News From Around Dale Baptist Association Camp Ground… The F.A.I.T.H. RIDERS motorcycle ministry of Camp Ground Baptist Church will host the 4th annual Caring and Sharing Ride, on March 17. It will start and end at Dale County Lake at the pavilion. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. with KSU at 10 am. The ride will be approximately 110+ miles with lunch provided. The cost is $25 per bike, and participants will receive a patch and rocker. All are welcome. Proceeds to benefit The Alabama Baptist Children’s Home, located in Houston County. For more info call 334-774-5194. Post Oak… Post Oak held it’s 3rd Annual Men’s Chili CookOff on February 18th. There were 13 contestants and the winners were: 1st place James McMillion, 2nd place Kendall Allen, 3rd place Chuck Culverhouse. While we had some wonderful chili and they were all good, someone had to take home the coveted “Worst Pot of Chili” award, and it went to Jerry Strickland, who will proudly wear his “practice, practice, practice” apron ‘til next year. Judges were Pete Anderson, Glen Johnson, and Don McCall. On February 22nd, there were a lot of laughs celebrating Bro. Matt’s 50th birthday! Coming up: Post Oak will be highlighting the youth on March 4th: POBY will preach, teach, and sing to the glory of God for the annual Youth Day. Ridgecrest… Ridgecrest Baptist Church will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on March 14 from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. The Single’s group will be going to Ponce De Leon, Florida to view The Old Testament Tabernacle Replica on March. The youth will be going to The Little Grand Canyon in Lumpkin, Ga. on March 31. For more information contact the office at 774-5610. Southside… Southside Baptist will have “Highlight Sunday” on March 4. This will be their High Attendance Day. Dr. Rick Lance, Executive Director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, will be giving the message. For more information please contact the church at 774-6911. VBS… I hope you have begun preparing your preflight plans for VBS 2012. Amazing Wonders Aviation will show us God's amazing power over nature, circumstances, sin, death and our life. Remember to make one of your first stops at Ozark Baptist Church on April 28 for the Associational Training. As always, if I can assist you in any way with your VBS please contact me at 701-1050 or email me at Awesome God! Amazing Power! program? If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, please give our Associational Office a call, so we can send out help to you to get the programs started in your church. Even if you only have 1 or 2 children – that is enough to have a class for them. How else will we know about missions, if we don’t have these programs? Don’t forget that April 29 through May 3 will be our Bible Reading Marathon. Some have already started calling to set up their times, so put it on your calendar to be available to help us again this year. What a blessing we are still able to do this. Praise the LORD, and Bless HIS NAME this will be our 8th year. We need all the help that we can get. Bring your children’s groups and youth to help us also. What a great learning experience for them too. Thanks for all you do, Wilma Hart Associational WMU Director Vicki Meacham Associational VBS Director Upcoming Events RA Race Results... Congrats to all racers for putting wonderful effort and a great attitude in the race this year! We also thank all the men that helped with setup, operations and cleanup. We absolutely could not have this event without you! Lads: 1st Place-Ty Oldham 2nd Place-Hank Ethridge 3rd Place– Christian Huett Crusaders: 1st Place-Jacob Loff 2nd Place-Logan Culpepper 3rd Place– Ross Milner Challengers: 1st Place-Justin Lucky 2nd Place-Garrett Daniels 3rd Place– Calin Ristau Counselors: 1st Place-James Daniels WMU NEWS... Does your church have WMU? Do you have GA’s? Do you have Mission Friends? Do you have Acteens? Do you have an RA Associational Bible Drills April 1; 2:00 PM Southside Baptist Church-Ozark Semi-Annual Meeting April 16; 6:30 PM Daleville Baptist Church VBS Clinic April 28; 9:00 AM Ozark Baptist Church Bible Reading Marathon April 29-May 3 Please call the office to schedule a time to read. 11.30 21.60 74.90 1,041.60 29.0 286.00 29.60 102.80 (70 lbs previously not reported) 1698.60 March 3..................9:00 AM Ladies Retreat –Pleasant Grove; 9 AM Swamp CookoutJohn Hutto Park, Newton; 9:00 AM Thrift Store Open March 4-7 ..............AABS Conference-Shocco Springs; NAMB Emphasis (4-11) March 5..................10:30 AM Minister’s Conference-Bill Hart March 6..................9:00 AM VITA Tax Service every Tuesday March 8..................9:00 AM VITA every Thursday; 6:30 PM Sunday School BanquetPleasant Grove March 11................Daylight Saving Time Begins March 12................10:30 AM Minister’s Conference-Harold Peters March 18................Substance Abuse Prevention Sunday March 26................10:30 AM Minister’s Conference-Peter Brent Camp Ground Camp Ground Awana Center Ridge Chalkhead Midway Ozark Ozark Ladies Bible Study Pinckard Total Received Moderator Rev. Al Sonanstine Food received this month from our churches: Secretary Tina Pitts secretary@dalebaptistassociation Food 273.90 lbs Clothing for 6 individuals Associational Leaders Report from 1/24/12-2/24/12 Assistance Given Associational Missionary Kenneth W. Hale Treasurer Ed Woodham VITA Tax Ministry January 24—April 12 Tuesdays & Thursdays Only 9 AM-1 PM DBA Ministry Center Call Lynn Andrews for more info: 714-6088 Hours Served* 3 3 43.50 12.00 24.50 83.00 312.50 *These numbers are based on the completed sign-in sheets Thank you to Tom Clements, Mac Hamm and Craig Peters for mopping the center every 2 weeks! Dale Baptist Association 4151 Andrews Avenue Ozark, AL 36360 334-774-2713 334-774-5603 FAX Non-Profit Organization Permit # 68 Church Name Ozark Pinckard Pleasant Grove Pleasant Ridge Providence Southside Total Address Service Requested Hours Served* 39.5 15.50 9 19 9 3 42.5 6 Ladies Retreat March 3; 9:00 AM Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Speaker: Ann Varnum Music by: Karen Goodson, Deanna Hull & Katie Hammack Please bring a covered dish to share. If each church can bring at least one gift card of $10-$15 each to contribute to door prizes that would be a great help! Swamp Cookout March 3; 9:00 AM John Hutto Park, Newton Speaker: Lonnie Cochran Sunday School Banquet Store Volunteers for the Month Church Name Camp Ground Center Ridge Chalkhead Daleville Hillcrest Logan Road Mt. Pisgah New Hope MARCH 2012 March 8; 6:30 PM Pleasant Grove Baptist Church $4.00 per person Register by March 5 All Pastors, Sunday School Teachers, Assistants and Directors are invited to attend a special inspirational Banquet featuring Daniel Edmonds, Sunday School Director for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. Come enjoy a night of fellowship and inspiration as Daniel encourages all Sunday School workers. A nursery will be provided, please pre-register for childcare by calling the Dale Baptist Association at 774-2713 or by email: Please RSVP no later than March 5!
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