`15 HockeyAppl.pub - Hockey Jump Start

Professional Staff
Bantams, Pee Wees, Squirts
Bobby Hayden
Spring and Summer
Plattsburgh State hockey captain (NCAA Champs)
Eindhoven, Kemphanen (European Pro League)
Former Hockey Coach UMass/Boston
Kevin Duff
Curry College Rookie of Year
Coach Hingham High School Hockey
Instructional & Mites
Spring and Summer
Mary Sullivan
Senior Staff Coach Winterland Skating School
Staff Coach So Shore SC, Sr. Coach Winterettes.
Owner: Body Mechanics. Endurance Training
Plus a large staff of coaches including former
college coaches, Jr. League coaches, high
school coaches, youth hockey coaches, and
other hockey organization coaches.
General Information:
Time: 8:00 - 9:00
Skaters must already have their basic skating
skills. This is not a Learn to Skate Session.
Players will be grouped by age and ability.
Who is eligible?
Skaters with basic skating
skills who want to learn how to play hockey.
Also, Instructional players who will be playing
on a team next Fall. Advanced Mite players who
want to sharpen their skills and improve their all
around game for next season. 3 on 3 Cross Ice
Scrimmaging and other Small Games will be
used at all sessions.
Sunday mornings
Apr 26 - Jun 21
(no ice May 24)
Jun 28 - Aug 23
(no ice Jul 5)
Limited Spots.
Applications accepted by date.
What you need.
All skaters will need full hockey gear.
Neck guards are encouraged but not required. Skaters will be evaluated and put in
proper class to be challenged and receive
the best instruction for their age and level.
Jump Start hockey shirts will be given out
at end of first or second practice. For more
information regarding equipment, visit our
Players will be grouped by age and ability.
Each player will be placed in a group that fits
his or her skill level to ensure that the player
is challenged, yet not intimidated.
The number one asset in becoming a successful
hockey player is strong skating. That will be our
primary focus.
Learn advanced skating drills from the top Professionals. Players will be taught the proper
way to push off their blades to get maximum
speed. Other drills will include front and back
crossovers, pivots, edges, quick turns, stops,
and transitioning. We will focus on balance and
power along with puck control, shooting, passing, and positioning in game situations. Scrimmaging and other small games will be used at all
The Staff will teach the older players in this session how to:
High School Girls:
Summer Session only
10:30 - 11:40am
This session is for girls who are playing High
School hockey and want to take their game to
the next level. We will cover all areas of the
game with a focus on skating skills, puck control
and shooting. Girls for this program must be in
High School and have hockey experience. If
your daughter is not yet a freshman in High
School or is still new to the sport, the “Bantam”
level program (9:10am to 11:20am) is the proper
Time: 9:10 - 11:20
Angle the opposing player off the puck
effectively and safely.
Receive a body check safely.
Be “strong on the puck” maintaining puck
possession during contact.
Score goals “in traffic”.
Instructional, Mites:
Bantam, Pee Wee, Squirt:
High School Girls:
Limited Spots.
Applications accepted by date.
10% discount for additional family members.
No refunds.
Our Goalie Coach will spend time each class
with the goalies working on saves, rebounds,
and puck control.
*Includes Hockey Shirt
Credit Cards accepted.
Bring card first day
781 223223-6259
Return to:
Hockey Jump Start
PO Box 355
Rockland, M A 02370
Two 8-week sessions
Sunday Mornings
Apr 26 - Jun 21
(no ice May 24)
Jun 28 - Aug 23
(no ice Jul 5)
Rockland Ice Rink
599 Summer St Rockland, MA
781 223223-6259
Skater__________________________________________Age______DOB___________Last Team Level_____________________
Spring _____
Spring _____
(no Spring)
Spring _____
$100 _____
Summer June 28 –August 23_____
(Bring credit card 1st day)
Parents__(print)_______________________________________________ Cell phone______________________________________
Spring April 26 /June 21 _____
Email_____________________________________________________ Ck Am’t_______M/C____Visa____
Rockland Ice Rink
Level: Instructional___ Mites___
Level: Bantam___PeeWee___Squirt___
High School Girls
Goalie Time ________
Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________________________Date_____________________
Release: I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of these activities. I do further release, indemnify and hold harmless Hockey Jump Start,
Winterland, Rockland Ice Rink, assigns, sponsors, coaches and staff in the case of injury incurred before, during or after said activities.
8:009:10 -10:20am
Return with check to Hockey Jump Start, PO Box 355, Rockland , MA 02370
& Summer
Applications will be accepted by date received. To guarantee spot, sign up for spring and summer sessions at once.
No refunds. Payable to Hockey Jump Start. We also accept Visa & M/C. Unless notified by phone, all application will be accepted.
2015 Hockey Jump Start