Not So Scary NEWBORN Conference Saturday, October 18, 2014

Not So Scary NEWBORN Conference
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Marriott NW Hotel, San Antonio, Texas
Conference Overview
The misconception that the developed countries, including the Unites States, are no longer vulnerable
to widespread infectious diseases is being shattered with the resurgence of many infectious diseases, once
thought to be eradicated. This vigorous revival solidifies the fact that these viruses remain a major cause of
morbidity and mortality of our youth and general population.
Refusal to vaccinate and apathy among parents who feel the common childhood diseases are no
longer a threat is a contributing factor in this resurgence. The emergence of some of these in more virulent
and drug-resistant forms has further underscored our vulnerability to infectious diseases.
The conference will provide an overview of the resurgence of the ‘Scary Diseases’ that are now being
seen again in the pediatrician office. Discussion will include treatment guidelines and management of these
common childhood infectious diseases. The topics will also consist of information on the importance of
vaccinations including the controversy and misconceptions surrounding vaccine refusal.
Target Audience
Physicians specializing in pediatrics, family practice, and general practice as well as maternal child health
nurses, pediatric and neonatal nurse practitioners and all allied health professionals who care for the newborn.
Through lecture, audiovisual presentations, case studies, research findings, discussion and breakout sessions
the participant will be able to:
General Session Objectives
1. Assess the impact of the reemergence of childhood infectious diseases on public health
2. Describe the importance of childhood vaccines and the controversy over vaccinating
3. Discuss the diagnosis, management and treatment of infant Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
4. Discuss the diagnosis, management and treatment of infant Cytomegalovirus (CM) and Herpes
Simplex Virus (HSV)
5. Discuss the ethical dilemmas of working with parents that refuse to vaccinate their children
Breakout Objectives
1. Apply the current guidelines for sepsis management and treatment, to include Group B Strep infection
2. Develop treatment plans for infants with GI disorders, including Clostridium difficile (C.Diff) and
3. Describe best practices in newborn screening
4. Apply the current guidelines for herpes and syphilis management and treatment
Conference Schedule - 2014
7:00 – 7:45 a.m.
7:45 – 8:00
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Welcome and Announcements
8:00 – 8:40
The Resurgence of SCARY Diseases
Claire Bocchini, M.D.
8:40 – 8:45
8:45 – 9:25
9:25 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:10
The Not-So-Scary Vaccines
Flor Munoz, M.D.
10:10 – 10:15
Creepy Crawling Bugs 1: HIV and the Newborn & Child
Ernesto Parra, M.D.
10:15 – 10:45
Break and Exhibits
10:45 – 11:25
Creepy Crawling Bugs 2: CMV and HSV Update
Flor Munoz, M.D.
11:25 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:10
12:10 – 12:15
Don’t Be Scared of Breast Milk Basics: From Pump to Dump
Mary Wearden, M.D.
12:15 – 1:15
Lunch / DIVIDE Rooms
1:15 – 2:15
Concurrent Breakout Case Studies / Workshops (Choose one)
1. The Tangled Web of Sepsis Workup: Including Group B Strep - Dennis Conrad, M.D.
2. Bugs, Guts, and Babies: GI Infections & Pre/Probiotics – Jonathan Crews, M.D.
3. Un-masking the Little Monsters: Update on Newborn Screening – Jim Gibson, M.D.
4. Trick or Treat: Guidelines for Herpes and Syphilis – Flor Munoz, M.D.
2:15 – 2:30
Break and Change Sessions
2:30 – 3:30
REPEAT Concurrent Breakout Case Studies / Workshops (Choose one)
1. The Tangled Web of Sepsis Workup: Including Group B Strep - Dennis Conrad, M.D.
2. Bugs, Guts, and Babies: GI Infections & Pre/Probiotics – Jonathan Crews, M.D.
3. Un-masking the Little Monsters: Update on Newborn Screening – Jim Gibson, M.D.
4. Trick or Treat: Guidelines for Herpes and Syphilis – Flor Munoz, M.D.
3:30 – 3:45
Break / JOIN rooms
3:45 – 4:45
ETHICS: The SCARY Parents: Parents who won’t Vaccinate
Julie Boom, M.D.
4:30 – 4:45
Evaluation and Adjournment
CME Category 1:
The Baptist Health System designates this continuing medical education activity for a maximum of
6.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of
their participation in the activity.
The Baptist Health System is accredited by the Texas Medical Association to sponsor continuing
education for physicians.
Medical Ethics and Professional Responsibility:
The “The Scary Parents: Parents Who Won’t Vaccinate” presentation has been designated by the
Baptist Health System for one (1) hour of education in the area of medical ethics and/or professional
The Baptist Health System is an approved provider of continuing education in nursing by the Texas
Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on
This activity provides up to 7 contact hours.
Conference Location / Accommodations
The conference will be held at the Marriott Northwest Hotel, 3233 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas.
The San Antonio Marriott Northwest is an easy 5 - 10 minute drive to: The Shops at La Cantera, The New
Bass Pro Shop and Rim Shopping Center as well as the family entertainment park, Six Flags Fiesta Texas.
Tickets for Sea World and Six Flags Fiesta Texas can be purchased at the hotel registration desk.
The Baptist Health System has a special group room rate of $89 single/double, plus tax. To make your
reservations, at this special rate, please call (800) 706-9963 and request the Baptist Health Center Group
Rate. Or make your reservation at the following link –
Book your group rate: BHS NOT SO SCARY NEWBORN >>
Please make your reservation early, as space is limited. We suggest you bring a sweater or jacket, as
the meeting room temperature may be difficult to regulate.
American Disabilities Act: In accordance with the American Disabilities Act, all reasonable efforts will be made
to accommodate persons with disabilities at this conference. Should you require special assistance, please call
(210) 297-8632.
No Smoking: This conference is a "No Smoking" event.
Early registration is advised as space is limited. Deadline for symposium registration is Friday,
October 10, 2014. If you must cancel your registration, fees will be refunded in full if notice is received prior to
October 10. There will be a processing fee for cancelations received after October 10th. Baptist Health
System reserves the right to cancel the course no less than one week prior to the course should circumstances
make this necessary. Should the program be canceled, persons registered will be notified by phone using the
number listed on the registration form.
Not-So-Scary Newborn 2014 Conference
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Marriott Northwest Hotel, San Antonio
Registration Form
Registration Fees:
Nurses/Allied Health Professionals
Baptist Health System Employees
$ 85
(Nurses and Allied Health Care who draw a paycheck
(Photocopies are acceptable)
from BHS – San Antonio)
(Please Print)
City/State/Zip Code:
Phone (Daytime):
Place of Employment/Department:
Please Check:
R.N. ___ LVN ___ Other
Other (Please Specify):
Specialty (if physician)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enclosed is my check payable to Baptist Health System Conference
for $
or I authorize Baptist Health System to charge my:
Account No.
Exp. Date
Security Code
Print Name as Shown on Card
Make check or money order payable to:
On Line Registration:
Baptist Health System Conference
Return with registration form to:
Fax registration form to:
Continuing Medical Education Dept.
(210) 297-0918
Baptist Health System
730 N. Main #317
San Antonio, TX 78205
There will be a processing fee for
cancelations received after Oct 10.
For More Information
Call the CME Dept. at
(210) 297-8632