. . . is Directed by Scripture and Prayer 2 Kings 22:11-13, Jeremiah 36: 1-3, 20-24 March 15, 2015 Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship. 8:45 *indicates the people standing Prelude Alleluja, Exultate W.A. Mozart Matt Haskell, tuba; Mary Lightfoot, piano Greeting Dr. Clayton Oliphint This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. *Hymn 127 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Time of Prayer Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Offering Our Gifts to God (Remember the Extra Dollar) Offertory Music I Won’t Let Go Mark A. Miller The Journey Youth Choir; Caitlin Wells, director Lisa Anderson, piano; Emma Dadres, solo All my life, all this guilt, all this grief and shame, All this night I won’t let go until I know your name. I won’t let go, until you bless me Lord, I won’t let go. Till you reveal what you would have me do, My Lord, my God, I won’t let go of you. All this night, all my strength called on in this place, I confess, now will you bless, let me see your face. Turn around, have you found, God is always here, Every day, every hour, you must persevere, Turn around, turn around, God is saying: I won’t let go! You are my child, I won’t let go. You are my own and I have shown, you are my child, I won’t let go of you. Children’s Time Sermon Cheryl Bishop My Journey With Jesus is Directed by Scripture and Prayer 2 Kings 22: 11-13, Jeremiah 36: 1-3, 20-24 Rev. Rich Rindfuss Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn 598 Dr. Oliphint O Word of God Incarnate tune: aurelia (stanzas 1 & 3) Reception of New Members Sending Forth *Congregational Benediction Dr. Oliphint I Want Jesus to Walk with Me Stanza 1 I want Jesus to walk with me. I want Jesus to walk with me. All along my pilgrim journey, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. Postlude March 15, 2015 Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship. 9:45 11:00 *indicates the people standing Prelude Alleluja, Exultate W.A. Mozart Matt Haskell, tuba; Mary Lightfoot, piano Greeting Dr. Clayton Oliphint This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. *Hymn 127 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah *Affirmation of Faith 883 Rev. Joy Anderson We are not alone, we live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and is creating, who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the church: to celebrate God’s presence, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. Amen. *Glory Be to the Father 70 Baptism (9:45) Dr. Oliphint, Rev. Anderson and Rev. Brian Burke Kate Elizabeth Bolton daughter of Brian and Kristy Bolton Gabrielle Ann Burke daughter of Gary and Diane Burke (11:00) Dr. Oliphint and Rev. Anderson Jack Thomas Edwards son of Matt and Amber Edwards Anthony Harris Moulton son of Brad and Amanda Moulton Time of Prayer Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason The Lord’s Prayer Page 895 United Methodist Hymnal Offering Our Gifts to God Offertory Music (Remember the Extra Dollar) We Shall Walk Through the Valley in Peace Spiritual/arr. Benjamin Harlan Chancel Choir; Michael Lightfoot, director We shall walk through the valley in peace; for Jesus himself will be our leader. We shall walk through the valley in peace. There will be no sorrow there; for Jesus himself will be our leader. There will be no sorrow there. We shall meet our loved ones there; for Jesus himself will be our leader. We shall meet our loved ones there. We shall meet our Savior there; for Jesus himself will be our leader. We shall meet our Savior there Commissioning of Stephen Ministers Dr. Oliphint and Rev. Marilyn Dickson Pastor: Friends in Christ, you have been trained and approved to serve as Stephen Ministers at First United Methodist Church Richardson. We are confident that you will bring comfort to many people in our congregation and community through your Christ-like presence in their lives. Accordingly, I ask you, “Will you serve as Stephen Ministers in First United Methodist Church Richardson?” Stephen Ministers: Yes, with the help of God. Pastor: Now we ask you as members of First United Methodist Church Richardson to support the ministry of these persons and to pray for them that they may be effective servants of Christ. Congregation: As members of the body of Christ, we offer our prayers and support. Children’s Time Sermon Cheryl Bishop My Journey With Jesus is Directed by Scripture and Prayer 2 Kings 22: 11-13, Jeremiah 36: 1-3, 20-24 Rev. Rich Rindfuss Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Hymn 598 Dr. Oliphint O Word of God Incarnate tune: aurelia (stanzas 1 & 3) Reception of New Members Sending Forth Dr. Oliphint *Congregational Benediction I Want Jesus to Walk with Me Stanza 1 I want Jesus to walk with me. I want Jesus to walk with me. All along my pilgrim journey, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. Postlude Please pick up a bookmark containing this week’s Lenten devotional at the exits of the sanctuary or in the Shawver Welcome Center. The Lenten/Easter Offering this year will fund the April 19 Stop Hunger Now bagging event, where we will package over 142,000 meals for poverty level families around the globe. The offering will also go to fund school tuition and other school expenses for Zimbabwe orphans related to our Zimbabwe congregation. Please denote Lenten Offering in your check’s memo line or use the special envelopes in the pew backs. There are two ways offered to become a member of this congregation: - Fill out the Journey With Us card found in the pew back and bring it forward to the pastor during the singing of the closing hymn - Meet Rev. Scroggin in Ogden Fellowship Hall at the close of the 9:45 or 11:00 worship hours Communion is available in Ogden Fellowship Hall East at 12 (noon) Pastor Don Hood, minister; assisted by a Stephen Minister Flowers in the Sanctuary are in memory of Craig Kelly by Pat, Robin, Scott, Madelyn, Chris and Lisa Kelly Please welcome our new member who joined last week: Billy Hance First United Methodist Church - Richardson - 503 North Central Expressway Richardson, Texas 75080 972 235 8385 www.fumcr.com notes to newcomers Welcome! For questions, or if you would like to get to know more about FUMCR, please contact: Elizabeth Wilson Director of Inviting and Involving 972.996.0134 ewilson@fumcr.com thinking about joining? March 22 11am Room 210 A class to explore membership at FUMCR. RSVP to ewilson@fumcr.com upcoming opportunities fumcr.com/events communications Center info@fumcr.com golf cart drivers needed Can you help one Sunday each month? We need drivers on Sunday mornings to shuttle people from the outer parking lots to the front door. Contact Frank at fclem@fumcr.com. easter flowers family life ministry fumcr.com/familylife Heather canny hcanny@fumcr.com summer sports camps Basketball, soccer, volleyball and more. Find the camp for your child and register today. fumcr.com/kidscamps co-ed softball Thursdays starting March 26 Cost $30/person Richardson City League - 12 player max. Register fumcr.com/softball children’s ministry fumcr.com/children cheryl bishop cbishop@fumcr.com kids’ summer camps Sports, arts, science and more. Find the camp for your child and register today. fumcr.com/kidscamps easter egg hunt Purchase an Easter flower to decorate the sanctuary this year, in honor or in memory of a loved one. Use envelopes in the pew backs or purchase online: fumcr.com/flowers March 28 10am FUMCR Playground Hunt for eggs, enjoy bounce houses, games, music & family photos. Bring a new children’s book to donate to the Read With Me summer program. tomatofest student ministry March 17 7pm Room 205 Learn how to grow tomatoes. All are welcome. book review club March 26 7pm Ogden Fellowship Hall Carol Brandon presents a musical program “I Fall to Pieces: The Music & Life of Patsy Cline” by Mark Bego. Refreshments served. Cost $4. groundbreaking March 29 12:15pm Ministry Center Site Join us for a brief ceremony and turning of the dirt to begin Phase 3 of our building project. Presided over by Bishop McKee. The book of discipline & social principles Sundays March 22-May 3 12:30pm Room 2B Gain a better understanding of how the social principles are a powerful & thoughtful effort to speak to human issues in the contemporary world. Led by Rev. Steve Rankin, SMU Chaplain. outreach ministry fumcr.com/mission rev. joy anderson janderson@fumcr.com NETWORK NEEDS: MARCH Canned meats, chili & beans and boxed dinners caring ministry fumcr.com/caring rev. april johnson bristow april@fumcr.com becoming one again Starting March 17 at FUMCR. Spring sessions also available at Custer Road UMC or FUMC McKinney. An 8-week program that provides intentional steps toward healing and wholeness following divorce. fumcr.com/becomingone fumcr.com/youth tommy houghteling tommy@fumcr.com parent connections March 22 6:30pm Sanctuary Instagram. Snapchat.Yik Yak.Vine... It’s enough to make any parent’s head spin! Sarah Brooks will help us navigate the ever changing world of social media. joys & concerns: In the Hospital as of Tuesday, March 10: Evelyn Belvin, Melba Kee, Max Schafer Those who have lost loved ones: Janet and Miro Pavelka on the death of Janet’s mother Ron and Martha Holley on the death of Ron’s mother Avanel Holley Gingie McDonald on the death of her companion Randy Tomlinson Tara and Robert McGraw on the death of Tara’s mother; Robert McGraw II on the death of his grandmother Sondra and Richard Brown on the death of Sondra’s father; Jeff and Heather Brown on the death of their grandfather Those especially needing our prayers: (Names will be listed for three weeks.) Dick Nash’s friends, Max Schafer, Greg Lyon’s cousin, David Brooks’ step-mother, Melba Kee, Linda Campbell, Una and Robert Belcher, Leigh Ann Sutton’s friend, Kristen O’Brien’s friend, Natalie Roberts friend, Alys Richards’ friend, Ross Gilbert’s friend, Harolyn Ezell’s friends, Laura Davis’ friend, Emily Herrera & family, Frances Long, Daniel Hoag’s friend, Jenny Bernhard’s niece and nephew, Mandy & Monica Dorman’s sister-in-law and baby, Ron Harrel, David Weaver’s sister, Debbie Sedwick’s friend, Denise Lindemann’s friend, Ann Austin’s brother, Ralph Cross’ cousin, Tristan Timinskas (Ark House resident), Tom Calvert, Vam Barrett, Chandler Knox, Truman Baughman’s sister, Cindy Day’s brother, Russ McFadden’s mother, Duane Hirsch, Donna Usher, Dee Weaver’s brother-in-law, Barbra Wagner, Linda & George Odom’s daughter’s brother-in-law and family, Mary Jane and Jim White, Tammie Haug’s friend, Jeri Wakefield’s friend, Elaine Adams, Cheryl and Rachel Winnenberg, Janet DuBose, Curt Lewis, Wes Connally, Gordon Goering, Susan Bynum’s cousin & Mary Esther Bynum’s niece, Charlie Norwood’s sister, April Bristow’s mother, David Jones’ mother, Rick Eklof, Betty Hays, Gwen Rehder, Debbie Keller, Paul Braziller, Don Porth, Tom Lowery, Jason Lemons’ father, Linda Kugler A printed copy of the indefinite prayer list is available on the tables located by the exits of the sanctuary. Holy Week Noon At First Monday, March 30 Our Journey With Jesus Dr. John Holbert, Professor of Homiletics Emeritus, Perkins School of Theology and Author Dr. Diana Holbert, Retired Ordained Elder of United Methodist Church, Author, Champion of the Arts Tuesday, March 31 My Journey to the Garden Dr. Becky Bruff Wednesday, April 1 My Journey to the Cross Panel Discussion: Dr. Clayton Oliphint, Rev. Rich Rindfuss and Rev. April Bristow Live Streaming (fumcrlive.com) — 12:15 – 1:00 pm COST: $7 Lunch reservations required 972.235.8385 or fumcr.com/lent Sunday, April 12 7:30 pm The Meyerson Symphony Center An evening of Traditional Favorites with guest conductor Mack Wilberg Director, Mormon Tabernacle Choir Presented by the choirs of First United Methodist Church Dallas First United Methodist Church Richardson Highland Park United Methodist Church and members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra Tickets sold only through website fumcr.com/concerts or by phone 214.871.5000 not available in Shawver Welcome Center
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