................................ $108.48 Oak Hill Rehabilitation ............................ $7,208.00 Oak Leaf Golf Club .................................... $102.50 Office Max ............................................... $6,142.38 Office Of Auditor Of State........................... $625.00 Olympus ................................................... $1,614.46 Olympus Financial Service..................... $18,461.64 On-Site Inform Destruction......................... $201.04 Optum ......................................................... $101.95 Pamela Ford .................................................. $80.00 Park Nicollet Institute ................................. $425.00 Parrot Film Co ............................................ $570.00 Patterson Medical ..................................... $1,506.34 Pepsi-Cola ................................................ $2,580.33 Perceptive Software ................................. $1,000.00 Petersen & Tietz Florists.............................. $152.93 Petty Cash ................................................... $196.25 Philip J. Gould ............................................ $120.00 Pioneer Graphics ...................................... $2,778.36 Pitney Bowes Inc ........................................ $600.27 Pitney Bowes Purchase Power.................. $2,413.82 Plumb Supply Co ........................................ $127.84 Positive Promotions .................................... $298.63 Precision Lawn Care & More................... $4,931.50 Press Ganey Associates .......................... $15,532.95 Primary Systems ........................................... $90.00 Proshield Fire Protection.............................. $397.00 Pt Grillers ................................................. $1,369.60 Radiometer America Inc ............................. $754.92 Respironics, Inc. ............................................ $90.00 Rf Technologies Inc .................................... $441.96 Ricoh Usa, Inc. ......................................... $7,110.44 Ross Chemical Systems............................... $915.85 Rouse Motor Co Inc .................................... $538.41 Ruhl & Ruhl Inc ....................................... $8,300.00 Sager, Bill .................................................... $350.00 Sams Club ................................................... $714.06 Sanofi Pasteur Inc. ................................... $4,107.36 Schimberg Co .............................................. $444.62 Schumacher Elevator Co ............................. $904.68 Scotty's Sanitation .................................... $1,334.28 Seim Johnson Sestak &Quist.................... $6,363.00 Sentry Data Systems, Inc........................ $23,882.50 Seton Indentification Products..................... $185.25 Shared Medical Equipment..................... $45,000.00 Sherwin Williams Co .................................... $50.78 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics............... $7,861.25 Signs & Designs .......................................... $298.50 Sizewise Rentals, Llc ............................. $31,935.93 Spacelabs Healthcare .................................. $409.95 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co .............................. $5.11 Standard Coffee Service .......................... $1,758.70 Stefl Pharmacy Inc ................................... $1,400.00 Stericycle Inc .............................................. $963.86 Steris Corporation .................................... $2,452.33 Stolze, Jeffrey A. ...................................... $7,558.37 Storey Kenworthy ....................................... $856.20 Stryker Endoscopy ................................... $4,213.17 Stryker Instruments .................................. $2,009.28 Stryker Orthopaedics ............................... $4,000.00 Stryker Sales Corp ...................................... $530.30 Synthes ..................................................... $3,278.35 Tasty House ................................................. $100.00 The Courier ................................................... $78.39 The Des Moines Register .............................. $73.08 Times Citizen Communication.................... $193.00 Times Republican .................................... $2,042.88 Timothy Horrigan .................................... $1,175.00 Tranquility On Main ................................... $250.00 Treasurer State Of Iowa .............................. $224.00 True Value ................................................... $159.61 Trunck's Country Foods ................................ $40.27 Unifirst ................................................... $30,609.56 United States Plastic Corp............................. $40.87 Unitypoint At Home-Infusion................... $2,218.09 Unitypoint Clinic ................................... $51,705.31 Unitypoint Health ................................... $49,684.85 Unitypoint Health - Des .............................. $380.00 Ups .............................................................. $108.53 Usa Entertainment Agency....................... $1,250.00 Visa ........................................................ $12,471.77 Vital Support Systems.................................... $35.56 Wbc Mechanical, Inc................................ $1,386.37 West Music Company Inc ........................... $552.18 Western Home Communities.................. $12,501.00 Wildflower .................................................. $503.50 William Peterson Architects...................... $3,125.00 Wilson Restaurant Supply............................ $174.54 Windstream .............................................. $2,159.59 Woodman Controls Company................... $2,143.28 Wright Medical Technology................... $35,235.70 Xygent, Inc ............................................. $24,550.85 Young Plumbing & Heating.................... $55,220.00 Z&Z Medical, Inc .................................... $4,995.00 Ziegler Inc ................................................ $2,572.15 Ziesman, Cynthia .......................................... $75.00 Zoll Medical Corporation............................ $124.68 Zones Inc .................................................. $5,206.13 ................................................................................... Allen Memorial Hospital................... $2,503,506.83 Cardinal Health..................................... $136,373.37 Grundy County Rec.................................. $9,062.52 Mckesson Health..................................... $49,326.76 Grundy County ................................... $303,333.75 Grand Total........................................ $4,727,251.96 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT GRUNDY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Marlyn Hulseman, Deceased. Probate No. ESPR101923 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Marlyn Hulseman, Deceased, who died on or about 22nd day of December, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Marlyn Hulseman, deceased, bearing date of the 31st day of August, 2009, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Monica G, Hahn and Rachel R. Wardell were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 7th day of January, 2015. Monica G. Hahn 136 E Terrace Court Center Point, IA 52213 Rachel R. Wardell 3439 Prairie Bend Circle Marion, IA 52302 Executors of estate Dale Hansmann, ICIS PIN No: AT0003251 Attorney for Executors Klinkenborg, Hansmann & Petersen 1201 Highway 57, P.O. Box 682 Parkersburg, IA 50665 Date of second publication 22nd day of January, 2015. THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT GRUNDY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Bonnie Mock, Deceased. Probate No. ESPR101916 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Bonnie Mock, Deceased, who died on or about 25th day of November, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 15th day of December, 2014, the last will and testament of Bonnie Mock, deceased, bearing date of the 25th day of March, 1967, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Kathy A. Mock was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 8th day of January, 2015. Kathy A. Mock 1502 8th Street Grundy Center, IA 50638 Executor of estate Heronimus, Schmidt, & Allen Attorneys for executor 630 G Avenue, Box 365 Grundy Center, IA 50638 Date of second publication 22nd day of January, 2015. Thursday, January 15, 2015 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS The Grundy County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on December 29, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. Chairperson Riekena called the meeting to order with the following members present: Schildroth, Smith, Bakker, and Ross. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Ross to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carried unanimously. Gary Mauer, County Engineer, reviewed department matters with the Board. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Schildroth to approve the estimate for audit services for the FY2015 county audit with the Office of Auditor of State and to authorize the chairperson to sign the same. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Schildroth and seconded by Smith to approve payment of the following bills: (Carried unanimously.) ACES, services......................................334.00 Alliant Energy, service............................301.44 Bankers Leasing, lease..........................200.00 William Beyer, mileage.............................12.90 Blackhawk Sprinklers, insp.....................157.00 Brian Buhrow, landfill mtgs.....................100.00 CCMS, services......................................728.00 Cedar Falls Utilities, service.....................47.13 Century Link, service..............................192.69 Mary Corwin, mileage...............................12.25 Covenant Medical, services.................3014.00 Rhonda Deters, mileage...........................74.80 Robin Folkerts, landfill mtg.......................25.00 City of Gladbrook, amb subsidy...............46.00 Grainger, supplies.................................. 111.42 Grundy County Engineer, fuel..............2653.85 Grundy County IT, supplies....................127.19 Grundy County REC, service.................105.09 Grundy Co Sheriff, services..................1084.86 Hardin County Sheriff, services..............367.50 H S & A, co atty exp.............................3981.89 Sara Hook, med exam exp.....................170.00 Iowa Diesel Injection, repairs...............1978.99 Iowa State Assoc, mtg exp.....................130.00 Jesco Welding, parts............................1472.10 John Deere Financial, parts...................202.37 David Juchems, landfill mtgs..................125.00 Vern Knaack, landfill mtg..........................75.00 Lon's Plumbing, services........................260.00 Mail Services, postage...........................420.56 Greg Melcher, landfill mtgs.....................150.00 Mid American Energy, service..................25.45 Monkeytown, supplies..............................90.29 NENA, dues............................................137.00 Bradley Ohrt, landfill mtg..........................25.00 Postmaster, postage.................................98.00 Postmaster, postage.................................98.00 Premier Office, supplies...........................21.94 Reinbeck Courier, subscription.................45.00 Reinbeck Telecomm, service..................200.00 Rickert & Wessel Law, services..............114.00 Lowell Riekena, landfill mtgs....................75.00 Rouse Motor, services............................144.10 Schumacher Elevator, maint..................160.94 Rodney See, mileage.................................7.20 James Severance, landfill mtgs................75.00 Keith Sindt, rent......................................300.00 US Cellular, service................................411.24 Unifirst Corp, service................................72.30 Vanguard Appraisals, services.............3166.00 Verizon Wireless, service.....................1188.52 Visa, parts.............................................1821.02 Shawn Weber, mtg exp..............................9.50 Windstream, service.............................1553.41 Windstream, service...............................396.94 Motion was made by Schildroth and seconded by Ross to adjourn. Carried unanimously. Harlyn Riekena, Chairperson Rhonda R. Deters, County Auditor THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT GRUNDY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Tena Meyer, Deceased. Probate No. ESPR101913 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Tena Meyer, Deceased, who died on or about 2nd day of November, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 17th day of November, 2014, the last will and testament of Tena Meyer, deceased, bearing date of the 9th day of May, 1990, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Mervan Meyer and Velma Cordes were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 21st day of November, 2014. Mervan Meyer 12654 U Avenue Dike, IA 50624 Velma Cordes 406 3rd Street Stout, IA 50673 Executors of estate Gregory M. Lievens, ICIS PIN No: AT0004767 Attorney for Executor Shepard, Gibson & Lievens 614 11th St, P.O. Box 206 Aplington, IA 50604-0206 Date of second publication 22nd day of January, 2015. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF ASSOCIATION MEMBERS TO: All members of the Grundy Center Theatre Association, Inc. You are hereby notified that the Grundy Center Theatre Association, Inc. will hold its annual meeting at the Grundy Center Municipal Utilities Office Building at 706 Sixth Street in Grundy Center on Monday, January 19, 2015, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The annual report will be presented & any vacancies on the board of directors will be filled by election. The meeting will also provide a forum for discussion of matters of interest of the association. GRUNDY CENTER THEATRE ASSOCIATION, INC. 9 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS The Grundy County Board of Supervisors met in special session on January 2, 2015, at 9:00 A.M. Chairperson Riekena called the meeting to order with the following members present: Schildroth, Smith, Bakker, and Ross. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Smith to approve the minutes of the meeting held on December 29, 2014. Carried unanimously. Honorable Bradley J. Harris, District Judge, administered the oath of office to the following newly elected officers: Harlyn Riekena, District #2 Supervisor; Mark A. Schildroth, District #4 Supervisor; Brenda J. Noteboom, Treasurer; Travis Case, Recorder; and Erika L. Allen, County Attorney. The chairperson requested nominations for the offices of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Ross nominated Mark A. Schildroth for Chairperson and Barbara L. Smith for Vice Chairperson and moved that nominations cease, which motion was seconded by Bakker. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Smith to adjourn the special meeting. Carried unanimously. Harlyn Riekena, Chairperson Rhonda R. Deters, County Auditor HOLLAND CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 5, 2015 The Holland City Council met in regular session at the Holland Community Center on Monday, January 5, 2015. Mayor Borchardt called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council members present were Cox, Schoolman, Beck, Hansen Absent: Blythe Cox made a motion to approve the minutes, 2nd by Beck, all ayes, motion carried. Mike Wildung was not present for the water / sewer report. The 2016 Budget was discussed on grouting the remaining service lines for the sewer and the manholes on the East side of the bridge and what city streets that can be seal coated. The Council will discuss more at next meeting when the 2014 valuation reports are available. There was also discussion on fill being added to a flood plain and administrative responsibility of the City Council. After discussion, Schoolman made a motion to approve bills, Beck 2nd, all ayes motion carried. Hansen made a motion to adjourn, Schoolman 2nd, all ayes motion carried. Next meeting February 2, at 7 P.M. Gary W. Stoehr Jr., City Clerk BILLS for PAYMENT (City of Holland) GENERAL FUND FOR Alliant Energy, Electric Bill(s) Gary Stoehr Jr., Wages.......................... 489.82 Blythe Sanitation, Comm. Bldg................. 35.00 Windstream, Phone bills..........................111.84 Sandee’s, Stamp...................................... 44.13 Blythe Sanitation, Recycling................... 460.00 Mid-America Publishing, Grundy paper.... 30.41 REC, Light................................................ 11.43 Alexandria Steinmeyer, Wages................ 75.00 Scott Borchardt, Wages............................ 86.86 Gary Stoehr Jr., Supplies......................... 59.58 Spahn & Rose, POA................................. 15.18 IMFOA, Annual Dues................................ 40.00 Sam’s Club, Annual Dues......................... 45.00 Iowa Department of Revenue, Withholding ...... ................................................................. 30.00 U.S Treasury, Federal Taxes................. 679.05 SEWER FUND Central Iowa Water, Wastewater Contract ........ ............................................................... 360.00 Alliant Energy, Sewage Plant Keystone Labs, Samples.......................... 75.40 WATER FUND Alliant Energy, Water Shed..................... 251.10 Central IA Water, POA.......................... 1945.50 Jill Borchardt, Meters................................ 62.50 Iowa Department of Revenue, Sales Tax ......... .......................................................................... 811.00 PAYEE RUT OPT. TAX Alliant Energy...............426.34 Wellsburg Ag................836.00 IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR GRUNDY COUNTY, STATE OF IOWA Docket No. (Sale No.): 14-0700(1) Court No. EQDV059044 Special Execution PLAINTIFF: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. VS. DEFENDANTS: LENNI ANNE CLEMONS REM; JOEL H. CLEMONS - IN REM As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate Property to satisfy the judgment. The property to be sold is: Lot Two (2) in Block Three (3) of Conrad Heights Additions to the Town of Conrad, Iowa. Street Address: 742 Circle Drive, Conrad, Iowa, 50621 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale is April 21, 2015 at 10 a.m., at the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office, 705 8th St., Grundy Center, Iowa 50638 Phone (319) 824-6933 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the Sheriff will have it platted and charge the costs to this case. This sale not subject to redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if applicable. Judgment Amt - $70,713.47; Costs - $235.00; Accruing Costs - Plus; Interest - 5.625% of $70,713.47 from April 10, 2013 = $8,075.14. Attorney is South & Associates (515) 223-7325. Date: December 30, 2014 Sheriff: Rick D. Penning Deputy: By Chief Deputy Tim Wolthoff Farm Filters Available We make hydraulic hoses while you wait Napa auto parts 707 G ave., Grundy Center 319-824-6917 Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8-5: sat., 8-12 Over 5000 Gallons of Fish Tanks Bosco says, “Where quality is always less expensive!” Visit Wet Pet at 1321 Edgington Avenue in Eldora Located in Downtown Eldora 1/2 block west of the courthouse. Open Evenings and Saturdays: Closed Sunday & Monday 641-939-3051
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