2015 PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE TENNESSEE MASONIC CODE GRAND LODGE FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF TENNESSEE MUST BE READ AT THE FIRST STATED MEETING AFTER ITS RECEIPT AND REPORTED ON YOUR NEXT MONTHLY REPORT Use remarks section Constitution Changes Submitted Second readings only Proposed Code Changes Submitted Tabled Proposed Code Changes Also included: BIOGRAPHIES FOR JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE TENNESSEE MASONIC CODE Constitution Changes Submitted (Second reading) 2.106 ARTICLE VI SUBORDINATE LODGES Constitution Change No. 1 (second reading) The following proposal is submitted by: Harold E. Scott PM (776) 2.106 Paragraph (1) As reads now (1) Annual Returns. - Each Lodge subordinate to this Grand Lodge shall transmit annually the names of its officers, together with such other information as will exhibit the true condition of the Lodge, and shall transmit monthly all activity of the Lodge for the previous month, agreeable to forms furnished by the Grand Secretary. 2.106 Paragraph (1) Change to read (1) Annual Returns. - Each Lodge subordinate to this Grand Lodge shall transmit annually the names of its officers, together with such other information as will exhibit the true condition of the Lodge, and shall transmit monthly or after a stated meeting all activity of the Lodge for the previous calendar month or between stated meeting dates, agreeable to forms furnished by the Grand Secretary. Rational: Some lodges by their bylaws do not meet on a monthly basis. This would relieve the lodge from having to make monthly reports unnecessarily. 2.106 ARTICLE VI SUBORDINATE LODGES Constitution Change No. 2 (second reading) The following proposal is submitted by: Harold E. Scott PM (776) 2.106 Paragraph (4) As reads now (4) Election of Officers - The election of officers of subordinate Lodges shall be held once in each year, on the first stated meeting in the month of December, and the installation shall take place as soon thereafter as may be convenient prior to the first day of January. Elective officers who have been duly installed shall continue to hold their respective offices until their successors are duly elected and installed. Provided, however, that should a subordinate Lodge, for unavoidable reasons, fail to hold a stated meeting in December; or should one of its elective officers die, or refuse to accept office after his election and before his installation; or should a Lodge find it necessary for unavoidable reasons to elect or install one or more elective officers at a time other than herein before specified; the Grand Master in the exercise of sound discretion, good and sufficient cause being shown, may grant to such Lodge a dispensation for otherwise permissible election or installation of officers, or both. 2.106 Paragraph (4) Change to read (4) Election of Officers - The election of officers of subordinate Lodges shall be held once in each year, on the first stated meeting in the month of December and the installation shall take place as soon thereafter as may be convenient prior to the first day of January. If a lodge by their bylaws do not meet in December, election and installation of officers shall take place at the last stated meeting of the calendar year or their stated meeting in January. Elective officers who have been duly installed shall continue to hold their respective offices until their successors are duly elected and installed. Provided, however, that should a subordinate Lodge, for unavoidable reasons, fail to hold a stated meeting in December; or should one of its elective officers die, or refuse to accept office after his election and before his installation; or should a Lodge find it necessary for unavoidable reasons to elect or install one or more elective officers at a time other than herein before specified; the Grand Master in the exercise of sound discretion, good and sufficient cause being shown, may grant to such Lodge a dispensation for otherwise permissible election or installation of officers, or both. Rational: Some Lodges by their bylaws do not meet in December. This would relieve the lodge from making the request for a dispensation to the Grand Master every year. 2.106 ARTICLE VI SUBORDINATE LODGES Constitution Change No.3 (second reading) The following proposal is submitted by: Walter Seifert PM (560) (Considered housekeeping) As reads now: (7) Fees for Dispensations and Charters - For a dispensation to form a new Lodge there shall be paid to the Grand Lodge the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00), and for a charter there shall be paid to the Grand Lodge the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Change to read: (7) Fees for Dispensations and Charters - For a dispensation to form a new Lodge there shall be paid to the Grand Lodge the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00), and for a charter there shall be paid to the Grand Lodge the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Rational: this change is to be in conjunction with code 4.103 and 4.113 that were update to $100 in 2006 and 2008. TITLE 2 CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF ORDER Chapter 1 Constitution of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Tennessee 2.103 ARTICLE III MEETINGS Constitution Change No.4 (second reading) The following proposal is submitted by: Rick Hoover PM (124) Grand Secretary Recorder, Grand York Rite, George Leroy Stansberry PM (549), Gary W. M. Davis PM (486), Robert Elmer Gooch PM (89) R. Burks Taylor PM (68), Jessie Riggs PM (7), John Douglas Pugh, Jr. PM (503), John Roy Stracener PGS (18), James David Crocket PM (106), Michael Garland Weems PM (469). As reads now: (1) Annual Communication: All meetings of the Grand Lodge shall be held in the city of Nashville, except that the Most Worshipful Grand Master may convene the Grand Lodge in called or a special session at other places for special purposes, stating in the call the purpose; but no business shall be transacted except that stated in the call. A meeting to be denominated the “Annual Communication”, shall be held once in each year, beginning the fourth Wednesday in March. Should unavoidable circumstances arise, which in the opinion of the Grand Master would prevent a majority of the chartered lodges from being represented at the annual communication, he may postpone the same until such representation can be had (not to extend beyond the succeeding annual communication), du notice thereof being given to the subordinate Lodges Change to read: (1) Annual Communication: All meetings of the Grand Lodge shall be held in the city of Nashville, except that the Most Worshipful Grand Master may convene the Grand Lodge in called or a special session at other places for special purposes, stating in the call the purpose; but no business shall be transacted except that stated in the call. A meeting to be denominated the “Annual Communication”, shall be held once in each year, beginning the third Thursday in March. Should unavoidable circumstances arise, which in the opinion of the Grand Master would prevent a majority of the chartered lodges from being represented at the annual communication, he may postpone the same until such representation can be had (not to extend beyond the succeeding annual communication), du notice thereof being given to the subordinate Lodges Objective: To reduce the costs associated to attend the Annual Communication and making it easier for members to attend, thus, increasing attendance, by: Streamline meetings through the Grand week sessions. Coordinate with the York Rite Grand Sessions to reduce hotel costs, minimize the number days required for hotels. Reduce auxiliary costs such as guards, transportation, etc. Members attending the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge will need to schedule two days of vacation (Thursday & Friday), whereas they now schedule three days (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) The third week of March eliminates any conflicts with Easter and Maundy Thursday. Grand week will be more efficient and organized. Code Changes Submitted Code Proposal No 1: The following proposal is submitted by: Roy C. Etherton PM (512) The Subordinate Lodge Chapter 10. Duties and Limitations of a Lodge As now reads: 4.1004. Each subordinate Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a monthly report on forms to be supplied by the Grand Secretary and furnish the information and date called for therein, each report to cover the period of one (1) month ending on the date of the stated meeting of the Lodge and be transmitted so as to reach the Grand Secretary not later than the tenth (10th) day of the next calendar month or be postmarked not later than the seventh (7th) day of the next succeeding month. A Lodge must be penalized $2.00 per month for failure to transmit its monthly report so as to be received by the Grand Secretary not later than the 10th day of the succeeding month or be postmarked not later than the 7th day of the succeeding month. The penalties shall be used for the benefit of the widows, orphans and old Masons, through the general fund. The Grand Secretary has no authority to waive any of the above penalties. The Grand Secretary shall send annually, in February, to the Secretary of each subordinate Lodge, a list of the members (Master Masons only) of his Lodge as of December 31st of the preceding year. The Lodge Secretary shall check the list against his records and acknowledge the correctness of it, or provide the needed corrections, to the Grand Secretary prior to April 1st of the same year Change to read as: 4.1004. Each subordinate Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a monthly report on forms to be supplied by the Grand Secretary and furnish the information and date called for therein, each report to cover the period of one (1) month ending on the date of the stated meeting of the Lodge and be transmitted so as to reach the Grand Secretary not later than the tenth (10th) day of the next calendar month or be postmarked not later than the seventh (7th) day of the next succeeding month. A Lodge must be penalized $2.00 per month for failure to transmit its monthly report so as to be received by the Grand Secretary not later than the 10th day of the succeeding month or be postmarked not later than the 7th day of the succeeding month. The penalties shall be used for the benefit of the widows, orphans and old Masons, through the general fund. The Grand Secretary has no authority to waive any of the above penalties. The Grand Secretary shall send annually, in June, to the Secretary of each subordinate Lodge, a list of the members (Master Masons only) of his Lodge as of said date. The Lodge Secretary shall check the list against his records and acknowledge the correctness of it, or provide the needed corrections, to the Grand Secretary prior to September 1st of the same year. Rational: by permission of the Grand Master we did a test to see if submitting the Master Mason list in June would be beneficial to the secretaries as well as the Grand Secretary’s office. We found that by receiving the much needed corrections in a timely manner and were able to implement those corrections into the data base which assisted in the accuracy of the printing of next year’s dues cards. Code Proposal No 2: The following proposal is submitted by: Robert W. Lankford PM (6), Jeremy L. Apple PM (359), Jack E. Patterson JW (359), Kristopher M. Fisher PM (375), Michael L. Farrell PM (661), Jason M. Pappafotis SW (686), Bradley F. Pendleton WM (414), Harley P. Toler WM (711), Travis E. Scala PM (686), Charles V. Smith PM (716), James R. Morrison PM (239). The Subordinate Lodge Chapter 11 Lodge Meetings, Time and Place As now reads: 4.1116. Alcoholic beverages may not be served in any Lodge hall or Masonic temple, or in connection with any Masonic gathering, or in a building controlled by a Lodge or in which a Lodge has an interest This is not intended to prohibit the use of ceremonial wine in Masonic or Masonic related ceremonies. As the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge extends to all individual Masons, each Mason is charged to observe the provisions of this section at all official meetings or gatherings convened by any Masonic or other orders or organizations which predicates their membership on Masonic membership or other connection therewith. Change to read as: 4.1116. Alcoholic beverages may not be served in any subordinate lodge room including dining or fellowship halls adjacent to that room in this jurisdiction. This does not prohibit the use of wine in Masonic or Masonic related ceremonies. (word changed from proscribe to prohibit for better understanding 3-13-15) Rationale: Currently Section 4.1116 is overly broad in prohibiting alcohol use by Masons in Tennessee. Our Masonic forefathers met in taverns and because of this our ritual teaches temperance not abstinence. If we are willing to trust our brethren with our families, our scared honor and even our inner most secrets, we can with safety trust a brother Mason to enjoy alcohol with propriety at a Masonic social functions. This change would allow Masons to enjoy fellowship at lodge functions, outside the subordinate lodge, or at gatherings of Masonic orders of organizations which predicate their membership on Masonic membership. Also, this change will remove the hypocrisy that currently exists where we turn a “blind eye” to alcohol use at some Masonic social functions, and not others and remove the possibility of arbitrary punishment against some of our brethren. Code Proposal No 3: The following proposal is submitted by: G. Daniel Mata PM (281) The Grand Lodge Chapter 17 “Lewis Jewel” As now reads: 3.1701. The Lewis Jewel may be worn by a Master Mason, if at the time of his initiation, his father was a Master Mason in good standing (or if the father be deceased that he was a Master Mason in good standing at the time of his death) under the following criteria. (1) A Lewis is the son of a Mason. (2) The Lewis' initiation age is 18 or older. (3) No distinction should be made whether a Lewis' father was a Mason before or after the Lewis was born. (4) A Lewis is to be considered any son of a Mason, not just the first born. (5) A Lewis may wear the Jewel received from another Grand Jurisdiction in our Grand Jurisdiction. (6) The initiate of a deceased father and Master Mason in good standing at the time of his death would qualify as a Lewis. (7) The Lewis Jewel consists of two bars connected by chains – The upper bar contains the name of the father and date of his Initiation. The lower bar, the name of the son and date of his Initiation. Suspended from the two bars are three metal pieces; see diagram of a Craftsman's Lewis which is a device used to lifting stones. Change to read as: 3.1701 code to read: The Lewis Jewel may be worn by a Master Mason, if at the time of his initiation, his father, grandfather, or great-grandfather was a Master Mason in good standing (or if the father be deceased that he was a Master Mason in good standing at the time of his death) under the following criteria. (1) A Lewis is the son, grandson, or great-grandson of a Master Mason. (2) The Lewis' initiation age is 18 or older. (3) No distinction should be made whether a Lewis' father, grandfather, or great-grandfather was a Master Mason before or after the Lewis was born. (4) A Lewis is to be considered any son, grandson, or great-grandson of a Master Mason, not just the first born. (5) A Lewis may wear the Jewel received from another Grand Jurisdiction in our Grand Jurisdiction. (6) The initiate of a deceased father, grandfather, or great-grandfather of a Master Mason in good standing at the time of his death would qualify as a Lewis. (7) The Lewis Jewel consists of bars connected by chains – The upper bar contains the name of the oldest relative and date of his Initiation, progressing downward to the Lewis and date of his Initiation. Suspended from the bars is the Craftsman Lewis pendant. By definition, the Craftsman's Lewis consists of three metal pieces suspended from two bars making it a device used for lifting stones. Rationale for Change: Tradition teaches us to honor those who have built the paths upon which we walk. In view of this time-honored custom, it is prudent that we add the name(s) of our grandfather and greatgrandfather to the Lewis Jewel as a means of paying homage to them and to show to the world that our Masonic chain can never be broken. Code Proposal No 4: The following proposal is submitted by: Joseph Warshawsky PM (422) Subordinate Lodge Chapter 18 Dues As now reads: 4.1812. A certificate of the fact that he has been a Mason in good standing for fifty years may be issued by the Grand Secretary to a member who establishes that fact when applying for such certificate and the Grand Lodge, through Grand Secretary, shall provide and present a fifty-year button to each of such fifty-year Masons. The Lodge shall be exempt from payment of Grand Lodge dues on such member, provided all dues are remitted by the Lodge. 1932, 34, 122; 1943, 98, 99. Change to read as: 4.1812. A certificate of the fact that he has been a Mason in good standing for fifty years may be issued by the Grand Secretary to a member who establishes that fact when applying for such certificate and the Grand Lodge, through Grand Secretary, shall provide and present a fifty-year button to each of such fifty-year Masons and also those who have reached sixty years will be recognized with a certificate and a sixty-year button to each of such. The Lodge shall be exempt from payment of Grand Lodge dues on such member, provided all dues are remitted by the Lodge. Rational for Change: the grand lodge does provide a 75 year certificate and button. This award will recognize the long stretch between 50 and 75 for those who may not reach that landmark of 75 years Code Proposal No 5: The following proposal is submitted by: Michael C. Lett PM (582), Paul F. Richards PM (433), Larry Hubbs PM (524) The Penal Code Chapter 11 Automatic Suspension As now reads: 6.1101. When a Mason amenable to the laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge shall be convicted of a felony in a state or federal court, he shall stand indefinitely suspended automatically from the date of his conviction, unless such conviction is appealed from, in which event, if the conviction is affirmed his suspension shall become effective on the date of the affirmation, and shall not be restored except by legal action of the Lodge after due petition. No petition for restoration by one so suspended shall be received until at least one year following the completion of the service of his sentence, whether the sentence by probation or confinement in a penal institution. The automatic suspension regulation may be set aside by the Lodge of which the accused is a member, if within 60 days after the affirmation of the sentence; the Lodge takes action in the case in accordance with the penal regulations of the Code. In this event the decision of the Lodge if it conducts the trial, or the trial commission shall prevail. If the Lodge fails to take such action within 60 days after the sentence is affirmed, the automatic suspension regulation becomes effective, and the member shall stand suspended as provided thereby. Change to read as: 6.1101. When a Mason amenable to the laws and regulations of this Grand Lodge shall be convicted of a felony in a state or federal court, he shall stand indefinitely suspended automatically from the date recorded on his certified conviction document received by the Grand Secretary, unless such conviction is appealed from, in which event, if the conviction is affirmed his suspension shall become effective on the date of the affirmation, and shall not be restored except by legal action of the Lodge after due petition. No petition for restoration by one so suspended shall be received until at least one year following the completion of the service of his sentence, whether the sentence by probation or confinement in a penal institution. The automatic suspension regulation may be set aside by the Lodge of which the accused is a member, if within 60 days after the affirmation of the sentence; the Lodge takes action in the case in accordance with the penal regulations of the Code. In this event the decision of the Lodge if it conducts the trial, or the trial commission shall prevail. If the Lodge fails to take such action within 60 days after the sentence is affirmed, the automatic suspension regulation becomes effective, and the member shall stand suspended as provided thereby. Rational for Change: This addition will prevent any questions on records to be sent to Grand Lodge. Also this clarifies that the Grand Lodge does the suspension and on what date the suspension is executed. Code Proposal No 6: The following proposal is submitted by: Lonnie Dison WM (492) Lonnie N. Dison PM (616), Lona Gregory PM (492), Jake Albright PM (492), Jack Reed PM (492), James Vowell PM (492), Claude A. Bullock PM (376), Sammy Miles PM (616), Robert L. Hendren PM (616) The Subordinate Lodge Chapter 18. Dues As now reads: 4.1801. Each subordinate lodge must annually pay to the Grand Lodge twenty dollars ($20.00) for each Master Mason member enrolled in the lodge on December 31st of that year (which includes all accepted signatory members of newly chartered lodges.) A Lodge is not required to make such payment, however, for a member who holds a fifty-year membership certificate (see 4.1812), provided said Lodge does not require him to pay annual dues. Change to read as: 4.1801. Each subordinate lodge must annually pay to the Grand Lodge fifteen dollars and fifty cents ($15.50) for each Master Mason member enrolled in the lodge on December 31 st of that year (which includes all accepted signatory members of newly chartered lodges.) A Lodge is not required to make such payment, however, for a member who holds a fifty-year membership certificate (see 4.1812), provided said Lodge does not require him to pay annual dues. Rational for Change: Since 1993 the dues required of each subordinate lodge as raised from six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50) to twenty dollars ($20.00): An increase of over 238 percent. In addition there has been an added building assessment of $10.00 dollars; these two actions by the Grand Lodge have placed an increased burden on subordinate lodges at a time when the economy is in recession. This is brought about by the decrease in lodge membership. In lowering its per capita tax, the Grand Lodge would be leading by example with cost cutting measures on its annual budget and relieving some of the financial stress now being placed on subordinate lodges. Code Proposal No 7: The following proposal is submitted by: Raymond T. Hamilton PM (95), Richard R. Petty, Jr. PM (199), Travis W. Lewis PM (467), Robert G. Stone PM (642), Milton R. Hager PM (254), Bart O. Iddins, Jr. PM (453), Keith E. Walker PM (359), MWGM Delbert R. Musick PM (599), DGM P. Dwight Hastings PM (382/262), SGW Billy R. Cutlip PM (3), JGW C. Douglas Rial PM (159), Walter E. Seifert, Jr. PM (560), G. Bruce Jackson PM (598), Ronny L. Greer PM (97), Gregory E. Semrow PM (642). The Masonic Widows & Orphans Home Fund Chapter 3 Endowment Fund As now reads: 7.305. The present fund and all subsequent funds received shall adhere to the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act as adopted by the State of Tennessee. These funds shall be invested in the following manner and none other: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Obligations of the United States of America, or obligations guaranteed or insured by the United States Government or its agencies; Obligations of the state of Tennessee; Obligations of the counties of the state of Tennessee, having a population of not less than fifteen thousand, whose total debt does not exceed seven per cent of the assessed valuation of all the property in said county; Obligations of cities and towns situated in the above counties where the total debt of said city or town does not exceed ten per cent of the assessed valuation of all properties in said city or town, and where the population of said city or town is not less than forty-five hundred; and/or First mortgages on improved real estate in the state of Tennessee at not over fifty per cent of the fair value of said property, bearing interest at the highest rate obtainable with due regard to safety. Real estate, where the Endowment Fund Commission now owns, or may hereafter become the owner of an undivided interest in real estate, acquired through the foreclosure of a mortgage held by the commission, or by will. Change to read as: 7.305. The present fund and all subsequent funds received shall adhere to the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act as adopted by the State of Tennessee. These funds shall be invested in the following manner and none other. All investments must be covered by either Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate (FDIC) or Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), or be: (1) Obligations of the United States of America, or obligations guaranteed or issued by the United States Government or its agencies; (2) Obligations of the State of Tennessee, Counties, Cities or towns of Tennessee as long as such obligations are rated A or higher by Standard and Poor's or Moody's rating agencies. Preferably insured. (3) Not less than 75% of all funds shall be invested in fixed income instruments including those described in section (1) and (2), or in corporate bonds or obligations rated A or higher by Standard and Poor's or Moody's rating agencies. Amount of corporate bonds are restricted to not more than 5% of the total portfolio value from any one issuer. (4) Up to 25% of all funds may be invested in equities, Mutual Funds, or Exchange Traded Funds, priced daily on a United States exchange. The amount of equity invested in one issue is restricted to not more than 1% of the total portfolio value. The amount of Mutual Funds, or ETFs are restricted to not more than 10% of the total portfolio value. (5) First mortgages on improved real estate in the State of Tennessee at not over fifty per cent of the fair value of said property, bearing interest at the highest rate obtainable with due regard to safety. (6) Real estate, where the Endowment Fund Commission now owns, or may hereafter become the owner of an undivided interest in real estate, acquired thought the foreclosure of a mortgage held by the commission, or by will. Rational for Change: The Code currently restricts the Endowment Commission to invest in government backed bonds. Interest rates paid on these bonds have fallen in recent years. These lower interest rates have created a situation where the investments held by the Endowment Commission are not generating sufficient income presently to provide adequate support for our needy widows and orphans. This proposed change to the Code would permit the Endowment Commission in the future to invest up to 25% of the fund in high quality equity investments. Over time, this diversification should improve the annual earnings of the fund to make more funds available to support the widows and orphans while continuing to manage the fund in conservative manner. Code Proposal No 8: The following proposal is submitted by: Tom Boduch PGM (38), Mack E. Johnson PGM (586), Dickie W. Johnson PGM (98), Thomas E. Hager PGM Grand Treasurer (598), Paul L. Phillips PGM (332), Orville R. Armstrong PGM (5), Kenneth (K. I.) Wright PGM (254), John L. Palmer PGM (7/779), Jerry L. Hanson PGM (95), Phillip Dwight Hastings DGM (382), Roy C. Etherton PGM/GS (512) (131), Jesse Riggs PM (7), Odie B. Gregory PM (560), Dickie McKinney PM (249), Larry Bennett PM (14), John L. Weaver PM (354), Lynn H. Spangler PM (728), Charlie Williams PM (767), Anthony E. Knight PM (743), Danny L. Creason PM (512), Keith A. Taylor PM (266), Brandon T. Sory PM (131), James W. McDaniel PM (95), James A. Saults PM (489), Robert Parris PM (213), G. Daniel Mata PM (281), Kristopher M. Fisher PM (375) The Subordinate Lodge Chapter 15. Degrees and lectures As now reads: 4.1502. The fee to be paid for each degree shall be fixed by the bylaws of the Lodge, but the total sum paid for the three shall not be less than sixty dollars, regardless of where the fees are paid. A Lodge, by approved bylaw, may require the fees for all three degrees to be paid in advance before the first degree is conferred. Change to read as: 4.1502. The fee to be paid for each degree shall be fixed by the bylaws of the Lodge, but the total sum paid for the three shall not be less than sixty dollars, regardless of where the fees are paid. A Lodge, by approved bylaw, may require the fees for all three degrees to be paid in advance before the first degree is conferred. Each Lodge shall conduct a legal background check on each application for the three degrees, affiliation, dual and plural membership. The fee shall accompany the petition and is not refundable. The fee shall be set by the bylaws of each Lodge. The petitioner shall sign a waiver to allow the background check to be done. Each Lodge shall be responsible for ordering the background check. No copies of the background report shall be made, nor shall its contents be revealed by or to anyone other than the members of the Investigation Committee. The complete background report shall be returned to the candidate regardless of whether the candidate is accepted or rejected and a signed receipt obtained by the Lodge and made a part of the Lodge records. The Investigation Committee, or any member thereof, shall not, after having made its report, disclose any information which was received by the Lodge concerning the background investigation. RATIONALE: To improve the quality of our membership and to prevent the introduction of bad material. Tabled Proposed Code Changes The following proposals (A, B, and C) were tabled last year due to their relationship with proposed Constitutional Changes submitted last year that are to be balloted on this year. Code Proposal No A: The Subordinate Lodge Chapter 10. Duties and Limitations of a Lodge As now reads: 4.1004. Each subordinate Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a monthly report on forms to be supplied by the Grand Secretary and furnish the information and date called for therein, each report to cover the period of one (1) month ending on the date of the stated meeting of the Lodge and be transmitted so as to reach the Grand Secretary not later than the tenth (10th) day of the next calendar month or be postmarked not later than the seventh (7th) day of the next succeeding month. A Lodge must be penalized $2.00 per month for failure to transmit its monthly report so as to be received by the Grand Secretary not later than the 10th day of the succeeding month or be postmarked not later than the 7th day of the succeeding month. The penalties shall be used for the benefit of the widows, orphans and old Masons, through the general fund. The Grand Secretary has no authority to waive any of the above penalties. The Grand Secretary shall send annually, in February, to the Secretary of each subordinate Lodge, a list of the members (Master Masons only) of his Lodge as of December 31 st of the preceding year. The Lodge Secretary shall check the list against his records and acknowledge the correctness of it, or provide the needed corrections, to the Grand Secretary prior to April 1st of the same year Change to read as: 4.1004. Each subordinate Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a monthly report or after each stated meeting, on forms to be supplied by the Grand Secretary, and furnish the information and date called for therein, each report to cover the period of one (1) calendar month ending on the last day of the current month or between stated meeting dates and be transmitted so as to reach the Grand Secretary not later than the tenth (10th) day of the next calendar month or be postmarked not later than the seventh (7th) day of the next succeeding month. A Lodge must be penalized $2.00 per month for failure to transmit its monthly report so as to be received by the Grand Secretary not later than the 10th day of the succeeding month or be postmarked not later than the 7th day of the succeeding month. The penalties shall be used for the benefit of the widows, orphans and old Masons, through the general fund. The Grand Secretary has no authority to waive any of the above penalties. The Grand Secretary shall send annually, in February, to the Secretary of each subordinate Lodge, a list of the members (Master Masons only) of his Lodge as of December 31 st of the preceding year. The Lodge Secretary shall check the list against his records and acknowledge the correctness of it, or provide the needed corrections, to the Grand Secretary prior to April 1st of the same year Rational: Some lodges by their bylaws do not meet on a monthly basis. This would relieve the lodge from having to make monthly reports unnecessarily. Code Proposal No B: The Subordinate Lodge Chapter 3. Election and Installation of Officers As now reads: 4.301. The officers of a subordinate Lodge are: Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, two Stewards, Chaplain and Tiler. The first five of these must be elected annually (except by a Lodge under dispensation) on the first stated meeting in December; the remaining officers below the Secretary may be either elected by the Lodge or appointed as the bylaws of the Lodge determine, and the installation must take place as soon thereafter as may be convenient prior to the first day of January (but see 4.302 below). Also, at the option of the Lodge, there may be a Physician, Marshal, Historian and Board of Trustees, (the powers of the Trustees should be fixed by the bylaws of the Lodge.)No two of the first five offices mentioned above may be held by the same man in the same Lodge at the same time. Change to read as: 4.301. The officers of a subordinate Lodge are: Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, two Stewards, Chaplain and Tiler. The first five of these must be elected annually (except by a Lodge under dispensation) on the first stated meeting in December or the last stated meeting of the calendar year or the first stated meeting of the next year, if the lodge by their bylaws do not meet in December. The remaining officers below the Secretary may be either elected by the Lodge or appointed as the bylaws of the Lodge determine, and the installation must take place as soon thereafter as may be convenient prior to the first day of January ( see 4.302 below), or at the last stated meeting of the year or the first stated meeting of the next year. Also, at the option of the Lodge, there may be a Physician, Marshal, Historian and Board of Trustees, (the powers of the Trustees should be fixed by the bylaws of the Lodge.) No two of the first five offices mentioned above may be held by the same man in the same Lodge at the same time. Rational: Some Lodges, by their bylaws do not meet in December. This would relieve the lodge from having to make a request for a dispensation to the Grand Master every year. Code Proposal No C: TITLE 3 THE GRAND LODGE OF TENNESSEE Chapter 2. Meetings As now reads: 3.202 A meeting to be held each year beginning on the fourth Wednesday in March is denominated the “Annual Communication”; but a special meeting may be called by the Grand master whenever, in his opinion, it may be necessary, due to notice being given to all chartered Lodges of the time of such meeting. Change to read as: 3.202 A meeting to be held each year beginning on the Third Thursday in March is denominated the “Annual Communication”; but a special meeting may be called by the Grand master whenever, in his opinion, it may be necessary, due to notice being given to all chartered Lodges of the time of such meeting. Objective: To reduce the costs associated to attend the Annual Communication and making it easier for members to attend, thus, increasing attendance, by: Streamline meetings through the Grand week sessions. Coordinate with the York Rite Grand Sessions to reduce hotel costs, minimize the number days required for hotels. Reduce auxiliary costs such as guards, transportation, etc. Members attending the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge will need to schedule two days of vacation (Thursday & Friday), whereas they now schedule three days (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) The third week of March eliminates any conflicts with Easter and Maundy Thursday. Grand week will be more efficient and organized. Reverend Dr. Thomas Woodson Binford, III Brother Binford was born in Columbus, GA, April 22, 1954. He grew up in Nashville, TN and attended the Nashville Public School System graduating from John Overton High School in 1972. He was a pre-med major at Tennessee Tech and graduated in 1976 with a double major in biology and chemistry. After a call of God, he received a Masters of Divinity (MDIV) from Vanderbilt Divinity School and a Doctorate of Ministry (DMIN) from The School of Theology of the University of the South. He is an Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church and has served churches in Middle Tennessee for 38 years. During this time he served on the Conference Board of ordained ministry for 24 years. Brother Binford was Annual Conference Secretary for 8 years; a member of the Southeastern Jurisdictional Agency for Rehabilitation (SEMAR) trustees from 1999 – 2005; chaired from 2001-2005 in the 1980s; was General Church consultant for church and people with disabilities; member of General Conference Task force for language in the Discipline concerning people with disabilities; Chair of the Tennessee Conference UMC Resolutions committee; Finance Chair for the Clarksville District UMC and mentor to local pastors in the UMC. Brother Tom married Carolyn Parker Binford in 1981 and have enjoyed many wonderful years of life together. They have one son, Levi Binford. He was raised a Master Mason in Wisdom Lodge No. 300 Lodge on January 26, 1990. Transferred to Columbia Lodge No. 31 and served as Worshipful Master in 1997. He became a plural member of Portland Lodge No. 100 where he served as Worshipful Master in 2001. Bro. Binford then transferred to Pulaski Lodge No. 101 in 2004 and subsequently transferred to John B. Garrett Lodge No. 711 on December 31, 2009. In Grand Lodge of the Great State of Tennessee Bro. Binford served as Grand Chaplain in 1997, 2006 and 2010; Served on the Education Committee from 2005-2010 during which he chaired the Committee in 2010; And also served as Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Rio de Janeiro. Exalted in Erin Chapter No. 192 on October 26, 1990 he became EHP in 1992 and then transferred to Nashville No. 1 in 1999 and was elected EHP in 2001 and 2002. He received the Order of High Priesthood 1992 and served as Grand Chaplain of the Grand York Rite of Tennessee in 2000 and 2005. He became a member of Erin Council No. 121 on October 26, 1990 and subsequently transferred to Nashville Council No. 1 in 1999 where served as Past Illustrious Master. Bro. Binford received the Order of the Silver Trowel in 2004, served as Grand Chaplain in 2002 and was awarded the Grand Council Guy Thomas Garrett, Sr. Memorial Clergy Award in 2012. Bro. Binford joined Clarksville Commandery No. 8 on November 10, 1990. He transferred to Nashville No. 1 in 1999 and served as Commander in 2003. He became a member of the Knight Crusaders of the Cross on May 2, 2003 and served as Grand Prelate in 2004. He joined the Order of the Eastern Star Royal Chapter No. 213 on May 3, 1990. He then transferred to Columbia Chapter No. 287 where he served as Worthy Patron in 1995. After transferring to Rob Morris No. 237 he served as Worthy Patron. He then transferred to Pulaski No. 376 and served as Worthy Patron. He then transferred to John B Garrett No. 271 on December 28, 2008. He served as a Grand Chapter Memorial Committee Member from 2007 to 2008. He became a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in 1990; A member of The Royal Order of Scotland in 2006; Gaelic Council No. 60 Knight Masons in February 10, 2001; Past Excellent Chief, Esra Council No. 89 Knight Masons; Tennessee Lodge of Research No. 894; Allied Masonic Degrees Council No. 358 in 1999; Past Sovereign Master, 2013; Middle Tennessee York Rite College No. 143 January 27, 2001; Old Hickory Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, 2006; Knight of York Cross of Honor 2006 (KYCH); 1861 Civil War Lodge of Research; Tall Cedars of Lebanon, TN Forest No. 195; Al Menah Shrine, April 13, 1996; Hillbilly Degree Clan No. 24, 1997; National Sojourners, INC. Andrew Jackson No. 385, September 24, 2002; Hermitage Camp Heros of ’76; Knights Templar eye foundation, Inc. Life sponsor April 29, 1996; Order of Knight Commanders, Chattanooga, Asylum No. 2, November 30, 2006; Middle Tennessee Past Masters Association, 2001; Order of the Bath, January 26, 2013; Order of Cork, January 25, 2004; Yellow Dog Degree. Keith Arthur Taylor Brother Keith Arthur Taylor was born in Wayne County Michigan on February 18, 1959. The son of Dean and the late Arthur Taylor. He was primarily educated in the Overton County School system and is a 1977 graduate of Rickman High School, Rickman, Tennessee. He also graduated from the Livingston Vocational School as a machinist in 1978 and as a certified residential electrician in 2003. He was employed as a machinist for 19 years at Duriron Valve Division in Cookeville and for the past 18 years has been the owner/operator of Closets-N-More in Cookeville. Brother Taylor is a member of Stevens Street Baptist Church in Cookeville. He was married to Terri Watson on December 22, 2008. Together they have three children: Sunday, Zachary and Hillary. Brother Taylor was raised a Master Mason in Cookeville Lodge #266 on April 18, 1981, and has served as Worshipful Master of Cookeville #266. Brother Taylor served as the Grand Sword Bearer in 2013 for the Most Worshipful Grand Master Roy C. Etherton and currently serves the Grand Lodge as chairman of the Organ Donor Awareness Program. Companion Taylor was Exalted in Cookeville Chapter #112 in 1982, served as High Priest in 2012, and received Order of High Priest in 2012. He was Greeted in Cookeville Council #112 in 1982, served as Illustrious Master in 2012 and received Order of the Silver Trowel in 2012. Sir Knight Taylor was Knighted in Cumberland Commandery #26 in 1982 and currently serves as Senior Warden. He has been a Noble of the Al-Menah Shrine since 1982 and is a member of Chattanooga Valley of Scottish Rite and Nashville Valley of Scottish Rite. Other Masonic affiliations include: Royal Order of Scotland, Allied Masonic Degrees, Knight of Saint Andrews, Middle Tennessee York Rite Association, Middle Tennessee York Rite College, Chattanooga Scottish Rite Society, Middle Tennessee Past Masters Association, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Three Degrees Motorcycle Club, Sword of Bunker Hill, Hillbilly Clan #3, Order of the Four Black Llamas, Putnam County Scottish Rite Club, Putnam County Shrine Club, Knight Masons. G. Daniel Mata Brother G. Daniel Mata was born February 6, 1950 to Julia and G. Mata and was raised in Tampa, Florida where he attended and was educated in the public school system. Graduating from high school, he attended Tampa Technical Institute and earned a degree in Electronic Technology resulting in a position as a radar installation technician at Eglin Air Force Base. In 1975, he was sworn as a police officer with the Tampa Police Department. During his tenure with the force, Brother Mata became a Field Training Officer and also an instructor at the Police Academy until his retirement in 1996. While pursuing further education, he obtained an Associate in Arts Degree from Hillsborough Community College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of South Florida, graduating Magna Cum Laude. In 2001, Brother Mata and wife, Lana Gail moved to Jamestown Tennessee. Active in his community, he serves as an Advisory Board member for the Fentress County Senior Citizens' Center and attends Global Force Church. Brother Mata was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on March 17, 1994 in Brandon Lodge # 114 in Brandon Florida and received a Perpetual "Life" Member Certificate. He became a plural member in Jamestown Lodge # 281 on June 8, 2002 and progressively ascended to the East where he became Worshipful Master in 2005. The following year he was elected the Lodge's Treasurer and in 2007, elected Secretary, an office he held until 2015. In 2012, he received a Lifetime Member Certificate from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. In the Blue Lodge, Brother Mata concentrated on Masonic knowledge and ritual, earned a Pin of Excellence and became the Lodge's Education Instructor focusing on Masonic instruction and guidance for the benefit of the Brethren. Brother Mata was appointed as Worshipful Grand Tiler in 2010 by MWPGM Brother Thomas Boduch and currently serves as Awards Committee Chairman of the Grand Lodge's L.R.P.C. and Co-Director of the TNCHIP Program. In 2012, Brother Mata was appointed District 13 Chairman by MWPGM Brother Laddie Wilson. In 2014, he was appointed as the Grand Lodge of Tennessee's Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Mexico by MWPGM Brother Roy Etherton, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary. Brother Mata was also appointed to the Constitution, Policies and Procedures Committee by Sir Knight James David "J. D." Crockett, Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery, Knights Templar. Other Masonic Affiliations include: A & A. Scottish Rite - Nashville Valley - 32nd Degree Al Menah Shrine Temple Drummond Council # 86 - Cryptic Masons Knights of Saint Andrew - Nashville Knights Templar Eye Foundation Life Sponsor Order of Eastern Star Chapter # 11 Plateau Commandery # 38 - Knights Templar Royal Arch - Triple Tau Chapter # 181 Tall cedars of Lebanon - Burlington Forest # 207 - TCF Life Member Tennessee Lodge of Research The Royal Order of Scotland - Life member Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club of Tennessee Chapter 11 Uniform Degree Team Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team Dickie (Buddy) Mckinney Dickie (Buddy) McKinney was born in Smith County Tennessee October 24, 1950, the son of Thayer McKinney and Eddith Reed McKinney. He attended Hickman and Gordonsville Elementary schools and graduated from Gordonsville High School in 1968. Dickie is married to the former Phyllis Marie Winfree. They have two sons, Dennis McKinney of New Johnsonville, TN and Chris McKinney (wife Nikki) of Hickman, TN and are the proud grandparents of Darien and Levi McKinney. A Christian and active member of the New Middleton United Methodist Church, Dickie serves as a Trustee, Young Adult Sunday School teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, and Choir Director, as well as serving on various church committees. In 2009, Dickie retired from Perma Pipe in Lebanon, TN after 34 years of service. After retirement, he was able to devote more time to his favorite hobby: farming. He presently farms approximately 214 acres and raises beef cattle. On November 13, 2013, Dickie was commissioned an Honorable Kentucky Colonel by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Dickie’s father and grandfather were Master Masons, as is his son Dennis. Brother McKinney was raised a Master Mason in New Middleton Lodge #249 on June 22, 1993, and is a life member. He served as Worshipful Master in 1996, 1998, and 2001. He has a Proficiency Card and pin of excellence. He was appointed District 12 Chairman in May 2011 and served in that capacity until he was appointed Grand Lecturer of District 12 in September 2012. He continues to serve as District 12 Grand Lecturer which includes Robertson County of District 7. He has served the Grand Lodge on the Education Committee since 2012. Brother McKinney has been a member of Lebanon Chapter #25 Royal Arch Masons, Lebanon Council #109 Cryptic Masons, and Baldwin Commandery #7 Knights Templar since 1994. He has been a 32 nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, Valley of Nashville since 1996. He is a member of Middle Tennessee York Rite College #143 and Arch Erwin McClanahan Council #358 Allied Masonic Degrees. Brother McKinney is a member of Al Menah Shrine in Nashville, TN. He is a member of the York Rite Association of Middle Tennessee, Ezra Council #89 Knight Masons, Middle Tennessee Past Masters Association and Sam Davis Order #125 Sword of Bunker Hill. He is also a plural member of Caldwell Lodge #273.
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