DISTRICT 20 A-D AL-ANON MEETING SCHEDULE For up to date meeting info, please visit www.memphisareaal-anon.org Memphis Area Al-Anon Information Service PO Box 111283, Memphis TN 38111-1283 901-323-0321 info@memphisareaal-anon.org March 2015 Meetings scheduled on a holiday may not meet because of church closings. If in doubt, please call the specific church for their "open hours." SUNDAY CAME TO BELIEVE AFG 2875 Walnut Grove 10:30 a.m. Store CENTRAL ACOA 531 S McLean 7 p.m. CORDOVA HOPE 8500 Walnut Grove Came to Believe Memphis, TN, 38111 Behind Liquor Central Christian Church Memphis, TN, 38104 First Floor-Dining hall Hope Presbyterian Church Cordova, TN, 38018 MONDAY (cont’d) HERNANDO DAY GRP 2110 Hwy 51 S Noon FREEDOM 5217 Park Ave 12:30 p.m. Parlor 2 nd Floor ALATEEN Hope Presbyterian Church Same Location/Time as Above (Must be able to read through 18 years) GERMANTOWN St. George’s Episcopal Church 2425 S Germantown Rd Germantown, TN, 38139 8 p.m. Meeting Room C Alateen Chatters Http://chat.alateen.net 3:00 p.m. Eastern 2:00 p.m. Central Woodland Presbyterian Church Memphis, TN 38119 PLEASANT HILL HAPPY HOUR Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church 3711 Pleasant Hill Rd Olive Branch, MS 38654 5:30 p.m. White House on Church Property GFA UN DIA A LA VEZ Iglesia San James 4180 Leroy Ave. 6:00 pm Memphis, TN 38108 St. Ann Catholic Church Bartlett, TN, 38134 Family Life Bldg. COURAGE TO CHANGE 104 N Rowlett 8 p.m. Sanctuary on the Square Collierville, TN, 38017 TUESDAY SERENITY 8566 Cordes 8:00 AM HOPE 3743 Austin Peay 11 a.m. OAK COURT 4488 Poplar Ave Noon ACCEPTANCE 322 S Greer Central Lot 5:30 p.m. TUESDAY (cont’d) CHANGED ATTITUDES - BOOK STUDY Balmoral Presbyterian Church 6413 Quince Rd Memphis, TN, 38119 6:30 p.m. From Survival To Recovery HORN LAKE Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 8017-A Hwy. 51 N Southaven, MS, 38671 8 p.m. In brown trailer MUSTARD SEED Advent Presbyterian Church 1879 N Germantown Rd Cordova, TN, 38016 8 p.m. North of Dexter OUT OF TOWNERS House of Hope 1425 Munford Drummonds Rd. Munford, Tn. 38058 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY OAK COURT Christ United Methodist Church 4488 Poplar Ave Memphis, TN, 38117 Noon Dunnam Bldg., Room #335 SOLUTIONS 6529 Stage Rd 7 p.m. Enter west side of bldg, thru double door – back by gym 8 p.m. Hernando Ch. of Christ Hernando, MS, 38632 Bradford Health Germantown, TN, 38139 CARING AND SHARING Recovery Club 1953 Sartain Horn Lake, MS. 38637 6:00 p.m. WE CARE 6413 Quince Rd 7 p.m. Balmoral Presbyterian Church Memphis, TN, 38119 Last Wed. is Speaker Meeting CONSCIOUS CONTACT 800 N. Houston Levee 7 p.m. HeartSong Church Cordova, TN, 38018 Child Care Last Wed. of month is Joint Speaker Meeting w/AA Messiah Lutheran Church Memphis, TN, 38128 Christ United Methodist Church Memphis, TN, 38117 Dunnam Bldg., Room #335 St. John’s Episcopal Church Memphis, TN, 38111 ND Parish Life Center, 2 Floor CENTRAL ACOA 531 S McLean 7 p.m. Central Christian Church Memphis, TN, 38104 Walker Hall- Downstairs GREENBROOK Graceland Christian Church 2126 Stateline Rd E Southaven, MS, 38671 7 p.m. Main driveway closed; enter right of white fence; meeting room end of hall through AA Room THURSDAY MORNING GRACE 1720 Peabody 10:30 a.m. Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Ch. THURSDAY (cont’d) Memphis, TN, 38104 Room 203 DESOTO GROUP 8745 Goodman Rd 7:30 p.m. Maples Memorial Methodist Ch. JOURNEY THROUGH THE LEGACIES, AFG Jewish Family Services Boardroom 6560 Poplar Ave. Germantown, TN.38138 11:30 a.m. HERNANDO MTG 575 E Commerce 8 p.m. Holy Spirit Catholic Church CORDOVA DAY GROUP St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 2000 Germantown Rd Cordova, TN, 38016 At back of church – first door on left 1 p.m. ACCEPTANCE 322 S Greer Central Lot 5:30 p.m. St. John’s Episcopal Church Memphis, TN, 38111 ND Parish Life Center, 2 Floor COURAGE TO CHANGE 104 N Rowlett 5:30 p.m. Sanctuary on the Square Collierville, TN, 38017 SPEAKING SERENITY AFG Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center 892 South Cooper Street Memphis, TN. 38104 5:30 p.m. HORN LAKE 8017-A Hwy 51 N 8 p.m. DOWNTOWN NOONERS 102 N Second St Noon LIFE’S JOURNEY 8816 Poplar Pike 7:00 p.m. nd Faith Presbyterian Germantown, TN. Hernando Church of Christ Hernando, MS, 38632 Calvary Episcopal Ch. Memphis, TN, 38103 nd Library, 2 Floor SINGLENESS OF PURPOSE Immaculate Conception Catholic Church SOLUTIONS 6529 Stage Rd 7 p.m. 2 floor Memphis, TN.38105 Southaven, MS, 38671 In brown trailer HERNANDO DAY GRP 2110 Hwy 51 S Noon 61792 DOWNTOWN AFG St. Mary’s Church, 155 Market St. 7:00 p.m. DOWNTOWN ALATEEN St. Mary’s Catholic Church 155 Market Street 7:00 p.m. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church FRIDAY 1695 Central Ave 2 floor Memphis, TN. 38105 Hernando, MS, 38632 OAK COURT Christ United Methodist Church 4488 Poplar Ave Memphis, TN, 38117 Noon Dunnam Bldg., Room #335 LAKELAND Highland Heights Presbyterian Ch. 2855 Morning Sun Rd Cordova, TN, 38016 7 p.m. Book Study nd Olive Branch, MS, 38654 Memphis, TN, 38104 Marion Hall Conference Room- Downstairs 6 p.m. Fifth Friday is Speaker Meeting TRUSTED SERVANTS 6619 Cocrum (Hwy 305) 7:30 p.m. St. Ann Catholic Church Bartlett, TN, 38134 Family Life Bldg. Public Library Olive Branch, MS, 38654 HORN LAKE Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 8017-A Hwy. 51 N Southaven, MS, 38671 8 p.m. In brown trailer SATURDAY COURAGE Emmanuel United Methodist Church 2404 Kirby Rd Memphis, TN, 38119 Kirby Entrance – double glass doors 9:30 a.m. GFA EXPERANZA PARA HOY White Station Church of Christ nd 1106 Colonial Road, 2 floor #206 Memphis,TN 38117 11:00 a.m. OUT-OF-TOWNERS 1425 Munford-Drummonds Rd 11:30 a.m. House of Hope Munford, TN, 38058 CARING AND SHARING Recovery Club 1953 Sartain Horn Lake, MS. 38637 Noon PATHFINDERS STEP-STUDY- AFG Holy Communion Episcopal Church Room 308 4645 Walnut Grove 38117 Enter off Old Perkins Enter staff parking lot into Portico. Noon Powerless AFG 6080 Quince Rd, Suite A 6:45 p.m. The Tower Memphis TN 38119 District 20 Business Meeting 2nd Thursday – 6 p.m. Christ United Methodist Church 4488 Poplar, Wilson Ross Hall Rooms 401-402 Memphis, TN 38117 All members welcome. Each group has a vote. Come learn how to be a part of the solution, find out about the “business” of Al-Anon and chart the growth of your District in West Tennessee.
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