Children`s Ministry Youth Ministries Short Term Mission Trip to

Sunday, March 15, 2015 - March 21, 2015
Men’s Bible Study
Corporate Prayer
Women’s Prayer
Women’s Bible Study
12 Noon
Midweek Hour of
Midweek Bible Study
in Joshua*
Women’s Bible Study*
Couples Fellowship*
Heart for Missions
*Childcare available
*Childcare available
6:30 pm
Rose’s Home (North M.I.)
Young Adults
Men’s Bible Study (MI)
Roy Coy 321-453-4479
Short Term Mission Trip to Nicaragua Sunday Morning Service
Message from the Gospel of Mark
Pastor Malcolm Wild
8:30am & 11:00am
Children’s Ministry
Director: Dan Quattrocchi
Sunday Evening Service
Through the Word in the Gospel of Mark
Pastor Malcolm Wild
Wednesday Evening Service
Verse-by-Verse Study in the Book of Joshua
Pastor Len Fedorowicz
Calvary Kids Ministry is looking for an elementary coordinator for
approximately 15-20 hours per week. Pay is available for this position.
Please contact Dan Quattrochi for further details. 1-(321)720-1822 or email
If you need to leave during the teaching, please be aware that ushers are
instructed to seat you in the area behind the glass doors in the Fellowship Hall.
Upcoming Easter Events
Join us for Good Friday Service, April 3 from Noon-1pm with
childcare available for 4 years and under. On Easter Sunday, April 5,
the Sunrise Service will begin at 6:30am at Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa
Beach followed by ONE service here at Calvary Chapel at 10am.
Each event requires volunteer help, so please pray about where the
Lord would have you serve. There are many areas in which to sign
up, and you have the opportunity to do that in the Fellowship Hall
TODAY. For details, or to sign up through the church office, please
call 453-6779.
Youth Ministries
Junior High (7th & 8th grades)
Meets Sundays at 11am in the Balcony, and in Room 206 at 6:30pm.
Wednesdays at 7pm Worship in Room 206/Lesson in Room 203.
Senior High (9th - 12th grades)
Meets Sundays at 6:30pm & Wednesdays at 7pm in Room 206.
(Note: Jr. High and Senior High will meet in Sanctuary tonight
for Rodrigo Rodriguez Concert.)
We are planning another mission trip to Nicaragua for
May 12-19, led by Pastor Howard. If interested, please
consider attending our meeting TODAY in Room#202
at 10:15am. You may also signup at the information
desk in the main Foyer.
Rodrigo Rodriguez Concert
Come and be blessed by gifted artist and composer
Rodrigo Rodriguez TODAY at 6:30pm. (This concert
is free.) Rodrigo is an accomplished classical guitarist
who has toured worldwide. His heart’s desire is to
play for the honor and glory of God. You won’t want
to miss this concert and please invite your friends!
Church Pastors
Malcolm Wild Senior Pastor
Logan Dalton Administrative Pastor
Howard Davies Mission and Visitation Pastor
Len Fedorowicz Assistant Pastor
Thomas Domajnko Youth Pastor
Will be meeting TODAY in Room 110 following the second service.
We had a good ride to Daytona and look forward to discussing future
events. Maybe you will have some suggestions! We meet the 3rd
Sunday of each month and following the meeting, we go for lunch.
Please join us THIS Friday night at 7pm. You will be blessed to hear
how God is working all around the world as testimonies are shared.
Meetings are held the 3rd Friday of each month and lead by Pastor
If you have youth (ages 5-15) interested in a fishing clinic, please bring
them to this very special event held at Riverfront Park on Saturday,
March 21. Registration will begin at 12:30pm (During Spring Praise
Fest!) For more information contact Randy at 321-626-2256 or email Free rods & reels limited to first 50 registrations.
Classes are currently being held every Tuesday at 7:00pm in Room
#204 for new believers and those interested in learning the basics of
our faith. For more information call the church office at 453-6779.
Do you love to study God’s Word, worship and pray with other
women? If so, please join us for the Women’s Bible Study! Classes meet
weekly on Tuesdays at 7:00pm or Fridays at 9:30am. (Childcare is
available on Friday mornings.)
It is not too late to join the Couples Fellowship that is currently
discussing Pastor Chuck’s book “Why Grace Changes Everything.” The
class meets every Friday 6:30 - 8:30 pm for 15 sessions, ending on May
29. Childcare is provided.
The Cafe is now featuring a New Healthy Delight! From the bakery
today, we are offering Spinach or Sweet Cream Phyllo Triangles. What
a great accompaniment to our hot or iced specialty coffees and teas!
Please stop by and let us know if you like the idea of healthy options.
If You Continue
“He has reconciled... to present you holy, and blameless, and above
reproach in His sight — if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and
steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel.” Col.1:21-23
The Word of God is filled with Scriptures that remind us that we are held
responsible for how we respond to the grace of God. Salvation is free but
not automatic. There is an “if” – man’s response. The Christian’s
Responsibility is to, “continue in the faith.” Many people go through life
believing all is well because they raised their hand or went forward or were
baptized as a child, and yet they have not lived and are not now living for
Jesus. He is not a part of their lives. They continue in sin instead of
continuing in the faith.
What about those who seem to have once walked with God but now do
not? How do we explain those who have not “continued?” Is it possible to
lose your salvation or were these never saved in the first place? Whether
they had it and lost it or were never saved at all is irrelevant. The point is
they are away from God now! It’s not where you used to be or where you
might be tomorrow but where you are today that matters. Consistently
walking with God, abiding in Christ, that is what is important. No one
suddenly becomes an apostate. It is a slow process of drifting away. That’s
why we are told throughout the Bible – “Hold fast!” “Draw near!” “Be
grounded!” “Don’t be moved away!” “Continue!” Such warnings would not
be necessary if it was not possible to drift away. The Gospel message is all
about continuing on because the best way to avoid going back is to keep
going forward. You will not backslide if you continue to walk forward in the
Abide in Christ and be eternally secure!
From Study #5142 available in the Bookstore.
March 15, 2015 - March 21, 2015