Our Lady of Las Vegas ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Faith, Family, Friends - The Son was sent by God so that the world might be saved through him (John 9:1-41). PASTORAL STAFF Served by Society of Christ Fathers Rev. Gerald Grupczynski, SChr, Pastor Rev. Wieslaw Berdowicz, SChr, Parochial Vicar Rev. Richard Philiposki, SChr., In Residence & Pastor of St. Joan of Arc Deacon Patrick Cater FAITH FORMATION Religious Education & Confirmation Liz Williams: 702-802-2362 lizwilliams1234@hotmail.com RCIA Rite of Christion Initiation of Adults Julia Dodson: 702-802-2300 jdodson@ollv.org MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Sunday: 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm Polish, 5:00pm, 6:30pm with Tagalog music Weekday: Monday - Friday 8:00am (Rosary before Mass at 7:25am) Civic & Holiday: Refer to parish bulletin Holy Days of Obligation: Refer to parish bulletin RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:15pm 7:30am: 8:00am: 6:00pm: 6:30pm: 7:00pm: FIRST FRIDAY Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass (Eng.) / Adoration to follow Mass (Polish) in the School Chapel Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass (Eng.) / Holy Hour to follow FIRST SATURDAY 8:00am: Mass (Eng.) DEVOTIONS St. Jude: Every Tuesday morning following the 8:00am Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Every Wednesday morning after the 8:00am Mass 3050 ALTA DRIVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89107 Parish Office: 702-802-2300 Fax: 702-802-2301 Website: www.ollvchurch.org Email: ollvparish@ollv.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (Closed for lunch 11:30am-12:30pm) OLLV School: 702-802-2323 I’d like to pass along some good news this week. This is something of which we, as a parish community, can be very proud. As you may know, schools are monitored and accredited by official educational organizations in our country in order to assure the overall quality of education. Schools are usually held up for scrutiny and review at least every six years. Educational accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met. If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the appropriate agency. In most countries in the world, the function of educational accreditation is conducted by a government organization, such as a ministry of education. In the United States, however, a quality assurance process exists that is independent of government and performed by private non-profit organizations. One such accrediting organization is the Western Catholic Education Association. The WCEA is an educational accreditation agency for Roman Catholic schools in part of the United States. It is based in Fullerton, California. Our Lady of Las Vegas School has just gone through the rigorous process of accreditation conducted by the Western Catholic Education Association. The results of the WCEA evaluation were very positive and Our Lady of Las Vegas School was granted accreditation for the maximum time of six years. Congratulations to Mrs. Phyllis Joyce, our principal, Mrs. Monica Futryk, our assistant principal, our faculty, staff, volunteers, parents and students. Together, you have all contributed in making Our Lady of Las Vegas school the fine and quality institution that it is. We are so very proud of our school and very proud of all of you! May God continue to bless us, and may our dear and Blessed Mother, who is the patroness of our school, keep watch over us always. Congratulations are also in order to Fr. Wieslaw Berdowicz, our parochial vicar. As you may know, Fr. Wieslaw is a native of Poland. As a priest of the Society of Christ, he came to the United States in 2003. This Saturday, March 14, Fr. Wieslaw took the oath of citizenship and is now officially an American citizen. We extend our best wishes and congratulations to our new American, Fr. Wieslaw! The Lenten season is flying by quickly. Today, we are already observing the Fourth Sunday of Lent. In just two weeks we will observe Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Three weeks from this Sunday we will celebrate Easter. I hope that everyone is using this special time of grace that Lent gives to us to prepare ourselves to experience in greater depth the celebration of the Pascal Mystery; the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is for no other greater reason that Jesus came into this world, than to show us how much God loves us. God’s love for us is so great that He would endure all the abuse and cruelty that the world could dish out, accept it and still come back to us with love and forgiveness. The outstretched arms of Jesus on the cross are the power sign of God’s loving embrace of the world. God has forgiven us and will continue to forgive us. He does, however, want us to appreciate this gift and see in His forgiveness the open opportunity to free ourselves from our sins and our attachment to them. God knows that we struggle with temptation, and that we continuously give into them. All God desires is that we do our best in the face of temptation. His forgiveness is His reassurance that nothing, not even our sins, will ever stop Him from loving us. His forgiveness is His reassurance that we are never lost in sin, and that we can be lifted up out of our sins and defeat them. Fr. Gerry 2 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MARCH 15, 2015 PARISH NEWS TODAY’S READINGS Saturday, March 14 4:30pm: †Charles Cantrell by OLLV’s Knights of Columbus Sunday, March 15 - Fourth Sunday of Lent 6:30am: 8:00am: 10:00am: 12:00pm: 1:30pm: 5:00pm: 6:30pm: †Jered Lucero by David & Tanya Lucero †Jiles Reily by Beverly Becker †Regina Kovalick by Kathi & Peter Luongo †Thomas Moquin Sr. by Anne Miner (Polish) †Adolf Dobrucki by Bala & Toczynski; Parishioners of OLLV †Catherine Stevens sby Davis Family †Encarnacion Angeles by Encar Williams 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Monday, March 16 8:00am: †Florence Froster by Lea & Paul Obungen Tuesday, March 17 - St. Patrick 8:00am: †Rosario Legarda Kahn by Manuel Perrenoud Wednesday, March 18 - St. Cyril of Jerusalem 8:00am: 9:00am: 7:00pm: First Reading — The wrath and the mercy of the Lord are revealed in the exile and liberation of the chosen people (2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23) or 1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6-7, 10-13a. Psalm — Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you! (Psalm 137) or Psalm 23. Second Reading — By grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-10) or Ephesians 5:8-14. Gospel — The Son was sent by God so that the world might be saved through him (John 3:14-21) or John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 1317, 34-38]. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © †George C. Davis by Matilda Davis (School) †William Verducci by Michael Manion †Doris McClain Vollmer by Karen Rinkus (Polish) Stations of the Cross CATHOLIC MASS for the HOMEBOUND The Diocese offers a televised Mass for the home-bound each Sunday at 7:30am on KFBT Channel 33.1 Digital (no longer an analog signal) or Cox Cable Channel 6. Thursday, March 19 - St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00am: Now in Las Vegas, you can listen to Catholic radio 24-hours a day by tuning your radio to 970am. For the Intentions of Cassie Kuric Friday, March 20 8:00am: 9:00am: 7:00pm: †Larry Schmitt by Susie Johnson & Family (School) Stations of the Cross (English) Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 21 4:30pm: †Valentine & Maryann Fichter by James F. Fichter Sunday, March 22 - Fifth Sunday of Lent 6:30am: 8:00am: 10:00am: 12:00pm: 1:30pm: 5:00pm: 6:30pm: †Deceased members of the Cordova Family by Bill & Julie Cordova †James F. Burns by David & Tanya Lucero †Dr. Joseph George by Charles & Susan Deaner †James Burns by Patricia Preus & Family (Polish) †Adela Zabldtowicz by Jadwiga Lancberg; Parishioners of OLLV †William & Adele Monahan by Sharon Niemand †Tom Laurel by Gloria Laurel Sanctuary Lamp Sponsorship MARCH 15 - 21, 2015 This week the Sanctuary Lamp is in memory of: Caridad Daba & Emigdio Daba Sponsored by Edna Racoma Easter Mass Intentions For your Easter Mass Intentions, envelopes are available in the vestibule of the church. These envelopes will remain on the altar from April 5 - May 24. MARCH 15, 2015 WEEKLY PARISH CALENDAR MONDAY, MARCH 16 No Parish Events TUESDAY, MARCH 17 - HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! No Parish Events WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 RCIA: 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Church/McFarland Room Boy Scouts: 6:30pm - 9:00pm - Kenny Room Stations of the Cross (Polish): 7:30pm - Church THURSDAY, MARCH 19 No Parish Events FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Stations of the Cross (English): 7:00pm - Church Parish Lenten Dinner: 5:00pm - 7:00 - McFarland Room SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Catechism Formation: 7:00am-1:00pm - McFarland Room SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Polish Dance Rehearsal: 2:30pm-4:30pm-Gym Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father MARCH 2015 Scientists: That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person. Contribution of Women: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - 3 PARISH NEWS Green CSA Envelope MARCH 8, 2015 1st Collection $13,721.40 Thank you for your continued support! Invited to leave everything to follow Christ, you, consecrated men and women, no longer define your life by family, by profession, or by earthly interests, and you choose the Lord as your only identifying mark. Thus you acquire a new family identity. — Homily of Pope John Paul II, Jubilee of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2000. 2014 DONATION RECEIPT The Parish Office is now accepting receipt requests for donations made by parishioners in 2014. Please complete the form below and place it in the collection basket during Mass, drop it off at the Parish Office, mail it OR you can go to the parish website www.ollvchurch.org and click the Donation Receipt button. Requests cannot be made over the phone. Please allow at least 5 business days for processing. CLEARLY 2014PLEASE Request PRINT for Donation Receipt The green CSA envelopes that are being mailed to our registered parishioners, along with the regular offertory envelopes, are to be used by those parishioners who have not pledged a donation amount through the Diocese. If you have already filled out a CSA pledge card, you have completed your CSA obligation. Use the green envelope only if you have not completed a pledge card and would like to donate to the CSA program on a periodic basis. The following children were recently baptized into our faith: James William Gordon Arianna Cordova Tatum Elizabeth Kolbosky REMINDER - Do not leave your purse or valuables in your vehicle. Poland & Rome Pilgrimage September 7 - 19, 2015 Escorted from Las Vegas and organized by the Society of Christ Fathers, Rev. Richard Philiposki (St. Joan of Arc) and Rev. Gerald Grupczynski (Our Lady of Las Vegas). Destinations are Berlin, Poznan, Lichen, Czestochowa, Auschwitz, Zakopnae, Krakow, Rome Vatican, Assisi, Pompei & Monte Cassino. Today’s Date: Parish ID#: Tour Cost per person: $3,479.00 – sharing a room, twin or double occupancy $3,279.00 – sharing a triple room $3,949.00 – with single room supplement LAST NAME FIRST NAME Price includes all flights, transfers, motor coach excursions, hotels, (based on above room arrangements), admission fees, services of guides, escort and drivers, handling of one suitcase, all breakfasts and dinners, folklore evening entertainment, and pastoral services of two priest chaplains. ADDRESS If you would like an informational brochure, call 702-382-9909, 702-419-6640 or 702-802-2300. You may also download the brochure at www.ollvchurch.org. PHONE # Please Mail Will Pick Up 4 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH INFORMATIONAL MEETING Sunday, March 15 at 4pm Bevan Hall’s McFarland Room MARCH 15, 2015 PARISH NEWS Knights of Columbus - St. Jude Council 9102 Every Friday during Lent Including Good Friday 5:00pm - 7:00pm In Bevan Hall’s McFarland Room Menu: Fish, rice & veggies, assorted desserts and coffee. Adults: $8.00 Children under 12 yrs: $5.00 Don’t forget to put your spare coins and dollars in your Rice Bowl throughout Lent. There will be a receptacle in the vestibule of the church after Easter, the weekend of April 11 & 12, for you to turn in your Rice Bowls. Thank you for your generosity! EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, March 28 After the 4:30pm Mass on the School Field For children grades K-8 Bring your own Basket STATIONS OF THE CROSS ENGLISH Every Friday during Lent 7:00pm in the church POLISH Every Wednesday during Lent 7:00pm in the church Except on March 18 Stations will be at 7:30pm PARISH LENTEN CONFESSIONS TUESDAY, MARCH 24 8:30am - 11:00am & 6:00pm - 8:00pm Glossary Term of the Week SALVATION - The forgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship with God, which can be done by God alone (ccc 169). The OLLV Women’s Guild would like to thank the parishioners and students of Our Lady of Las Vegas for their outstanding support during our 4th Annual Diaper Drive for Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada. We surpassed all of our goals. Sponsored by the PTO, Women’s Guild, Knights of Columbus and the Society of St. Mary MARCH 15, 2015 In total, we collected 16,987 diapers, 18,582 baby wipes, 539 servings of baby food, and enough formula to make 4,399 bottles! We are so proud of our parish and you should be too! FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - 5 PARISH NEWS PLEASE PRAY for THOSE WHO ARE ILL If you have the sick person’s permission, you may request that their name be printed in the bulletin for prayers. This is strictly for the sick only. Their name will remain for four consecutive Sundays. If a longer period of time is needed, please contact the parish office. (The date next to the name is the date their name is removed) Bruce Hitchen & Family Jill Kuca & Family Barbara Polzin Norma Biggar Joseph Lumia Josephine Kaitbenski Patricia Atcheson Dominic Valentine Mary P. Johnson Iris & Michael Johnson Patricia Wayne Azuriah Paul Ryan Gorman & Family Jennie Nappi Zeny Quimpe & Family Angie Calimlim & Family 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 Alberto Angeles Orlando Nunez Esperanza Lopez & Family Lily Ramutap & Meg Mel Santos Aida Westbrook Lourdez Fernandez Julie & Ted Abelo Antonio Lopez Bob Parnel Carolyn Cave Aragon Family Colfita Sanchez & Family David & Margie Martinez Arnold Family Pamela Watts & Family 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 03/29 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/05 Elizabeth & John Stefanchuk Judy Scott Diana Reep Joe Ahearn Mario Tiberti Darlene Gerlak John McCauley Linda McCauley Jayne McCauley Rosalie Cusimano Rebecca Chambers Teresa Mansell Steve & Jami Grant Pam Thuemmler Bill Mitchell Bill Turner 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/05 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 Debbie Wilson Claudia Barnes Marino Luna Sr. Marino Luna Jr. Anthony Luna Tony Nekoranec Magdalena Gudino Zee Papazia Lucy Manzella Rey T. Ordinario Francisca P. Ordinario Barbara Nelson William Akers 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 04/12 NEWS AROUND THE DIOCESE Bishop Joseph Pepe invites you to the Tuesday, March 31, 2015 6:00 PM Guardian Angel Cathedral 302 Cathedral Way Bishop Joseph A. Pepe invites the parishioners of the Diocese of Las Vegas to attend the celebration of the Mass of Sacred Chrism. At this liturgy the sacred oils that are used to anoint the newly baptized, those being confirmed and to anoint the sick and dying will be blessed by the bishop for each parish. Our priests will renew their vows of Holy Orders. It would be a sign of great support for parishioners to witness this beautiful liturgy. Ordination of Deacon Shawn Dresden as he is Ordained to the Priesthood on SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 2015 10:00 AM Guardian Angel Cathedral 302 Cathedral Way, Las Vegas, NV A reception will follow in Anderson Hall (located behind the Cathedral) Position Available FINANCE OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF The Diocese of Las Vegas Finance Office has an opening for a support specialist, with strong data input skills and computer literacy. This person will have the main function of supporting the Payroll and Benefits Manager and the Insurance and Property Manager. This position’s primary responsibility will be as back-up for payroll input, which includes balancing and data input. Some knowledge of payroll is beneficial, but not mandatory. Training will be provided. Secondary support to Insurance and Properties will include filing, posting, some data input. General administrative knowledge is necessary for both areas. Additional duties will include supply ordering and inventory tracking, miscellaneous administrative duties, and possible receptionist phone coverage, as needed. Must have good organization skills, and enjoy working with numbers. Working experience with Microsoft Excel, Access, Word and Outlook is essential, Preview for Windows experience and bi-lingual abilities are beneficial. High School diploma required. Full-time position w/benefits, 35 hr work week, salary DOE. Please send resume, with salary history, to RCBLV Finance Office, P.O. Box 18316, Las Vegas, NV 89114, fax 702-735-2996 or email sheri@dolv.org. No in-person or phone contacts accepted. References will be required if interviewed. 6 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MARCH 15, 2015 PARISH INFORMATION Business Manager: Georgia Charles Bulletin Editor/Registrations/Gift Shop: Cynthia Almeida Office Manager / Admin. Assist. to the Pastor: Julia Dodson Maintenance: Rose Torchio & Joel Mondragon Office Assistant: Joseph Dodson SACRAMENTAL MINISTRIES Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office 802-2300 Baptisms: Julia 802-2300 Funerals: Parish Office 802-2300 Weddings: Julia 802-2300 FAITH FORMATION Religious Education: Confirmation: RCIA: Liz Williams 802-2362 lizwilliams1234@hotmail.com Liz Williams 802-2362 lizwilliams1234@hotmail.com Julia Dodson 802-2300 or jdodson@ollv.org LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers: Mariza Rillera 802-2300 (parish office) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EOM): Cynthia Stockwell 858-2011 Homebound Ministry: Patti Brandeburg 802-2300 (parish office) Lectors: Cynthia Stockwell 858-2011 Music Director: David Kowaleski 245-6159 Sacristans: Contact the parish office 802-2300 Ushers: Pat Barry 802-2300 (parish office) ORGANIZATIONS Knights of Columbus: A non-parish organization that provides service opportunities to the Catholic Church. Contact: Joe Williams, Grand Knight 702-371-9944 OLLV San Pedro Calungsod Alliance for Lay Adults for the Youth: Rey Espina, President 702-595-5988 Society of St. Mary: A group of dedicated men, has been committed to the needs of the children & parishioners of OLLV. Contact: Phil Markusic, President 702-491-9772 Polish School & Dance: Elizabeth Youngman 702-232-4488 Women’s Guild: Mary Beth Pidcock, President 702-362-6353 DIOCESAN ASSOCIATED MINISTRIES Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada: 385-2662 Poverello House: 631-3911 Protecting God’s Children & Victim Assistance: Contact Ron Vallance 235-7723 Vocations: Office of Vocations 735-3500 Women’s Resource: 366-1247 MARCH 15, 2015 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you are in need of anointing, even if you are homebound or hospitalized, contact the parish office at 802-2300. In an emergency situation when the office is closed, the answering service will contact one of the priests. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are usually held on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Parents must be registered, active parishioners at a parish for at least 3 months. Parents and Godparents must attend a baptism class (OLLV’s class is usually the second Thursday of each month). Once these requirements are met, you may then make an appointment with our Sacramental Administrator at 802-2300. HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: If you are homebound or in a hospital and would like to receive holy communion, please contact the parish office 802-2300. FOOD & FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Through the generosity of our parishioners, OLLV is able to help Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada in providing assistance to needy families. Please contact Catholic Charities at 385-2662. FUNERALS: Please call the parish office at 802-2300. If you have already made arrangements with a funeral director, a staff member will coordinate with them to meet your needs. MARRIAGE: At least one party must be a registered active parishioner of a parish for at least 6 months before an appointment can be made with our Sacramental Administrator, 802-2300. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible as at least 6 months is necessary to fulfill the marriage preparation requirements. MASS INTENTIONS: Mass intention requests are scheduled through the parish office during office hours. If a specific date is desired, please schedule as far in advance as possible. PARISH REGISTRATION: Regardless of where you live, if you would like to join our parish, please register at the parish office. You may also request a parish registration form by calling the office at 802-2300 during regular business hours, email ollvparish@ollv.org or go to our on-line registration at www.ollvchurch.org. **In order that we may better serve you, please use your parish envelopes. This way you are known to us when requesting the services of the church. Please be aware that active registration is a requirement for many parish programs. PRAYER LIST: If you know someone who is ill or in need of special prayers (not deceased), please contact the parish office at 802-2300 or email to ollvparish@ollv.org. Office of Victim’s Assistance - If you believe you are a victim of sexual abuse, please call the hotline at 702-235-7723. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - 7 FAITH FORMATION Coordinator: Liz Williams 3046 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 Phone: 702-802-2362 Email: lizwilliams1234@hotmail.com Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am - 2:30pm; Tuesday 1:00pm - 2:30pm; Friday CLOSED All Religious Education & Confirmation classes are held on the OLLV School Campus. Contact the Religious Education & Confirmation Office if you have any questions regarding these programs. A FULL SCHEDULE can be found at www.ollvchurch.org / Click on Faith Formation / Documents RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONFIRMATION - I CONFIRMATION - II Wednesday, March 18 Class: 6:00pm - 7:15pm Wednesday, March 18 Class: 6:00pm - 7:15pm Saturday, March 21 Mandatory Retreat at Potosi Pines Wednesday, March 25 Class: 6:00pm - 7:15pm Friday, March 20 Service at Hall / Stations of the Cross Wednesday, March 25 Class: 6:00pm - 7:15pm Wednesday, April 1 NO CLASS - Spring Break Friday, April 3 Service at Hall / Stations of the Cross HOLY THURSDAY, April 2 Mandatory Mass @ 7:00pm Coordinator: Julia Dodson 3050 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 Phone: 702-802-2300 Email: jdodson@ollv.org PERIOD OF PURIFICATION & ENLIGHTENMENT Wednesday, March 18 5:30pm Church RCIA Penance Service Friday, March 20 5:00pm - 7:00pm 7:00pm Lenten Dinner (Optional) Stations of the Cross Sunday, March 22 Potosi Pines Retreat Retreat Master: Ron Vallance ACT of CONTRITION - After the priest has conferred your penance, pray an Act of Contrition, expressing sorrow for your sins and resolving to sin no more. O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen 8 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MARCH 15, 2015 Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School 3046 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 Phone: 702-802-2323 Fax: 702-802-2324 School Website: www.ollv.org Principal: Phyllis Joyce Vice-Principal: Monica Futryk School Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 3:30pm Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School prepares students to become Catholic leaders of the 21st Century. Find out more about our wonderful faith formation, academic excellence and progressive learning opportunities. CURRICULAR ENRICHMENT School Masses Sports Programs Leadership Opportunities Community Service Performing & Visual Arts Children’s Choir, Band & Orchestra Field Trips Science Fair Chess Club PROGRAM Fully Accredited Pre-K - 8th Grade Student Centered Technology Driven Family Oriented Community Focused Globally Engaged SERVICES Chapel on School Grounds Bevan Hall Before & After-School Care Hot Lunch Student Success Teams Sports Field & Gymnasium Science Lab Two Technology Labs Library Daily Broadcast Flat Screen TV & Interactive WhiteBoards in each classroom Pre-K through 8th Grade 2015/2016 All parents with prospective students for the 2015 / 2016 school year are invited to stop by the school office to pick up an informational packet which contains documentation outlining the school screening process. If you are unable to stop by the office, please call 702-802-2323 and we will be happy to mail you a packet. There will be a test fee of $25 and can be paid on or before the day of the test. Please return the application form to the school office as soon as possible. Children must be 5 years of age on or before September 30, 2015 to be eligible for Kindergarten for the 2015 / 2016 school year. Due to the large amount of inquiries received, the screening appointments may become unavailable at any time and without notice. Monday, March 16 • No Special Events Tuesday, March 17 • Volleyball Game: OLLV @ St. Christopher Wednesday, March 18 • • School Mass: 9:00am Chess Club: 3:00pm - 3:45pm - McFarland Room Volleyball Practice: 3:00pm - 4:30pm - Gym Thursday, March 19 • Diocesan Geography Bee @ St. Viator: 3:30pm Friday, March 20 • School Stations of the Cross: 9:00am Volleyball JV Quarter Finals @ OLLV No meat today • • • The school is collecting Box Tops for Education. You may bring them to the School Office or put them in the collection basket during the weekend’s Mass. MARCH 15, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - 9 Palm Sunday Passion of the Lord March 29 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm (Polish), 5:00pm, 6:30pm (Filipino Music) Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper April 2 7:00pm (Adoration until 11:00pm) Good Friday Friday of the Passion of the Lord April 3 3:00pm - Liturgy 5:30pm - (Polish) Stations of the Cross 7:00pm - (English) Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday Easter Vigil April 4 11:00am - Blessing of the Food (English) 12:00pm & 1:00pm- Blessing of the Food (Polish) 7:30pm - Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm (Polish), 5:00pm, 6:30pm (Filipino Music) 12 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MARCH 15, 2015
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