March 10, 2015 MISSION: To know God and to make God known First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 277 1826 Nall Street Port Neches TX 77651 Phone: 409-722-8357 Website: Email: CHURCH STAFF Pastor Dr. Wesley Welborn Home Phone 853-4233 Cell # 979-203-0755 Grace and peace in the name of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We are creating a new part-time staff position for maintaining and updating our website and Facebook account. We expect this position to take up to four hours a week. We are creating it on a trial basis and will review after a few months to determine whether to make the position permanent. If you are interested, you can pick up an application form at the church office. The chair of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Mary Beth McDuff, and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Our Lenten theme is God’s Traffic Signs. This Sunday the sermon is Release the Brake, John 12:1-11. Love in Christ, Wesley Rules for Living Music Director Brittany Perry Face the Truth Secretary Christy Champagne Pianist Shawn Simonson Financial Secretary Gwen Hill Mother’s Day Out/ Children’s Director Allenda Savant Youth Director Alicia Permenter Custodian Robert Arnold Once I had a member who had not attended church since she was a child. Her son reached the age of being an acolyte. In that church the acolytes served a month at a time. Our acolyte coordinator asked if this boy would like to be an acolyte, and he enthusiastically accepted. It happened that his month was in March, during the Lenten season. His mother faithfully brought him to church each Sunday during that month. At the last Sunday of the month I told her how much I had enjoyed their participation. She said, “I won’t be back.” I was shocked and asked why. She said, “At this church you just talk about sin and sing sad songs about the cross.” She turned and walked away before I could explain to her that Lent is the season in which we talk about sin and sing songs about Christ dying on the cross to save us from our sins. It’s not pleasant to be reminded we are sinners. But it is necessary, because it is true. Only if we confront this truth can we fully embrace and celebrate the victory Christ has won for us by his death and resurrection. NEWS FROM THE PEWS HOSPITAL Nell Barbay Bo Smith Medical Center Mid Jeff Ex Care CHURCH MEMBERS Margaret Bailey Eleanor Baird Beverly Blanchard Betty Clark Lovett Everett Culver Chuck DuBois Garry Farris Kent Hathorn Cecil Holstead Lynn Jarrell Alicia Permenter Bo Smith The family of Ethel Hutton, Maxine Wright’s mother, who died Friday, March 6, 2015 in Indiana. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Jerry Thompson family Richard Walker Mary White Michael Worthington FAMILY MEMBERS Kelly Baker Gilroy Broussard Lois Broussard Mahlan Broussard Peggy Brown Kimber Fondren Martha Hall Stan Hall Jan Horton Mike Leger Lois Lovett Steven Mazzola THE MEMBERS AND STAFF OF FIRST CHURCH EXTEND LOVING SYMPATHY TO… Kim Risinger Joe Romero & family Stephen Savant (Doug’s brother) Troy Schamber Robert Smith Peggy & Rodney Stokes Sandra Stout Ted Tudor, Jr. Ted Tudor, Sr. Clint Weatherly Rusty York Easter Lilies $15.00 each Order forms are now available to Honor or Remember your loved ones. Look for them in the bulletins & online at Fill out the order form and drop it off with your payment to the church office or mail to: First United Methodist Church, P. O. Box 277 Port Neches, TX 77651 Deadline to order is Monday, March 23. ASBURY PARTY Friday, March 13 at 5:45 pm The Asbury class will be eating at New York Pizza & Pasta, 790 Neches St, in Beaumont. Please contact Niki Lege’ 626-1568 if you will be attending. FRIENDS Elisha Barnhill Scott Bergeron Wanda Bienvenue Jack Bodensteiner Myrtle Broussard Gina Cessac Jackie Cross Chester Dauphine Louis DeVillier Mary Dominguez Ty Gore Jerry Grisham Carolyn Hamerly Betty Healin Susan Hilton Natalie Laws Dom Mars Capri McCrate Susan N Tom O’Neill Sandra Perkins Janice Reesman Anita Rice Brooklyn Roy Rick Taylor Mike Trahan Many Vara MILITARY John Alexander Chris Allen Angie Keltz Brody Brian Howard Travis Johnson Kevin Knippa Zeke Mills Joshua Needham Eddie Pierce Stephanie Smith Jonathan Welborn Military Families ASSISTED LIVING/NURSING HOME Lois Boudreaux Nida Garrett Cindy Hemmengway Shirley Hurd Marie Jordan Troy Kerr Larry McFatter Gwen Park Betty Ragan Hugh Reeder Evelyn Romberg Charlene Williams HOMEBOUND Freddie Cotton Kent Lee We all need prayer and we find comfort knowing others are praying for us. Sometimes we don’t know how to help our families and friends, but we can always pray for them. We’re updating our prayer chain and if you would like to be a part of this, please call Jerry Thompson at 722-1529 or the church office 722-8357. March 17: 5:30 pm Trustees-Bible class 6:30 pm Finance Committee-Fidelis class Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 9 am & 11 am All children are invited to wave palm branches in both church services. If you want to participate, meet in the lobby of the church 15 min before the service. The Children’s Building will not have Sunday School due to the Bunny Breakfast. Vacation Bible School June 22 - 26 This year’s theme for VBS is EVEREST: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power VBS is one of our biggest ministries. Each summer 80 - 100 children come to learn about God. None of this would be possible without our wonderful volunteers! If you would like to be a part of this exciting ministry, please sign up near the Welcome Center or call Allenda Savant at 722-8358. NEWS FROM THE PEWS Register now for Mother’s Day Out Summer Registration has begun for Church members, current students &Siblings 6 months-Completed 1st Summer Registration fee $40.00. Summer registration fee and registration forms are due Thursday, April 9. Fall/Spring Registration has begun for Church members, current students & Siblings 6 months — 4 & 5 year olds PRESENCE Sunday, March 8, 2015 Sunday School ..................... 70 9 am Praise Service ............. 71 11 am Traditional Service .... 62 Worship Total ..................... 133 Fall/Spring Registration fee $60.00. Fall/Spring registration fee and registration forms are due Thursday, May 14. If you put your child’s name down to attend Mother’s Day Out but do not pay the registration fee by due date, your child will not be registered for our program. Your space is only guaranteed when registration fee is paid. GIFTS Come have breakfast with the Easter Bunny! March 29 – Church Wide Fellowship Hall, 9:30-10:30 am. Sign up now thru March 22. Menu: Pancakes, syrup, bacon, sausage, coffee and juice Our MidWeek Boost is coming back to the J29 StuMin. We will meet EACH WEDNESDAY from 6-7 PM upstairs in the game room. This Bible Study will be very detailed and taking us back to the basics. We will be tackling the scriptures and really getting into The Word and trying to decide what it means in our lives. We will also focus on prayer and praying for each other. Make plans to be there and bring your friends. TO THE SLT (Student Leader Team) it would be good for you to be there!!! This will begin the FIRST Wednesday in April! ADULTS ARE NEEDED J29 StuMin needs caring adults to serve as the "2nd adult" in our Wednesday Night Bible Study! If we have several sign up - we will have a rotation so that you will not have to be there each Wednesday. You do not have to be a parent of a youth to help us out. If you would like to help - please contact Alicia at Feb 23 - Mar 1 Offering Sys. Contrib. Loose Plate TOTAL $7603.00 117.00 $7720.00 Mar 2 - 8 Sys. Contrib. Loose Plate TOTAL $6740.00 89.00 $6829.00 SERVICE March 15, 2015 Greeters: Fidelis class Children’s Sermon: Dr. Welborn Liturgist: Bonnie Miller No Story Hour YOUTH NEWS Who Are You and Why Are You Here? – Uncovering the Mystery Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is. ~~1 John 3:2 Wednesdays, 6-7 pm “Midweek Boost”; Sundays, 4-5 pm “Hangtime”; 5-7 pm J29 Youth Fellowship For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) Fourth Sunday Of Lent March 15, 2015 LECTIONARY READINGS Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 UMH 830 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 I am beginning a series over the next SEVERAL weeks called Who Are You and Why Are You Here? I hope you enjoy. As human beings, our lives can be pretty complicated. With our hectic schedules, we barely have time to ask questions like “Who are we?” and “What is our purpose?” much less to seek the answers. We long to know and understand our purpose and to believe we can make a difference. We also want people to know and understand us, but sometimes we don’t really know and understand ourselves. Come along with me over the next SEVERAL weeks as we journey together to uncover the mystery of our identity and our purpose. We’ll take a closer look at our map for life and turn to our own personal tour guide. We’ll also meet some people along the way, and we’ll dig deeper into their identity and the mastermind behind it all. Our time together will be filled with thought-provoking facts and comforting answers. All the while we will get to know a little better the artist who intricately concocted this masterpiece known as you. What are some things in our lives that define who we are? How does knowing God help us know ourselves? Until Next time . . . Alicia To post comments on this article . . . visit THE WEEK AHEAD SUNDAY, March 15 9 am Praise & Worship 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship 5-7 pm J29 StuMin Fellowship 6-7:30 pm Girl Scouts-Children’s bldg MONDAY, March 16 10 am Bible Study-Alletta Thompson’s home TUESDAY, March 17 10 am Esther group-Parlor 10 am Loose Threads 5:30 pm Trustees-Bible class 6:30 pm Finance Committee-Fidelis WEDNESDAY, March 18 7 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY, March 19 6 pm Praise Band practice SATURDAY, March 21 10 am Chancel Choir SUNDAY, March 22 9 am Praise & Worship 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship 5-7 pm J29 StuMin Fellowship 6-7:30 pm Girl Scouts-Children’s bldg MONDAY, March 23 6 pm Alzheimer’s Support GroupParlor WEDNESDAY, March 25 6 pm Education Committee-library 6:15 pm Genesis (College/Young Adult) PALM SUNDAY, March 29, 2015 Special Services of Music 9 am & 11 am
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