Cavalier Connection Celebrating 10 years of Commitment, Pride, Honor and Success 2014-2015 Volume 10, Number 29 March 9, 2015 Cavalier Code Commitment Pride Honor Success Attitude Character Perseverance DECA Students head to competition CP Students with Runyan mentees FROM THE PRINCIPAL Integrity Respect Responsibility UPCOMING EVENTS PTO Meeting March 10 9am Spring Break March 16-17 "CP Supporters Night Out"!! Celebrating 10 Years of Commitment, Pride, Honor & Success! Date: Sunday, March 29th, 2015 Time: 4:30pm Tickets: $25 per person Place: Dosey Doe, The Big Barn 25911 I-45N. The recent tragic death of a Montgomery County teenager has brought attention to a new threat facing our youth - synthetic LSD. It is one of several hundred designer drugs that have emerged over the past decade. Synthetic LSD, the most recent synthetic drug to make its way into our area, like other synthetic drugs, has proven to be very dangerous because dosages and makeup of the drug may vary widely so users really have no way of knowing what they are ingesting. The name of this drug is 251-NBOMe, and it is known as the N-Bomb since it mimics the LSD that was made popular in the '60s and '70s, but is four times more potent and deadly. The drug is made from a white powder that is turned into a liquid and applied to blotter paper the size of a postage stamp which may feature pictures of cartoon characters like SpongeBob SquarePants or a dancing bear. The odorless, tasteless stamps may appear to be children's stickers. Please talk to your students about the dangers of drugs. For more information, please visit the Conroe ISD Police website at If you have information concerning the LSD or any other drug on our campus, please contact the school immediately or call 1-888-kid-Chat. EOC TESTING SCHEDULE: On Monday March 30 and Wednesday April 1, students will taking the English EOC exams and therefore, ALL 11th and 12thgraders will have LATE Arrival at 10:45am. The bell schedule is on the TWCP website for your information. dule.pdf 2014 SCHOOL REPORT CARD: The 2013-2014 Federal Report Card for Texas Public Schools is now available on the TWCP Website under the NCLB Report Card Tab in the left hand margin. This is an additional report card supplemental to the School Report Card and Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) notices that were sent out earlier in the semester. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. PTO INFORMATION CHECK INFORMATION: TWCP cannot accept any checks without the following information on them: Name, Driver’s License number and Date of Birth. Please do not send your student with a check to pay for fees, parking, dues or any other payment without this information written on the check. COUNSELOR’S CORNER College Board School Code 447642 Family Connection website phs Progress Report Dates 1st 9-weeks: 9/17, 10/8 2nd 9-weeks: 11/12, 12/10 3rd 9-weeks: 2/4, 2/25 4th 9-weeks: 4/15, 5/6, 5/27 Report Card Dates 1st 9-weeks: 10/24 PAC/student 2nd 9-weeks: 1/9 PAC/student 3rd 9-weeks: 3/27 PAC/student 4th 9-weeks: 6/11 (Mailed) Cavalier Tutoring (2:45-3:45) Math – TBA Science – TBA Exam Schedule Fall Exams: 12/16-12/19 Spring Exams: 6/1-6/4 Seniors Spring: 5/26-5/29 Senior Information Senior Parent Info: 8/28 Senior Lighting: 9/11 Mandatory Senior Mtg w/Dr. Murrell: 4 Prom: 5/22 Honor Graduate Breakfast: 5/19 Senior Awards Night: 5/21 Senior Picnic: 6/1 Graduation: 6/1 Senior Send-off: 6/1 STAAR Testing Schedule 12/2-12/4, 3/30-4/3 EOC Testing Window 5/4-5/8 TAKS Exit Retest Schedule 10/20-10/23; 3/2-3/5; AP Testing Dates Team Up with TWCP PTO: Monthly PTO Meeting : 9:00am Tuesday, March 10, 2015 | College Park High School - LGI-2 Please join us at the PTO meeting on Tuesday, February 3rd at 9:00 am in the LGI 2. Come and find out what’s going on at College Park & hear the monthly Principals report! We look forward to seeing you there! CP PTO SUPPORTERS NIGHT OUT – MARCH 29TH All Parents and Teachers Invited! Join us on Sunday, March 29th beginning at 4:30pm at Dosey Doe, Big Barn location, for an evening of great food and fun! This annual College Park PTO dinner and silent auction will celebrate 10 years of CP Excellence. Tickets for the event are only $25 each and can be purchased on the CP PTO website at Purchase your tickets today for this fun and important event! If you have a donation for the auction, please email Chris Loera,, or Krystal Garza, All donations are appreciated! Your donations are tax deductible. Calling all Parents and Teachers!! CP Supporters Night Out Dinner & Silent Auction is coming soon and we need your help. March 29, 2015 @ Dosey Doe Cafe, The Big Barn I-45 at 4:30 p.m. Buy your tickets online: All donated items must be delivered to CP High School front office by March 13, 2015. Chris Loera or Krystal Garza can pick up items if needed. Tickets on sale now $25 each Do you have airline miles to donate, tickets to a sporting event, a condo/timeshare to use for the weekend, access to a celebrity/athlete/political official to sign/autograph an item, a generous employer to donate cash, iPad, iPhone, etc.? These are all things we will gladly accept. If you would like to contribute to a basket, please let us know. We welcome any item, product, service you may have to offer. No item is too small. We can package a bunch of small items to make one large basket to bid on. If you own a small business, please let us know if you would like to donate something. If you have a monetary donation that you would rather give, we can start taking your donations now. Make checks payable to TWCP PTO and give to Lavette Bell, Chris Loera, Marrianne Westfall, or any PTO board member. Notate on check donation is for “CP Supporters Night Out”. All donors and businesses will be recognized in the Silent Auction program, the PTO website, and in the Cavalier Connection. Thank you all so much for helping CP raise money to make our 10th year anniversary one to remember! Chris Loera 936-827-5757 Krystal Garza 832-655-8524 Lavette Bell 281-513-1543 Be A Part of College Park History Purchase a photo tile to be displayed in a mural on a designated wall $50 4x4 tile $100 6x8 tile Any photo, add text, get creative, great graduation gifts, best friends/groups, clubs organizations, open to all student and alumni. Only sold this year as part of CP's 10th commemorative year. Please contact VP Fundraising Chris Loera for additional information (tile samples available in CP front office) Tiles may be ordered March 1 thru April 30, 2015 College Park PTO Yankee Candle Online Shopping Fundraiser Everyone loves Yankee Candle! Great gifts for the holidays, anniversaries, hostess gifts & birthdays. The College Park PTO will receive 40% of the profits!! 5/4-5/15 SAT Test Dates 10/11, 11/8, 12/6, 1/24, 3/14, 5/2, 6/6 ACT Test Dates 9/13, 10/25, 12/13, 2/7, 4/18, 6/13 PSAT 10/15 during school Late arrival for Seniors 10:45 am PTO Meetings @ 9:00 a.m. LGI 2 9/9, 10/7, 11/4, 12/9, 1/13, 2/3, 3/10, 4/7, 5/12 PTO Brown Bag Lunches @ 11:00 am - LGI 10/8, 11/12, 1/21 Pep Rally Dates 8/29, 9/5, 9/24 (Homecoming Parade), 10/10, 10/24, 11/7 Spring Pep Rally: 1/23, 4/2 Important Dates 8/28 –Sr. Parent Info Night 7pm 9/8 - Open House 6pm 9/17- Senior Lighting Ceremony 7pm Auditorium 9/22 -9/10/11 Grade Parent Info night 7pm 12/2 -Financial Aid Night 7 p.m. 2/2 – Incoming 9th graders Parent Information Night 2/5 – Eyes Wide Open 7 p.m. 2/9 – Upperclassman Parent Info Night 7pm 2/19-“Everything Under the Sun” -7pm 4/13 -2gether for 2morrow 6:30 pm @TWHS 4/21 –NHS Induction Ceremony 4/24 –Sr. Meeting w/ Dr. Murrell (3rd period) 5/19 -Honor Graduate Breakfast 5/21 -Senior Awards 5/22 -PROM 6/1- Senior Picnic 6/1 - Graduation 7:30 pm CWMP Early Release Days Click Here to visit the Online Shopping Site Questions? Please contact Chris Loera Stay Connected & Follow the College Park PTO on Twitter!!! @collegeparkpto Photo Gallery Updates Calendar Changes PTO News and much more.... 10 Year Anniversary of College Park High School - This school year is a very exciting time at CP as we are celebrating the 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of our school. As a part of our 2014-15 PTO Membership Drive, we will be running an optional $10 for the 10th Year donation drive, in addition to our $10 single / $20 Family membership fee. We hope that you will support PTO by becoming a member & donating $10 for the 10th Year of Commitment, Pride, Honor & Success at our school! Armstrong Elementary: There was a Wonderful Feeling in the Air at Armstrong Elementary This Week! What a great week it has been for our adopted school Armstrong Elementary! Thanks to our friends at Pappas Restaurants, the 85 faculty members walked away from their lunches with tummies filled with delicious BBQ. Our very own CP parent Marilyn Koester made all the delectable desserts yum! As the luncheon took place, each classroom teacher received a "goodie bag" filled with an electric pencil sharpener, #2 pencils for each child in their class, post it note pads, and markers for their classrooms. This was made possible thru the funding from our wonderful sponsors (click here for list of sponsors). Once again, thank you to all College Park parents and community sponsors for assisting our adopted school Armstrong Elementary with tools for the classrooms. Many memories were made this week thanks to your overwhelming generosity! Marlene Killian - Armstrong School Liaison Mentors Needed for our Adopted School Armstrong Elementary: Do you have one hour to spare each week? Do you have compassion for little children? Do you find joy and excitement in helping others? If you said yes to the above this message is for you! College Park's new adopted school Armstrong Elementary is looking for mentors to assist young children with reading, math, and writing skills. If you would like to be part of this wonderful program please e-mail Marlene Killian at with your name and a contact number. The College Park school takes pride in giving back to the community. Be part of this wonderful experience! STAY CONNECTED, JOIN PTO TODAY! College Park PTO Photo Gallery, PTO Members are the first to receive links to photo galleries!!! Go Texan - Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon Thank you again, PTO! – TWCP Staff Stay Connected - Join your 2014-15 College Park PTO (Click here to join online today) Questions? E-Mail: Gwen Lau at or LaVette Bell at Become an Approved Conroe ISD Volunteer: The Conroe Independent School District values the contributions made by its many volunteers who diligently work to support our outstanding students, teachers, and programs. It 10/17 11:30 am 12/19 11:30 am 6/4 11:30 am School Holidays (Students) 9/1, 11/24-28, 12/22-1/5, 1/19 2/16, 3/16-20, 4/3, 5/25 Online Information Academic Information AST Activities Information Cavalier Connection - Print CISD Calendar CISD Website Electronic Communication Faculty/Staff Parent Access Center Parent Services Student Services TWCP Events TWCP Website Weather Welcome to TWCP What Bus Do I Ride? Webstore Dr. Mark A. Murrell Principal Dr. Susan Caffrey Academy Headmaster David Perkins Associate Principal of Administrative Services Dr. Susan Hersperger Associate Principal Curriculum and Instruction Assistant Principals Anthony Livecchi A-Cha Melanie McCarthy Chb-Gil Mitch Marriott Gim-Lan Danny Johnson Lao-Par Tiffany Mathews Pas-Sm Clint Holden Sn-Z Counselors Cindy Rehrig Lead Counselor Debra Creel College and Career Mary Edgerly A-Bur is our goal to provide a safe environment for our students and visitors. Since 2007, we require all school volunteers to complete a volunteer application online. In completing the application, volunteers will be submitting information for the purpose of conducting a criminal history check. If you are interested in volunteering on one of our campuses, please complete the volunteer application by clicking here We appreciate your understanding and value your time and effort as a volunteer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Peggy Blake at 936-709-7728 or your campus for more information. Computers are also available at your student's campus if you should need internet access. GENERAL INFORMATION AP Exam Registration Payment Procedures Beginning Thursday, March 5th through March 24th, students may go to the Web Store on the College Park website or bring a credit card or check to the Counseling Center to pay for their AP exams. (In order to pay with a credit card at school, the credit card must have the student's name, not parent.) A STUDENT HAS NOT REGISTERED FOR AN AP EXAM UNTIL FULL PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE. Cost for the AP exam(s) will be as follows: First three AP Exams-$95.00 per exam All exams after the first three-$60.00 per exam (In order to verify amount owed, students can go to the Web Store and look at their AP exam fee.) After Tuesday, March 24th, late fees will be assessed as follows: Wednesday, March 25th-Sunday, March 29th -$15.00 late fee per student Monday, March 30th –Wednesday, April 1st -$30.00 late fee per student No exams will be ordered after Wednesday, April 1st 1. If you wish to pay by check, the check should be made payable to “The Woodlands College Park High School”. Write “AP Exams” on the memo. NOTE: Make sure the student name and ID is printed somewhere on the check. 2. Remember, students have not registered for an exam until the full payment (either through the Web Store on in the Counseling Center) has been made. 3. Be sure to check the email you list on the Google Doc as “student email.” All communication regarding testing will be through this email (not the cisd student email.) Students who do not provide an email or who do not check their email may miss important announcements regarding testing. 4. Students who register for an exam and do not cancel the exam prior to ordering will NOT receive a refund. Juniors and Junior Parents/Guardians: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On Monday, April 13th, the College Park Counseling Staff, in conjunction with The Woodlands Counseling Department, is excited to co-host Together for Tomorrow. This event begins at 6:30pm at The Woodlands High School. We want to encourage all College Park juniors and their parents to attend this informative night. College representatives will be addressing issues of importance in college admissions. The evening will begin with a general meeting in the Gym with all students and parents to explain each of the sessions. Specific information for juniors regarding applications, letters of Sally Bice Bus-Dop Junette Mihelich Doq-Hal Tiffani Jaqua Ham-Lan Vicky Woods-Hinkle Lao-M Chiante Deal N-Rol Leslie Cronin Rom-Tau Jessica Beckham Tav-Z 3701 College Park Drive The Woodlands, TX 77384 936.709.3000 recommendation, and scholarship applications will also be provided. At the conclusion of the general meeting, there will be breakout sessions for all parents and students featuring college admissions personnel. Out of twenty sessions offered, students and parents will be able to choose four breakout sessions to attend. Continue to watch the newsletter and emails from Family Connection for announcements concerning this very important evening! PEER TUTORING: Peer Tutoring will be available every Tuesday-Thursdays. All subjects will be tutored, the hours are 2:45pm-4:30 pm in room 1608. LITERARY MAGAZINE: Students if you are interested in being part of the Literary Magazine, please contact Ms. Houk in room 2301. FREE TUTORING: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm in the School Library. Offered by the National English Honors Society. TWCP- DRIVER EDUCATION CLASSES: We now have listed on-line the last “Driver Education Class” offered at the TWCPHS campus this spring and you can go on-line at and register for the course #185144 starting on 5-4-2015 at 2:45pm on the TWCPHS campus in room # 1522. We will also have listed online the courses offered this summer and at the end of March you can also go on-line and register for those courses offered in the summer… For more information please contact: Chris L. Hemphill at or (936)435-8325 and Donald Brown at (936)435-8320 CAVALIER EXPRESS: TWCP’s very own School Store, The Cavalier Express can now be followed on Instagram and Twitter @TheCavExpress. Be sure and check often for their current special and sales. Cavalier Express is getting new merchandise each week. Stop by to see our iPhone 5 Phone cases, portable chargers, spirit jerseys, stadium seats, and more! READ FOR A BETTER LIFE: FREE Academic Databases for your students… Authoritative, balanced, trustworthy… and available 24/7 via Internet Full-text magazines, journals, primary sources, images, videos, maps, charts, tables… Thomson-Gale reference eBooks (GVRL) available via Internet or free mobile app. College-bound students are expected to know how to use academic databases Includes citation information (MLA & APA) for each item College Park Databases brochure gives summaries, user IDs & passwords for our academic databases. See Library or Library website for more information YEARBOOK: You better get that yearbook by April 1st! Charge sales: or the web store on the TWCP home page Cash/Check sales: the cafeteria during the lunches or bring to room 3112 or leave at the front desk in an envelope marked "yearbook" ****Checks must include driver's license number and date of birth Prices: Plain books: $65 Icons: $5 each (not available at web store) Advertising: A limited amount of space is still available to honor your student. Contact: Senior ads: Buy now before space fills up. Create a lasting memory for your special student. Yearbooks are the only thing last forever! Contact: Newspaper ads Do you have a business that caters to students? Buy an ad in the school newspaper that is distributed free to all students and faculty. Contact: COLLEGE PARK GERMAN: On Saturday, February 28th, 30 College Park German students competed in the Texas State German Contest at Texas State University. This contest combines 3 regional contests (which took place February 7 th), amassing over 65 High Schools, and around 1,000 German students from across the state. Students compete in various events such as poetry memorization and recitation, skits, play, duet acting, vocal solo, polka band, gingerbread house making contest, poster events, grammar, vocab, spelling tests and so much more! College Park German did the best we have ever done, earning 20 top 5 awards and earning 4th place overall! Chorus 1 College Park Duet Acting 3 1 Ivy Taylor, Cara Ellison Poetry Memory 3 1 Cara Ellison Polka Band 1 College Park Video Show 1 College Park Contemporary Music 2 Scott Stevens Duet Acting 1 2 Sarah Schneider/Mary Hurstell Play 2 College Park Classical Ensemble 3 College Park Directed Dialogue 2 3 Nick Stevens Prose Memory 3 3 Ivy Taylor Prose Reading 1 3 Cassie Atobajeun Spelling 4 3 Mattie Tempio Vocal Solo 3 Ivy Taylor Grammar 4 4 Mattie Tempio Photo Essay 4 Georgia Burner Sight Reading 2 4 Scott Stevens Sight Reading 3 4 Ivy Taylor Folk Dance 5 College Park Skit 2 5 College Park Needlework 6 Terra Reinle Club Album 7 Terra Reinlie Poetry Memory 3 7 Jordan Campbell Poetry Reading 3 7 Arialle Dempsey Prose Memory 3 7 Cara Ellison Sight Reading 4 8 Mattie Tempio Directed Dialogue 2 10 Scott Stevens Photography 10 David Foster Research Paper 10 Heather Morriss SENIOR INFORMATION SENIOR ANNOUNCEMENTS, CAP AND GOWN SALES: If you missed your opportunity to order your senior’s Announcements, Cap and Gown and other senior items, please visit: to place your order. SENIOR CALENDAR OF EVENTS: 4/24 – Mandatory meeting with Dr. Murrell (3rd period) 5/4-5/15 – AP Testing 5/19 – Honor Grad Breakfast (invitation only) 5/21 – Senior Awards Night 7pm 5/22 – Senior Panoramic Picture 8 am 5/22 – Prom 8pm-12 am Waterway Marriott 6/1 – Graduation Practice seniors to be in the new gym 8:15 am (Seniors are bussed to and from Pavilion for practice) 6/1 – Senior Picnic @ Northshore Park 11:30 am – 1:30 pm 6/1 – Graduation 7:30 pm (Graduates report at 6:30 pm) From the Finance Office: Seniors, Please be sure to pay off any fees owed for classes, clubs, books, or miscellaneous fees before prom. If any money is owed, you will not be allowed to pick up prom tickets. You can find out if you owe any fees by logging on to the webstore,, if there is a yellow button on the top left you may view fees owed. If you believe you may owe any library fees, please verify with a librarian. SENIOR DUES: Senior Dues are $120. Senior class dues are for all the activities throughout the school year; these can be paid online or in the school finance office. Please see Mr. Livecchi, or Mr. Marriott for more information, or if you are having difficulty paying senior dues. Senior Dues Cover: Senior Lighting Program Senior T-Shirt (Spring) Prom Senior Picnic Senior Dues do NOT Cover: Cap, Gown or Graduation Announcements Homecoming Ticket Prom Pictures Prom Date Ticket Panoramic Picture Please note: *Senior Dues are optional. Seniors do not have to pay any dues to graduate. *Seniors who graduate early may still pay dues and participate in all activities. An early graduate cannot go as a date to prom. They are considered seniors and must pay dues. *Any senior attending prom MUST pay dues. SCHOLARSHIPS: 'Tis the season...for Scholarships!! Please log into your family connection account and take a look at the scholarships that are due in February and March. I have listed them all below. You can access their applications by logging into your family connection account ( then clicking on the colleges tab, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the scholarship list. All of these scholarships (and many more are added weekly) are there. You just need to READ the requirements and APPLY!! If you need an official transcript, remember that we can not give it directly to you. Scholarships that require official transcripts need to be turned into the college and career center with PLENTY of time for us to get it to it's destination!! This is super important to remember for those applications that are due over spring break!!! Pay attention to deadlines!! TWCP FINE ARTS TWCP CHOIR: Scholarships- If you have a Senior. Hats off to you! and encourage him/her to apply for one of the scholarships we will be awarding at the end of our school year. Mrs. Bodhaine will have the applications. UIL- April 14,15 & 16 (all 3 days), we will be soliciting your cooking talents, chaperons, and depending on class period your child has choir, we will need some PARTY assistants as they prepare and rehearse. (See the NEON GREEN sheet in your child's backpack) Executive Board & Choir Board positions for 2015-16- if anyone is interested in being on the executive or choir board for next fall, send an email to or We will also be sending forms to our feeder school and to you to nominate yourself or someone you think would be perfect for the job. (a current choir parent) these will go out in March and will be due back to College Park Choir by April 30, 2015. Sign Up for Camp Sing--alier (Show Choir Camp) June 22 - 26, 2015 Register on--‐line at and click on the link for Camp Sing-alier. This is a week--‐long s camp for children who have completed grades Kindergarten through 8th. The campers will have a great time learning songs, dances and and creating their “costumes” for a fabulous performance for parents, friends and grandparents on Friday afternoon. Their instructors for the week are the students of Rhythm ‘n Blue. It is a great experience for them to see how a show is put together from start to finish and how their input is a valuable part of the process. CHARMS: Have you updated your information in CHARMS. By now, you should have received information sent home with your student. This year, you will have more access to information about your child’s activities and fees. Go to: and check out the new features. TWCP ORCHESTRA NEWS: Our homepage for orchestra is There are links to important items such as private lessons, All- Region and All-State auditions, educational links and Boosters. Also, please visit (and Like) us on Facebook at Cavalier Orchestra! We are still using a data management program called CHARMS. ALL parents and students need to maintain current contact information. There is a link on our homepage to User name is CollegeParkHSOrch. Password is your student ID number. TWCP ATHLETICS TWCP TOUCHDOWN CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT: THE COLLEGE PARK TOUCHDOWN CLUB IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE OUR 2015 TOUCHDOWN CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT, DINNER AND AUCTION, ON MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015. Funds raised at this event will supplement the football program at The Woodlands College Park High School and Knox Junior High, plus provide college scholarships each year to all our senior football players, trainers and video/managers. If you would like more information on how you can golf, attend dinner or sponsor please visit our website at TWCP SOFTBALL: Join the Lady Cavaliers Softball Team Saturday, March 7th from 11A-2P at Tyler's The Woodlands located at 1555 Lake Woodlands Drive. Tyler's is hosting a Meet N Greet event for the Lady Cavalier Softball Team. In addition to creating a limited edition Lady Cavs T-Shirt, Tyler's will be providing a DJ, refreshments, and activities for the family. Proceeds benefit the Lady Cavs Softball program. We look forward to seeing you out there and in the stands! The 2015 schedule is available at TWCP POWERLIFITNG: Support College Park Powerlifting! Join Us: Eat at Willie’s - The second Monday of each month 15% will be given back Just mention you’re here in support of the CP Powerlifting team - 4 pm till close Location: Willie’s @16846 I-45 South Conroe, TX 77384 March 9, April 13 and May 11 TWCP SOCCER: Come out and support your Cavalier Boys Soccer teams! Here are the upcoming games: This Week: March 6th (Friday): AWAY vs. Summer Creek HS JV @ 5:00, Varsity @ 7:00 Next Week: March 13th (Friday): HOME vs. Kingwood **Last home game, and Senior Night!** Freshman @ 3:30 , JV @ 5:30, Varsity @ 7:30 College Park Cavalier Spring Break Soccer Camp TWCP Boys Soccer Booster Club is hosting a Soccer Camp during Spring Break! Have your young’uns come spend a fun filled day with our College Park High School Boys Soccer coaches and players. Your child will learn and practice soccer skills and play matches. Campers will be grouped by age. Where: College Park HS track When: Tuesday March 17th from 8:30am to 2:00pm Who: Boys and girls, ages K-6th grade Cost: $50 each, includes lunch and a t-shirt (lunch includes 2 slices of pizza, fruit, sports drink or water and a snack break) Sign up form can be found on the home page of the Cavalier Soccer website; Please make checks payable to TWCP Boys Soccer Booster Club. Drop completed form and payment at the TWCP HS front office, attn: Coach Owens Boys Soccer, or mail to: Stacey Whittington 37 Cascade Springs Pl. The Woodlands, TX 77381 *Deadline to sign up is March 6th with guaranteed t-shirt. After the 6th and camp day walk-ups are welcome, but cannot be guaranteed a t-shirt. *Please have your camper wear soccer cleats or athletic shoes *Questions contact Stacey at or 281-799-2688 Kroger Community Rewards Do you shop at Kroger? By linking your Kroger account with the Booster Club, your purchases will provide funds that support the College Park soccer program. It is really fast, and really easy to do! Instructions on how to link these accounts: All supporters must have a registered Kroger Plus card account online to be able to link their card to an organization. If you do not have a Kroger Plus card you can obtain a digital Kroger Plus card when creating an account online, or at any Kroger store. Go to to link your card. *If you have an existing account, click on “Sign In”, otherwise click on “Create an Account”. *You will need to enter your email address, create a password, enter you zip code, click on favorite store, and agree to the terms and conditions. *Once you are done entering your information you will get a message asking you to check your email and click on the link in the body of the email to activate your Kroger account. *Already have a account? *Enter your email address and password and click on “Sign In”. *Click on “Edit” in the “Community Rewards” section. *Enter Cavalier Boys Soccer Booster Club, and click “Search”. *Select Cavalier Boys Soccer Booster Club and click “Save”. *To verify that you enrolled correctly, you will see your organizations name on the right side of your account settings page. *Once you are linked you can start earning rewards immediately toward the Cavalier Boys Soccer Booster Club. Remember, you must swipe your registered Kroger Plus card or use your Alt ID when shopping for each eligible purchase to count. The team is so grateful for all of your support! Go Cavaliers! P.R.I.D.E (Publicly Recognizing Individuals Doing Excellence CPHS Talking Points (Commitment, Pride, Honor, Success) Cavalier Challenge: The reality is that people do get picked on and bullied. It is easy to keep a mouth shut and turn a blind eye. If we do this we not only disrespect the one in need but we disrespect ourselves as well. We are better than that. It is our responsibility to help each other. If you see someone being bullied. Don't be a bystander. Tell an adult. And like the boy in the scenario give encouragement, be a friend to those in need. We all need each other. TWCP CLUB INFORMATION FISHING CLUB: Our new advisor is Mr.Ken Cole and he will set aside Thursday's at 2:35pm in room 2310A to meet with the club members. ¡BAILAMOS! On Monday we will be starting up a new club here at CPHS. It is the ¡Bailamos! dance club. It will meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. LGI fishbowl, at 2:45 pm. Please encourage all students to come and become a member, especially those freshmen that haven't become involved in any extracurricular activity. This club is a cross-cultural group where students will be learning to dance everything from the Texas 2 step to the Salsa, to Flamenco, to Tango, etc. WRITERS CLUB: Writers Club meets on Mondays @ 2:45-3:45, in room 1610. Students can share their own writing including fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Students will be able to get ideas and constructive feedback from fellow writers, contests and meet other aspiring writers. Sponsors are Mr. Haygood and Mrs. Miller DECA: DECA meeting in room 1214 every other Tuesday. DECA is preparing emerging leaders and entrepreneurs to be college and career ready. Come join us! Sign up for Reminders text @CPDECA to 424-789-7758 FCA: (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Meets Friday mornings at 6:35 am in the Team Meeting room DIGITAL ART CLUB: Will be meeting on MONDAY. If you are interested please go to 1411 at 2:45 -3:45 TAFE: TWCP Student ALYSSA GRAYSON competed this past weekend at the state competition for Texas Association of Future Teachers. Her event was one of the largest to compete. 5 Blue Ribbons were awarded for the event. Alyssa brought home the Blue Ribbon for CP. Of all the CISD students who competed at the state level, she is one of only 3 to bring home the top prize. Texas Association of Future Educators (T.A.F.E.) will meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month in room 1409 at 6:50 am. STUCO: (Student Council) Every other Monday at 6pm in the commons. ART CLUB: Art Club will begin meeting on Tuesdays, in room 1414. All students that are interested in creating art are invited, no experience necessary. We will meet from 2:45 to 3:45. Bring a friend. STORM: STORM is a Christian student organization that meets Friday afternoons at 2:45 in room 1105. OTHER INFORMATION PARKING CHANGES: RE: Amendment to The Woodlands College Park High School Student Handbook Date: November 10, 2014 The following amendments to The Woodlands College Park High School Student Handbook are effective immediately. 1. The following section will replace “Parking Regulations” in The Woodlands College Park High School Student Handbook: Parking Regulations Parking at College Park High School is a privilege. Spaces are limited and will be given out using a priority selection process. Priority for parking spaces will be in the following order: 1. Seniors and Juniors that have been NEAT (Never Ever Absent or Tardy) for the entire Spring 2015 semester will receive first priority for parking. Seniors and then Juniors. 2. Seniors and Juniors with 3 or fewer absences from the previous (Spring 2015) semester. Seniors and then Juniors will receive parking spaces per number of absences up to 3. 1 absence has priority over 2 absences and so on. Students who choose to share a parking space with another licensed junior or senior student. Senior sharers will receive priority followed by Junior sharers. If either of the sharing drivers is a Senior, they will receive the better parking spot. 3. Senior singles 4. Junior singles. Absences not counted in semester total: Health Care Professional (HCP), Field Trip (FT), UIL events (UIL), Religious Holidays (REL), Extra-Curricular (EC), Special Event on Campus (SEV), Funeral (FRL), College Visit (CV). A vehicle registration application will be filled out by each student wanting to receive a parking permit. All students must attend the Drivers Safety and Orientation course each year before a parking permit will be issued. Cost of the parking tag is $75.00 and must be paid before the tag can be issued. Vehicles: Must have parking permit displayed (rearview mirror) – only one tag is issued for each space Only vehicles registered for that space will be allowed to park in that space. New vehicles must be registered before school starts at 7:20 with the Associate Principal for Administration. Student’s will not be given a pass to class and can be considered tardy or absent for not following this policy. No parking in handicap spaces without a tag from the Associate Principal for Administration. Student vehicles will be towed if parked in fire zones, bus ramps or visitor parking area. Speed limit for all parking lots is 10 mph. While in the parking lot all occupants of vehicles shall be seated and wear safety belts (cannot ride in beds of pickups or on tops of vehicles) If a student parks on campus during school hours while on parking suspension his/her vehicle will be towed. Suspension of Parking (10 school days) Any moving violation. Any parking violation. Unregistered vehicle. Unauthorized use of personal vehicle during school hours. Ten total tardies including “free tardies”. Tardies are tallied cumulatively from the beginning of the year. Truancy DAEP assignment – to begin when student returns to TWCP campus. Registered in more than one parking space. Permanent loss of Parking Attempt to remove or damage a boot on vehicle. 20 tardies including “free tardies”. Tardies are tallied cumulatively from the beginning of the year. Second DAEP assignment. Second Truancy. Hangtag borrowed, traded, stolen, sold, lost or given away will result in all parties involved losing parking. Parking while serving a parking suspension. Any combination or repeated offenses for temporary suspensions will result in permanent loss of parking. Special Parking Circumstances A temporary parking space will be issued in case of a doctor’s appointment, temporary handicap or other situations beyond the control of the student, if 24 hours’ notice is given. A temporary space will not be given for a student who has missed the bus, missed their ride with a partner etc. No students are to park in visitors parking for any reason If a student registers for a parking space after the school year has begun and has one truancy on record he/she may be issued a parking space but it will be revoked for any one violation after the effective date of issuance. Parking at The Woodlands College Park High School is a privilege and not a right. Conroe I.S.D. provides bus transportation. Therefore, we are not obligated to furnish parking for students. Parking privileges are only for registered students at their respective campuses. A parking fee is charged at TWCPHS. If parking is permanently suspended during the school year no money will be refunded at any time. Any vehicle booted will receive a $10.00 fine plus suspension. Additional parking suspensions/sanctions may be assigned at the discretion of the grade level principals. Just a reminder all information is also on our website: You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.
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