Friday, November 21, 2014
Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, 1 N. Front St., Wade Auditorium
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. Lunch is included.
Jointly provided by Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation, Center for Education & Organizational Development
and the University of Memphis Health Law Institute.
Course Description:
The goal of this activity is to educate the target audience on the emerging issues in health law and its impact on patient
Registration open to legal professionals, risk managers, primary care physicians, all specialty physicians, nurses, allied health
professionals, and physician assistants.
CME Accreditation & Credit Designation:
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Mississippi State
Medical Association through the joint providership of Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation (BMHCC) and the
University of Memphis Health Law Institute. BMHCC is accredited by the Mississippi State Medical Association to provide
continuing medical education for physicians.
Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.00 AMA PRA Category 1
Credit(s) . Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
8:30 - 9:30: Physician/Hospital Integration
Speakers: Henry Sullivant, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Select Health Alliance, Baptist Memorial Health Care (BMHCC);
George Wortham, MD, MetroCare and Denise Burke, JD, Partner, Waller Landsen Dortch & Davis, LLP
9:30 - 10:30: Physician Contracting: To Affiliate or Not? Speakers: Clarence Watridge, MD, Semmes Murphey; Kurt
Tauer, MD, West Clinic. Facilitated by: James Nowlin, JD, Baptist Medical Group
10:45 - 11:45: Risk Reduction (Error Management)
Speakers: Karen R. Farley, MHA, CPHQ, Executive Director, Baptist Memorial Patient Safety Organization, BMHCC
and Mimi Clemons, JD, Assistant Vice President, SVMIC
12:00 - 1:00: Getting the Big Picture
Speaker: Robert Waller, MD, President Emeritus, Mayo Clinic Health System, Rochester, MN
1:15 - 2:15: The Local Perspective: What Is / Will Be Affecting You
Speakers: Reginald Coopwood, MD, President and CEO, Regional One Health and Gregory Duckett, Chief Legal
Officer and Senior Vice President, BMHCC.
Facilitated by: Lee J. Chase, III, JD, Member, Glankler Brown
2:15 - 3:15: Update on the Affordable Care Act
Speaker: Philip Johnson, Employee Benefits Practice Leader, Regions Insurance Group of Tennessee
3:30 - 4:30: Futile Care and Other Ethical Issues Related to the Aging Clients/Patients
Speakers: Darryl Weiman, MD, JD, Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Chief of Surgery, VA Memphis and Charles Key,
JD, General Counsel, LifeLinc Corp.
Faculty Disclosure:
It is the policy of Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation (BMHCC) to promote balance, independence,
objectivity, and scientific rigor in all educational activities; to require disclosure of relevant financial relationships
from individuals engaged in content development or planning of a CME activity; to identify and resolve conflicts of
interest related to those relationships; and to make disclosure information available to the audience prior to the
CME activity. Presenters are required to disclose discussions of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices
during their presentations.
CME Contact Information:
Office Number (901) 227-2547
E-mail: ceod@bmhcc.org
Registration Form
Registration Deadline: Thursday, November 20, 2014
Mailing Address:
Last 4 of SSN:
A $25 fee has been set for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers.
Method of Payment:
□ Check
□ Credit Card
Card #:
Exp. Date:
Security Code:
Billing address:
Cardholder signature:
Return form and payment to:
Memphis Bar Association
145 Court Ave., #301
Memphis, TN 38103
Register by fax:
Cancellation Policy:
If you must cancel your registration for this activity, the University of Memphis Health Law Institute will refund
your registration fee, less five dollars, provided you notify us by Monday, November 17. No refunds will be made
after that date. Exceptions will be made for justifiable emergencies.
Registration may be transferred to another person.
In the event of cancellation or rescheduling of this CME activity due to unforeseen circumstances, University of
Memphis Health Law Institute will refund registration fees in full.
Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation, Center for Education & Organizational Development nor the University
of Memphis Health Law Institute is responsible for non-transferable, non-refundable travel or hotel
accommodations purchased in connection with attendance at this CME activity.