NE Seattle is Getting RainWise... REBATES! Did you know? In NE Seattle*, many property owners can get beautiful and functional landscaping, and stored rain water for watering gardens – with an average of 86% of the cost* paid by the RainWise program. REALLY! AVERAGE REBATE $4,400 Why the big Rebates? With every storm, rain falling on roofs, driveways, and other hard surfaces carries pollutants to the nearest drain or stream. In big storms, this excess “storm water” can also cause sewer overflows that pollute Puget Sound. You can help slow and clean rain runoff from your property. Single-family properties make up 75% of Seattle’s private land, so what we do at home really does make a difference. A rain garden or cistern (or both!) on your property is a great way to help. What your neighbors are saying about RainWise: “We are thrilled to be a part of Seattle’s RainWise program and doing what we can to help our Sound.” “With my cisterns, I can water my gardens all summer - and help manage stormwater in the winter! “ “The system is awesome. It is very low maintenance, and has completely solved a flooding problem in our garage, which is partially underground.” “People walk by all the time and comment on our rain gardens. They are a joy to see, and it is wonderful to know that they also are helping Puget Sound – a win-win.” Do your part to protect Puget Sound — get RAINWISE, with a RAIN GARDEN, CISTERN, or both! Sustainable Ballard is partnering with Seattle Public Utilities and King County to connect more NE Seattle property owners with the RainWise program. Visit for RainWise information, stories and photos from RainWise neighbors, and more! w Email us at, or call 206-745-2592. * Rebate areas in NE Seattle include the Windemere, East Union Bay, and Montlake Basins. Check your address at * RainWise Rebates may be considered income under federal tax law. Cistern,rain raingarden gardenororboth... both... Cistern, Howwill will How yoube be you ?? A RainWise contractor will help you decide which solution will work A RainWise contractor will help you decide which solution will work best on your property, the cost and the amount of your potential rebate. best on your property, the cost and the amount of your potential rebate. FAQ Whatisisa acistern? cistern? What How much Rebate will I get? A cistern is a large above-ground container used to A cistern is a large above-ground container used to collect roof water. It is like a huge rain barrel and can collect roof water. It is like a huge rain barrel and can hold 200 or more gallons. During the winter, cisterns hold 200 or more gallons. During the winter, cisterns store rain to reduce the amount of water entering the store rain to reduce the amount of water entering the sewer system. In the summer, this water can be used sewer system. In the summer, this water can be used for watering. for watering. Cisterns come ininseveral sizes and Cisterns come several Cisterns come in several sizessizes and and a varietyofofsituations. situations. shapes to fit in a varietiy shapes to fit in a variety of situations. r ro oof of Your rebate will be based on how much roof area is controlled and directed into a rain garden and/or cistern(s). Your first consultation with a contractor will include an estimate of the rebate amount based on the options available for your property. Your final cost (if any) will be the total project cost, minus the rebate. Howdoes doesa arain raingarden gardenwork? work? How A rain garden is a shallow depression A rain garden is a shallow depression containing spongy soil and a variety of containing spongy soil and a variety of plants that thrive in northwest sun, soil plants that thrive in northwest sun, soil and moisture conditions. It collects water and moisture conditions. It collects water from your roof downspout and allows it to from your roof downspout and allows it to safely soak into the ground. safely soak into the ground. Your rain garden will be custom designedtoforfityour Rain gardens can be designed yourproperty. property. cistern cistern Rain gardens can be designed to fit your property. water water A rain garden is a living water treatment A rain garden is a living water treatment system. It collects water rushing down a system. It collects water rushing down a downspout and slowly infiltrates that water downspout and slowly infiltrates that water into the ground. Soil acts as a natural filter for into the ground. Soil acts as a natural filter for pollutants so the water is clean by the time it pollutants so the water is clean by the time it ends up in ground water or the nearby waterway. ends up in ground water or the nearby waterway. Native plants or hardy cultivars Native plants or hardy cultivars Ponding depth Ponding depth 6” – 12” 6” – 12” mulch mulch Rain garden soil mix Rain garden soil mix Existing Existing ground ground For more information, visit For more info visit For more info visit Questions? Email Send an email to Questions? Email or call Garden Hotline 206-633-0224. callGarden 206-745-2592 to talk with an SB RainWise team member! ororcall Hotline atat 206-633-0224. wgab wgab Overflow Overflow Soil mix depth Soil mix depth 12” – 24” typical 12” – 24” typical Water slowly Water slowly enters groundwater enters groundwater Working with you to manage Working with you to stormwater atmanage home. stormwater at home. Get RainWise! 1. Check your eligibility - type in your address at 2. Get bids and choose a RainWise-trained contractor 3. NE Seattle RainWise Contractor Roster Ready to get RainWise? Curious to learn more? Contact a contractor for a consultation. Akina Designs, LLC (206) 937-9800 l l Your contractor will handle preinspection, build, and post-inspection Bamboo Guru Landscape (206) 660-8497 l l 4. Bristow Enterprises (206) 841-1964 l l Get your rebate, and enjoy your RainWise yard! WANT INSPIRATION? Check out RainWise installations in SB’s Virtual Tour! Online at virtual-tour QUESTIONS? Sustainable Ballard’s RainWise team is here to help! Call us at 206-7452592 or email rain@ Cascadia Edible Landscapes (206) 708-9298 l l Contemporary Homestead LLC info@ (206) 954-3895 l l EarthSystemsNW (414) 405-6805 l l Greener Living Solutions, Inc. joannad@ (206) 660-0572 l l Innovative Landscape Technologies (425) 210-5541 l l JA Garden Design & Maintenance (206) 330-6358 l Lifestyle Landscapes katherine.jacobs@ (206) 621-2626 l l Sal’s Landscape (206) 353-6240 l l True Scape Design (206) 701-7714 l l Vireo Design Studio, LLC (206) 409-9970 l l Wenger Design and Landscape (206) 932-7138 l l Monsoon Rain Gardens (206) 782-0418 l l Elements of Nature 206-226-7947 l Mountain High Gardening LLC charlotte@ (206) 817-3474 l l Fasoldt Gardens LLC (206) 941-8735 l l Rain Dog Designs LLC (253) 389-2060 l l Fine Design (206) 782-8392 l Sage and Stone LLC (206) 799-1171 l l The City, County, and Sustainable Ballard are not endorsing any specific business/contractor/vendor or making any representation or warranty regarding their qualifications, products, or workmanship. The City, County, and Sustainable Ballard disclaim any liability that may be alleged to arise from the work of any business/contractor/vendor on a customer project. l = rain gardens l = cisterns See RainWise projects for yourself 4 2 1 Take a self-guided tour! 3 Get ideas and inspiration for your RainWise project. 5 These RainWise neighbors have kindly consented to have their properties listed on this map, and invite you to come by and look at their rain gardens and/or cisterns. Please respect their property and observe from the sidewalk only. 11 6 10 7 8 9 1. 3116 NE 84th St l 2. 3176 NE 84th St l 3. 3216 NE 80th St l l 4. 3850 NE 85th St l l 5. 7745 40th Ave NE l 6. 5746 37th Ave NE l l 7. 5057 37th Ave NE l l 8. 5004 38th Ave NE l l 9. 4800 37th Ave NE l 10. 5518 Ann Arbor Ave NE 11. 5711 NE 60th St l l The tinted areas indicate the current rebate areas in North Seattle. Other areas of the City are also eligible. Visit to check your eligibility! l ll = rain garden(s) = cistern(s)
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