MARCH 2015 Mission Lutheran Church 24360 Yosemite Rd. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 949-831-8820 The Mission Bell Pastor : Bill Snyder I NS I DE T HIS ISS U E: Changing Lives Through Jesus Christ Intergenerational Worship Service Palm Sunday, March 29 10:00 Service The Connect Youth Worship Arts and Create teams are excited to share with you a special multi-media service that will help us prepare our hearts and minds for the events of Holy Week. Using the talents of both youth and adults, the story of the Tale of Three Trees will be intertwined with the Passion Story through music, narration, video and re-enactment of the events of Holy Week. Our intergenerational services give our church family the opportunity for all ages to participate in worship together. This will be a meaningful service that you won’t want to miss! There will still be the liturgical Palm Sunday service at 8:30. 2 Mission Go! 3 Elam Ministry 4 Care Ministry 5 Christian Education 6 Music Ministry 7 Women’s Groups Senior News 8 Mission Lutheran School 9 March Birthdays Thank You MLC Counters Thrivent Choice New Ministry 10 March Calendar 11 The Mission Bell Changing Lives Through Jesus Christ MARCH 2015 Mission Go! By Ashley Kalvi Glen Fouret: A Personal Story of Service An event that continues to grow our mission of “Changing lives through Jesus Christ” is the annual Rummage Sale hosted by the Men of Mission with the assistance through the years of Boy Scout Troop 772. Among those who organized the first one about 18 years ago is Glen Fouret, who continues to lead and serve in this annual event. The rummage sale has generated money to make important purchases including the church van and audiovisual equipment that expand and enhance our ministries. But when asked why the event was created, Glen is clear that the need for funds was not the motivating factor: “It was never about the money...We want people to come in and know Jesus.” The rummage sale involves the congregation with its invitation to donate. It also links the congregation to the surrounding community as it invites anyone to join in the bustle of marketplace. Indeed, Glen humbly admitted that he knew of one nearby family that had first been drawn to Mission Lutheran Church because of the rummage sale. The family attended the event for a second consecutive year and became interested in the community of which they are now an important part. Glen expresses gratitude at being able to see a difference being made with this work, but he admits that leading the rummage sale has been challenging and sometimes difficult. Aside from aggressive buyers that annually challenge the team, Glen must dodge the demands of his own business for a week while he devotes his time to the sale. Still, Glen grants that running the sale has been very rewarding and has created memories for him that he considers “monumental.” This one annual event, with its unifying purpose of loving Jesus, has changed lives and inspired its founders. Glen says, “It is the giving in the congregation that is overwhelming...The congregation is the rummage sale. I’m just the catalyst.” Since Glen first championed this cause with the help of a few friends, he paved a way for Jesus to reach all those involved. For “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in their midst” even at the rummage sale. The Mission Bell Music Ministry and Creative Arts Deb McGowan Director of Music Ministry There will be a special service for Good Friday of choral meditations accompanied by a string quartet, scripture and responsive readings. Join us as we complete our Lenten journey at the foot of the cross. Friday, April 3 at 7 pm Upcoming Opportunities Easter Opportunity for children! Children 4years old through 8th grade are invited to participate in the 10:00 worship service on Easter Sunday, April 5. In order to learn a song for this service there will be one rehearsal on Wednesday, April 1 from 4:30—5:30 in the music room. Join us to learn an Easter song and then we’ll have time for a little party too! Casting Call for The Mystery of Montley’s Manor Dinner Theater A few of our resident thespians have contacted us about participating in our upcoming dinner theater production on Saturday May 30, but we still have room for more! If you are interested in participating in this fun event, please contact Deb McGowan or Gregory Braccio. Characters welcome!! My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul. Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 108: 1—4 MARCH 2015 Care Ministry Leaders: Shirley Datte, Grant Livingstone, Kimber Smith Stephen Ministry Ruth feared her husband was preparing to leave her. Her fears paralyzed her so she could hardly go to work in the morning or face the day-to-day routines of caring for her children. She felt like a failure and could not bring herself to approach God with her failures. She was afraid of gossip if others knew. If only she had someone to talk to, someone who would listen without judging. If only she knew someone who could pray with her. If you feel you want someone to talk with, whether you are concerned about your children, are facing surgery or a long-term illness, or have a relative you are concerned about, Stephen Ministers are available to meet with you once a week to listen and pray with you. They keep confidentiality. Stephen Ministers are assigned one-on-one to a person for as long or as short of a time as a person needs. If you are interested in having a Stephen Minister, call Pastor Bill at 831-8820 or Shirley Datte at 305-9448. Healing Service Are you carrying hurt feelings from years ago? Maybe you are carrying a grudge from last week. Maybe you are the one feeling guilty about what you did or did not do. What about physical pain? The healing service is an opportunity to spend quiet time with God. It is a time to pray for healing for friends, family, and/or yourself. It is a time to feel God's comfort and peace. You may remain in your pew in prayer or you may go to the altar for one-on-one prayer with Pastor Bill. The healing service is comforting. Please join us. Please invite others who are in need of healing. Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) 3:00 PM One-on-One Prayer Do you have concerns and want someone to pray with you? Stephen Ministers are available after each service to pray with you one-on-one. We will be in the back of the sanctuary towards the back door. From there we can move to a quiet place for prayer. Stephen Ministers are trained to be confidential and to listen. Mission Lutheran Church Christian Education The Mission Bell Jamie Beaudry Director of Christian Education Squishy Heart Challenge The kids of MLC took the “Squishy Heart” Challenge and shared God’s love in their everyday lives at school and home. Vacation Bible School Summer Camp “Discovering God’s plan for you!” SAVE THE DATE! August 10—14 9:00 am—12:00 pm Ages 4 through 6th grade Registration begins April 5th! “Let the little children come to me…” Matthew 19:14 a Club 56 Students in 5th/6th grade meet for Bible study during the 2nd service every week with a fun fellowship activity once a month. Color Me Mine! Sunday, March 22 11:15—2:15 pm $10 / includes lunch Friends welcome! Jr. High / Confirmation FRIDAY FUN NIGHT! March 27th 4:30-9:30pm $10 1st stop, In-N-Out Burger, then Boomers! ELCA NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING FUNDRAISERS MONTHLY MIXER *See’s Candy” 3/1-3/15 Sunday, 3/8 12:30-4:30pm *Food Trucks* Monday 3/9 5:00-7:30 We are joining our Lutheran friends at St. Andrew in Whittier for food, faith, fellowship, and fun! *Pancake Breakfast* Sunday, 3/15 9:30-noon MARCH 2015 ELAM MINISTRY Virginia Boureston What an amazing response we have had to the announcement that we have New Testaments, written in the modern Persian language, available to give to our friends, business associates, family, etc. On one Sunday morning, over 40 New Testaments were taken to be given to those who would enjoy reading The Book of Jesus in their heart language. And during the week, others picked up copies of this book in the church office. The Elam Ministry has made it their mission to make the Word of God available to those in Iran who yearn to learn of a loving relationship with God. Over 1 million copies of the New Testament have been distributed in Iran. Now Elam wants to make the Gospel message available to the Persian people who reside in the United States, so they too can read about love and comfort from the Almighty God. We hope to soon have a place on the Mission Lutheran web site for you to share any experiences or conversations you had while distributing these books. It is important that we encourage each other while doing the work of Christ right here in our own neighborhoods. One wonderful story took place right in front of our church doors. One of our members was taking a taxi back to his residence. He knew that the driver was Persian, so offered the Book of Jesus to the taxi driver. Not only did the driver accept it with a look of joy on his face, but he also accepted an offer of an additional copy to share with a friend. Another supply of 50 New Testaments will arrive soon, so if you have a recipient in mind, please stop by the table in the church office to pick up a FREE copy of this book. Also available is literature that further describes the work of the Elam Ministry. You can go to for additional information. The Mission Bell Women’s Groups Leaders Karen Strauch Dee Baden Book Discussion Group: Our book selection for March 21 is Song Yet Sung by James McBride. In the days before the Civil War, a runaway slave named Liz Spocott breaks free from her captors and escapes into the labyrinthine swamps of Maryland's eastern shore, setting loose a drama of violence and hope among slave catchers, plantation owners, watermen, runaway slaves, and free blacks. Liz is near death, wracked by disturbing visions of the future, and armed with "the code," a fiercely guarded cryptic means of communication for slaves on the run. Liz's flight and her dreams of tomorrow will thrust all those near her toward a mysterious, redemptive fate. Filled with rich, true details-much of the story is drawn from historical events-and told in McBride's signature lyrical style, Song Yet Sung is a story of tragic triumph, violent decisions, and unexpected kindness. Lydia Circle The Lydia circle meets the second Tuesday of each month here at MLC in room 201. We begin at 10 am with coffee and fellowship. Our Bible study starts at 10:30 and is lead by Dee Baden. The study “Transforming Life and Faith” comes from the ELCA women’s magazine Gather. March’s topic will be “Suffering and Endurance”. Please join us in Room 201 at 9:30 am for this discussion. Senior News Anita Manley Coordinator March Munchies Monday, March 9, 11:30 Nancy Ruffner, Sales Director with Villa Valencia, a Five Star Quality Care Community, located in Laguna Hills is excited to be joining us at our Monthly luncheon on Monday March 9th at 11:30am. Nancy will be treating everyone to lunch and providing information on independent and assisted living. She will also have many great prizes to hand out to those that attend, so see you then! Come and join our conversation and greet friends old and new. MARCH 2015 Mission Lutheran School Cathy Estanislau School Director Spring is just around the corner and we are all looking forward to the flowers coming alive in Savannah’s garden & the fluttering of the Monarchs overhead. REGISTRATION: Registration for Preschool and Kindergarten started the first of February and it has been busy ever since. Registration for our Super Summer Camp is filling up quickly, so don’t delay! We are offering a 6 week program starting June 29th. March starts off with “Staff Appreciation Week”… I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the amazing group of women I have the privilege to work with each day! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with all of us. Our Family Fellowship day is March 18th at Ball Park Pizza. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our families to get to know each other in a relaxed setting and the kids love it! We have the Lizard Wizard and all her slithering friends coming for a visit on March 25th and 26th. OUR MARCH THEMES Dr. Seuss, Space, Rainforest & Jungle, Reptiles & Dinosaurs, and the Easter Story. OUR SPIRITUAL THEME IS “God Made Everything” OUR SCRIPTURE IS “God Made Heaven & Earth” Genesis 1:1 Looking forward to April we are hosting Dad’s Chapel Night on April 15th. Always a fun evening for all of us. The week of the 20th – 24th is the “Week of the Young Child”. We will have an array of activities to celebrate how precious and special young children are including an “Art Work Display” in Mission Hall C and our annual “Spring Sing” celebration on April 22nd and 23rd. Please visit our website at to get to know us better or for any additional information. Thank you for your continuing prayers and support for the staff and the school. In His Love and Service, Cathy & Staff The Mission Bell MARCH BIRTHDAYS 3/1 Lauren Velasquez 3/15 Char Anderson 3/25 Brody Smith 3/2 Kissie Clifton 3/16 Marilyn Hemingway 3/26 Joe Laderer 3/2 Alison Smith 3/17 Vicky More 3/27 Jan Mortenson 3/2 Flo Perkins 3/17 Shannon Castagno 3/27 Tiffany Keene 3/3 Alexandra Aga 3/17 Jonathan Covington 3/28 Jean Schnell 3/6 Dave Schmitt 3/17 Emerson Roth 3/28 Dawn Reinhard 3/6 Lucas Aga 3/17 Eve Stone 3/29 Lois Dellota 3/6 Daylan Scott 3/17 Allison Blake 3/29 Phil Wogsberg 3/7 Phyllis Emery 3/18 Tom Tyson 3/29 David Olson 3/7 Jamie Campbell 3/20 Kyle Vom Steeg 3/29 Dave Castagno Jr. 3/9 Vera Klaich 3/20 Jasmine Riyhani 3/29 Hayden Kalianov 3/9 Kian Ahskani 3/21 Lucas Keene 3/29 Zoltan Mester 3/11 Nick Morenc 3/22 Bonnie Barton 3/30 Betty Lee 3/11 Sydney Sorenson 3/22 Susie Cease 3/30 Stephanie Colson 3/12 Rickie Snyder 3/22 Daniel Hallada 3/30 Lauren Hellwege 3/12 Alisa Livingstone 3/24 Savannah Keene 3/31 Jake Dickson 3/13 Elena Malek 3/25 Gabriella Mark 3/15 Janet Hammond 3/25 Cade Mahaffey MLC Counters Thrivent Choice I want to thank all of the counters who have faithfully performed this valuable service to MLC every Sunday. We have a wonderful group who have been totally reliable in performing this task. Thank you Marsha, Sandy, Jo, Terry, Mareen, Nancy and Cristy for all your help. I also want to thank Bunny VonBergen who has retired from counting after several years of helping out. Thrivent Choice is a member-advised charitable grant program that gives eligible Thrivent Financial members the opportunity to recommend where some to Thrivent’s charitable grant funds are distributed. Last year Thrivent distributed approximately $50 million to more than 22,700 nonprofit organizations and congregations. Mission Lutheran has been a recipient of some of these funds. A New Ministry A new ministry of delivering flowers to our homebound members has just begun. Too often in the past our lovely altar flowers ended up in the trash. Why not deliver them to our homebound? There is one problem….we need to know if those who donated the flowers want them after the Sunday services. They are yours to take. Only the flowers left in the church will be delivered. Please, if you want your flowers can you please pick them up before noon on Monday (or let Jody know you will be getting them). We would like to deliver the flowers on Monday afternoons. If you would like to help with this ministry, call Dee Baden. 949-831-6508 Participating in this program by directing your Choice Dollars to Mission Lutheran Church can multiply more of the good work we’re doing at Mission. If you’re a Thrivent member please check to see if you have available Choice Dollars to direct. If you’re not a Thrivent member and would like to know more, you may call Dan Heildelberger of Thrivent at 949-639-0396 8 Sunday 8:30 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Liturgical Worship Service Intergenerational Worship Service NO Sunday School Birds & Bees Class-Rm. 203 Liturgical Worship Service Prayer Group-Rm. 201 Praise and Worship service Sunday School following Children’s Chat Club 56 to Color Me Mine Birds & Bees Class-Rm. 203 Stephen Ministry Commissioning Pancake Breakfast Praise and Worship Service Sunday School following Children’s Chat Stephen Ministry Comm. Pancake Breakfast Birds & Bees Class-Rm. 203 8:30 am Liturgical Worship Servic 12:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 15 8:30 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm 22 8:30 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:15 am 4:00 pm 10:00 am 4:00 pm 8:30 am 10:00 am 29 Liturgical Worship Service Prayer Group-Rm. 201 Praise and Worship Service Sunday School following Children’s Chat Youth Gathering Mixer-MH Stephen Ministry-rm. 203 Birds and Bees Parent MtgRm. 203 8:30 am Liturgical Worship Service 10:00 am Praise and Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School following Children’s Chat 11:15 am Stephen Ministry Supervision Rm. 201 1:00 pm Scouts Life to Eagel-MH 1 MARCH 2015 2 Senior Exercise-Rm. 214 OK.Com-MH A&B Church Council Mtg.-Rm. 201 Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 Senior Exercise-Rm. 214 Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 Monday 10:00 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 9 10:00 am 11:30 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 16 Senior Exercise-Rm. 214 Scouts BOR-Library Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 School Closed Senior Exercise-Rm. 214 Scouts BOR-Library Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 10:00 am Senior Exercise Group 6:30 pm Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH 7:00 pm Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 23 10:00 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 30 10:00 am 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 3 Lydia Circle-Rm. 201 Singers Company-Rm. 205 Scouts Committee Mtg.-MH Alpha Marriage-MH Pastor’s Bible StudyRm. 201 Singers Company-Rm. 205 Finance Ministry Mtg.Downstairs Confer. Rm. Alpha Marriage-MH Pastor’s Bible StudyRm. 201 Tuesday 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 10 9:30 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 17 . 9:00 pm School Board Mtg.-Rm. 203 4:00 pm Singers Company-Rm. 205 6:30 pm Pastor’s Bible StudyRm. 201 24 4:00 pm Singers Company-Rm. 205 6:30 pm Pastor’s Bible StudyRm. 201 31 4:00 pm Singers Company-Rm. 205 6:30 pm Pastor’s Bible StudyRm. 201 4 Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom & Kidz Praise-Rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Lenten Soup Supper-MH Lenten Service Wednesday 6:30 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 11 5 MOD Squad-MH-A Senior Exercise Grp Rm. 214 Praise Band-Sanctuary Cub Scout Mtg.-MH-C Cub Scout Mtg.-MH-A Chancel Choir– Rm. 214 Thursday 8:30 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 12 10:00 am Senior Exercise Grp Rm. 214 5:00 pm Praise Band-Sanctuary 7:00 pm Chancel Choir– Rm. 214 6:30 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm 4:30 pm Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom & Kidz Praise-Rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Lenten Soup Supper-MH Lenten Service 9:00 am Pastor’s Conference Mtg.Rm. 201 10:00 am Senior Exercise Grp Rm. 214 5:00 pm Praise Band-Sanctuary 6:00 pm Cub Scout Mtg.-MH 7:00 pm Chancel Choir– Rm. 214 18 25 6:30 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom & Kidz Praise-Rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Lenten Soup Supper-MH Lenten Service 10:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 26 19 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom-rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Lenten Soup Supper-MH Lenten Service Senior Exercise Group Praise Band-Sanctuary Chancel Choir-Rm. 214 6:30 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 6 Al-Anon-Room 203 Girls Support Network-MH A&B AA– Rm. 203 Al-Anon-Room 203 AA– Rm. 203 Friday 12:30 pm 7:30 pm 13 12:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 20 Al-Anon-Room 203 Jr. High Friday Fun Night AA– MH-Rm. 203 12:30 pm Al-Anon-Room 203 4:00 pm Scouts Court of Honor MH 7:30 pm AA– MH-Rm. 203 27 12:30 pm 4:30 pm 7:30 pm Saturday 2015 7 14 7:30 am Men Of MissionRm 201 21 9:30 am Book Discussion Rm. 201 28 9:30 am Choir Rehearsal For Good Friday 4:00 pm Rehearsal for Palm Sunday The Mission Bell Return Service Requested Phone: (949) 831-8820 Fax: (949) 831-6343 E-mail: We are on the web! NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAGUNA NIGUEL CALIFORNIA PERMIT NO. 121 24360 Yosemite Rd. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Our Mission: Changing Lives Through Jesus Christ S U N D A Y WO R SH IP S C H E D U L E Pastor: Bill Snyder, Ext. 203 E-mail: Director of Christian Education: Jamie Beaudry, Ext. 200 Director of Music Ministry: Debbie McGowan, Ext. 202 8 : 30 LI T U R G I C A L W O RS H IP S E R VI C E 1 0 : 0 0 C O NT E MP O RA R Y W O R SH IP S E RV I C E Chi l dr en ar e i nvi t ed to j oi n us f or Sunday S chool at t he 10: 00 am ser vi ce, f ol l owi ng Chi l dr en’ s Chat , a pr ogr a m f or chi l dr en ages pr eschool t hr ough 6t h gr ade. Co mmuni on i s shar ed ever y Sunda y at t he 8: 30 a m Ser vi ce and t he f i r st and t hir d Sundays of each mont h at our 10: 00 am Ser vi ce. Office Manager: Jody Meager, Ext. 205 Communications Gregory Braccio, Preschool Director: Cathy Estanislau, Ext. 211 Direct: (949) 643-8311 C O N T A C T US T he Missi on Bel l i s a mont hl y newsl et t er f or Mi ssi on Lut her an Chur ch, a me mber of t he Paci f i ca Synod of t he Evan gel i cal Lut her an Chur ch i n Amer i ca. Newsl et t er art i cles are due t o t he edi t or by t he 2 0 t h of t he m on t h f or i ncl usi on i n t he next mont h’ s i ssue. E d i t or : J ody Meager
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