1 March 2015 The Messenger The Messenger March 2015 Volume 16 Issue 1 Keene Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington Street , Keene, NH 03431 http://www.kuuc.org/ office@kuuc.org 603-352-1719 ______________________________________________________ CONTENTS 2 Worship Calendar 3 Rev. Michael’s Moment 3 President’s Corner/Board of Trustees 6 Stewardship Campaign 7 RE News 8 Music Notes 10 Montessori Tour 10 Events, Activities 17 Office Hours 18 KUUC Contact List Please join us: 10:00 a.m. Worship Services and Coffee Hour following the service. Childcare is available for children ages 5 and under. Children’s RE and/or Worship activities are offered every Sunday. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, March 29 11:30-12:15 (Quorum required) We will be discussing and voting on three items: 1. Funding Source for Past Due Payments on our Ministers Retirement Account. 2. Funding for review of our financial practices and year-end statements. 3. Bridging the Gap We anticipate a gap of nearly $30k in our budget for the 2014 fiscal year. How will we close this gap? For each of these topics, more information will be forthcoming and proposals will be generated by the Board of Directors for membership consideration. 2 March 2015 The Messenger MARCH WORSHIP CALENDAR March Hymn of the Month #100 “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” March 1: “AC/DC” It is hard not to feel isolated in a society that is always expecting us to take sides: politically, religiously, socially and sexually. What do we do with our “both/and” feelings and beliefs in an “either/or” world? The Choir will lend its musical ministry to the morning and we will Share our Joys & Concerns as a community. March 8: “Chaos, Stillness and Creative Inspiration” Eckhart Tolle asks the question: "Is stillness just the absence of noise and content? No, it is intelligence itself — the underlying consciousness out of which every form is born.” We can find stillness in the midst of chaos, in the midst of our ordinary lives, and find creative inspiration in the stillness and silence. But we need to practice! It is said that if prayer is talking to God, meditation is God talking to us, perhaps providing us with divine inspiration! Rev. D’Vorah Kelley will lead this service that will explore the interplay between Chaos, Stillness and Creative Inspiration, through poetry, prayer and words of wisdom from many faith traditions, as well as her thoughts. DON’T FORGET DAYLIGHT SAVINGS STARTS AT 2 A.M.!! March 15: “That’s Heresy” Our service today explores the old-fashioned religious concept of heresy, and how our search for spiritual truth and experiential meaning has real consequences. Join us as Rev. Michael celebrates the lives of three Unitarian Universalist martyrs, (another old fashioned religious concept), two of which died 50 years ago during the campaign to march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. The Choir will sing, we’ll share Joys and Concerns. Our Third Sunday Collection will be given to Head Start of Cheshire County. March 22: “You Look Good (For 191)” Today we wish a belated birthday to this congregation, which turned 191 years old on March 18th. In keeping with that theme (belatedness) we will also have a Birthday Wish Tree set-up where the various committees and program staff can place their Birthday Wishes which congregants can then fulfill at our Easter Sunday Service on April 5th. 3 March 2015 The Messenger March 29: “Listening to the Times, Looking for a Sign” It has always been difficult to read the tea leaves and see what is really going on, or what will happen next. Today we will make an attempt to pay attention to the times and what they are telling us. The service will include a special Multi-Generational Moment based on the theme of mystical interconnection. REV. MICHAEL’S MOMENT Anything you may hold firmly in your imagination can be yours. ― William James I want to write about Selma. I want to write about how inevitable it is for courageous people, “Standing on the Side of Love” and “fighting the good fight” to build a community large and diverse enough to see their dreams realized; to buck the odds, face down their own fears and inspire others to change themselves and change their world. That’s what I want to write… but then there is the here and now: our church and mission, the building needs, our families and jobs to think about. It’s budget time, there are things we need to address from the past, things in the future that we need to plan or defer. There is a way in which we, as individuals and as members of church societies, can become dulled by our experiences. There are the doubts that spring from our past regrets and mistakes. We may also become creatures of comfort---spiritual, emotional, physical. This has little to do with how much money we actually have, but what we feel we have to spend and how much we are willing to commit. We can get all caught up in the need to stay under the radar, not to make waves. We settle for less and we give less. Then there are all the distractions of life. There are a hundred seemingly important things distracting us; long to-do lists, numerous obligations, multiple claims on our time and our money, uncertainty about the future. Before you know it dreams are aborted and we become tempted to reach for the lowest hanging fruit bruised by a million previous touches. We settle for the life and the society we were handed. We have seen what happens to others and fear what may happen to our kids if we step out of the line stretching toward “the way we have always done things” and say “no more!” Few there are who say, “WE ARE THE NEW DAY!!” It must have been frightening leaving the town of Selma on that first Sunday of March, 1965. As they marched the quiet streets, just a few hundred marchers living 4 March 2015 The Messenger their convictions — people tired of waiting. Could they have possibly known what was awaiting them on the other side of the bridge? Some of them did I’m sure. Some of them knew that they were marching against History just as much as they were marching into it. But people who are tired of waiting care more about making History and less about being beaten back by it once again. We have all seen that bridge in Selma, The Edmund Pettus Bridge, named for a Confederate general and leader of the Ku Klux Klan. We all know what happened the first time that the civil rights marchers tried to get out of town and cross that bridge to bring on a new day. They were bloodied, beaten back, driven back into what had always been, while TV cameras caught the horror and America saw herself once again beating back freedom. Willing to risk it all, these justice-seeking people of good will, religious conviction and sacrificial spirit got up, ready to march again. We mustn’t ignore or undervalue the religion in all of this---something separate from being a church. This isn’t to say that being a church, a member of a church, or one who pledges or tithes isn’t important. Churches offer haven and a place for like-minded people to gather. Churches provide a caring community where people gather for spiritual nurture, uplift, where they self-define, learn, grow and worship. But being a church is also about framing budgets, cleaning floors and maintaining buildings; almost as much as it is about serving a mission and reaching out to the community beyond its doors. True religion, however, is something more. It is living one’s beliefs openly in the world, in places where it is dangerous and unexpected things can happen… to be as brave in the public square as we are in the quiet of our sanctuaries. Religion is about creating, sometimes demanding an ever-enlarging community where individuals live freely and responsibly, where justice and love are rewarded, here, now---and hope is in the air one breathes. True religion leaves no one behind. It brings to life here on earth dreams once reserved for heaven. With Heart and in Hope, Rev. Michael PRESIDENT’S CORNER/BOARD OF TRUSTEES Your Board of Trustees has been pretty active these days, as I mentioned last month, in addressing our financial concerns. We have moved forward with our examination of the books and a full report will be forthcoming. We have set dates for communication gatherings and you will be notified of those. We have worked with the property folks in determining the needs of the property that houses our spirit, our energy, and our service. We have discovered that we must act on 5 March 2015 The Messenger major repairs and renovations as well as “minor” ones, no more deferrals. In order to continue our activities and services to all whom we serve, we must aggressively address the needs of our “body”, the church building. A while back, a survey was completed regarding “Long Term Property Planning.” The results of that survey reveal a major concern regarding the Washington St. Vestibule entrance. This area has been the bane of our existence for some time now. The real concern is not only preservation of the historic aspects of the building, but making sure all areas are safe, sound, attractive and useful in the long-term. From the survey, the vestibule was identified as the most important property concern. And, guess what? This is the most expensive item on the list, about $150,000. The following, in order of priority, include: protecting the Truth Window$25,000; repairing and replacing windows in Sanctuary and Parish Hall-$75,000; bathroom renovations-$5000; furnace work; RE wing south wall repair-$20,000; Wiring upgrade-$10,000. Some of these estimates may be exaggerated, but you get the idea. We have determined RE needs its own area. The Undercroft was supposed to be that space, but that, too, needs work and is dependent upon the Vestibule work. We are feeding people from an inadequate kitchen that has needed upgrading for years. Montessori is leaving in June and we are actively seeking new tenants. We are actively seeking grants to address the kitchen, the Undercroft, bathroom rehab, windows, vestibule etc. etc. etc. These grants will help but they won’t complete what is needed. The survey revealed a consensus that we need a capital campaign sooner than later. In the meantime, we have lots of other smaller cost work that needs to be done and be reflected in each new budget cycle. Now I haven’t even mentioned the everyday upkeep and aesthetics of our plant. The members of the Property Committee have worked hard at completing some of the items on the long list. They have gathered information and reports while putting band-aids on the immediate “wounds.” (Hey, I’m a nurse!) They have done so much to improve our facilities and more they’d like to do including the Parish Hall floor, which needs a fresh surface. There are plans for this to be done in the spring. Already the handicapped door actuator has been put in place; the sanctuary steps have been shorn up; the dumpster has been enclosed; the source of a leak into the Undercroft was found and fixed. We have lots of work to do and it appears overwhelming, but I have faith we will do it. We just need patience, dedication, love, energy and determination. We also need you to help with your pledge, no matter how small-every penny counts. If you would join us in discussions that the Board of Trustees will hold soon, you will be 6 March 2015 The Messenger heard, we will move forward and in the end, we will have a church whose history we cherish, whose present we are proud of and whose future is secured. With hope, Leslie Erdoben-Evans, President, Board of Trustees IMPORTANT BUDGETARY MEETINGS THIS SPRING Sunday, April 26 11:30-12:30 Review 2015-2016 Budget The KUUC Board’s proposed budget will be published prior to this meeting and will be discussed. This will be your opportunity to ask questions and discuss our future. Sunday May 17 11:30- 12:30 Review 2015-2016 Budget The KUUC Board’s proposed budget will be published prior to this meeting and will be discussed. This will be your opportunity to ask questions and discuss our future. Sunday, June 7 11:30-12:30 Annual Meeting (Quorum required) Discussion on the budget will be limited. Please attend one of the earlier meetings to discuss the details of the budget or speak with a board member prior to the May 18th board meeting. Please make sure these dates are on your calendar as we hope to have full membership participation in our financial decision making. STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN: UPDATE AND BLESSING OF PLEDGES First, of all – THANK YOU! As of this writing, we have raised $80k for next year’s budget and have crossed the halfway mark of our goal. We need $60K more to raise enough money to maintain our current budget levels. We can discuss what it will take to realize our broader dreams (as well as take care of many years of deferred maintenance on our historic building) during our budget discussions in April and May. Every dollar we raise through the stewardship campaign is a dollar we don’t have to raise through a fundraising event like the auction. While these events can be fun to attend, they are draining on our volunteer and leadership resources, which might be better spent elsewhere (such as supporting a living wage in the Monadnock region or expanding the community breakfast program or teaching in our RE program). So, really, if we could raise $160K through the stewardship campaign, we could focus our leadership and volunteers talents on activities that nourish the soul and strengthen our community. Food for thought as we bless our pledges this Sunday and finalize this year’s stewardship campaign. -Michelle Thevenin, Stewardship Chair 7 March 2015 The Messenger SUNDAY ATTENDANCE: SEPT. 7, 2014 – FEB. 22, 2015 Over the next few months we will provide different views of our monthly attendance count. It is necessary to take these numbers as approximate since there are several variables that affect the data such as the weather, when the actual headcount was taken, whether it was updated during the service to allow for latecomers and how the children and teacher numbers were accounted. 2014: September 377 (average 94) Ingathering October 402 (average 101) Sermon Series November 499 (average 100) Month of Sundays December 562 (average 112) The December number includes Christmas Eve & the traditionally less well-attended service between the holidays, which tend to balance each other out somewhat. 2015: January February 315 (average 79) Heating woes and snowy month didn’t deter us! 259 (average 65) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Sunday, March 1: Children begin in Sanctuary, and then leave for regular RE classes. 11:15-noon Tour of rental wing. See details elsewhere. Sunday March 8: Children begin in Sanctuary. Weather permitting grades 4-5 class take a field trip to Goose Pond (fingers crossed, everybody!). All other children will attend their regular RE classes. 11:45am - RE Committee meeting in classroom. All welcome. 4:30-6:30pm Coming of Age class meets, Parish Hall and Alliance Room This is the first day of Daylight Savings Time -- remember to turn your clocks ahead! Sunday March 15: Children begin in the Undercroft (water seepage permitting, more fingers crossed!) for Children's Chapel, then to regular RE classes. Sunday March 22: Children begin in Sanctuary, then leave for regular RE classes. 4:30-6:30pm Youth Group Social meeting in Parish Hall and Alliance Room. Sunday March 29: Bonus Sunday! Children begin in Sanctuary, then leave for regular RE classes. 8 March 2015 The Messenger Looking ahead: April 5 is Easter Sunday; the children will begin in the sanctuary and stay just a little longer than usual. They will leave for a Whole Group Activity with a holiday theme. By the Numbers - In the 2014-15 church year, 18 families are participating in the Sunday morning RE program, for a total of 25 children. An additional 3 families and 10 youth are participating in the Sunday evening youth programs. (Totals then are 21 families; 35 youth.) Average attendance at Sunday morning RE classes from September 21 through February 1 (including nursery) is 12.3 children. Although the last three Sundays of February were very snowy, we had at least 5 children join us every week, for an average of 6.3 children for February 8 - 22. (If you include those 3 Sundays in the overall numbers the average attendance is 11.3 through February 22). Jill M. Hall, Director, Religious Education MUSIC NOTES Hello Friends! As we approach a season that brings brighter light to our days and shorter nights, the choir continues to sing on the first and third Sundays in March. On March 1st, the choir will sing two songs: “A Quiet Moment” with text borrowed from William Blake, and KUUC favorite, “You Are the New Day.” During the service, Reverend Michael will discuss the extremes in our culture that drive us away from finding common ground. The original text is borrowed from the first lines of Blake’s poem entitled, Auguries of Innocence: To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. The text is further enhanced by Audrey Snyder (composer) who added: Find a quiet moment and celebrate a miracle To hear a song in a gentle breeze And a symphony in the laughter of a child Find a miracle in a moment of peace And find heaven in a smile. In the midst of the service, the music ministers within the choir will try to engage church-goers in a moment of quiet, meditation, and awareness in one’s life, which can be especially needed during moments in life that seem to demand a black and white 9 March 2015 The Messenger reaction. In addition to “A Quiet Moment,” the choir will also sing “You Are the New Day.” Although experiences in our lives seem to demand that we choose one extreme or another, we can choose what is right for us, whether that is black, white, or somewhere in the middle. In the spirit of renewal, the choir encourages YOU to start with a clean slate in John David’s “You Are the New Day”: You are the new day I will love you more than me and more than yesterday If you can but prove to me you are the new day. Send the sun in time for dawn, Let the birds all hail the morning. Love of life will urge me say, “You are the new day.” When I lay me down at night knowing me must pay, Thoughts occur that this night might stay yesterday Thoughts that we as humans small could slow worlds and end it all Lie around me where they fall before the new day. One more day when time is running out for everyone Like a breath I knew would come I reach for a new day. Hope is my philosophy, just needs days in which to be, Love of life means hope for me Borne on a new day. You are the new day. On March 15th, this intense service will focus on the civil rights martyrs of 1965, specifically Unitarian Universalist minister James Reeb, beaten severely by white segregationists after joining the symbolic march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on March 9, 1965, and Viola Liuzzo, a UU lay-leader who was shot to death after the successful completion of the march from Selma to Montgomery. It is for that reason that the choir will sing the “Lacrymosa” from the Mozart Requiem. I am drawn to this movement of the Requiem for its extremely powerful emotion. Mozart himself was only able to complete the first ten measures of the “Lacrymosa” before he died; his student Sussmayr completed the unfinished portions of the Requiem. Lacrimosa dies illa Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus Huic ergo parce, Deus: Pie Jesu Domine, Dona eis requiem. Amen. Full of tears shall be that day On which from ashes shall arise The guilty man to be judged; Therefore, O God, have mercy on him. Gently Lord, Jesus, Grant them eternal rest. So be it. We need singers for March 15th! If you would like to join us for only the “Lacrymosa” from the Mozart Requiem, please attend Thursday rehearsals from 7:30 – 10 March 2015 The Messenger 8:30pm in Parish Hall. This is quite a powerful piece and could use an extremely large choir. Consider joining us temporarily. Everyone of any experience and ability is welcome to sing with the choir. We are like a family with open arms and big smiles, and we will give you major high-fives if you join us for a rehearsal, or for the season. Please feel free to contact me via email: esther.rh.rhoades@gmail.com with questions or ideas. Warmly, Esther MONTESSORI SPACE ENVISIONING TOUR- RESCHEDULED In June, the Montessori school will be vacating the space they rented at the church. KUUC has a golden opportunity to spend some time envisioning how we want to use this space. To facilitate creative thinking, the rental wing will be open for "tour" on Sunday, March 1 from 11:15-Noon. Please take a few minutes to come down, look at the space, and think about what we can do with it. There will be a brief "talkback" meeting to gather ideas from 11:45-noon, in the large classroom at the end of the rental wing. There will also be a place to record written suggestions that morning, or please send ideas to Susan MacNeil at office@kuuc.org or Jill Hall at jillmariehall@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EVENTS, ACTIVITIES, UPDATES & OTHER NEWS SACRED SPACE TO CREATE IN CIRCLE Begins February 28 A New Year, a new opportunity to collaborate, and an invitation to you all who are inclined to step into a Sacred Space to Create in Circle. The fourth Saturday of every month Hazel Erdoben-Evans will open her home studio in Gilsum from 9:00A.M – 4:00P.M. for the purpose of KUUC and friends to gather as "Elves" to work on projects to sell at the annual Green's Sale. She will make materials and equipment available for collaborative projects in a comfortable setting. Bring a bag lunch, come for a part or all of a day. For more information, contact Hazel at 499-6162. PUBLIC WORSHIP AND FAITH FORMATION CLUSTER MARCH 1ST Sunday, March 1: 11:45A.M.–12:45 P.M. Alliance Room The Public Worship and Faith Formation Cluster was formed last winter in an attempt to increase collaboration and shared vision between the minister and committees most closely associated with spiritual growth (Worship, Religious Education, Music & Covenant Groups). We generally meet once a month to discuss ideas that are arising within those 11 March 2015 The Messenger committees and see if there are services we can provide, programs we can develop and things we can do together, now or in the future, to help expand the faith formation and spiritual growth of KUUC members and friends. Although each of the above mentioned committees is formally represented within the cluster all members of each committee are invited, as are other interested congregants. This is no private club or privileged set. All interested members are welcome to attend. INTERFAITH ORGANIZING Sunday, March 1: 1-3P.M. Come learn about the power of lay-led, faith-based community organizing, where people of many faith traditions come together, build relationships, develop leadership skills, gain power, and make a difference in their communities. Members from New Hampshire’s United Valley Interfaith and Granite State Organizing projects will join us to share their experiences and answer questions. We want a diverse group of faiths represented. New attendees, laity and clergy, are welcome and encouraged. Please RSVP using the phone number, email or link below, or just come! When: Sunday, March 1, 1-3P.M. (Snow Date March 15, 1-3P.M.) Where: Ahavas Achim Synagogue, 84 Hastings Ave., Keene, NH. Info: Tom Julius, (603) 357-4521, tjulius@antioch.edu RSVP at: http://goo.gl/forms/wJ1jJVzlci MARCH SLICE OF FELLOWSHIP March 6, 5:30 – 7P.M. The Slice Pot-Luck will feature all things Irish! Hors d'oeuvres will be at 5:30 and pot-luck at 6:00. Your hosts for this month are Andi Johnson and Betsy Zimmerli. See you there! ZACH BENTON COFFEE HOUSE AND CONCERT March 7: 6:30-8:30P.M. Local musician and KUUC regular Zach Benton will be rocking the Parish Hall in a special coffee house style concert. All members and friends are welcome to the show which is only $5/person. There will also be coffee and baked goods available for sale. Young adults will find this show particularly to their liking, but not just them; so bring your sweetheart, bring your family; bring your neighbors, anyone who likes good music in a casual, fun environment. 12 March 2015 The Messenger Zach is a Keene local, recording artist, and musician, who has released "17 top ten hits on iTunes R&B/Soul chart for new releases." Show starts at 6:30 P.M. Zach will play two 45 minute sets with a half-hour intermission. PIE SALE & CIRCLE GAMES TO CELEBRATE π DAY (AKA PI DAY) On Saturday, March 14 from 10 AM to 2 PM a celebration of π Day will be held in the Parish Hall. This year is a very special π Day, as the holiday will be on 3–14-15: the first 5 digits of the mathematical constant π (3.1415…) The factor of π has been known since ancient times as the key to calculating the area and circumference of a circle or the volume of a sphere or a cylinder. Knowledge of π may have helped in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, and in our modern times it is important in engineering, astronomy, and astrophysics, and is used in telecommunications. The event will offer a variety of pies for sale: fruit pies, pecan pies, cream pies, cheese pies, and savory main-dish pies. Whole pies will be available for purchase or priced at $3.14 per slice. Over the lunch hours there will be pizza by the slice available from Keene’s own Pizza π on West Street. Hot beverages will be available to accompany your pie. An assortment of fun family activities involving pie, circles, and math will accompany food options including hula hoops, mandalas, circle songs and compass art. At 11:30A.M. young and old can challenge their memories by seeing how many digits of π they can recite: the winner will select a pie as a prize. If there is still snow on the ground, there may be a circular labyrinth to walk in the church yard; if the weather has turned spring-like, there may be parachute games in the yard. Gather together you circle of friends and join us for a delicious celebration of Pi. For questions contact Beth Caldwell (bcaldwell@rgbcassociates.com or 357-0130) and Ann Shedd (ladyleafy@gmail.com or 352-0720). To get you started: π = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899 8628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725 KUUC & REVEREND MICHAEL FEATURED IN MONADNOCK INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL PROGRAMMING MARCH 15 In advance of the 3rd annual Monadnock International Film Festival (MONIFF), special programming throughout the month of March will feature film screenings and discussions around the civil rights movement. The effort was conceived by MONIFF to honor the 50th anniversary of the sacrifice by Keene resident and martyr Jonathan 13 March 2015 The Messenger Daniels, who gave his life to save Ruby Sales in Hayneville, Alabama as a young seminary student working in the civil rights movement. To view full schedule, visit www.moniff.org March 15th. Noon Role of Clergy in the Civil Rights Movement Keene Unitarian Universalist Church, Parish Hall In this program we honor the memory of Rev. James Reeb, who was beaten death by white segregationists in Selma, Alabama after joining the second march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on March 9, 1965 and other clergy who travelled South to aid in the struggle for Civil Rights in the 1960s. The Keene Unitarian Universalist Church and MONIFF will host a reading of Reeb’s eulogy, delivered on March 15, 1965, followed by a discussion on the role that clergy played in the Civil Rights Movement with filmmaker Larry Benaquist (Here Am I, Send Me) and Keene UU Minister, Reverend Michael F. Hall. MARCH LUNCH BUNCH Our Senior Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, March 18th at Noon in the Parish Hall. Hosts for this month are Betty and Mike Forrest. If school is cancelled due to weather issues, there will be no lunch bunch that day. ALL CHURCH SOCIAL AT STONEWALL FARM Snow and cold weather didn’t stop the February 15 fun! About 40 people joined together in fellowship to enjoy a cold but sunny winter afternoon. Check out the photos on the bulletin board taken by resident photographer Rachael Walter! CREATIVE COLLABORATORS AND QUIILTERS SOUGHT It’s time to plan the next Quilt that will be raffled during the 2015 Greens Sale! We meet every Tuesday morning at 10:00 A.M. in the Parish Hall. Please join us. Let's create together another successful heirloom to enrich our community. See or call Hazel with questions (499-6162.) DANCE FOR LIFE, FUN AND FITNESS WITH CARIN TORP Every Wednesday from 2 P.M. – 3 P.M. Dance is exercise! Loosen up with Carin Torp in the Parish Hall. No class fee, but donations for space appreciated. Open to everyone regardless of experience! "To Dance is to Live, To Live is to have the Chance to Dance." 14 March 2015 The Messenger CIRCLE OF CARING; WHAT’S THAT? It has come to our attention that some members and friends of Keene Unitarian Universalist Church do not know about this activity. The Circle is comprised of several members who are ready to assist others among our folk who need short term support and assistance. We can provide, for example, meals brought to your home during a crisis, transportation to medical appointments, home or hospital visits and other errands to help speed your recovery. Of course we hope all will stay healthy and happy, but just in case...we're here for you. Requests can be made to Circle Coordinators, Martha Bauman (352-8725) and Suzanne Morin (352-2534). THEATRE AT KUUC Change in Theatre Plans: “No Exit” to Begin Series Due to unforeseen circumstances Rev. Michael has decided to begin the KUUC theatre series with a staged reading of Jean Paul Sartre’s masterpiece No Exit. If you are interested in being part of this production, set for March 28 & 29th please contact Rev. Michael directly: rev.michaelkuuc1824@gmail.com or call his cell (508)821-6092. The Dinner Theatre, A Night of Irish Love and Laughter (but Italian Food), this joyful celebration of food, fun and diversity will now happen on May 15th & 16th. We need singers, actors, servers, production help and, of course, diners. Tell your friends and family!! Spring 2015 Ferry Beach Weekend Gathering Friday, April 17 . Saturday, April 18 . Sunday, April 19 The Ferry Beach Committee invites you to our eleventh Annual Ferry Beach GetAway Weekend. Ferry Beach is a UU Conference Center on the Saco Bay in Maine. During Spring and Fall weekends, the facilities are rented to UU Church groups. Our weekend is a wonderful intergenerational gathering. Imagine long walks on the beach or in the nearby State Forest, conversations in front of the large fireplace in Quillen lobby, playing board games, joining various activities to get to know one another, or long solitary walks by the ocean. The accommodations are rustic, but the setting is wonderful. Meals will be provided by Pangea Food Service, LLC in the DeWolf dining hall. For further information contact Jim Peale or Carol McIntyre-Peale, 357-7875 or pealefamily@ne.rr.com . 15 March 2015 The Messenger KUUC OUTDOORS Keene Walking Tour Saturday, May 16th, 9:30am Keene native Barry Faulkner was one of the foremost mural artists of the 20th century, and a family member of our own Carl Jacobs. His works are on the walls of public and private buildings from Rome, Italy to Salem, Oregon and Keene, NH. Join us Saturday, May 16th, 9:30am for a Walking Tour featuring sites and works of art related to Barry Faulkner. We will walk from KUUC to Keene State College and back with stops along the way. Wear comfortable walking shoes and clothes appropriate to the weather. Upcoming Events July, TBA, Rhododendr on State Park & Little Monadnock Mountain, Fitzwilliam Questions or suggestions? More about Barry Faulkner at:www.monadnockart.org/index.php/artists-past/barry-faulkner Contact Tom Julius 603-357-4521; tjulius54@gmail.com As always, KUUC Outdoors says… Go take a hike! A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY BREAKFAST PROGRAM Many people contribute to the success of the Community Breakfast Program. Nancy Brigham does the inventory several times a week. Carol and Bob Hill join with others to go shopping. Without Sue and Bill Hay conceiving of the idea years ago we would not be providing people with the opportunity to thaw out from freezing morning temps and enjoy a nutritional daily breakfast. And Reverend Michael brought in other denominations and social service agencies to increase the program to five days/week. What does it take to feed 28-30 people a day? 80 eggs, 4 cans frozen orange juice, 1/3 pound coffee, 2 loaves bread, 1/3 container oatmeal, 1 gallon milk, 1 box cold cereal… and brown/white sugar, raisins, butter, jam, peanut butter, ketchup and hot sauce. And on many days, volunteers bring in home fries, sausage and occasionally pancakes or French Toast. 16 March 2015 The Messenger Guests are very appreciative and often help with set-up and clean-up. Each day a different congregation is in charge of preparing breakfast. Monday KUUC Tuesday UCC Wednesday Knights of Columbus Thursday KUUC Friday Various Catholic organizations Carol’s ongoing conversation with guests recently addressed an expressed need… lockers in which to store backpacks that often carry the entire belongings of someone who is homeless. She brought in husband Bob, Bill Hay, Mindy Cambiar, Susan MacNeil and Tony Marcotte of MDP Development, who manages the former Middle School, to obtain 12 lockers and install them in Hundred Nights Shelter. Tony offered a reduced price per locker, and Carol’s sister, Nancy Browning, underwrote the project. It only took 4 days from idea to installation! Next up: backpack donation from WalMart. And all because Carol cared enough to ask people how they were and what they needed. Truly an example of Faith in Action! The breakfast program on December 1, 2014 and will conclude on April 3, 2015. That’s about 750 meals served. We can be proud of our commitment to feeding hungry people in our community. THANKS TO OUR COMMUNITY BUSINESS PARTNERS! It’s important to recognize and thank our community business partners. A handwritten thank you note goes a long way toward making the next request possible! Korvin Appliance Community Breakfast Refrigerator Amer Electric Community Breakfast Electrical wiring MDP Development Hundred Nights Project Lockers from Middle School Gem-Graphics Social Justice Outreach Banner with MLK quote 17 March 2015 The Messenger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHURCH OFFICE HOURS The church office will be open M-F from 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. Because Susan works Sunday evenings on weeks when there are is a Board of Trustees meeting, her Office Hours will adjusted accordingly. DEADLINE FOR THE MARCH MESSENGER The deadline for the April Messenger is Monday, March 23, 2015. Please send all articles to both Susan office@ kuuc.org & Rev. Michael at rev.michaelkuuc1824@gmail.com REV. MICHAEL’S OFFICE HOURS FOR MARCH 2015 Rev. Michael’s Office Hours for March 2015: Mondays: 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. Tuesdays: 8 A.M. – 12 P.M. If you cannot meet with him at these hours, you can schedule an appointment with Rev. Michael by calling him directly at (508) 821-6092 or emailing rev.michaelkuuc1824@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18 March 2015 The Messenger KUUC CONTACT LIST WORSHIP SERVICES STAFF Sunday Services: 10:00 A.M. Childcare available for infants and toddlers. Minister: Religious Education: (9/14/14-6/7/15) Summer Services (6/21 – 9/6) Director, Religious Education: 10:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. Address: 69 Washington Street Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603) 352-1719 E-mail: office@kuuc.org Website: www.kuuc.org Rev. Michael F. Hall 352-1719, ext. 1 (cell) 508-821-6092 rev.michaelkuuc1824@gmail.com 508-821-8935 (cell preferred) Jill M. Hall jillmariehall@gmail.com Choir Director: Esther Rhoades 603-499-3505 esther.rh.rhoades@gmail.com Organist/Accompanist: Vladimir Odinokikh 603-239-4109 odinokikh@yahoo.com (email preferred) Office Administrator: 603-352-1719 office@kuuc.org Susan MacNeil Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9A.M.-1 P.M. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Officers: Leslie Erdoben-Evans (499-3939) lae922@gmail.com Dan York, Past President (352-9675) dyork@lodestar2.com John Lowry, Treasurer (355-2958) Lowry63@ne.rr.com Murray McClellan, Clerk (390-3352) murraydigsit@gmail.com General Members: Scott Ansevin-Allen (358-3701) aansevin@yahoo.com John Bordenet (352-0680) jbordenet@hotmail.com Betty Forrest (357-1534) mandbforrest@myfairpoint.net Mark Meess (352-0720) 1nhmoose@gmail.com Hope Therrien (358-5480) hopetherrien@myfairpoint.net Michelle Thevenin (209-2916) mthevenin@ne.rr.com easurer: John Lowry, (355-2958) (email: nhbuck63@ne.rr.com) COMMITTEE CONTACTS Auction Committee: Elizabeth Williams, Andi Johnson Budget Committee: Michael French Circle of Caring: Martha Bauman, Suzanne Morin Committee of Ministry: Melinda Hildreth Honkala Covenant Group Council: Rev. Michael Hall Greens Sale: Carol McIntyre-Peale Investment Committee: John Bordenet Membership Committee: Chip Southgate Music Committee: Susie Ericson-West Nominating Committee: Dan York Personnel Committee: Carolyn Antrim Property Committee: Mark Meess Public Relations/Advertising: Susan MacNeil Religious Education Committee: Barbara Bryce Senior Lunch Bunch: Sue Segal Shawls of Love: Darcy Doyle Slice of Fellowship: Betty Forest, Sue Segal Social Action/Green Sanctuary: Nancy Brigham, Ann Shedd Stewardship Committee: Michelle Thevenin Wayside Pulpit: Hazel Erdoben-Evans. Welcoming Congregation: Leslie Erdoben-Evans Worship Committee: Carin Torp Ushers: Gareth Williams
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