S tonebridge Golf and Country Club Join us at your club this month for: Lunch Specials Member Drawing Sunday Brunch Dinner Specials Ladies Night Treasure Hunt Mexican Dinner Buffet March 2015 The weather in February was interesting to say the least !! However, we were able to accomplish most of our goals on the golf course and we are “on track” for a very good spring start up all around the club !! We are pleased to have 7 New Members join our Stonebridge family in February. THANK YOU and WELCOME !! The entire Valentines weekend was very busy and enjoyed by so many members. Thanks to everyone who enjoyed this weekend at the club. There were 2 spirits and wine tastings in February that were well attended and enjoyed !! The Italian Dinner buffet on the last Saturday of February was a HIT !! Sunday Brunch continues to be enjoyed by everyone. The entrees, fresh vegetables and the new desserts prepared by Chef Travis have been amazing!! Your compliments on the new line of Stockyard Beef have been appreciated and we hope that everyone has had or will soon have a chance to experience “ Stockyard Beef “ at your club !! Stockyards has been in business since 1893 and is the preferred choice by Executive Chefs in top restaurants and clubs all over the world. Congratulations once again to Lauren Williamson , who was the successful member that located the TREASURE of the February Treasure Hunt. The next TREASURE HUNT will begin on March 10. Good luck everyone. Also, please remember to place your Stonebridge Logo Decal on your vehicle if you wish to be eligible for the $100.00 member credit in March. On a selected day in March , one member of TEAM Stonebridge will walk the parking lot and select one vehicle at random. We will then send an e-mail with a description of this vehicle. That member should then contact the club office to confirm that their vehicle was the one selected. Please watch your club e-mails during the month. If you need a Stonebridge Logo decal, please stop by the club office. We look forward to watching you enjoy a Great March at your club. We are proud to be your TEAM. Thank you for being a member of our Stonebridge family !! GOLF NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS March 5 March 6-8 March 8 March 12 March 20 April 6 April 9 April 13-15 April 16-19 April 23 April 26 April 27 Sherwood High School Golf Match 2pm St. James Bay Golf Trip Day Light Savings Time Begins MGA Scramble & Meeting 5:30 Fastenal Outing Sheriffs Tournament MGA Scramble & Meeting Darton Region Tournament Stonebridge Member-Guest N. Florida—S. Georgia Seniors Shriners Golf Tournament Cancer Ties Fundraiser Golf Tournament UP Bay COMING St. James Golf Trip EVENTS March 6, 7, & 8 THE WALKER CHALLENGE CUP BEGINS STONEBRIDGE VS. ST. JAMES BAY This is an opportunity to participate in a fun weekend at a beautiful golf course right outside of Carrabelle FL. Like our course, this course was designed by Robert Walker. The Condos at St. James Bay are beautiful and over look the golf course. The food is great and the fellowship is even better. We need a team of 12 to travel to St. James Bay to compete in a match with 12 players from St. James Bay. More than 12 can attend and enjoy the weekend, but only 12 will compete in the match. Lets go enjoy this weekend and bring the trophy back to our club. The cost will be approximately $300.00 per person which is a great value. The package includes 3 days of golf, food (Saturday Lunch, dinner and Sunday Breakfast buffet), and 2 nights lodging. Sign up with Rob in the Pro Shop. For more information on St. James Bay go to http://www.stjamesbay.com. Thursday, April 16 4pm-6pm Putting contest and Smoked Ribs and Wings Friday, April 17 1pm 3pm 5:30pm 1st Match 2nd Match Heavy Hors D’oeuuvres and Cocktail Party Saturday, April 18 7:30am-8:30am 9am 11am 1pm 6pm 7pm Breakfast 3rd Match 4th Match Lunch Cocktail Party Dinner & Dance Sunday, April 19 8:30am-9:30am 10am 12pm 1pm Breakfast 5th Match Sunday Brunch Shoot-out Entry $325.00 per man $100.00 players pool (optional) Please join us in Welcoming our new February Stonebridge family members… Chris & Wanda Housley Jerry Doyal Judy Varnell Claude & Joyce Cox Les & Teresa Pipkins Demp Posey, ACC Distributors, Inc. Brian Braswell & Keith William Tennis News All tennis players: Each Monday we will send out an email announcing the Weekday/Weekend tennis. If you would like to play that week, please respond to the email and indicate which day or days you would like to play. If we have more response to the email, it would enable us to schedule matches more efficiently. Thanks! For more information about these activities please contact the tennis center: (stonebridgetennis@yahoo.com or 229-889-0755) March Stonebridge Junior Tennis Clinics The winter junior clinic sessions will start March 2, Monday and Wednesdays, from 5-6pm for beginning/intermediate boys and girls 4-14 years. The March class will run for 4 weeks (no class on Monday, March 30). The USTA Quick Start concept (low compression balls, lower nets, smaller courts) is used to help kids have more fun learning how to play tennis and learn faster! Cost is $80 ($95 nonmembers). Upcoming events: Non-sanctioned Adult Tournament: March 14-15 at Doublegate CC (call 229-436-9111). Non-sanctioned one day Junior Tournament: March 21 (Doublegate CC (call 229-436-9111) Stonebridge Pizza Night coming in April—look for details. USTA junior tournament April 11-12 Stonebridge Junior Championships All tennis players: Each Monday we will send out an email announcing the Weekday/Weekend tennis which will Include know home league matches. If you would like to play that week, please respond to the email and indicate which day or days you would like to play. If we have more response to the email, it would enable us to schedule matches more efficiently. Thanks! For more information about these activities please contact the tennis center: (stonebridgetennis@yahoo.com or 229889-0755) Ongoing Stonebridge Activities Weekend Tennis Sundays 2:00pm Women’s 3.0/3.5 Practice Mondays (1-2 courts) 9:30am Men’s 3.5 Tennis Mondays (2 courts) 6:30pm Weekday Tennis Tuesdays 6:30pm Cardio Tennis Wednesdays 9:00am Weekday Tennis Wednesdays 6:30pm Weekday Tennis Thursdays 6:30pm Women’s 4.0 Team Practice Thursdays (2 courts) 6:30pm Weekend Tennis Saturdays 10:00am Men’s Tri-Level League Saturdays (3 courts) 1:30pm Men’s Tri-level League Saturdays (3 courts) 3:00pm 2 Club Closed 9 Club Closed 16 Club Closed 23 Club Closed 30 Club Closed 8 Sunday Brunch St. James Bay Golf Trip Daylight Savings Time 15 Sunday Brunch 22 Sunday Brunch 29 Sunday Brunch Mon 1 Sunday Brunch Sun Tavern Hours 229-889-0312 Monday - Closed Tuesday - 9am –6pm Wednesday - 9am –7pm Thursday & Friday - 9am-9pm Saturday - 8am-9pm Sunday - 9am-6pm Smoked Chicken Pasta $10 Flat Iron Steak Wrap $9 BBQ Hawaiian Flat Bread Pizza $8 31 Lunch Special Flat Iron Steak Wrap $9 24 Lunch Special BBQ Hawaiian Flat Bread Pizza $8 Smoked Chicken Pasta $10 25 Lunch Special Teriyaki Salmon Strawberry Salad $14 17 Lunch Special 18 Lunch Special 11 Lunch Special Teriyaki Salmon Strawberry Salad $14 BBQ Hawaiian Flat Bread Pizza $8 10 Lunch Special 5 New Weekend 4 Lunch Special 3 Lunch Special 26 New Weekend Dinner Special 19 New Weekend Dinner Special MGA Meeting and Scramble 12 New Weekend Dinner Special Dinner Special Thu Wed Tue Golf Trip 7 St. James Bay Sat 27 Member 28 Ladies Drawing Night 20 Member 21 Mexican Drawing Dinner Buffet 13 Member 14 Ladies Drawing Night St. James Bay Golf Trip 6 Member Drawing Fri March 2015 Clubhouse/Tavern Golf Shop/Course Tennis Facility Monday Closed Closed 6am-9pm Tuesday 9am-6pm 8am-6pm 6am-9pm Wednesday 9am-7pm 8am-6pm 6am-9pm Thursday 9am-9pm 8am-6pm 6am-9pm Friday 9am-9pm 8am-6pm 6am-8pm Saturday 8am-9pm 8am-6pm 9am-6pm Sunday 9am-6pm 8am-6pm 12pm-6pm Club Management General Manager Bill E. Bowles bbowles@stonebridgegcc.com Executive Chef/Food and Beverage Director Adam Campbell acampbell@stonebridgegcc.com Membership Director/Billing Tonya Bowles tbowles@stonebridgegcc.com Event Coordinator April Norton anorton@stonebridgegcc.com Golf Pro Rob Allen rallen@stonebridgegcc.com Tennis Pro Randy Jobson rjobson@stonebridgegcc.com Grounds Superintendent Tommy Stinson tstinson@stonebridgegcc.com Contact Information Main Clubhouse—Reservations and Event Planning #889.0312 Golf Pro Shop #889.8270 Tennis and Fitness Facility #889.0755 Fax #889.9944 Sunday Brunch Seating times from 11:30am to 2:00pm… Call the Clubhouse to make reservations Join us every Sunday for delectable culinary offerings such as: shrimp cocktail, slow roasted prime rib, southern style fried chicken, bourbon glazed bread pudding, and much more. Enjoy a complimentary mimosa… Mailing Address Physical Address P.O. Box 70009 319 Osprey Ridge Court Albany, GA 31708-0009 Albany, GA 31721 Email address: stonebridgecc@mchsi.com Website: www.stonebridgegcc.com
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